Regulationofphospholipidbiosynthesisby phosphatidylinositol
transfer proteinSec14pandits homologues
A critical role for phosphatidic acid
Roman Holic
, Milos
ek and Peter Griac
Institute of Animal Biochemistry and Genetics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia
Transcription of yeast phospholipidbiosynthesis structural
genes, which contain a n inositol-sensitive upstream activa-
ting sequence in their promoters, re sponds to the availability
of the soluble precursors inositol and choline and to changes
in phospholipid metabolism. The INO1 gene is deregulated
(derepressed when inositol is pr esent) under the conditions of
increased phosphatidylcholine (PtdCho) turnover, as occurs
in the sec14D cki1D strain ( SEC14 encodes the majo r y east
phosphatidylinositol transfer protein; CKI1 encodes choline
kinase of the cytidine diphosphate choline pathway of
PtdCho biosynthesis). Five proteins (Sfhp) share sequence
homology with phosphatidylinositoltransfer protein
Sec14p. Two (Sfh2p and Sfh4p), when overexpressed largely
complement the otherwise essential Sec14p requirement
concerning growth and secretion. In this study, we analysed
the ability of Sec14 homologues to c orrect the defect in
regulation ofphospholipidbiosynthesis resulting from
defective or missing Sec14p. We also analysed how PtdCho
turnover relates t o the transcriptional regulationof phos-
pholipid biosynthesis. The results show that (a) none of the
Sec14 homologues w as able to substitute for Sec14p in its
regulatory aspects ofphospholipid biosynthesis, (b) removal
of phospholipase D activity corrected the aberrant INO1
gene regulation in yeast strains with otherwise h igh PtdCho
turnover, and (c) increased steady-state phosphatidic acid
levels correlated with derepressed levels of t he INO1 gene.
Overall, the results support t he model in w hich high phos-
phatidic acid levels lead to derepression of the genes of
phospholipid biosynthesis [Henry, S.A. & Patton-Vogt, J.L.
(1998) Prog. Nucleic Acid Res. Mol. Biol. 61, 133–179].
Keywords: SEC14 homologues; INO1 regulation; phos-
pholipid turnover; transcription; Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
The majority of yeast phospholipid structural genes contain
in their promoters inositol-sensitive upstream activating
sequence ( UAS
) a nd ar e regulated in response to the
availability of the soluble precursors inositol and choline.
Yeast p hospholipid structural genes are derepressed in the
absence o f inositol and repressed in t he presence of inositol
[1]. UAS
-containing genes are activated by two tran-
scription factors – Ino2p and Ino4p [2] – and repressed by a
negative regulator – Opi1p [3]. The INO1 gene (encoding
inositol 1-phosphate synthase) [4] is the most regulated gene
of the entire regulon and thus frequently serves as a reporter
gene for the whole set of coordinately regulated genes of
phospholipid biosynthesis [1,5]. In addition to the presence
or absence of inositol, transcription of the INO1 gene
responds to changes in phospholipid metabolism [6], correct
INO1 regulation being dependent on ongoing phosphati-
dylcholine (PtdCho) biosynthesis [7]. The INO1 gene is
deregulated (derepressed when inositol is present) also
under conditions of increased PtdCho degradation [8,9].
Critical analysis of conditions with defective regulation of
the INO1 gene led to the development of a model in which
the metabolic signal for INO1 derepression is generated by
phosphatidic acid (PA) or a closely related metabolite [6].
This model proposes that the relative increase of P A, as a
result of increased production, versus its utilization provides
the signal for derepression of coordinately regulated
-containing gen es ofphospholipid biosynthesis. A
recent study by Loewen et al. [10] has demonstrated the
mechanism by which Saccharomyces cerevisiae can regulate
phospholipid biosynthesis. A fter the rapid consumption of
PA following the addition of inositol (the negative regulator
of phospholipid biosynthesis), Opi1 protein was released
from the endoplasmic reticulum, e ntered the nucleus and
repressed its target genes.
