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UBND HUYỆN PHÙ MỸ PHÒNG GD – ĐT KỲ THI GIÁO VIÊN DẠY GIỎI CẤP HUYỆN BẬC THCS Năm học: 2010 - 2011 BÀI KIỂM TRA NĂNG LỰC – Môn: Tiếng Anh Đề thức Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút Ngày thi: 09/ 12/ 2010 A NGHIỆP VỤ SƯ PHẠM: Câu : (2,0 điểm) Ngày 22 tháng 10 năm 2009 Bộ trưởng Bộ Giáo dục Đào tạo ban hành Thông tư 30/2009/TT - BGDĐT Quy định Chuẩn nghề nghiệp giáo viên trung học sở, giáo viên trung học phổ thông Anh ( chị) cho biết chuẩn nghề nghiệp giáo viên trung học gồm tiêu chuẩn, tiêu chí? Trình bày chi tiết Tiêu chuẩn 3: Năng lực dạy học Câu 2: (1,0 điểm) Trong lớp bạn chủ nhiệm có học sinh kém, thường xuyên học muộn, học lại thường ngủ gật, không ý nghe giảng Khi bạn đến gặp phụ huynh nhằm trao đổi tình hình học tập em muốn phối hợp với gia đình để giúp đỡ em học tốt mẹ em lại xin cho em thơi học Lí bố em sớm, em lại có em nhỏ, mẹ em muốn xin em học, nhà trông em để mẹ bán hàng kiếm tiền ni Trong tình này, bạn phải làm để giúp đỡ cho học sinh? B THE METHODOLOGY TEST: (2,0 ms) Part 1: Write two pre – listening activities you usually in your classroom and explain how to use them (0,5 m ) Part 2: Write a composition about 250 words on the following topic: How to become a good teacher of English (1,5 ms) C THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEST: (5,0 ms) Part 1: Choose the best answers ( 1,0 m) 1: It’s very good to spend enough time ……………………outdoor activities a taking part in b to take a part in c participating d to participate in 2: “I’d rather you ……………… me the truth now” a tell b told c talked d say 3: If you tried to practice English, you …………… the exame easily a.will pass b passed c pass d would pass 4: My house ……………….in the city since I lived here a bought b has bought c has been bought d had bought 5: In spite of the ……………… , students are playing games in the stadium a heavy rain b heavily rain c heavy rainy d unheavily rain 6: The boy ……………father plays the guitar very well is my classmate a who b whose c whom d that 7: Children hardly learn English at home, ……………………….? a children b don’t children c they d don’t they 8: Neither Jim nor his brothers ………………… to school a have never been b has ever been c.have ever been d ever go 9: I haven’t seen the worse film than this one a This is the worst film I have ever seen b This film is the worst in the world c There is no film better than this one d The film I have seen is the worst 10 Hellen didn’t have enough money to buy that camera a If Hellen had enough money, she would buy that camera b That camera was too expensive for Hellen to buy it c That camera was not enough cheap for Hellen to buy d Hellen couldn’t afford that camera Part 2: There are five mistakes in the following passage.Find and correct them (0,5 m) Every year, there are millions of accidents in our homes Many people die each year from these accidents Other people send much months in the hospital Many people fall when they try to reach for things in high places They fall because they stand on the tables or chairs Never stand on a chair or table Many people fall on things on the floor, so never leave toys or shoes on the floor who people walk Fires kill many people in their homes each year There are more fires in the home of smokers Some people drop burnt cigarettes into garbage cans They may start a fire in the garbage cans In a safe home, people don’t keep old newspapers, clothes and furniture It is easy for these things to burn What should you if there is a fire in your home? You and your family should get out of the house quick Do not try to get anything with you After you leave the house, call a fire department from your neighbor’s house Firemen will come to put out the fire Electrical appliances are dangerous for children to use It is easy to get an electric shock if your hands are wet Try not using electrical appliances in the bathroom Take a walk through your home and look at each room You can learn to give your family a safer home to live in Part 3: Complete each space with one appropriate word (0,5 m) Here are some ways of learning vocabulary and grammar in foreign language Some use a notebook They write the sentences with ………(1)……… words on it at least three or four times a week Then they try to translate into Vietnamese and study it everywhere because it is a pocket book The other ones write words in groups with the same kind of meaning or words of the same kind ………(2)……… grammar Many learners write new words from the last lessons on little bits of paper and stick everywhere in the house like on the mirror, on the room door, on the wall of the study room, beside the bed, next to the dinning table They see them in ………(3)……… time at home Others write the new words on small piece of paper with the English on one side and Vietnamese on the other side They put on whole sentences with the words to understand them with the words around They put the paper in their pocket and read it ………(4)……… waiting something or someone, sitting in the bus, having break time in class They mark the known words and study the rest next time In case having a walkman, some students read and record the new words with their meaning in the tapes They ………(5)……… to them on the bus, in the house work, or at anytime they have activities Part : You are going to read a passage Six sentences or phrases have been removed from the passage Choose from the sentences A-F the one which fits each gap 1-5 There is an example for you (0.5 m) Ex: O + A Christmas is the biggest festival of the ………….