ResiduesneartheN-terminusofproteinBcontrol autocatalytic
proteolysis andtheactivityofsolublemethane mono-oxygenase
Anastasia J. Callaghan*, Thomas J. Smith†, Susan E. Slade and Howard Dalton
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
Soluble methanemono-oxygenase (sMMO) of Methylo-
coccus capsulatus (Bath) catalyses the O
-dependent and
NAD(P)H-dependent oxygenation o f methaneand numer-
ous other substrates. During purification, the sMMO
enzyme complex, which comprises three components and
has a mole cular mass i n excess o f 300 kDa, becomes i nac-
tivated because o f cleavage of just 12 amino a cids f rom the
N-terminus ofproteinB , which is the smallest component of
sMMO andthe only one without prosthetic groups. Here we
have shown that c leavage ofprotein B, to form the inactive
truncated p rotein B ¢, continued t o occur when intact protein
B was repeatedly separated from protein B¢ and all detec t-
able contaminants, giving compelling evidence that the
protein was cleaved autocatalytically. The rate of autocata-
lytic cleavage decreased when t he residues flanking the
cleavage site were mutated, but the position of cleavage was
unaltered. Analysis o f a series of incremental truncates
showed that residue(s) e ssential for theactivityof sMMO,
and important in determining the stability of p rotein B, lay in
the r egion Ser4–Tyr7. ProteinB was shown to possess
intrinsic nucleophilic activity, which we propose initiates the
cleavage react ion via a novel mechanism. Proteins Band B¢
were detected in approximately equal amounts in the cell,
showing th at truncation ofproteinB is biologically relevant.
Increasing the growth-medium copper concentration, which
inactivates sMMO, did not alter t he extent of in vivo cleav-
age, therefore the conditions under which cleavage of protein
B may fulfil its proposed role as a regulator of sMMO
remain to be id entified.
Keywords: autocatalytic inactivation; methane mono-oxy-
genase; methanotroph; N-terminal autoprocessing; regula-
tory protein.
Methane mono-oxygenase (MMO) catalyses the oxidation
of methane to methanol and is essential for the growth of
methanotrophic bacteria u sing methane a s the growth
substrate [1]. Methanotrophic bacteria such as Methy lococ-
cus capsulatus (Bath) possesses two forms of MMO, the
copper-requiring particulate form (pMMO) andthe iron-
containing so luble form (sMMO), the expression of which is
regulated by the concentration of available copper in the
medium [2]. sMMO, which catalyses the NAD(P)H-depen-
dent and O
-dependent oxygenation ofmethane and
numerous adventitious substrates, is an enzyme complex
consisting of three components: a multisubunit hydroxylase,
a r eductase, a nd a regulatory component known as p rotein
The hydroxylase (250.1 kDa) has an (abc)
structure [4] in which each a subunit contains a l-(hydr)
oxo-bridged di-iron centre that is the presumed site of
substrate oxygenation [5,6]. The reductase (38.5 kDa)
contains FAD and Fe
centres and supplies electrons
from NADH to the hydroxylase [7]. ProteinB (16 kDa) ,
which is devoid of p rosthetic groups and metal cofactors, is
essential for natural, O
-dependent substrate oxygenation
by the sMMO complex [3]. Owing to its diverse effects on
the catalytic pro perties of sMMO, proteinB is potentially a
powerful regulator of sMMO activity. ProteinB has been
shown to ( a) couple electron transfer to substrate oxygen-
ation thus converting sMMO from an oxidase into a n
oxygenase [8]; (b) reduce the redox potentials of t he di-iron
site [9,10] and hence inc rease the reactivity ofthe diferrous
di-iron site to oxygen; (c) accelerate formation ofthe high-
valent intermediate Q, which appears to be responsible for
oxygenation of m ethane [11–13]; (d) alter product distri-
bution with complex substrates [14,15]; and (e) inhibit
oxygenation reactions when the hydroxylase is artificially
activated by hydrogen peroxide v ia the p eroxide shunt
reaction [14].
Protein B binds to the hydroxylase [16] but not directly to
the reductase [17]. There are currently no high-resolution
structural data for the complex formed between protein B
and the hydroxylase; however, a cross-linking study using
the homologous sMMO of Methylosinus trichosporium
OB3b showed that proteinB bound to th e a subunit [18]. A
variety of spectroscopic techniques have demonstrated that
protein B perturbs the environment ofthe di-iron s ite,
presumably by altering the conformation ofthe hydroxylase
[19–21]. Consistent with this, small-angle X-ray scattering
Correspondence to H. Dalton, Department of Biological Sciences,
University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK.
Fax: + 44 24 7652 3568, Tel.: + 4 4 2 4 7652 3552,
E-mail: hdalt
Abbreviations: ESI, electrospray ionization; GST, glutathione
S-transferase; SAXS, small angle X-ray scattering; s /pMMO, soluble/
particulate methane mono-oxygenase.
