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Household Oriented Approach For The Optimization Of Resources Management At The Floating Village In Tonle Sap Lake Region, Cambodia.pdf

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VNU UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT DRESDEN EAM SAM UN HOUSEHOLD ORIENTED APPROACH FOR THE OPTIMIZATION OF RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AT THE FLOATING VILLAGE IN TONLE SAP LAKE REGION, CAMBODIA MASTER THESIS Hanoi - 2011 VNU UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT DRESDEN EAM SAM UN HOUSEHOLD ORIENTED APPROACH FOR THE OPTIMIZATION OF RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AT THE FLOATING VILLAGE IN TONLE SAP LAKE REGION, CAMBODIA Major: Waste Management and Contaminated Site Treatment Code: MASTER THESIS SUPERVISOR: DR ING CATALIN STEFAN RESP PROFFESOR: PROF DR RER NAT DR H PETER WERNER Hanoi - 2011 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My highly appreciation wishes to acknowledge to Dr Ing Catalin Stefan, Institute for Waste Management and Contaminated Site Treatment at the TU Dresden, provided me a great support for making this paper possible and I also contribute of my thanks to alls as following in the accomplishment of this paper existing; • To Prof Dr –Ing Habil Dr h c Bilitewski and Prof Dr Nguyen Thi Diem Trang, who established the cooperation Master program on “Waste Management and Contaminated Site Treatment” • To DAAD Hanoi provided me full support for both living allowance and tuition fee for duration years of study • To Prof Dr Le Thanh Son, Vice Dean at the Faculty of Chemistry, at the Hanoi University of Science always provided me a support • To all professors, lecturers, and colleagues at the Hanoi University of Science and the Institute for Waste Management and Contaminated Site Treatment, at the TU Dresden for all the important assistances • To Dr Carly Starr who kindly revised this paper with grammar and structures • To very supportive lovely parents, brothers, and sister, for encouragement and inspiration i TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ……………………………………………………………………… i TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………………… ii ABBREVIATIONS……………………………………………………………………………….v LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………………………………ix LIST OF TABLES ………………………………………………………………………………xi LIST OF ANNEXES…………………………………………………………………………….xii ABSTRACT………………………………………………………………………………… xiii Chapter I Chapter II INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………… I.1 Tonle Sap Lake Region……………………………………………………1 I.2 Poverty in Tonle Sap Lake Region……………………………………… I.3 Objectives of Study ……………………………………………………….4 ASSESSMENT OF HUMAN AND ENVIRONEMNAT RELAVANT FACTORS ……………………………………………………………………… II.1 Data Mining and Collections…………………………………………… II.2 Socio-Economic Factors……………………………………………….….5 II.2.1 Occupation and Income……………………………………….… II.2.2 Education………………………………………………………….7 II.2.3 Sources of Energy for Consumption………………………………7 II.2.4 Human Health …………………………………………………….9 II.2.5 Environmental Pollution…………………………………………10 II.2.6 Land Use Classification………………………………………….10 II.3 Drinking Water Supply and Quality…………………………………… 12 II.3.1 Sources of Drinking Water Supply………………………………12 ii II.3.2 Water Quality in the Tonle Sap Lake ………………………… 13 II.4 Household Water Treatment Systems (HWTS), Effectiveness and Cost Analysis………………………………………………………………… 15 II.4.1 Solar Disinfection (SODIS)…………………………………… 16 II.4.2 Boiling Water……………………………………………………17 II.4.3 Flocculation………………………………………………………18 II.4.4 Simple Sand Filter (SSF)……………………………………… 19 II.4.5 Chlorination…………………………………………………… 20 II.4.6 Sedimentation……………………………………………………21 II.4.7 Ceramic Filter ………………………………………………… 21 II.4.8 Bio-sand Filter ………………………………………………… 23 II.4.9 Effectiveness of HWTS………………………………………….26 II.4.10 Cost Analysis of HWTS…………………………………………28 Chapter III II.5 Domestic Waste Generation …………………………………………….29 II.6 Sanitation Facilities…………………………………………………… 33 DEVELOPMENT OF A CONCEPT FOR THE OPTIMIZATION OF RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ……………………………………………….35 III.1 Optimization of Resources Management……………………………… 35 III.2 Development of a Technical Concept for