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  • Title

  • Copyright

  • Contents

  • Preface

  • 1 Introduction

    • 1.1 Examples of multiphase flows

    • 1.2 Computational modeling

      • 1.2.1 Simple flows (Re = 0 and Re = ∞)

      • 1.2.2 Finite Reynolds number flows

    • 1.3 Looking ahead

  • 2 Fluid mechanics with interfaces

    • 2.1 General principles

    • 2.2 Basic equations

      • 2.2.1 Mass conservation

      • 2.2.2 Momentum conservation

      • 2.2.3 Energy conservation

      • 2.2.4 Incompressible flow

      • 2.2.5 Boundary conditions

    • 2.3 Interfaces: description and definitions

    • 2.4 Fluid mechanics with interfaces

      • 2.4.1 Mass conservation and velocity conditions

      • 2.4.2 Surface tension

      • 2.4.3 Momentum conservation with interfaces

      • 2.4.4 Free-surface flow

    • 2.5 Fluid mechanics with interfaces: the one-fluid formulation

    • 2.6 Nondimensional numbers

    • 2.7 Thin films, intermolecular forces, and contact lines

      • 2.7.1 Disjoining pressure and forces between interfaces

      • 2.7.2 Contact line statics and dynamics

    • 2.8 Notes

      • 2.8.1 Fluid and interface mechanics

      • 2.8.2 Thin films and contact lines

  • 3 Numerical solutions of the Navier–Stokes equations

    • 3.1 Time integration

    • 3.2 Spatial discretization

    • 3.3 Discretization of the advection terms

    • 3.4 The viscous terms

    • 3.5 The pressure equation

    • 3.6 Velocity boundary conditions

    • 3.7 Outflow boundary conditions

    • 3.8 Adaptive mesh refinement

    • 3.9 Summary

    • 3.10 Postscript: conservative versus non-conservative form

  • 4 Advecting a fluid interface

    • 4.1 Notations

    • 4.2 Advecting the color function

    • 4.3 The volume-of-fluid (VOF) method

    • 4.4 Front tracking

    • 4.5 The level-set method

    • 4.6 Phase-field methods

    • 4.7 The CIP method

    • 4.8 Summary

  • 5 The volume-of-fluid method

    • 5.1 Basic properties

    • 5.2 Interface reconstruction

      • 5.2.1 Convergence order of a reconstruction method

      • 5.2.2 Evaluation of the interface unit normal

      • 5.2.3 Determination of α

    • 5.3 Tests of reconstruction methods

      • 5.3.1 Errors measurement and convergence rate

      • 5.3.2 Reconstruction accuracy tests

    • 5.4 Interface advection

      • 5.4.1 Geometrical one-dimensional linear-mapping method

      • 5.4.2 Related one-dimensional advection methods

      • 5.4.3 Unsplit methods

    • 5.5 Tests of reconstruction and advection methods

      • 5.5.1 Translation test

      • 5.5.2 Vortex-in-a-box test

    • 5.6 Hybrid methods

  • 6 Advecting marker points: front tracking

    • 6.1 The structure of the front

      • 6.1.1 Structured two-dimensional fronts

      • 6.1.2 Unstructured fronts

    • 6.2 Restructuring the fronts

    • 6.3 The front-grid communications

      • 6.3.1 Locating the front on the fixed grid

      • 6.3.2 Interpolation and smoothing

    • 6.4 Advection of the front

    • 6.5 Constructing the marker function

      • 6.5.1 Constructing the marker function from its gradient

      • 6.5.2 Construction of the volume fraction from the front location

    • 6.6 Changes in the front topology

    • 6.7 Notes

  • 7 Surface tension

    • 7.1 Computing surface tension from marker functions

      • 7.1.1 Continuous surface force method

      • 7.1.2 Continuous surface stress method

      • 7.1.3 Direct addition and elementary smoothing in the VOF method

      • 7.1.4 Weighted distribution in the VOF method: kernel smoothing

      • 7.1.5 Axisymmetric interfaces

    • 7.2 Computing the surface tension of a tracked front

      • 7.2.1 Two-dimensional interfaces

      • 7.2.2 Three-dimensional interfaces

      • 7.2.3 Smoothing the surface tension on the fixed grid

    • 7.3 Testing the surface tension methods

      • 7.3.1 Static case: spurious currents

      • 7.3.2 Dynamic case

    • 7.4 More sophisticated surface tension methods

      • 7.4.1 Direct addition with pressure correction

      • 7.4.2 CSF method with better curvature: PROST

      • 7.4.3 Numerical estimate of the curvature from the volume fractions: the HF method

