UMPkinasefromtheGram-positive bacterium
Bacillus subtilis
is stronglydependentonGTPforoptimal activity
Cristina Gagyi
, Nadia Bucurenci
, Ovidiu Sı
, Gilles Labesse
, Mihaela Ionescu
, Augustin Ofiteru
Liliane Assairi
, Ste
phanie Landais
, Antoine Danchin
, Octavian Ba
and Anne-Marie Gilles
Laboratoire de Chimie Structurale des Macromole
de Ge
tique des Ge
nomes Bacte
riens, Institut Pasteur, Paris,
Laboratory of Enzymology and Applied Microbiology, Cantacuzino Institute, Bucharest, Romania,
Centre de Biochimie Structurale, Faculte
de Pharmacie, Universite
de Montpellier I, Montpellier, France
The gene encoding BacillussubtilisUMPkinase (pyrH/
smbA) is transcribed in vivo into a functional enzyme,
which represents approximately 0.1% of total soluble
proteins. The specific activity of the purified enzyme under
optimal conditions is 25 unitsÆmg
of protein. In the
absenceofGTP,theactivityofB. subtilis enzyme is less
than 10% of its maximum activity. Only dGTP and
3¢-anthraniloyl-2¢-deoxyguanosine-5¢-triphosphate (Ant-
dGTP) can increase catalysis significantly. Binding of Ant-
dGTP to B. subtilisUMPkinase increased the quantum
yield of the fluorescent analogue by a factor of more than
three. UTP and GTP completely displaced Ant-dGTP,
whereas GMP and UMP were ineffective. UTP inhibits
UMP kinase of B. subtilis with a lower affinity than that
shown towards the Escherichia coli enzyme. Among
nucleoside monophosphates, 5-fluoro-UMP (5F-UMP)
and 6-aza-UMP were actively phosphorylated by
B. subtilisUMP kinase, explaining the cytotoxicity of the
corresponding nucleosides towards this bacterium. A
structural model of UMP kinase, based onthe conser-
vation of the fold of carbamate kinase and N-acetyl-
glutamate kinase (whose crystals were recently resolved),
was analysed in the light of physicochemical and kinetic
differences between B. subtilis and E. coli enzymes.
Keywords: UMP kinase; B. subtilis; molecular modelling;
GTP activation; fluorescent markers.
Phosphorylation of UMP and CMP in eukaryotes is carried
out by a single protein. UMP/CMP kinases from Saccharo-
myces cerevisiae, Dictyostelium discoideum, Arabidopsis
thaliana or pig muscle are monomers that resemble adeny-
late kinasefrom muscle cytosol [1–5]. Enteric bacteria
contain separate CMP and UMP kinases, and mutants of
Escherichia coli or Salmonella typhimurium defective in the
corresponding genes (mssA/cmk and pyrH/smbA, respect-
ively) were isolated and characterized many years ago [6–8].
Recombinant CMP and UMP kinases from E. coli have
been characterized in detail [9–15]. The CMP kinase from
E. coli is a monomer, acting preferentially on CMP and
dCMP [11]. Despite the little overall sequence identity with
other known nucleoside monophosphate (NMP) kinases,
CMP kinasefrom E. coli has, in common with these
enzymes, a central parallel b-sheet, the strands of which are
connected by a-helices [13]. In contrast, theUMP kinase
from E. coli is a homohexamer whose primary structure
diverges from that of other NMP kinases, and is controlled
allosterically by GTP (activator) and UTP (inhibitor) [9].
Attempts, in the past, to isolate a specific UMP kinase
from Bacillussubtilis were unsuccessful. It was suggested
that phosphorylation of UMP in this bacteriumis accom-
plished by a CMP kinase with a broader specificity for
pyrimidine nucleotides than the enzyme from E. coli [16].
The deleterious effect of disruption of cmk/jofC gene in
B. subtilis [17], and the kinetic properties of the correspond-
ing recombinant protein, were in line with this interpre-
tation. Thanks to genome sequencing programs, the pyrH
gene has been identified in all bacteria investigated, inclu-
ding B. subtilis.ThepyrH gene from Lactococcus lactis,
a bacterium similar to B. subtilis in the metabolism of
pyrimidine nucleotides, complements a temperature-sensi-
tive pyrH mutation in E. coli, demonstrating the ability of
the encoded protein to synthesize UDP [18].
These observations reopened the question of the role
played by UMPkinase in the metabolism of B. subtilis,
and in Gram-positive organisms in general, and prompted
us to clone the pyrH gene from B. subtilis and to examine
the structural and catalytic properties of the recombinant
protein. When compared with the E. coli UMP kinase,
several striking characteristics of the B. subtilis enzyme
were noticed. Thus, in either crude extract or in purified
form, the enzyme is unstable in the absence of UTP. On
the other hand, theactivity of B. subtilisUMPkinase is
very low in the absence of GTP, which explains why
Correspondence to A M. Gilles, Laboratoire de Chimie Structurale
des Macromole
cules, Institut Pasteur, 28, rue du Dr Roux,
75724 Paris cedex 15, France.
Fax: +33 1 40 61 39 63, Tel.: +33 1 45 68 89 68,
Abbreviations: Ant-dGTP, 3¢-anthraniloyl-2¢-deoxyguanosine-5¢-
triphosphate; CK-like CPSpf, carbamate kinase-like carbamoyl
phosphate synthase from Pyrococcus furiosus; CKef, carbamate
kinase from Enterococcus faecalis; 5F-UMP, 5-fluoro-UMP;
NAGKec, N-acetylglutamate kinasefrom Escherichia coli.
