Báo cáo khoa học: The thermodynamic analysis of protein stabilization by sucrose and glycerol against pressure-induced unfolding The typical example of the 33-kDa protein from spinach photosystem II docx
Thethermodynamicanalysisofproteinstabilizationby sucrose
and glycerolagainstpressure-induced unfolding
The typicalexampleofthe33-kDaproteinfromspinachphotosystem II
Kangcheng Ruan
, Chunhe Xu
, Tingting Li
, Jiong Li
, Reinhard Lange
and Claude Balny
Laboratory of Proteomics, Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institute for Biological Science,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China;
Institute of Plant Physiology, Shanghai Institute for Biological Science,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China;
Institut National de la Sante
et de la Recherche Me
INSERM U 128, IFR 24, CNRS, Montpellier, France
We have studied the reaction native « denatured for the
33-kDa protein isolated fromphotosystem II. Sucrose
and glycerol have profound effects on pressure-induced
unfolding. The additives shift the equilibrium to the left;
they also cause a significant decrease in the standard
volume change (DV). The change in DV was related to
the sucroseandglycerol concentrations. The decrease in
DV varied with the additive: sucrose caused the largest
effect, glycerolthe smallest. The theoretical shift of the
half-unfolding pressure (P
increase in free energy by addition ofsucroseand glycerol
was lower than that obtained from experimental mea-
surements. This indicates that the free energy change
caused by preferential hydration oftheprotein is not the
unique factor involved in theprotein stabilization.
The reduction in DV showed a large contribution to the
theoretical P
shift, suggesting that the DV change,
caused bythesucrose or glycerol was associated with the
protein stabilization. The origin ofthe DV change is
discussed. The rate ofpressure-inducedunfolding in the
presence ofsucrose or glycerol was slower than the
refolding rate although both were significantly slower
than that observed without any stabilizers.
Keywords: conformational changes; hydrostatic pressure;
spinach particle; protein denaturation.
Understanding protein folding mechanisms is one ofthe big
challenges in protein science. For example, an unusual
property of prion proteinunfolding in neutral salt solution
has recently been shown [1]. However, the prion protein is
not easy to work with and to go further, convenient models
must be used. The33-kDaproteinfromspinach photosys-
tem II is a good system with which to explore the role of
additives in protein folding and unfolding; their effects on
the chemical denaturation of this protein have been
described previously. This protein has a very low free
energy ofunfoldingand it is easy to modulate its unfolding
transition [2].
Most protein denaturation studies use chemicals (such as
urea or guanidine hydrochloride) or thermal perturbation to
influence the folding pattern. Reversibility is frequently a
problem. For many years, various chemicals like ÔneutralÕ
salts, glycerol, sucrose have been known as protein stabi-
lizers. Initially it was thought that these molecules could
form coating shells around the proteins. Subsequently, other
studies on sucroseandglycerol indicated that these
substances do not usually bind to protein; their presence
changes the water surface tension around protein. They are
preferentially depleted fromtheprotein surface layer [3–5].
In other words, the proteins are preferentially hydrated
around the surface in the presence of these stabilizers. This
leads to an increase in free energy and consequently
protection against denaturation [5].
An increasing number of researchers are using high-
pressure as a denaturing agent. Compared to other meth-
ods, pressure denaturation is often rapidly reversible [6].
High hydrostatic pressure has been used extensively to
denature single chain proteins and oligomeric proteins
[6–17]. Generally, single chain proteins such as trypsin,
chymotrypsinogen, phospholipase, etc. can be unfolded in
the pressure range 300–600 MPa; the33-kDaprotein and
staphylococcal nuclease unfold at lower pressures [10,11].
High pressure induces a system volume decrease which
governs theproteinunfolding equilibrium; it has been
shown that this volume change can be modulated by various
factors. Different workers have studied this phenomenon
. For example, Royer and coworkers found that
Correspondence to K. Ruan, Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and
Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 320 Yue-Yang Road,
Shanghai 200031, China. Fax: + 86 21 64338357,
Tel.: + 86 21 64740532, E-mail: kcruan@sunm.shcnc.ac.cn or
C. Balny, INSERM U128, 1919 route de Mende, 34293 Montpellier
Cedex 5, France. Fax: +33 47523681, Tel.: +33 467613360,
E-mail: balny@montp.inserm.fr
Abbreviations: GdmCl, guanidinium chloride; 4thD, fourth derivative
absorbance spectra; CSM, centre of spectral mass; P
, experimental
half pressure of denaturation; P
*, value of half pressure
denaturation obtained from calculation for the net increase in free
energy; P
**, value of half pressure denaturation obtained from
calculation for the net reduction ofthe standard volume change.
