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Ls spp a lstm based solar power prediction method from weather forecast information

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2021 8th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS) LS-SPP: A LSTM-Based Solar Power Prediction Method from Weather Forecast Information Nhat-Tuan Pham∗ , Nhu-Y Tran-Van† Kim-Hung Le‡ University of Information Technology, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam Email: ∗ 17521219@gm.uit.edu.vn, † 17521287@gm.uit.edu.vn ‡ hunglk@uit.edu.vn Abstract—Solar radiation is an unlimited source of clean energy with huge exploitation potential To effectively exploit this valuable resource, the arrival of the solar forecast has shown an improvement in incorporating renewable energy into the grid system Having accurate solar prediction would yield useful information to ensure the power grid’s stability, gain the advantage of renewable energy, and minimize mineral resource consumption In this paper, we introduce a novel deep learning model, namely LSTM-Based Solar Power Prediction (LS-SPP), combining long short-term memory and a recurring neural network (LSTM-RNN) The proposed model is stacked with two LSTM layers to produce a high prediction accuracy based on historical meteorological time series Our practical experiment on real datasets shows that the LS-SSP model achieves up to 96.78% accuracy in performance, higher than the best of competitors reported about 94.19% Index Terms—Solar power prediction, Long short term memory, Industrial Internet of Things I I NTRODUCTION Solar power is a renewable, infinite, and friendly energy source to the environment that lowers pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions According to the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA), solar PV installations have been strongly invested, with the total installed solar PV capacity globally in 2014 up to 177GW, and CO2 emissions have decreased by about 53 million tons per year [1] In Africa, many nations, especially those around the deserts, receive a great deal of sunlight every day These countries have an opportunity for the development of solar technology across the region The distribution of PV systems is almost uniform in Africa, with most countries receiving about 2000 kW h/m2 every year Asia alone contributed to 66.66% of the global amount of solar power installed in 2016, with about 50% coming from China [2] Forecasting the capacity of renewable power sources, especially solar and wind power, has become more critical, along with benefits such as power supply into the electrical system, taking advantage of on-site energy sources [3] The deployment and connection of solar power plants to the national grid system also affects the grid’s operations Firstly, the output power of solar PV is not stable, frequently changing with high variation For example, the peak summers may lead to higher output of solar plants, whereas rainy days generate small electrical output A direct consequence of this is that the electricity system must have a redundant high capacity to ensure an adequate supply of power to the system load [4] 978-1-6654-1001-4/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE Secondly, solar power is often interrupted suddenly There is no dynamic reserve like rotating generators, so joining the grid system with a high density will reduce the system’s rotational inertia, causing reduced storage capacity and stability to the grid system Due to the mentioned uncertainty, accurate forecasting of renewable power source’s capacity plays a significant role in economic aspects, ensuring efficiency and stability Having greater insight into predicted solar values allows grid operators to manage variable output proactively and thus integrating solar resources into the existing grid at lower costs [5] In recent years there has been renewed interest in applying machine learning to solar forecasting A linear time series prediction model was proposed to predict solar energy values along the horizon up to 36 hours with a 15-minute observation time based on global radiation forecast with data from the Danish Meteorological Institute for every hours [6] Random forest regression models that have been introduced give positive results in solar energy prediction based on weather data for one day ahead [7] A model using Expanded Extreme Learning Machine (EELM) was shown to predict solar energy for about minutes, and hour ago with data collected from National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) [8] Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was developed for the 24 hourly solar PV production predictions in Amman, Jordan, which gave better results than Extreme Learning Machines (ELM)[9] ANN can also be used to predict small scale solar PV systems with 750W solar panels [10] Prediction models were developed based on information obtained from weather forecasting and cloud cover to apply in solar forecasting [11] Based on previous studies, apply machine learning Support Vector Machines (SVM) to predict with data provided by National Weather Service (NWS) with time frame per hour [12] A predictive model based on images from different satellites applying SVM with 4-year data from satellites to configure inputs and outputs data sets [13] The leastsquare SVM model predicts using atmospheric transmissivity history as input data and returns solar level based on the latitude of place and time of day[14] The hybrid model has been applied heterogeneous regression algorithms to predict solar power supply capacity before o’clock, based on past data in Rockhampton, Australia [15] Hybrid models are mentioned as methods proposed combination models discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and Auto-Regressive Moving Average (ARMA) 144 2021 8th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS) Machine learning is the process of the algorithm changing its performance in response to data The learning algorithm then creates a set of rules based on inferences from the data [16] It is easy to apply to various scenarios but produces low performance and accuracy The deep learning model inspired by