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Skkn applying information technology to design online and offline reading lessons for teaching 11th grade students at nong cong 4 high school effectively

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THANH HOA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING NONG CONG HIGH SCHOOL EXPERIENCED INNOVATION APPLYING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TO DESIGN ONLINE AND OFFLINE READING LESSONS FOR TEACHING 11th GRADE STUDENTS AT NONG CONG HIGH SCHOOL EFFECTIVELY By: Nguyễn Thị Oanh Position: Teacher Field: English THANH HOA, 2022 skkn TABLE OF CONTENTS  CONTENTS 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 Introduction Reasons for the study Aims and requirement of the study The scope and objectives of the study Methods of the study Investigation Theoretical background Background knowledge of teaching reading skill Some information technology applications in teaching online The real situation before applying the study Solution How to adapt reading tasks by using information technology in designing online or offline reading lessons Effectively exploiting some tools for discusing online, assigning assignments, testing and assesing students online Application: Sample of adapting reading tasks in designing online or offline reading lessons in English 11 Experiment’s Result Conclusion Conclution: Some of the proposals to the leaders: Reference 2.2 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.4 3.1 3.2 Page 2 3 3 6 10 16 21 21 21 21 22 skkn INTRODUCTION 1.1 Reasons for the study In English teaching, the main objective is to prepare students for communication in the real world and it is very important for learners to efficiently equip themselves with four skills, together with relatively sufficient background knowledge Of the four language skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing, Reading is vital not only in language learning but also in daily communication Most teachers and students find that Reading is a difficult skill to master I also think that teaching Reading is not an easy job at all when we face the fact that learners have met many difficulties in comprehending the information due to unfamiliarity with too many new words or phrases, collocations, idioms and a lack of Reading comprehension skills This contradiction tells us that there are some things about teaching Reading that need to be explored Especially, we are under pressure of Covid-19 pandemic, which has resulted in serious consequences in education as well as other aspects in our lives Children in many regions have not been educated at schools like before They have to study online via electronic devices connected to the internet, instead This is a great challenge for both educators and learners , especially for teachers and students in rural areas as our hometown, Nong Cong We must find out all we can about how to apply information technology effectively to overcome the obstacles and improve the education quality in epidemic situation Therefore, I have tried to exploit the online techniques of teaching reading skill, adapt reading tasks by making use of various kinds of online classtools to ease the tasks and make our online lessons more interesting and effective Having applied information technology in designing reading lessons in English 11 successfully, I decided to choose the topic: “ Applying information technology to design online and offline reading lessons for teaching 11th grade students at Nong Cong high school effectively ” for our experienced innovation In this study, there are samples of online reading lectures of English 11 whose reading tasks are adapted thanks to information technology Nevertheless, this study can’t be perfect in limited time Therefore, I hope that the colleagues’ contribution will make it more perfectly 1.2 Aims and requirement of the study 1.2.1 Aims: - To explore the design of online teaching activities and online teaching processes adopted by teachers during the Covid-19 pandemic - To give out lectures on reading skill for teachers to teach online and for students to study online or offline - To discuss the techniques for teaching as well as studying online skkn - To discuss the applying tools for teaching and studying online effectively 1.2.2 Requirements: To succeed in the study, the requirement for the topic is that the teacher and students must be proficient with the computer, smartphone and the internet Students have to attend regularly and obey their teacher’s requirements 1.3 Scope and objectives of the study 1.3.1 Scope: We understand that Covid-19 has had a huge impact on teaching across the world And both teachers and students are under pressure of imparting and improving knowledge as well as skill Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the design of online teaching activities and online teaching processes for reading