(Received 7 October 2002, revised 9 December 2002,
accepted 27 January 2003)
Eur. J. Biochem. 270, 1654–1661 (2003) Ó FEBS 2003 doi:10.1046/j.1432-1033.2003.03485.x
xylose stabilizes staphylococcal nuclease mainly by increas-
ing theprotein free energy (DG) of denaturation, while the
standard volume change (DV) seems to be independent of
the xylose concentration [10,18].
In earlier work we explored thepressure-induced dena-
turation ofthe33-kDaprotein isolated from spinach
photosystem II; the equilibrium is a two-state reversible
transition which is influenced by NaCl [11]. P
(the half-
pressure of denaturation) was shifted from 118 MPa to
127 MPa and 195 MPa in the absence and in the presence of
and 1.0
NaCl, respectively. It was also observed that
the volume change, DV, decreases from )120.0 (without salt)
to )108.1 (0.5
NaCl) and to )80.0 mLmol
NaCl). DV and DG both contribute to the folding–unfolding
shift. Some questions are still without clear answers: (a) is the
reduction in DV also found with stabilizing agents such as
glycerol and sucrose? (b) with these agents, is the same
stabilization mechanism involved when the denaturation is
induced either by chemical denaturants or by hydrostatic
To answer these questions the effect ofsucrose and
glycerol on thepressure-inducedunfoldingofthe 33-kDa
protein has been studied in the present work.
We chose the33-kDaprotein as a model because of its
very low DG ofunfolding at pH 6.0 and 20 °C()3.5
) and because of its large standard DV
()120 mLÆmol
). The response ofthe33-kDa protein
to pressure is completely reversible [11]. Moreover, the
protein molecule contains only one tryptophan residue
(Trp241) buried in a very strong hydrophobic region.
This allows for easy fluorescence detection when this
residue is exposed to the solvent. In the native form, the
fluorescence emission, k
, is at 317 nm, shifting to
352 nm when unfolded.
In this report we show that sucrose, glyceroland NaCl
protect the 33 kDa proteinagainst denaturation by either
hydrostatic pressure or guanidine hydrochloride.
Materials and methods
Purification ofthe33-kDa protein
The 33-kDaprotein was isolated and purified from
spinach chloroplast photosystemII as described in our
previous report [11]. The purified protein was dialysed
against 10 m
and then lyophilized. The
protein concentrations were determined as described by
Xu and Briker [19]. In most experiments, theprotein was
pH 6.0 Mes buffer. All other reagents
were of A. R. grade. Distilled water was further purified
by a Millipore system to a resistance of 18 MW.
Fluorescence measurements
The fluorescence measurements were carried out either on
an Aminco Bowman Series 2 (AB2) fluorospectrophoto-
meter (SLM Co.) or on a SLM 48000 fluorospectrophoto-
meter (SLM Co.). These have been modified thereby
allowing us to measure fluorescence in a pressure range
from 0.1 MPa to 600 MPa at temperatures between )20 °C
and 100 °C. The fluorescence spectra were quantified by
specifying the centre of spectral mass (CSM) <m>as
introduced in our previous and related papers [20,21]. The
excitation wavelength for the intrinsic fluorescence was
295 nm, which excited only the tryptophan residue.
To measure the unfolding–refolding kinetics of the
protein, the fluorescence spectrophotometer was further
modified to adapt a pressure jump device designed in the
INSERM laboratory [22]. Positive or negative pressure-
jumps up to 150 MPa were possible in a pressure range
from 0.1 to 600 MPa, with a dead time of 5 ms.
Fourth derivative UV absorbance spectra
Absorption spectra oftheprotein between 260 and 300 nm
were recorded at 20 °C using a modified Cary3 (Varian)
absorption spectrophotometer as described elsewhere; this
instrument allows experiments in a pressure range from
atmospheric pressure to 500 MPa at temperatures between
)20 °Cand100°C [23]. The 4th derivative (4
D) absorb-
ance spectra were calculated fromthe corresponding
absorption spectra as described previously [23,24].
