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Roleoftheplasmamembraneleafletsindruguptake and
multidrug resistance
Hagar Katzir*, Daniella Yeheskely-Hayon*, Ronit Regev and Gera D. Eytan
Department of Biology, The Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
P-glycoprotein [Pgp; multidrugresistance protein
(MDR) 1] (ABCB1) [1] andthemultidrug resistance-
associated protein (MRP) 1 (ABCC1) [2] were recog-
nized as serious impediments to cancer chemotherapy
through their ability to eliminate drugs from cells.
Both proteins are members ofthe ABC transporters
superfamily [3]. Pgp efficiently exports amphipathic
somewhat basic drugs, such as paclitaxel (taxol), anth-
racyclines and Vinca alkaloids. The hydrophobic parts
of these drugs allow their rapid insertion inthe mem-
brane. The hydrophilic residues prevent rapid flipping
of thedrug from the extracellular leaflet to the cyto-
plasmic leaflet ofthe membrane, slowing down entry
into the cell; indeed, for an anthracycline such as
doxorubicin, this takes approximately 1 min, giving
the Pgp pump ample opportunity to deal with the
influx [4–6]. This rate of spontaneous flip-flop is rele-
vant because estimates ofthe turnover number of Pgp
MDR1; MRP1; multidrug resistance;
P-glycoprotein; plasma membrane
G. D. Eytan, Department of Biology,
The Technion – Israel Institute of
Technology, Haifa, Israel
Fax: +972 4 822 5153
Tel: +972 4 829 3406
E-mail: eytan@tx.technion.ac.il
Website: http://biology.technion.ac.il
*These authors contributed equally to this
(Received 5 November 2009, revised 13
December 2009, accepted 18 December
The present study aimed to investigate therole played by theleafletsof the
plasma membraneintheuptakeof drugs into cells andin their extrusion
by P-glycoprotein andmultidrug resistance-associated protein 1. Drug
accumulation was monitored by fluorescence resonance energy transfer
from trimethylammonium-diphenyl-hexatriene (TMA-DPH) located at the
outer leaflet to a rhodamine analog. Uptakeof dye into cells whose mito-
chondria had been inactivated was displayed as two phases of TMA-DPH
fluorescence quenching. The initial phase comprised a rapid drop in fluo-
rescence that was neither affected by cooling the cells on ice, nor by activ-
ity of mitochondria or ABC transporters. This phase reflects the
association of dye with the outer leaflet oftheplasma membrane. The sub-
sequent phase of TMA-DPH fluorescence quenching occurred in drug-
sensitive cell lines with a half-life inthe range 20–40 s. The second phase of
fluorescence quenching was abolished by incubation ofthe cells on ice and
was transiently inhibited in cells with active mitochondria. Thus, the sec-
ond phase of fluorescence quenching reflects the accumulation of dye in the
cytoplasmic leaflet oftheplasma membrane, presumably as a result of flip-
flop of dye across theplasmamembraneand slow diffusion from the inner
leaflet into the cells. Whereas activity of P-glycoprotein prevented the sec-
ond phase of fluorescence quenching, the activity ofmultidrug resistance-
associated protein 1 had no effect on this phase. Thus, P-glycoprotein
appears to pump rhodamines from the cytoplasmic leaflet either to the
outer leaflet or to the outer medium.
CCCP, carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone; FRET, fluorescence resonance energy transfer; MDR, multidrug resistance;
MRP1, multidrug resistance-associated protein; Pgp, P-glycoprotein; TMA-DPH, trimethylammonium-diphenyl-hexatriene;
TMRM, tetramethylrhodamine methyl ester.
1234 FEBS Journal 277 (2010) 1234–1244 ª 2010 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2010 FEBS
substrates are inthe range 1–10 s
, which is fast com-
pared to the flip-flop rates of drugs, such as doxorubi-
cin [6,7].
Pgp has been proposed to function as a ‘hydropho-
bic vacuum cleaner’, extracting its substrates directly
from the lipid core ofthemembrane rather than from
the aqueous phase [8]. This idea is supported by data
showing that the apparent affinity of a drug for bind-
ing to purified Pgp is highly correlated with its lipid–
water partition coefficient [9]. Subsequently, this model
has been refined and Pgp has been suggested to act as
a plasmamembrane flippase, moving drug molecules
from the cytoplasmic leaflet to the extracellular leaflet
[10]. Romsicki and Sharom [11] have shown that Pgp
reconstituted into proteoliposomes transports lipid
analogs from the cytoplasmic leaflet to the extracellu-
lar leaflet. In contrast, it has been demonstrated that
reconstituted Pgp andthe bacterial multidrug trans-
porter, LmrP, expel drugs from the cytoplasmic leaflet
of themembrane to the aqueous medium rather than
to the extracellular leaflet [12,13]. The question
remains as to whether the release of drugs from the
cytoplasmic leaflet oftheplasmamembrane into the
cytoplasm is fast, resulting in a practical equilibrium
between thedrug concentrations inthe cytoplasmic
leaflet andthe cytoplasm, or whether the release is
slow, and drugs taken up into cells accumulate in the
cytoplasmic leaflet prior to being released into the
In the latter case, Pgp functioning as a flippase will
have the added advantage of capturing incoming drugs
before they reach the cytoplasm and at a transient high
local concentration. Moreover, inthe latter case, Pgp
is expected to handle incoming drugs more efficiently
compared to drugs already present inthe cell interior.
