A new development paradigm is emerging that links the economy and culture, embracing economic, cultural, technological and social aspects of development at both the macro and micro levels. Central to the new paradigm is the fact that creativity, knowledge and access to information are increasingly recognized as powerful engines driving economic growth and promoting development in a globalizing world. The emerging creative economy has become a leading component of economic growth, employment, trade and innovation, and social cohesion in most advanced economies. Unfortunately, however, the large majority of developing countries are not yet able to harness their creative capacity for development. This is a reflection of weaknesses both in domestic policy and in the business environment, and global systemic biases. Nevertheless, the creative economy offers to developing countries a feasible option and new opportunities to leapfrog into emerging high-growth areas of the world economy. This report presents an updated perspective of the United Nations as a whole on this exciting new topic. It provides empirical evidence that the creative industries are among the most dynamic emerging sec- tors in world trade. It also shows that the interface among creativity, culture, economics and technology, as expressed in the ability to cre- ate and circulate intellectual capital, has the potential to generate income, jobs and export earnings while at the same time contributing to social inclusion, cultural diversity and human development. This report addresses the challenge of assessing the creative economy with a view to informed policy-making by outlining the conceptual, insti- tutional and policy frameworks in which this economy can flourish. Creat ive Economy Re port 2010 EMBARGO The contents of this Report must not be quoted or summarized in the print, broadcast or electronic media before 15 December 2010, 17:00 GMT Copyright © United Nations 2010 All rights reserved UNCTAD/DITC/TAB/2010/3 ISBN 978-0-9816619-0-2 Material in this publication may be freely quoted or reprinted as long as acknowledgement is provided with a reference to the source. A copy of the publication containing the quotation or reprint should be sent to the UNCTAD secretariat at: Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, and to the UNDP Special Unit for South-South Cooperation, 1 UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017 USA. This report is the fruit of a collaborative effort that was led by UNCTAD and the UNDP Special Unit for South-South Cooperation. The Creative Economy Report 2010 presents the United Nations system-wide perspective on this new topic, as an example of multi-agency cooperation working as “One UN”. The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The report is available in English only. The full report is currently available on the Internet at http://www.unctad.org/creative-economy. [...]... CACM CAFTA CARICOM CD c.i.f CIS COMESA COMTRADE CSA DAC DCMS DVD EBOPS ECCAS ECE ECO ECOWAS EFTA ESCAP ESCWA EUROSTAT excl FAO FDI f.o.b FOSS FTA FTAA G-77 GATS GATT C R E AT I V E E C O N O M Y R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 African, Caribbean and Pacific Andean Common Market Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (former Bangkok Agreement) Association of Southeast Asian Nations Balance... development Renminbi Regional trade agreement South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Southern African Development Community Social accounting matrix Special Administrative Region Small island developing State Standard Industrial Trade Classification Small and medium-sized enterprises System of National Accounts The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Transnational corporation Trade-Related... Creative Economy Report 2010 was prepared by a small but extremely devoted team of the UNCTAD Creative Economy Programme, composed of Sudip Ranjan Basu, Cheng Shang Li (consultant), Sharon Khan (consultant), Carolina Quintana and Julia Costa Souto (intern) Our special thanks go to the Head of the Development Statistics and Information Branch, Henri Laurencin, and his team, composed of David Cristallo,... Balance of payments Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization Central American Common Market Central American-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement Caribbean Community Compact disc Cost, insurance and freight Commonwealth of Independent States Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (formerly PTA) Commodity Trade Statistics Database Cultural Satellite Account Development Assistance Committee... concepts of a solidarity-based economy and the use of alternative currencies for transactions in the creative economy are presented as alternative ways to promote creative entrepreneurship, particularly in the post-crisis period The Accordingly, the UNCTAD Global Database on the Creative Economy has also been updated and can be accessed at www.unctad.org /creative- programme C R E AT I V E E C O N O M Y... industries in Canada, 2002 78 Comparative analysis of statistical methodologies for international trade of creative/ cultural goods defined by UNCTAD/UNESCO 110 Summary of comparative analysis of international trade of creative/ cultural goods as defined by UNCTAD/UNESCO 112 International trade of related creative goods/equipment and supporting materials of cultural goods... The Creative Economy Report 2010 incorporates new reflections, additional research and more in-depth analysis of the key issues It captures economic, cultural, social and technological developments that took place at global level over the last two years, in particular the consequences of the financial crisis and environmental degradation Throughout the report, the analysis, charts and tables have been... education, cultural identity, social inequalities and environmental concerns An increasing number of municipalities all over the world are using the concept of creative cities to formulate urban development strategies for reinvigorating growth with a focus on culture and creative activities The main principles can be adapted for rural areas and disadvantaged communities as a tool to generate jobs, particularly... innovation and socio-economic development with a view to assessing the creative performance of EU member states and facilitating policymaking Figure 1.2 Interplay of the 5Cs: Outcomes of creativity + 4 capitals Human capital Cultural capital Manifestations of creativity (outputs and outcomes) Structural or institutional capital pointed out that creativity is not the same as innovation Originality means... Gross value added Heavily indebted poor countries International Federation of the Phonographic Industry International Labour Organization International Monetary Fund International Organization for Migration Intellectual property right International Trade Centre International Telecommunication Union Latin American Integration Association Least developed country Millennium Development Goal Common Market . Comparative analysis of statistical methodologies for international trade of creative/ cultural goods defined by UNCTAD/UNESCO 110 4.2 Summary of comparative analysis of international trade of creative/ cultural. Development Statistics and Information Branch, Henri Laurencin, and his team, composed of David Cristallo, Yumiko Mochizuki, Sanja Blazevi, Yoann Chaine, Ildephose Mbabazizimana and Sonia Blachier overall guidance of Edna dos Santos-Duisenberg, the main co-writer of these reports. The Creative Economy Report 2010 was prepared by a small but extremely devot- ed team of the UNCTAD Creative Economy Programme,