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Báo cáo Y học: Concentration-dependent reversible activation-inhibition of human butyrylcholinesterase by tetraethylammonium ion pptx

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Concentration-dependent reversible activation-inhibition of human butyrylcholinesterase by tetraethylammonium ion Jure Stojan 1 , Marko Golic ˇ nik 1 , Marie-The ´ re ` se Froment 2 , Francois Estour 2 and Patrick Masson 2 1 Institute of Biochemistry, Medical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; 2 Centre de Recherches du Service de Sante ´ des Arme ´ es, Unite ´ d’Enzymologie, La Tronche, France Tetraalkylammonium (TAA) salts are well known reversible inhibitors of cholinesterases. However, at concentrations around 10 m M , they have been found to activate the hydrolysis of positively charged substrates, catalyzed by wild-type human butyrylcholinesterase (EC [Erdoes, E.G., Foldes, F.F., Zsigmond, E.K., Baart, N. & Zwartz, J.A. (1958) Science 128, 92]. The present study was under- taken t o determine whether the peripheral anionic s ite (PAS) of human BuChE (Y332, D70) and/or the catalytic substrate binding site (CS) (W82, A328) are involved in this phenom- enon. For this purpose, the kinetics of butyrylthiocholine (BTC) hydrolysis by wild-type human BuChE, by selected mutants and by horse BuChE was carried out at 25 °Cand pH 7.0 in the presence of tetraethylammonium (TEA). It appears that human enzymes with more intact structure of the PAS show more prominent activation phenomenon. The following explanation h as been put forward: TEA competes with the substrate at the perip heral site thus inhibiting the substrate h ydrolysis a t t he CS. As the inhibitio n by TEA is less effective than the substrate inhibition itself, it mimics activation. At the c oncentrations around 40 m M , well within the range of TEA competition at both substrate binding sites, it lowers the a ctivity of all tested enzymes. Keywords: cholinesterases; tetraalkylammonium com- pounds; k inetics; reaction mechanism. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE; EC and butyrylcholi- nesterase ( BuChE; EC are closely related serine hydrolases [1]. No clear physiological f unction has yet been assigned to BuChE; it appears to play a role in neurogenesis and neural disorders [2] and it is of pharmacological and toxicological importance: it hydrolyses numerous ester containing drugs [3–5] and, like AChE is inhibited by similar compounds. Thus, a n understanding of BuChE catalysis and inhibition mechanisms is of paramount importance, especially for the research of new treatments against organophosphate and carbamate poisoning [6], i.e. for the design of new reactivators of phosphylated choli- nesterases and of mutated enzymes capable of hydrolyzing organophosphates or carbamates [7]. BuChE catalysis of charged substrates and inhibition by charged ligands are complex reactions. In particular, they show homotropic and heterotropic pseudo-cooperative effects. At interm ediate substrate concentrations BuChE hydrolyses its optimal substrate BTC with rates e xceeding those expected by simple Michaelis–Menten dependence and it is slightly inhibited by excess BTC [8,9]. In contrast, AChE shows only n egative p seudo-cooperativity at high acetylthiocholine ( ATC) concentrations [10,11]. Further- more, some cationic ligands, such as TAA salts, choline, and also uncharged trialkylammonium compounds act as acti- vators or inhibitors, depending on both the concentration of the ligand and the substrate [12], the solvent and the presence of cosolvent [13,14]. The goal of this work was t o locate the s ite of i nteraction betwee n BuChE and tetra- alkylammonium (TAA) salts responsible for activation a nd to reach a mechanistic explanation of the phenomenon. In particular, tetraethylammonium (TEA) at t he concentra- tions above 40 m M , r eversibly inhibits the wild-type human BuChE, but at the concentrations around 10 m M it accelerates BuChE catalyzed hydrolysis of positively charged substrates. The active site serine, S198 in human BuChE, is located at