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Skkn some solutions of creative application the model of imindmap in ba thuoc ethnic boarding junior high school

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THANH HOA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING BA THUOC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING EXPERIENCED INITIATIVE SOME SOLUTIONS OF CREATIVE APPLICATION THE MODEL OF “ IMINDMAP” AT BA THUOC ETHNIC BOARDING SECONDARY SCHOOL Fullname name: Trịnh Ngọc Viên Job: English teacher School: Ethnic Boarding Lower Secondary School Experienced initiative in subject: English BÁ THƯỚC YEAR 2022 skkn INDEX No Content Page BACKGROUND 1.1 The reason for choosing the topic 1.2 The purpose of research 1.3 The objects of research 1.4 The method of research THE CONTENT OF THE EXPERIENCED INITIATIVE The rationale of the experienced initiative 2.1.1 Mind Mapping 2.1.2 The Application of the Mind Map in Vocabulary Teaching 2.1.3 The Application of the Mind Map in Grammar Teaching 2.2 The real situation before applying the experienced initiative 2.3 Cơng tác quản lí nhà trường 2.3.1 Solution to apply the model of ‘‘IMIND-MAP” as the horizontal tree diagram 2.3.2 Solution to apply the model of “IMIND-MAP” as the longitudinal tree diagram 10 2.3.3 Research result 12 CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 13 3.1 Conclusion 13 3.2 Suggestion 14 2.1 skkn 1 BACKGROUND 1.1 The reason for choosing the topic The more growing the society is, the more increasing the international relation expanding demand is and that learning languages is an essential element Thus Vietnamese education has put English into secondary schools as a key subject discouraged from kindergarten, primary school to compulsory in the secondary and graduate educational level Thus, creating a vivid & exciting learning environment plays an important role in teaching and learning in secondary schools [6] This environment is a facility as well as the aim of the teaching process in general Because English is not loved by all of learners and it is not able to be self-studied well by all of learners Our current educational goals is to educate and provide students with the comprehensively growth, full knowledge of natural sciences and the social sciences in which foreign language is indispensable subject, and the goal of language learning is to communicate, so students need the skills to perform the communication process well [3] Our country is in the period of industrial construction towards mordenization, is gradually integrating into the modern and advanced economy of the nations in the world community Especially, since January 11 th, 2007, our country officially joined the WTO, requires the greater requests and challenges to meet the conditions of WTO accession commitments The high demand for knowledge and understanding, skillful application of Science and Technology is an urgent task of the whole society, especially to the young generation Therefore, the demand for information, diplomatic exchanges between the countries of the world is really necessary Especially, that relates to the language because language is very important, considered as a tool of the communication process In the world, English is the most widely spoken language, is the key to discover the human’s knowledge treasure such as: Science – Information Technology – Economy – Education – Political and Diplomatic service The access to Science, Technology, Information, and putting it in practice to build up skkn a comprehension development requires a connection which is the language – English Thus, learning, teaching English in schools is very important and necessary Our government had built the national foreign language project for the period 2008 – 2020 and the project to improve the quality of foreign language teaching and learning in Thanh Hoa province for the period 2018 – 2025 to enhance the English capacity for teaching staff who are directly teaching English in primary, junior high and high schools The aim of this project is to train a workforce that not only has good expertise, but is also good at foreign language – English Certainly, they are easy to communicate and apply the human’s advanced Science and Technology into the construction of the country as well as help our economy strongly develop [4] Being a teacher who is teaching English in a junior high school (Bá Thước Ethnic Boarding junior high school – Bá Thước district), I attended the course which enhanced the teachers’ method of teaching and English capacity in 2015, I find it is my responsibility to self-improvement, application the useful methods and experiences in teaching to improve students’ English capacity To gain my goal, I apply “The method of creative application the model of “ Mindmap” software on Powerpoint” to inllustrate or systematize the teaching contents lively and attractively, help students effectively master the lessons In this thesis, I would like