By contrast, inthe case where drug concentrations in
the cytoplasm andthe cytoplasmic leaflet are in equi-
librium, Pgp is expected to treat incoming drugs and
drugs already present within the cell in a similar
By contrast to Pgp, MRP1 functions as a glutathi-
one–X conjugate pump. It not only transports a vari-
ety of drugs conjugated to glutathione, sulfate or
glucuronate, as well as anionic drugs and dyes, but
also neutral ⁄ basic amphipathic drugs and even oxya-
nions. Previously, it has been assumed that the oxya-
nions arsenite and antimonite andthe neutral ⁄ basic
drugs are cotransported by MRP1 with glutathione
[14]. However, recent data indicate that the mechanis-
tic interaction between the transported neutral ⁄ basic
drugs andthe glutathione is more complicated [15].
The hydrophilic nature of some MRP1 substrates
makes it unlikely that MRP1 functions as a flippase
and extracts these substrates from the inner leaflet of
the plasma membrane. Rather, MRP1 pumps these
substrates directly from the cytoplasm.
The experiments conducted inthe present study were
designed to dissect the cellular uptakeof MDR-type
drugs into its constituent steps: uptake into the extra-
cellular leaflet, flip-flop across the lipid core of the
membrane and movement to the cytoplasmic leaflet of
the plasma membrane. First, an awareness of such
data should help to resolve an outstanding question: is
there a kinetic barrier between the cytoplasmic leaflet
of theplasmamembraneandthe cytoplasm? Such a
putative barrier would result inthe cytoplasmic leaflet
constituting a kinetic compartment separate from the
extracellular leaflet and from the interior ofthe cell. In
the case where the cytoplasmic leaflet does constitute a
separate compartment, the accumulation of drug
within this would be accomplished prior to saturation
of the total cellular content ofthe drug. By contrast,
in the case where there is no kinetic barrier, drug accu-
mulation within the cytoplasmic leaflet would proceed
in parallel with total drug accumulation within the
cells. Second, measurement ofdrug accumulation in
the cytoplasmic leaflet should help determine whether
Pgp removes its substrates from the cytoplasmic leaflet,
as predicted by the vacuum cleaner model, whereas
MRP1 extracts its substrates from the cytoplasm.
Tetramethylrhodamine methyl ester (TMRM) served
as a highly fluorescent probe representing the MDR-
type drugs [16]. TMRM accumulation inthe plasma
membrane leaflets was assayed in cells over-expressing
either Pgp or MRP1 and their sensitive parental lines.
TMRM accumulation was monitored as fluorescence
resonance energy transfer (FRET) from trimethyl-
ammonium-diphenyl-hexatriene (TMA-DPH) to the
TMRM present inthemembrane or very close to it.
Because of its polar nature, TMA-DPH, unlike its ana-
log diphenyl hexatriene, has a high specificity for the
plasma membranein intact cells [17,18]; TMA-DPH is
located within the lipid bilayer close to the outer sur-
face. The probe has been reported to be useful for
measurements ofplasmamembrane fluidity and for
studies on cellular exocytosis [19]. Kessel [20] found
similar values for TMA-DPH accumulation in drug-
resistant P388 cells and wild-type cells; no differences
were observed inthe fluorescence anisotropy and life-
time of TMA-DPH between these cell lines, which
would indicate that there are no MDR-related differ-
ences inthe binding of TMA-DPH to different cellular
components. On the basis ofthe overlap between the
fluorescence-emission spectrum of TMA-DPH and the
excitation spectrum of TMRM, FRET can occur, pro-
vided that the probe andthedrug are sufficiently close.
H. Katzir et al. Cytoplasmic leaflet indruguptakeand resistance
FEBS Journal 277 (2010) 1234–1244 ª 2010 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2010 FEBS 1235
Thus, the degree of TMA-DPH fluorescence quenching
by TMRM may provide information on the amount of
TMRM associated with theplasma membrane, as
described previously for synthetic and natural mem-
brane vesicles [21,22].
FRET from TMA-DPH to TMRM in cells sensitive
to anticancer drugs
The association ofthe dye, TMRM, with the surface
of cells was monitored as FRET from TMA-DPH
located at the outer leaflet oftheplasmamembrane to
this dye [23,24]. The background fluorescence of
TMA-DPH inthe aqueous medium appeared to be
negligible. Immediately upon the addition of cells to a
medium containing TMA-DPH, the fluorescence of the
latter increased by at least a factor of 100 as a result
of adsorption of dye on the outer leaflet of their
plasma membrane [25]. Steady-state fluorescence was
reached after < 5 min. The fluorescence of TMA-
DPH was observed immediately at the periphery of the
cells (data not shown). After prolonged incubation,
additional fluorescence was observed within the cells.