the bottom of a 20-A ˚ deep cleft [15,16]. Ligands can bind on two distinct s ites: a peripheral anionic site ( PAS) located at the mouth of the ac tive site cleft, regarded as the substrate/ ligand recognition site, and the ÔanionicÕ subsite of the CS [1,15]. Residues D70 (D72, Torpedo AChE numbering) and Y332 (Y334) are the key elements of the PAS in human BuChE [9,17]. For positively charged substrates, the CS is W82 (W84) where the binding occurs through p–cation interactions [7,9,16]. Residue A328 (F330), which is also a part of this hydrophobic subsite, was found to be involved in substrate/inhibitor binding, too [18]. To determine the site involved in the effect of TAA salts, we carried out the steady-state and progress curve analysis of BTC hydrolysis by recombinant wild-type human BuChE, by four selected mutants (Y332A/D70G, Y332D/D70Y, W82A, A328Y) and by commercial horse serum BuChE in the presence of TEA. Additionally, w e tested the hydrolytic activity toward BTC of the mixture between horse enzyme and W82A Correspondence to J. Stojan, Institute of Biochemistry, Medical Faculty, Vrazov trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. Fax: + 386 1 543 7641, Tel.: + 386 1 5437649, E-mail: stojan@ibmi.mf.uni-lj.si Abbreviations: AChE, acetylcholinesterase; BuChE, butyrylcholine- sterase; CS, catalytic site; PAS, peripheral anionic site; TAA, tetra- alkylamonium; TEA, tetraethylammonium; BTC, b utyrylthiocholine; DTNB, dithiobisnitrobenzoic acid; ATC, acetylthiocholine. Note: a coordinate file of the homology built model of human wild- type butyrylcholin-esterase with docked TEA can be downloaded from http://www2.mf.uni-lj.si/$stojan/stojan.html (Received 27 September 2001, revised 17 December 2001, accepted 19 December 2001 ) Eur. J. Biochem. 269, 1154–1161 (2002) Ó FEBS 2002 recombinant human enzyme in order to see whether such a low activity mutant still can tie up substrate by binding it with high affinity. MATERIALS AND METHODS Chemicals and equipment Butyrylthiocholine and buffer components of biochemical grade were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. (St Louis, MO, USA). Te traethylammonium chloride was obtained from Fluka (Buchs, Switzerland), chlorpyrifos-oxon (CPO) was from Dow Chemical Co. (Indianapolis, IN, USA) and diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP) was from Acrosorganics France (Noisy-le-Grand, France). Classical kinetic experiments were performed on a Beckman DU-7500 diode array spectrophotometer. Rapid kinetic measurements were c urried out on a Hi-Tech (Salisbury, UK) PQ/SF-53 stopped-flow apparatu s connec- ted to a SU-40 spectrophotometer and Apple E-II micro- computer, equipped with high speed AD converter. Enzyme sources Recombinant wild-type and mutant human BuChEs. Two amino-acid residues (D70 and Y332) in the PAS and two (W82 and A328) in the CS, known to play a role in the binding of positively charged ligands and in inhibition control of BuChE, were selected. The BuChE gene was mutated to make the single mutants W82A and A328Y and the double mutants Y332A/D70G and Y332D/D70Y. Wild-type a nd mutant enzymes were expressed in stably transfected CHO cells as previously described [9]. Horse Serum BuChE. This was purchased from Worth- ington. It was c hosen because the major difference b etween human and horse BuChEs at the cleft entrance is an additional negative charge in t he loop opposite to t he omega loop. As the two enzymes have 90% identical amino-acid residues [ 19], we may see t he horse enzyme, in t erms of peripheral site differences, as a human A277V/G283D/ P285L triple mutant (W279, D283, I287 h omologous, in Torpedo AChE). Kinetic experiments and data analysis Hydrolysis of BTC was measured by Ellman’s method in 0.1 M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0 at 2 5 °C [20]. The substrate concentration ranges depended on the human enzyme mutants: 0.6 l M to 90 m M for the wild-type, 0.015– 100 m M for double mutants, 3–100 m M for W82A mutant and 0.015–3 m M for A328Y mutant; the substrate concen- trations used with the commercial horse serum BuChE were between 