to introduce a modern English teaching in schools, it is: “Some solutions of creative application the model of “ Imindmap” in Bá Thước Ethnic Boarding junior high school [1] 1.2 The purpose of research Today, the English teaching in Junior high school degree is in basis of modern communication trend, application of Information technology into teaching practice, but in fact, mastering the vocabulary and grammar of the students is limited, as a result, after finishing the two degrees: primary and secondary schools, most students can not communicate or use English as required There are many reasons for this situation: due to the low literary level, the poor teaching condition, the lack of equipment in service for information skkn technology of the teachers….Therefore, this thesis is one of the solutions to overcome difficulties in the process of teaching English in Junior high school degree in order to enhance the teaching effectiveness and level of communication and using English of the students [5] In some recent school years, most of the schools in the district has purchased the software license of Imindmap The application and use of this software on the Powerpoint is very effective In fact, this software is very difficult to use which requires a very high computer skill of the teachers The use of this software is time-consuming with many stages: preparing the teaching contents, setting link and leaving file and inserting into the Powerpoint software If the users can not use it fluently, the application will not be effective Of course, it sometimes causes problems or troubles for users Therefore, each teacher needs to improve the skill of information tecnhology application to well apply in the teaching process By my experience of teaching English for 18 years at secondary school, I have tried the creative and effective techniques and I have had many initiatives which are classified district and province level, in this school-year, I would like to introduce “Some solutions of creative application the model of “ Imindmap” in Bá Thước Ethnic Boarding junior high school in order to save time and gain the effectiveness in teaching process I myself prepare the electronic lesson plans, creatively apply the mindmap in the teaching process, help localize, map, and systematize the knowledge that makes the lessons more interesting and atrractive and students can master effectively the vocabulary and grammar and helps improve the language communication level of the students [2] 1.3 The objects of research The object of the study is a summary study of how to use the method of creative application the model of Imindmap in teaching English in Bá Thước Ethnic Boarding lower secondary school 1.4.The method of research - Studying reasoning: using the Internet, books, documents, lesson plan skkn - Investigating the real situation - Counting figures and result of studying - Observing the reality: observing students when they tests - Experimenting the teaching methods - Summarizing the results, learning from the colleagues’ experiences THE CONTENT OF THE EXPERIENCED INITIATIVE 2.1.The rationale of the experienced initiative 2.1.1 Mind Mapping The term “mind map” was popularized for the first time by Tony Buzan in 1960s Since then, it has been an effective tool of learning, note-taking, brainstorming, visual thinking and problem solving in countless research fields including education, writing, project management, etc The mind map, based on the radiant thinking pattern of our brains, is a tree-like structure diagramed with colorful and highly organized key words A mind map cannot live without the following parts: first, the main idea is crystallized in the center of a mind map; second, branches radiating from the center are the main themes of the topic; third, key words or images that link the theme to the main idea are drawn on the branch lines; forth, secondary themes can be attached to the relevant branch as twigs; finally, all the branches and twigs together present a connected nodal structure That’s how students map out their ideas in a memorable and highly organized diagram [1] As the key to unlock memories, mind mapping benefits students in many respects First, it helps associate new information to prior knowledge Instead of rote learning, it forces students to find connections in their head that leads to meaningful learning Second, it is an effective tool to figure out complex issues Once all the ideas are presented, they can be grouped and illustrated in a highly organized structure that gives students a deeper understanding than before Third, mind mapping ignites creativity and makes learning more spontaneous, flexible and enjoyable Students are allowed to empty out their heads once any ideas strike them skkn 2.1.2 The Application of the Mind Map in Vocabulary Teaching Vocabularies in our brains are hooked into semantic networks like maps representing knowledge in patterns of interconnected nodes Thus mind mapping