Sec14p was originally identified as a phosphatidylinositol
(PtdIns) transferprotein which catalyses the in vitro trans-
port of PtdIns and PtdCho between artificial and b iological
membranes [11]. In vivo, Sec14p perf orms an e ssentia l role in
protein transport from the Golgi apparatus [12]. Connec-
tion b etween the function ofSec14pand metabolism of the
major membrane phospholipid, PtdCho, was established
Correspondence to P. Griac
, Institute of Animal Biochemistry and
genetics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Moyzesova 61, 900 28 Ivanka
pri Dunaji, Slovakia. Fax: +421 245943932, Tel.: +421 245943151,
E-mail: Peter.Griac@s
Abbreviations: CDP, cytidine diphosphate; INO1,geneencoding
inositol 1-phosphate synthase; PA, phosphatidic acid; Pld1p, phos-
pholipase D1; PtdCho, phosphatidylcholine
; PtdIns, phosphatidyl-
; PtdSer, phosphatidylserine
; Sec14p, phosphatidylinositol
transfer protein; Sfh, Sec14 homologues; UAS
, inositol-sensitive
upstream activating sequence.
(Received 17 August 2004, revised 23 September 2004,
accepted 24 September 2004)
Eur. J. Biochem. 271, 4401–4408 (2004) Ó FEBS 2004 doi:10.1111/j.1432-1033.2004.04377.x
by the following lines of evidence (Fig. 1), namely that
(a) mutations in genes encoding structural enzymes of the
cytidine diphosphate choline (CDP-choline) pathway for
PtdCho biosynthesis bypass the essential requirement for
Sec14p in secretion and cell viability [13], (b) PtdCho-bound
Sec14p down-regulates a key enzyme of the CDP-choline
pathway, namely choline phosphate cytidylyltransferase
(Pct1p) [14], and (c) Sec14p regulates phospholipase D1
(Pld1p)-mediated PtdCho turnover, Sec14p being a negative
regulator of this pathway in vegetatively growing cells
[8,9,15] and having a positive effect on the production of PA
originating from PtdCho in sporulation [16]. A connection
between Sec14pandphospholipidbiosynthesis exists also at
the transcriptional le vel. The INO1 gene is not regulated
properly i n t he absence of f unctional S ec14p, as demon-
strated in the sec14
cki1D (the CKI1 gene encodes choline
kinase, the structu ral gene of the CDP-choline pathway)
strain when c ultured at a n on-permissive temperature of
In yeast, five proteins ( Sec14 homologues, Sfh) share
primary sequence homology with the major PtdIns transfer
protein encoded by the SEC14 gene [17,18]. Sec14 homo-
logues Sfh2p and Sfh4p, when overexpressed, complemen-
ted very well the sec14 growth and secretion defects. Sfh 1p
and Sfh5p were also able to complement these defects to
some degree [17,18]. In this study, we analysed the ability of
the Sec14 homologues to c orrect the r egulatory defect i n
INO1 transcription resulting from defective or missing
Sec14p. We show that none of the Sec14 homologues is able
to substitute for Sec14p in reverting the derepressed levels of
the INO1 transcript in the presence of inositol when the
CDP-choline pathway is blocked. The reason why even the
best growth phenotype-complementing homologue, Sfh2p,
cannot substitute for Sec14p in its regulatory role toward
phospholipid biosynthesis, lies in its inability to regulate
phospholipase D-mediated PtdCho turnover. Using the
sec14D ckiD pld1D triple mutant with overexpressed Sfh2p,
we were able to perform a n in vivo test of the model that
INO1 derepression can occur in response to metabolic
signal generated via Pld1p- mediated PtdCho turnover.
Moreover, we show that higher steady-state cellular l evels
of PA correlate with deregulated levels of INO1 transcript
in cells grown in the presence of inositol, providing support
for the model that PA acts as a metabolic signal for
INO1 derepression [6].
Experimental procedures
Strains and culture conditions
The yeast strains used in this study are listed i n Table 1.
Recipient yeast strain PGY170, used to study INO1–lacZ
expression, was a spore from a genetic cross of PGY145 [18]
and BRS1069 [19].
Cells were grown aerobically at 30 °C with s haking in
chemically defined synthetic media lacking inosito l and
choline (I
), supplemented with 75 l
inozitol (I
supplemented with 75 l
inositol and 1 m
) [20].
Plasmid and strain construction
Standard genetic methods were used throughout this work
[21]. Y east transformatio n was performed by using the
lithium acetate method [22], with minor modifications.
Plasmids. Episomal plasmids containing SEC14 and its
homologues under their own promoters based on a yeast
2 lm plasmid, Y Eplac181 (yeast LEU2 marker) [23], were
as described p reviously [18]. Episomal plasmid YEplac112-
SFH2 (TRP1 marker) was constructed by subcloning SFH2
from YEplac181-SFH2 [18] into YEplac112, by u sing Sal I
and SphI restriction enzymes [23]. Centromeric plasmid
YCplac22- SEC14 (TRP1 marker) was constructed by
subcloning SEC14 from YCp(SEC14)(URA3 marker)
[24] (kindly provided b y V. Bankaitis, U niversity of North
Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, U SA) into YCplac22, by using
EcoRI and HindIII restriction enzymess [23].