Unfolding degree calculations
The basic scheme for a denaturation reaction is N « D
where N and D are the native andthe denatured forms,
respectively. The method for determining the degree of
unfolding oftheprotein (a) was the same as reported
previously and was calculated either fromthe centre of
spectral mass (CSM) <m> for fluorescence measurement
or fromthe amplitude ofthe change at 293 nm in the 4thD
spectra [11]. The degree ofunfolding (a) was plotted against
pressure to draw theunfolding curve and to determine the
half-denaturation pressure, P
. The free energy and
standard volume change were calculated fromthe unfolding
curve according to the method of Li et al. [13]. The values of
DG were also estimated from half-denaturation pressure,
, according to:
DG ¼ 0:234 Â DV Â P
where P
is in MPa, DV in mLÆmol
and DGincalÆmol
respectively [11].
The free energy ofunfolding due to guanidine hydro-
chloride was calculated according to the Tanford method
Sucrose stabilizationofthe33-kDa protein
pressure-induced unfolding
Fig. 1 shows the degree of unfolding, a,ofthe33-kDa
protein plotted against pressure. The curves are shifted to
the higher pressures as thesucrose concentration is
increased. Consequently, P
is shifted from a minimum
of 118 MPa to 320 MPa at 1.47
sucrose. This indicates
that in the presence of sucrose, the33-kDaprotein is more
stable and is protected frompressure-induced denaturation.
DG ofunfolding is listed in Table 1. It increases as the
sucrose concentration increases. This observation is in good
agreement with the Timasheff model and with the results
reported by Frye and Royer for the xylose study on
Ó FEBS 2003 Stabilizationof33-kDaproteinofspinach PS IIagainst pressure unfolding (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) 1655
staphylococcal nuclease [18]. In contrast to the free energy,
DV is found to decrease with thesucrose addition. In the
absence of sucrose, DV is )120 mLÆmol
; it decreases to
53.7 mLÆmol
at 1.47
sucrose. The decrease in DV is
obviously dependent on thesucrose concentration. Fig. 2
shows that the change in DV reduction is a linear function of
the sucrose concentration (in osmolarity). However, the
linearity is not followed when the concentration is rather
high (1.47
DGandDV ofunfolding in the presence ofsucrose have
been also determined using 4thD spectra. The unfolding
curve oftheprotein in the presence of 0.83
obtained fromthe 4thD spectra (n)asshowninFig.1is
very close to that obtained fromthe tryptophan fluorescence
measurement (m). The free energy andthe standard volume
change are 3.94 kcalÆmol
and )66.1 mLÆmol
, in good
agreement with that obtained from fluorescence experi-
ments (3.9 kcalÆmol
and )72 mLÆmol
Stabilization effect of glycerol
Fig. 3 shows the effect ofglycerol on pressure-induced
unfolding ofthe33-kDa protein. When the glycerol
concentration is increased from 0 to 40%, the unfolding
curves shift to the higher pressures. P
increases from
118 MPa to 280 MPa (see Table 1). In 40% glycerol the
33-kDa protein is totally unfolded at about 400 MPa, a
value much higher than that observed in the absence of
glycerol (180 MPa). These results indicate that the glycerol,
like sucrose, stabilizes theproteinagainst pressure denatur-
ation. DG ofunfolding in the presence ofglycerol increases
from 3.5 to 5.3 kcalÆmol
(see Table 1); DG is dependent
on glycerol concentration. All of these results also provide
evidence supporting the Timasheff model [5]. DV of
unfolding decreases with increasing glycerol concentration
(see Table 1). It goes from )120 mLÆmol
glycerol) to )80.4 mLÆmol
(in 40%), giving results similar
to those obtained from experiments using sucrose. Import-
antly the decrease in DV seems to be associated with the
stabilization effect. It should be noticed that the 10%
glycerol concentration is an exception. Under this condition
the DV has a small increase (of % 8mLÆmol
), which is
similar to that observed in the staphylococcal nuclease study
[18]. They found a small increase in DV when xylose was
added. However, they found that the increase in DV is
independent ofthe xylose concentration. The linearity
between the reduction in DV andtheglycerol concentration
Denaturation ofthe33-kDaproteinby guanidine
To understand thesucroseandglycerol effects on the
stabilization of this proteinagainst pressure-induced
denaturation, guanidinium chloride (GdmCl)-induced
protein denaturation has been studied. Tryptophan fluor-
escence was used as a probe. Theunfolding curves are
respectively. Theunfolding curves are obviously shifted to
higher GdmCl concentrations when sucrose or glycerol
concentrations are increased. The free energy values are
listed in Table 1 and show a significant increase with the
sucrose or glycerol concentrations. This indicates that
Fig. 1. Theunfoldingofthe33-kDaprotein induced by hydrostatic
pressure in the presence of different sucrose concentrations. Curves from
left to right: 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.41, 0.83 and 1.47
sucrose, respectively.