the neural architecture of the human brain has been developed to overcome the above problem Some ordinary neural networks in deep learning are Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) [17] Models using CNN often have high complexity and heavy processing, leading to resource consumption, whereas RNN is designed to process data in sequence or time [18] It shows that RNN is suitable for research and development to predict solar energy In this study, we aim at increasing the solar prediction accuracy by proposing a novel RNN model The main idea is to use memory to save information slowly, preprocessing steps to make the most accurate prediction for the current prediction step To this, the long short-term memory (LSTM), a particular form of RNN, is leveraged to avoid long-term dependency in historical solar data, resulting in quickly and appropriately improving predictive accuracy in many contexts In our evaluation, the proposed model is compared with existing models such as linear regression, random forest regression over the practical datasets provided by HI-SEAS, meteorological data from the weather station HI-SEAS in months from September to December 2016 The experimental results show that our proposed model outperforms competitors The explained variance score is reported at 96.78%, while the best of competitors (Random Forest Regression) is about 94.19% The rest of this paper is organized as follows We briefly introduce LSTM and then describe our proposal in Section II Section III describes the model’s implementation in detail, including the prediction network’s training, data processing, and experiment results In Section IV, we conclude the whole of our work Fig LSTM memory unit LSTM operations are based on the status of the cells and the different gates The cell state carries relevant information during sequence processing The gates are the place to decide whether to memorize or discard information into a cell state during the training process Includes Forget gate, Input gate, Output gate Figure is used to illustrate the LSTM memory unit ft = σ(Wf ˙[ht−1 , xt ] + bf ) (1) it = σ(Wi ˙[ht−1 , xt ] + bi ) (2) ft = tanh(Wc ˙[ht−1 , xt ] + bC ) N (3) Nt = ft ∗ Nt−1 + it ∗ Nt (4) Ot = σ(Wo ˙[ht−1 , xt ] + bo ) (5) ht = Ot ∗ tanh(Nt ) (6) II T HE LS-SPP METHOD In this section, we briefly explain about LSTM model before describing in detail how our proposal could produce an effective solar forecast A LSTM model LSTM is an enhanced version of RNN that has encountered a vanishing gradient problem in the backpropagation [19] In more detail, the backpropagation of a small gradient value over time leads to forgetting what was seen before (shortterm memory) LSTM has internal gates to regulate the flow of information through learning and deciding which important data are cached It means that LSTM could learn how to retain only relevant information to make predictions As a result, the prediction results produced by LSTM achieve high accuracy Forget gate operates on the sigmoid function used to determine which data are removed from memory The values from the hidden state (ht−1 ) and current input (yt ) are passed to this function (ft ) These data are dropped if they are closer to and retained if closer to 1, as represented in (1) Input gate is responsible for updating cell state and the data are passed ft ) with (2), (3) At (it ), the data through the function (it ), (N ft ) pass through go through sigmoid function [0,1] and (N function [-1,1] then multiplied together The values of the trigger function close to are be saved for use again Cell memory updates itself by multiplying the value from Forget gate with the cell state in the previous state and then adding the value from the Input gate (Nt ) follow (4) Output gate is tasked to return results based on the value of memory The data pass through the sigmoid function (Ot ) by (5), whereas the values from cell state are processed in a function The next hidden state is carry this value by (ht ) follow (6) 145 2021 8th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS) B LS-SPP model In this article, we evaluated and analyzed many models with different parameters to improve solar prediction accuracy These models are mentioned as Elastic Regression [20], Gradient Boosting Regression [21], Decision Tree Regression [22], XGBoost Regression[23], and Random Forest Regression [24] From the experiments, it can be seen that applying our proposal produces better results than its competitors LSSPP has memory, which makes processing large datasets more accurate Besides, it is also efficient without requiring knowledge about the relationships between features or classes As shown in Figure 2, the Input layer passes into LSTMs before reaching Dropout and Dense layers The proposed model could enhance the accuracy of the predicted value and accelerate the time-series calculation process is 325,857, where the first LSTM layer has 202,496 params, the next LSTM layer has 123,264 params, and the Dense layer has 97 params The Dense layer is responsible for transforms 96 attributes into one figure on the level of solar radiation energy using to predict Layer Output Shape Params # LSTM (None, 10, 224) 202496 LSTM (None, 96) 123264 Dropout (None, 96) Dense (None, 1) 97 Total params: 325,857 TABLE I The proposed model layers and their params III E VALUATION A Data Description Our evaluation data are gathered from Hawai’i Space Exploration Analog organizations, and Simulation (HI-SEAS) is from NASA’s Hackathon in Solar Radiation Prediction HISEAS is a research station that explores signals from Mars and the Moon to collect and analyze data The datasets are meteorological data collected from the HI-SEAS weather station over the past four months from September to December 2016 [25] The columns in the data include information about temperature (°F), humidity (%), barometric pressure (Hg), wind direction (°), wind speed (mph), time sunrise and time sunset (Hawaii time), and solar radiation (W/m2) The total number of samples in the dataset is 32686, with a 5-minutes interval between samples Sample solar radiation data in 24 hours is shown in Figure The goal is to achieve the results of solar radiation