(0)………… Celebrations start properly ………….(1)…………, although there have been several weeks of preparation beforehand The Christmas tree and all the presents, food, drinks ………….(2)………… Christmas cards have already been sent to friends and relations About a week before Christmas, people usually put up their decorations and ………….(3)………… with lights, various colored decorations and an angel on the top Family presents are usually put under the trees Christmas Day ………….(4)………… On the Christmas morning (often very early), children open the presents that are in their socks Some families go to the church The traditional Christmas ………….(5)………… and other vegetables Before the dinner, people usually pull crackers – small rolls of paper that have gifts , jokes and party hats inside A year in most of Britain B and decorations have been bought C is the biggest day of the holiday D on December 24, Christmas Eve E dinner consists of roast turkey with potatoes F.decorate the Christmas trees Park 5: Read the following passage carefully and then choose the words (A,B,C or D) for each space Write your answers: (0,5 m) For many people, traveling by plane is an exciting experience Others, however, find the whole idea quite terrifying, ………… (1)……… flying is no more dangerous than any other form of travel and some experts say it is considerably safer It is known, however, that most accidents occur during taking -off and landing when a ………(2)……….decisions are vitally important The people ………(3)………job is to look after the passengers – the stewards and stewardesses - play an important part in helping passengers to……….(4)……….safe and comfortable Indeed for many passengers being ……….(5)……… such care of is all part of the total experience No other form of travel involves waiting on people in quite the same way, with food, drink, newspapers, magazines, music, and even video films A although B too C and D because A leader’s B chief’s C driver’s D pilot’s A whose B which C their D that A rest B feel C experience D lie A to take B have taken C taken D taking Part 6: Put the words in brackets into the correct forms (0,5m) The boy always gets bad marks because he …………studies English ( hard ) We find it …………….to practice English with our friends ( difficulty ) My mother usually gets up……….than me every morning ( early ) No…… had my father gone out than my teacher came ( soon ) He is a famous ………… who stole millions of dollars from the bank (crime ) Part 7: Read the following passage Write True (T), False (F) or Not given (N) for each of the sentences below (0,5m) Fire was very important to man He needed fire to keep himself warm at night He used fire to cook his food He used fire to frighten away enemies and wild animals In some parts of the world he used fire to signal messages Red Indians, for example, used fire to make smoke signals In some other countries people lit fire to warm their friends of danger Fire was also used to give light Before the invention of the oil lamp, men used burning sticks as torches And before man discovered gas and electricity, he small fires in wire baskets from posts to light the streets One man even used fire to tell the time He invented a candle clock He made a candle that took exactly twelve hours to burn Then he marked this candle in twelve equal parts He lit the candle and could tell the time by counting the number of parts left of the burning candle But the candle clock did not always work well If there was a wind blowing on the candle, the flame burned too quickly Fire was used to cook his food Red Indians used fire to make signals without smoke Fire plays an important part in helping people to invent electricity He made an exactly twelve- hour - burning candle The candle clock always works well and exactly Part 8: Rewrite the following sentences without changing their original meaning Begin with the given words: ( 0,5 m) 1: Margaret said, “ You damage my car, John.” ->Margaret accused 2: “If I were you, I would buy your friends these presents.” -> My father advised 3: People said that she wrote that letter last week -> That letter -4: As he gets older, he wants to travel less ->The She forgot about her schoolbag until she got home -> Not until -Part 9: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence Use the word given and other words as necessary Do not change the form of the given word (0,5 m) No one has taught him music before ( been ) -> -2: The water is too hot for me to drink ( enough ) -> -3: Although he is very lazy, he can pass the exam easily (In spite of ) -> If she doesn’t leave now, she will miss the train ( unless ) -> 5: It was easy for us to get tickets for the concert ( no ) -> GOOD LUCK TO YOU - ... with ………(1)……… words on it at least three or four times a week Then they try to translate into Vietnamese and study it everywhere because it is a pocket book The other ones write words in groups... at home Others write the new words on small piece of paper with the English on one side and Vietnamese on the other side They put on whole sentences with the words to understand them with the

Ngày đăng: 01/01/2023, 03:13
