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BÀI HỌC TIẾNG ANH (7 NĂM) Unit 6: THE ENVIRONMENT [MƠI TRƯỜNG] - environment /ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt/ (n) : mơi trường + environmental (a): thuộc môi trường - garbage /ˈɡɑːbɪdʒ/ (n): rác thải - dump /dʌmp/ (n): bãi đổ, nơi chứa - pollute /pəˈluːt/ (v): ô nhiễm + pollution /pəˈluːʃn/ (n): ô nhiễm + polluted /pəˈluːt/ (a): bị ô nhiễm - deforestation /ˌdiːˌfɒrɪˈsteɪʃn/ (n): phá rừng - deforest /ˌdiːˈfɒrɪst/ (v): phá rừng - dynamite /ˈdaɪnəmaɪt/ (n): chất nổ - dynamite fishing: đánh cá chất nổ - spray /spreɪ/ (v): xịt, phun - pesticide /ˈpestɪsaɪd/ (n): thuốc trừ sâu - volunteer /ˌvɒlənˈtɪə(r)/ (n): người tình nguyện - conservationist /ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃənɪst/ (n): người bảo vệ môi trường - once /wʌns/ (adv): - shore /ʃɔː(r)/ (n): bờ biển - sand /sænd/(n) :cát - rock /rɒk/ (n): tảng đá - kindly /ˈkaɪndli/ (a): vui lòng, ân cần - provide /prəˈvaɪd/(v): cung cấp - disappoint /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪnt/ (v): làm thất vọng + disappointed /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd/ (a): thất vọng - spoil /spɔɪl/ (v): làm hư hỏng, làm hại - achieve /əˈtʃiːv/ (v): đạt được, làm + achievement /əˈtʃiːvmənt/ (n): thành tựu - persuade /pəˈsweɪd/ (v): thuyết phục - protect /prəˈtekt/ (v): bảo vệ + protection/prəˈtekʃn/ (n): bảo vệ - dissolve /dɪˈzɒlv/ (v): phân hủy, hồn tan - natural resources /ˈnỉtʃrəl - rɪˈsɔːs/ : nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên - trash /træʃ/ (n): rác - harm /hɑːm/ (v): làm hại - energy /ˈenədʒi/ (n): lượng - exhausted fume /ɪɡˈzɔːstɪd - fjuːm/ : hơi, khói thải - prevent /prɪˈvent/ (v): ngăn ngừa, đề phòng + prevention /prɪˈvenʃn/ (n): ngăn ngừa - litter /ˈlɪtə(r)/ (v, n): xả rác, rác - recycle /ˌriːˈsaɪkl/ (v): tái chế - sewage /ˈsuːɪdʒ/ (n): nước thải - pump /pʌmp/ (v): bơm, đổ - oil spill: tràn dầu - waste /weɪst/ (n): chất thải - end up: cạn kiệt - junk-yard /ˈdʒʌŋkjɑːd/ (n): bãi phế thải - treasure /ˈtreʒə(r)/ (n): kho tàng, kho báu - stream /striːm/ (n): dòng suối - foam /fəʊm/ (n): bọt - hedge /hedʒ/ (n): hàng rào - nonsense /ˈnɒnsns/ (n): lời nói phi lý - silly /ˈsɪli/ (a): ngớ ngẩn, khờ dại CHỦ ĐIỂM NGỮ PHÁP: A Tính từ trạng từ: I TÍNH TỪ: bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đại từ: Trước danh từ: Ex: Tom is a happy boy We are looking at a beautiful girl Sau đại từ: Ex: something strange happened He found nothing valuable in the house sau động từ liên kết: (be, seem, look, get, become, feel, .) Ex: My father becomes old and weak II TRẠNG TỪ: Bổ nghĩa cho động từ, tính từ, trạng từ khác Sau động từ tân ngữ: Ex: He ran fast He always drives his car carefully Trước tính từ: Ex: I am terribly sorry, you are absolutely right Trước trạng từ: Ex: He ran very fast He ran extremely fast Trạng từ thể cách: Tính từ + ly Careful  carefully Quick  quickly Happy  happily B Mệnh đề trạng từ lí do: Mệnh đề + mệnh đề lí As Since +S+V Because Ex: Jack wants to go home because/ since/ as he feels sick C Tính từ + that + mệnh đề : Afraid sure S+ Be + ashamed + that + S+ V sorry disappointed Ex: Tom is sure that he will win D ĐỘNG TỪ KHIẾM KHUYẾT TRONG CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN LOẠI (MODAL VERBS IN CONDITIONAL SENTENCES TYPE 1) Ôn tập câu điều kiện loại Chức Dùng để diễn tả hành động xảy tương lai Cấu trúc If + S + V(s/es) + (bổ ngữ), S + will + V nguyên mẫu + (bổ ngữ) (Thì Hiện đơn) (Thì Tương lai đơn)  Mệnh đề IF dùng đơn, mệnh đề dùng tương lai đơn Ví dụ - If I have enough money, I will buy a new computer (Nếu tơi có đủ tiền tơi mua máy tính mới.) - If you work hard, you will make a lot of money (Nếu bạn làm việc chăm bạn kiếm nhiều tiền.) động từ khiếm khuyết câu điều kiện loại Trong cấu trúc tiêu chuẩn câu điều kiện loại 1, mệnh đề If sử dụng Hiện đơn mệnh đề sử dụng “will + V” Tuy nhiên, thay dùng “will”, ta dùng động từ khiếm khuyết khác can, must, may, might should mệnh đề để diễn đạt khả năng, cho phép, lời khuyên, cần thiết Động từ khiếm khuyết Ví dụ câu điều kiện loại may/might (sự có thể) If you ask George, he may/might be able to help you If you drop that glass, it might break can/may (sự cho phép) You can/may leave the room If you’ve finished the test If you finish your homework, you can watch TV must (sự tuân theo/ cần thiết) If he doesn’t come soon, we must leave without him You must / have to study hard if you want to pass the exam should (lời khuyên) If you ever go to Chicago, you should take a boat trip on the river If he calls you, you should go can (khả năng) She can learn to become a good cook if she tries hard If I have money, I can spend it  BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN Bài 6: Nối mệnh đề cột A với mệnh đề cột B để tạo câu điều kiện loại A B If you want to be a good cook, a you mustn’t watch TV or play computer games Even if Kate begs you to let her b you might be in great trouble cook, If you homework, not finish your c you can catch the bus number 03 If you not obey your teacher, d you may not come to the meeting If you want to go downtown, e you should practice cooking every day If you are very busy f you shouldn’t allow her to it If Peter realizes his full potential g he may be more successful in life If I save enough money by the end h I will definitely go on an excursion with my of this year, family - - _ - - - _ - _ - _8 _ Bài 7: Cho dạng động từ ngoặc If it (not pour) _ with rain tomorrow, we can (go) _ on a picnic If James (start) _ to cook now, dinner (be) _ ready in one hour If Jane (not make) _ it the meeting on time, her manager may (get) _ very angry If they (be) _ occupied this weekend, they can (not come) _ to my house for dinner You must (not leave) _ the house unless I (allow) _ you to go Peter (just waste) his money if he (take) _ a course in this English center If he (be) _ late, he can (not buy) _ the tickets Unless she (pay) _ more attention to the lesson, she (fail) _ the test It (be) _ late if you (not start) _ your work now 10 My mother (not permit) me to go out unless I (promise) her to come back before 10 Bài 8: Viết câu điều kiên loai với “if” dựa vào câu cho sẵn Work harder or you will lose your job  If you don’t work harder, you will lose your job Stop telling lies or no one will trust you anymore  _ Pay attention to the teacher or you can’t understand the lessons  _ Go to bed early or you may be exhausted the next morning  _ Save money from now and you can reward yourself with a long vacation at the end of the year  _ Read more books and you can broaden your knowledge  _ Brush your teeth often in order not to get toothache  _ Listen carefully or you won’t know what to  _ Unless you want to get sick, you should eat more healthily  I Multiple choice: Unless you understand, I explain it again to you a am b was c will d would the air in the city is very a pollute b pollution c polluted d pollutant The accident happened because of driving a careful b carefully c careless d carelessly He is going to all the bags a a collect b collection c collective d collector If they pupils, they must wear uniform a are b were c have d had She was because of her bad result a happy b happily c unhappy d unhappily She has provided a picnic lunch for us a kind b kindly c kindness d unkind We this car if it is expensive a won’t b wouldn’t buy c haven’t bought