Safe Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation for Household-scale………………………………………… 35 III.2.1 Simple Sand Filter (SSF) and Solar Disinfection (SODIS)…… 35 III.2.2 Sanitation ……………………………………………………… 38 III.3 Development of Waste Management Concepts and Resource Recovery……………………………………………………………… 40 III.3.1 3Rs Approach for Organic Waste Management and Agriculture Waste…………………………………………………………… 40 III.3.2 Composting………………………………………………………41 iii III.3.3 Biogas Production……………………………………………….42 III.3.4 Char Briquette Production……………………………………….43 III.4 Development of Socio-Economic……………………………………… 46 III.5 Quantification of the Environmental Impact of Technical and SocioEconomic Developments……………………………………………… 50 III.5.1 Composting………………………………………………… … 50 III.5.2 Biogas Production……………………………………………… 53 III.5.3 Char Briquette…………………………………………………….56 Chapter IV CONCLUSIONS……………………………………………………………… 58 IV.1 Socio-Economic Development…………………………………………… 58 IV.1.1 Household’s Income…………………………………………… 58 IV.1.2 Household Cost Expenditure…………………………………….59 IV.1.3 Household’s Time Expending………………………………… 60 IV.2 Household’s GHG Emission …………………………………………….…61 REFERENCES ………………………………………………………………………………….62 ANNEXES……………………………………………………………………………………….65 iv ABBREVIATIONS Acronyms 3Rs : Reuse, Recycle, and Reduce ADB : Asia Development Bank AUNP : Asian EU-University Network Program AWWA : American Water Works Association BSF : Bio-sand Filter Ca+2 : Calcium ion CAWST : Center for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology CDC : Center for Disease Control and Prevention CFSP : Cambodian Fuelwood Saving Project CH4 : Methane CHLs : Chlordances Cl- : Chloride CO : Carbon monoxide CO2 : Carbon dioxide COD : Chemical Oxygen Demand CWP : Ceramic Water Purifier DDT : Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane DNA : Deoxyribonucleic acid DO : Dissolved Oxygen EAWAG : Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science EJF : Environmental Justice Foundation v Fe+3 : Iron ion GHG : Green House Gas H2 : Hydrogen H2O : Water HCB : Hexachlorobenzene HCHs : Hexachorinated hydrocarbons HWTS : Household Water Treatment System IDE : International Development Enterprise IGES : Institute for Global Environmental Strategies IPCC : Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change JICA : Japan International Cooperation Agency K+ : Potassium ion LPG : Liquefied Petroleum Gas Mg+2 : Magnesium ion Na+ : Sodium ion NaOCl : Sodium hypochlorite NBP : National Biogas Program NIS : National Institute for Statistic NOx : Nitrogen Oxide O2 : Oxygen OCs : Organo-chlorines PAHO : Pan American Health Organization PCBs : Polychlorinated bi-phenyls PCE : Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment PET : Poly Ethylene Terephthalate vi POPs : Persistent Organic Pollutants POU : Point of Use RACHA : Reproductive and Child Health Allience RO : Reversed Osmosis SANDEC : Department of Water and Sanitation in Developing Countries SO4-2 : Sulfate ion SODIS : Solar Disinfection SSF : Simple Sand Filter TCPMe : Tri 4-chlorophenyl methane TN : Total Nitrogen TP : Total Phosphorus TSS : Total Suspended Solid UNDP : United Nations Development Program UNEP : United Nations Environment Protection UNICEF : United Nations for Children’s Fund USAID : United States Agency for International Development UV : Ultra violate Vol : Volume WaterSHED : Water Sanitation Health Environment Development WHO : World Health Organization vii Dimensions µg/L : Microgram per litter asl : Above sea level g/m3 : Gram per cubic meter gCH4/kg waste : Gram methane per kilogram waste : Hectare Kg/hh/yr : Kilogram per household per year Kg/p/d : Kilogram per capital per day Km2 : Square kilometer L/d : Litter per day L/hh/d : Litter per household per day L/min : Litter per minute M : Metter mg/L : Milligram per litter mm/yr : Millimeter per year ng/g : Nanogram per gram pH : Percentage of hydrogen t TN/yr : Ton Total Nitrogen per year t TP/yr : Ton total phosphorous per year t/yr : Ton per year TCO2E : Ton carbon dioxide equivalent US$/ha : US Dollar per hectare US$/hh/yr : US Dollar per household per year viii Benefits and Drawbacks The benefits of alum are they are widely available, proven to reduce turbidity, and are not expensive The drawback of alum is the necessary dosage varies