0.05 and 10 m M . The concentration of enzyme active sites E 0 , was determined by the method of residual activity using CPO and/or DFP as the titrating reagents. Inhibition experiments w ere c arried out at TEA concentra- tions from 0 to 100 m M . Initial rate data in the absence of TEA showed, in most enzymes, de viations from Michaelis–Menten k inetics: a t intermediate substrate concentrations an apparent activa- tion is seen, while inhibition is detectable at the substrate concentrations approaching maximum solubility. In order to explain kinetically such observations, we analyzed the data according to the six parameter model (Scheme 1) introduced previously [21]. S þ SE À! bk i SEA þ P 1 À! ak 3 SE þ P 2 "# K 1 "# K 2 SS þþ SþEÀ! k i EA þ P 1 À! k 3 E þ P 2 Scheme 1. In this scheme, E is the f ree enzyme, EA the acylated enzyme, while SE and SEA represent the complexes with the substrate molecule bound at the modulation site. The products P 1 and P 2 are thiocholine and butyrate, respect- ively. K 1 and K 2 are the equilibrium constants for the substrate binding to the nonproductive site, while k i and k 3 are t he rate constants. a and b are the partitioning ratios. Mixed equilibrium and steady-state assumptions [22] in the derivation give the following rate equation: v 0 ¼ E 0 k 3 ½S 1 þ a ½S K 2  ½S1þ ½S K 2  þ k 3 À 1þa ½S K 2 ÁÀ 1 þa ½S K 1 Á k i À 1 þb ½S K 1 Á ð1Þ The corresponding kinetic parameters were evaluated by fitting this equation to the initial rate data obtained in the experiments using recombinant wild-type and the four mutated human enzymes as well as the horse enzyme. For the analysis of the experiments in the presence of TEA we made an extension o f the model to allow the competition between TEA and BTC at both substrate binding sites and consequently also the occupation of the two sites by two TEA molecules (Scheme 2). SEI ¢ K 7 I þ SE þ S À! bk i SEA þ P 1 À! ak 3 SE þ P 2 "# "# K 1 "# K 2 SS S þþ þ EI ¢ K 5 I þ E þ S À! k i EA þ P 1 À! k 3 E þ P 2 þþ þ II I "# "# K 3 "# K 4 IEI ¢ K 6 I þ IE þ S À! dk i IEA þ P 1 À! ck 3 IE þ P 2 Scheme 2. In this scheme, I stands for TEA and c and d are again the corresponding partitioning ratios. An analogous derivation as described for Scheme 1 leads to the following rate equation: v 0 ¼ E 0 k 3 ½S 1 þ a ½S K 2 þ c ½I K 4  ½S1þ ½S K 2 þ ½I K 4  þ k 3 À 1þa ½S K 2 þc ½I K 4 ÁÀ 1þ ½S K 1 þ ½I K 3 þ ½I K 5 þ ½S½I K 1 K 7 þ ½I 2 K 3 K 6 Á k i À 1þb ½S K 1 þd ½I K 3 Á ð2Þ Final evaluation o f kinetic constants relevant for e ach individual enzyme was carried out by fitting this equation Ó FEBS 2002 Activation inhibition of human butyrylcholinesterase (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 1155 simultaneously to the data in the absence and presence of TEA. We started with fixed values of parameters obtained from the analysis w ithout the inhibitor, to determine rough estimates of TEA binding parameters. Eventually, all parameters were released to achieve t he best accordance between theoretical curves and the data. It should be stressed that some parameters in the reaction Scheme are closely related to certain parts of data. For instance, the parameter a set to zero, would denote complete blocking o f deacylation. Solubility maximum of the substrate, however, only allows to statistically anticipate the real value unless the clear plateau is reached [23]. The initial rate data for the W82A mutant differed substantially from the data for other enzymes. It appeared that the hydrolysis of BTC by this enzyme obeyed Michaelis–Menten kinetics. In order to investigate the kinetics of this mutant more closely, we measured the hydrolysis of BTC catalyzed by the W82A mutant, by the horse enzyme an d by the mixture o f the two enzymes on a stopped-flow apparatus. Aliquots of two solutions, one containing the e nzyme and the other the s ubstrate and DTNB were mixed together in t he mixing chamber of the apparatus. The absorbance of the r eaction mixture was recorded spectrophotometrically [20] at various concentra- tions of the s ubstrate in the presence of 0.66 m M DTNB. In order to avoid possible product