skill lessons in English 11 during the pandemic 1.3.2 Objectives: As I have said my study is aimed at improving my students’ reading skills and help them to solve some difficulties in doing the reading comprehension exercises so my objectives of the study are: + My students + English textbook 11 + Some references 1.4 Methods of the study Draw from experience of our teaching Consult many documents ,especially methods of study Get experience from my colleagues INVESTIGATION 2.1 Theoretical basis 2.1.1 Backgroud knowledge of teaching reading skill The importance of reading skill As can be seen that Reading is fundamental in helping us find and convey information It’s an essential skill that’s developed at a very young age Here’s why reading is beneficial to all of us, and how the importance of reading comprehension is essential to understanding the world around us Stages of a reading lesson Reading is a process involving word recognition, comprehension and fluency These are the three stages that you should follow during a reading lesson: Pre-Reading Stage; While-Reading Stage; Post-Reading Stage Reading comprehension teaching Techniques In order to design an effective reading lecture, It is necessary for teachers to study the obstacles that students have to cope with when reading texts such as a large number of new words, difficulty in recognising sentence components and cultural differences From all this, teachers should pay attention to points: design a reading drill and design steps in reading comprehension teaching These are some steps we often apply to in teaching reading: lead in; skkn read through; teach new words; read for main idea (gist); read for detail; summary and opinion; exercises The best reading techiques are the SQ3R technique, skimming, scanning, active reading,detailed reading and structure proposition elvaluation 2.1.2 Some information technology applications in teaching online a Using Zoom application to providing knowledge Online teaching is becoming the new normal for many schools This is especially true temporarily with schools affected by COVID-19 Many teachers and schools have found themselves thrown into the new world of online teaching Luckily, there are many tools and different ways to stay connected and teach your students during this time Many platforms that you use in school, like Zoom, Google Meet, can help us with this transition from inperson classes to online classes In order to use the application we have to Sign Up for a Free Zoom Account We can start by going to http://zoom.us/  and sign up for a free account by entering your email address Once you have an account, download the Zoom program here https://zoom.us/download And we can chedule a Zoom Meeting for an Online Class by opening the Zoom Desktop app on your computer, clicking “Home” at the top left, clicking “Schedule” Then enter all relevant details like time, date, topic, etc., pick our online calendar of choice and we’ll be taken to a page with our Zoom link We can send this link to your students in your online calendar’s meeting scheduler Screen sharing is really important for presenting to our class This button allows us to share your computer screen with everyone on the Zoom meeting Screen sharing is very easy with Zoom, all you need to is click the green “Share Screen” button at the bottom during your meeting Then we’ll click which screen we’d like to share Zoom Whiteboards are another feature that seems tailor made for teachers To get to the Whiteboard, click “Share Screen” at the bottom of the Zoom window and then click “Whiteboard.” Classes held via zoom should be recorded and uploaded to Canvas to enable students who cannot participate synchronously due to their time zone or other factors to watch at a later time Zoom provides a simple way of doing this Select Record the meeting automatically in the cloud; Zoom will start recording when you start the meeting and stop recording when you end the meeting skkn b Using Padlet, Azota to create forum for assigning students’ assignments Padlet can be used by students and by teachers With padlet we can create an online post-it board that you can share with any student or teacher you want Just give them the unique Padlet link Padlet allows you to insert ideas anonymously or with your name It’s easy to use and very handy Whoever has the Padlet board opened on his smartphone or computer, can see what’s on it and what everyone is writing Students just have to take a device and start adding little sticky notes online They can see all the ideas gathered on the teacher board immediately Using Padlet in the classroom is easy You can install the Padlet app for Apple or for Android on your phone or just go to the Padlet website Here you create an account and make your first board Once that is settled, you have to get the board to your students Sharing a Padlet board is easy; choose for a QR code or a link There