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Anh 8 (6) (at home ) 8b

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English 8B (AT HOME) Unit 7 Pollution Ex1 Complete the sentences Use the first conditional 1 The bell (ring) if there (be) a fire 2 T he bike (break) if all three of you (get) on it! 3 If you (not lea[.]

English 8B (AT HOME) Unit Pollution Ex1 Complete the sentences.Use the first conditional The bell (ring) .if there (be) .a fire 2.T he bike (break) .if all three of you (get) .on it! If you (not learn) .how to use a computer, it (be) .hard to find a job We (also cut) .down the amount of pollution we create if we (cut) down the use of fossil fuels If we (reuse) .things, this (minimize) .the dependence of making new things We (reduce) .noise pollution if we (grow) .more trees since they absorb sound Ex2 Complete the sentences.Use the second conditional If my granfather .(be) still alive, he would be a hundred today I .(offer) to give you a lift if I had my car here Where .(you/choose) if you could live anywhere in the world? If you .(drive) from London to Glasgow, which way would you go? If I .(live) out of town, I .(take) up the garden What you (do) if you (be) President Ex3 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form It won’t be possible to save the Earth if we (not take)   action now If the world temperatures  continue to rise, there  (be) less snow If I were  you, I (wear)   earplugs when going to the concert If we  (do) .nothing to stop global warming, we  will see big changes in the future How you (travel)   to work if you did not have this motorbike? Our garden is so beautiful There would not be  any flowers if my sister (not take care)   of it every day If the local people drink the contaminated water, they (have) health problems If there were more trees in this area, the air (be) fresher All the aquatic animals (die) if people don’t stop dumping sewage into the lake 10 Global warming (not happen) if there weren’t too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere 11 If the sun (shine) ,we will walk to the mountain 12 If people (stop) digging the street, there wouldn’t be noise pollution in this area Ex4 Find the word which has different sound in the part underlined A paddy B sand C travel D tribal A buffalo B photo C limestone D botanical A jungle B luggage C sunbathe D sugar English 8B (AT HOME) A around B various C sound D mountains A heritage B giant C garden D village A match B pan C transmit D safety A equipment B upset C end D help A folk B mother C photo D neighbor A fairy B train C afraid D wait 10 A excited B prince C once D escape * Choose the words that have the different stress from the others A linguistic B classical C phonetic D romantic A fantastic B historic C comic D symbolic A oceanic B specific C ceramic D aquatic A terrific B Arabic C statistic D cosmetic A arithmetic B geographic C energetic D economic A scientific B dramatic C athletic D domestic Ex5 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verb form People use a lot of cars and motorcycles If people (reduce) the use of motor vehicles, there (be) less serious air pollution If you not read these articles, you (not know) the facts about water pollution If I (be) the president, I would remove all the factories out of the city Your brother will have hearing problems if he (listen) to too loud music If today were Sunday, we (go) to the beach Unless they (pass) .their examinations, they would join the army You (be) ill if you drink that water If Tom (go) .to bed earlier, he would not be so tired If it’s raining heavily, we (not go) for a donkey ride 10 If he (try) .hard, he will pass the examination Ex6 Give the correct form of the word given to complete the sentence 1.The of lakes, rivers, oceans or underwater causes water pollution CONTAMINATE 2.The street doesn’t look because it has a lot of rubbish ATTRACT Are all types of pollution to the health of humans and animals? HARM The are concerned about the oil spills in East Sea ENVIROMENT Dumping waste into the lakes and rivers has caused serious water pollution INDUSTRY Many people in this area have cholera because they drink water TREAT Examples of primary are fumes from cars, soot from smoke and ash from volcanic eruption POLLUTE If we use water , more people will have fresh water CARE The polluted water results in the of many aquatic animals and plants English 8B (AT HOME) DIE Ex7 Choose the correct answer If I .a lot of money now, I .a new car A.have/will buy B.have/would buy C.had/will buy D.had/would buy If I .you, I .do that A.am/will B.were/would C.were/will D.had been/would If I were offered the job, I think I .it A.take B.will take C.would take D.would have taken I would be very surprised if he A.refuses B.refused C.had refused D.would refuse Many people would be out of work if that factory .down A.closes B.had closed