(Received 10 March 2003, revised 20 May 2003,
accepted 3 June 2003)
Eur. J. Biochem. 270, 3196–3204 (2003) Ó FEBS 2003 doi:10.1046/j.1432-1033.2003.03702.x
previous attempts to isolate the enzyme from this
organism were unsuccessful.
Materials and methods
Nucleotides, restriction enzymes, T4 DNA ligase, T7 DNA
polymerase and coupling enzymes were from Roche-
Applied Science or from Sigma. NDP kinasefrom D. dis-
coideum (2000 UÆmg
of protein) was kindly provided by
I. Lascu. 5-Fluoro-UMP (5F-UMP) and 6-aza-UMP were
synthesized fromthe corresponding nucleosides with GTP
as phophoryl donor, creatine phosphate as regenerating
system and recombinant E. coli uridine kinase and rabbit
muscle creatine kinase as catalysts. The reaction medium in
O, adjusted to pH 7.0, contained: 40 m
5F-uridine or
6-azauridine, 0.5 m
GTP, 45 m
creatine phosphate,
20 m
, 2 unitsÆmL
of uridine kinase and 10
of creatine kinase. When conversion of 6-aza-
uridine and 5F-uridine to nucleoside monophosphates was
>90%, the reaction medium was heated to precipitate
proteins. After desalting, 5-mg samples of 5F-UMP and
6-aza-UMP were purified by reverse-phase HPLC.
3¢-Anthraniloyl-2¢-deoxyguanosine-5¢-triphosphate (Ant-
dGTP) was prepared from dGTP and isatoic anhydride
essentially by the procedure described in Hiratsuka [19], for
the synthesis of Ant-dATP. The analogue was purified by
chromatography on LiChroprep RP-18 (25–40 lm) using
triethylammonium acetate as eluent [20].
Bacterial strains, plasmids, growth conditions
and DNA manipulations
General DNA manipulations were performed as described
by Sambrook [21]. ORFs fromthe pyrH gene from
B. subtilis were PCR amplified from chromosomal DNA
using the strain 168 [22] as the template and with the
following primers: 5¢-pyrH,5¢-GGGGCATATGGAA
TCGTTCCGATTGATTCAC-3¢. The product was inser-
ted between the NdeIandXhoI restriction sites of plasmid
pET24a (Novagen). The resulting plasmid (pSL13) was
introduced into strain BL21(DE3)/pDIA17 [23] to overpro-
duce theUMP kinase. The recombinant strain was grown in
2YT medium supplemented with antibiotics to an absor-
bance (A) of 1.0 at 600 nm, then overproduction was
triggered by isopropyl-b-
-thiogalactoside induction (1 m
final concentration) for 3 h, and bacteria were harvested by
Purification of UMPkinase and activity assays
E. coli overproducing theUMPkinasefrom B. subtilis
were disrupted by sonication in 50 m
Tris/HCl (pH 7.4)
containing 2 m
UTP. The bacterial extract was heated for
10 min at 65 °C, then precipitated proteins were removed
by centrifugation at 10 000 g for 30 min. The supernatant
was concentrated by ultrafiltration, then applied to a
Sephacryl S-300 HR column (2.5 · 110 cm), equilibrated
with 50 m
Tris/HCl (pH 7.4), 0.1
NaCl and 2 m
UTP, at a flow rate of 10 mLÆh
. The peak fraction
containing >95% pure UMPkinase was concentrated to
of protein. A His-tagged form of UMP kinase
was purified by Nickel-nitriloacetic acid affinity chromato-
graphy using the QIA express system [24]. TheUMP kinase
activity was determined at 30 °C using a coupled spectro-
photometric assay (0.5-mL final volume) on an Eppendorf
PCP6121 photometer [25]. The reaction medium contained
50 m
Tris/HCl (pH 7.4), 50 m
KCl, 2 m
phosphoenolpyruvate, 0.2 m
NADH, 2 m
ATP, 0.5 m
GTP and 2 units each of lactate dehydrogenase, pyruvate
kinase and NDP kinase. The crude or pure preparation of
UMP kinase was then added, followed 2 min later by 1 m
UMP. The decrease in absorbance (A) at 334 nm was then
recorded and corrected for secondary reactions, occurring in
the absence of UMP. One unit of UMPkinase corresponds
to 1 lmol of product formed per min. The thermal stability
was tested by incubating the purified enzyme (1 mgÆmL
in 50 m
Tris/HCl (pH 7.4), containing 0.1
NaCl, at
temperatures between 30 and 80 °C for 10 min, in the
presence or absence of various nucleotides. Results were
expressed as percentage of activity as compared with
unincubated controls.
