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Second Session of the Intergovernmental Committee (2COM) for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage : Item 2 of the agenda

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Second Session of the Intergovernmental Committee (2COM) for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Item 2 of the agenda 4 COM ITH/09/4 COM/CONF 209/9 Paris, 31 August 2009 Original Engl[.]

4 COM ITH/09/4.COM/CONF.209/9 Paris, 31 August 2009 Original: English UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION CONVENTION FOR THE SAFEGUARDING OF THE INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE INTERGOVERNMENTAL COMMITTEE FOR THE SAFEGUARDING OF THE INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE Fourth session Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 28 September to October 2009 Item of the Provisional Agenda: Accreditation of non-governmental organizations Summary In accordance with Chapter 3.2.2 of the Operational Directives and with Resolution 2.GA 6, this document presents the requests of NGOs to be accredited to provide advisory services to the Committee Decision required: paragraph 10 ITH/09/4.COM/CONF.209/9 – page The Operational Directives lay out in Chapter 3.2.2 (paragraphs 88-95) the criteria and procedures for the accreditation of non-governmental organizations (“NGO”) to provide advisory services to the Committee, as provided in Article of the Convention In its Resolution 2.GA 6, the General Assembly requested “the Director-General to take the necessary measures to publish and widely disseminate the information regarding the criteria, modalities and procedures for accreditation of non-governmental organizations that may wish to request accreditation as foreseen in Article of the Convention” The Assembly, in the same Resolution, invited “the Committee to submit to it for accreditation at its subsequent sessions the names of non-governmental organizations that satisfy the criteria” for accreditation laid down in the Operational Directives To disseminate the information about accreditation, the Secretariat addressed a letter and emails to more than 400 organizations included within its provisional list of NGOs, non-profit institutions, research institutes and centres of expertise (see Document ITH/09/4.COM/CONF.209/INF.4) Information about accreditation procedures was sent by letter to all States Parties and was provided on the website of the Convention Please see Document ITH/09/4.COM/CONF.209/10 for an overview of the geographical representation of entities in the provisional list and among those entities requesting accreditation The Operational Directives provide that NGOs should submit their requests for accreditation to the Secretariat at least three months before each session of the Committee, i.e 28 June 2009 In order to provide additional time to NGOs, the Secretariat invited them to submit their requests before 15 July 2009 Between September 2008 and 15 July 2009, 84 entities submitted requests; an additional 26 requests received before September 2008 but not completed prior to the third session of the Committee remained active After requesting and receiving additional information from most of these entities, the Secretariat proceeded to its examination of those that were completed on or before 17 August 2009 The website of the Convention (www.unesco.org/culture/ich/en/4COM/) makes available all of the requests from NGOs that were completed by that time, namely the standard form ICH-09 submitted by each organization, together with the pertinent supplementary documents they submitted regarding items 8.a and 8.b of that form The request and the supplementary documents are presented in the language in which they were submitted In accordance with paragraph 89 of the Operational Directives, the Secretariat submits to the Committee its recommendation that the following 47 NGOs appear to satisfy the criteria for accreditation set out in paragraph 88 of those Directives: African Cultural Regeneration Institute – ACRI Kenya NGO-90119 Akşehir Nasreddin Hoca ve Turizm Derneği / Association de Nasreddin Hodja et du Tourisme Turkey NGO-90148 American Folklore Society United States of America NGO-90110 An Gaelacadamh Teoranta Ireland NGO-90122 Artesanato Solidário/ArteSol / Solidary Handicraft/ArteSol Brazil NGO-90168 Asociacion de Gestores del Patimonio Historico y Cultural de Mazatlan, AC / Association of Heritage Protectors of Mazatlan Mexico NGO-90128 Associaỗóo dos Amigos da Arte Popular Brasileira/Museu Casa Pontal / Association of Friends of Brazilian Folk Art/Casa Pontal Museum Brazil NGO-90158 Association européenne des jeux et sports traditionnels – AEJST France NGO-90106 Associazione Culturale Scuola Addestramento Teatrale / SAT Cultural Association Italy NGO-90008 ITH/09/4.COM/CONF.209/9 – page Buğday Ekolojik Yaşamı Destekleme Derneği / Bugday Association for Supporting Ecological Living Turkey NGO-90159 Center for Peace Building and