C.closed D.would close If she sold her car, she .much money A.gets B.would get C.will get D.would have got They would be disapointed if we A.hadn’t come B.wouldn’t come C.don’t come D.didn’t come Would John be angry if I .his bicycle without asking? A.take B.took C.had taken D.would take She .terribly upset if I lost this ring A.will be B.would be C.were D.had been 10 If someone .in here with a gun, I would be very frightened A.would walk B.walks C.had walked D.walked 11.If I didn’t work for an accounting firm, I in a bank now A.work B.will work C.have worked D.would work Ex8 Circle the mistake in each sentence and correct it 1.What you if you won the first prize of the lottery? A B C D Would people be able to fly, if they have feathers instead of hair? A B C D George now wishes he hasn’t broken his encouragement with Marian A B C D I would it if I could, but I can’t so I wouldn’t even try A B C D If a drop of oil is placed in a glass of water, it would float on the surface A B C D Ex9 Read the story below and the following tasks Air pollution is a cause of ill-health in human beings.  In a lot of countries there are laws limiting the amount of smoke which factories can produce Although there isn’t enough information on the effects of smoke in the atmosphere, doctors have proved that air pollution causes lung diseases English 8B (AT HOME) The gases from the exhausts of cars have also increased air pollution in most cities The lead in petrol produces a poisonous gas which often collects in busy streets surrounded by high buildings Children who live in areas where there is a lot of lead in the atmosphere cannot think as quickly as other children and are clumsy when they use their hands There are other long-term effects of pollution If the gases in the atmosphere continue to increase, the earth’s climate may become warmer A lot of the ice near the poles may melt and may cause serious floods 1.What can make people sick? 2.Where does smoke come from? 3.Can air pollution cause lung diseases? 4.What else can cause air pollution in cities? 5.Why does the earth’s climate become warmer? Ex10 Put the verb in correct tense or form Trung’s father (teach) him how (ride) .a bicycle when he (be) twelve years old How your brother (go) to work everyday? - He usually (drive) We (go) to Ha Long Bay this weekend If you go toParis, where you (stay) ? She (play) .with her son at o’clock tonight If you (swim) in this lake, you’ll shiver from cold Unless you (tell) the truth, I won’t help you 8.You’ll get pneumonia if you (not change) your wet clothes You (use) to play so much when you (live) in the countryside? 10 Yesterday Hoang (spend) two hours (repair) his computer set 11 The light (go) out when we (study) our lesson 12 Cinderella .(have to)work hard all day since her father died 13 When I (arrive) ., the teacher (write) .on the blackboard 14 They are staying at the hotel in London At this time tomorrow, they (travel) in Vietnam 15 You already (drink) .three cups of tea since I sat here 16 I (wait) here for her since o’clock and she (not come) yet 17 John (do) his homework already 18 Maryam ( stay)…………….with us at the moment She (be)……….my sister's friend English 8B (AT HOME) 19.We (go) on a picnic in the countryside several times Ex11 Combine each pair of sentences to form a conditional sentence, using “if” A Type 1 The land is pollution The farmers are unable to grow crops There is visual pollution People build too many telephone poles and overhead power lines People use contaminated water for cooking Their health is badly affected We place dustbins in many places People don’t throw rubbish everywhere The industrial waste is well-treated The factory installs a new filtration system B Type The factory is located near our village There is air pollution and noise pollution The local people have to use water the polluted river They don’t have fresh water Trees and grasses cannot grow here The soil is badly polluted Mr Quang works in a noisy environment His hearing becomes worse 10.There is serious water pollution The factory doesn’t treat its waste well ***Complete each sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one Unless you stay at your bed, you will be punished  If Unless she drinks water, she will feel thirsty  If Unless they were absent now, they would meet the head master  If Unless he cleaned up the car now, his boss could ask him to this  If ******Rewrite the statements by using the conditional sentences: You can’t run fast unless you try your best Because Tom is out, you don’t see him at home Everything isn’t tidy, so I don’t feel pleasant English 8B (AT HOME) Unless you lived in the dormitory, you would annoy me Ngoc doesn’t save my kids from hot water because Ngoc is busy meeting his customers Unless the student goes to school early, he will be punished Unit Ex1 Find the word which has different sound in the part