... at http://www .mysql. com. In this book’s examples, we’ll be using version 5. 1.6 of MySQL Connector/J. To configure the driver, drop the driver’s JAR file into the lib directory of the gTunes application, ... 2-12. Adding the driver’s JAR file to the application’s lib directory With the driver in place, the next thing to do is configure the Grails DataSource to use the settings defined by the driver’s ... password: This is the password used to establish a JDBC connection. • url: This is the JDBC URL of the database. • dbCreate: This specifies whether to autogenerate the database from the domain model.
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21
... has purchased the same Album the current user is about to purchase, then we show some of the other... are, there is a problem with the code in the flow prior to the showConfirmation ... passes, the Address instance is applied to the shippingAddress property of the lastAlbum object stored in flow scope. The success event is then triggered by a call to the success() method. Lines 5 ... triggered, the transition action will halt the transition to the loadRecommendations state, returning the user to the enterShipping state. The view will then render any errors that occurred so the
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21
The definitive guide to grails second edition - phần 8 pdf
... command The XFire plugin uses the /services URI to map to SOAP web services In the case of the AlbumService, the full URI to the exposed... 1 5- 5 and paste it into the Poster ... do is copy the text from the response... argument to specify either rss or atom To maintain the DRYness5 of the code, notice how you can pass the same reference to the feed closure ... to specify a URL to send a request to, plus a bunch of other stuff like the HTTP method, any content to send, and so on Figure 1 5- 3 shows the Poster window with the URL to the
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21
The new guide to aquarium fish pdf
... removed to another aquarium, together with the mops from the bottom of the breeding tank While the eggs will hatch if left in the mop, they will be more prone to fungus because of the ... to the walls of the hollow and guarded by the parents from predation by other fishes After about three days the fry emerge Their bright amber yolk sacs make them conspicuous to other ... resemblance to twigs) These herbivores spend most of their time grazing on algae, and their body form allows them to blend into their natural forest creek biotope, away from the eyes of
Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 11:20
The definitive guide to grails second edition - phần 1 pptx
... directory by issuing the command cd gTunes 3 Create a storefront controller with the command grails create-controller store 4 Write some code to display a welcome message to the user 5 ... are the steps you’ll take to achieve this: 1 Run the command grails create-app gTunes to create the application (with “gTunes” being the application’s name) 2 Navigate into the ... Listing 1- 6 The Default... untested Open the StoreControllerTests test suite that was generated earlier inside the test/unit directory Listing 1- 8 shows the contents of the StoreControllerTests
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21
The definitive guide to grails second edition - phần 3 potx
... Here the validator again uses the getUser() method of the LoginCommand to compare the password of the actual User instance with the value of the password property held by the LoginCommand. If the ... each of the elements in the albums collection Notice the use of the paginate tag at the bottom of Listing 5 -3 0 That is all the code required in the GSP to render the pagination ... no errors, the user is placed into the session and the request is redirected to the StoreController. Testing the Login Process Testing the login action differs slightly from testing the register
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21
The definitive guide to grails second edition - phần 4 docx
... CHAPTER... time to introduce the usage of First simply rename the tag references to , and then add the update attribute (mentioned in the previous section about the tag) to the tag ... action of the StoreController The update attribute of the tag specifies the ID of the DOM element into which... created a few panels for the right side of the gTunes store that ... are being assigned the correct value. The way to do this is to pass a clo- sure as the last argument to the assertForwardUrlMapping method and in the closure assign values to properties with
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21
The definitive guide to grails second edition - phần 6 pptx
... advantage of the purchaseAlbums method in the StoreService To do this, the StoreController needs to define the storeService property and then invoke the purchaseAlbums method on that property, ... breaks the contract defined by the hashCode method, which states that the hashCode implementation must return the same integer for the lifetime of the object. The recommended approach is to use the ... already exist in the Session, and then merges the state of the passed instance into the loaded persistent one. Once this is done, the merge method then returns a new instance containing the merged
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21
The definitive guide to grails second edition - phần 7 docx
... always try to publish to the Grails central repository. To tell the release-plugin command to publish to one of the repositories config- ured as in Listing 13-32, you need to add the name of the repository ... it. To enable the ability to continue to test the album-art plugin in isolation, you can install the simple-cache plugin into the album-art plugin using the install-plugin command from the ... course, the AlbumArtService relies heavily on the Amazon web services library, so you should move those from the application into the plugin too. Figure 13-4 shows the lib direc- tory with the necessary
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21
The definitive guide to grails second edition - phần 9 doc
... possible in any other dynamic lan- guage on the JVM. The remainder of the code simply obtains a FileChannel instance and then calls the transferTo method to transfer the file to the response OutputStream. ... from the code in Listing 16-32, the subscribe action reuses the _subscribe.gsp template to render an Ajax response to the client. The logic in the SubscriptionTagLib deals with the rest. To add ... “notsubscribed” will be written to the mock out variable. OK, with the tests out of the way, the next thing to do is to modify the grails-app/views/artist/_artist.gsp template to include the new _subscribe.gsp
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21
The definitive guide to grails second edition - phần 10 potx