could support the teaching and learning of vocabularies through the visualization of related information For example, “coronavirus” could be placed at the center of a mind map as the main topic being learned Then, the branches radiated from the topic “coronavirus” could be a series of most discussed issues during the pandemic such as “what is the timeline of the coronavirus, how does it spread, and what are the symptoms of it” In this way, the secondary themes would be any words associated with the above questions [2] 2.1.3 The Application of the Mind Map in Grammar Teaching Using Mind map in the process of teaching, we can comb a lot of knowledge points, so that to make points present to students in order The grammar knowledge that students receive can be intuitive and visualized by using Mind map The Mind map, which contains images, colors and lines, can effectively tease out the connections between the grammar knowledge points The very common used Mind map in high school English teaching is the main tree and the comparison diagram, which can effectively find out the connections among a wide variety of knowledge points To take an example, while interpreting the subjunctive mood, the teacher makes the knowledge and skill target according to the curriculum goal and the teaching material Subsequently, the teacher assigns the task to the students, and lets the students preview the content of the knowledge point of virtual emotion by themselves before points are organized and summarized with the Mind map method By drawing the Mind map of the main tree, students have entire grasp of the knowledge they learnt Next, teachers further explain the subjunctive mood in the process of teaching, and then draw a Mind map to compare and sum up all of knowledge points In the process of drawing such two different Mind maps, students naturally build the positive way of thinking Introducing the Mind map into teaching effectively, by combining the two different Mind maps of main tree skkn maps and contrast diagrams, help students to integrate some fragmentary knowledge points with those resources, and help them to study systematically At the same time, students can also form good habits of thinking and study in order that improve their learning efficiency It is helpful for students to use Mind map to complete the integration of grammar knowledge The method of drawing Mind map can not only stimulate students’ interest in learning, but also guide them to develop a habit of thinking actively and improve their understanding of knowledge content [2] For example, after grammar knowledge of subjunctive mood is taught to the students, they are divided into groups, and are required to observe and analyze the Mind map which made up of two different structures At last, they are asked to finish the Mind map, which is used to sum up the knowledge points of the present subjunctive mood Based on the results of the Mind map drawn by the students, the students are divided into groups to discuss and make corresponding comments; to understand and think about the mistakes, the advantages and disadvantages of the works, to understand and to digest the knowledge points explained by group members, to further deepen the important points and difficult points, and to consolidate the knowledge point step by step 2.2.The real situation before applying the experienced initiative In fact, students at rural areas like our Ba Thuoc Bording Ethnic secondary school are still learning in the difficult studying conditions so it is not easy for them to learn this language well Their speaking skill and grammar tests are poor Many students don’t take inspiration from learning English By my experience of teaching English in Bá Thước Ethnic Boarding secondary school, I myself apply creatively “Some solutions of creative application the model of Imindmap to design some periods (if necessary) Here are the specific results: Before implementing the thesis: (both the previous school-years and this school year, this thesis has been implemented from 2019 to present) Percentage of Grade Total students who are interested in skkn Excellent Good Average Poor learning English grade grade grade grade 60 100% 20 30 60 80% 18 34 60 70% 17 37 60 60% 18 37 2.3 Solutions and impementation 2.3.1 Solution to apply the model of mindmap as the horizontal tree diagram In this thesis, I would not like to introduce how to use the software “Imind map”, I would like to introduce the effective application of the software on the powerpoint which has been my teaching experiences for about 11 years in Lương Ngoại junior high school and years in Bá Thước Ethnic Boarding junior high school Its benefits are very practical, time-saving which help to focus on the lessons and make the lessons more fantastic, interesting and effective The horizontal tree diagram is very familiar with every teacher, the application is also easy, scientific, educational and aesthetic [2] I woud like to introduce how to