Enzyme: m ethane monooxygenase (EC
*Present address: Department of Biochemistry, University of
Cambridge, Old Addenbrookes Site, Cambridge , UK.
Present address: Biomedical Research Centre, Sheffield H a llam
University, Howard Street, Sheffield, U K.
Note: a web page is available at
(Received 8 November 2001, revised 6 February 2002, accepted 8
February 2 002)
Eur. J. Biochem. 269, 1835–1843 (2002) Ó FEBS 2002 doi:10.1046/j.1432-1033.2002.02829.x
(SAXS) has given direct, though low-resolution, structural
evidence for a large conformational change in the hydrox-
ylase that proteinBandthe reductase together ind uce [22].
Thus, current evidence suggests t hat proteinB influences
sMMO activity through the conformational change that it
causes in the hydroxylase, although a direct role in
transferring electrons from the reductase to the hydroxylase
is also possible.
The NMR structure ofproteinB from Mc. capsulatus
(Bath) [23] shows that it has a folded central, two-
domain core region, while the N-terminal region until
Val31 andthe C-terminus (Met130–Ala140) are mobile
and largely unstructured. NMR measurements in the
presence ofthe hydroyxlase showed exchange broadening
of specific nuclear Overhauser effect cross-peaks that
grouped around the so-called ÔnorthernÕ domain of the
core ofproteinB [23]. These results were interpreted as
showing that hydroxylase-bound and unbound protein
B were in dynamic equilibrium and that the hydrophobic
ÔnorthernÕ half ofthe c ore ofproteinB interacted w ith
the hydroxylase. Docking studies showed that protein
B could bind in the hydrophobic cleft formed by two
of the four iron-co-ordinating a h elices that lie in a
canyon formed betw een th e ab pairs ofthe hydroxylase
Protein B from Mc. capsulatus (Bath) is unusually
sensitive to inactivation because of truncation reactions.
During and after purification, proteinB degrades by
cleavage, principally between Met12 and Gly13, to give
protein B¢, w hich is completely inac tive in the sMMO
whole-complex reaction [16,26]. Cleavage is also observed
between Gln29 and Val30, giving protein B¢¢,whichisalso
inactive [16]. Mutagenesis studies have shown that the
residues around the cleavage site influence the rate of
inactivation. Mutation ofthe Met12–Gly13 cleavage sit e in
protein Bofthe Mc. capsulatus (Bath) site to Met12–Gln13,
equivalent to the site f ound in Ms. trichosporium OB3b
protein B (in which truncation had not been reported),
enhanced the stability o f t he protein [16]. The triple m utant
G10A/G13Q/G16A was a lso resistant to truncation but had
diminished activity [27]. Protease inhibitors did not prevent
cleavage ofprotein B, a nd recombinant proteinB expressed
in a protease-deficient strain of Escherichia c oli was cleaved
to protein B¢ [16] despite the absence of Mc. capsulatus-
specific proteases andthe major intracellular proteases of
E. coli.
It is remarkable that the sMMO complex, the compo-
nents of which total 300 kDa, is exquisitely sensitive to
inactivation by removal of just 12 amino acids from the
unstructured terminus of its smallest component. The fact
that those 12 amino acids are lost spontaneously under a
range o f conditions raises important questions about the
mechanism of cleavage and suggests that cleavage may
occur in vivo.Ifitisanin vivo phenomenon, truncation o f
protein B offers a possible mechanism to control the
amount of active proteinB within the cell and thus regulate
the rates ofmethane oxidation and NADH consumption by
sMMO, e.g. in response to i ntracellular or extracellular
conditions. To address these q uestions, we conducted a
detailed characterization o f the mechanism of cleavage, the
roles of specific amino acids near to theN-terminus in
catalytic activity, andthe significance ofthe cleavage
reaction in vivo.
Bacterial growth
sMMO-expre ssing Mc. capsulatus (Bath) cells were grown
in nitrate minimal salts medium using methane as the
growth substrate, as described previously [7]. The switch
from sMMO to pMMO expression was e ffected in fermen-
tor cultures by increasing t he CuSO
O concentration of
. E. coli strains were
grown a t 37 °C i n L uria–Bertani broth [28], with ampicillin
(100 lgÆmL
) added for selection of plasmids a s required.
Purification ofthe sMMO components
Mc. capsulatus
The hydroxylase, reductase andproteinB components of
sMMO were purified from Mc. capsulatus (Bath) as
described previously [22,29]. As proteinB underwent
truncation during purification, protein prepared b y this
method contained a mixture of proteins Band B¢.The
relative abundance of p roteins Band B¢ was assessed b y
using SDS/PAGE and electrospray ionization (ESI)-MS.
Incubation ofthe purified proteinB /B¢ mix at 20 °Cfor
1–2 d ays enabled complete conversion ofproteinB to B¢.
Separation of proteins Band B¢ by chromatofocusing
Chromatofocusing chromatography was achieved using a
Mono P FPLC column (HR 5/20) (Amersham Ph armacia).