Analytical procedures
Protein concentration was measured according to Brad-
ford [26]. Ion spray mass spectra were recorded on a
quadrupole mass spectrometer, API-365 (Perkin-Elmer),
equipped with an ion spray (nebulizer-assisted electro-
spray) source. The sample ( 2pmolÆlL
), dissolved in
20% acetonitrile in water and 0.1% HCOOH, was
delivered to the source at a flow rate of 5 lLÆmin
SDS/PAGE was performed as described by Laemmli [27].
The protein bands from SDS/PAGE were electroblotted
into a Problot membrane filter (Applied Biosystems) and
detected by Coomassie Blue staining. The N-terminal
amino acid sequence of the protein fromthe excised band
was determined by a protein sequencer (Applied Biosys-
tems, Inc.). Fluorescence experiments were performed on
a Jasco FP-750 spectrofluorimeter thermostated at 25 °C.
Emission spectra of UMPkinase (kexc ¼ 297 nm; band
width ¼ 5 nm) were recorded from 305–400 nm. Equili-
brium ultracentifugation was performed at 20 °Cona
Beckman Optima XLA ultracentrifuge using a AN60Ti
rotor and a cell with a 12-mm optical length. Samples
(100 lL) at 0.1 mgÆmL
of protein were centrifuged at
10 000 r.p.m. Data were analysed by using the programs
2, supplied by Beckman.
Sequence comparison and molecular modelling
Protein sequence database searches were performed using
, version 2.0.5, program [28] with default
parameters. Protein structure database searches were per-
formed using a metaserver dedicated to sequence–structure
comparison at low sequence identity level (15–20%) [29].
Alignment refinement was performed manually and
assessed by using the program
[30], while molecular
modelling was performed using
6.2 with loop
optimization and long molecular dynamics [31]. Models
were assessed using
[33] and
Ó FEBS 2003 UMPkinasefrom B. subtilis (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) 3197
[34]. Trace evolution is as analysed using
aiming to delimit the active site as well as the monomer–
monomer interface.
Cloning of the
gene from
B. subtilis
The pyrH gene from B. subtilis was cloned by PCR into the
expression vector pET24a, and sequenced. The resulting
ORF showed two differences when compared with the
published sequence [22]: one additional T at bp 170; and
one missing A at bp 185. As a consequence, the ORF of the
pyrH gene displays a double frameshift of 14-bp, resulting in
four amino acid residue changes, as follows: 57LeuTrpArg-
Gly60 instead of TyrGlyAlaGlu in the original sequence.
These differences are not trivial; Arg and Gly are two strictly
conserved residues in bacterial UMP kinases, the sequences
of which are available in the gene databank. Substitution of
the equivalent Arg in E. coli UMPkinase (Arg62His) has
pleiotropic effects on stability, catalysis or allosteric regu-
lation [12] and is responsible forthe altered morphological
phenotype of E. coli under nonpermissive conditions, such
as cold-sensitive growth or hypersensitivity to SDS [36]. On
the other hand, Trp58 of the B. subtilis enzyme is conserved
in Streptococcus pneumoniae, Strep. mutans, Enterococ-
cus faecalis and Clostridium acetobutylicum UMP kinase
and may be a ÔsignatureÕ forGram-positive organisms
(Fig. 1). This amino acid is substituted in theUMP kinase
from Gram-negative bacteria by a Phe residue. When
present in UMP kinases from Gram-negative organisms,
Trp is located in the middle of the sequence (Trp119 in
E. coli). As the environment of Trp in UMP kinases from
Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms is apriori
different, we expected to find differences in protein intrinsic
fluorescence properties, which was indeed the case.
Harboured on high-copy number vectors, the B. subtilis
pyrH gene complemented the thermosensitive phenotype of
strain KUR1244 (pyrH88ts)ofE. coli [37], indicating that it
was functional. Complementation experiments performed
using E. coli strain MC4100-42-14:40 (car::lacZpyrH42), in
which expression of the car::lacZ fusion is repressed in the
presence of wild-type UMPkinase activity, showed that in
high copy-number, the pyrH gene from B. subtilis resulted
in a significant repression of b-galactosidase activity.
From the specific activity of UMPkinase in crude
extracts of strain 168 (0.03 UÆmg
of protein) and the
specific activity of the pure recombinant protein under
identical experimental conditions, we assumed a protein
abundance in B. subtilis extracts of 0.1%, a figure close to
that found in E. coli.
Sequence comparison and molecular modelling
Database screening using the program
[28], with
UMP kinasefrom B. subtilis as a query sequence, first
showed sequence similarities with UMP kinases from other
bacteria. Among 26 UMP kinases examined for sequence
homology (12 fromGram-positive bacteria, 14 from Gram-
negative bacteria), 33 strictly conserved amino acid residues,
i.e. 14% of the whole sequence, were noticed. The most
frequently represented residues were Gly, Asp and Arg.
