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Unit 1: Eat Less, Feel Better 1. A chef is making BRAISED DUCK WITH GINGER on a TV cooking show. Listen and put these instructions in order MC: Today we’re talking about a simple but delicious meal that you can make for your family on the weekend. Welcome to the show, Will. So let’s get started! Will: Great! To cook braised duck with ginger, you need a whole duck, sliced ginger root, vegetable oil, cilantro leaves, fish sauce, pepper, red chilli, some salt and sugar. MC: Duck, sliced ginger, vegetable oil, cilantro leaves and other spices. Right? Will: Yes, here’s how you make it. First, rub the duck with half the mixture of ginger and salt. Then rinse and cut into 8 pieces. Heat oil and fry duck slowly until the skin looks nice and brown. MC: How long should we fry the duck? Will: Fry until the skin looks nice and brown. Then, add remaining ginger, fish sauce and sugar. MC: What will we do next? Will: Keep frying, then cover with boiling water, add chili and pepper, and simmer until duck is tender. After that, remove form the heat. Garnish with cilantro leaves. MC: Wow, it looks delicious! Thank Will. 2. People are ordering food at a restaurant. Are these statements True or False? Listen and check the correct answer. Waiter:Good evening. Would you like to order now, mam? Customer: Oh, yes. Can I have some rice with tomato soup. Waiter:Yes, would you like the special of the day? Customer: What is it? Waiter:Well, today’s special is beef steak. It is served with smashed potato. Customer: Great. I’ll take that. And, can I also have some fries please? Waiter:I’m sorry we are out of fries today. Customer: Oh, OK. That’s fine. Waiter:Would you like some dessert? Customer: I don’t think so, but let me ask my son Oh yes, give him a banana pancake please. Waiter:Thank you. Your meal will be ready in 15 minutes 3. Listen to people discussing places and foods to eat. Where and what do they decide to eat? Check the answer 1. A: What do you feel like eating? B: Oh, something quick. We had a huge lunch at Victoria restaurant, so let’s just pick up some chicken at KFC. 2. A: Do you want to eat out or would you rather eat at home? B: We’ve eaten out a lot this week. I’m happy to stay home if I don’t have to cook. 3. A: I’m really starving. Where can we eat? B: Well, there always good steak on 9 th Street. A: It doesn’t sound good, though. I feel like eating some young tofu. B: OK. Let’s eat at Hoa Su restaurant instead. . 4. A: I’d like to try a seafood restaurant today. what do you think? B: Seafood sounds good. I was going to suggest some fried rice, nut seafood’s a lot better. 5. A: How about some vegetarian food for dinner? B: Oh, I can’t eat that any more. Let’s eat something really special. Why don’t we try Sao Hom restaurant? 1 A: What’s the special there? B: Lots of good food, but I’m sure you will love spring rolls there. A: Uhm sounds yummy. 6. A: Where should we eat this weekend? B: How about Thien Tam vegetarian restaurant? A: Oh no, I have to cook for my family this weekend. Do you want to join us? B: Sure. Why not? Unit 2: Fly High People talking about their holidays. Listen and tick the places they visited in each list below We really loved China. We wanted to go to Korean too, but we didn’t have time. Then we went on to Malaysia. I love the cities there. We finished with a week in Thailand. It was all exciting. Well, we started in Holland, but decided not to go to Russia. So, we went to Spain instead. It’s a beautiful country. We didn’t go to Italy this year, but went straight on to Egypt. That was a great trip. I’m sorry we went to Denver. It’s an ugly place. But we loved San Francisco. It is a very interesting city. Then we went on to Chicago, where the U.S president, Obama comes from. We took a flight to Washington D.C and had a couple of days there, and then found we didn’t have to go to New York. We had a terrific trip to Vietnam. We started in Ho Chi Minh city, and then took a train to the North. But we didn’t stop to visit Hanoi. We went straight on to Sapa. It’s a wonderful place to walk around. We wanted to go to Halong Bay, but then we decided to visit Dalat. The weather was perfect there. Then, we finished our trip in Cantho, the central city of the Mekong Delta. We loved the local foods very much. Paul, Katherine, Duy and Heidi are talking about the activities they did during their trips. Listen and fill in the table. Paul: Well, I did not do much last summer holiday. I went to Honkong. There were many places to shop. However, prices are too high there nowsaday. But, the food was great and quite cheap. It’s a wonderful placejust to walk around in and look at the modern high buildings. So, I did a lot of walking and ate lots of good food. Katherine: It’s a very nice place to visit if you like being outdoors. The scenery is beautiful. I took a bus trip around the island and sailed. I also went skiing with my family. Unfortunately, the water was too cold there for swimming. I didn’t like the local food. It was very spicy. Duy: I went to Vinpearl, Nha Trang last summer. There are many