    • 7.5 Conclusion on numerical methods

  • 8 Disperse bubbly flows

    • 8.1 Introduction

    • 8.2 Homogeneous bubbly flows

    • 8.3 Bubbly flows in vertical channels

    • 8.4 Discussion

  • 9 Atomization and breakup

    • 9.1 Introduction

    • 9.2 Thread, sheet, and rim breakup

      • 9.2.1 The Plateau–Rayleigh jet instability

      • 9.2.2 Film and thread breakup

      • 9.2.3 The Taylor–Culick rim

      • 9.2.4 Rims leading to droplets and fingers

    • 9.3 High-speed jets

      • 9.3.1 Structure of the atomizing jet

      • 9.3.2 Mechanisms of droplet formation

      • 9.3.3 Stability theory

        • Elementary Kelvin–Helmholtz analysis

        • Orr–Sommerfeld analysis

    • 9.4 Atomization simulations

      • 9.4.1 Two-dimensional, temporal simulations

      • 9.4.2 Two-dimensional spatially developing simulations

      • 9.4.3 Three-dimensional calculations

  • 10 Droplet collision, impact, and splashing

    • 10.1 Introduction

    • 10.2 Early simulations

    • 10.3 Low-velocity impacts and collisions

    • 10.4 More complex slow impacts

    • 10.5 Corolla, crowns, and splashing impacts

      • 10.5.1 Impacts on thin liquid layers

      • 10.5.2 Three-dimensional impacts

  • 11 Extensions

    • 11.1 Additional fields and surface physics

      • 11.1.1 Thermocapillary motion

      • 11.1.2 Electrohydrodynamics

      • 11.1.3 Mass transfer and chemical reactions

      • 11.1.4 Boiling

      • 11.1.5 Cavitation

    • 11.2 Imbedded boundaries

      • 11.2.1 The immersed boundary method of Peskin

      • 11.2.2 Solid boundaries

      • 11.2.3 Solidification

    • 11.3 Multiscale issues

    • 11.4 Summary

  • Appendix A Interfaces: description and definitions

    • A.1 Two-dimensional geometry

    • A.2 Three-dimensional geometry

    • A.3 Axisymmetric geometry

    • A.4 Differentiation and integration on surfaces

  • Appendix B Distributions concentrated on the interface

    • B.1 A simple example

  • Appendix C Cube-chopping algorithm

    • C.1 Two-dimensional problem

    • C.2 Three-dimensional problem

  • Appendix D The dynamics of liquid sheets: linearized theory

    • D.1 Flow configuration

    • D.2 Inviscid results

      • D.2.1 The general dispersion relation

      • D.2.2 Capillary–gravity waves

      • D.2.3 The Kelvin–Helmholtz instability

      • D.2.4 Effect of thick boundary layers in the inviscid framework

    • D.3 Viscous theory for the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability

  • References

  • Index

Nội dung

DIRECT NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS OF GAS–LIQUID MULTIPHASE FLOWS Accurately predicting the behavior of multiphase flows is a problem of immense industrial and scientific interest. Using modern computers, researchers can now study the dynamics in great detail, and computer simulations are yielding unprece- dented insight. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to direct numer- ical simulations of multiphase flows for researchers and graduate students. After a brief overview of the context and history, the authors review the gov- erning equations. A particular emphasis is placed on the “one-fluid” formulation, where a single set of equations is used to describe the entire flow field and in- terface terms are included as singularity distributions. Several applications are discussed, such as atomization, droplet impact, breakup and collision, and bubbly flows, showing how direct numerical simulations have helped researchers advance both our understanding and our ability to make predictions. The final chapter gives an overview of recent studies of flows with relatively complex physics, such as mass transfer and chemical reactions, solidification, and boiling, and includes extensive references to current work. GR ´ ETAR TRYGGVASON is the Viola D. Hank Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana. RUBEN SCARDOVELLI is an Associate Professor in the Dipartimento di Inge- gneria Energetica, Nucleare e del Controllo Ambientale (DIENCA) of the Univer- sit ` a degli Studi di Bologna. ST ´ EPHANE ZALESKI is a Professor of Mechanics at the Universit ´ e Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) in Paris and Head of the Jean Le Rond d’Alembert Institute (CNRS UMR 7190). DIRECT NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS OF GAS–LIQUID MULTIPHASE FLOWS GR ´ ETAR TRYGGVASON University of Notre Dame, Indiana RUBEN SCARDOVELLI Universit ` a degli Studi di Bologna ST ´ EPHANE ZALESKI Universit ´ e Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, S ˜ ao Paulo, Delhi, Tokyo, Mexico City Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521782401 C  Cambridge University Press 2011 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2011 Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library ISBN 978-0-521-78240-1 Hardback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Contents Preface page ix 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Examples of multiphase flows 3 1.2 Computational modeling 7 1.3 Looking ahead 18 2 Fluid mechanics with interfaces 21 2.1 General principles 21 2.2 Basic equations 22 2.3 Interfaces: description and definitions 30 2.4 Fluid mechanics with interfaces 36 2.5 Fluid mechanics with interfaces: the one-fluid formulation 41 2.6 Nondimensional numbers 42 2.7 Thin films, intermolecular forces, and contact lines 44 2.8 Notes 47 3 Numerical solutions of the Navier–Stokes equations 50 3.1 Time integration 51 3.2 Spatial discretization 55 3.3 Discretization of the advection terms 59 3.4 The viscous terms 61 3.5 The pressure equation 64 3.6 Velocity boundary conditions 69 3.7 Outflow boundary conditions 70 3.8 Adaptive mesh refinement 71 3.9 Summary 72 3.10 Postscript: conservative versus non-conservative form 73 4 Advecting a fluid interface 75 4.1 Notations 76 v vi Contents 4.2 Advecting the color function 77 4.3 The volume-of-fluid (VOF) method 81 4.4 Front tracking 84 4.5 The level-set method 87 4.6 Phase-field methods 90 4.7 The CIP method 91 4.8 Summary 93 5 The volume-of-fluid method 95 5.1 Basic properties 95 5.2 Interface reconstruction 98 5.3 Tests of reconstruction methods 106 5.4 Interface advection 108 5.5 Tests of reconstruction and advection methods 122 5.6 Hybrid methods 128 6 Advecting marker points: front tracking 133 6.1 The structure of the front 134 6.2 Restructuring the fronts 143 6.3 The front-grid communications 145 6.4 Advection of the front 150 6.5 Constructing the marker function 152 6.6 Changes in the front topology 158 6.7 Notes 160 7 Surface tension 161 7.1 Computing surface tension from marker functions 161 7.2 Computing the surface tension of a tracked front 168 7.3 Testing the surface tension methods 177 7.4 More sophisticated surface tension methods 181 7.5 Conclusion on numerical methods 186 8 Disperse bubbly flows 187 8.1 Introduction 187 8.2 Homogeneous bubbly flows 189 8.3 Bubbly flows in vertical channels 194 8.4 Discussion 201 9 Atomization and breakup 204 9.1 Introduction 204 9.2 Thread, sheet, and rim breakup 205 9.3 High-speed jets 214 9.4 Atomization simulations 219 Contents vii 10 Droplet collision, impact, and splashing 228 10.1 Introduction 228 10.2 Early simulations 229 10.3 Low-velocity impacts and collisions 229 10.4 More complex slow impacts 232 10.5 Corolla, crowns, and splashing impacts 235 11 Extensions 243 11.1 Additional fields and surface physics 243 11.2 Imbedded boundaries 256 11.3 Multiscale issues 266 11.4 Summary 269 Appendix A Interfaces: description and definitions 270 A.1 Two-dimensional geometry 270 A.2 Three-dimensional geometry 272 A.3 Axisymmetric geometry 274 A.4 Differentiation and integration on surfaces 275 Appendix B Distributions concentrated on the interface 279 B.1 A simple example 281 Appendix C Cube-chopping algorithm 284 C.1 Two-dimensional problem 285 C.2 Three-dimensional problem 286 Appendix D The dynamics of liquid sheets: linearized theory 288 D.1 Flow configuration 288 D.2 Inviscid results 288 D.3 Viscous theory for the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability 293 References 295 Index 322 Preface Progress is usually a sequence of events where advances in one field open up new opportunities in another, which in turn makes it possible to push yet another field forward, and so on. Thus, the development of fast and powerful computers has led to the development of new numerical methods for direct numerical simula- tions (DNS) of multiphase flows that have produced detailed studies and improved knowledge of multiphase flows. While the origin of DNS of multiphase flows goes back to the beginning of computational fluid dynamics in the early sixties, it is only in the last decade and a half that the field has taken off. We, the authors of this book, have had the privilege of being among the pioneers in the development of these methods and among the first researchers to apply DNS to study relatively complex multiphase flows. We have also