Gene disruption. Disruption of the Pld1p gene in strain
PGY209 was p erformed by integrative transformation
using the No tI/XhoI d isruption cassette f rom plasmid
B913 (kindly provided by J . Engebrecht, Univ ersity of
California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA).
Assay for the Opi
(overproduction of inositol) phenotype
To test for the excretion of inositol, as described in detail
previously [25], yeast strain S3 was transformed with
YEplac181 [23] based episomal plasmids containing
SEC14 or SFH genes. Strains were patched on synthetic
plates and allowed to grow at 30 °C for 2 days. The
plates were then sprayed with a suspension of a diploid
tester strain (AID), homozygous for ino1 and ade1
(Table 1), and incubated for another 2 days.
b-Galactosidase assay
b-Galacto sidase production was derived from the integrated
version of the fully regulated INO1–lacZ construct [19].
Yeast strains were grown to mid-logarithmic phase in I
Fig. 1. Phospholipid metabolic pathways in ye ast. The pathways show n
include the relevant steps discussed in the text. The dashed line r ep-
resents degradation of phosphatidylcholine via a phospholipase
D-mediated route.
4402 R. Holic
et al.(Eur. J. Biochem. 271) Ó FEBS 2004
and I
media at 30 °C. The b-galactosidase assays were
performed as described by Lopes et al.[19],exceptthat
aliquots were removed from t he reaction mix at 5 , 10 and
15 or 20 min. b-Galactosidase units are defined as
of protein) · 10 000. Protein was quanti-
fied by using the method of Lowry et al.[26].
PtdCho turnover
PtdCho turnover in strains with a cki1 genetic background
was analysed as reported previou sly [8,27]. Yeast strains
were grown overnight at 30 °CinI
media containing
1 lCiÆmL
of [methyl-
C]choline chloride. Cultures were
harvested during mid-logarithmic growth phase, washed
twice with sterile distilled water and resuspended in 5 mL of
fresh unlabelled I
media. At the time-points indicated,
1.4 mL o f the culture was removed and the cells were
collected by centrifugation
(6000 g,2°C, 3 min). The
supernatant was saved as the medium fraction. The cell
pellet was suspended in 0.5 mL of 5% (v/v) trichloroacetic
acid and incubated on ice for 20 m in. After centrifugation
(6000 g,2°C, 3 min), the supernatant was saved as the
intracellular water-soluble fraction. The pellet was resus-
pended in 0.5 mL of 1
Tris/HCl buffer (pH 8), centifuged
(6000 g,2°C, 3 min), and t he resulting supernatant was
combined with the intracellular water-soluble f raction,
effectively neutralizing t he acidic extract. The final pellet
was saved as the total membrane fraction. To solubilize t he
cell pellet, it was suspended in 100 lL of 1% (v/v) Triton-X-
100, frozen at )70 °C and incubated in the presence of 10%
(w/v) deoxycholate, overnight at 37 °C. Radioactivity of all
fractions was determined by liquid scintillation counting.
Radioactivity in glycerophosphocholine and choline in the
medium fraction was d etermined after se paration on a
cation-exchange column, Dowex 50 WX 8 (200–400 mesh;
Serva), as described by Cook & Wakelam [28].
Phospholipid composition
Steady-state labelling w ith
P-labelled orthophosphate
(2 mC iÆmL
; I CN) was performed by u sing the method
of Atkinson et al. [29]. Cells were labelled o vernight, for
at least six generations, with 5 lCiÆmL
orthophosphate in 5 mL of vitamin-defined synthetic I
media, and harvested during the late logarithmic phase of
growth. Labelled lipids were extracted as described by
Atkinson et al. [29]. 2D pape r chromatography on silica-
impregnated paper was performed according to the method
of Steiner & Lester [30]. Labelled spots, corresponding to
specific lipids, were cut out after autoradiography and
quantified by liquid scintillation.