The unfolding degrees (a) were calculated fromthe fluorescence
spectra oftheprotein excited at 295 nm or fromthe 4
Protein concentration for fluorescence and 4
D measurements:
0.1 mgÆmL
and 0.7 mgÆmL
, respectively, in 0.05
Mes buffer,
pH 6.0, 20 °C.
Table 1. Thermodynamic parameters for the33-kDaprotein unfolding. DG, obtained frompressure-induced unfolding; DG*, obtained from GdmCl-
induced unfolding; TP
*, obtained from calculation for the net increase in free energy; TP
** obtained from calculation for the net reduction of
the standard volume change. Reactions were performed at pH 6.0 and 20 °C.
No sucrose 3.5 )120.0 118 )2.6 118 118
sucrose 3.4 )118.9 118 – 115 119
sucrose 3.2 )103.5 130 )3.1 109 136
sucrose 3.6 )92.7 163 )3.3 121 152
sucrose 3.9 )72.0 234 )3.8 132 197
sucrose 4.0 )53.7 320 )4.6 135 264
10% glycerol 4.0 )128.3 132 )3.3 135 110
20% glycerol 4.3 )101.5 177 )4.7 144 140
30% glycerol 5.2 )89.0 248 )5.2 175 159
40% glycerol 5.3 )80.4 280 )5.7 178 176
1656 K. Ruan et al.(Eur. J. Biochem. 270) Ó FEBS 2003
both sucrose or glycerol can inhibit the chemical dena-
turation ofthe33-kDaproteinbythe GdmCl, according
to the preferential hydration around protein surface in
the presence ofthe stabilizers. The values of DG
obtained from either pressure- or GdmCl-induced unfold-
ing are very similar. Some differences in quantitative
values are observed (but they remain within a reasonable
range for the results collected from various experimental
methods). DGforthenative« denatured transition in
the absence of protectants is 2.6 kcalÆmol
, a value in
good agreement with those reported by Tanaka et al.
(2.8 kcalÆmol
The change in
is caused by effects on DG and D
, the pressure at which 50% oftheprotein is unfolded, is
a parameter often used to evaluate protein stability. The
higher is P
, the more stable is theprotein to pressure-
induced denaturation. P
is related both to DGandDV
according to:
¼ DG=DV or ln Kp ¼ DG þ P Ã DV=RT
From the above formulae, the change in P
caused by the
net variation in DG or bythe net standard change alone
(termed theoretical half unfolding pressure, TP
obtained. The TP
caused both bythe net increase in DG
and the net reduction of DV upon either sucrose or glycerol
addition were calculated and listed in Table 1. It was found
that the TP
* caused bythe net increases in DG were lower
than the experimental P
. Typically, the difference between
and TP
*isaslargeas% 185 MPa in the presence of
sucrose and 102 MPa in 40% glycerol (see Table 1).
Even when the rather large values of DG obtained in
GdmCl denaturation experiments were used for calculation,
sucrose and 192 MPa for 40%
glycerol) were still much lower than those obtained from
Fig. 2. The effect ofsucrose (m), glycerol (j)andsalt(d)onthe
standard volume change ofthe protein. The concentrations of the
additives are expressed in osmolarity.
Fig. 3. Theunfoldingofthe33-kDaprotein induced by hydrostatic
pressure in the presence of different glycerol concentrations (in volume).
Curves from left to right: 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%, respectively.
Other conditions as in Fig. 1.
Fig. 4. Theunfoldingofthe33-kDaprotein induced by GdmCl in the
presence of different sucrose concentrations. Other conditions as in
Fig. 1.