plan and creatively apply the model of “ IMIND MAP” in preparing the parts: LEAD IN and REMEMBER The inllustruction samples: + Planning the period 30, 31-Unit 5: Language focus , English It would be better if the Part of LEAD IN is systematized as the diagrams which helps students to master and understand the lessons The Lead in, the introduction and the remember of this period should be designed in the software IMIND-MAP like this: skkn The teachers can also plan that lesson content by creatively apply The horizontal tree diagram to systematize the knowledge Therefore, we can use the model of IMIND-MAP in the parts of: Lead in, warm up, as well as the Remember or Conclusion That will helps emphasize and focus on the lessons and students can master the knowledge in the most effective way Moreover, the teachers can combine the other methods or techniques of teaching the vocabulary or Grammar that helps students understand the lessons easily + Planning the period 5, -Unit 1: Language focus , English skkn From that model, teachers can implement the lesson contents in turn or replan each content like this “IMIND-MAP”, the inllustructions are both simple and scientific but useful [2] The teachers can also plan each grammartical part in a different slice, it’s up to each situation Thus, the “IMIND-MAP” should be creatively apllied which helps motivate students and makes the lessons more vivid and interesting This is an example of teaching Grammar of that period in teaching the model sentence, using: ENOUGH = => (NOT) ADJ + ENOUGH + TO V skkn 10 As a result, the grammatical content is inllustrated and vividly developed which helps reduce stress in a grammar lesson + Planning the period 23, 24- Unit 4: Language focus, English When teaching the grammar, teachers can implement like this (using the entrance effects on the sreen) [2] When explaining the lesson, teachers can combine the other techniques and let the entrance effects appear on the screen which are related to the lesson content As a result, the teachers can save time to write the examples on the blackboard in stead of planning on the screen The teachers can also give many examples on the screen and have students to exercises, then go to black board to exercises 2.3.2 Solution to apply the model of “IMIND-MAP” as the longitudinal tree diagram The model IMIND-MAP as the longitudinal tree diagram or the horizontal tree diagram both has its specific benefits Teachers should use it creatively to avoid the boredom for the students Here are a few examples prepared for the LANGUAGE FOCUS periods, English which use the model of IMIND-MAP as the longitudinal tree diagram on the powerpoint [2] The inllustrations: skkn 11 + Planning the period 18, 19: Language focus – English In the lead in or the opening part, teacher can introduce the contents of the lesson by using the longitudinal tree diagram or using it in the conclusion of the lesson [1] Because the contents of these two periods are quite long, the teachers can combine the different techniques or games which helps students remember the lesson better + Planning the period 78, 79: Language focus – English In the LEAD IN or REMEMBER of the teaching periods, the teachers can design the grammatical contents like this [2] skkn 12 After planning this diagram, teachers can teach the grammatical contents in turn or plan each grammatical content in a different slice That will be very effective and students can understand the lesson easily and master it better As a result, students can use the language effectively: both vocabulary and grammar Thus, the model of IMIND-MAP is one of the best way to develop speaking skill of the students + Preparing the period 10: Unit 2: I-learn Smart World- English 6(page 14) You can design the same model for the periods about teaching New Words Here is a very interesting period with subjects at school, the teachers can plan the contents like this diagram and add the entrance effects for each subject It can be understood easily if we use the PROJECTOR with POWER POINTS to play the effects [2] 2.3.3.Research result In this thesis, I have mentioned the important role of the teacher in his/ her good application of information technology in planning and teaching the lesson, especially, the planning of the electronic lesson plans on the softwares: IMIND-MAP, POWER POINTS Being aware of that, I always try my best to self-study and find out the best techniques to motivate and attract students skkn 13 Up to now, I have already applied fluently two softwares: IMIND-MAP and POWER POINTS in planning the electronic lesson plans In fact, I find using IMIND-MAP software is more time-consumming than using POWER POINTS software to design the mind diagrams Students are always eager to learn, to explore the new things, so, planning the lessons using creatively the model of the mind diagram is very important and necessary to reduce the boredom in the difficult lessons After implementing the thesis: (both