exciting games. I tried most of them. There are also very good beaches there. I went swimming every morning. Everything was quite cheap, I bought many souvenirs. Heidi: I spent my summer in Petoskey, Michigan. Believe it or not, it was cold there. The temperature was from 50 0 F to 70 0 F. That made it feel like winter. I had lots of fun with water skiing, and hiking. On the last day of my summer, I went canoeing with my friend’s family. It was such a memorable experience. UNIT 3: Spice up Your Life 1. Person A: I used to watch a lot of TV until I realized that I had some problems such as backache. So I began jogging. At first, I ran about one kilometer, then three, then ten, and finally I ran a half marathon, 21 kilometers! I’ve been running for three years now and I’m getting better. 2 Person B: I live with my mom and my brother in a house that is full of toys and dolls. The thing I like doing best is playing with teddy bears. I’ve been collecting them seen I was little, and now I have about 200 teddy bears. Person C: My favourite thing to do in my free time is reading novels and poets. Lately, I started writing a short story and had it published on a local newspaper. That encouraged me a lot. I’ve only been doing it for few months now, but I really like it. And the best part is that all of my friends think that my stories are pretty and realistic. Listen to the interview. Match people and their hobbies. MC: Welcome to “You Can Do It!” every week in the studio, we talk to three people who can do some unusual things that have taken over their lives. So, let’s meet this week’s first guest. Anna: Hi, my name’s Anna, and I love cooking. MC: Well, that is not unusual, but I know you know how to cook a lot of dishes. Anna: That’s right. I can cook about 700 dishes. MC: Wow, how did you begin cooking? Anna: My mum worked as a chief in a 4 star hotel. I spent a lot of time in her kitchen and I fell in love with cooking. MC: How long have you been in cooking career? Anna: Well, I’m 22 now, and I cooked my first dish when I was six, I think. So I’ve been cooking for…16 years? MC: Thank you, Anna. Now, let’s welcome the second guest today, Nate Johnson. Nate: Hi, how are you? MC: Hi, Nate. I’m good. Thanks. Can you tell us about your hobby? Nate: Well, I am passionate about stamps. I collect stamps MC: What kind of stamps do you collect? Nate: Any kind. I love stamps. They have different meanings and histories. MC: When did you start doing this hobby? Nate: Well, I think I had the first stamp for my collection at the age of 5. MC: So, how many stamps have you got so far? Nate: I have 300 collections, so there are about 300 thousands approximately. MC: Oh, that is worth a lot of money, I guess. MC: OK, and now please join me to welcome a special guest from Vietnam, Phong Nguyen. Phong: Hi everyone! My name’s Phong MC: What do you do, Phong? Phong: I’m an office worker. I do some normal office work. MC: What do you like to do as a hobby? Phong: You know I am into travelling. MC: When did you take up this hobby? Phong: The first trip in my life was to Ha Long Bay. Oh my god, it was beautiful. Then, I loved to visit places in my country and other countries. MC: Where have you been? Phong: I’ve been to many Asian countries, The United States, Brazil, Australia, but I have never visited any European countries. MC: Where do you plan to travel in the future? Phong: My friends and I are very excited about the trip across Europe. MC: Sounds very interesting. Thank you, Mr. Phong. UNIT 4: Let’s Google 1. Frank: I just don’t know what to spend this amount of monkey on? 3 Friend: Buy something you really need. Frank: I don’t want clothes, shoes, a cell phone, or a motorcycle. I think I want an MP3 player. Friend: Come on. Aren’t you taking a Vietnamese conversation class? Frank: Yes, I am. Friend: Have you had any problems with new words and the pronunciation? Frank: Oh my god. It is very hard. I can’t always pronounce correctly. Friend: Then, get an electronic dictionary instead of using dictionary in the library. You can use it to translate individual words or complete sentences. It also helps you see the words and even listen to them and practice pronunciation Frank: Yeah, that’s a great idea. Thanks, buddy. 2. Nguyen: OK. Let’s do some shopping. I need to buy something for myself. Friend: What do you want to buy? Nguyen: Hmmm, a new cell phone. It will help me chat with my friends in English. Friend: Well, it would be true, but actually, if you want to learn English seriously, you should buy a computer. Nguyen: How can the computer communicate with me? Friend: Oh my god, you’re such a country pumpkin. Install some English learning softwares into your computer. Then, you don’t need to find a partner to practice your English. Nguyen: That sounds good, but I still want to have a cell phone. Please tell me which one should I buy. Friend: OK. Buy M200 with a built-in digital camera. It has a wireless Internet connection, so you can send images to other phones and post them on the Internet for the whole world to see. Nguyen: Great! Let’s go shopping! 