However, this fluorescence, presumably located in the
mitochondria and endosomes [23], was faint compared
to the fluorescence at the periphery ofthe cells. The
quenching pattern of TMA-DPH fluorescence by
TMRM was unaffected by the preincubation period of
TMA-DPH with the cells (Fig. 1). Upon the addition
of TMRM to cells preincubated with TMA-DPH,
quenching ofthe fluorescence ofthe TMA-DPH
occurred in two steps: an initial fast drop in fluores-
cence followed by a slow further fluorescence quench-
ing. The simultaneous addition ofthe two dyes to cells
resulted in a slow quenching similar to the second step
that was observed when TMRM was added after
TMA-DPH. Presumably, when the two dyes are added
together, the initial quenching of fluorescence occurred
faster than the adsorption of TMA-DPH to the cells
and fluorescence quenching as a result ofthe added
TMRM prevented the rapid initial drop in fluorescence
observed when TMRM was added to cells preincubat-
ed with TMA-DPH. Thus, the measured FRET
occurred from the TMA-DPH located at the surface of
the plasmamembraneand not from TMA-DPH
located within the cells.
The rapid initial quenching ofthe fluorescence was
essentially complete within 1 s after the addition of
TMRM. The extent ofthe initial quenching was linear
with the outer concentration of TMRM up to a con-
centration of 25 lm. Because the initial rapid drop in
TMA-DPH was not modulated by low temperatures
(Fig. 1), it reflects the absorption of TMRM to the
outer leaflet oftheplasma membrane. After the initial
rapid quenching phase, a slower quenching phase was
observed at ambient temperatures, although not on
ice. Thus, the slower fluorescence quenching reflected
TMRM crossing a lipid barrier located inthe plasma
The main intracellular accumulation site of rhodam-
ines inside cells is the mitochondria. This accumulation
could be eliminated by poisoning the mitochondria
either with the uncoupler, carbonyl cyanide m-chloro-
phenylhydrazone (CCCP), or the respiration inhibitor,
sodium azide. Poisoning the mitochondria had no
effect on the initial rapid phase of TMA-DPH fluores-
cence quenching by TMRM. By contrast, poisoning
the mitochondria accelerated the second phase of
TMA-DPH fluorescence quenching by TMRM. The
resulting curve could be fitted to a first-order reaction
with half-lives in K562, GLC4 and 2008 cells of
36 ± 5, 19 ± 4 and 21 ± 6 s, respectively (Fig. 2).
To determine whether the second phase of TMA-
DPH fluorescence quenching by TMRM in the
TMA-DPH fluorescence
3 min
Fig. 1. TMA-DPH fluorescence quenching by TMRM. K562 cells
were incubated inthe presence of glucose and sodium azide
(10 m
M)at37°C and their fluorescence was monitored continu-
ously using the excitation and emission wavelengths of TMA-DPH
fluorescence. Trace A: 2 l
M TMA-DPH was added at the time point
marked by the thin arrow and 25 l
M TMRM was added at the time
point marked by the thick arrow. Trace B: 2 l
added at the time point marked by the thin arrow and, 5 s later,
25 l
M TMRM was added. Trace C: 2 lM TMA-DPH and 25 lM
TMRM were added together at the time point marked by the
arrows. Trace D: Cells were incubated for 10 min at 37 °C with
2 l
M TMA-DPH. Subsequently, the cells were cooled by incubation
on ice for 5 min and, at the time point marked by the arrow, 25 l
TMRM was added. The extent of fluorescence drop presented in
trace D was equivalent to 0.26 ± 0.05 ofthe fluorescence
observed before the addition ofthe TMRM.
Cytoplasmic leaflet indruguptakeandresistance H. Katzir et al.
1236 FEBS Journal 277 (2010) 1234–1244 ª 2010 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2010 FEBS
presence of CCCP reflects the total cellular uptake of
TMRM, the time course ofthe quenching was com-
pared with the time course of TMRM uptake into the
cells. The time course of TMRM uptake into cells con-
sists of two stages: a first rapid stage that reflects bind-
ing of TMRM to the outer leaflet ofthe plasma
membrane and a subsequent uptakeof TMRM into
the cells [16]. Theuptakeof TMRM into K562 and
GLC4 cells occurred with half-lives of 3.7 ± 0.4 and
1.3 ± 0.2 min, respectively (as calculated based on
data presented in Fig. 3). Thus, the FRET was four-
to six-fold faster compared to the total uptake of
TMRM into the cells andthe kinetics ofthe two
movements are separate.