unpredictably Research is currently underway to determine the necessary alum dosage for different waters, and the effectiveness of alum to reduce turbidity in water II.4.4 Sample Sand Filter (SSF) Filtration is a simple and fast pre-treatment method Water is poured through the container of clean sand and gravel with spigot at the bottom (Figure 10) The water then flows into a storage container The benefits are it is effective in removing some bacteria It is both an easy and fast option for users It is also inexpensive if sand is available in locally The drawback is three containers are needed In laboratory studies, the use of sand filtration significantly reduced both the turbidity and the chlorine demand of turbid water Figure10: Simple Sand Filter 19 II.4.5 Chlorination (Daniel et al., (2007) Description and Implementation Chlorination was first used to disinfect public water supplies in the early 1900s, and helped reduce waterborne disease in cities in Europe and the United States (Gordon et al., 1987) Although it is the point-of use (POU) chlorination (Mintz et al., 1995), larger-scale trials began in the 1990s as part of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) response to epidemic cholera in Latin America (Tauxe, 1995) The sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) solution is packaged in a bottle with directions instructing users to add one full bottle cap of the solution to clear water (or two caps to turbid water) in a standard-sized storage container, agitate, and wait 30 minutes before drinking In four randomized controlled trials, the SWS reduced the risk of diarrheal disease from 44 to 84% (Luby et al., 2004; Quick et al., 1999, Semenza et al., 1998) At concentrations used in HWTS programs, chlorine effectively inactivates bacteria and some viruses (American Water Works Association, 1999); however, it is not effective at inactivating some protozoa, such as cryptosporidium The benefits and drawbacks The benefits of Chlorination:  To reduce bacteria and most viruses;  Residual protection against contamination;  Improved of taste and odor  Easy to use and acceptable to users;  Low cost The drawbacks of Chlorination:  Limitation of protection against some viruses and parasites;  Lower effectiveness on contaminated water by organic and inorganic compounds;  Long-term carcinogenic effects of chlorination by-products 20 II.4.6 Sedimentation Settling and decanting is a way to reduce the turbidity of water by letting the water sit from 2-24 hours Therefore, the particulates settle to the bottom of the container The clear water is then decanted off the top into a second container The benefit of settling and decanting is not requiring equipment other than buckets However, settling and decanting requires two containers, and time for water to settle The difficulty is to observe the effects of decanting in storage containers In laboratory studies, the use of settling and decanting significantly reduced the turbidity of water, and also significantly reduced the chlorine demand of turbid waters Thus, it is recommended to add only a single dose of sodium hypochlorite solution after settling and decanting (CDC, 2009) II.4.7 Ceramic Filter Description and Implementation The ceramic filter was first introduced by John Doulton in1827 (WHO 2009) Currently, there are two designs, firstly the ceramic candle filter and secondly the ceramic pot style filter Both models are currently used in Central America, Africa, and Asia The Ceramic Water Purifier (CWP) was developed by International Development Enterprise since 2000 in Cambodia The CWP consists of a porous, pot-shaped filter element made of kiln-fired clay and impregnated with colloidal silver The ceramic filter element is set in a plastic receptacle tank with a plastic lid and a spigot The filter element is filled with water from a contaminated source which can seep through the clay at a rate of to liters per hour The filter element holds approximately 10 liters This amount can supply a household to produce 20 to 30 liters of water per day with two to three fills (IDE, 2003) Ceramic filtration is an effective method to remove almost all pathogens, turbid water, and some other organic matters It is also known to improve the taste of the water CDC (2008) identified that the Ceramic filter can be reduce the occurrence of diarrhea from 6070% (CDC, 2008) The 0.2 micron ceramic filter made in Switzerland has been identified to reduce diarrhea by up to 64% in Bolivia (Clasen et al., 2004) Figure 11 shows the components of CWP design 21 Figure 11: Ceramic Water Purifier (CWP) developed by IDE, (2003) Benefits and Drawbacks The benefits of ceramic filtration are:  Proven removal of bacteria and protozoa in water;  Simple and acceptable to users;  Reduction of diarrheal disease incidence in users;  Durable for up to years and,  A low cost with a one-off cost; The drawbacks of ceramic filtration are:  Lower effectiveness on removal of viruses;  Limitation of residual protection causes recontamination if treated water is stored unsafely;  Differentiation of quality control depending on local filtration production;  Required maintenance when breakage parts;  Filters and receptacles regularly clean, especially when using turbid source waters  At low flow rate of 1-3 liters per hour in non-turbid waters 22 II.4.8 Bio-sand Filter The components of bio-sand filters are containers, lid, diffuser plate, filtrate standpipe and standing water level, medium bed (sand and gravel) Containers can be purchased or constructed in various shapes (squares or round) and materials (concrete, metal, plastic, or ferro-cement, brick, or clay jars) The lid is made from any material It should be cleaned and fit to the container A filter lid is essential to prevent excess bio-film growth by blocking sunlight and guarding against insects and other contaminants entering the filter Diffuser plate is possible to make from different materials such as plastic and metal If it made from sheet metal, ensure it is constructed out of good quality galvanized metal or it will rust, either prematurely plugging the diffuser holes with rust or gradually increasing the diffuser whole size Avoid wood, as it will attract mold growth and tend to shrink or warp, ultimately not fitting tightly inside the filter container, and allowing potential disruption of the top sand layer A drip grid is a required feature of all diffusers to evenly distribute the water without disturbance of sand media On the bottom of the diffuser plate, measure and mark a 2.5 cm × 2.5 cm grid At each intersection on the grid, pound a mm diameter hole through the diffuser material, using a hammer and nail Smaller holes will restrict the flow through the filter; larger holes will result in disturbance of sand media The primary functions of the diffuser plate are protecting the surface zoogleal biofilm and top layer of sand by dispersing the energy of water as it enters the filter, and facilitating the addition of critical oxygen to the supernatant water through aeration process Filtrate standpipe and the standing water level (supernatant) The standpipe is the essential component in all bio-sand filters This simple but key design component automatically maintains the standing water level (the supernatant) to a constant depth when installed 5cm above the top of the filtering sand As a Figure 12, it is the bio-sand filter for household-scale that can be made in various ways, but each configuration share this one simple The standpipe can be made out of mm tubing which is meter long The materials can be plastic or metal, copper, PVC pipe fittings, polyethylene, or vinyl tubing The primary function of the supernatant is set by the standpipe placed Media (sand and gravel) bed 23 The media layer is composed of the sand and gravel Filtering layer consists of fine sand in 3.15 mm or less diameter sand The depth of the filtering sand bed is 40 to 50 cm This is the minimum fine sand requirement to ensure the best quality of water The actual volume of fine sand required is 25 liters The upper fine sand (Filtering layer) is responsible for removal of pathogens and the establishment of the biological zone The support layer (coarse sand) uses 3.125 to 6.25 mm diameter sand, with a depth of cm Coarse sand volume required is litters The purpose of the middle support layer is to prevent the sand mixing with the under drain layer Under-drain layer (fine gravel) use 6.25 to 12.5 mm diameter gravel, depth should cover standpipe inlet about cm or more Gravel volume