modulation, we stopped the measurement when approximately 60 l M concentration of the product w as formed. T he stock s olutions of the t wo enzymes were pre pared by d ilution of the aliquots with the same amount of buffer. The mixture was prepared by mixing together the aliquots without adding buffer. In this way the mixture contained the same concentrations of the two enzymes as the solution of each individual enzyme. The activities of the three solutions were now tested at various substrate c oncentrations in the range from 5 l M to 75 m M . The concentration of W82A was 16 l M andthatofthe horse enzyme was 10 n M . The experimental conditions were the same as in classical initial rate measurements (pH 7.0 and 25 °C). We analyzed the data for W82A by fitting a system of stiff differential equations, that described the six-parameter model in Fig. 1 under combined steady-state and equilib- rium assumptions (cf. [24]) to the data of all experimental progress curves simultaneously. Initial rates were obtained as numerical derivatives at zero time of each progress curve. The same procedure w as used to evaluate data o btained with commercial horse BuChE. The initial rates at various substrate concentrations for the mixture of the two enzymes (W82A mutant and horse serum BuChE) were determined analytically by fitting the equation f or single exponential curve to each individual progress curve and than t aking derivatives at time zero. Model building Modelling was performed with WHATIF [25], starting with the homology built model of human BuChE (CODE P06276) from Swiss-Model, an automated protein modeling Fig. 1. pS c urves for the hydrolysis of butyryl- thiocholine c atalyzed by the w ild-type, by v ar- ious human butyrylcholinesterase mutants and by horse butyrylcholinesterase in 0.1 M phos- phate buffer at p H 7.0 and 25 °C. 1156 J. Stojan et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002 server [26], on an IBM compatible PC running under LINUX . Further refinement and the molecular dynamics were carried out using t he macromolecular simulation program CHARMM [27] on a cluster of fou r PCs. Topology and force field parameters for TEA from CHARMM distribution c 27n1 were used. Energy minimizations were performed with a constant dielectric constant (e ¼ 1). Electrostatic force was treated w ithout cutoffs and van der Waals forces were calculated with the shift method with a cutoff of 10 A ˚ .All lysines and arginines were p rotonated and aspartic and glutamic acids were deprotonate d. Histidines were neutral withahydrogenonNd1. The corrections of the starting structure were performed in iterative steps as follows: the protein molecule w as put in the cube of water molecules (9091), subjected to 150 relaxation steps (50 steps of steepest descent optimization, 50 steps of optimization by adopted basis Newton–Raphson method, 50 steps of steepest descent lattice optimization) and followed by 10 p icoseconds constant pressure and temperature (CPT) dynamic simulation (300 K, 1 bar, time step of 1 fs) invoking the Ewald summation for calculating the electrostatic interactions. The last frame was devoided of all water molecules but those in the coat of 2.9 A ˚ around the protein, relaxed with 100 optimization steps and checked by the CHECK module in WHATIF . The unrealistic p rotein portions were exchanged b y t he DGFIX command o r by using the SCAN LOOP command in SPDBVIEWER [26]. After some 20 steps the check score improved substantially, so a continuous simulation run was performed for 300 ps. The final frame was used in a subsequent simulation involving TEA. Docking was performed by superimposing TEA to the trimethylamino group of docked a cetycholine f rom Protein Data Bank entry 2ACE [15]. In order to remove overlapping between existing wate r mole cules and newly introduced TEA we performed 150 relaxation steps (see previously) with fi xed protein and TEA, followed by further 150 steps without any constrains. Finally, the dynamics simulation as described was run for 180 ps. RESULTS Initial rate data for the hydrolysis of BTC by five ( wild-type and four