A comparison of TMA-DPH fluorescence quenching
by TMRM observed in normally respiring cells and in
cells whose mitochondria had been poisoned reveals
that the active uptakeof TMRM into the mitochon-
dria interferes with the second phase of TMA-DPH
quenching (Fig. 2). Initially, there is significant inhibi-
tion ofthe quenching inthe respiring cells, which is
subsequently relieved, presumably as a result of satura-
tion ofthe mitochondria with TMRM. As shown in
Table 1, poisoning ofthe mitochondria with either
CCCP or sodium azide resulted in little change in their
ATP content. These cells relied mainly on glycolysis
for their ATP supply and only poisoning the mito-
chondria and glucose deprivation lead to a reduction
in cellular ATP content. Thus, the effect ofthe mito-
chondrial poisons on the secondary fluorescence drop
is not the result of an indirect effect mediated by ATP
FRET from TMA-DPH to TMRM in multidrug
resistant cells
Over-expression of Pgp by K562 cells had no effect on
the rapid initial drop in TMA-DPH fluorescence
induced by TMRM. By contrast, it eliminated the sec-
ond phase of drop in TMA-DPH fluorescence induced
by TMRM (Fig. 4A). The activity of Pgp completely
cancelled the slow phase of fluorescence drop, both in
cells with active mitochondria andin cells whose mito-
chondria had been poisoned. This effect ofthe over-
expressed Pgp was partially reversed as a result of the
5 min
TMA-DPH fluorescence
3 min
2 min
Fig. 2. Effect of poisoning the mitochondria on TMA-DPH fluores-
cence quenching by TMRM. (A) K562, (B) GLC4 or (C) 2008 cells
were incubated at 37 °C either inthe absence (trace A) or presence
of either 1 l
M CCCP (trace B) or 10 mM sodium azide (trace C).
2 l
M TMA-DPH was added at the time points marked by the thin
arrows and 25 l
M TMRM was added at the time points marked by
the thick arrows. TMA-DPH fluorescence was monitored continu-
ously. The curves represent at least four separate experiments.
The curves describing the second, slow, phase of TMA-DPH fluo-
rescence quenching by TMRM inthe presence of either CCCP or
sodium azide were fitted to the first-order reaction y = a · exp(–k ·
t)+c, where t is the time period elapsed from the addition of the
dye and k is the reaction constant; a and c represent the extent of
the secondary fluorescence drop andthe fluorescence remaining
after both phases of fluorescence quenching, respectively. The k
values obtained served to calculate the half-life ofthe fluorescence
quenching. All fluorescence values are expressed as fractions of
the TMA-DPH fluorescence exhibited by the cells just before the
addition ofthe TMRM dye. The r
values obtained were > 0.95.
H. Katzir et al. Cytoplasmic leaflet indruguptakeand resistance
FEBS Journal 277 (2010) 1234–1244 ª 2010 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2010 FEBS 1237
modulation of Pgp activity by the chemosensitizers,
cyclosporine A, verapamil and reserpine, or by deple-
tion of cellular ATP. These treatments had no signifi-
cant effect on either the initial fast phase of
fluorescence inthe Pgp-over-expressing cells or fluores-
cence quenching in wild-type cells (Fig. 5). Inhibition
of Pgp with cyclosporine A caused a parallel increase
in the amount of TMRM taken up by the cells as well
as the extent ofthe second phase of TMA-DPH fluo-
rescence quenching by TMRM (Figs 6 and 7). By con-
trast to over-expression of Pgp, over-expression of
MRP1 had no apparent effect on fluorescence quench-
ing of TMA-DPH by TMRM (Fig. 4B, C). As
expected, MRP1 activity had no apparent effect on the
rapid initial quenching of TMA-DPH fluorescence.
Moreover, MRP1 over-expression did not affect the
subsequent slow fluorescence quenching of TMA-DPH
fluorescence, either in respiring cells or in cells whose
mitochondria had been poisoned.
Cellular uptakeofthe rhodamine, TMRM, was analy-
sed using FRET from the dye TMA-DPH located at
the surface ofthe cell plasmamembrane to the incom-
ing rhodamine dye. The quenching of TMA-DPH
occurred in two distinct phases: an initial rapid phase
followed by a slower phase with a measurable kinetics.
Because the initial quenching phase was very rapid
and was unaffected by low temperatures, it represents
the adsorption of dye to the cell surface. The subse-
quent phase was eliminated at low temperatures and
thus involves transport across or into the lipid core of
the plasma membrane. This temperature-dependent flu-
orescence quenching phase exhibited the following
characteristics. (a) Inthe presence of mitochondrial
poisons, it occurred as a single first-order reaction. (b)
Active uptakeofthe TMRM by respiring mitochon-
dria transiently inhibited the temperature-dependent
fluorescence quenching. This inhibition could be pre-
vented by mitochondrial poisons such as the uncou-
pler, CCCP, andthe respiration inhibitor, sodium
azide. Treatment of cells with these poisons did not
deplete the ATP content ofthe cells. Thus, the fluores-
cence quenching observed inthe presence of these
poisons, especially the hydrophilic azide ion, does not
reflect a direct effect on theplasma membrane. (c) The
temperature-dependent fluorescence quenching was
prevented by the activity of over-expressed Pgp.