underlined A vanilla B vacuum C add D facsimile A government B fiber C zipper D conveyor A remove B wrote C mold D cocoa A follow B powder C show D borrow A wood B thousand C procedure D hairdryer Ex2 Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group A coffee B rupee C trainee D agree A kangaroo B Taiwanese C guarantee D symbolise A Maltese B festive C degree D unique A government B celebrate C nominee D popular A Canadian B introduce C Guyanese D absentee Ex3 Complete the sentences with the appropriate present tense of the verbs in brackets Each of the 50 states (adopt) an official state flower so far Since 1965, the maple trees with the leaves (become) the most well-known Canadian symbol At present, the National Cherry Blossom Festival (occur) in Washington, D.C to celebrate spring‟s arrival Maori (be) recognized as an official language of New Zealand since the Maori Language Act of 1987 Australia (have) .a range of different landscapes, including urban areas, mountain ranges, desert and rain forests Annually, the National Eisteddfod festival of Wales (take) .place for eight days at the start of August The Statue of Liberty (welcome) .over 12 million immigrants entering the USA through New York Harbor since 1900 Ex4.Give the correct form of the word given to complete the sentence Both French and English are .languages in Canada (OFFICE) The Gold Coast is famous for its most theme parks in Australia such as Dream world and White Water World (ICON) English 8B (AT HOME) Do you know that the telephone, the television and penicillin are Scottish ? (INVENT) There are different kinds of Disneyland provided throughout.(ENTERTAIN) Scotland is a land and this is noted for its rich and interesting history (LEGEND) We’ll take the early from Sydney to Weillington (FLY) There are many tourist in London such as British Museum, London Eye and Tower of London (ATTRACT) The anthem of Viet Nam is “Tien quan ca” (NATION) The Glastonbury Festival in England is a of music and it attracts thousands of people (CELEBRATE) 10.They enjoy the atmosphere here (PEACE) 11 The founder of the city was Helenus, son of Priam, and Virgil (LEGEND) 12 Scotland is for its rich culture and its amazing natural beauty (FAME) 13.The between Vietnam and America is good (FRIEND) Ex5 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verb form ( present simple , present continuous or present perfect) A koala (spend) about 18-20 hours sleeping in tree forks It’s only my first week in Wales, and I (see) so many interesting things already The number of kiwis in this area (decrease) quickly now The Aborigines (live) in Australia for more than 40,000 years Most European citizens (not have) to apply for a visa to visit Canada At the moment, thousands of people (gather) .in Trafalgar Square, London to celebrate St Patrick’s Day The kangaroo (become) a symbol of Australia since 1773 The bald eagle, an American symbol, (not live) in any other places besides North America I think Mr.Viet (not be) to Northern Ireland yet 10 The Taylors (not stay) in New York now They moved to San Francisco two months ago Ex6 Complete these sentences, using the future simple or the present simple I (phone) you when I (get) home from work I want to see Margaret before she (go) out We’re going on holiday tomorrow I (tell) you all about it when we (come) back I’d like to play tennis tomorrow if the weather (be) nice I’m going out now If anybody (phone) me while I (be) out, can you take a message? English 8B (AT HOME) It’s raining hard We (get) wet if we (go) out As soon as it (stop) raining, we (leave) Ex7 Choose the right word in brackets to fill in the blank 1.(What/Do/Would/Will) you like to come?-I’d love to We must be there (at/before/between/after) 7.30 and 8.15 When my grandmother was young, she used (sing/to sing/sang/sung) very well Don’t go (outside/inside/into/away) It’s too cold Our team played well (too/that/so/enough) to win the gold medal Don’t let your child (play/to play/playing/plays) with matches How long will he (must/should/have to/ has to) stay there? Our team won the game because we played very (good/well) I tried on his shoes and they fitted me (perfect/perfectly) 10 He had an accident because he was driving too (fast/fastly) 11 Tom is a driver (careful/carefully) He is driving along the narrow road (careful/carefully) 12 Do you usually feel (nervous/nervously) before examination? 13 She speaks English (fluent/fluently) 14 He hurt himself (bad/badly) 15 He looked at me when I interrupted him (angry/angrily) Ex8 Choose the correct answers 1.The Statue of Liberty is a monument in New York which .freedom A attracts B symbolises C decides D understands Like the kangaroo and koala, the platypus is a .animal in Australia A scenic B tailless C foreign D unique David uses English as his mother .because he comes from the US A tongue B mouth C nose D cheek The Sydney Opera House is an .of Australia’s creative and technical achievement A orchestra B emblem C icon D armorial The government of New Zealand has done a lot to .the culture of the Maori A preserve B surround C puzzle D pronounce Coming to Scotland, visitors can drive through vast green A lochs B stations C castles D pastures 7.