Poverty Reduction among Indigenous African Peoples – CEPPER Nigeria NGO-90167 Centro de Trabalho Indigenista – CTI Brazil NGO-90174 Centrum voor Sportcultuur vzw / Centre for Sport Culture Belgium NGO-90144 Česká národopisná společnost / Société ethnologique tchèque Czech Republic NGO-90140 České národní sekce CIOFF / Section nationale tchèque du CIOFF Czech Republic NGO-90141 Chinese Society for the History of Science and Technology China NGO-90090 Conseil international des radios tộlộvision dexpression franỗaise CIRTEF Belgium NGO-90012 Contact Base India NGO-90120 La Enciclopedia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial A.C / Intangible Cultural Heritage Encyclopedia Mexico NGO-90055 Fédération des Associations de Musiques et Danses Traditionnelles – FAMDT France NGO-90045 Folkland, International Centre for Folklore and Culture India NGO-90172 Folklor Araştırmacıları Vakfı / Foundation of Folklore Researchers Turkey NGO-90057 Түүх Соёлын Дурсгалыг Хамгаалах Сан / The Foundation for Protection of Historical and Cultural Heritage Mongolia NGO-90151 Fundaỗao INATEL / INATEL Foundation Portugal NGO-90157 Fundación Erigaie / Erigaie Foundation Colombia NGO-90155 Global Development for Pygmee Minorities – GLODEPM Democratic Republic of the Congo NGO-90170 Het Firmament / The Firmament Belgium NGO-90161 Het Huis van Alijn / The House of Alijn Belgium NGO-90163 Him Kalakar Sangam, Shimla India NGO-90096 Internationale Organisation für Volkskunst / International Organization of Folk Art Austria NGO-90154 Kant in Vlaanderen VZW / Lace In Flanders Belgium NGO-90135 Living Cultural Storybases Inc – LCS United States of America NGO-90156 Maison des Cultures du Monde France NGO-90098 Meera Kala Mandir India NGO-90133 Milletlerarası Kukla ve Gölge Oyunu Birliği Türkiye Milli Merkezi / Turkey National Center of UNIMA Turkey NGO-90100 National Folklore Support Centre India NGO-90101 Natwari Kathak Nritya Academy India NGO-90015 Rural Women Environmental Protection Association – RWEPA Cameroon NGO-90153 Società Geografica Italiana ONLUS / Société Géographique Italienne ONLUS Italy NGO-90064 Société franỗaise dethnomusicologie SFE France NGO-90152 Souparnika Kalavedi India NGO-90117 ITH/09/4.COM/CONF.209/9 – page Summer Institute of Linguistics, Inc – SIL International United States of America NGO-90166 Trung tâm Nghiên cứu, Hỗ trợ Phát triển Văn hoá (A&C) / Center for Research, Support and Development of Culture Viet Nam NGO-90131 Uluslararasi Mevlana Vakfi / International Mevlana Foundation Turkey NGO-90143 Union Pour la Culture Populaire en Poitou-Charentes-Vendée – UPCP-Métive France NGO-90162 Volkskunde Vlaanderen vzw / Ethnology in Flanders Belgium NGO-90126 Young Mizo Association India NGO-90065 In accordance with paragraph 89 of the Operational Directives, the Secretariat submits to the Committee its recommendation that, based upon the information they have provided, the following four NGOs not appear to satisfy the criteria set out in paragraph 88 of the Directives: Academie voor de Streekgebonden Gastronomie vzw / Académie pour la Gastronomie Régionale Belgium NGO-90127 Associazione Nazionale Città della Terra Cruda / National Association of Earthen Towns Italy NGO-90094 Canada NGO-90099 Spain NGO-90032 International Federation of Translators UNESCO Etxea: Centro UNESCO Euskal Herria / UNESCO Etxea: UNESCO Centre of the Basque Country In each case, the NGO has not provided evidence that it has “proven competence, expertise and experience in safeguarding (as defined in Article 2.3) intangible cultural heritage” (Paragraph 88.a) or that it has “objectives that are in conformity with the spirit of the Convention” (Paragraph 88.c) The following 11 entities submitted requests for accreditation between September 2008 and 15 July 2009, but not appear to be NGOs and consequently need not be accredited: Aalha Gayan India Private troupe Chinese Academy of Arts China Government body i-land Informatics Limited India Corporation Jai Satnam Panthi Dance Group India Private troupe Japan Arts Council Japan Government body Národní ústav lidové kultury Strážnice / National Institute of Folk Culture Strážnice Czech Republic Government body Priya Prakashana India Private troupe Protection Center of Intangible Cultural Heritage of China China Government body Satyamewa Jayte Jaihend India Private troupe Thanjavur Kaveri Annai Kalai Mandram India Private troupe Universidade de Vigo Spain Government body In addition, 32 entities submitted requests prior to the 15 July 2009 deadline that were not completed on or before 17 August 2009 These requests, if complete, may be presented to ITH/09/4.COM/CONF.209/9 – page the Committee at a subsequent session They are listed for the Committee’s information in the Annex to this document The Committee is invited to examine the above recommendations with regard to accrediting the NGOs in conformity with paragraph 88 of the Operational Directives 10 The Committee may wish to adopt the following decision: DRAFT DECISION 4.COM