Hyperthermalstabilityofneuroglobinand cytoglobin
Djemel Hamdane
, Laurent Kiger
, Sylvia Dewilde
, Julien Uzan
, Thorsten Burmester
Thomas Hankeln
, Luc Moens
and Michael C Marden
1 Inserm U473, Le Kremlin-Bice
tre, France
2 Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Antwerp, Belgium
3 Institute of Zoology, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany
4 Institute of Molecular Genetics, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany
Neuroglobin (Ngb) andcytoglobin (Cygb) have been
identified recently [1–3] as new globins in vertebrates.
Ngb is predominately expressed in certain regions of
the brain as well as in some endocrine tissues [1,4] and
at a higher level in the retina [5], whereas Cygb is
expressed in all tissues. Although sequence analysis
reveals little similarity with hemoglobin (Hb) and myo-
globin (Mb), Ngb and Cygb share many of the charac-
teristics of the globins such as reversible oxygen
binding and the overall three-dimensional globin fold
[6–8]. In the absence of external ligands such as oxy-
gen, Ngb and Cygb are hexa-coordinated with a bis-
histidyl heme [9].
The primary functions of Ngb and Cygb remain
unknown, but some hypotheses have been suggested
[9–11]. Expression of Ngb increases in cultures of neu-
rons under hypoxic conditions, and it appears that Ngb
may protect cells against hypoxia [12,13]. Thus Ngb
may have a Mb-like function, supplying the respiratory
chain of neuronal mitochondria with O
[1,5]. Cygb
may be a signaling or sensor protein [14], and may be
involved in collagen synthesis or in the protection
against reactive oxygen species [15]. Other physiological
roles, however, such as electron transfer, peroxidase
activity, NO binding or NO detoxification, as observed
for other hemoproteins, are still conceivable.
Unique in the globin family, Ngb and Cygb possess
cysteine residues capable of forming a disulfide bond
[16]. Reduction of the disulfide bond in Ngb increases
the affinity for the distal histidine by a factor of nearly
cytoglobin; disulfide bond; ligand kinetics;
neuroglobin; protein melting temperature
M. C. Marden, Inserm U473, 78 rue du
General Leclerc, 94275 Le Kremlin-Bice
E-mail: marden@kb.inserm.fr
(Received 6 December 2004, revised 14
February 2005, accepted 1 March 2005)
Neuroglobin (Ngb) andcytoglobin (Cygb), recent additions to the globin
family, display a hexa-coordinated (bis-histidyl) heme in the absence of
external ligands. Although these proteins have the classical globin fold they
reveal a very high thermal stability with a melting temperature (T
100 °C for Ngb and 95 °C for Cygb. Moreover, flash photolysis experi-
ments at high temperatures reveal that Ngb remains functional at 90 °C.
Human Ngb may have a disulfide bond in the CD loop region; reduction
of the disulfide bond increases the affinity of the iron atom for the distal
(E7) histidine, and leads to a 3 °C increase in the T
for ferrous Ngb. A
similar T
is found for a mutant of human Ngb without cysteines. Appar-
ently, the disulfide bond is not involved directly in protein stability, but
may influence the stability indirectly because it modifies the affinity of the
distal histidine. Mutation of the distal histidine leads to lower thermal sta-
bility, similar to that for other globins. Only globins with a high affinity of
the distal histidine show the very high thermal stability, indicating that sta-
ble hexa-coordination is necessary for the enhanced thermal stability; the
CD loop which contains the cysteines appears as a critical region in
the neuroglobin thermal stability, because it may influence the affinity of
the distal histidine.
Cygb, cytoglobin; GdmCl, guanidinium chloride; Hb, hemoglobin; Mb, myoglobin; Ngb, neuroglobin; T
, melting temperature.
2076 FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 2076–2084 ª 2005 FEBS
10; it has therefore been hypothesized that reduction
of the SS bridge may promote oxygen release [16].
Proteins, and particularly enzymes, are generally
quite sensitive to environmental changes, e.g. elevated
temperatures, due to highly cooperative unfolding [17].