- How is your holiday in New Zealand ? - A Really B Awesome C Absolutely right D Sure The flight number 781 to Melbourne .at o’clock tomorrow morning A arrives B is arriving C has arrived D will arrive Some documents say that people .the Glastonbury Festival since the beginning of the 19th century English 8B (AT HOME) A celebrated B were celebrating C have celebrated D celebrate 10 We .on the Great Ocean Road, an Australia National Heritage at the moment A will drive B drive C have driven D are driving Ex9 Read the passage and then answer the questions THE CAMEL The camel can go without water for a long time Some people think it stores water in its hump This is not true It stores food in its hump The camel‟s body changes the food into fat Then it stores the fat in its hump It cannot store the fat all over its body Fat all over an animal‟s body keeps the animal warm Camels live in the desert They not want to be warm during the day The desert is very hot The camel gets hotter and hotter during the day It stores this heat in its body because the nights are cool The Arabian camel has one hump The Bactrian camel of Central Asia has two humps It also has long, thick hair because the winters are cold in Central Asia There is a lot of sand in the dessert The camel has long eyelashes Then sand cannot go into the camel‟s eyes Arabic has about 150 words to describe a camel Arabs need all these words because the camel is very important to them Questions Where camels live? What does a camel store in its hump? The camel doesn‟t store fat all over its body Why? Why does it store heat during the day? Why does a Bactrian camel have long thick hair? Ex10 Choose the word or phrase among A,B,C r oD to complete the passage LONDON’S TOWER BRIDGE London's Tower Bridge is one of the most famous (1) in the world The bridge, designed (2) the architect Horace Jones together with John Wolfe Barry, was finally completed in 1894 It (3) 11,000 tons of steel to build the framework of the 265-meter-long bridge Over time, the bridge has become one of London's most famous (4) (5) photographs of the Tower Bridge is a favourite London tourist activity, but you can also go inside the bridge,(6) you'll have a magnificent view over London from the walkway (7) the two bridge towers English 8B (AT HOME) In 2014, glass floors were installed in the walkways, giving visitors another, unusual view from the bridge The long glass floors, more than 40 meters above the river, allow you to (8) the traffic over the Tower Bridge from above It is particularly (9) to see the bridge (10) and close below your feet A bridges B bridge C tower D towers A or B and C as D by A took B built C brought D gave A landscapes B views C symbols D scenes A To take B Take C To taking D Taking A when B where C what D whose A at B on C between D in A consider B follow C record D watch A fascinate B fascinating C fascinated D fascinntio 10 A open B to open C open D be opened Ex11 Reorder the words to make the sentences is/ but/ not/ Canberra/ the/, / is/ Australia/ capital/ of/ Sydney Maori/ native/ of/ New Zealand/ people/ The/ are/ the/ Island/ in/ North Washington D.C/ opens/ Museum/ a.m./ at / Children‟s/ in/ 10.00/ National/ The monument/ San Francisco/ Bridge/ of/ The/ an/ iconic/ Gate/ is/ Golden its/ years/ language/ for/ considered/ Malaysia/ as/ has/ official/ English Ex12 Use the words given and others, complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence Do not change the word given We’ve never been to Alaska before ever It’s the first time to Alaska Tom plans to open another restaurant in Manchester next month is Tom in Manchester next month The last time Phong visited Tasmania was five years ago visited Phong five years The early train is scheduled to arrive in London at 10 o’clock arrives The early train at 10 o’clock It’s the most beautiful waterfall I’ve ever seen such I beautiful waterfall 10 ... (phone) me while I (be) out, can you take a message? English 8B (AT HOME) It’s raining hard We (get) wet if we (go) out As soon as it (stop) raining, we (leave) Ex7 Choose the right... John (do) his homework already 18 Maryam ( stay)…………….with us at the moment She (be)……….my sister''s friend English 8B (AT HOME) 19.We (go) on a picnic in the countryside several times Ex11... .languages in Canada (OFFICE) The Gold Coast is famous for its most theme parks in Australia such as Dream world and White Water World (ICON) English 8B (AT HOME) Do you know that the telephone,

Ngày đăng: 05/02/2023, 21:25

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