required is liters The purpose of the lower gravel layer is to allow unrestricted water flow out of the filter via the standpipe Figure 12: Bio-sand filter design components by CAWST, (2008) 24 The bio-sand filter is effectively for drinking water treatment One study found that approximately 95% removal of coliforms and a 99% removal of Cryptosporidium and Giardia cysts (WEDC) Initial research has shown that the BSF removes less than 90 percent of indicator viruses The bio-sand filter is also highly effective at treating Arsenic, organic matter and it also improves the taste and odor of water It has also been shown that Biosand filters are capable of continuing to deliver 1-2 log reductions in microbial pathogens more than five years after they were first used (Clasen, 2007) The cost to construct a Bio-sand filter varies from $12 to $40 or $10 per household per year Benefits and Drawbacks Benefits of bio-sand filtration are that they are functional, user-friendly, durable, affordable, and produce sufficient water quality (CAWST, 2008) Functional: The bio-sand filter is a ‘point of use’ or household treatment device Water can be obtained from the closest water supply point, whether that is a river, a stream or a well, and used immediately after filtering The water supply, treatment, and distribution are all within the control of the individual householder Effective use of the technology does not require user groups or other community support which are sometimes difficult to develop and sustain The independence of the household makes this technology extremely suitable for developing countries which often lack the governance and regulatory processes needed for effective and efficient community water systems High user acceptability: The bio-sand filter is easy to use and it improves the look and taste of water Also, the filter takes up very little space and can easily fit into most rooms In fact, previous experience has shown that the filter normally occupies a place of significance in the living room because it is so important to the individual household User-friendly: it is simple to operate and maintain the filter There are no moving parts that require skill to operate When the water flow through the filter becomes too slow, the maintenance consists simply of washing the top few centimeters of sand Operating and maintaining the filter is well within the capacity of the household users Durable: The filter box is made of cement concrete with a built-in pipe It is very durable since there are no moving parts during operation The filter may need occasional replacement of iron 25 nails (e.g for arsenic removal) or wooden components (e.g the lid) that may deteriorate over time Affordable: The cost of a concrete bio-sand water filter varies from country to country and ranges from US$12-30 depending on the material and labor costs The labors require mixing the concrete and pouring it into filter mold The skills required are very low cost Sufficient water quality: The average of flow rate for a bio-sand filter is 0.6 L/minute that it can produce an effectively treat 60-80 L/day Drawbacks of bio-sand filtration are: The bio-sand filter cannot remove some dissolved substances (e.g salt, hardness), some organic chemicals (e.g., pesticides and fertilizers), or color, and cannot guarantee that the water is pathogen free The bio-sand filter should be used as part of the multi-barrier approach for providing safe water Similar to other types of water filters, it is recommended to disinfect the water after it has passed through the bio-sand filter II.4.9 Effectiveness of HWTS The effectiveness of HWTS is indicated in Table The disinfection by boiling is common practically in household scale and it can be potential removal almost pathogen categories includes bacteria, viruses, fungi, helminthes and protozoa by using duration average 10 and temperature 70 0C (Brian Skinner and Rod Shaw; Oxfarm 2008) Boiling also can improve the taste of water by aeration in bottle, stirring and increase air content in water The disadvantages of boiling are used fuel, high cost involved and residue from burning (e.g firewood or charcoal) SODIS is the disinfection method suitable for microbiological control as well Clear bottle (PET bottle) are used and