Tài liệu tham khảo |
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Chi tiết |
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Moleculardynamic simulation of nanocrystal formation and tensile deformation of TiAl alloy |
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Molecular dynamics study of plasticity in Al–Cu alloy nanopillardue to compressive loading |
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Tensile mechanical properties of Ni3Al nanowiresat intermediate temperature |
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Molecular dynamics study of thetensile deformation on aluminum nanorod |
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Multiscale modeling ofthe plasticity in an aluminum single crystal |
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Modeling aluminumusing molecular dynamics simulation |
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Moleculardynamics simulations of the mechanical behavior of alumina coated aluminumnanowires under tension and compression |
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Molecular dynamics simulation of tensiledeformation of nano-single crystal aluminum |
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A molecular dynamics study on theorientation, size, and dislocation confinement effects on the plastic deformation of Alnanopillars |
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Mechanical characteristics andfailure mechanism of nano-single crystal aluminum based on molecular dynamicssimulations: Strain rate and temperature effects |
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Effect of temperature on propertiesof aluminum/single-walled carbon nanotube nanocomposite by molecular dynamicssimulation |
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Size dependence of elastic mechanical properties ofnanocrystalline aluminum |
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Tensile nanomechanics and the Hall–Petch effect innanocrystalline aluminium |
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Molecular dynamics study of uniaxial deformation inperfect and defective aluminum |
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Embedded-atom method: Derivation andapplication to impurities, surfaces, and other defects in metals |
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Fast parallel algorithms for short-range molecular dynamics |
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Determination of temperature rise during highstrain rate deformation |
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