... generator, 53 0? ?53 1 association mapping, changing, 52 1? ?52 4 associations data binding and, 81–82 GORM, overview of, 252 – 253 one -to- many, 24, 54 ? ?56 , 52 1, 52 2? ?52 3 one -to- one, 53 ? ?54 many -to- many, 52 3? ?52 4 ... addJob method, 355 Address class applying constraints to, 54 2 code for, 53 7, 53 9? ?54 0 column annotation, 53 8 creating, 53 6? ?53 7 entities fields, 53 7 id property, 53 8 version property, 53 8 Address domain ... 294–2 95 StreamingMarkupBuilder, 322 StreamingService, 51 4? ?51 5 SubscriptionTagLib implementing, 50 7 testing, 50 8? ?50 9 TagLibUnitTestCase using, 50 8 transactional service, 51 2 UrlMappings, 155 – 158
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21
the visibooks guide to mysql basics (2006)
... first mysql starts the MySQL client MySQL is made up of two parts: the MySQL server program and a MySQL client program The MySQL server program handles the storage of the ... data The MySQL client program allows you to give commands to the MySQL server You need both parts to make MySQL work • -u root mysql –u root mysql The -u command tells the ... tells the MySQL client that you want to log into the MySQL server as a... denotes the root user of the MySQL server You’re not logging into the Linux computer as the Root user;
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2014, 21:40
the definitive guide to sales and use tax
... Shipped to the customer in WA. Therefore, the seller charges sales tax. Shipped to the customer in WA. Therefore, the seller has seller’s use tax obligation. Shipped to the customer in WA. Therefore, ... from the ultimate liability of the tax if the seller fails to collect and remit the tax due to the state. Both the seller and the purchaser can and will be assessed the tax due, if an auditor ... p. 1/28 The Denitive Guide to Sales and Use Tax. © Avalara 2013 THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO SALES AND USE TAX A Sales and Use Tax Compliance Primer p. 2/28 The Denitive Guide to Sales and
Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2014, 22:50
The definitive guide to the microsoft enterprise library (experts voice in NET)
... information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner and the publisher ISBN-13: 978-1 -59 059 - 655 -5 ISBN-10: 1 -59 059 - 655 -2 Printed and bound in the United ... http://www.simpopdf.com 655 -2 FM.qxd 10/24/07 5: 46 PM Page i Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - http://www.simpopdf.com The Definitive Guide to the Microsoft Enterprise Library Keenan Newton 655 -2 ... page where they can supply their user credentials Once authenticated, they are free to navigate the web application as they like Forms authentication utilizes cookies to determine whether the user
Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2015, 15:25
Tài liệu The DefiniTive GuiDe To Social MarkeTinG: A MArketo Workbook pdf
... notice the sharing buttons or be compelled to use them. Here is an example of traditional, passive social sharing: You see the social shares up top, but that is the only place they appear to the ... up and ready to be social. “Create a social media policy (be it 3 pages like Coca Cola or 50 like the military) and trust your employees to abide to free them to tell the stories that ... to drive traffic to their website. They also created content such as whitepapers and webinars to convert traffic into leads. The best marketers realized that their leads were often sent too...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 07:20
The Definitive Guide to db4o pdf
... response to display to the user. For example, an interface form might allow the user to input information about an employee and click a button to process the information. Clicking the button would ... customers’ accounts to be transient— in other words, to only exist in the system’s memory. If the power goes off, then you’ve got the problem of explaining to your customers that the system can’t ... "1234"); Note that the values in parentheses are the initial values to be assigned to the object properties. The list of values must match the list of parameters in a constructor. You now have...
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 23:20
Tài liệu The Definitive Guide to HTML5 doc
... when the user presses the Tab key. The effect of the tabindex values in the listing is that, as the Tab key is pressed, the focus shifts from the first input element to the third and then to the ... added the attribute name to the element. The input element provides a means for the user to enter data into an HTML form (which I describe in Chapter 12). Adding the disabled attribute stops the ... pressed together. You can see the effect of the accesskey attribute in Figure 3 -5. I press Alt+n to focus on the first input element and enter my name. I then press Alt+p to focus on the second...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 23:20
Tài liệu The Definitive Guide to HTML5 Video doc
... precocious. So I decided to just go with the flow and use the title as an expectation to live up to: I had to write the most complete guide to HTML5 audio and video available at the time of publishing. ... or the <audio> is set to start playback automatically, for which it requires an @autoplay attribute. @autoplay To make the audio autostart, you need to add an attribute called @autoplay. ... resource and therefore are easy to download. But there is no guarantee. Also, if the first frame is black, it is not the best frame to present. The user therefore has the ability to provide an...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 23:20
Tài liệu The Definitive Guide to Grails ppt
... eg. runtime &apos ;mysql: mysql-connector-java :5. 1.19' } } With the driver in place, the next thing to do is configure the Grails dataSource to use the settings defined by the driver’s documentation. ... property of the User class. The validator closure should return false if validation fails; otherwise it should return true. The first argument passed to the closure is the value of the property to be ... in the example with the save() method, except that the validate() method doesn’t attempt to save the instance to the database. If validation fails, the application might want to make changes to...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 05:20
Tài liệu Coaching Manual: The Definitive Guide to the Process, Principles & Skills of Personal Coaching pot
... feel equipped to cope, they should refer the individual to a relevant specialist. If a coach does want to work in one of the above areas, then I would encourage them to go and get the relevant ... on the thoughts of the coach – this reduces the ability of the coachee to deepen their own learning in the conversation. ➡ The coach can experience significant pressure within the conversation to ... contribution to the process of helping people to experience life the way they want to experience it. For some people coaching can literally change their lives for the better. With the support...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 16:20
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