d didn’t buy If he is caerful, he get good marks a will b would c could d must 10 We are talking about the preservation of resources a antural b naturally c nature d naturalize 12 She sings very a beauty b beautify c beautiful d beautifully 13 If the continues, what will happen? a pollution b pollute c polluted d polluting 14 If it , we will go to the movies a doesn’t rain b didn’t rain c hadn’t rain d won’t rain 15 Be ! He is looking at you a care b careful c carefully d carelessly 16 Everyone must take part in deforestation a prevent b preventing c being prevented d prevented 17 I suggest to the movies a go b to c going d went 18 I was very that you won the first prize a amaze b amazed c amazing d amazement 19 I won’t go unless you me the money back a to pay b paid c paying d pay 20 We stayed at home it rained heavily a because b and c but d so II Chọn tính từ trạng từ: I want every body to listen to me ( careful, careless, carefully) Our school has( excellent, excellence, excellency) reputation This T- shirt costs( approximation, approximately, approximative) 40,000 dong It was an ( enjoyment, enjoyable, enjoyed) day Liz answered the question( completely, complete) Be (care, careful) the water here is very deep We love our parents very much and want them to be (happy, happily) I ( am never late, am late never) for class I am (extreme,extremely) disappointed to know my children haven’t cleared up all the trash yet 10 The beach needs to be ( careful, carefully) cleaned up III Viết lại câu sau, dùng cấu trúc “ Tính từ + mệnh đề danh từ ” Ex: She can go to the dancing club every weekend She is happy  She is happy that she can go to the dancing club every weekend Their parents take good care of them They are lucky She is quite disappointed She hasn’t finished her test in time The kids were very happy They got many gifts from their parents She can’t come to class on time She is anxious Ba is going to pass the final exam easily His parents are sure IV Hãy viết lại câu sau bắt đầu “ IF” Recycle and we will save natural resources If we Be careful or you will fall over the rock If you Don’t be careless or you will break the vase If Chris will pass his exams, but he has to work hard If It will rain They will get wet If You will be good I will give you a bar of chocolate If My brother will have enough money He will buy a new bicycle If They use so much pesticide The rivers will be polluted If People will travel more by public transport the exhaust fumes in big cities will be reduced If 10 We start at 6.00 We will arrive there before noon If VII Viết lại câu sau dùng mệnh đề/ cụm trạng từ lí do: It is a national holiday, so you won’t find many shops open Because I can’t read Spanish, so I have had to read the document traslated Because She is a newcomer, so she may need some help Because It was a hot day, so we went for a swim in the river Because 5 Tom is trying to find a flat of his own, so he becomes independent Because Because I am sick, I don’t want to go out Because of my Because the water is polluted, we cannot swim in in this river Because of Because Na has a sore leg, Na has difficulty in walking Because of VIII Dùng từ cho sẵn viết thành thư than phiền: Dear Sir, I/ write/ you/ because/ beaches/ our city/ extremely dirty// They/ full/ litter/ waste/ dog dung/ when/ I / go/ there/ last wewek// They/ smell/ unpleasant./ that time/ tourist/ I / annoyed.// They/ still/ in a mess/ this week// I / would suggest/ that you/ tell/ workers/ clean up/ beaches ………………………………………………………………………… I look forward / receive/ good response/ you// Your faithfully,

Ngày đăng: 05/01/2023, 21:14

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