mutants) r ecombinant human BuChEs and horse BuChE are presented in Fig. 1. The pS diagrams show that activation at intermediate substrate concentrations is present in all selected enzymes except in the W82A mutant, that apparently obeys Michaelis–Menten kinetics. Additionally, to obtain comparable activities, the concentration of t his mutant had to be raised almost hundred times in comparison to the wild-type enzyme and the A328Y mutant and was still 10 times higher than the concentrations of the double mutants. Experimental data in all diagrams cannot predict the extent of inhibition at saturating substrate concentrations and in the case of W82A enzyme even the plateau/optimum is not reached. On the other hand, the theoretical curves for other enzymes, that were obtained by putting kinetic parameters from Table 1 into the Eqn 1, are in very good agreement with the data and they stipulate complete substrate inhibition. In other words, the fitting converged with the parameter a set to zero. It should be recalled that the data in the absence and p resence of TEA were used for the determination of the k inetic parameters listed in T able 1. Figure 2 shows the dependence of activity on the TEA concentration of all enzymes at different substrate concen- trations. From the panels in this figure we can see some important characteristics: ( a) activation at low T EA concentrations is clearly visible in the wild-type enzyme, in the A328Y mutant and in the ÔcompensatoryÕ mutant (Y332D/D70Y). It can only be perceived in Y332A/D70G mutant but is absent in the W82A and in horse enzyme. (b) In the wild-type enzyme the activation is the most prom- inent at intermediate substrate concentrations. (c) Increas- ing inhibition at higher TEA concentrations is seen in all enzymes and the curves in the presence of the lowest substrate concentration approach to zero. This is the most evident in the wild-type and A328Y enzymes. The linear decrease in double mutants also indicates s uch a tendency. (d) Interestingly, TEA shows no activation of commercial wild-type horse BuChE at any concentration. Moreover, inhibition by TEA is very effective and the rate of hydrolysis clearly approaches zero even at the highest substrate concentration. (e) Inhibition by TEA is the most p rominent in the A 328Y mutant of human BuChE. It occurs at much lower TEA concentrations as in other enzymes, but activation is also present. Unlike in th e wild-type enzyme, activation in the A328Y mutant appears stronger at higher substrate concentrations. (f) Regarding TEA inhibition, the W82A mutant i s a special case: the inhibition emerges only at higher substrate concentrations indicating that either t he interaction of TEA with the free enzyme is very weak or an Table 1. Characteristic constants for the interactions of various h uman butyrylcholinesterases and horse butyrylcholinesterse w ith butyrylthio choline and tetraethylammonium according to S cheme 2 . Values in parenthesis are for the Michaelis–Menten m echanism (see Discussion). Wild-type (39.5 n M ) Y332D/D70Y (220 n M ) Y332A/D70G (245 n M ) W82A (2.4 l M ) A328Y (39 n M ) Horse BuChE (10 n M ) k i ( M )1 Æs )1 ) 3.45 ± 0.46 · 10 6 6.88 ± 0.97 · 10 5 7.82 ± 0.57 · 10 5 (1.44) 88.2 ± 1.3 2.08 ± 0.12 · 10 7 8.51 ± 0.2 · 10 6 k 3 (s )1 ) 467 ± 26 113 ± 2 132 ± 7 (0079) 18.0 ± 0.6 3800 ± 1700 1282 ± 87 K 1 (l M ) 46.9 ± 7.7 292 ± 136 60.9 ± 9.9 17.0 ± 3.4 25.5 ± 2.9 100 ± 9.9 K 2 (m M ) 77.2 ± 12.5 88.6 ± 4.2 85.3 ± 9.3 0.27 ± 0.05 1.03 ± 0.92 38.8 ± 9.3 a 0 0 0 0.0242 ± 0.0032 0.117 ± 0.059 0.376 ± 0.053 b 0.028 ± 0.005 0.440 ± 0.056 0.166 ± 0.015 0.0119 ± 0.0022 0.0114 ± 0.0017 0.134 ± 0.032 K 3 (m M ) 8.58 ± 3.91 23.8 ± 2.2 13.1 ± 3.4 – 0.325 ± 0.029 7.19 ± 2.8 K 4 (m M ) 177 ± 82.9 129.4 ± 38.6 397 ± 7.5 (340) 5.7 ± 0.4 39.0 ± 8.9 – c 0.393 ± 0.096 0.257 ± 0.118 0.407 ± 0.030 – 0 – d 0.926 ± 0.395 0.915 ± 0.236 0.511 ± 0.049 – 0.093 ± 0.013 – K 6 (m M ) 2.97 ± 1.15 59.8 ± 27.0 296 ± 93 – 1.75 ± 0.22 93.7 ± 12.7 Ó FEBS 2002 Activation inhibition of human butyrylcholinesterase (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 1157 independent binding of