However, there are some exceptions such as those
found in extreme thermophilic microorganisms. Com-
parison of the protein structure from mesophiles and
thermophiles has allowed some explanation of thermo-
stability based on small solvent-exposed surface area
[18], increased packing density [19–21], core hydro-
phobicity [22], decreased surface loop length [21], and
the generation of salt bridges or hydrogen bonds
betweens polar residues [23–25]. The affinity of apo-
globin for heme or the orientation of the heme in the
pocket cavity may play a major role in the stability of
the holoprotein [26]. In general, few proteins are stable
above 80 °C; examples are calcium-binding proteins
such as calmodulin or troponin C with T
for the Ca-bound form [27].
The visible spectrum of dithionite-reduced Ngb, Cygb,
and Drosophila Hb showed characteristic absorption
maxima of hexa-coordinated (bis-histidyl) species [3,9,
28]. We observed enhanced absorption of the alpha
band at 560 nm, a signature of the hexa-coordinated
The far-ultraviolet circular dichroism spectrum (190–
250 nm) of ferric Ngb was typical of the globin family
(Fig. 1) showing mainly an alpha helical secondary
structure, in agreement with the X-ray structure [6].
The spectra for native Ngb had negative bands at 208
and 222 nm (Fig. 1), as expected for a high percentage
of alpha helix. Analysis of the secondary structure of
Ngb gave 78% alpha helix and 22% of other forms,
similar to HbA which was used as a control. The spec-
trum for Cygb showed slightly less alpha helix, as
expected if the extra residues ( 20 at each extremity)
are not helical.
Human Ngb has cysteine residues at positions 46
(CD7), 55 (D5) and 120 (G19). The cysteines CD7 and
D5 (Fig. 2), may form a disulfide bond within the CD
loop [16]. However, in mouse Ngb there are only two
cysteine residues (D5 and G19) and thus no intradisul-
fide bond is present. A similar circular dichroism spec-
trum was observed for mutant Ngb without cysteine
residues (triple mutation C46G C55S C120S, which we
refer to as CCC fi GSS), and for the mutant with
modified distal (E7) residue (data not shown). These
experiments suggest that the wild-type and mutant Ngb
proteins are correctly folded to the structure typical of
Thermal denaturation
Changes in the far-UV circular dichroism signal at
222.6 nm were used to follow the thermal unfolding.
The circular dichroism spectra vs. temperature revealed
a high thermal stability for Ngb and Cygb. The melt-
ing profiles are shown in Figs 3–6.
The melting temperature (T
) for human Ngb was
100 °C for the ferrous form, 20 °C higher than that
for horse heart myoglobin (Mb). The mutant of
Fig. 1. Circular dichroism spectra in the far-UV region of human
Ngb (…), human Cygb (——), and human HbA (– – –) at 25 °Cin
M phosphate buffer at pH 7.
Fig. 2. Crystallographic structure of human Ngb mutant CCC fi
GSS (6). The hexa-coordination by the E7 (65) and F8 (97) histidines
helps stabilize the protein. The sites for the cysteines (CD7 and D5)
are shown in green; the disulfide bond (which decreases the E7
histidine affinity) decreases the melting temperature slightly, indica-
ting an indirect effect on the stability.
D. Hamdane et al. Thermal stabilityof neuroglobin
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human Ngb without cysteines (CCC fi GSS) or sam-
ples of Ngb with dithiothreitol (to break the disulfide
bond, Fig. 3) or mouse Ngb (which does not have the
internal disulfide bond) had a T
value > 100 °C
(Table 1). This would suggest that Ngb without the di-
sulfide bond is the most stable form. Because loss of
the disulfide bond in human Ngb increases the affinity
of the distal histidine (Table 1), the protein stability
may depend more directly on the hexa-coordination
rather than the disulfide bond.
The state of the iron atom may also influence T
(Fig. 4). For all species studied, we observed that the
deoxy form was the most stable (Table 1). The T
value of the deoxy ferrous species was obtained after
incubation of protein in dithionite under nitrogen.
Note that a rapid autoxidation at high temperatures
may prevent measurements on samples that remain
fully ferrous. The fact that ligands CO or CN
decrease the T
also suggests that the most stable form
is that in which the protein forms a sort of clamp
Fig. 3. Effect of the cysteine bridge of human Ngb on the thermal
stability. The melting temperature, corresponding to the peak of
this curve of the first derivative of the circular dichroism signal vs.
temperature, is shifted to higher values when the disulfide bond is
broken with dithiothreitol or for the mutant without cysteines.