Two of the Sec14 homologues, namely Sfh2p and Sfh4p,
when overexpressed under their own p romoters from
multicopy episomal plasmids, efficiently complemented the
growth and secretion defects of the sec14
strain. To a low
(but significant) degree, Sfh1 protein also complemented
the sec14
-associated growth d efect [18]. T he Opi
production of inositol) phenotype is indicative of over-
expression of inositol-1-phosphate synthase owing to
misregulation of the INO1 gene [1,25]. The S3 strain
(sec14D pct1D), containing an empty cloning vector, dis-
plays a strong Opi
phenotype (Fig. 2), in agreement with a
previous report [8] showing that sec14 mutants containing
a block in the CDP-choline pathway exhibit overexpession
of the INO1 gene. The Opi
phenotype disappeared when
the S 3 s train was transformed with an episomal plasmid
containing the SEC14 gene (Fig. 2). However, none of the
Sec14 homologues was able to fully suppress the Opi
phenotype in the sec14D pct1D strain.
To measure in a quantitative manner the levels of INO1
gene expression, we used the fully regulated INO1–lacZ
reporter construct integrated into the g enome of the
sec14D cki1D strain. As expected, SEC14 was able to
restore wild-type regulationof t he INO1 gene, derepression
of the gene in medium lacking inositol, and repression in
medium containing inositol. N one of the Sec14 homo-
logues, even t hose that complemented the sec14-associated
growth defect fairly well, restored the c orrect regulation of
the INO1 gene in response t o inositol (Fig. 3).
Next, we i nvestigated the inability of Sfh2p, w hich
complemented ve ry well the growth defect associated w ith
the sec14 mutation, to complement the INO1 gene regula-
tory defect. PtdCho turnover, consistent with previously
published data [8], was enhanced in the sec14D cki1D strain
under the conditions in which the regulatory defect occurred
(inositol-containing media) (Fig. 4A). The sec14D cki1D
strain, containing SEC14 on a centr omeric plasmid
Table 1. Yeast strains.
Name Genotype Source
PGY145 Mat a leu2, his3, trp1, ura3, cki1::HIS3, sec14::kanMX P. Griac
BRS1069 Mat a ade2–1, his3–11,15, leu2–3,112, can1–100, trp1–1, ura3–1, ura3–1::INO1-lacZ(URA3) (pJH334) S. Henry [19]
S3 Mat a leu2,his3, ura3, pct1::URA3, sec14::kanMX P. Griac
AID Mat a/a ade1/ade1 ino1/ino1 S. Henry [25]
PGY170 Mat a ade2, his3, ura3, trp1, leu2, cki1::HIS3, sec14::kanMX, ura3::INO1-lacZ (URA3) This work
PGY209 Mat a ade2, his3, ura3, trp1, leu2, cki1::HIS3, sec14::kanMX, ura3::INO1-lacZ (URA3),
YEplac112 – SFH2 (TRP1)
This work
PGY210 Mat a ade2, his3, ura3, trp1, leu2, cki1::HIS3, sec14::kanMX, pld1::LEU2, ura3::INO1-lacZ (URA3),
YEplac112 – SFH2 (TRP1)
This work
PGY216 Mat a ade2, his3, ura3, trp1, leu2, cki1::HIS3, sec14::kanMX, ura3::INO1-lacZ (URA3), YCplac22 (TRP1) This work
PGY218 Mat a ade2, his3, ura3, trp1, leu2, cki1::HIS3, sec14::kanMX, ura3::INO1-lacZ (URA3),
YCplac22 – SEC14 (TRP1)
This work
Ó FEBS 2004 Phosphatidylcholine turnover and INO1
regulation (Eur. J. Biochem. 271) 4403
(Fig. 4 B), displayed greatly reduced PtdCho turnover. I n
contrast to Sec14p, Sfh2p was unable to attenuate high
PtdCho turnover (Fig. 4C). Deletion of the Pld1p gene,
pld1D,inthesec14D cki1D strain containing Sfh2p
expressed from t he episomal plasmid, diminished the
majority of PtdCho turnover (Fig. 4D).
To test the hypothesis that the inability of Sfh2p to
decrease PtdCho turnover to wild-type levels i s responsible
for the inab ility of S fh2p to complement the INO1
regulatory defect caused by the absence of Sec14p, we
measured INO1 expression in the sec14D cki1D pld1D strain
containing SFH2 on an episomal plasmid. It was shown
previously that the phospholipase D 1 (PLD1) gene product
plays an essential role in the suppression of the otherwise
lethal sec14D defect by CDP-choline p athway muta-
tions [9,17]. As a consequence, the triple mutant
sec14D cki1D pld1D is not viable. Introduction of the
SFH2 gene on a multicopy episomal plasmid renders the
triple mutant sec14D cki1D pld1D viable [18]. Note that
introduction of Sfh2p f rom the episo mal plasmid does not
decrease the high PtdCho turnover of the sec14D cki1D
strain (Fig. 4A,C). Next, we compared INO1 gene expres-
sion in the triple mutant sec14D cki1D pld1D (SFH2)tothe
same strain with an intact PLD1 gene, sec14D cki1D (SFH2)
(Fig. 5 ). The results show clearly that INO1 expression in
thetriplemutant,sec14D cki1D pld1D (SF H2), corresponds
to the ÔnormalÕ INO1 expression, as represented by the
sec14D cki1D strain containing the SEC14 gene on a
centromeric plasmid, and not to the deregulated situation
found in the sec14 D cki1D or se c14D cki1D (SFH2)strains.