are more sharing options, but these two are the most obvious Let your students insert the link in the browser or in the Padlet app They can ‘continue as guest’ so they just have to scan the QR code with the Padlet app or type in the URL, without creating an account Shortly after, they will be directed to your first Padlet board Azota is an useful application that can be used in smart electronic devives Both teachers and students can sign in and use quickly This is an ideal site not only for teachers to assign exercises, tasks, tests but also for students to download the materials to complete their assignments before handing in Besides, Teachers and parents can follow and evaluate their children’s studying process Azota allows us to use the application through sychronizing with Zalo, which helps the users save time in creating a new account skkn 2.2 Real situation before applying the study : As we see it, due to Covid-19 pandemic, online teaching is the best solution to provide education Students can learn about virtually any subject online, anywhere, anytime Thanks to online tools we have good chance to exchange and improve knowledge during the epidemic period 2.3 Solutions Because of the reasons above my solution to these is “Applying information technology to design online and offline reading lessons for teaching 11 th grade students in Nong Cong high school effectively” 2.3.1 How to adapt reading tasks by using information technology in designing online or offline reading lessons Using language games in the tasks of the lessons to draw students’ attention a Hang man Game: Position: This game is often used in Warm-up activity Types of Activity: The whole class Aim: Help students know what topic they are going to study in the new lesson Procedure: Teacher asks students for interest Informs the students that they are going to guess a word or phrase word Tell them how many letters the word or phrase word has Ask students to guess the whole word or letter by letter If the letter is right, click in the box which contains this letter But if the letter is wrong, click under the Gallows The game finishes right after the students guess the words If students guess wrong times, a hangman will apprear and the game is over 10 11 12 13 14 15 skkn b Shark attack: Position: This game is often used in Warm-up activity But sometimes, we can use it while practising Types of Activity: The whole class when using it in Warm-up activity Team work when using it in practising activity Aim: Help students know what topic they are going to study in the new lesson And motivate students to pracise more Procedure: * For Warm-up activity: Teacher asks students for interest Informs students that they are going to guess a word or phrase word Tell them how many letters the word or phrase word has Ask students to guess the whole word or letter by letter If the letter is right, click in the box which contains this letter But if the letter is wrong, click into the person on the step And the person will go down one step for each wrong letter The game finishes right after the students guess the words or when the person is at the position of the last step * For practising Activity: Ask students for interest Divide the class into teams And name each team Inform students what they are going to Ask students to choose the number in which there are some some questions or exercises they have to complete Which team have one wrong answer will have to go down one step And the winner is the person who has higher position Use the letters in the alphabet to guess it 1 4 10 c Cross word : Position: This game is often used in Warm-up activity Types of Activity: The whole class or team work skkn Aim: Help students know what topic they are going to study in the new lesson Procedure: Teacher asks students for interest Informs the students that they are going to guess a word or phrase word Tell them how many letters the word or phrase word in the cross has Ask students to open down words by answering the questions The game finishes right after the students open the crossword d Lucky number: Position: This game is often used in Warm-up activity or in pracising activity or in consolidation part Types of Activity: The team work Aim: Help students know what they are going to study in the new lesson Motivate students practise more Remind students of what they have just done Procedure: Teacher asks students for interest Divide the class into teams and name them Inform students the rules of the game There are numbers which contain questions and lucky numbers With one correct answer or one lucky number, the team will get one point The winner is the team who have higher point skkn Lucky number game e Word Square: Position: This game is often used in Warm-up activity or in consolidation part Types of Activity: The whole class Aim: Help students know what they are going to study in the new lesson Remind students of