Site-directed mutagenesis or analysis of the phenotypically
characterized mutants [36,37] showed that several strictly
conserved amino acids were essential for thermodynamic
stability, catalysis or allosteric regulation [12]. Further
iterations of the
search revealed sequence similar-
ity of bacterial UMP kinases with pyrroline-5-carboxylate
synthase, glutamate-5-kinase, aspartokinases, N-acetylglu-
tamate kinases and carbamate kinases (Fig. 1). The latter
appeared to be 18% identical with UMP kinases, while
N-acetylglutamate kinases were 15% identical (over a
region of 200 amino acids).
Several motifs appeared to be well conserved among
these kinases. At the N-terminus, a glycine-rich sequence
motif (r///k/sGxA/: upper case stands for strictly conserved
residue; /, for hydrophobic amino acid; and, x, for any
amino acid) and a second glycine-rich motif (///GgGnx/r)
appeared conserved. These motifs comprise the predicted
b-strands (b1andb2) of UMP kinases, both of which
might be involved in phosphate binding, according to the
crystal structures of carbamate and N-acetylglutamate
kinases. In the first motif, the position marked ÔkÕ (Lys12 in
UMP kinasefrom B. subtilis) is occupied either by an
alanine (carbamate kinases only) or by a lysine in all other
kinases belonging to this superfamily. The side-chain of
this residue points toward the leaving phosphate group of
ATP. This suggested that carbamate kinases constitute a
divergent subfamily with a slightly distinct catalytic mech-
anism. A third conserved stretch (r////aaGxgn), is present
at the end of the fourth predicted b-strand [38]. In UMP
kinases, it is immediately followed by the motif ffttDs,
including a catalytic aspartate [9,12,38]. The next motif
(txvdGvftadPk) followed the predicted b5-strand (ead///)
kinases, as well as in aspartokinases and glutamate kinases.
This motif comprises the aspartates D168 and D174 (UMP
kinase from E. coli numbering) whose role in enzyme
activity was also probed by site-directed mutagenesis
[9,12,38]. A motif (/k//Dxta) conserved among UMP
kinases (including D201 in theUMPkinasefrom E. coli)
[31] would correspond to the N-terminus of the putative
helix, a7, which is predicted to contribute residues to the
active site. The last conserved motif (gtx/) seems to stabilize
the specific structure of the ATP-binding site, rather than
directly participating in the binding itself, in the two solved
crystal structures [39,40]. The observed conservation of
these motifs suggested that a similar mode of ATP binding
is used by the enzymes of this superfamily. Despite clear
homologies shared by these kinases, proper sequence
alignment requires further refinement, based on sequence-
structure comparison, owing to the low overall sequence
identity level ( 15–20%).
Threading of UMPkinasefrom B. subtilis, using the new
meta-server [29], revealed significant fold compatibility
(>95% confidence) with carbamate kinasefrom Ent. fae-
calis (CKef) [41] and carbamate kinase-like carbamoyl
phosphate synthase from Pyrococcus furiosus (CK-like
CPSpf) [39], as well as with N-acetylglutamate kinase from
E. coli (NAGKec) [40]. Sequence-to-structure alignment
was refined using
[30] in order to gather the majority of
insertions/deletions in loop regions. CKef and CK-like
CPSpf are more than 60 amino acids longer than the UMP
kinase from B. subtilis owing to the presence of a small
3198 C. Gagyi et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) Ó FEBS 2003
subdomain of unknown function. The latter module is
also absent in NAGKec. The three-dimensional structure
of NAGKec and CK-like CPSpf were subsequently
used for molecular modelling, taking advantage of their
cocrystallization with ATP analogues. However, sequence
conservation in the catalytic site also suggested closer
relatedness of UMP kinases and N-acetylglutamate kinases
(e.g: conservation of a buried lysine; K12 in B. subtilis). In
CK-like CPSpf and NAGKec, the C-terminal region
participating in the binding of the phosphate donor shows
some structural and sequence variations [39,40]. Refined
sequence comparison in the vicinity of this region suggested
that the ATP-binding site of UMP kinases more closely
resembles that of NAGKec than CKs (Fig. 2).