Experiments were performed in 10 m
M phosphate at pH 7 for ferric
human Ngb (d), Ngb with 0.5 m
M dithiothreitol under nitrogen (j),
and the ferric mutant (CCC fi GSS) without cysteines (– –).
mouse Ngb
Temperature (°C)
80 85 90 95 100 105
Fig. 4. Melting profiles (fraction unfolded f
vs. temperature) of
mouse Ngb for different ligation states. Experimental conditions
were 1 m
M phosphate buffer at pH 7 (at 25 °C). Smooth curves are
simulations for a two state transition, as described in Experimental
Temperature (°C)
60 70 80 90 100
Fig. 5. Melting profiles of ferric hexa-coordinated globins. The frac-
tion unfolded f
vs. temperature is shown for Drosophila Hb (r),
Mb (d), human Ngb (m), the mutant CCC fi GSS of human Ngb
(.) and Mb (d). Experimental conditions were 1 m
M phosphate
buffer at pH 7 (at 25 °C).
[Guanidinium-chloride] (M)
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Tm (°C)
40 60 80 100
temperature (°C)
human Ngb
Fig. 6. Dependence of the melting temperature T
on [guanidinium
chloride] for wt human Ngb and the triple mutant CCC fi GSS. The
(Table 1) was obtained by extrapolation to 0 M of guanidinium
chloride. The insert shows the thermal unfolding curve of human
Ngb at three concentrations of guanidinium chloride, in 10 m
phosphate at pH 7.
Thermal stabilityofneuroglobin D. Hamdane et al.
2078 FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 2076–2084 ª 2005 FEBS
around the heme group via the bis-histidyl binding to
the heme group. Furthermore, the decrease in T
binding the external ligand could be underestimated at
high temperature due to oxidation or loss of the exter-
nal ligand.
Cygb and the globin from Drosophila are also hexa-
coordinated [2,3,28] and show various degrees of
enhanced stability (Fig. 5, Table 1). Cygb has an affin-
ity for the distal histidine 2.5-fold lower than human
Ngb and exhibits a T
5 °C lower than human Ngb.
A similar, but larger, effect was observed for the glo-
bin of Drosophila, in which the affinity of the distal
histidine is 14 times lower and the T
is decreased by
24 °C relative to human Ngb. The very high stability
requires the hexa-coordinated state; for these cases the
may exceed 100 °C, and additional curves were
measured at different concentrations of guanidinium
chloride (Fig. 6) to better determine the T
Replacement of the distal histidine by valine, leucine
or glutamine in mouse Ngb leads to a loss of the
enhanced alpha absorption band in the deoxy form,
characteristic of the internal residue coordination (data
not shown). Relative to wild-type mouse Ngb, the sin-
gle mutation E7L in mouse Ngb caused a decrease of
20 °C in thermostability, again suggesting a critical role
for His E7 in the enhanced thermal stabilityof Ngb.
Certain mutations of the distal histidine in Mb and Hb
lead to instability linked to a higher autoxidation rate
and ⁄ or heme loss. Note that the E7 mutants are stable
with regard to O
binding, indicating that the mutation
does not affect the pocket to a large extent.
Although the thermal denaturation was irreversible for
human Hb, we observed a significant thermal reversi-
bility for mouse and human Ngb, and human Cygb.
The loss in helical content was 15%, estimated by the
difference at 222 nm between the initial and final circu-
lar dichroism spectra at 25 °C after the temperature
cycle to 100 °C (data not shown). The reversibility was
also tested by the absorption spectra (Fig. 7) and by
flash photolysis kinetics (Fig. 8). Ngb maintains a high
Table 1. Melting temperature (T
) and histidine affinity (K
⁄ k
) for hexa-coordinated globins.