The column was equilibrated with buffer A (25 m
methylpiperizine, p H 5.64 or 5.7) before loading of the
protein in the same buffer. Elution using buffer B [1 : 10
dilution of PolyBuffer 74
(Amersham P harmacia)] at
either pH 3.5 or 4, with a flow rate of 0.3–1.0 mLÆmin
over 15 col. vol., separated proteins BandB ¢ according t o
the difference in their isoele ctric pH.
Genetic manipulations
The construct for expression ofthe M12A/G13Q double
mutant ofproteinB was made by amplification of mmoB
(which encodes protein B) from pGEX-WTB [16] by PCR
with primers mmoB-M12A/G13Q-1 (5¢-CGCGGATCC
G13Q mutations shown in bold, start codon in italics and
BamHI site underlined) a nd primer mmo B-2 (5¢-GGCGAA
underlined) and cloning into the glutathione S-transferase
(GST)-fusion expression vector pGEX-2T (Amersham-
Pharmacia) using BamHI and EcoRI.
The plasmids for expression ofthe C-terminally 6-His-
tagged G13Q mutant ofproteinBand N-terminal trunca-
tions thereof were c onstructed b y PCR amplification of the
appropriate section of mmoB using pGEX-mtB [16] a s the
template and cloning into pET3a (Novagen) using NdeIand
BamHI. The truncated constructs andthe proteins they
encoded were numbered according to the fi rst amino a cid
after the start codon. The forward PCR primers for the
various constructs were as follows: G13Q-tag (full-length
1836 A. J. Callaghan et al.(Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002
CATGCAGCTGAAAGGCAAG-3¢; truncate 10, 5 ¢-GGG
AAAGGCAAGGACTTC-3¢ (Nd eI sites underlined and
start codons italicized). The PCR reverse primer was the
same in each case (5¢-TGTATAGGATCCTCAGTGATGG
tag shown in bold, stop codon italicized, and BamHI
restriction site underlined). The absence of unwanted
mutations from all cloned PCR products was confirmed
by DNA sequencing.
Purification of recombinant proteinB derivatives
The GST-tagged wild-type, G13Q and M12A/G13Q deriv-
atives ofproteinB were purified from strains of E. col i
202 containing the appropriate plasmids by affinity
chromatography [16]. The GST affinity tag was removed by
the addition of thrombin [2 ng thrombinÆ(lgfusion
] for 5–10 min at room temperature, after which
the recombinant proteinB derivative was separated by gel
filtration with a Superdex 75 FPLC column (2.6 cm
· 61 cm; Amersham Pharmacia), eluted with 25 m
buffer, pH 7.
Plasmids for expression of t he His
-tagged p rotein B
derivatives were transformed into E. coli BL21(DE3)
(Novagen). Cells were grown, induced with isopropyl thio-
-galactopyranoside, andsoluble extracts were prepared
as described previously [16], except that the cells were
broken in 20 m
sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.4–7.6,
containing 0.5
NaCl a nd 10 m
imidazole. Purification
of the His
-tagged proteinB derivative was accomplished
using t he HisTrap
kit ( Amersham Pharma cia) according
to the manufacturer’s instructions. The purified fusion
protein was then exchanged into 25 m
Mops buffer, pH 7,
by gel filtration as described above.
Determination ofprotein concentration
Concentrations ofproteinBandprotein B¢ samples
were determined spectrophotometrically at 280 nm
using the absorption coefficients 16 839
16 032
, respectively, which were determined
experimentally by established methods [30,31]. Concentra-
tions ofthe h ydroxylase and reductase were determ ined by
the method of Bradford [32] using B SA as the protein
standard and commercially available reagent (Bio-Rad).
Enzyme assays
The semiquantitative naphthalene oxidation test to detect
sMMO activity in liquid c ulture samples w as performed as
previously described [ 33]. Quantitative propylene oxidation
assays using the whole sMMO complex (hydroxylase,
reductase andprotein B) were performed by the method
of Pilkington & Dalton [29]. The effect ofprotein B
derivatives on the propylene oxidation activityof the
hydroxylase via the peroxide shunt reaction was measured
in the presence of 24 l
hydroxylase a nd 100 m
peroxide as published [ 14], except that the epoxypropane
product was quantified by GC of 0.5-mL gas-phase
Circular dichroism
Protein samples in 25 m
sodium phosphate buffer were
scanned 10 t imes in a Jasco J715 spectropolarimeter in a
1-mm path-length quartz cuvette between 190 nm and
250 nm (for far-UV CD analysis) or in a 1-cm path-length
quartz cuvette between 260 nm and 300 nm (for near-UV
CD). In all cases the response t ime w as 0.25 s andthe scan
speed was 100 nmÆmin
. Scans were blanked a gainst fresh
buffer recorded under the same conditions.