Molecular models were built using the program
[31]. It had a pseudo-energy, according to
[32], of
)0.7 kcal ()1.9 and )1.8 forthe structures of NAGKec and
CK-like CPSpf, respectively).
scores (dimeric/
monomeric model +0.33/+0.29) were also satisfactory
(+0.55 for both crystal structures).
scores confirmed
Fig. 1. Sequence alignment of 10 representative bacterial UMP kinases (bacsu, Bacillus subtilis; strpn, Streptococcus pneumoniae; staau, Staphylo-
coccus aureus; entfe, E nt erococcus faecalis; myctu, Mycobacterium tuberculosis; neime, Neisseria meningitidis; pseae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa; ecoli,
Escherichia coli; haein, Haemophilus influenzae; yerpe, Yersinia pestis). ThesequenceofN-acetylglutamate kinasefrom E. coli, as well as of
carbamate kinase-like carbamoyl phosphate synthase from Pyrococcus furiosus, whose structures were solved (PDB1gs5 and PDB1e19, respect-
ively), are at the bottom. Strictly conserved residues are indicated in the red box. The secondary structure elements, as assigned after structure
modelling, are indicated onthe top of the sequences. Motifs discussed in the text are written below the alignment. The figure was drawn using
Ó FEBS 2003 UMPkinasefrom B. subtilis (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) 3199
the quality at the atomic level (correctness scores of 73% for
UMP kinasefrom B. subtilis vs. 98% and 99% for the
structures of NAGKec and CK-like CPSpf, respectively).
Similar values were also obtained for various other UMP
kinases. The proposed interface for dimerization is in
agreement with the evolutionary trace computed by
[35]. The latter highlighted a second interface closer to
the active site that might correspond to the dimer–dimer
interactions. The latter would encompass the region of
Trp119 and Pro141 in theUMPkinasefrom E. coli, in
agreement with fluorescence and mutagenesis data, suggest-
ing that this region is implied in allosteric regulation [9,38].
Further experimental validation will be necessary to verify
these hypotheses.
The present model gathers the sequence stretches that are
well conserved among UMP kinases on one face of each
monomer. These faces are mostly composed of b-strand
C-termini and a-helice N-termini, and the connecting loops.
The model identifies the C-terminal segment in bacterial
UMP kinases as the ATP-binding site, while the N-terminal
domain would contain the cosubstrate and the effector
binding sites. The dimerization interface is composed of
a-helices and a b-strand fromthe N-terminal end. The
current model suggests that Trp58 is readily accessible to the
solvent in a pocket opening onthe active site, while Cys206
is buried by the very C-terminus (residues Gly239–Lys240)
at 15 A
from the ATP-binding site and 30 A
Trp58. ATP would be in close contact with Ne of Lys12, a
residue strictly conserved in bacterial UMP kinases as well
as in the other members of this superfamily of catalysts,
such as carbamate kinases. Substitution of this conserved
Lys residue in UMPkinasefrom Streptococcus pneumoniae
yielded a completely inactive enzyme (L. Assairi, unupub-
lished results). The catalytic Asp146 identified in UMP
kinase from E. coli corresponds to Asp143 in the
corresponding B. subtilis enzyme (Fig. 2). In the vicinity of
the active site, the main difference between the latter enzyme
and UMP kinases fromthe Gram-negative organisms is the
insertion of one residue (Asn164) lying in the vicinity of
ATP. The putative role of this one-residue insertion remains
unexplained in our current structure modelling.
Purification and molecular properties of recombinant
UMP kinase from
B. subtilis
UMP kinasefrom B. subtilis, overproduced in strain
BL21(DE3)/pDIA17, was purified as described in the
Materials and methods, i.e. a heating step followed by
gel-permeation chromatography. The molecular mass of
B. subtilisUMPkinase (26 084.2 ± 1.5 Da), as measured
by ESI-MS, was in agreement with that calculated
(26 083 Da) fromthe sequence. Gel-permeation chromato-
graphy yielded a peak consistent with an oligomeric enzyme
(six subunits/oligomer) that was preceded by a shoulder.
Ultracentrifugation analysis by sedimentation equilibrium
indicated that the dominant species corresponded to the
hexameric enzyme (154 kDa), even though oligomers of a
higher molecular mass (283 kDa) were also identified. They
correspond most probably to the association of two
hexamers. In parallel, an N-terminal His-tagged form was
produced and purified by Nickel-nitriloacetic chromato-
graphy. The ESI-MS-determined molecular mass, of
28 114.6 ± 1.2 Da, was lower than that calculated from
the sequence (28 246.41 Da), the difference (131.9 Da)
accounting forthe missing N-terminal Met in the His-
tagged recombinant enzyme. The specific activity of the
native and His-tagged UMPkinase under optimal assay
conditions was 26 UÆmg
of protein and 25 UÆmg
protein, respectively, which correspond to molar activities
(mol productÆs
Æmol enzyme
) of 11.3 and 11.8, respect-
ively. UTP (2 m
) significantly stabilized the bacterial
UMP kinase, which can be stored at room temperature for
2weeks in 50m
Tris/HCl (pH 7.4), containing 0.1
NaCl and 2 m
UTP, with no loss of activity. UTP also
increased the thermal stability of B. subtilisUMP kinase,
the half-maximal inactivation being shifted from 42 °Cin
the absence to >70 °C in the presence (1 m
nucleotide. The protective effect of UTP against thermal
denaturation is specific for this nucleotide, ATP and GTP
being ineffective. UTP was demonstrated also to increase
the thermal stability of E. coli UMPkinase [9,10].