Two products – PA and choline – are generated from
every molecule of PtdCho catabolized via a phospholipase
D-mediated route. In previous experiments [20], no corre-
lation was found between the r elative content of PtdCho
Fig. 2. Overproduction of the inositol (Opi
phenotype. The sec14 pct1 mutant strain (S3,
Table 1) was transformed with plasmids con-
taining SEC14, SEC14 homologues SFH1–
SFH5, and an empty cloning vector,
YEplac181. Excretion o f inosito l (an i ndicator
of aberrant INO1 gene regulation) results in
halo-type growth of the tester strain around
the strains being tested. The sec14 pct1 strain,
containing SEC14 plasmid, represents wild-
type INO1 regulation, and the empty cloning
vector serves as a negative control.
Fig. 3. Sec14 homologues are not able to correct aberrant regulation of
the INO1 gene. The sec14 cki1 strain (PGY170, Table 1) containing
SEC14, SEC14 homologues SFH1–SFH5, and an empty cloning
vector (YEplac181) was grown at 30 °C in d erepressing (I
repressing (I
) conditions to the mid-logarithmic phase of growth.
The b-galactosidase assay was performed as described in the Experi-
mental proc edure s. Data are expressed as the mean ± SD of three
independent experiments. The sec14 cki1 strain containing the SEC14
plasmid represents wild-type INO1 regulation, and the empty cloning
vector serves as a negative control.
4404 R. Holic
et al.(Eur. J. Biochem. 271) Ó FEBS 2004
and/or free choline availability, and INO1 gene regulation.
Therefore, w e focused on the correlation between the other
PtdCho degradation product, PA, and INO1 gene regula-
tion. Steady-state phospholipid compositions of the corres-
ponding strains were directly co mpared. Figure 6A
represents comparison of the phospholipid compos ition i n
the sec14D cki1D (SEC14)strain(ÔnormalÕ PtdCho tu rnover
and ÔnormalÕ INO1 expression) and the sec14D cki1D strain
(enhanced PtdCho turnover and d eregulated INO1 expres-
sion). Figure 6B represents comparison of the phospholipid
composition i n the sec14D cki1D pld1D (SFH2)strain
(genetically blocked Pld1p-mediated PtdCho turnover and
ÔnormalÕ INO1 expression) and the sec14D cki1D (SFH2)
strain (enhance d PtdCho t urnover and d eregulated
INO1 exp ression). In both pairs of strains, enhanced
Fig. 4. The Sec14 homologue, Sfh2, is not able to control phospholipase D-mediated phosphatidylcholine turnover. The sec14 cki1 strain (PGY170,
Table 1), containing empty cloning vector YCplac22 (A), SEC14 (B), the SEC14 homologue, SFH2 (C), and the sec14cki1pld1strain containing
the SEC14 homologue, SFH2 (PGY210) (D), were cultured at 30 °C to the mid-logarithmic phase of growth in I
medium containing
1 lCiÆlL
C-labelled choline chloride. At time zero, the cells were centrifuged, washed and reinoculated into nonradioactive I
Data are expressed as a percentage of total label at each time-point: (m), radioactivity i n the culture medium; (j), radioactivity in the cellular, water-
soluble fraction; (r), radioactivity in the membrane fraction. The data represent the average of at least t wo independent experiments.
Fig. 5. Phospholipase D-mediated high phosphatidylcholine turnover is
responsible for deregulation of t he INO1 gene. The sec14 cki1 strain
(PGY170, Table 1), containing empty cloning vector YCplac22,
SEC14,theSEC14 homologue (SFH2)andthesec14cki1pld1strai n
containing the SEC14 homolo gue, SFH2 (PGY210), were cultured at
30 °C to th e mid-logarithmic p hase of growth at 30 °C in derepressing
) conditions. The sec14 cki1 strain, con-
taining SEC14 plasm id, represents wild-type INO1 regulation; the
sec14 c ki1 strain, contain ing the empty cloning vector, YCplac22,
serves as a dere gulat ed INO1 control. The b-galactosidase assay was
performed as described in the Materials and methods. Data represent
the mean ± SD of three to five independent experiments.