stored under sunlight during 12 to 24h It can be high level to remove bacteria, viruses, and protozoa up to 99.9% (Daniel et al., 2007; Oxfarm 2009) This simple method has widely recommended and potential diarrhea reduction range from 9-86% (CDC, 2008) and 86% reduction in cholera cases during outbreaks in Maasai (Conroy, et al., 1996, 1999, 2001) The potential reduce diarrheal diseases by up to 35% among children below five (Hobbins, 2003) and in an urban slum in Tamil Nadu the risk of diarrhea was reduced by 40% by using SODIS (Rose et al., 2006) Further health evaluation studies showed a reduction of 13 to 39% in Pakistan (Gamper, 2004), by 53-57% in Uzbekistan (Grimm, 2004; Grimm, 2006) 26 Flocculation is an option which is able to remove pathogens and turbid water potentially (Brian Skinner and Rod Shaw) Depending on the report of CDC (2008), flocculants can reduce diarrhea from 16-90% Flocculation method also slightly removes Fe and Mn, organic substance, and improves taste of water Chlorination method by treatment water using chlorine kills almost all bacteria and viruses but is not guaranteed to inactivate pathogenic parasites (e.g Guardia, Cryptosporidium and helminthes eggs) Diarrhea reduction is 22-84% (CDC, 2008) Ceramic filtration is an effective to remove almost pathogens, turbid water, improved taste water and some other organic matters Depending on CDC, (2008) Ceramic filter can be potential diarrhea reduction from 60-70% (CDC, 2008) The 0.2 micron ceramic filter made by Switzerland has been studied to reduce diarrhea up to 64% in Bolivia (Clasen et al., 2004) While coverage of Bio-sand filters is still limited, in laboratory and field-testing, the BSF has an average of 95% removal of coliforms and a 99% removal of Cryptosporidium and Giardia cysts (WEDC) Initial research has shown that the BSF removes less than 90 percent of indicator viruses It has also been shown that Biosand filters are capable of continuing to deliver 1-2 log reductions in microbial pathogens more than five years after they were first used (Clasen, 2007) Table 3: Summary of potential effective by HWTS (Daniel et al., 2007; Brian Skinner and Rod Shaw) Contaminants HWTS Options Viru s Pathogen s Bacteria Chemical s Protozoa As Others Fe Odor Organic &M &Tas Substan n te ce Boiling 3 0 0 SODIS 3 0 0 Flocculation 3 1 Coagulation 0-1 0-1 0-1 1 Ceramic Filtration 2-3 3 0 Biosand Filtration (Slow) 3 3 Biosand Filtration (Rapid) 2 2-3 Chlorination 0 0 Sedimentation 1-2 1-2 1-2 1 Fine Cloth 0 0 0 Note: Potential Removal of Contaminants; 0= Not possible, 1=Low, 2= Medium, and 3= High 27 Turbidit y 0 3 3 3 II.4.10 Cost Analysis of HWTS Household Water Treatment System (HWTS) is necessary to produce by locally The production unit cost varies depending on the location, time, and material availability The following is described the unit cost of HWTS for household level Figure 13 The estimation of unit cost calculated by assumption that each household have an average members and drink 20L of treated water per day Cost for boiling also relied on the fuel types and locally The unit cost for boiling with firewood is approximately US$ 0.012 for the treatment of 10L water The similarly, IDE, (2003) conducted a pilot project in Cambodia to boil water for each household (ca.5 persons in a household) spent approximately 17.4 US$/year by firewood and US$ 32/year by PLG Boiling cost is significant higher than other system Bio-sand filter (Slow and Rapid) is ranged in average US$ 10/year per household However, chlorination, simple sand filter, and settling shared similarity in low cost of production (US$ 1.66/year per household) (Oxfarm, 2008) SODIS is zero cost option to user, an exception that cost for plastic bottle The estimation of usage SODIS system is approximately US$ 3.15/year per household It is either similar cost to ceramic water purifier, (US$4.5/year per household), which is produced by IDE, (2003) Cost (US$) 35 30 25 20 15 10 Figure 13: Comparative cost production of HWTS per household per year 28 II.5 Domestic Waste Generation Domestic waste generation is currently rare known in whole country; exception in Phnom Penh city Solid waste generates 0.67kg/p/d (IGES, 2009) in capital city is higher than urban area 0.54kg/p/d (Kate P, et