Fig. 5. Theunfoldingofthe33-kDaprotein induced by GdmCl in the
presence of different glycerol concentrations (in volume). Other condi-
Ó FEBS 2003 Stabilizationof33-kDaproteinofspinach PS IIagainst pressure unfolding (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) 1657
measurements (320 MPa and 280 MPa, respectively). This
indicates that the net increase in free energy upon sucrose or
glycerol addition cannot explain totally the protection
effect—other factors are certainly involved. Meanwhile
it was found that the theoretical changes in TP
calculated fromthe net reduction of DV were larger. In
** values calculated from the
DV measurements were larger than the values calculated
from the net increase in DG. Meanwhile, in the case of
glycerol the TP
** values calculated from both DV and
DG were close to each other. These observations indicate
that the reduction in DV probably plays an important role in
the sucrose or glycerolprotein protection against pressure
Effects ofsucroseandglycerol on the kinetics of the
pressure induced proteinunfoldingand refolding
The unfoldingand refolding kinetics in the presence of
either 0.83
sucrose or 30% glycerol have been investi-
gated using positive and negative pressure jumps (Figs 6
and 7). Fluorescence intensity was monitored at 350 nm
[11]. A single exponential was fit to the data (solid lines); the
curves showed a rather slow, two-state transition processes.
The corresponding relaxation times for theprotein unfolding
and refolding in the presence of both 0.83
sucrose and
30% glycerol are listed in Table 2. Compared with the
kinetics oftheprotein unfolding–refolding measured with-
out additive where both are about 100 s [11], sucrose and
glycerol slow both the folding andunfolding rates. It was
also found that the presence ofsucrose or glycerol induced
an unfolding relaxation time significantly longer than that
for the refolding reaction. For sucrose, the unfolding
relaxation time is 2.5 times longer than refolding, and, for
glycerol it is 1.5 times longer. The actual data suggest that
the rather slow unfolding rate could be associated with the
sucrose andglycerolstabilization effect.
Our goal is to understand how high hydrostatic pressure
induces the refolding of proteins and how sugars and salts
influence this refolding. To this end, we used the effects of
both hydrostatic pressure and osmotic pressure as probes
[26]. As mentioned in the introduction, the stabilization
mechanism of these agents has been attributed to a protein
preferential hydration mechanism as proposed by Timasheff
[5] or by an osmotic stress [27] where, mathematically, the
two mechanisms cannot be distinguished [28].
In a very well documented paper, Parsegian et al.[28]
indicated that there has been much confusion about the
relative merits of different approaches, osmotic stress,
preferential interaction (i.e. preferential hydration), and
crowding, to describe the indirect effect of solutes on
macromolecular conformations and reactions. The two first
mechanisms (and crowding) cannot be distinguished as they
are derived fromthe same solution theory. In the prefer-
ential hydration model proposed by Timasheff, both the
chemical nature andthe size ofthe solute determine water
exclusion fromtheprotein surfaces [5]. Osmotic stress
emphasizes the role ofthe water that is necessarily included
if solutes are excluded [28], dealing also with the movement
of water molecules [27].
Upon addition of solutes (in the present case, stabilizers),
surface tension around theprotein changes because of water
exclusion. Consequently, theprotein free energy increases,
resulting in protein stabilization. However, the question is
Table 2. Relaxation time ofunfoldingand refolding ofthe protein
induced by pressure (times obtained fromthe data in Figs 6 and 7).
Sample condition
Relaxation time (s)
Unfolding Folding
0% Glycerol, 0
sucrose 125 100
30% Glycerol 360 145
Sucrose 276 175
Fig. 6. Kinetics ofthepressure-inducedunfoldingand refolding of the
33-kDa protein in the presence of 0.83
sucrose. Curve A for a pressure
jump from 100 MPa to 180 MPa. Curve B for a pressure jump from
180 MPa to 100 MPa. Solid lines are the fitted curves. Protein con-
centration: 0.1 mgÆmL
in 0.05
Mesbuffer,pH6.0,20°C. Exci-
tation wavelength, 295 nm; emission wavelength, 350 nm.
Fig. 7. Kinetics ofthepressure-inducedunfoldingand refolding of the
33-kDa protein in the presence of 30% glycerol. Otherconditionsasin
Fig. 6.
1658 K. Ruan et al.(Eur. J. Biochem. 270) Ó FEBS 2003
still open: how do additives protect proteins from pressure
denaturation and what is the best model with which to
interpret these effects? Frye and Royer reported that xylose
can protect staphylococcal nuclease from pressure-induced
unfolding mainly by increasing theprotein free energy [18].
The present results show that both sucroseand glycerol
increase theprotein free energy, resulting in a stabilization
effect. However, we also found that the contribution from
theincreaseinDG is only a part of whole stabilization effect.