what they have just done Procedure: Teacher asks students for interest Show a square word and ask students to find out the words in the square which related to the topic of the new lesson Example: How many animals are there in this square ? P A N D A E N A P C B S X K R T N A E Y A A U T K I R V U N O A M B O R R S G H R O K J O E E L E P H A N T S A N D U G O N G E S T I G E R R N L E O P A R D B A Q N U T E L T Y D f Magical conical hat: Position: This game is used in warm up activity, in practising activity or in consolidation part Types of Activity: Team work Aim: Motivate students and help them practice more the contents of the new lesson Procedure: Teacher asks students for interest, divide the class into teams Give out the rule of the game The winner is the team that get higher point Each team has turning times before choosing the questions In order to get the point the team have to give out the correct answer skkn 6 Points Effectively exploiting some tools for discusing online, assigning assignments, testing and assesing students online a Using Padlet display to create online forum chat and assign assignments Padlet is an effective tool for us to use in online or offline class Thanks to the online forum, teachers not have to spend much time, money and energy preparing teaching visual aids, handouts Students also find it easier, less time consuming but much more effective to discuss in groups to complete their teacher’s assignments Moreover, both teacher and students have online forrum chat to check, comment and review directly that the whole class can observe online or offline For example, Teacher can ask students to work in groups to task in the reading lesson in Unit - Overpopulation - Eglish 11: Task 1: Scan the reading text and complete the chart by posting it in Padlet Students only click into the following link to read, discuss and the task: https://padlet.com/tuyetltac3dh/tuyetdh 10 skkn Furthermore, teacher can assign various kinds of exercises, mini tests, mock tests for students to practise at home and hand in the page Teachers also follow, check and give feedback to each student below his or her answer Example, advanced students can click in to the following link to practise: https://padlet.com/tuyetltac3dh/Bookmarks Students also practise doing basic exercises related to the lessons they have studied and GCES practice tests by click into the following link: https://padlet.com/tuyetltac3dh/tuyetdh? fbclid=IwAR0NVCdimpDYOmUnm7FkxJC4QLpQHiv8uzMw2_o4ynY4f4r0iflgvXoDYLE b Using Google forms and azota to help students review, test and assess themselves online Once we have created an account in Azota, we can see the following display: We have to create the lists of the classes by taking out the available lists from vnedu.vn Then, teachers can create exercises and practise tests for students to in online classroom or at home Students can start doing exercises and practice tests by click into the links teachers give them: https://azota.vn/de-thi/5upxmy 11 skkn https://azota.vn/de-thi/ul8tre https://azota.vn/de-thi/xvi5bh https://azota.vn/de-thi/r8dlbo https://azota.vn/de-thi/5upxmy After completing exercises or practise tests, students can get their mark, check their results and get more knowledge from detail answer that teachers have given out in this page Teachers also check and manage student’s time and studying resutls c Using Quizziz, Kahoot, nearpod, class tools to design funny mini knowledge test online to play in classroom or at home Quizziz, Kahoot, Nearpod, class tools are online tools that allow teachers to conduct student-paced formative assessments in a fun and engaging way for students of all ages.To play a game on Quizizz, we can either choose from a library of millions of public quizzes, or we can decide to create our own quiz Once we have picked a quiz, we can conduct it in the classroom with Quizizz live mode or assign it as a homework game for students to practice at their own time Students can use any device with a browser to join the game, and you get all the data both for individual students or the class as a whole In order to Use Quizizz we coduct the following steps Step 1: Go to www.quizizz.com and hit “GET STARTED.” If we want to use an existing quiz, you can use the “Search for quizzes” box and browse Once we have selected a quiz, skip to step If we want to create your own quiz, select the “Create” panel, then the “Sign Up” panel and fill in the form Step 2: Enter a name for the quiz and an image if we like We can also select its language and make it either public or private 12 skkn Step 3: Fill in a question, as well as answers, and be sure to click the “incorrect” icon next to the correct answer in order to change it to “correct.” We can also add a corresponding image if we would like Select “+ New Question” and repeat step Do this until we have made all of our questions Step 4: Hit “Finish” in the top right