al., (2006) Phnom Penh city is a main city where dispose solid waste in huge amount In 2006, it is reported that an amount of 324,159 tons of domestic waste has discharges at dumpsites (IGES, 2009) The major sources of domestic waste generation are coming from residential areas, industrial, hospital and agricultures Currently, practical way of solid waste management in Cambodia is collected from residential and disposes, an exception that hazardous waste which is safe stored, transported, and dumpsite Wastes from hospital are classified into two categories are waste from offices and kitchens, and waste of sharp, infectious, pathological, pharmaceutical, radioactive wastes The hazardous waste; sharp, infectious, pathological, pharmaceutical, and radioactive are properly managed by hospital before disposed Medical waste generated in an amount of 10,680.30 kg per day, meanwhile sharp waste is 9,719 kg and infection waste is 961.30 kg (IGES, 2009) The characterization of solid waste in Phnom Penh city is already reported by Veasna K, et al., (2005).The composition in waste is high amount of organic waste from residential areas (65%) Plastic comprised 13.2%, 4.9% glass and 3.8%paper & cardboard Metal shared only 1%, rubber/leather comprised 0.60% and 11.5% other waste respectively The Characterization of domestic waste in Siem Reap Province is provided by Kate P, et al., (2006) for pilot study in Figure 14 The waste generation rate is 0.54kg/p/d A high proportion of waste composition is made up from 53% organic, 14% plastic and 13%wood & coconut Low proportion of components are paper & cardboard 3%, 1%metal, 1%glass, 1% leather & rubber, 0.3% medical waste and 14.3% for other wastes 29 Waste Composition Generation in Zone (2006) Rubber/leather 1% Medical waste 0% Others 14% Metal 1% Wood and coconut 13% Paper and cardboard 3% Plastic 14% Organics 53% Glass 1% Figure 14: Characterization of domestic waste in Siem Reap Province Kate P, et al., (2006) There is no data available on waste generation in Tonle Sap Lake Region (All zones) in the study site However, Zone is located in all towns of provinces includes; Siem Reap, Kampong Thom, Kampong Chhnang, Pur Sat, Battambang Therefore, these towns maybe played the similar roles of domestic waste generation It’s also possible to be assumed that the amount of waste generation in zone is approximately 57,446 ton/year Estimation of wastewater from household in Zone Water consumption in household daily is calculated based on Almeida, M C., D Butler, et al., (1999) It is assumed that amount of 212.3L water consumption per person per day or 10667.5 L per household per day by using in purposes for bathing, washing, kitchen, and shower In Table shows the calculation number in details of volume of water used and nutrients flow with household wastewater Wastewater from household consists of nutrient loading included TN, TP, and COD 30 Table 4: The volume and nutrient loading of water consumption in household (g/m3) (Almeida, M C., D Butler, et al., 1999) Household waste water Bath Wash basin Shower Kitchen Characterizations Vol (L/p.d) 61.4 97 42.3 11.6 N 4.2 6.3 5.8 P 5.3 13.3 19.2 26 COD 210 298 501 1079 Vol Vol L/p/d (L/hh/d) 212.3 1067.5 Tải FULL (89 trang): https://bit.ly/3Y7ioJH Dự phòng: fb.com/TaiHo123doc.net Depending on EAWAG, (2008) is assumed that grey water consists of 60% of wastewater It is found that amount 46,493.7L/cap/yr It is estimated that each person can produce 500 L of urine and 50 L of faeces yearly Disposed excreta contents nutrients; TN 4-5kg/cap/yr, TP 0.75kg/cap/yr, K 1.8kg/ca/yr, COD 30kg/cap/yr, and coliform from 10 4-108/100ml in grey water and 107-109/100 ml in faeces (Table 5) According to EAWAG, (2008) reported that in a person urine 500L/yr consist of nitrogen 3.84kg and 50L/yr of faecal matter that contents total nitrogen is 10% or an approximately 0.4kg/cap/yr At the rest, 3% is in grey water or 0.12kg/cap/yr Table 5: Human waste flow, Langergraber, G and E Muellegger (2005) Household wastewater Yearly Load (Kg/p.y) Grey water Urine Faeces 46,493.7 500 50 Vol (L/p//yr) N 4-5 3% 87% 10% P 0.75 10% 50% 40% K 1.8 34% 54% 12% COD 30 41% 12% 47% 104-108/100ml 107-109/100ml Coliform 31 Agriculture Waste (Zone 1, Zone2, Zone 3, and Zone 4) Domestic waste generation