Fig. 6. Steady-state phospholipid composition. The sec14 cki1 strain
(PGY170, Table 1) containing empty cloning vector, YCplac22,
SEC14 (A), th e SEC14 homologue, SFH2,andthesec14cki1pld1
strain containing th e SEC14 hom ologue, SFH2 (PGY210), (B) were
cultured for five to six generations in I
medium at 30 °Ccon-
taining 5 lCiÆmL
P-labelled orthophosphate. The cells were
harvested a nd the phospholipid s e xtracted and resolved as described in
the Experimental procedures. The term ÔothersÕ includes lipids
remaining near the origin, and cytidine diphosphate diacylglycerol,
and other minor lipids. Values represent the percentage of
total lipid-associated
P incorporated into each phospholip id species.
Data are expressed a s the mean value of two independent experiments.
Ó FEBS 2004 Phosphatidylcholine turnover and INO1
regulation (Eur. J. Biochem. 271) 4405
PtdCho turnover resulted in a lower steady-state level of
PtdCho and a corresponding compensatory increase in
phosphatidylethanolamine ( PtdEtn) l evels c ompared with
their counterparts that have a ÔnormalÕ PtdCho turnover.
Both strains sec14D cki1D and sec14D cki1D (SFH2), with a
derepressed expression of the INO1 gene in the medium
containing inositol, display significantly higher steady-state
levels of PA than their counterparts that have a ÔnormalÕ
(repressed) expression of the INO1 gene (and low levels of
PtdCho turnover). Thus, high steady-state levels of P A
correlate with th e inability of the INO1 gene to repress in
response to inositol availability, and low steady-state levels
of PA correlate with the normal regulationof the INO1 gene
– its ability to repress in response to i nositol availability.
Products of five yeast genes, named SFH1–5, exhibit
significant sequence homology to Sec14p [17,18]. Sfh1p,
which shows greatest similarity to Sec14p, c onserves all
recognized critical structural motifs ofSec14p [31,32]. Sfh2,
Sfh3 and Sfh4 proteins share modest homology with Sec14p
throughout their primary sequences. The recognized signa-
FY and INAP of fungal Sec14 proteins [32] are clearly
recognizable in Sfh2p, Sfh3p and Sfh4p primary sequences.
These motifs are conserved only t o a limited degree in
Sfh5p. Primary sequence homology shared bySec14p and
Sfh proteins assumes functional s ignificance because some
of the Sec14 homologues (namely Sfh2 and Sfh4), when
overexpressed, complemented the sec14-related growth and
secretory defects [17,18]. Sfh3p a nd Sfh5p, under the
transcriptional control of their own promoters, failed to
do so. Sfh1p, which displays th e highest degree of similarity
to Sec14p, c omplemented the sec14 -related growth defect
only to a limited degree [18]. We hypothesize that the reason
for this weak growth complementation co uld be a result of
the different subcellular localization of Sec 14p from Sf h1p
[18]. All Sec14 homologues, except (interestingly) for Sfh1p,
display PtdIns transfer activity in vitro. Sec14 homologues
do not, however, show PtdCho transfer activity typical for
Sec14p [17].
Our goal was to determine whether any of the Sec14
homologues could substitute for Sec14p in its role as a
regulator ofphospholipid biosynthesis. Under conditions
where Sec14p is nonfunctional and the CDP-choline
pathway for PtdCho biosynthesis is blocked, the INO1
gene, the most highly regulated of a set of genes encoding
enzymes ofphospholipid biosynthesis, is deregulated (dere-
pressed in the presence of inositol) [8]. Using two criteria –
phenotype and the b-galactosidase activity assay – we
tested the ability of all five Sec14 homologues to revert the
INO1 regulatory d efect caused by the absence of functional
Sec14p. Our results (Fig. 2) demonstrate that none of
the S ec14 homologues, when expressed from multicopy
plasmids in the sec14D pct1D strain, was able to fully
suppress the Opi
phenotype. The overexpression of two
genes (SFH2 and SFH4) that rescue growth of sec14 ce lls
seems, to some extent, to decrease the inositol secretion. The
phenotype is an excellent indicator of INO1 regulation,
reflecting INO1 expression in media w ithout inositol.