(°C) K
⁄ K
Disulfide bond
Human Ngb (yes) 100 280
Human Ngb + dithiothreitol (no) 103 3300
Human Ngb CCC fi GSS (no) 103 4500
Ferric human Ngb (yes) 97 45
Ferric human Ngb CCC fi GSS (no) 101 428
Iron state
Ferrous mouse Ngb CO 95
Ferric mouse Ngb CN
Ferrous mouse Ngb (His) 103 2000
Ferric mouse Ngb (His) 100 137
Variable (E7) His affinity
Human Ngb CCC fi GSS 103 4500
Human Ngb (with disulfide bond) 100 280
Human Cygb 95 110
Drosophila Hb 76 18
Mouse Ngb His (E7) fi Leu 80 _
Horse heart Mb 81 < < 1
Human HbCO 71 < < 1
Fig. 7. Absorption spectra of ferrous human Ngb with dithiothreitol
(to break the disulfide bridge) at 25 °C (solid line), after 5 min incu-
bated at 90 °C, and finally at 25 °C after the temperature cycle (s).
The spectrum for ferric human Ngb (with Soret band at 413 nm) is
also shown.
time (sec)
human Ngb-CO
Fig. 8. Ligand rebinding kinetics for human Ngb at temperatures
from 25 to 90 °C for samples equilibrated under 0.1 atm (100 l
CO, in 100 m
M phosphate buffer at pH 7.
D. Hamdane et al. Thermal stabilityof neuroglobin
FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 2076–2084 ª 2005 FEBS 2079
percentage ( 85%) of its initial characteristics after
the temperature cycle, whereas Mb shows 70%; the
fraction of functional HbA after the temperature cycle
was only 20%.
The shape of thermal denaturation curves of the
various globins may differ, suggesting different mecha-
nisms or degrees of cooperativity for the unfolding
transition. Classical denaturation between two states
results a cooperative denaturation with a maximum
slope at T
. The enthalpy of denaturation DH
Ngb and horse heart Mb was 72 and 110 kcalÆmol
respectively. Cytoglobinand the globin of Drosophila
have lower values of DH
, 60 and 53 kcalÆmol
respectively. Note that human Hb and Cygb are tetra-
meric and dimeric, respectively, and may involve a
more complicated mechanism including subunit disso-
Ligand-binding kinetics
The circular dichroism spectra show that the protein is
still correctly folded at elevated temperatures, but do
not provide much information about protein function.
We studied ligand binding using flash photolysis to see
whether Ngb was functional at extreme temperatures.
The kinetics after CO photodissociation showed a bi-
phasic curve. The rapid phase corresponds to compet-
itive CO and His E7 association, whereas the slower
phase is the replacement of the E7 His by CO.
The kinetics for human Ngb at different tempera-
tures, up to 90 °C, are shown in Fig. 8. The kinetic
curves show a steady progression vs. temperature, indi-
cating that there is no major change in the basic ligand-
binding properties. The increase in temperature leads to
an increase in the amplitude of the slow phase, indica-
ting that higher temperatures favor His vs. CO rebind-
ing; that is, the histidine association rate (k
) has a
higher activation energy than that for CO (Table 2).
Competition with the internal histidine ligand
decreases the affinity for external ligands such as CO:
1 þ K
1 þ k
From the kinetic curves vs. [CO], one can extract three
of the rate parameters; the CO off rate must be deter-
mined independently. Equilibrium studies allow an
independent measure of the shift in observed affinity
due to the histidine.
Cyanide affinity
The absorption difference spectrum in the visible
region of ferric Ngb and cyanide derivative are shown
Fig. 9. The maximum absorption of ferric Ngb occurs
at 413 nm (Fig. 7). Cyanide binding to ferric Ngb
leads to a red shift in the Soret band; peak absorption
is seen at 416 nm for the mutant Ngb without cyste-
ines, and 417 nm for species with the disulfide bond.
The fraction saturation was calculated from the spec-
tral difference, and the titration curve (Fig. 9 insert)
gives a linear Hill plot.
The affinity of cyanide for ferric Ngb was much
lower than for Mb (Table 1), indicating competition
by the distal histidine, as in the ferrous form. The
affinity for cyanide was higher for mutant forms with-
out the distal histidine. For human Ngb without cys-
teine residues, the CN
affinity was lower, suggesting a
higher affinity for the competing histidine, as observed
in the ferrous form. Based on the shift in the CN
affinity, one can estimate the histidine affinity for the
Table 2. Activation and binding energies for CO binding to human
His (kcalÆmol
) CO (kcalÆmol
Human Ngb 11 24 13 5.5 10 4.5 ) 9.5
Horse heart Mb 7.5 16 8.5 8.5
A value of )10 (± 3) kcalÆmol
was determined from equilibrium
studies. Experimental conditions were 100 m
M phosphate buffer at
pH 7.0, in the presence of 5 m
M dithiothreitol.