Protein samples in 25 m
sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7,
were placed in a 3-mL quartz cuvette with a 10-mm path
length. Fluorescence measurements were made using a
PerkinElmer L S-50 fluorimeter at room temperature with a
scan speed of 500 nmÆmin
and a n excitation wavelength of
280 nm, and scanned over the range 300–450 nm. An
accumulation of eight scans w as taken for each sample, and
scans were blanked against buffer data collected under the
same conditions.
Other methods
Protein B-associated nucleophile activity was measured at
20 °C by theproteinB -dependent conversion of p-nitro-
phenylacetate to p-nitrophenol, monitored spectrophoto-
metrically at 400 nm [34]. SDS/PAGE [35] was performed
using 12% (w/v) polyacrylamide gels. SDS cell e xtracts of
Mc. c apsulatus cells were prepared from cells harvested by
centrifugation (14 000 g, 5 min, room temperature), which
were immediately resuspended in SDS/PAGE loading
buffer [65 m
Tris/HCl (pH 8.8), 1 m
EDTA, 1% (w/v)
SDS, 5% (v/v) 2-mercaptoethanol, 0.0025% (w/v) brom-
ophenol blue, 10% (v/v) glycerol] and boiled (100 °C,
5 m in) b efore c entrifugation ( 10 000 g,10min)toremove
particulate material. Preparation o f anti-(protein B) serum,
Western blotting, and E SI-MS were as described previously
Cleavage ofproteinB did not require detectable
extrinsic proteases
To determine whether the proteolytic activity responsible
for cleavage w as intrinsic or extrinsic to protein B, proteins
BandB¢ were separated from one another by chomatofo-
cusing chromatography on a Mono P column. The p rotein
B used for this separation was a highly purified sample
[prepared from Mc. capsulatus (Bath), with a specific
activity of 3500 nmolÆmin
] that had undergone
partial cleavage. SDS/PAGE analysis of this sample s howed
Ó FEBS 2002 Regulation of sMMO activity (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 1837
that it contained proteins B, B¢ and B¢¢ in the proportions
10 : 6 : 1, and MS analysis confirmed the presence of
proteins with masses of 15 852, 14 629 and 12 718 Da,
which corresponded to the calculated masses of proteins B,
B¢ and B¢¢. On chromatofocusing the sample could be
readily resolved into proteins B, B¢ and B¢¢. Immediate SDS/
PAGE analysis oftheproteinB fraction at this stage
showed it to be pure by Coomassie Blue s taining, and it was
active (6380 nmolÆmin
) by the propene oxidation
assay. In contrast, no activity could be detected from the
fraction elu ted as protein B¢. The active proteinB was then
subjected to further rounds of chromatofocusing, and on
each occasion theprotein was resolved into Band B¢.
During these operations, the highly purified proteinB was
observed to degrade by 50% to B¢ over a 3-h period at
20 °C. This spontaneous truncation o f highly purified
samples ofproteinB upon repeated repurification, despite
the absence of detectable contaminating proteins, strongly
suggested that truncation was autocatalytic.
Effect ofthe structure ofthe cleavage site
on proteinBactivityandthe cleavage reaction
We were interested to investigate the roles ofthe residues
near to the cleavage site in the r ate and position of cleavage
because it seemed likely that the side chains near to the
cleavage site were important in theautocatalytic cleavage
process. We had already shown that the G13Q mutation,
which changed the amino acid immediately C-terminal to
[16], but the precise position of cleavage in this mutant had
not been determined. A fter a preparation ofthe G13Q
mutant protein h ad been incubated at 20 °C for 48 h, ESI-
MS analysis revealed the presence o f two major molecular
ions, o f 1 6 300 Da (corresponding to the mass ofthe intact
G13Q mutant) and 14 700 Da (corresponding to the mass
of a truncate beginning at Gln13). This illustrated t hat
replacement ofthe small Gly13 with the bulkier, hydrophilic
Gln did not affect the principal site of cleavage ofprotein B,
which remained immediately N-terminal to residue 13.
To investigate the role ofthe residue immediately
N-terminal to the c leavage site and to see whether the
G13Q mutant could be further stabilized by removal of side-
chain functionality at this position, the M12A/G13Q
mutant was constructed. Theactivityof this double mutant
was indistinguishable from that ofthe w ild-type ( data not
shown), and ESI-MS analysis ofthe freshly prepared
mutant protein confirmed the predicted molecular mass of
16 240 Da. Analysis of a sample that had been incubated at
20 °C for 48 h showed that the major new molecular ion
had a mass of 14 701 Da, which corresponded to the mass
of the truncate p roduced by cleavage between amino a cids
12 and 1 3. Thus, despite radically ch anging the a mino acids
on both sides ofthe cleavage site, the position of c leavage
was unchanged andtheprotein remained active.
