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Abortion Is Morally Right potx

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ABORTION IS MORALLY RIGHT, By Amunhotep El Bey COPYRIGHT PAGE No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the permission in writing from the author or publisher (except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages and/or show brief video in a review). Abortion Is Morally Right Amunhotep El Bey © 2010 Amunhotep El Bey Published at smashwords Smashwords License Statement This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to Smashwords.com and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE…………………………………………………………………………… 0 COPYRIGHT PAGE………………………………………………………………… 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………………….2 DEDICATION…………………………………………………………………………….3 ABOUT THE AUTHOR……………………………………………………………… 4 INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………… 5 REASON 1…………………………………………………………………………… 6-7 OBJECTIONS AND REPLIES…………………………………………………………7-8 CONCLUSION……………………………………………………………………………8 3 DEDICATION This essay is dedicated to all of the men and women who have given sacrifice for women’s freedom of body and their right to choose. 4 ABOUT THE AUTHOR Amunhotep El Bey is an honorary 33 ◦ degree Mason (The Supreme Grand Master), comedian, visionary philosopher, metaphysician, screenwriter, author, poet, historian, and a legal genius. I was born and raised in Fort pierce, Florida, by my grandparents, Leroy Chavis and Lorene Chavis. I come from a middle class black family. I am the son of a master mechanic, as a father, and RN, as a mother. I went through life almost perfect as a young child, but as I grew older I got in trouble like almost everyone else did and grew stronger from all of my experiences. I taped into something great and the very same life experiences and blood within me support this essay. 5 INTRODUCTION I was inspired to write this essay because it is still so much debate about abortion. People who actually work in the field of abortion and women who choose to have them are vilified for their choices. This essay is an attempt to hush all naysayers, and to educate the general public about abortion. Abortion is an issue that has caused chaos amongst the masses of people for quite some time now. In fact, it still is a very controversial issue! Abortion is an issue of life or death. I guess that explains why the issue is so controversial, because we are dealing with an issue of life or death. The said issue has baffled philosophers, lawyers, judges, scientist, and the average Joe. This paper argues that abortion is morally right according to that person’s own set of circumstances, which will in fact, dictate the Law. 6 REASON 1: ABORTION IS MORALLY RIGHT ACCORDING TO THAT PERSON’S OWN SET OF CIRCUMSTANCES DICTATING THE LAW. I’m not saying that abortion is right or wrong. What I’m saying is that we are a free society, and we must give the people the right to choose. Anytime and every time the avenue to choose is taken away, there is chaos. In this country we all have freedom of body, i.e., freedom to do what we want with our bodies. Now, if a woman is mentally, emotionally, or physically unable to have or support a child, abortion could be in that person’s own best interest. The above circumstances are a few circumstances that could possibly warrant cause, or a good faith basis to have an abortion. Oh! I almost forgot to mention rape, which is a circumstance that has caused women to have an abortion. Additionally, some women can’t give birth because the labor would kill them. Once again! We have a circumstance that has caused women to have an abortion. Studies have proven that in most cases when a woman has been raped, she aborts the child because emotionally and mentally she can not cope with the pregnancy psychologically. In most rape cases the circumstances that created the pregnancy terminated the pregnancy. Circumstances dictate the law, or should I say a person’s decision making process or mode of thinking. The law is simply Karma: cause and effect. Everything in existence is bound by the Law. This is not man’s law, but rather, the Divine Law. Some people call the Divine Law God. Once the wheels of karma or the Law are set in motion, there is no stopping the force. All we can do is just balance the bad deed out with a good deed or just let it exhaust itself out. Circumstances dictate each and every decision that a person makes. Sometimes we can manipulate the Law, but we can never control it. OBJECTIONS AND REPLIES Objection 1: The masses of people who support banning abortion would probably object by saying that abortion kills a life. I know if I was opposing my own argument, I would object by saying that abortion kills a life because that would be a very good sound objection. You would probably go on objecting by saying that even though it is an embryo, it still has a living soul. Reply 1: First of all, abortion does not kill a life, because the embryo is not classified as a life. The embryo lacks brain activity or nervous system functioning. The embryo is classified as a potential human life. 7 Objection 2: Your second objection would probably be: abortion is morally wrong; but what is the basis for your argument? You can’t just say that abortion is morally wrong! You must give some kind of authority or reasoning supporting your objection. Reply 2: Secondly, the circumstances dictate whether abortion is morally wrong. A woman could have been raped, or there could be a reasonable probability that she could die during labor. Any one of the said circumstances would make any woman consider having an abortion. Objection 3: You even have objectors that would say that abortion robs a life of its potential future. To be honest with you, I have to concur with such an objection. No one can refute such a claim. Reply 3: Due to the nature of the issue at hand, no reasonable competent person would disagree with such an objection, because mankind has unlimited potential knowledge and we are here to acquire experience through our actions in order to eventually perfect our own souls. CONCLUSION In order to conclude this essay, I will just reiterate my reason: Abortion is morally right according to that person’s own set of circumstances dictating the law. We must make each and every decision according to what’s right for ourselves, family, and others. If anything is too burdensome, just do away with it. In the end, each individual will have to live with each decision that is made. Hopefully, the decision will be a good sound one. Respectfully Submitted by: Amunhotep El Bey 8 . fact, it still is a very controversial issue! Abortion is an issue of life or death. I guess that explains why the issue is so controversial, because we are dealing with an issue of life or. Law. 6 REASON 1: ABORTION IS MORALLY RIGHT ACCORDING TO THAT PERSON’S OWN SET OF CIRCUMSTANCES DICTATING THE LAW. I’m not saying that abortion is right or wrong. What I’m saying is that we are. issue of life or death. The said issue has baffled philosophers, lawyers, judges, scientist, and the average Joe. This paper argues that abortion is morally right according to that person’s

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