corner Select the appropriate grade range, subject(s), and topic(s) We can also add tags to make it easier to search for Step 5: We can either select “PLAY LIVE!” or “HOMEWORK” and choose the desired attributes Step 6: Students can go to www.quizizz.com/join and type in the 6-digit code to participate in the live quiz or complete the homework They will be asked to enter a name to be identified by Once the students are finished, refresh your page, and you will be able to view the results of the quiz In order to Use Kahoot we coduct the following steps: 13 skkn Step 1: Log in and click Create Log in at kahoot.com, click Create in the top right corner of the screen and choose Quiz It only takes minutes to create a kahoot! Step 2: Add questions, answers, and imagery Follow the instructions on screen to add questions, answers, images, and video You can add multiple-choice quiz questions, true/false, survey questions, and, if you have a paid subscription, you can also add slides and polls Toggle the timer for each question and don’t forget to add images! Step 3: Add a title, description, and cover image Enter a title and description in the kahoot summary to summarize it and help other users find it easily A great cover image will ensure your kahoot stands out and attracts more players In addition to playing live in a group setting, we can also assign kahoots as homework with the challenge feature Save time on correcting assignments and make homework really engaging for students They play homework challenges after class in our mobile app, and we get a neat report with the results On our computer, open a kahoot and hit the Challenge button Select when we want the challenge to end, copy the link or the game PIN and share it with our students For example, via LMS, email, etc It’s possible to challenge players from the mobile app, too: log in to our account, open a kahoot we like, tap Play and Challenge friends We can also challenge your friends and family with a cool quiz for fun Nearpod helps educators make any lesson interactive whether in the classroom or virtual A teacher can create interactive presentations that can contain Quiz’s, Polls, Videos, Collaborate Boards, and more We can access thousands of pre-built K-12 standards-aligned lessons or upload our existing lessons and make them interactive The students can access a teacher’s presentation through a code and the teacher then moves the class through the presentation and lets students interact with the media as they go Teachers can also opt for Student-Paced mode, where the student controls the flow of the lesson This mode is perfect for sub days, weather days, homework assignments, or 14 skkn independent work. The app is web-based and works on any device with an internet connection In order to Use nearpod we coduct the following steps: Step 1: Log in and register Go to http://nearpod.com,Teachers click Sign Up for free to register or Log In to log in At the registration interface, the teacher enters the information that the system requires Teachers can also use Gmail accounts to register For students, just the code provided by the teacher to enter the class, no need to register After successful registration, the teacher will see the interface as below Step 2: Create a new lesson To create a new lesson, go to the teacher’s interface, or click “My lessons”—> click the button “CREATE” or you can create a slide from Google App (this is quite familiar to all teachers so we will not instruct further) Choose Lesson in CREATE You will see the Untitled Lesson page as below 15 skkn Add contents Click “Add Contents & Activities” to find all types of files and elements you can add to your Lesson Here teachers can crate and add many types of content such as Slide, Nearpod 3D, Simulation from Phet, Field Trip, BBC Video, Sway, Slide, PDF, Vidoe, Audio, Twitter… into your lesson Click “Upload files” if you have already made a slide and want to upload it to present to the class 2.3.3 Sample of adapting reading tasks in designing online or offline reading lessons in English 11 TEACHING PLAN OF UNIT 4:VOLUNTEER WORK -Lesson A: Reading Timing: 45 minutes I Objectives: By the end of this lesson students will be able to: Cognition: Recognize the meaning of words and phrases related to the topic volunteer work and get more knowledge about how to volunteer work Skills: 16 skkn Identify the general idea and specific information about the passage. skimming for general ideas and scanning for specific information Attribute: Show positive attitudes and enthusiasm to read the passage Competence: - Apply some advice about doing volunteer work to their real lives - Apply ITC into present ideas, learn new words, homework effectively II Teaching aids (& materials): - Basic: Student book TA 11, laptop, mobile phone and TV - Digital Education Tools: + https://www.youtube.com + https://quizziz.com + https://padlet.com III Procedure: Activity 1: Warm up - Learn about volunteer work through observing the video clip : Group work Goal The activity aims at asking Ss to learn about the volunteer work: why volunteer is in need? How to volunteer others meaningfully Input Background knowledge and Youtube - Volunteer work https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MB50sxwfmgc Outcome Expected answer: - Because everyday, many people are still facing with disasters, diseases, epidemics and many other issues such as pollution, opharns, homelessness, - Some volunteer work for daily life: cleaning the environment, helping the handicapped, the elderly, the poor - Teacher divides the class into four groups Procedure - Students listen to the song and write down jobs on posters - Students hang posters on the Board - Teacher gives comments and feedbacks Activity 2: Discovering Vocabulary Goal The activity aims at -Presenting the meaning and pronunciation of some vocabulary related to the topic volunteer work -helping students practice Input Lesson A : reading 17 skkn Outcome -Volunteer (n)/(v) /,vɔlən'tiə/: (picture + explanation) These people are doing volunteer work They are volunteers -Mow (v)/məu/ - Mow the lawn: -Orphanage (n)/'ɔ:fəniʤ/: (n)A place where children without parents live -Mow (v) picture +example) = cut grass -Lawns (n) -handicapped(a) /'hændikæpt/ (adj) picture + translation): người tàn tật -Remote (a): / ri‘məut/ - Teacher presents the meaning and pronunciation of words Procedure - Students listen and repeat - Teacher asks some student to read aloud the words Activity 3: Checking vocabulary MULTIPLE CHOICE Goal Input The activity aims at checking some vocabulary and phrases related to the topic volunteer work that students have been provided -Use some pictures and expression: 1/ Who are they ?And what are they doing ? 2/ What is he doing ? 3/ They are handicapped/ disabled He is cutting glass by machine 4/ They live in remote mountainous area Outcome -Volunteer (n) /,vɔlən'tiə/: (v): 5/ This is the place where children are without parents Tình nguyện viên Tình nguyện, tự nguyện 18 skkn -> voluntary (adj) /'vɔləntri/ ->voluntarily (adv) /’vɔlənt(ə)rili/ -Mow (v) / məu/: Cắt, xén -Handicapped (a) /'hændikæpt/ : Tàn tật -Remote (a): / ri‘məut/ Xa xôi, hẻo lánh -Orphanage (n) /'ɔ:fəniʤ/: Trại trẻ mồ côi -Overcome (v) /,ouvə'kʌm/: Vượt qua -Comfort (v) /'kʌmfət/: An ủi -Organize (v) /'ɔ:gənaiz/: Tổ chức - Let students the task individually Procedure - Ask students to brainstorm and choose the correct answer – Give comment and feedback Activity 4: Read the reading text and choose the best answer from A,B,C or D for each of the following sentences Goal The activity aims at helping Ss focus on the content of the passage Input Scan the reading text and choose the best answer from A,B,C or D for each of the following sentences Use quizziz.com to create the multiple choice questions: https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/6257f65a7418ff001ea58e89/mcqs-unit-4volunteer-work Volunteers usually help those who are sick or old in their homes by…………… A mowing the lawns, doing shopping and cleaning up their houses B cooking, sewing or washing their clothes C telling them stories, and singing and dancing for them D taking them to baseball games Big Brothers is ………… A the name of a club B a home for children C the name of a film D an organization for boys who no longer haver fathers Most of the boys’ and girls’ club use many high school and college students as volunteers because they………… A have a lot of free time B can understand the problems of younger boys anh girls C know how to the work D are good at playing game Volunteers believe that…………… A in order to make others happy, they have to be unhappy B the happiest people are those who make themselves happy C the happiest people are those who are young and healthy D bringing happiness to others makes them the happiest people The best title for the passage is…………… A Taking Care of Others 19 skkn B Voluntary Work in the United States C Volunteers: The Happiest People in the World Students can the MCQS again at home via the following link and code Outcome Feedback: A             D              3 B               D                B Procedure – Students work in groups, scan the reading text and the MCQS by entering joinmyquiz.com and use Code to start the quizziz – Check their answers directly via : https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/6257f65a7418ff001ea58e89/mcqs-unit-4volunteer-work Activity 5: Read the passage and answer the questions What high school and college students usually as volunteers in hospitals, orphanages or homes for the aged? How volunteers help disadvantaged and handicapped children to overcome their difficulties? Where students volunteer to work during summer vacations? Goal Input Outcome The activity aims at helping students find out the specific information through the passage