Fluorescence quenching could be restored by modu-
lation of Pgp activity, either by its specific inhibitors
or by depletion of cellular ATP.
The temperature-dependent fluorescence quenching
reflects the transfer of TMRM from its location at the
surface ofthe cells toward an inner location. Because
the cationic rhodamine dye is amphipathic, it is practi-
cally insoluble inthe lipid core and is expected to be
0 102030
0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0
Time (min)
Cell-associated TMRM
(nmol 10
Fig. 3. TMRM uptake into K562 (left) and GLC4 (right) cells. K562 or GLC4 cells were incubated with 25 lM TMRM inthe presence (circles)
or absence (squares) of 1 l
M CCCP. Samples were withdrawn at various time points andthe amount of TMRM associated with the cells
was determined by the quantitative procedure described inthe Experimental procedures. The data describing the dye uptake into the cells
whose mitochondria were poisoned with CCCP were fitted to a first-order reaction with r
> 0.95, as described in Fig. 2.
Table 1. Effect of mitochondrial poisons on the cellular ATP con-
tent of K562 cells. K562 cells or their Pgp over-expressing sub-line,
K562 ⁄ ADR, were incubated for 30 min at 37 °C inthe absence or
presence of 10 m
M glucose, 10 mM deoxyglucose, 1 lM CCCP or
M azide. Cell samples were withdrawn and their ATP content
was determined. ATP content is expressed as a percentage of the
ATP content ofthe control K562 cells and their Pgp over-express-
ing cells (4.6 ± 0.6 and 5.3 ± 0.7 nmolÆ10
cells, respectively).
Control 100 100
Azide + glucose 91 ± 7 88 ± 6
Azide + deoxyglucose 11 ± 2 18 ± 5
CCCP + glucose 89 ± 8 91 ± 6
CCCP + deoxyglucose 16 ± 5 11 ± 3
Cytoplasmic leaflet indruguptakeandresistance H. Katzir et al.
1238 FEBS Journal 277 (2010) 1234–1244 ª 2010 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2010 FEBS
localized at the surfaces oftheplasma membrane.
Theoretically, this fluorescence quenching could be the
result of TMRM transfer from the cell surface further
into the outer leaflet ofthemembrane or flip-flop
across themembraneand residence inthe inner leaflet
of the membrane. The observation that active uptake
of the TMRM by the mitochondria delays the temper-
ature-dependent fluorescence quenching is inconsistent
with the possibility that quenching occurs as a result
of dye moving within the outer leaflet ofthe plasma
membrane. The lipid core oftheplasma membrane
constitutes the main barrier to TMRM transport
across themembraneandthe mitochondria cannot
affect the TMRM concentration bound at the outer
leaflet. Thus, the temperature-dependent fluorescence
quenching reflects the flip-flop of TMRM from
the outer leaflet oftheplasmamembrane to the inner
5 min
TMA-DPH fluorescence
TMA-DPH fluorescence
2 min
TMA-DPH fluorescence
2 min
Fig. 4. TMA-DPH fluorescence quenching by TMRM in Pgp or
MRP1 over-expressing cells. Pgp over-expressing cells, (A)
K562 ⁄ ADR, or MRP1 over-expressing cells, (B) GLC4 ⁄ MRP1 and
(C) 2008 ⁄ MRP1, were incubated at 37 °C either inthe absence
(trace A) or presence (trace B) of 1 l
M CCCP. 2 lM TMA-DPH was
added andthe cells were incubated for a further 10 min. 25 l
TMRM was added at the time points marked by the arrows. TMA-
DPH fluorescence was monitored continuously. The curves repre-
sent at least four separate experiments. The curves describing the
second phase of TMA-DPH fluorescence quenching by TMRM in
presence of CCCP were fitted as a first-order reaction with
> 0.95, as described in Fig. 2.
Sensitive K562 cells
3 min
TMA-DPH fluorescence
TMA-DPH fluorescence
Resistant K562/ADR cells
3 min
Fig. 5. Effect of Pgp modulation on TMA-DPH fluorescence
quenching by TMRM. (A) K562 cells or (B) their Pgp over-express-
ing sub-line, K562 ⁄ ADR, were incubated at 37 °C inthe presence
of glucose and 1 m
M azide and either inthe absence (trace A) or
presence of 10 l
M cyclosporine (trace B), 100 lM verapamil (trace
C) or 30 l
M reserpine (trace D). Cells presented in trace E were
depleted of ATP by incubation for 30 min at 37 °C inthe presence
of deoxyglucose instead of glucose and 1 m
M azide. At the time
points marked by the arrows, 2 l
M TMA-DPH was added and, after
a further 5 min of incubation, 25 l
M TMRM was added. TMA-DPH
fluorescence was monitored continuously. The curves represent at
least four separate experiments.