3. Eliza: I hate this CD player. Friend: What’s wrong with it? Eliza: It usually cannot read old CDs which include my favourite songs. Friend: Oh, not many people now use a CD player. It is not really convenient to use. Buy a new MP3 player. Eliza: Really? How does it work? Friend: Are you kidding me? Don’t tell me you have no idea about MP3 player. Eliza: Yes, I’m serious. I have never even touched it. Friend: Oh, OK. You can use an MP3 player to download tracks from the Internet and read the lyrics of the songs you’re listening to. You can also listen to your favourite radio station and see the names of the hot new artists. You can use it to record your own karaoke songs. For watching music videos and clips from new movies, you’re going to love the high speed Internet connection! Eliza: Uhm…sounds great, but does it work with batteries? Friend: Well, you’re afraid it’s not durable? No worries! Use rechargeable batteries and charge them regularly. It will work well. Unit 5: Go Green! Listen to the weather report and locate where the phenomenon happened. 1. So, what the weather like in Vietnam this past year? Well, it was a typical year for weather. As usual, we had a little of everything. Let’s go back to the beginning of the year. Early in January, we saw record low temperatures in Sapa, north of Vietnam, as cold air moved down China, and the temperatures dropped through out the mountainous areas. It snowed for one week. Whereas people were excited about the event, thousands of kids and students had to stay home because schools were closed those days. 4 In May, there were severe thunderstorms and tornadoes in the central highland area, a record 3 tornadoes hit Dalat in one week. Many homes were destroyed. Roads were stuck and airports were closed. In July, a heat wave brought record high temperatures to Hanoi, and the Southwest. High temperatures caused wildfires in a total area of 500 acres of forest land. The drought then continued in Hue. In August, the Mekong River was pounded by hurricanes and tropical storms. Winds up to 123 km/ hour caused widespread damage. The steady rain brought major floods to Ho Chi Minh city and the southwestern area. At that time in Hoi An, 2,000 people were evacuated from their homes and taken to emergency shelters. So, all in all, it was a typical year. Some good, some bad. Let’s hope that this year will bring wonderful weather. 2. Ranger: Welcome to the park. Are you having a good time? Visitor 1: Yes, but it’s not very crowded. So few people! It never used to be like this. Ranger: Yes, it gets quieter this summer. Visitor 1: Is that because the roads are closed? Ranger: Exactly. There was just too much traffic. You know people complain about the garbage, bad smell from rivers and wild animals. Visitor 2: Hmm…That seems right? What about camping? Can we camp here? Ranger: Oh yes, you can camp. But you have to make a reservation in advance because the campgrounds are very popular. Visitor 2: But I suppose campers are hard on the environment, too. Ranger: Well, we can minimize that if people cooperate. And most campers have to be sure that people keep their food in locked containers. That’s a bit harder. Visitor 1: Why do they have to keep food locked? Ranger: Yes, unfortunately some monkeys are attracted by anything that smells or looks interesting. They might rob the food that you save for lunch. Visitor 2: Oh cool! Ranger: Unfortunately, this park will move to a suburban area since the city government wants to build a commercial center here. Visitor 1: Really? Ranger: Yes. So, you can see most of the roads have been closed. Maybe, we will be completely closed by the end of this month. Unit 6: New Energies Listen to people talking about their neighborhood. Mark the sentences (T) True of (F) False. Mai: I took a filed trip in Luong Tam village, and saw something interesting. Jack: Didn’t you see farmers raise a lot of pigs and chicken around their houses? Mai: Exactly. That causes bad smell and is not good for people’s health. Jack: It’s right, but you know the chicken and pig’s dung is very useful for farmers. Mai: I don’t know what you mean? Jack: Well, the dung can be stored in a plant which creates gas for their daily cooking. That saves a lot of their money and make the cooking easier especially in the rainy season. Mai: I know many people in the highlands now use some kind of solar power water heater. That is much better for both environment and health. Jack: Right, but the weather heater using solar power is not cheap at all. The pigs’ dung can be safely used in biogas plants. Then it is also used for plants and trees in the gardens. 5 Mai: My uncle says that he has to always use lot of insecticides and fertilizers for the crops even though scientists warn them not to do. Vegetables, rice plants can’t grow well with only pig’s dung. Jack: But obviously, not only farmers but only factories make use of the gas from biogas plants. 