Task 3: Answer the questions Key: They usually visit these places They read books to the people there, play games with them or listen to their problems They give care and comfort to them and help them to overcome their difficulties During summer vacations, they volunteer to work in remote or mountainous areas to provide education for children Procedure - Teacher divides the class into teams and ask them to read the text, answer the questions - Students work in teams and choose the best answer quickly 20 skkn - Teacher checks their answers directly Activity 6: Application (about minutes to assign tasks at home.) Ask students to work in groups watch an interview about volunteering via the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dh_AhY48iGE, then make similar videos and send to the teacher through Padlet 2.4 Experiment’s Result Having applied information technology to design online and offline reading lessons for teaching 11th students in rural areas, I got possitive respond from students I also see that it brings to my lectures much effectiveness Not only does it attract students’ attention to the contents of the lessons but it helps my students improve reading skill as well No matter how complicated the Covid-19 pandemic is, I have tried my best to have as effective lectures as possible The result of these investigations is counted up with the following contents The table shows result of these investigations: School year Class 20212022 11B5 11B2 Before doing experiments Paying Practising Doing attention to Reading well lesson well reading (% (% tasks Students) Students) ( % Students) After doing experiments Paying Practising Doing attention Reading well to lesson well reading (% (% tasks Students) Students) ( % Students) 58% 57% 86,2% 75,9% 48,8% 47,3% 44,2% 42,5% 69,7% 68,8% 70% 61,3% CONCLUSION 3.1 Conclution: During the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of schools and universities across the world announce that they are moving to online only learning has been increasing day by day Hundreds of thousands of teachers are busy working to move their face to face lesson online Designing online lectures take significant time and effort Therefore, right now it is important that formula be made simpler and lesson be made more interesting to help develop students’ performance I hope my experienced innovation will become useful reference materials for teachers and students to prepare for annual GCSE exams 3.2 Some of the proposals to the leaders: After studying the topic, I realise that the successful lessons depend on a lot of visual aids and reference documents, so the schools need to buy and add more equipment for teaching such as projectors, videos and reference books That will make the process of teaching and learning better and better 21 skkn Although this study has obtained some reasonable results as I have said above, this material may still have some restrictions and some mistakes are unavoidable Therefore, I would like to receive your attention, comment as well as advice to make this one more effective REFERENCES Google.com Classtool.net https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmJY4j_F8Xc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMUxzrgZvZQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDO3j2PjS7s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBkVp8-CDeo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVmkS4nGq5E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLNsYrZJDUA XÁC NHẬN CỦA THỦ TRƯỞNG ĐƠN VỊ Nông Cống, ngày 10 tháng năm 2022 CAM KẾT KHÔNG SAO CHÉP (Tác giả ký ghi rõ họ tên) NGUYỄN THỊ OANH 22 skkn DANH MỤC SÁNG KIẾN KINH NGHIỆM ĐÃ ĐƯỢC HỘI ĐỒNG SÁNG KIẾN KINH NGHIỆM NGÀNH GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO HUYỆN, TỈNH VÀ CÁC CẤP CAO HƠN XẾP LOẠI TỪ C TRỞ LÊN Họ tên tác giả: Nguyễn Thị Oanh Chức vụ đơn vị công tác: Giáo viên trường THPT Nông Cống TT Tên đề tài SKKN Some experience for teaching the sounds /s/ - /z/ and / ʃ / - / ʒ / in language focus periods of units 12, 16 English 10 and Cấp đánh giá xếp loại (Ngành GD cấp huyện/tỉnh; Tỉnh ) Kết đánh giá xếp loại (A, B, C) Năm học đánh giá xếp loại Ngành GD cấp tỉnh B 2015-2016 how to help my students pronunciation exercises better 23 skkn ... I decided to choose the topic: “ Applying information technology to design online and offline reading lessons for teaching 11th grade students at Nong Cong high school effectively ” for our experienced... to these is ? ?Applying information technology to design online and offline reading lessons for teaching 11 th grade students in Nong Cong high school effectively? ?? 2.3.1 How to adapt reading tasks... of teaching reading skill Some information technology applications in teaching online The real situation before applying the study Solution How to adapt reading tasks by using information technology

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