H. Katzir et al. Cytoplasmic leaflet indruguptakeand resistance
FEBS Journal 277 (2010) 1234–1244 ª 2010 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2010 FEBS 1239
leaflet. The expected distance between TMRM located
at the inner leaflet oftheplasmamembrane and
TMA-DPH located at the outer leaflet is somewhat
< 3 nm (i.e. a distance that could allow FRET
between these dyes).
The results obtained with FRET from TMA-DPH
to TMRM located at the outer leaflet ofthe plasma
membrane suggest that uptakeof TMRM occurs in
distinct steps: rapid binding to the outer surface of
the cells, flip-flop across theplasma membrane, accu-
mulation of dye inthe cytoplasmic leaflet of the
plasma membraneand release into the cell interior.
The initial binding of dye to the cells, evident as the
TMRM-mediated initial drop in TMA-DPH fluores-
cence, appears to be instantaneous, even at low
temperatures. Therefore, it is very rapid, possibly
limited by the diffusion of dye toward the cell. Local-
ization studies of multidrug-type drugs and modula-
tors suggest that, upon association ofthe TMRM
with theplasma membrane, it is located between the
phosphate ofthe lipid headgroups andthe upper
segments ofthe lipid hydrocarbon chains [26].
The subsequent accumulation of dye inthe cytoplas-
mic leaflet oftheplasmamembrane comprises a fast
process compared to the total uptakeof dye into the
cells, indicating that, in kinetic terms, the cytoplasmic
leaflet comprises a compartment separate from the
cytoplasm. The accumulation of dye inthe cytoplas-
mic leaflet is the outcome of a balance between the
rate of flip-flop across themembrane from the outer
leaflet to the cytoplasmic leaflet oftheplasma mem-
brane andthe release from the cytoplasmic leaflet into
the cell. Analysis using a kinetic model ofdrug uptake
into cells similar to the previously reported models
[27,28] suggests that a significant accumulation in the
cytoplasmic leaflet oftheplasmamembrane takes
place only when the release from theplasma mem-
brane into the cytoplasm occurs at a rate similar to
that ofthe flip-flop of dye across theplasma mem-
brane. Inthe case where the release into the cytoplasm
is fast compared to the flip-flop, the amount of dye
accumulated inthe cytoplasmic leaflet will be insignifi-
cant. By contrast, inthe case where diffusion into the
cells is slower than the flip-flop across the plasma
membrane, it will constitute the limiting step of dye
uptake into the cells.
The secondary drop inthe TMRM-mediated TMA-
DPH fluorescence observed in cells whose mitochon-
dria were poisoned, reflects the flip-flop rate of dye
from the outer leaflet oftheplasmamembrane to the
cytoplasmic leaflet. The apparent half-life ofthe flip-
flop was inthe range 20–40 s inthe various cell lines
investigated inthe present study. This half-life value
was similar to the flip-flop value of doxorubicin
observed in cell-free systems such as liposomes and iso-
lated erythrocyte membranes [4,5]. The half-life of the
flip-flop observed as the drop in TMA-DPH fluores-
cence is a minimum value because the step subsequent
TMA-DPH fluorescence
5 min
Sensitive cells
Fig. 6. Effect of various cyclosporine concentrations on TMA-DPH
fluorescence quenching by TMRM in Pgp over-expressing cells,
K562 ⁄ ADR, or K562 sensitive cells, were incubated inthe presence
of 1 l
M CCCP, 2 lM TMA-DPH and various concentrations of cyclo-
sporine A (l
M concentrations are indicated) for 15 min and then
25 l
M TMRM was added at the time points marked by the arrows.
TMA-DPH fluorescence was monitored continuously. The curves
represent at least four separate experiments. The curves describing
the second phase of TMA-DPH fluorescence quenching by TMRM
in presence of CCCP were fitted as a first-order reaction with
> 0.95, as described in Fig. 2.
Cell associated TMRM
(nmol 10
Extent of fluorescence drop
(fraction of total fluorescence)
0.1 1.0 10
orine [µM]
Fig. 7. Effect of cyclosporine A on FRET from TMA-DPH to TMRM
and TMRM uptakein Pgp over-expressing cells. K562 ⁄ ADR cells
were treated as described in Fig. 6. The amount of TMRM that
was associated with cells during 30 min of incubation (circles) was
determined quantitavely as described inthe Experimental proce-
dures. The extent ofthe second phase of fluorescence quenching
by TMRM (squares) was determined by fitting the relevant curves
from Fig. 6 to equations describing a first-order reaction, as
described in Fig. 2.
Cytoplasmic leaflet indruguptakeandresistance H. Katzir et al.
1240 FEBS Journal 277 (2010) 1234–1244 ª 2010 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2010 FEBS
to the flip-flop, namely the release of dye into the cyto-
plasm, can appear to accelerate the rate at which dye
accumulation inthe cytoplasmic leaflet ofthe plasma
membrane reaches steady-state. Fast release of dye will
result in shorter apparent half-life ofthe flip-flop of
dye across the membrane.