TEA and substrate at low concen- trations occurs on different sites. In order to find out the reason for the very low activity of the W 82A mutant, we tested the activity of the enzyme mixture: W82A human BuChE and horse BuChE. Figure 3 shows the progress curves obtained in this experiment and the p S diagram of calculated initial rates. It can be clearly seen that at low s ubstrate concentrations the mixture of the enzymes is less active than the horse enzyme alone. Additionally, the theoretical curves for W82A mutant agree very good with the experimental progress curves. It should be stressed, however, that we could only achieve such an agreement with six-parameter model according to Scheme 1 and not with simple Michaelis–Menten reaction mechanism. Fig. 2. Dependence of t he activity of various human BuChEs and horse BuChE on the con- centration of TEA at various butyrylthiocholine concentrations. BT C concentrations for human enzymes are 15 l M ,25l M ,50l M , 100 l M ,1m M ,2m M ,3m M , from t he lowest to the h ighest curve. For horse enzyme BTC concentratio ns are: 50 l M , 200 l M ,1m M and 2m M . Fig. 3. Progress curves for the hydrolysis of butyrylthiocholine catalyzed by the h orse butyrylcholinesterase, by t he W82A mutant of human butyrylcholinesterase and by the enzyme mixture. Measurements w ere performed at substrate concentrations ranging from 5 l M to 75 m M . Lower right panel shows the depend- ence of the initial rates in the form of pS curves. 1158 J. Stojan et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002 Molecular dynamics calculations on the wild-type human BuChE in water reveal after 180 ps very interesting TEA positioning. From the starting site in the vicinity of W82 indole ring it moved upward t he cleft and accommodated just below Y332 and D70, the major constituents of the PAS in human BuChE (Fig. 4). It seems that the A328 plays a role in this rapid movement (c ompare K 3 values). In A328Y mutant and in vertebrate AChEs, the homologous F330 or Y330 would prevent such positioning of TEA. DISCUSSION The kinetic behavior of ChEs shows deviations from the Michaelis–Menten model. Although it has long been believed that the only deviation in vertebrate AChEs is inhibition by excess substrate and that BuChEs are analo- gically activated, a more d etailed investigations on insect AChEs, n ematode enzymes and also BuChEs from various sources reveal both phenomena [28]. Recent studies on various mutated enzymes showed, that an appropriate mutation can mask one or the other deviation, but can also i ntrodu ce it, i f missing (cf. [10,23,29]). Exactly this can be seen from our experiments in Fig. 1. While the pS curve for the wild-type enzyme shows clearly deviations at intermediate and very high substrate concentrations none of th em is evident in the W82A mutant. However, the progress curves for W82A in Fig. 3, which include the information at very low substrate concentrations (the plateaus confirm complete hydrolysis), can only be explained by introducing an additional deviation from Michaelian kinetics into the reaction mech- anism (see parameters in Table 1). Moreover, we could also speculate that unless prevented by the solubility maximum, inhibition too might occur. Consequently, in W82A mutant a plateau/optimum shift towards higher substrate concen- trations appeared to take place. The explanation for such a shift may be the very low turnover of this mutant (k cat ¼ 100 min )1 , [30]). The probability for the substrate to encou nter the acylation site correctly is so low, that the possible perturbations at the PAS are kinetically invisible. Slow acylation, again, should be the consequence of changed architecture in the catalytic site which firstly, cannot help to accommodate the substrate in forming Michaelis–Menten complex and secondly, enhance the stability of the acylated enzyme. In order to find out whether the extremely poor activity of the W82A mutant is due to low affinity for the substrate and/or to the slow acylation-deacylation, we mixed W82A mutant with horse serum BuChE and tested the hydrolytic activity of the mixture