wavelength (nm)
300 400 500 600
1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6
LOG (Y/1-Y)
human Ngb
428 nm
409 nm
Fig. 9. Absorption difference spectra at various cyanide concentra-
tions, relative to the ferric Ngb form (without cyanide). The spectra
were measured at room temperature in 100 m
M potassium phos-
phate at pH 8. The insert shows the Hill plot of cyanide binding to
ferric Ngb. The shift to a lower CN
affinity for Ngb without the
disulfide bond is similar to that for oxygen in the ferrous form.
Thermal stabilityofneuroglobin D. Hamdane et al.
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ferric form; however, this requires a valid reference
point. Combining the ferrous and ferric data, there is a
definite relationship between T
and the estimated his-
tidine affinity (Table 1): enhanced stability occurs only
for high histidine affinities.
Another consequence of the ligand competition is
that the affinity of external ligands such as O
or CO
shows a weak dependence on temperature [29].
Although the individual ligand-binding parameters
show typical binding energies, the overall observed
binding energy depends on the energy difference
between the external (e.g. O
) and the endogenous pro-
tein ligands. The binding energies for histidine partially
compensate those for oxygen, resulting in a lower
overall temperature dependence of the observed oxy-
gen affinity [29]. In the case of CO, the internal ligand
more than compensates the changes vs. temperature
[29,30], leading to a reverse temperature dependence;
that is, the observed CO affinity is higher at higher
temperatures (Fig. 10). The hexa-coordinated globins
are thus characterized by a high thermal stability and
a weak temperature dependence for the binding of
external ligands.
Ngb and Cygb show an unusually high T
relative to
other hemoproteins. In addition, Ngb did not lose its
functional properties or precipitate over the tempera-
ture cycle. After photodissociation of CO, the ligand-
binding kinetics remained biphasic and showed only a
progressive change over the entire temperature range.
The spectral and kinetic data indicate that Ngb
remained stable and functional at such high tempera-
One possible explanation for the enhanced stability
was the disulfide bond. However, reduction with
dithiothreitol to break the bond, or mutations without
cysteine residues, showed even higher stability (Fig. 3,
Table 1). Furthermore, external ligands such as CO
(or CN
for the ferric form) decreased the stability
(Table 1). This points to the hexa-coordination by the
distal histidine as the dominant factor. In fact, only
the globins with a significant histidine affinity (> 10)
showed enhanced stability.
The hexa-coordination is thus necessary for the ther-
mal stability. Considering the globins with a high histi-
dine affinity (Table 1), there was a general trend of T
with K
. The histidine affinity is not known for the
ferric forms; however, one can estimate this parameter
based on the decrease in CN
affinity due to ligand
competition; assuming this relation, the ferric globins
also show higher stability with higher histidine affinity
(lower CN
affinity). Note that the same mechanism
appears to occur for both ferrous and ferric proteins:
breaking the disulfide bond increases the histidine
affinity, thereby decreasing the observed affinities for
external ligands; loss of the disulfide bond leads to a
affinity that is lower by a factor of 7, compared
with a factor of 8 for the oxygen affinity in the ferrous
form. Mouse or human Ngb (without the disulfide
bond) show the highest stability, with K
> 1000 at 25 °C.
Thermal unfolding does not require a significant
amount of the penta-coordinated form. Based on the
absorption spectra, the hexa-coordinated form remains
/ T ( /K)
300 310 320 330 340 350 360
ln (K
Fig. 10. (A) Arrhenius plot for the equilibrium binding coefficient for
CO, based on kinetic parameters. Sample conditions were 100 m
phosphate buffer at pH 7.0, in the presence of 5 mM dithiothreitol.
While Mb shows the classic positive value of DE (8 kcalÆmol
indicating a higher affinity at lower temperatures, Ngb shows a
negative value ()10 kcalÆmol
) due to the fact that the competing
protein ligand (E7 histidine) more than compensates the intrinsic
binding energy. (B) The energy diagram for competitive CO and his-
tidine binding to human Ngb.