Surprisingly, andof interest, the active uptake of
dye into the mitochondria prevented the accumulation
of dye inthe cytoplasmic leaflet oftheplasma mem-
brane. Only after a prolonged period, TMRM was
accumulated inthe cytoplasmic leaflet ofthe plasma
membrane, presumably as a result of saturation of the
mitochondria, leading to diminished uptakeof TMRM
into the mitochondria. Because there are no reports of
direct contact of mitochondria with theplasma mem-
brane, we have to assume that the mitochondria do
not pump the dye directly from theplasma membrane
but, instead, from the cytoplasm adjacent to the mem-
brane. On the basis of this observation, it can be
deduced that the limiting step inthe release of
dye from theplasmamembrane is not the actual
release from themembrane but, instead, the movement
away from theplasmamembrane into the cell. The
cytoplasm next to theplasmamembrane is unstirred
and dense with proteins. Moreover, TMRM and anti-
cancer drugs, such as anthracyclines, are positively
charged and therefore bind to acidic groups in proteins
and membranes. Thus, their movement into the cell
can be envisaged as a series of binding and releasing
events rather than simple diffusion. However, it should
be stressed that although, in kinetic terms, the com-
partment oftheplasmamembrane includes the cyto-
plasm layer adjacent to theplasma membrane, the
drop in TMA-DPH fluorescence reflects almost exclu-
sively the dye present inthe cytoplasmic leaflet. This is
a result ofthe partition ofthe dye into the plasma
membrane in preference to remaining soluble in the
aqueous cytoplasm.
The data ofthe FRET from TMA-DPH to TMRM
suggest that Pgp extracts its substrates directly from
the cytoplasmic leaflet oftheplasma membrane. This
is consistent with the suggestion made by Higgins and
Gottesman [10] that Pgp acts as a flippase transporting
its substrates from the cytoplasmic leaflet ofthe lipid
bilayer to the outer leaflet or to the external medium.
The data reported inthe present study, and obtained
in living cells, confirm the finding obtained in reconsti-
tuted proteoliposomes [11,12] and isolated membranes
[29,30] indicating that Pgp and a bacterial multidrug
ABC-transporter extract their substrates from the cyto-
plasmic leaflet ofthe membrane.
By contrast to Pgp, over-expression of MRP1 does
not affect the presence of TMRM inthe cytoplasmic
leaflet, but appears to pump it directly from the cyto-
plasm. Over-expression of MRP1 did not alter the pat-
tern ofthe drop in TMA-DPH fluorescence observed
in the sensitive parent cell lines. MRP1 transports, on
the one hand, organic anions, such as glutathione con-
jugates, and, on the other hand, basic hydrophobic
drugs, such as daunorubicin and vincristine [14]. It has
been suggested that MRP1 has two binding sites: one
with high affinity for hydrophobic ligands and the
other with high affinity for glutathione [31,32]. The
results obtained inthe present study suggest that both
sites are not located within theplasma membrane, but
at its surface. The difference inthe transport mecha-
nisms between Pgp and MRP1, as revealed with FRET
from TMA-DPH to TMRM is not the result of higher
resistance levels inthe Pgp cells. Inhibition of Pgp with
various concentrations of cyclosporin A allowed for
corresponding levels of TMRM accumulation,
although in no case was the pattern of TMA-DPH
fluorescence drop similar to that observed in sensitive
cells, as is the case in MRP1 over-expressing cells.
The finding that the cytoplasmic leaflet of the
plasma membrane constitutes a kinetic compartment
separate from the cell interior emphasizes the relevance
of Pgp as a flippase to multidrug resistance. Drugs
taken up into cells stay inthe cytoplasmic leaflet of the
plasma membrane for a few seconds before reaching
the cell interior. Thus, Pgp that extracts its substrates
from the cytoplasmic leaflet oftheplasma membrane
has the opportunity to remove drugs from the cells
before they reach the cell interior. Pgp is adapted to
prevent drugs from entering cells rather than to
remove drugs already present inthe cells. By contrast,
transporters such as MRP1 extract their substrates
directly from the cytoplasm and are more adapted to
remove drugs already present inside the cells than to
prevent the access of drugs into the cells. This phe-
nomenon is especially relevant to drug transcellular
transport andmultidrugresistancein cell monolayers
such as the blood–brain barrier andthe epithelia lining
the intestine andthe nephrons. It has been shown that
the tight junctions pose a barrier to the movement of
lipids between the outer leafletsofthe apical and baso-
lateral domains oftheplasmamembrane [33]. By con-
trast, they do not interfere with the movement of lipids
and presumably drugs between the cytoplasmic leaflets
of these domains [33]. Transcellular movement across
cell monolayers of certain drugs and dyes, such as
TMRM, is expected to occur mainly by rapid incorpo-
ration into the outer leaflet oftheplasma membrane,
flip-flop across the lipid core ofthe membrane, lateral
movement inthe cytoplasmic leaflet ofthe plasma
membrane from one membrane domain to the other,
H. Katzir et al. Cytoplasmic leaflet indruguptakeand resistance
FEBS Journal 277 (2010) 1234–1244 ª 2010 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2010 FEBS 1241
flip-flop again across the lipid core ofthe membrane
and, finally, release from theplasmamembrane into
the aqueous phase. Thus, drugs and dyes with a high
partition coefficient (membrane ⁄ aqueous phase) are
expected to cross cell monolayers via lateral movement
in the cytoplasmic leaflet oftheplasma membrane,
with little access into the cells’ cytoplasm. Indeed,
kinetic analysis ofdrug transport across kidney conflu-
ent cell monolayers suggests that hydrophobic drugs
cross the monolayer by lateral transport inthe cyto-
plasmic leaflet oftheplasmamembrane rather than via
the cytoplasm [34].