The stabilization effect is actually stronger than that
expected according to the preferential hydration model,
implying that the model is insufficient to fully interpret the
observations. It is more in keeping with the osmotic
formulations [26,27]. The calculated standard volume
changes decreasing (in absolute value) with both the sucrose
and glycerol concentrations show an important contribu-
tion to stabilization. Most studies concerning protein
stabilization effects are not associated with the hydrostatic
pressure denaturation. Consequently, theprotein volume
change (DV) and its variation is not usually taken into
consideration. This parameter is usually inaccessible when
the experiments have been achieved using only chemical
denaturation. However, as pointed out above, for pressure-
induced protein unfolding, DV is an important variable
which governs the folding–unfolding equilibrium when
pressure is applied (for a recent review see [6]). The variation
in DV influences the folding–unfolding equilibrium accord-
ing to Le Chatelier’s principle. The reduction in DV (in
absolute value), favoured by folding, will shift the equilib-
rium to the native state, there by resulting in a protective
effect for thepressure-inducedprotein unfolding. On the
other hand, the formula P
¼ DG/DV indicates, from a
mathematical point of view, that either an increase in DGor
a decrease in DV will increase P
and, consequently,
protect the protein. It is the cooperative effects of the
increase in DG andthe reduction in DV that protect the
33-kDa proteinfrompressure-inducedunfoldingby addi-
tion ofsucroseand glycerol.
A reduction in DV, resulting fromthe addition of either
sucrose or glycerol has been observed for other systems. In
1989, Ruan and Weber reported that glycerol can protect
glyceraldehydephosphate dehydrogenase from pressure-
induced dissociation mainly bythe reduction in DV [29].
They found that 10% and 25% glycerol could reduce the
DV from 230 mLÆmol
to 143 mLÆmol
and 86 mLÆmol
respectively. Oliviera et al. also reported that glycerol
reduces the DV of Arc repressor resulting in a protein
stabilization [30]. With the actual results and data from the
literature, it is difficult to make a generalization. However,
we suggest that the stabilizing effects ofsucroseand glycerol
should be attributed to the effects on both DV and DG. The
reduction in DV caused by these stabilizers is not the same
for all proteins. For staphylococcal nuclease, the standard
volume change shows a small increase upon xylose addition
(smaller than 10%), suggesting that theprotein is stabilized
mainly by increasing DG[18].
Concerning the origin ofthe DV reduction, we think that
many factors could be involved. First of all, as pointed out
in a recent review by Taulier and Chalikian [31], the
compressibility ofprotein transitions must be taken into
consideration. In their paper they analyzed the compres-
sibility changes accompanying conformational transitions
of globular proteins in conjunction with the role of
hydration. In the present work, the pressure-induced
unfolding ofthe33-kDaprotein is a two-state equilibrium
[11] where the detection of any transient intermediates (such
as molten-globule like intermediates) can be excluded. It is
possible to calculate changes in isothermal compressibility
) associated with thepressure-induced denaturation
[11]. Assuming that the change in DV depends only very
slightly on both sucroseand glycerol, a specific change in
compressibility of Dk
¼ )1 · 10
can be
calculated. This value is within the range of compressibility
changes accompanying protein denaturation as listed in
[31]. However, Dk
for most proteins studied so far is
positive; we have no evidence to show that Dk
for the
33 k-Da protein is negative. On the other hand, the
assumption that DV depends only slightly on adducts is
not fully support by experiments as the DV, in absence of
any adduct is )120 mLÆmol
, a value which can be
modulated (higher or lower) depending on the nature of
the adduct (this work, and [11]). Even with a negative Dk
the question of why the isothermal compressibility of the
protein in the absence of adducts becomes negative, is still
open. At this stage, further pressure-related studies on a
larger set of globular proteins are required to determine the
validity of each ofthe possible explanations [31].
The contraction ofthe protein–solvent interface caused by
the increase in chemical potential is accomplished by water
release from inside the protein, which consequently increases
the core density [32]. The additives could significantly reduce
the volume oftheprotein interior [33]. The preferential
hydration oftheprotein when compounds are present leads
to some protein conformational changes associated with
variations in the apparent volume. Additionally, the reduc-
tion in DV might be the result of osmotic stress which could
be, for the present data, the result ofthe exclusion of the
adducts fromtheprotein core [27]. Sucroseandglycerol as
osmolytes can induce an osmotic stress between the bulk
solvent andthe water in the cleft or core ofthe protein
[26,34,35]. Consequently, the water can be removed from the
cleft (or cavity). In any event, it is necessary to consider effects
not on theprotein alone, but on the complete system. In
Fig. 2, the reductions in DV are plotted against osmolarity of
the added agents (data from previous work [11] is included).