D. Hamdane et al. Thermal stabilityof neuroglobin
FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 2076–2084 ª 2005 FEBS 2081
the major form at the T
. The histidine is still 90%
bound at 90 °C. Because the enthalpy of the dissoci-
ation is greater than that of association, the histidine
binding coefficient K ¼ k
⁄ k
decreases at higher
temperatures. Once a significant fraction of the penta-
coordinated form is present, unfolding occurs.
Based on the data shown in Table 1, one can pro-
vide some elements of the relationship between T
the histidine affinity. First, a high histidine affinity is
necessary for the hyperstability. The data indicate a
transition from a normal T
of 75 °C to a value of
> 100 °C for forms with a tightly bound histidine. A
value for K
of at least 10 is needed to see a shift in
, indicating that unfolding occurs when a significant
percentage of the penta-coordinated form is present.
Between these limits the T
increases monotonically
with the histidine affinity. Hexa-coordination would
seem to act as a protein clamp around the heme
(Fig. 2), thus stabilizing the overall structure. The
mutation of the Ngb cysteines implicated in the disul-
fide bridge increases the affinity of the E7 His [16],
and thereby induces a 5 °C increase in T
with wild-type Ngb. The high thermal stability is
apparently related to the affinity for distal histidine;
the disulfide bridge has an effect on the stability
mainly when it changes the histidine affinity.
The need for thermal stability in human Ngb is not
obvious, unless a slow turnover of nerve cells requires
an enhanced stabilityof certain proteins. Other organ-
isms such as plants or insects might profit from both
the stabilityand the weak temperature dependence of
the oxygen affinity. These features may have been crit-
ical for the survival of ancient globins under more
severe and fluctuating environmental conditions, and
the high sequence homology has simply conserved
these features as well.
Experimental procedures
Recombinant globins
Expression cloning and purification of Ngb were performed
as described previously [9]. Human Cygb cDNA in the
expression plasmid pET3a [2] was expressed under the same
conditions except that d-amino-laevulinic acid was omitted.
Expressed Cygb was purified from inclusion bodies using
the procedure described by Geuens et al. [14]. Reconstruc-
tion of native Cygb from the apoprotein was undertaken
by adding a 1.4-fold excess of hemin, followed by dialysis
against 50 mm Tris ⁄ HCl at pH 8.5. After reconstruction,
the solution was cleared by low (10 000 g; 30 min) and
high (105 000 g; 60 min) speed centrifugation. Final purifi-
cation of Cygb was performed by gel filtration using a
Sephacryl S200 column equilibrated in 50 mm Tris ⁄ HCl at
pH 8.5.
The recombinant globins were further purified on an
FPLC Akta Purifier (Amersham Bioscience, Uppsala, Swe-
den) using a Hitrap DEAE Sepharose Fast Flow column
[16]. The ferrous form was obtained by addition of sodium
dithionite after equilibration under nitrogen. Proteins with
reduced cysteines were obtained by incubation with 10 mm
dithiothreitol for 24 h.
Ligand-binding kinetics
UV and visible spectra measurements were carried out with
a HP8453 or Varian Cary 400 spectrophotometer. Laser
flash photolysis and stopped-flow rapid mixing, the methods
used to assess hexa-coordination and bimolecular CO and
rate constants, have been described previously [9]. Photo-
lysis was performed with 10 ns pulses at 532 nm. Detection
of the sample absorption was in the Soret band, typically at
436 nm. Samples from 1 to 10 lm were in 4 · 10 mm quartz
cuvettes. The samples were 7 lm (on a heme basis) in
100 mm potassium phosphate at pH 7.
Analysis of the kinetics was performed by numerical
integration of the differential equations for the transition
between the three species: (penta-coordinated) Fe, Fe–CO,
and Fe–His [29]. Simulation of a series of curves at differ-
ent CO concentrations allows a determination of the CO
on rate, and the histidine on and off rates. The CO off rate
was independently determined by replacement of CO by
oxygen or NO.
Cyanide titration
Spectrometric titrations of Ngb were carried out in quartz
cuvettes on a Varian Cary 50 spectrophotometer. Cyanide
titration was performed in 6 lm samples in 100 mm potas-
sium phosphate buffer at pH 8 at room temperature. The
titrating solution was 100 mm KCN in the same buffer.