had the opportunity to follow the progress of others closely, as participants in numerous meetings, as visitors to many labo- ratories, and as editors of scientific journals such as the Journal of Computational Physics and the International Journal of Multiphase Flows. To us, the state of the art can be summarized by two observations: • Even though there are superficial differences between the various approaches being pursued for DNS of multiphase flows, the similarities and commonalities of the approaches are considerably greater than the differences. • As methods become more sophisticated and the problems of interest become more complex, the barrier that must be overcome by a new investigator wishing to do DNS of multiphase flows keeps increasing. This book is an attempt to address both issues. The development of numerical methods for flows containing a sharp interface, as fluids consisting of two or more immiscible components inherently do, is cur- rently a “hot” topic and significant progress has been made by a number of groups. Indeed, for a while there was hardly an issue of the Journal of Computational Physics that did not contain one or more papers describing such methods. In the present book we have elected to focus mostly on two specific classes of methods: volume of fluid (VOF) and front-tracking methods. This choice reflects our own background, as well as the fact that both types of method have been very successful and are responsible for some of the most significant new insights into multiphase flow dynamics that DNS has revealed. Furthermore, as emphasized by the first bullet point, the similarities in the different approaches are sufficiently great that ix [...]... the use of direct numerical simulations of multiphase flows for research and design is still in the embryonic state The possibility of computing the evolution of complex multiphase flows – such as churn-turbulent bubbly flow undergoing boiling, or the breakup of a jet into evaporating droplets – will transform our understanding of flows of enormous economic significance Currently, control of most multiphase. .. involving even more complex multiphase flows 1.1 Examples of multiphase flows Since this is a book about numerical simulations, it seems appropriate to start by showing a few “real” systems The following examples are picked somewhat randomly, but give some insight into the kind of systems that can be examined by direct numerical simulations Bubbles are found in a large number of industrial applications... in the late fifties and early sixties Although much has been accomplished, simulations of multiphase flows have remained far behind homogeneous flows where direct numerical simulations (DNS) have become a standard tool in turbulence research In this book we use DNS to mean simulations of unsteady flow containing a non-trivial range of scales, where the governing equations are solved using sufficiently fine...x Preface a reader of the present book would most likely find it relatively easy to switch to other methods capable of capturing the interface, such as level set and phase field The goal of DNS of multiphase flows is the understanding of the behavior and properties of such flows We believe that while the development of numerical methods is important, it is in their applications... as are the motion of organs and even complete individuals But even more complex systems, such as the motion of a flock of birds through air and a school of fish through water, are also multiphase flows Figure 1.6 show a large number of yellow-tailed goatfish swimming together and coordinating their movement An understanding of the motion of both a single fish and the collective motion of a large school... used to probe the mysteries of a large number of complex flows Therefore, the application of existing methods to problems that they are suited for and the development of new numerical methods for more complex flows, such as those described in the final chapter, are among the most exciting immediate directions for DNS of multiphase flows Our work has benefitted from the efforts of many colleagues and friends... possibilities of manipulating flows at the very smallest scales by either stationary or free flowing microelectromechanical devices become more realistic, the need to predict the effect of such manipulations becomes critical While speculating about the long-term impact of any new technology is a dangerous thing – and we will simply state that the impact of direct numerical simulations of multiphase flows... derivation of the governing equations is based on three general principles: the continuum hypothesis, the hypothesis of sharp interfaces, and the neglect of intermolecular forces The assumption that fluids can be treated as a continuum is usually an excellent approximation Real fluids are, of course, made of atoms or molecules To understand the continuum hypothesis, consider the density or amount of mass... (1993) of the suspension of a few two-dimensional droplets in a channel Simulations of fully three-dimensional suspensions have been done by Loewenberg and Hinch (1996) and Zinchenko and Davis (2000) The method has been described in detail in the book by Pozrikidis (1992), and Pozrikidis (2001) gives a very complete summary of the various applications An example of a computation of the breakup of a very... Under the heading of simple flows we should also mention simulations of the motion of solid particles, in the limit where the fluid motion can be neglected and the dynamics is governed only by the inertia of the particles Several authors have followed the motion of a large number of particles that interact only when they collide with each other Here, it is also sufficient to solve a system of ODEs for the . DIRECT NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS OF GAS–LIQUID MULTIPHASE FLOWS Accurately predicting the behavior of multiphase flows is a problem of immense industrial and scientific. development of new numerical methods for direct numerical simula- tions (DNS) of multiphase flows that have produced detailed studies and improved knowledge of multiphase flows. While the origin of DNS of. Jean Le Rond d’Alembert Institute (CNRS UMR 7190). DIRECT NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS OF GAS–LIQUID MULTIPHASE FLOWS GR ´ ETAR TRYGGVASON University of Notre Dame, Indiana RUBEN SCARDOVELLI Universit ` a

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