A surprising difference between the wild-type and mutant
forms o f p rotein B was observed during the peroxide shunt
reaction. The peroxide s hunt, which allows the hydroxylase
to be activated by hydrogen peroxide to perform oxygen-
ation reactions in the a bsence ofthe reductase and NADH,
is inhibited by intact wild-type proteinB [14]. Just as the
stimulatory effect ofprotein B¢ in the whole-complex
sMMO reaction was much lower than that of intact protein
B, the inhibitory e ffect ofprotein B¢ during the peroxide
shunt was markedly lower than that ofproteinB (Fig. 1).
However, the intact G 13Q and M12A /G13Q mutant forms
of protein B, both of which had wild-type activity in the
whole-complex reaction, were significantly poorer inhibitors
of the peroxide shunt reaction than wild-type protein B
(Fig. 1 ). Thus the inhibitory effect ofproteinB was more
sensitive to structural changes near to the N -terminus than
its better-documented stimula tory effec t.
As previous SAXS studies had indicated t hat protein B
elongated on truncation [22], we studied the effect of
truncation on the overall conformation ofproteinB so as to
assess whether the inactivity ofproteinB ¢ is associated w ith
a conformational change. However, far-UV CD spectra of
proteins BandB ¢ were identical (data not shown), showing
that truncation caused no detectable change in the second-
ary-structure content ofthe protein. Likewise, near-UV CD
and fluorescence spec tra were s carcely different for proteins
BandB¢, showing little difference in the environments of
aromatic side chains between the full-length and truncated
proteins (data not shown). These data, t aken together with
the SAXS study, are consistent with a relatively minor
change in conformation on truncation of free protein B.
Similar structural studies were performed with the two
mutant forms ofproteinBand their respective truncates,
and the results were indistinguishable from those obtained
with the wild-type protein B/B¢ system (data not shown).
Incremental truncation ofprotein B
To investigate more thoroughly the role ofthe N-terminal
region in the t runcation reaction and in theactivity o f
protein B, a series of N-terminal truncates was constructed
genetically. These all contained the stability-enhancing
G13Q mutation to minimize loss of additional amino acids
by spontaneous cleavage and h ad a C-terminal 6-His t ag to
Fig. 1. Inhibition ofthe p eroxide s hunt reaction by proteinBand its
derivatives. Oxygenation of propylene was measured i n the presence of
the hydroxylase and hydrogen peroxide as described in Materials a nd
methods at various concentrations of intact wild -type proteinB (solid
line), intact G13Q (b roken line) or M12A/G13Q (dashed line) mutan t
protein B or proteinB ¢ derived from wild-type proteinB (dotted
line). Enzyme activity is shown as a percentage ofthe activity
[9.2 nm olÆmin
Æ(mg of hydroxylase)
] with no added protein B. The
activities presented are the mean of three or four separate experiments.
Standard error bars a re shown.
1838 A. J. Callaghan et al.(Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002
permit affinity purification while allowing free manipulation
of the N-terminus. ESI-MS ofthe full-length and truncated
proteins confirmed their integrity and showed whether the
initial methionine residue was preserved (Fig. 2). The
C-terminal His
tag had no effect on activity because the
activity ofthe full-length fusion (G13Q–His
imately the same as that observed f or the original G13Q
mutant with no C-terminal tag. Full activity was retained on
truncation as far as Asn5 (truncate 5), but truncation
beyond this led to progressive loss ofactivity until truncate
Asp8 (truncate 8), when activity was lost completely
(Fig. 3).
The c leavage ofthe t runcates was analysed t o investigate
the role ofthe N-terminal region in the cleavage process.
ESI-MS analysis was performed at 24-h intervals during
incubation at 20 °C over 6 days. The full-length construct
G13Q-tag was detectable for 3 days. Truncate 4 was less
stable, having completely degraded to truncates within 24 h,
whereas the shorter truncates 5, 6 and 7 w ere still observed
in uncleaved form after 6 days. Further truncation beyond
this, to t runcates 8 and 9, which abolished activity, also
enhanced the cleavage reaction, which was complete within
24 h. General d estabilization or reorganization of the
secondary structure ofthe truncated forms was unlikely to
be the cause of their destabilization o f the truncates because
the far-UV CD spectra for truncates 7 (stable) and 8
(rapidly cleaving) w ere indistinguishable a nd very similar to
that of native, intact proteinB ( data not shown). Truncates
10 and 13, both of w hich retained the scissile Met12–Gln13
peptide bond (Fig. 2), were as stable for a t least 6 days,
showing t hat at least four ofthe amino acids N-terminal t o
the cleavage site are required for rapid autocatalytic
Mechanism ofautocatalytic cleavage
The probable autocatalytic mechanism of cleavage of
protein B posed the question o f which intrinsic groups on
protein B were responsible for the reaction. Recent r esearch
has identified autoprocessing reactions in other systems,
such as aminohydrolase and aspartate decarboxylase, which
rely on the formation and r esolution of internal (thio) e sters
[36,37]. In these examples, a nucleophilic amino a cid
(cysteine, serine or threonine) rearranges within th e protein,
thus replacing the amide peptide bond between itself and t he
preceding amino acid with a more reactive thioester or ester
linkage. Such bonds then hydrolyse spontaneously and thus
effect cleavage [38–40].