The KCN concentration was varied between 5 lm and
3mm. The spectrum was obtained after 30 min incubation
after each KCN addition to achieve equilibrium. We con-
trolled the variation of pH of the reaction solution, because
high levels of KCN are known to increase the pH of poorly
buffered solutions, which in turn will change the concentra-
tion of free CN
Circular dichroism
Circular dichroism spectra were measured with a Jasco J-810
spectrometer (Tokyo, Japan). The protein samples (1–3 lm)
were in 1 or 10 mm phosphate buffer at pH 7. The far ultra-
violet spectra (190–260 nm) were measured in quartz cells of
0.5 or 4 mm optical pathlength, and represent an average of
seven accumulations. Spectra were acquired at a scan speed
Thermal stabilityofneuroglobin D. Hamdane et al.
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50 nmÆmin
at a resolution of 2 nm and a response time of
2 s; all spectra were corrected for the buffer baseline.
Protein thermostability
The proteins were subjected to the thermal melting profile
by monitoring the changes of circular dichroism spectra at
222.6 nm. For thermal unfolding curves from 25 to 110 °C
(heating plate temperature), samples were continuously
scanned at 1 °CÆmin
; scans at 2 °CÆmin
did not change
the results. The temperature was programmed using a Jasco
PTC-423S thermoelectric temperature controller. The accu-
racy of the sensor was checked with a precision thermom-
eter. The ferrous sample was obtained by addition of 500 lm
sodium dithionite after equilibration under nitrogen. The
protein without the disulfide bond was obtained by incuba-
tion with 500 lm dithiothreitol during 24 h under nitrogen.
The Ngb–CN
species was obtained by incubation of the fer-
ric protein with 3 mm of KCN. The Ngb–CO form was
obtained by equilibration of the ferric form under 1atm CO
and then adding 200 lm dithionite to reduce the ferric iron.
The thermal denaturation curves were analysed with a sim-
ple two state model for folded (f) and unfolded (u) protein:
curves for the circular dichroism signal (y) as a function of
temperature (T) were fitted using a nonlinear least squares
analysis [31] to the form: y
¼ (y
+ s
+ s
E ⁄ (1 + E), where E ¼ exp[(DH
⁄ RT). (T ) T
) ⁄ T
], y
the observed circular dichroism signal; y
+ s
T and
+ s
T describe the linear dependence (with slope s) of the
pre- and post-transitional baselines on temperature, respect-
ively. DH
is the enthalpy of unfolding at the melting tem-
perature (T
), corresponding to 50% unfolded. Curve fitting
was performed using the original jasco software; values are
for the average of at least three measurements. To obtain the
fraction unfolded, the circular dichroism signal was normal-
ized: f
¼ (y
) y
) ⁄ (y
) y
), where y
is the observed
circular dichroism signal and y
and y
the circular dichro-
ism signal of the folded protein and unfolded, respectively,
taking into account the linear baselines.
For the high T
values, 100% transition was not
achieved. The experiment was repeated at different concen-
trations of guanidinium chloride, with a pre-incubation of
1 h at 37 °C; the curve of T
vs. [GdmCl] could then be
extrapolated to estimate the protein T
in the absence of
denaturants. To normalize thermal denaturation curves that
do not show a complete transition, the overall change in
circular dichroism signal was taken for the same protein
under conditions of a lower T
(such as a different ligation
state or in the presence of denaturants).
This work was supported by Inserm, the De
rale pour l’Armement (France), the University of
Paris XI, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
(Ha2103 ⁄ 3 and Bu956 ⁄ 5), the University of Antwerp,
and a grant from the European Commission (Contract
N° QLG3-CT-2002–01548). S. Dewilde is a postdoc-
toral fellow of the Fund for Scientific Research, Fland-
ers (FWO).
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. T m . The enthalpy of denaturation DH m of Ngb and horse heart Mb was 72 and 110 kcalÆmol )1 , respectively. Cytoglobin and the globin of Drosophila have lower values of DH m , 60 and 53 kcalÆmol )1 , respectively Ngb had negative bands at 208 and 222 nm (Fig. 1), as expected for a high percentage of alpha helix. Analysis of the secondary structure of Ngb gave 78% alpha helix and 22% of other forms, similar. forms a sort of clamp Fig. 3. Effect of the cysteine bridge of human Ngb on the thermal stability. The melting temperature, corresponding to the peak of this curve of the first derivative of the circular