from zone 1, zone 2, zone 3, and zone are characterized by the following sectors; rice farming residue, nutrient flow from fertilizer application, nutrient flow from fish culture, batteries using from fishing In Table shows details of calculation of residue from each sector The estimation of rice residue from rice farming, it is adopted by Vietnam 3R approach for agriculture reduction It is indicated that rice residue rate 55% of total rice yield From Zone to zone 4, rice residue is approximately 2637 tons per year Total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphor (TP) are estimated from fertilizer using from rice farming It is approximately 670.29 t TN and 53.81 t TP flow annually Nutrient loading from all zones is assumed that 1315.3 t TN and 294.04 t TP load annually in region by fish culture As the high proportion of population in fishing, batteries are used for fishing purposes There is no properly managed of battery residue after usage It is essential to estimate that amount of battery about 67610 unit dispose each year respectively Tải FULL (89 trang): https://bit.ly/3Y7ioJH Dự phòng: fb.com/TaiHo123doc.net Table 6: Agricultural waste generation from Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3, and Zone Activities Area (x1000ha) Rice Farming6 Rice product (tons) Rice residue rate (%) Crop residue (Tons) Fertilizer for rice farming7 TN (t TN/yr) TP (t TP/yr) Fish Culture8 TN (t TN/yr) TP (t TP/yr) Fishing Batteries disposal (x1,000unit/yr) Zone 44.36 Zone 1,232.38 Zone 182.21 Zone 139.46 Zone - All zones 1,598.41 133.08 55 73.20 3,697.15 55 2,033.43 546.64 55 300.65 418.37 55 230.10 - 4,795.24 55 2,637.38 60.77 4.88 168.84 13.56 249.63 20.04 191.06 15.34 - 670.30 53.82 - - - - 1315.3 294.04 1.20 6.79 6.58 46.77 1.75 67.61 Rice yield 3t/ha, and rice residue 55% of total rice yield, adopted IGES, (2010) (Kim J.S et al.,2006) Longgen et al, 2003 32 II.6 Sanitation Facilities Depending on the low living standard, the high contaminated pathogens in nature is the major issues for human health in developing countries included Cambodia People themselves eliminate the contaminated excretion or other animals can cause of diagnose diseases In Cambodia, a proper improved toilet is 31% is compared to unproved toilet 69% For Phnom Penh City, improved toilet is quite higher awareness (99%), beside urban area only 57% and rural area is lowest 20% However, in rural area, unimproved toilets, 80%, is very high value and in case of open land is taken 69% Therefore, the prevention of sanitation in rural area is quite low and high contaminated pathogens from human into natural reservoirs included water especially 93% is no toilet (JICA, 2002) In Cambodia, the characterization of toilet facilities by NIS, (2009) is identified into improved sanitation system and unimproved sanitation system The improved sanitation system includes pour flush/flush connected to sewerage, pour flush/flush connected to septic tank, pit latrine with slab Unimproved sanitation system includes; pit latrine without slab/open pit, latrine overhanging field/water, Public toilet (pit latrine/latrine), Open land and others In the Tonle Sap Lake Region, sanitation is not clear known on types of system and depending on the report by NIS, (1998) indicated the information the number of percentages of population consist of the toilet facilities in area Figure 15 shows the proportion of percentages of population use the toilets at household All zones consist only 19% of population and from zone to zone are ranged 48%, 12%, 7%, 1%, and 13% 33 6730645 ... UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT DRESDEN EAM SAM UN HOUSEHOLD ORIENTED APPROACH FOR THE OPTIMIZATION OF RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AT THE FLOATING VILLAGE IN TONLE SAP LAKE REGION, CAMBODIA... of the Tonle Sap River during the wet season During the dry season, the Tonle Sap Lake is reversed again and starts to empty into Mekong River The extraordinary water regime of the Tonle Sap Lake. .. in the floating community in the floodplain of Tonle Sap Lake region is appeared strongly closed to water resources for domestic consumption and dumping site for their household waste including

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2023, 18:29