In wild-type protein B, the a mino acid on the C-terminal
side ofthe c leavage site is g lycine and so n ucleophilic attack
from this site is impossible. Nevertheless, it was possible that
cleavage ofproteinB occured v ia a similar chemical
mechanism, initiated by attack from a nucleophile elsewhere
in the p rotein. This w ould transfer t he N-terminal region of
the protein on to a (thio)ester linkage on the nucleophile,
which would t hen spontaneously hydrolyse to yield the
truncated protein (Fig. 4).
To investigate the feasibility of such a mechanism, the
protein was tested for the presence of accessible nucleo-
phile(s) by reac tion with p-nitrophenylacetate, which reacts
with nucleophilic groups to form p-nitrophenol [34]. The
results (Fig. 5) indicated that a nucleophilic group was
indeed present, because an increased reaction rate of
p-nitrophenol formation was observed in the presence of
increasing concentrations ofprotein B. Control reactions
(Fig. 5 ) confirmed that the rate of p-nitrophenol production
was significantly higher than the background rate that was
observed in the absen ce of p rotein or when denatured
(boiled) proteinB or the hydroxylase were used.
Detection ofprotein B¢
in vivo
To investigate the in vivo significance of truncation of
protein B, sMMO-expressing Mc. capsulatus (Bath) whole
cells were analysed for the presence of proteins Band B¢.
Mc. c apsulatus (Bath) was cultivated under low-copper,
oxygen-limiting conditions as described in Materials and
methods. A positive naphthalene oxidation t est confirmed
the expression of s MMO because pMMO is inactive with
this substrate [33]. The cells were rapidly harvested and
Fig. 2. Deduced N-terminal sequences o f the incremental truncates of
protein B , each o f which was constructed in the G13Q background and
had the C-terminal 6-His tag. The presence ofthe initial m ethion ine
residues (sh own in bold) was determined experimentally by ESI-MS.
The site o f cleavage f or formation ofproteinB ¢ is indic at ed.
Fig. 3. Effect of incremental truncation on theactivityofprotein B.
Activity was measured as the rate of propene oxygenation in the
presence o f e x cess h ydroxylase a nd reductase and is shown as a per-
centage o f th e ac tivity [1 956 n m olÆmin
Æ(mg p rotein B)
with the G13Q mutant prepared using the GST-tag system (G13Q).
The activities presented are the mean of t hree or four s eparate exper-
iments. Standard error bars are shown.
Ó FEBS 2002 Regulation of sMMO activity (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 1839
immediately boiled in SDS-containing sample-loading buf-
fer, thus capturing the cellular proteins with minimal
opportunity for degradation before exposure to the dena-
turant. SDS/PAGE and Western-blotting analysis, using
anti-(protein B) sera (that cross-reacted with protein B¢),
clearly s howed that protein B¢ was present in vivo in
sMMO-expressing cells of Mc. capsulatus (Bath) (Fig. 6).
Control samples from pMMO-expressing cells (grown
Fig. 4. Proposed m echanism for autocatalytic
cleavage o f proteinB . A n ucleophilic side
chain, probably on t he surface ofthe folded
core region ofprotein B, is proposed to attack
the carbonyl g rou p ofthe s cissile peptide
bond. Cleavage then follows via cyclic zwitte-
rion and e ster intermediates as i ndicated.
Fig. 5. Nucleophilic activityof p rotein B. Formation of p-nitropheno l
from p-nitrophenyl acetate was m onitored spec trophot ometrically as
described in Mate rials and M ethods. T he reac tion mixtures c ontained
protein B at 1 mgÆmL
(dotted line), proteinB at 0.5 mg ÆmL
(broken line), boiled proteinB at 1 mgÆmL
(dashed line), h ydroxy-
lase at 1 mg ÆmL
(broken/dotted line) and no p rotein (solid line).
Fig. 6. Detection o f proteinB in vi vo. Western b lot probed with a nti-
(protein B) sera showing SDS cell extracts of Mc. capsulatus (Bath)
from fermentor cultures expressing (lane 1) sMMO and (lane 2)
pMMO (negative control containing no proteinB or B¢). Molecular
masses of standards are indicated in kDa.
1840 A. J. Callaghan et al.(Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002
under high-copper conditions), which did not exhibit
sMMO activity, confirmed t hat the proteins that reacted
with the antisera corresponded to proteins Band B¢.
