Facebook @Dethivaonganhang www facebook com/dethivaonganhang www ThiNganHang com S Á C H – T À I L I Ệ U T H I T U Y Ể N Trang 1 jCHAPTER 1 1,What are 5 steps in negotiating delivery? Timing, Location[.]
Facebook: @Dethivaonganhang www.facebook.com/dethivaonganhang jCHAPTER 9.1 The way to write down t 1,What are steps in negotiating delivery? Use a straightforward calenda Timing, Location, Transport, Risk title and insurance, terms of trade 10 When is a contract bindi 1.2, Why is delivery date important? After the signature date Because it lies at the heart of a sales contract, it’s key to many contract event 11 When is a contract bindi 2,Why is location important? 12 How does the date of com Transfer risk and Responsibilities, Date of payment depends on palce of delivery The delivery date is normally coming into force Why is transportation important? 13 What is excused delay? Costs, Appropriate type In the grace period, Due to FM What are modes of transportation? 14 What are the outcomes Sea transport, Air transport, Inland transport (by road, by rail, by barge, by mail, or by mixture) Resumption of delivery, T dangerous situation 5,Where is risk often passed from the exporter to the importer? 15 What are liquidated dam At the point of delivery A fair figure, a lump sum to delivery, agree by both parties After the date of coming into Where does transfer of ownership take place? 16 What are penalties? At any point between the signature of the contract and the final payment for the goods How many kinds of delay in delivery? A fucking high figure use acceptable quality Excusable delay, Non- excusable delay 17 When people pass risk What events does delivery date trigger? On delivery Exporter fulfills duties under the contract, Payment may become due, Risk and title pass to the buyer 18 Name types of risks? How to fix delivery date? 19 Name types of Insurance risk of loss and damage, Risk To use a straightforward calendar date or interval times www.ThiNganHang.com S Á C H – T À I L I Ệ U T H I T U Y Ể N