The single Cys residue (Cys206) of UMP kinase
from B. subtilisis conserved in the enzyme from
S. aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bordetella pertussis,
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Neisseria meningitidis, Chla-
mydia trachomatis and M. pneumoniae, but not in the
UMP kinasefrom E. coli, Sal. typhi, Yersinia pestis or
Haemophilus influenzae. This residue reacted with DTNB
under native conditions. The kinetics was fitted to a single-
exponential equation except for an initial missing amplitude,
which corresponds probably to the reaction with DTNB of
the partially unfolded fraction of enzyme (Fig. 3). The k
varied between 10
(in the presence of UTP) and
Fig. 2. Modelled structure of UMPkinasefromBacillus subtilis. One
monomer is shown in CPK representation. Colours (from blue to
violet) indicate residue conservation (weakly to strongly) as computed
[35] and visualized using
microbio/rasmol/). The second monomer in the model is shown as
green ribbon. ATP molecules are shown in yellow.
3200 C. Gagyi et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) Ó FEBS 2003
7 · 10
(in its absence). GTP, ATP and Mg
did not
significantly affect the reaction-rate constant of UMP
kinase with DTNB. Mg
, when present in excess over
UTP, reverses its protective effect.
The fluorescence spectrum of UMPkinasefrom B. sub-
tilis upon excitation at 295 nm exhibited a maximum at
348 nm, indicating that Trp58 is fully exposed to the
solvent. UTP shifted the fluorescence maximum to 331 nm,
with no change in intensity. Mg
, in excess over UTP,
reversed this effect. Binding of UTP to the enzyme exhibits a
slight cooperative effect (Hill number 1.5, K
22 l
). GTP
binding, which decreased the fluorescence intensity at
348 nm without shift in the maximum (K
30 l
), was
independent of Mg
ions (results not shown).
Kinetic and nucleotide-binding properties
of UMPkinase from
B. subtilis
The UMPkinaseactivity with various nucleoside triphos-
phates and UMP at fixed concentrations (1 m
) indicated
unusually low specific activities for this class of enzymes.
The maximal rate was found with ATP and dATP. When
NTPs were used in the mixture, the highest specific activity
was obtained with ATP + GTP, indicating a requirement
for GTPfor expression of full catalytic activity (Table 1).
When the ATP concentration was varied in the presence
(0.5 m
) or absence of GTP at a single concentration of
UMP (1 m
), the apparent K
for ATP was 0.9 m
ATP was constant (1 m
), the kinetics with variable
concentrations of UMP was dependenton GTP. Thus, in
the absence of GTP, the rates were maximal at 50–70 l
for UMP 8 l
) and declined upon further
increases in UMP. In the presence of GTP, saturation was
attained at 0.2 m
UMP and the apparent K
for UMP
was 30 l
without inhibition by excess nucleoside mono-
phosphate. GTP showed the most important activating
effect, the half-maximum activation being reached at
0.1 m
. dGTP was also effective, but with lower affinity.
Esterification of 3¢-OH in dGTP with the anthraniloyl
group increased, by one order of magnitude, the affinity of
the parent nucleotide for B. subtilisUMP kinase. ITP was
a rather weak activator, whereas GMP was ineffective
(Fig. 4A). These results are significantly different from those
obtained with E. coli UMP kinase, in which GMP, cGMP
and even guanosine exerted activation. UTP antagonized
the activation by GTP (Fig. 4B). In the absence of GTP,
UTP decreased the reaction rate with an I
of approxi-
mately 60 l
, where I
represents the concentration of
UTP at which half-inhibition was observed. Of the nucle-
oside monophosphates tested, 5F-UMP and 6-aza-UMP
showed the most interesting properties. Both analogues
were actively phosphorylated by UMPkinasefrom B. sub-
tilis and E. coli (Table 2), which is in line with the cytotoxic
effect of the corresponding nucleosides on these organisms
Kinetic and intrinsic fluorescence studies of UMP kinase
from B. subtilis suggested that the allosteric effectors, GTP
and UTP, bind to identical or largely overlapping sites.
However, in the absence of binding studies, ambiguities, as
regards the identity of the ÔactivatingÕ or ÔinhibitoryÕ sites,
still persist. Therefore, we explored several analogues of
UTP and GTP capable of binding to allosteric site(s) of
UMP kinase and giving an appropriate fluorescence signal.
Ant-dGTP, which activated UMPkinase with a higher
affinity than that of the parent nucleotide, exhibited strong
fluorescent properties in aqueous solution upon excitation
at 330 nm with a maximum at 425 nm. The addition of
enzyme in excess over Ant-dGTP increased its fluorescence
intensity by more than threefold. UTP and GTP, and, to a
lesser extent, the corresponding nucleoside diphosphates,
displaced the fluorescent analogue fromUMP kinase.
Under identical experimental conditions, ATP competed
weakly with Ant-dGTP binding, whereas UMP and GMP
were ineffective (Fig. 4C). Ant-dUTP behaved similarly,
although the enhancement in fluorescence intensity of the
analogue, upon addition of the enzyme, was lower (by a
factor of 1.8). Both GTP and UTP competed effectively
with Ant-dUTP, whereas ATP was almost completely
ineffective (data not shown).