These results strongly suggested that proteinB degraded
to B¢ in viv o and were consistent with the hypothesis t hat th e
cleavage reaction may serve to controlthe in vivo activity of
sMMO. One possibility w as that conversion ofproteinB to
B¢ may a ccount, at least in part, for the observed inactiva-
tion of sMMO when the growth-medium copper concen-
tration was increased, which also causes cessation of sMMO
expression and i nduces the copper-dependent pMMO, via
the so-called c opper switch [2,41]. Experiments were there-
fore conducted to determine whether addition of copper to a
Mc. c apsulatus (Bath) culture altered the cellular levels of
proteins Band B¢ during the switch from sMMO to pMMO
expression. The a bundances of proteins Band B¢ remained
constant throughout the t ime course, even until the cells
began to express pMMO, and so formation ofprotein B¢
did not appear to controltheactivityof sMMO during t he
copper switch.
Mechanism of truncation
Previous o bservations that proteinB underwent cleavage
during purification re gardless of whether it had been
expressed in Mc. capsulatus or E. coli,evenwhenthe
protein h ad been purified to apparent homogeneity [16], had
shown that either truncation w as autocatalytic o r the
peptide bond between amino acids 12 a nd 13 was unusually
susceptible t o digestion by very small amounts of extrinsic
proteases. Here, by demonstrating that repeatedly repurified
protein B con tinued to undergo cleavage, we have provided
strong evidence that the cleavage reaction is independent of
the presence of contaminating proteins and so is almost
certainly autocatalytic.
The insensitivity ofthe position o f cleavage to the amino-
acid sequence a round the c leavage site implies t he involve-
ment of other parts ofthe structure in determining the
sensitivity ofthe scissile peptide bond to cleavage. Intrinsic
nucleophilic activity within proteinB is consistent with a
cleavage mechanism that proceeds via an intramolecular
rearrangement b eginning with attack on the scissile peptid e
bond by a n ucleophilic amino-acid side chain elsewhere in
the protein (Fig. 4 ). Thus we are able to p ropose the first
credible mechanism for autocatalytic cleavage ofproteinB .
This could explain both t he occurrence o f cleavage and its
position, determined by distance constraints when t he
flexible N-terminal region approaches the nucleophile,
which we suspect resides on the core ofthe p rotein. The
core ofproteinB [23] has 12 exposed potential nucleophiles
(serines 34, 44, 92, 109, 110, 126; t hreonines 36, 49, 57, 68,
111, 117, 123, 125 ; cysteine 88), all of which are exposed to
the solvent, and so the precise residue(s) involved cannot
currently be assign ed. Theresidues flanking the cleavage site
do affect t he rate o f cleavage, perhaps by altering the steric
accessibility ofthe scissile peptide linkage to the nucleophile.
It was also interesting to note that, as theprotein was
progressively shortened from the N-terminus, a marked
decrease in stability w as observed conco mitant with loss of
activity, but stability was re stored after removal of a further
two amino acids. If binding ofproteinB to the hydroxylase
prevented the N-terminal region from approaching the
nucleophilic group (e.g. by the nucleophile being occluded
by binding to the hydroxylase) the presence of the
hydroxylase may also serve to stabilize protein B.
Role oftheN-terminus in catalysis
By constructing a series of incremental truncates, we have
shown that the amino acids from theN-terminus to Ser4 are
not required for catalysis. As truncation beyond Ser4 led to
progressive loss ofactivity until the truncate that began with
Asp8 (truncate 8), which w as inactive, the critically impor-
tant N-terminal region appears to correspond to Ser4-Asn5-
Ala6-Tyr7. We presume t herefore that the p resence of these
residues is essential for proteinB to induce the conforma-
tional change in t he hydroxylase w hereby it exer ts its e ffect
on catalysis. It is also possible that one or more of these
residues is directly involved in the pathway for electron
transfer between the reductase andthe hydroxylase. Precise
assignment ofthe essential N-terminal residues is problem-
atic because not all the truncates retained the initiating
methionine. For instance, i t is difficult to assess the role of
Tyr7 because truncate 7 h ad the initial methionine but
truncate 8 did n ot.
NMR a nalysis ofproteinB from Mc. capsulatus (Bath)
in the presence ofthe hydroxylase indicated that t he
structured co re region ofproteinB interacted with the
hydroxylase but gave no indication ofthe involvement of
the N-terminus [23]. This was difficult to reconcile with the
observed critical importance o f the N-terminal region in the
functional [26] and physical [16] interaction o f protein B
with the hydroxylase. O ne possibility was that the structure
of the c ore r egion was different in proteins Band B¢.The
available structural data, however, lend litt le weight to this
theory. SAXS data suggested elongation o f the overall
structure ofproteinB on truncation [22], but CD and
fluorescence spectroscopy showed that any change in
conformation on truncation must be extremely slight.
Recent NMR results with the sMMO system from
Ms. t richosporium OB3b [42], however, have shown that
the N-terminal region ofproteinB does i ndeed interact with
the hydroxylase. In the presence o f the hydroxylase, NMR
signals due to His4 (equivalent to Ser4 in the Mc. capsulatus
system) and Tyr7 (which is conserved in both Ms. trichos-
porium and Mc. capsulatus) broadened, indicating interac-
tion with the hydroxylase. T hese assignments a re consistent
with our incremental truncation studies, w hich showed that
the f unctionally important residues lay in the region Ser4–
Tyr7. Signals due to His32, which is toward the inner end of
the flexible N-terminal region, were also perturbed by the
presence ofthe hydroxylase, again indicative of binding [42],
although analysis o f the function of this residue is not
accessible v ia the incremental truncation m ethod u sed here.