Nevertheless, it is a multifactorial phenotype (depending
also on the metabolic status o f the cells, their growth rate
and the ability of the cells to transport surplus inositol to the
media) and therefore the O pi
phenotype is being considered
a qualitative, rather than a quantitative, indicator of INO1
gene regulation. Therefore, we also assessed INO1 expres-
sion using the INO–lacZ construct. b-Galactosidase activity
derived from the INO1 promoter in a yeast strain without
Sec14p ( sec14D), and containing a genetic block in the
CDP-choline pathway (this time cki1D to dem onstrate the
independence on the nature of the CDP-choline pathway
block) (Fig. 3), confirmed the Opi
phenotype results,
showing that none of the Sec14 homologues is able to
suppress the INO1 gene regulatory defect imposed by the
absence ofSec14p when the CDP-choline pathway is
blocked. What is the special function ofSec14p that neither
the SFH gene product most similar to Sec14p (Sfh1p,
showing 6 2.5% identity to Sec14p), nor the SFH gene
product that almost completely complements the sec14 -
associated growth and secretion defects (Sfh2p) [17,18], can
substitute for? Sec14p acts as a negative r egulator of Pld1p-
mediated PtdCho turnover pathway in vegetatively growing
cells [8,9,15]. P aradoxically, however, the simultaneous
deletion of several SFH genes significantly reduced phos-
pholipase D activity in vivo [17], a nd overexpression of
Sfh2p a nd Sfh4p rather increased Pld1p-mediated PtdCho
turnover [18]. Many of these results were obtained by using
yeast strains with a temperature-sensitive sec14
grown at t he restrictive temperature of 37 °C, and i t has
been demonstrated that PtdCho turnover in S . cerevisiae
varies as a function of temperature elevation, from 30 to
37 °C [27]. Moreover, the thermosensitive sec14
allele may
contain some residual activity influencing Pld1p-mediated
lipid turnover. Thus, we compared PtdCho turnover in the
sec14D cki1D strain (Fig. 4A) and in the same strain
transformed with a multicopy plasmid containing the
Sec14 homologue gene, SFH2 (Fig. 4C). PtdCho turnover
medium at 30 °C, cond itions under
which the INO1 regulatory defect occurred. The same
sec14D cki1D strain, transformed with a centromeric, low-
copy-number plasmid containing the SEC14 gene (Fig. 4B),
served as a control. The fate of the label after shifting the
cultures to unlabelled medium was compared. There was a
much higher PtdCho turnover rate in strains containing
either empty vector or SFH2, as c ompared t o t he strain
containing wild-type SEC14. Our results correspond very
well with results obtained previously using the sec14
and following PtdCho turnover at 37 °CinI
[8,18]. T his e xperiment clearly demonstrates the inability of
the Sec14 homologue, Sfh2, to substitute for Sec14p in
regulating the turnover of PtdCho. Next, we wanted to
provide direct evidence that this elevated PtdCho turnove r is
responsible for deregulation of the INO1 gene. To achieve
this we disrupted the m ajor route for PtdCho degrad-
ation b y Pld1p by using a triple mutant strain,
sec14D cki1D pld1D, exp ressing S fh2p . The PLD1 gene
product plays an essential role in suppression of the sec14
defect by CDP-choline pathway mutations [9], and, as a
consequence, the triple mutant sec14D cki1D pld1D is not
viable. However, introduction of th e SFH2 gene product
expressed from the high-copy-number plasmid renders the
triple mutant viable. Introduction of the Sfh2p into the
sec14D cki1D strain does not change the transcriptional
4406 R. Holic
et al.(Eur. J. Biochem. 271) Ó FEBS 2004
regulation of the INO1 gene (Figs 2 and 3) and also does
not suppress the high Pld1p-mediated PtdCho turnover in
the sec14D cki1D strain (Fig. 4). Direct comparison of
INO1 regulation in the sec14 D cki1D (SFH2)strain,andin
the same s train in which the Pld1p-mediated PtdCho
turnover was abolished (Fig. 4), shows the major role that
Pld1p-mediated turnover plays i n t he transcriptional regu-
lation of the INO1 gene under our experimental conditions.