2. Listen to Dr. Zhang Ji talking about the solar cookers for rural Tibetan people. Complete the following outline. “Renewable Energies in Rural Areas” is a program that aims to improve the living and working condition of the rural population by promoting the utilization of renewable energies. Traditionally, the only fuel available in the rural Tibetan community was either fuel wood, in the lower regions supplemented increasingly by roots of bushes, or sheep dung in the upper regions. With current restrictions on wood collections, the costs in time and money, especially for poor semi- nomadic or agricultural families run high because they have to travel longer and longer distance to collect and transport wood. Therefore, renewable energies are very necessary for those people. There are two technologies which can help solve the problem: fuel saving cooking and heating stoves and solar cooker. First, solar cooker can save fuel. People can boil water during the daytime and put it in vacuum flasks in order to use for the whole day. Also, using solar cookers, people can save a lot of time spent for collecting wood, and they can sell the wood as an extra income. However, in winter, solar cookers can’t be used. Then, fuel saving cooking and heating stoves are well- suited because they use less sheep bung or wood, produce less smoke, and function well even when the wind is turning. Unit 7: The Global Village 2. Listen to Professor Fields talking about globalization and complete the chart. What do a McDonald’s outlet in Japan, the hip-hop craze in Taiwan and Black Entertainment Television (BET) in the Caribbean nation of St. Vincent and the Grenadines have in common? They are examples of globalization at work! Globalization means increasing the interdependence, connectivity and integration on a global level with respect to the social, cultural, political, technological, economic and ecological levels. Let’s talk about its benefits and effects. First of all, there are a number of advantages that globalization can bring to human beings. One, goods and people are transported with more easiness and speed. Two, free trades between countries increases. Three, since global mass media a connect all people in the world, the cultural barriers reduce and the global village dream becomes more realistic. However, globalization is not all good. Firstly, the destruction of traditional ways of life may result from exposure to some of the values disseminated by the mass media. That may result from in an increase in social problems such as crime and violence. Second, there is a likelihood that that control of world media by a handful of corporations will limit cultural expression. There is also a chance of reactions to globalization by more traditional individuals being violent in an attempt to preserve cultural heritage. And, finally, environmental integrity decreases as polluting corporations take advantage of weak regulatory rules in developing countries. 3. Listen to people discussing the cultures they are from and Circle the correct answer. Yadira: Shalid, where are you from? Shalid: Well, I was born in Brazil, but actually I grew up in Arabia. Yadira: People say that you have many interesting customs in your culture. Shalid: Right, I think my culture is quite interesting to people from other countries. For example, we frequently eat our meals with hands. Yadira: Really? So what do you usually do before eating? Shalid: Can you guess? Yadira: I think you have a shower. Shalid: Well, not necessary. We always have to wash our hands before and after meals. Yadira: What about your culture, Eliza? 6 Eliza: Well, in the United States, there is a popular way to celebrate the future birth of a child. Yadira: What is it called? Eliza: It’s called a baby shower. Yadira: What do people do then? Eliza: Parents receive gifts for their newborn or expected child. The party is intended to help parents get items that they need for their baby, such as baby clothes. Yadira: Oh, interesting Shalid: What about visiting a friend? Eliza: Well, if you want to visit your friend, you should make a call first to ensure that he or she is available at that time. You know everyone is busy and privacy is highly valued in the U.S. Shalid: So, do you have any special customs like taking off the hats when talking to the host of a party, for instance? Eliza: I don’t think so. We are pretty liberal, but it’s very common to shake hands with the host. Shalid: I believe all cultures are very interesting. So, understanding the cultures of people is really helpful. It makes your communication go smoothly and easily. Eliza: That’s definitely true. 7 . it? Eliza: It usually cannot read old CDs which include my favourite songs. Friend: Oh, not many people now use a CD player. It is not really convenient to use. Buy a new MP3 player. Eliza: Really? How. That encouraged me a lot. I’ve only been doing it for few months now, but I really like it. And the best part is that all of my friends think that my stories are pretty and realistic. Listen to. but actually, if you want to learn English seriously, you should buy a computer. Nguyen: How can the computer communicate with me? Friend: Oh my god, you’re such a country pumpkin. Install some

Ngày đăng: 30/03/2014, 08:03

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