at low BTC concentrations. The aim was to perform the experiments where the concentrations of the substrate and the W82A mutant w ere s imilar, while the concentration of the horse enzyme was at least thousand times lower. Under such conditions it might be incorrectly assumed that the low activity enzyme in such large concentration must tie up substrate by binding it to a number of sites with varying affin ity. Of course, only a s ingle specific interaction is possible when the enzyme is a reaction partner i n stoichiometric a mount to the substrate. We can conclude therefore that the lower activity of the mixture, compared t o horse enzyme alone, is a consequence of good affinity of W82A for BTC (17 l M ) and rather ineffective catalysis. Our experiment is t he first kinetic evidence that in spite of high substrate affinity the activity of a cholinesterase may be very low. It is well known that transition state analogues are extremely good inhibitors. As BTC is the substrate, a substantional s hift of the p S c urve to wards high concentra- tions suggests the inability to reach transition state rather to stabilize in it. It is well founded therefore to corroborate this finding with apparent activating deviation from Michaelis– Menten kinetics, which has also been reported for several other c holinesterases. It was suggested that deviations from Michaelis–Menten kinetics reflect the binding of the substrate molecule t o the PAS [9,10,31,32]. In enzymes, showing apparent activation, the substrate affinity for the PAS appears t o be r elatively high, but overall catalytic power of such enzymes is low [23]. I t seems that inhibition at Fig. 4. Stereo view of important a ctive site residues in superimp osed structures of Torpedo acetylcholinesterase (2ACE) and human butyryl- cholinesterase. Docked as a tetrahedral adduct is butyrylthio choline. The starting position of tetraethylammo nium is position sup erimposed on the substrate trimethyl grou p. An intermediate position of tetraethylammonium and final position (uppermost) after 180 picoseconds molecular dynamics are also seen. Note the overlaping of Torpedo AChE residue F330 and tetraethylammonium in the final position. Corresponding A328 in butyrylcholinesterase does not p revent the fi nal orientation of tetraethylammonium. Labelling and numbering are a ccording to human butyrylcholinesterase. Ó FEBS 2002 Activation inhibition of human butyrylcholinesterase (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 1159 substrate concentrations in the range of high affinity binding constant, mimics apparent activation. All this i s supported b y the inhibitory pattern of TEA on various enzymes. The activation of some enzymes by TEA in low concentrations might b e the conseq uence of t he competition between the substrate and TEA at the P AS. In comparison to t he substrate, T EA inhibits the s ubstrate hydrolysis less effectively (d > b, see Table 1). This might be true for all enzymes sh owing activation by TEA, especially because in different enzymes it ÔappearsÕ at different substrate c oncentrations (compare the wild-type and the A328Y). At the highest TEA concentration s it competes with the substrate at both sites, thus, inhibiting the enzyme. The question rises, why some enzymes do not show activation by TEA, b ut show substrate affinity at the PAS. Two explanations come to mind. The first one would be that thesamesubstrateorientationatthePAS,invarious enzymes, cannot affect the events a t the acylation site. As in the W82A mutant, t he missing bulky indole r ing a t t he bottom of the cleft allows multiple s ubstrate orientations at the acylation site, thus preventing the influence of the ligand from the PAS. In this enzyme the weak inhibition at the highest TEA concentrations corroborates the explanation. The second plausible possibility would be different orien- tation of the substrate at the PAS. It might be the case in the Y332A/D70G d ouble mutant and in the horse enzyme. In addition to an extra n egative charge at the mouth of the cleft in horse enzyme (D283, identical in Torpedo), t he substrate affinity