The NMR study indicated that the isolated 29 N-terminal
residues ofproteinB bound to the hydroxylase in a
manner that was competitive w ith the full-length protein B
[42]. C onversely, an artificially synthesized dodecapeptide
corresponding to amino acids 1–12 ofprotein B
(SVNSNAYDAGIM, which was purified to homogeneity
and confirmed b y ESI-MS to have a molecular mass of
1241.3 D a), did not restore function to protein B¢ [43]. Thus
it is possible that t he N-terminusand core ofproteinB can
bind independently to the hydroxylase, but the covalent
Ó FEBS 2002 Regulation of sMMO activity (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 1841
connection between them is needed to induce the required
conformational change in the hydroxylase.
It is also intriguing that the capacity ofproteinB to
activate the h ydroxylase d uring the whole-complex sMMO
reaction was not affected by changes to the amino acids
flanking the site of cleavage for protein B¢ formation, b ut
the inhibitory effect of intact proteinB in th e p eroxide shunt
reaction was diminished by s uch mutations. This suggests a
fundamental difference in the nature ofthe interactions
required for the stimulatory and inhibitory effects o f protein
B. Either the two types of effect result from binding at
different sites on the hydroxylase, or the conformational
change that the mutant forms elicit in the hydroxylase is
different from that elicited by the wild-type such that the
inhibitory effect alone is diminished.
Biological significance of truncation
All known s MMOs require a proteinB component for f ull
activity, a nd o ther homologous binuclear iron active-centre
mono-oxygenases also have an essential regulatory protein
that is, like proteinBof sMMO, a small protein without
prosthetic groups [44]. The susceptibility ofproteinB and
other regulatory p roteins (such as the regulatory protein o f
alkene monooxygenase from Rhodococcus rhodochrous
B-276 (S. C. Gallagher & H. Dalton, unpublished observa-
tions) to inactivation by proteolytic degradation offers a
mechanism by which their activity, and hence theactivity of
the whole enzyme complex, could be controlled. It also
offers an explanation for the persistence ofthe regulatory
components during evolution.
In t he c ase o f sMMO, autocatalytic cleav age may ensure
that the half-life of active proteinB is s hort, and so the
activity ofproteinB could be controlled at the transcrip-
tional or translational levels with minimal lag time.
Alternatively, other factors in the cell may controlthe rate
of autoproteolysis ofprotein B, in response to environ-
mental factors or the metabolic state ofthe cell. It is
interesting to note that theproteinBof Ms. trichosporium
OB3b is much less susceptible to cleavage tha n that of
Mc. capsulatus (Bath) and that the truncated form of the
Ms. trichosporium protein is not observed in vivo during
growth using sMMO (A. J. Callaghan, S. E. Slade & H.
Dalton, unp ublished observations). Also, although protein
BfromMethylocystis sp. strain M does undergo N-terminal
truncation, this is prevented b y protease inhibitors [45].
Thus, it may be that the importance o f truncation of protein
B in determining sMMO activity differs among the sMMO-
expressing methanotrophs.
As proteins Band B¢ were observed in vivo at comparable
levels during steady-state g rowth of Mc. capsulatus (Bath),
truncation ofproteinB is evidently a significant factor in
determining the amount of active proteinB in the cell. It was
suspected that t runcation of p rotein B p layed a role in the
observed rapid inactivation of sMMO when the copper
concentration ofthe medium was increased, i n advance of
the induction ofthe copper-dependent pMMO via the
copper switch. However, the abundance of proteins B and
B¢ was unchanged even after d etectable sMMO activity had
been lost and pMMO induced (data not shown), so it
appears t hat truncation ofproteinB does not play a role in
controlling sMMO activity during the copper switch. It
remains to b e demonstrated whether regulation of sMMO
by other factors, such as starvation and other metabolic
stresses, is effected in vivo via t runcation ofprotein B.
This work was funded through a Biotechno logy and Biological Sciences
Research Council (BBSRC) Studentship to A. J. C.
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. Residues near the N-terminus of protein B control autocatalytic proteolysis and the activity of soluble methane mono-oxygenase Anastasia J. Callaghan*, Thomas J. Smith†, Susan E. Slade and. a mixture of proteins B and B .The relative abundance of p roteins B and B was assessed b y using SDS/PAGE and electrospray ionization (ESI)-MS. Incubation of the purified protein B /B mix at. calculated masses of proteins B, B and B ¢. On chromatofocusing the sample could be readily resolved into proteins B, B and B ¢. Immediate SDS/ PAGE analysis of the protein B fraction at this