The Committee, Having examined Document ITH/09/4.COM/CONF.209/9; Recalling Article of the Convention and Chapter 3.2.2 of the Operational Directives; Further recalling Resolution 2.GA 6; Decides that the following organizations satisfy the criteria set out in the abovementioned Directives and recommends to the General Assembly that they be accredited to provide advisory services to the Committee: (name of NGO, country of address) Encourages non-governmental organizations that meet the criteria established in Chapter 3.2.2 of the Operational Directives to submit their requests for accreditation at the earliest opportunity ITH/09/4.COM/CONF.209/9 – page ANNEX This Annex presents a list of those entities that submitted requests to be accredited to provide advisory services to the Committee that were received on or before 15 July 2009 but not completed on or before 17 August 2009 If complete, these requests may be presented to the Committee at a subsequent session Aayam – An Institute of Dance, Music and Theatre India Adivasi Academy Sansthan, Pali India Amigos de Serrablo / Amis de Serrablo Spain Asimbe / Grande Aura Madagascar Association C.O.R.D.A.E./La Talvera « Centre Occitan de Recherche, de Documentation et d’Animation Ethnographiques » France Centra di Musica Antica Pietà de' Turchini / Centre for Ancient Music Italy Centre de Recherches et de Promotion pour la Sauvegarde des Sites et Monuments Historiques en Afrique (C.R.P.S.S.M.H.A) Senegal Centre for the Study of Traditional Pottery Greece Centro em Rede Investigaỗao em Antropologia / Centre for Research in Anthropology – CRIA Portugal 中中中中中中中 / China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine China Chinese Folk Literature and Art Association China Corporación Para la Promoción y Difusión de la Cultura / Corporation for Culture Promotion and Diffusion Colombia Federation of Associations for Hunting and Conservation of the EU – FACE / Fédération des Associations de Chasse et Conservation de la Faune Sauvage de l'UE Belgium Foundation of the Hellenic World – FHW Greece Fundación Caveda y Nava / Caveda y Nava Foundation Spain Haryana Institute of Fine Arts – HIFA India Hội Văn nghệ dân gian Việt Nam / Association of Vietnamese Folklorists – AVF Viet Nam Institution SOAMANORO Madagascar International Council of Organizations for Folklore Festivals and Folk Art – CIOFF / Conseil international des organisations de festivals de folklore et d'arts traditionnels – CIOFF France 中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中 / Korean Association for Preservation of Important Intangible Cultural Properties – KAPIC Republic of Korea Kültürel Araştırmalar Vakfı / Foundation of Cultural Researches – KAV Turkey Lamar Kanuri Hutuye / Kanuri Development Association Nigeria Maa Gayatri Lok Kala Manch India Madari Arts Society India Монголын Соёл Судлалын Холбоо / Mongolian Cultural Studies Association Mongolia Movimiento indio “Tupaj Amaru” / Indian Movement “Tupaj Amaru” – IMTA Switzerland Πελοποννησιακό Λαογραφικό Ίδρυμα / Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation – PFF Greece Raut Nacha Dal India Sicherung der landwirtschaftilchen ArtenVielfalt in Europa / SAVE Foundation (Safeguard for Agriculture Varieties in Europe ) Germany ITH/09/4.COM/CONF.209/9 – page Smart Association India Tarim Center for Architecture and Heritage Syrian Arab Republic Съюз на народните читалища / Union of Cultural Centers – Chitalischa Bulgaria In addition, the following entities that submitted requests for accreditation prior to September 2008 have not responded to the Secretariat’s requests for additional information; in all cases the most recent communication from the entity is more than one year old The Secretariat considers these requests to have been suspended Burrakatha Pithamaha Nazar Arts Development Society India Centre for Culture and Media Studies India Centre of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences – CASS China China Folklore Society China Corporació Para la Salvaguarda de Grupos Folkloricos y Actores del Carnaval de Barranquilla Folkcarnaval / Corporation for the Purpose of Preserving Folk Groups and Actors of Barranquilla Carnival (Folkcarnaval) Colombia International Federation for Home Economics IFHE Germany Margdarshak seva sansthan India Mizo Cultural Organization – MCO India Naad Yoga India ... ITH/09/4.COM/CONF .20 9/9 – page the Committee at a subsequent session They are listed for the Committee? ??s information in the Annex to this document The Committee is invited to examine the above recommendations... accreditation The Operational Directives provide that NGOs should submit their requests for accreditation to the Secretariat at least three months before each session of the Committee, i.e 28 June 20 09... ITH/09/4.COM/CONF .20 9/9; Recalling Article of the Convention and Chapter 3 .2. 2 of the Operational Directives; Further recalling Resolution 2. GA 6; Decides that the following organizations satisfy the criteria

Ngày đăng: 05/01/2023, 17:19