Henry & Patton-Vogt [6] proposed a model in which the
relatively high levels of PA, or another closely related
metabolite, leads to derepression of the UAS
genes. Here, excess PA produced by phospholipase D-
mediated turnover in the se c14 cki1 strain leads to d ere-
pression of the INO1 gene. A still-controversial question is
whether the molecule to which t he transcriptional regulation
responds is PA or some other closely related metabolite. For
example, diacylglycerol and PA are related to each other by
a single phosphorylation/dephosphorylation s tep [1]. PA is
a key intermediate in the formation of glycerophospholipids
and triacylglycerols. There is always a fine balance b etween
the production and the utilization of P A. In yeast, PA can
be formed de novo from glycerol 3-phosphate and dihydro-
acetone phosphate [33]. Phospholipase D-mediated PtdCho
turnover produces one molecule of PA for every molecule of
PtdCho hydrolyzed. On the demand site, PA is rapidly used
in the synthesis of pho spholipids and triacylglycerols. The
experiments in which we measured the steady-state levels o f
phospholipids using
P-labelling, showed that deregulation
of the INO1 gene correlates with higher s teady-state levels of
PA (Fig. 6). The steady-state level of PA in the sec14D cki1D
strain (deregulated level o f the INO1 transcript) is twice as
high as the PA level in the same strain with introduced wild-
type SEC14 (normal, regulated level of the INO1 tran-
script). Similarly, the PA steady-state level is almost three
times higher in the sec14D cki1D strain with a high-copy-
number SFH2 gene (deregulated level of the INO1
transcript) as in the same strain in which Pld1p-mediated
turnover was a bolished with pld1 disruption (normal,
regulated level of the INO1 transcript). Using steady-state
P]phospholipid labelling, we measured the overall cellular
levels of PA. It i s possible that in some m embrane com-
partments local PA changes may far exceed those overall
cellular changes of PA, thus executing the change that is
critical for transmitting the signal(s) from alterations of
phospholipid metabolism to the transcriptional machinery.
Recently, a mechanism was described, explaining how
changes in PA levels can be communicated to the tran-
scriptional apparatus [ 10]. In a n elegant series of experi-
ments it was shown t hat Opi1p, a negative transcriptional
regulator of pho spholipid biosynthesis, i s inhibited by
binding PA on the endoplasmic reticulum. Following the
addition of inositol, the PA pool was rapidly consumed for
the biosynthesisof PtdIns, releasing Opi1p from the
endoplasmic reticulum and allowing its nuclear transloca-
tion and repression of target genes, including INO1.Itis
possible that because of high phospholipase D-mediated
phospholipid turnover (e.g. in the sec14D cki1 D mutant)
formation of P A ( de novo formation combined with PA
from lipid turnover) exceeds its utilization, thus maintaining
the PA pool above the threshold level for effective release of
Opi1p to the nucleus. Addition of inositol to the g rowth
medium under the condition of increased phospholipase
D-mediated turnover, nevertheless partially repressed INO1
transcription (Figs 3 and 5) when compared to media
lacking inositol. It is possible, that even under the condition
of high PtdCho turnover, the addition of inositol can
consume part of the PA pool, permitting that partial
repression of INO1 transc ription. Alternatively, the a ddi-
tion of inositol can regulate INO1 transcription to a limited
degree via another mechanism that is independent of the PA
In summary, our results show that (a) none of the Sec14
homologues is able to substitute for Sec14p in its regulatory
aspects t oward phospholipid biosynthesis, (b) removal of
Pld1p activity in the strains with a high PtdCho turnover
rate and resulting deregulation of the INO1 gene reverts this
deregulation and s imultaneously suppresses high PtdCho
turnover, a nd (c) increased steady-state PA levels corres-
pond with the deregulation of the INO1 gene, supporting a
previous model [6] that excess PA (in this case produced by
phospholipase D -mediated PtdCho t urnover) leads to
derepression of the INO1 gene.
We thank Vytas B ankaitis (University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill, Cha pel Hill, NC, USA), JoAnn E ngebrecht (University of
California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA), and Susan Henry (Cornell
University, I thaca, NY, USA) for providing the strains and plasmids
used in this study. The expert technical assistance of Mariana Vitekova
is acknowledged. This study was supported by V EGA 2/4130/4 a nd
Science and Technology Assistance Agency (Slovak Republic) APVT-
51-016502 grants.
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. Regulation of phospholipid biosynthesis by phosphatidylinositol transfer protein Sec14p and its homologues A critical role for phosphatidic acid Roman Holic ˇ , Milos ˇ Za ´ gors ˇ ek and. transcriptional regulation of phos- pholipid biosynthesis. The results show that (a) none of the Sec14 homologues w as able to substitute for Sec14p in its regulatory aspects of phospholipid biosynthesis, . for Sec14p [17]. Our goal was to determine whether any of the Sec14 homologues could substitute for Sec14p in its role as a regulator of phospholipid biosynthesis. Under conditions where Sec14p