Fig. 3. Reaction of UMPkinasefromBacillussubtilis with 5,5¢-di-
thiobis (2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB) under native conditions. Enzyme
(25 l
in terms of monomer), in 50 m
Tris/HCl (pH 8) containing
100 m
NaCl, was thermostated at 25 °C and treated with DTNB
(0.2 m
final concentration). The absorbance (A) was then read at
412 nm for 20 min. The molar ratio of thiol reacted was calculated
using the mass of His-tagged protein of 28.1 kDa, and e of thio-
nitrobenzoate anion of 13.6Æm
Table 1. Reaction rate of UMPkinasefromBacillussubtilis with vari-
ous nucleoside triphosphates (NTPs). The reaction medium (0.5 mL
final volume) was the same as that described in the legend to Fig. 4.
The concentrations of NTPs and of UMP were constant (1 m
). The
reaction rate with ATP + GTP (14.2 lmolÆmin
of protein) is
considered to be 100%.
NTP Reaction rate (%)
dATP 8
GTP 0.7
ITP <0.07
CTP <0.07
ATP + GTP 100
dATP + GTP 94
ATP + ITP 27
dATP + ITP 41
ATP + CTP 6.3
ITP + GTP 0.7
Ó FEBS 2003 UMPkinasefrom B. subtilis (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) 3201
Bacterial UMP kinases are the most intriguing members of
the NMP kinase family, for several reasons. These enzymes
do not exhibit any sequence homology with other NMP
kinases described so far, exist in oligomeric form (hexamers)
and are subject to complex regulation by nucleotides. In
addition, the pyrH gene product from enteric bacteria
directly participates in the pyrimidine-specific control of the
carAB operon [44]. For these reasons we undertook a
systematic analysis of the pyrH gene product in different
bacteria with the aim of correlating differences in enzyme
structure with substrate specificity, stability and the capa-
bility of organisms to adapt to environmental conditions. In
this respect, UMP kinases from E. coli (a Gram-negative
bacterium) and B. subtilis (a Gram-positive bacterium) have
some characteristics in common, i.e. high sequence identity,
identical quaternary structure and similar catalytic proper-
ties, such as activation by GTP and inhibition by UTP.
They also exhibit significant differences in stability and
physicochemical properties that might be rationalized in
structural terms [38].
According to the current modelling study, UMP kinase
from B. subtilisis made of one domain comprising a
central, mostly parallel, b-sheet surrounded by a-helices.
The N-terminus (residues 5–142) of protein would also
build up the dimer interface. The position of ATP in the
model was deduced fromthe position of the AMP-PNP
(adenosine b,c-imido-5¢-triphosphate) and that of ADP in
the crystal structures of NAGKec (PDB1gs5) and of
CK-like CPSpf (PDB1e19), respectively. It suggests that
the C-terminus (residues 143–240) is probably the phos-
phate donor-binding site. The UMP- and the allosteric
binding sites remain to be identified. Our model suggested
that Trp58 in the B. subtilisUMPkinaseis 10 A
from the
active site and close to a solvent-exposed groove. The
latter is formed by the helix a2 (residues 55–67),
the following loop (68–74) and a second loop (137–141).
The equivalent region in the E. coli UMPkinase contains
several conserved residues whose substitutions (Arg62His,
Asp77Asn) affect thekinaseactivity and especially its
allosteric regulation [12]. The fluorescence of Trp119 in
the E. coli UMP kinase, modelled in the same region, is
also affected by allosteric effectors [9]. The corresponding
region (residues 100–150) of the related glutamate-5-kinase
from E. coli also contained an allosteric site according to
two characterized mutations [45]. The unique cysteine
(Cys206) of B. subtilisUMPkinase was assigned at the
C-terminus of helix a7 facing the strand b8. The reactivity
Fig. 4. Interaction of UMPkinasefromBacillussubtilis with various
nucleotides acting as allosteric effectors. The reaction medium (0.5 mL
final volume) buffered with 50 m
Tris/HCl (pH 7.4) contained 50 m
KCl, 2 m
, 1m
phosphoenolpyruvate, 0.2 m
ATP, 1 m
UMP and different concentrations of GTP, dGTP,
3¢-anthraniloyl-2¢-deoxyguanosine-5¢-triphosphate (Ant-dGTP), ITP
or GMP, as indicated, and 2 units of each of pyruvate kinase, NDP
kinase and lactate dehydrogenase. The reaction was started with pure
UMP kinase. (Top) Ant-dGTP (h); GTP (j); dGTP (m); ITP (s);
GMP (d). (Middle) The variable nucleotide was UTP, in the presence
of constant concentrations of GTP: 0.1 m
(j); 0.2 m
(m); 0.5 m
(h). (Bottom) Binding of Ant-dGTP (2 l
) to UMPkinase of
B. subtilis (20 l
) as determined at 420 nm (excitation k at 330 nm)
and displacement by UTP (d), GTP (j), ATP (h)andGMP(n).