prediction based on values in the past Fig The proposed model summary In more detail, we propose a deep learning model including LSTMs, Dropout, and Dense The input layer has 10x1 shape input and output values, including features necessary for learning and training In the learning process, the results returned from the previous layer are the next layer’s input The first LSTM layer consists of 224 kernels with input values from the Input layers to maximize the data’s attributes The next LSTM layer will have input values of the shape 10x224 with the number of kernels of 96 and the output values of the shape 1x96 To limit the overfitting, the Dropout layer has the role of randomly removing the cell units in the learning process of LSTM These cell units not receive and transmit information, which reduces the number of parameters that minimize the algorithm’s training time and complexity Table I describes the number of params in each layer The total number of proposed model params Fig Solar radiation in 24 hours After exploring and analyze data to extract key variables and determine optimal factor settings We added several columns to maximize data insights and improve the accuracy 146 2021 8th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS) of the prediction, such as “DayLengthinsec” column to determine the time with the sun in the day calculated by taking “TimeSunSet” - “TimeSunRise” and converting it to seconds “time in sec” is used to convert the collect time of data to seconds based on the value of the “Time” column The two columns “Month” and “Day of Month” are based on the value from the “Data” column to identify the month and days in that month The predicted value returned is Radiation Training for data will have 21899 samples and 10787 samples for testing B Index of Performance Fig Model training loss This section is used to describe the performance evaluation criteria in the prediction of solar radiation In this paper, two criteria are selected to evaluate the error and accuracy of the LSTM model and for comparison with other models These criteria are Mean Squared Error (MSE) and Explained Variance Score (EVS) Our proposed model achieves an accuracy of 96.78 % and MSE of 0.0021 This means that it could accurately predict future values learning from historical data We visualize sample values of predicted and actual data in Figure As we can see, LS-SPP prediction results are similar to the ground truth values, except for a few individual points n M SE ≡ 1X (Yi − Yˆi )2 n i=1 EV S ≡ − [V ar(Yi − Yˆi )] V ar(Yi ) (7) (8) Fig Predicted and actual data samples MSE is used to find errors or deviations in the learning process, one of the most popular methods for measuring mean error values With the main purpose of testing and comparing the difference between the actual value and the predicted value In (7), with the size of the data set n, Yi and Yˆi are the actual and predicted values at the time ith , respectively EVS is used to evaluate the performance of a model by measuring the difference between predicted results compared to actual data, which indicates the model accuracy According to the formula, the highest value the model can achieve is C Results The evaluation criteria mentioned above are applied in this section to show the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed model The training process showed that errors were significantly reduced from the 200 epoch and increasingly close to the actual value Loss results in the training process are shown in Fig The proposed model gives low error results and fast convergence in the learning process To demonstrate the superiority of our proposal, we also compare it with existing solar prediction algorithms Our evaluation is based on the algorithms presented and source code available on github [26] Comparative evaluation values are obtained after running experiments based on the same dataset and summarized in Table II We note from Table II that the MSE index of our proposal is much lower than our competitors MSE of LS-SPP is about 0.0021, whereas the best of competitors is 5674.32 (Random Forest Regression) In addition, our proposal has a high EVS rating compared to the rest of the models The EVS result for LSTM is 0.96, while the best results for the models listed are only 0.94 and 0.92 by Random Forest Regression and Gradient Boosting Regression, respectively Lasso Regression is the lowest and recorded about 0.62 In short, we can easily see that LS-SPP outperforms all of our competitors IV C ONCLUSION This article aims at building a solar forecasting model using Deep Learning, namely LS-SPP Prediction accuracy is a factor influencing the integration of solar energy into the grid system Precise solar energy forecasting aims to move towards building a renewable energy plant to reduce greenhouse gas emissions Our proposed model makes predictions based 147 2021 8th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS) Model MSE EVS LS-SPP 0.0021 96.78 Random Forest Regression 5674.32 94.19 Gradient Boosting Regression 6594.22 93.25 XGBoost Regression 7193.13 92.64 Decision Tree Regression 10771.67 88.98 Ada Boost Regression 14649.23 85.02 Neural Network Model 15695.12 83.95 Elastic Net Regression 36504.79 62.67 Lasso Regression 36505.27 62.67 TABLE II Comparing MSE and EVS values between LS-SPP and competitors on time series data learned in the past It was evaluated experimentally on meteorological historical time-series data provided by HI-SEAS From the experimental resutls, LS-SPP shows the best results compared to other machine learning models The proposed method’s accurate results up to 96.78 % higher than 2.58 %, when compared with Random Forest Regression is 94.19 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Solar Radiation Prediction HISEAS is a research station that explores signals from Mars and the Moon to collect and analyze data The datasets are meteorological data collected from the HI-SEAS... solar power generation prediction based on weather data using machine learning,” Sustainability, vol 11, no 5, p 1501, 2019 [8] S Mishra, L Tripathy, P Satapathy, P K Dash, and N Sahani, “An

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