In both conditions, it was found that the DV reductions are
linearly proportional to the osmolarity. Moreover, the slopes
of the curves are obviously different, meaning that the ability
to reduce the DV bythe additives is different: sucrose has the
strongest effect, glycerolthe weakest. This may be related to
the extent to which the additives have access to the protein
interior. The strength of osmotic stress close to the cleft or
cavity in protein is dependent on both the molecular size and
on the concentration ofthe osmolyte, but alsodepends on the
so-called Ôsemipermeable membraneÕ (or ÔchannelsÕ as defined
by Parsegian et al. [27]) which is determined bythe protein
itself [35]. Thesucrose molecular size is larger than that of
sodium and chloride ions; it will be more excluded on the
basis of size. Sucrose has a stronger effect compared to NaCl
at the same osmolarity, because the Ôsemipermeable mem-
braneÕ oftheprotein surface might be more effective at
excluding sucrose. For glycerol, the situation is more
complicated because glycerol can also bind to the protein
Ó FEBS 2003 Stabilizationof33-kDaproteinofspinach PS IIagainst pressure unfolding (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) 1659
In Fig. 8, the standard volume change has been plotted as
a function ofthe reciprocal osmolarity values of NaCl and
sucrose. For thesucrose curve, the extrapolation up to zero (a
value at which the osmolarity is infinite), the standard
volume change oftheprotein is )43 mLÆmol
which might
be the DV minimum oftheprotein (or ofthe system: protein,
solvent and sucrose) in the presence of sucrose. From this
value, the P
of theprotein was estimated to be % 400 MPa
according to the formula reported above. DG was supposed
to be 4.0 kcalÆmol
(estimated fromthe free energy of the
protein in presence of either 0.87
or 1.43
sucrose: 3.9 and
3.95 kcalÆmol
, respectively). The behaviour in the presence
of NaCl is qualitatively similar (see Fig. 8).
Another interesting phenomenon concerning the signifi-
cant decrease in DV is the observation that the presence of
either sucrose or glycerol did not cause any protein
conformational changes. In the fluorescence measurements,
as well as in the CD and in the 4thD absorption, the protein
spectra were almost the same in presence or in absence of
additives. A recent report of Twist et al. about the effect of
sucrose andglycerol on the environment of two tryptophan
residues in apomyoglobin provides a clue to explain this
phenomenon [36]. They found that the environment of Trp7
was obviously affected by these compounds, whereas the
other one nearby Trp14 was not influenced. There is only a
single tryptophan residue in the33-kDa protein. We
speculate that this behaves like those of Trp14 in apo-
In conclusion, we would like to stress that the fundamental
principles from in vitro folding experiments have practical
application in understanding the pathology of diseases of
protein misfolding. High pressure, associated with the
action of either denaturant and/or other chemical adducts,
is an interesting tool to denature, aggregate, or disaggregate
proteins, offering a number of unique advantages [6]. To
this end, we must mention the first very recent publications
which appear in the field of prion proteins where high
pressure is used as a new approach to identify several
conformers [37–40].
This work was supported by a grant from National Natural Science
Foundation of China and a grant from INSERM/Academia China
(K. R. and C. B.). R. L. thanks the Gis-Prion andthe HSFP for
financial assistance. The authors warmly thank Prof J. Kornblatt
(Concordia University, Canada) for fruitful discussions and critical
comments. We thank also one referee who pointed out the problem of
relationship between denaturation and compressibility.
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Ó FEBS 2003 Stabilizationof33-kDaproteinofspinach PS IIagainst pressure unfolding (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) 1661
. The thermodynamic analysis of protein stabilization by sucrose and glycerol against pressure-induced unfolding The typical example of the 33-kDa protein from spinach photosystem II Kangcheng. 4. The unfolding of the 33-kDa protein induced by GdmCl in the presence of different sucrose concentrations. Other conditions as in Fig. 1. Fig. 5. The unfolding of the 33-kDa protein induced by. role in the sucrose or glycerol protein protection against pressure denaturation. Effects of sucrose and glycerol on the kinetics of the pressure induced protein unfolding and refolding The unfolding