at the PAS of both these enzymes appears lower as in other tested enzymes. The important role of PAS residues is further supported by docking and dynamics simulations o f TEA in the cleft o f the w ild-type human BuChE. Similar to the simulations on human AChE [33], a gradual movement is seen of the TEA molecule from its startin g position at p-electron interactions with W82 indole ring, upwards to the vicinity of the two PAS constituting residues, Y332 and D70. Although longer simulation run might reveal y et another position, such a movement indicates that a t low concentrations TEA might preferentially occupy PAS, thus, preventing substrate to bind and to inhibit its own metabolization. Finally, we would like to discuss the significance of kinetic parameters that w e evaluated with our six parameter model. One could argue at this point that the model can very exactly reproduce the experimental data bu t does not reflect the realistic events during the catalytic process and thus th e constants and their values are meaningless. Three points should be emphasized in this c onnection. Firstly, the kinetic model is one possible reduction of the traditional reaction scheme generally valid for all cholinesterases. It assumes that Michaelis–Menten complex is not accumula- ting, but it does not deny it. Such an approach is well justified in the kinetic analysis and the simplificatio n is introduced according to well known principles [34]. More- over, some parameters can easily be interpreted with the classical terms of Michalis–Menten kinetics. For instance, k 3 in the model represents k cat and k i is in fact k cat /K m . Secondly, the six parameters are sufficient but also neces- sary to reproduce two deviations from Michaelian k inetics, for which more and more evidence exists, that they are a rule rather an exception with cholinesterases. It should be very clear, that many realistic models with more than six parameters can equally precise r eproduce the data, but only with additional, more o r less realistic a ssumptions. Our kinetic model needs no additional assumptions and a unique set of six parameters can be e valuated if the two deviations can be inspected. In conclusion, the major arguing point in the interpret- ation of the results obtained by this model is a great difference between the binding of the substrate to the modifier site of free and acylated enzyme (K 1 vs. K 2 ). We have designed the experiment w ith t he mixture of a normal and a low activity enzyme t o co nfirm at least one high affinity substrate binding site in the enzyme showing two deviations from Michaelian kine tics (see K 1 for W82A). W e agree, that the model does not predict the exact spot and orientation i n this binding but clearly explains the observed deviation at t hat substrate concentration a s homotropic inhibition rather as activation. The concentration dependent activation-inhibition pattern by TMA and other quaternary and tertiary ammonium compounds [12] strongly supports this interpretation. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Dr Oksana Lockrid ge (Eppley Institute, University of Nebraska, Omaha, USA) for generously providing us with human butyrylcholinesterase mutants. T his work was p artially supported by the Ministry of S cience and Tech nology of the Republic of Slovenia, Grant N o. P3-8720-0381 to J. S. and by DGA/DSP/STTC, grant no. 97/08 and 99 C O 029 to P. M. REFERENCES 1. Massoulie ´ , J., Pezzementi, L., Bon, S., Krejci, E. & Vallette, F.M. (1993) Molecular and cellular biology of cholinesterases. Prog. Neurobiol. 41, 31–91. 2. Mack, A. & Robitzki, A. 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Ó FEBS 2002 Activation inhibition of human butyrylcholinesterase (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 1161 . the hydrolysis of butyrylthiocholine catalyzed by the h orse butyrylcholinesterase, by t he W82A mutant of human butyrylcholinesterase and by the enzyme mixture Concentration-dependent reversible activation-inhibition of human butyrylcholinesterase by tetraethylammonium ion Jure Stojan 1 , Marko

Ngày đăng: 24/03/2014, 03:21