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HEALTH INFORMATION for INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL INCLUDING - UNITED STATES DESIGNATED YELLOW FEVER VACCINATION CENTERS PUBLISHED AS A SUPPLEMENT TO T fto n /U d jt u , = VOL H 23 WEEKLY | REPORT = September = 1974 U.S D E P A R T M E N T O F H E A L T H , E D U C A T IO N , A N D W E L F A R E P U B LIC H E A L T H S E R V IC E C E N T E R F O R O IS E A S E C O N T R O L A T L A N T A G E O R G IA 30333 A HEALTH INFORMATION FOR INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL 1974 S u p p le m e n t to th e Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report U.S D E P A R T M E N T OF H E A L T H , E D U C A T IO N , A N D W ELFA RE PUBLIC H E A L TH S ER VIC E CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL BUREAU OF EPIDEMIOLOGY ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30333 DHEW Publication No (CDC) 75-8280 (formerly 74-8128 and 73-82Hß» PREFACE O ne o f the m o st im p o rta n t responsibilities o f th e C enter for Disease C o n tro l is th a t o f providing h ealth inform ation, including recom m ended and required vaccinations, for w orld travelers Such inform ation m u st be as up-to-date and as com prehensive as possible It is h oped th a t this pam phlet w hich has been extensively revised and replaces the previous supplem ent to the Morbidity and Morbidity Weekly Report en titled “ V accination C ertificate R equirem ents for In tern atio n al Travel” will substantially m eet the need for this kind o f inform ation C om m ents, suggestions, and criticism s from readers are m ost w elcom e and should be addressed to : C enter for Disease C ontrol A tte n tio n : D irector, Q uarantine Division Bureau o f E pidem iology A tlanta, Georgia 30333 T he follow ing CDC sta ff com m ittee p articip ated in th e p rep aratio n o f this pam plet: Jo h n A Bryan, M.D., Chairm an William H Barker, M.D Philip S Brachm an, M.D H Bruce Dull, M.D Eugene J G angarosa, M.D Joseph F G iordano, M.S M ichael B Gregg, M.D D eborah L Jones, B.S R o b ert L Kaiser, M.D J M ichael Lane, M.D E lizabeth H Paz, B.B.A M yron G S chultz, M.D TABLE OF CONTENTS I In tro d u c tio n II Sources 1 III D efinitions IV V accination Inform ation A B C D E F G H In tro d u ctio n How to Use this Pam phlet to D eterm ine V accinations R equired E xem ption from V accination U nvaccinated Persons Persons A uthorized to V accinate and V alidate C ertificates Persons A uthorized to Sign C ertificates Model o f a C orrectly C om pleted C ertificate Travel on Military O rders V V accination C ertificate R equirem ents A Sum m ary o f R equirem ents for U nited States Travelers to C ountries Most F req u en tly V isited 4 E urope Canada and M exico The Caribbean R eturn to the U nited States B Travel from the U nited States To and Betw een O ther C ountries R eference list o f countries w hich com prise Africa, the Am ericas, including the C aribbean, Asia, E urope, and Oceania Index o f countries V accination requirem ents and recom m endations, by co u n try Yellow fever endem ic zones 50 VI U nited States Public H ealth Service R ecom m endations 52 A In tro d u ctio n 52 B Im m unizations and Prophylaxis 52 In tro d u c tio n 52 Sum m ary o f im m unizations and prophylaxis 52 Specific recom m endations 53 a) Sm allpox 53 b) Cholera 54 c) Yellow fever 54 d) T yphoid fever 55 e) Poliom yelitis 55 f) Plague 55 g) T yphus fever 55 h ) Im m une serum globulin for p ro tec tio n against viral h ep atitis, T ype A 55 i) Malaria prophylaxis 56 S im ultaneous adm inistration o f certain vaccines 65 VII H ealth H ints fo r th e Traveler 66 VIII U nited States D esignated Yellow Fever V accination C enters 67 HEALTH INFORM ATION FOR INTERNATIO NAL TRAVEL Immunization Information fo r International Travel, PHS I Introduction P ublication N o , Ju ly 1967, are also o b so lete In ad d itio n , this p am p h let co n tain s an up -to -d ate listing o f Y ellow F ever V accination C enters, previously published separately, and th u s supersedes United States Designated Yellow Fever Vaccination Centers, S u p p lem en t to the MMWR, V ol 22, N o 2, A ugust 11, 1973 Because th e situ atio n w ith regard to q u aran tin ab le diseases (sm allpox, cholera, yellow fever, and plague) an d vaccinations required b y various co u n tries m ay change freq u en tly , CDC d istrib u tes w eekly a sheet e n title d “ C ountries w ith A reas In fected w ith Q uarantinable Diseases” w hich lists co u n tries cu rren tly rep o rtin g cases o f sm allpox, cholera, yellow fever, and plague Because it is always p rin ted o n b lu e paper, it has com e to b e k n o w n as th e “ Blue S h eet.” In ad d itio n , changes in vaccination req u irem en ts rep o rted b y WHO are published at th e b o tto m o f th e “ Blue S h eet” and also in th e MMWR u n d er “ In tern atio n al N otes — Q u a r a n t in e M easures.” Changes in vaccination requirem ents should b e en tered in th e “ V accination R equirem ents” section o f th is p am p h let so th a t individuals advising travelers can keep in fo rm atio n on v accination requirem ents cu rren t This pam p h let is published annually as a supplem ent to th e Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) b y th e B ureau o f Epidem iology, C enter for Disease C ontrol (CDC) It is in ten d ed to provide, for tho se w ho m ust advise in tern atio n al travelers on m easures for h ealth p ro te c tio n , th e necessary inform ation on required vaccinations, U.S Public H ealth Service recom m enda­ tions, In tern atio n al C ertificates o f V accination, and h ealth h in ts so th a t transm ission o f intern atio n ally quarantinable diseases can be prevented and in te rn a­ tional travel facilitated T he pam p h let is organized in to these prim ary sections: S ources — This section gives the sources o f d a ta used to p rep are and u p d ate th is pam p h let so th a t the reader will have a b e tte r understanding o f how it should be used D efinitions — This section clarifies key w ords, term s, and phrases used th ro u g h o u t th e pam phlet V accination In fo rm a tio n — T his section provides practical in fo rm atio n a b o u t th e reasons for In tern atio n al C ertificates o f V accination, use o f this pam phlet, valida­ tio n o f C ertificates, and exceptions to regulations V accination C ertificate R equirem ents fo r Intern a­ tional Travel — This section gives info rm atio n on the vaccinations required b y each co u n try ; these require­ m ents have b een assem bled b y th e W orld H ealth O rganization (WHO) U S Public H ealth Service (USPHS) R ecom m enda­ tions — This section gives vaccinations and prophylactic m easures recom m ended b y th e U.S Public H ealth Service (U SPH S) b u t n o t required b y the U nited States or an y o th e r co u n try H ealth H ints fo r th e Traveler — This section gives practical suggestions for avoiding illness w hile traveling U.S D esignated Y ellow F ever V accination C enters — This section gives in fo rm atio n on the C enters designated to adm inister yellow fever vaccine in the U nited States O ccasionally, th e B ureau o f E pidem iology, CDC, issues an “ A dvisory M em orandum ” w hich rep o rts and describes new ly id en tified h e a lth problem s associated w ith some in te rn atio n a l travel II Sources This p am p h let has been prepared from in fo rm atio n included in th e follow ing docum ents: International Health Regulations (1 9 ) F irst A n n o tated E d itio n , W orld H ealth O rganization, G eneva, 1971 Vaccination Certificate Requirements fo r Interna­ tional Travel — situ atio n as o f Ja n u ary 1974 W orld H ealth O rganization, G eneva, 1974 Weekly Epidemiological Record W orld H ealth O rganization, G eneva This pam p h let supersedes Vaccination Certificate Requirements fo r International Travel, S upplem ent to Collected Recommendations o f the Public Health Service Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices th e MMWR, V ol 22, N o 17, A pril 18, 1973, an d th e ch art “ Im m unizations and P rophylaxis R ecom m ended b y th e Public H ealth Service” revised May 10, 1973 The prio r publications Health Information fo r International Travel, PHS P ublication N o 045, A pril 1970, and (ACIP), S u p p lem en t to th e MMWR, V ol 1, N o 5, Ju n e 1972 F o r purposes o f id en tificatio n , th e d o cu m en ts re­ ferred to above are d epicted on page INTERN A TIO N A L ctNTin ton disiasi control V*L 21, N* IS wunr KfMI HEALTH REGULATIONS « C F RECOMMEHMTWS (1969) 197 aJopinl ht thr TucnlySrcond IVorU Itrahh Autmbty SUPPLEMENT Collected Recommendations of the Public Health Service Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices FIRST ANNOTATED EDITION Th« Public Health Service Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices hat made recommendations con­ cerning the use of vaccines and othei biologies in the prevention of 18 diseases Each statement by the ACIP is regularly published in the Morbidity and Mortality Wttkly Report upon completion or revision The full series of recommendations was first printed as a collection in 1969 {MMWR, Volume 18, Number 43-Supplement) The Committee has reviewed all of its statements within the past months Minor revisions and editorial chenfn were made foe this reprinting The recommend­ VACCINATION CERTIFICATE REQUIREM ENTS FOR INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL ation on Smallpox Vaccine incorporates the policy of th i Public Health Service (MMWR, V V Number 38 pp 339 345, 1971) A lished statement on Rocky Mountain SP011*“ Vaccine is included Each of the statements came, dales of original publication an i past revisions A brief list of selected references is appendedtoe.cn statement These bibliographies are not mea definitive, but are a starling point for •n0,f * ^ review of the pertinent literature on the disea vaccine, and its appropriate uses SftmdM m m Ju a n U N CERTIFICATS DE VACCINATION EXIGÉS DANS LES VOYAGES INTERNATIONAUX SUM M ARY FO R T H E W EE K EN DIN G JU N E 1974 C O U N TRIES W ITH A R E A S IN FE C T E D W ITH Q U A R A N TIN A B LE D IS EA SES WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTÉ WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION OlNtVA ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTÉ OBNtVt W E EK L Y E P ID E M IO L O G IC A L R E C O R D R E L E V É É P I D Ê M I O L O G IQ U E H E B D O M A D A IR E M JUNE 1*74 «9» YEAR - 49* ANNÉE HUMAN ANTHRAX uc* —On 21 pKtmbtr I97J * 22->earHl iMt IO hcr CHARBON HUMAIN F.iatvUsii D'AHtnoM - U 2* àéctmbn 1*7» vue jounwli.M-pho

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