Experimental procedures
K562, a human leukemia cell line established from a
patient with chronic myelogeneous leukemia in blast trans-
formation [35], was purchased from ATCC (Rockville,
MD, USA) and maintained in RPMI medium (Biological
Industries, Beit-Haemmek, Israel). The K562 Pgp-over-
expressing subline was obtained by sequential exposure of
cells to increasing concentrations of doxorubicin and was
maintained inthe presence of 0.5 lm doxorubicin. 2008
parental cells and their MRP1 over-expressing subline [36]
were kindly provided by P. Borst (Netherlands Cancer
Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands) and grown in
RPMI-1640 (Sigma-Aldrich, Rehovot, Israel) The CIR
[37], GLC4 cells and MRP1-over-expressing GLC4 ⁄ ADR
cells [38] were cultured in RPMI 1640 either in the
absence or presence of 1 lm doxorubicin. All media were
supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum, 100 IUÆmL
penicillin and 100 lgÆmL
streptomycin (Invitrogen,
Rehovot, Israel) andthe cells were grown at 37 °C under
5% CO
⁄ humidified air. TMRM, Silicone oil AR200 and
mineral oil were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. Cellular
ATP content was measured by the luciferin-luciferase
assay [39].
Measurement of FRET from TMA-DPH to TMRM
Cells were labeled with TMA-DPH (2 lm) by incubation at
37 °C. The fluorescence of TMA-DPH was monitored con-
tinuously with the temperature maintained at 37 °C. In a
typical experiment, 2 · 10
cells were incubated with stir-
ring in 2 mL of medium composed of NaCl (132 mm), KCl
(3.5 mm), CaCl
(1 mm), MgCl
(0.5 mm), glucose (10 mm)
and Hepes-Tris buffer (20 mm, pH 7.4). A concentration of
2 lm TMA-DPH was added, leading to a rapid rise in
TMA-DPH fluorescence. After further incubation for 10–
15 min, TMRM (25 lm) was added. The TMA-DPH fluo-
rescence was monitored continuously in a Varian Cary
Eclipse fluorescence spectrophotometer (Varian Inc., Palo
Alto, CA, USA) using an excitation wavelength of 366 nm
and an emission wavelength of 426 nm.
Quantitative determination ofthe amount of
TMRM associated with cells
For determination ofthe amount of TMRM associated
with cells, cells were incubated with the dye inthe medium
described above. Samples containing 4 · 10
cells in
0.4 mL of medium were withdrawn and placed in an
Eppendorf-style microfuge above a 0.2 mL cushion consist-
ing of 95 parts Silicone oil AR 200 (d
= 1.049) and five
parts mineral oil (d
= 0.89). After centrifugation for
4 min at 13 200 g at room temperature, the oil cushion
was washed three times with water by suction. Subse-
quently, all ofthe upper phase, including part ofthe oil
cushion, was removed, leaving a fraction ofthe oil above
the cell pellets. The cell pellets were dissolved by the addi-
tion of 0.1 mL of guanidine HCl (5 m) buffered with
Hepes-Tris (50 mm, pH 7.4), centrifugation for 5 min and
incubation for at least 1 h at room temperature. The
dissolved samples were mixed thoroughly with 0.5 mL of
water and centrifuged for 5 min. Samples (0.4 mL) were
withdrawn from the pellets dissolved inthe aqueous phase.
The fluorescence of TMRM was determined using an exci-
tation wavelength of 563 nm and an emission wavelength
of 583 nm. To ensure fidelity ofthe assay, dye-free cell
samples were mixed with known amounts of rhodamines
and processed as above. The rhodamine yield thus
obtained matched the amount expected. To determine the
volume of incubation medium carried through the oil cush-
ion together with the cells, a cell sample was incubated on
ice with 10 lm acidic dye (calcein) and processed as
above. The amount of calcein associated with the cells was
equivalent to < 0.05% ofthe sample volume. The time
period required to separate cells from the external medium
was equivalent to 0.5 min. All curves were adjusted
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