Table 2. Comparative kinetic parameters of UMPkinasefromBacillussubtilis and Escherichia co li with UMP analogues. The reaction medium is the
same as that described in the legend to Fig. 4. The concentrations of ATP (2 m
) and GTP 0.5 (mM) were constant. The concentration of UMP
and of its analogues varied between 0.02 and 2 m
. V
is expressed as lmolÆmin
of protein. 5F-UMP, 5-fluoro-UMP.
B. subtilis E. coli
) Relative V
) Relative V
UMP 25 30 100 126 50 100
5F-UMP 24 120 24 162 110 58
6 aza-UMP 0.6 140 5 67 710 4
3202 C. Gagyi et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) Ó FEBS 2003
to DTNB is affected specifically by UTP. This effect
comes in line with the effect of UTP onthe protein
stability, as the flexibility decrease would maintain the
buried Cys206 as almost completely inaccessible.
Another striking characteristic of B. subtilisUMP kinase
is its high requirement forGTPfor full catalytic activity,
an effect antagonized by UTP. This property is shared by
UMP kinasefrom other Gram-positive organisms such as
Strep. pneumoniae or Staph. aureus (N. Bucurenci and
M. Straut, unpublished data). At physiological pH, GTP
activates UMPkinasefrom E. coli or H. influenzae by only
three- to fourfold. Binding studies with Ant-dGTP and Ant-
dUTP, and displacement by the natural effectors GTP and
UTP,suggestthattheÔactivatorÕ and ÔinhibitorÕ sites are
identical. Although chemical modification experiments on
E. coli UMPkinase favoured also the idea that the GTP
and UTP sites overlap [9], direct proof that the allosteric
effectors compete forthe same site in bacterial UMP kinases
was still missing. We propose, by analogy with aspartate
transcarbamylase, which binds at the same regulatory-site
CTP (inhibitor) and ATP (activator) [46], that UMP kinase
requires essentially the same residues for interacting with
both UTP and GTP. The ÔredistributionÕ of hydrogen bond
network upon binding of closely related nucleotides has
been previously shown with other enzymatic systems [15]. It
remains to be demonstrated that the opposite effects on
conformation and catalysis, accompanying the binding of
GTP and UTP, result primarily from interactions at the
level of the heterocycle.
Whatever the mechanism of activation may be under
in vitro conditions, a question arises: can the concentration
of GTP and UTP play a role in the metabolism of B. subtilis
in vivo? Fromthe total concentration of different NTPs and
in B. subtilis, [47,48], it is conceivable that GTPis the
major player besides the two substrates ATP and UMP, as
it interacts with UMPkinase both under Mg
form or as a free nucleotide. Mg
-UTP, which isthe major
form of the nucleotide in the bacterial cell, is only a weak
competitive inhibitor for ATP (K
), whereas
-free UTP (1–5 l
) is unable to inhibit UMP kinase
from B. subtilis in vivo, via the allosteric site. This picture is
different forUMPkinasefrom Gram-negative organisms,
which exhibit a K
for UTP in the micromolar or
nanomolar range [9] (Gilles et al. unpublished results).
A last point, worthy of mention, isthe involvement of
UMP kinase in the metabolism of cytotoxic nucleobases or
nucleosides, which act as phosphorylated derivatives inter-
fering either with DNA or RNA synthesis or by inhibiting
key enzymes in the formation of nucleoside triphosphates
[42,43]. In this respect, both 5F-uridine and 6-azauridine are
readily phosphorylated to 5F-UMP and 6-aza-UMP by
bacterial uridine kinase. UMPkinasefrom B. subtilis and
E. coli use both nucleotides with relatively high efficiency,
contributing, with the nonspecific NDP kinase, to the
formation of the highly toxic compounds F-UTP and
We thank Jan Neuhard for many inspiring discussions, Nicolas
Glansdorff forthe kind gift of E. coli 14:40-42, Sylvie Pochet for
help in the synthesis of 5F-UMP and 6-Aza-UMP, Hiroshi
Sakamoto and Tudor Borza for cloning and complementation
experiments, Jean-Claude Rousselle for mass spectrometry measure-
ments, Dominique Douguet and Susan Michelson for constructive
criticism, He
ne Munier-Lehmann for fruitful comments, and
gine Lambrecht for excellent secretarial help. This work was
supported by grants fromthe Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique (URA2185), Institut Pasteur (AC02) and AstraZeneca R
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3204 C. Gagyi et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) Ó FEBS 2003
. UMP kinase from the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis is strongly dependent on GTP for optimal activity Cristina Gagyi 1 , Nadia Bucurenci 2 , Ovidiu. demonstrating the ability of the encoded protein to synthesize UDP [18]. These observations reopened the question of the role played by UMP kinase in the metabolism of B. subtilis, and in Gram-positive. UMP kinase from B. subtilis is conserved in the enzyme from S. aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bordetella pertussis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Neisseria meningitidis, Chla- mydia trachomatis