the previous school-years and this school year, this thesis has been implemented since 2019 to present) Percentage of Grade Total students who are interested in Excellent Good Average Poor grade grade grade grade learning English 60 100% 12 28 20 60 95% 12 24 24 60 90% 14 26 20 60 90% 14 25 21 Thus, the results clearly show the effectiveness in helping students with learning English, and of course the quality of teaching and learning English issignificantly improved CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS 3.1 Conclusion It is said that the teaching process is a thinking process of knowledge The teachers’ role as a director of the learning activities of students who should orient and suggest students how to study and comprehend the knowledge scientifically In teaching English at secondary schools, the teachers’ role is very important in applying the Information technology and other new modern techniques in order to gain the best quality in teaching and learning It is more skkn 14 important if the teacher can create an comfortable and friendly environment for students to communicate in English as well as create a lively atmosphere in the classroom, help students have a good awareness about the important role of English in today’s time So, they can define their tasks such as: learning and communicating, using English well to meet the increasing demands of society “Some solutions of creative application the model of “ Imindmap” applied in Bá Thước Ethnic Boarding secondary school is one of the modern techniques which is suitable with the condition of school facilaties and meet the increasing demands of society on the subject of English 3.2 Suggestion This is my little experience in the process of teaching English at Bá Thước Ethnic Boarding secondary school from 2015 to present As this thesis was completed in a short period time and because of my limited knowledge and experience, natural mistakes and errors are inevitable I hope I will receive remarks from all my colleages in order to make it better I sincerely suggest the Science Council on experienced Initiatives in district and province level to publish a book on the Initiatives which won the high prize to the schools every year, so teachers can have chances to get access to the good teaching methods and they can improve their experience of teaching in a practical way to enhance their qualifications to contribute to improving the quality of education in general Thank you for reading! Bá Thước, June 1st, 2022 CONFIRMING OF THE I assure that this is my experienced HEADMASTER initiative, not copy the content of the other person (Sign and write the full name) Trịnh Ngọc Viên skkn 15 REFERENCES Guiding how to design mindmap on powerpoint – Author: Andrew Childress (Sources on the Internet) 15 Creative Mind Map Examples for Students – Author: Raphaela Brandner (Sources on the Internet) English language teaching methodology for teachers in lower secondary schools Teaching the skills – a methodology course for English language teachers Harmer,J 1991 the practice of English language teaching Harlow: Longman New Edition Hubard, P, Jones, H, Thornton, B & R Wheeler 1983 A Training Course for TOEFL Oxford: Oxford University Press skkn 16 CATEGORY EXPERIENCE INITIATIVES WAS CLASSED BY DISTRICT, PROVINCIAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING COUNCIL TT Classification Name of experience initiatives of District and Province Helping students pronounce correctly from International District Phonetic Alphabet in Luong Ngoai Lower Secondary School Some techniques in pre – listening to motivate students District effectively in Luong Ngoai Lower Secondary School Improving poor students’ result of learning in grade and grade District in Luong Ngoai Lower Secondary School The methods of teaching vocabulary for grade in District Luong Ngoai Lower Secondary School Helping students word formation exercises in grade and at Ba Thuoc Ethnic District Boarding Lower Secondary School Starting the skill lessons in grade with the language focus part effectively at Ba Thuoc District Ethnic Boarding Lower Secondary School Some experiences in teaching passive sentences for students in grade Ba Thuoc Ethnic District Boarding Lower Secondary School skkn Results Year C 2012 B 2013 B 2014 B 2015 B 2016 B 2017 C 2018 ... method of creative application the model of Imindmap in teaching English in Bá Thước Ethnic Boarding lower secondary school 1.4 .The method of research - Studying reasoning: using the Internet,... master the lessons In this thesis, I would like to introduce a modern English teaching in schools, it is: ? ?Some solutions of creative application the model of “ Imindmap? ?? in Bá Thước Ethnic Boarding. .. using English of the students [5] In some recent school years, most of the schools in the district has purchased the software license of Imindmap The application and use of this software on the

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