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ÑEÀ THI TOÁT NGHIEÄP THPT ÑEÀ THI TOÁT NGHIEÄP THPT Naêm hoïc 2008 2009 Moân Tieáng Anh Thôøi löôïng 60 phuùt Choïn töø maø phaàn gaïch chaân coù caùch phaùt aâm khaùc vôùi töø coøn laïi Câu 1 A Compl[.]

ĐỀ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT Năm học : 2008 - 2009 Môn : Tiếng Anh Thời lượng: 60 phút Chọn từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với từ lại Câu 1: A Complete B Object C Defend D Prevent Câu 2: A Rhinoceros B Habitat C Vehicle D Whale Câu3: A Involved B Decided C Explained D Swallowed Câu 4: A admit B confide C decide D retire Câu 5: A land B save C cramp D cash Chọn từ có trọng âm nhấn vào âm tiết có vị trí khác với từ lại: Câu 6: A Apology B Canoeing C Industry D Disaster Câu 7: A Interview B Shortage C.Applicant D Supportive Câu 8: A certificate B apartment C individual D biology Câu 9: A scientific B available C suspicious D supportive Câu 10: A cancer B treatment C tissue D disease Chọn A,B,C or D Câu 11: Your last job was a bank manager, _ it? A isn’t B doesn’t C didn’t D wasn’t Câu 12: Jack can speak two languages One is English is Vietnamese A Other B The other C Another D Others Câu 13: Don’t ask me anything about sports I like football _ tennis A neither / nor B both / and C not only/ but also D either / or Câu 14: It is raining outside, and Tom brought his umbrella with him _ he wouldn’t get wet A so as to B in order C so that D in order to Câu 15: _ Long has finished his work, he will go home A As quickly as B As far as C As soon as D As long as Câu 16: _ quarreled with her boyfriend yesterday, she doesn’t want to answer his phone call A Having B Because having C Because hadn’t D Having not Câu 17: _ the old man spoke very slowly and clearly, I couldn’t understand him at all A If B Because C Since D Although Câu 18: Her eyes were red and puffy _ she had been crying a lot last night A even if B since C because of D despite Câu19: All of us are waiting the man son was lost A who B which C whom D whose Câu 20: Please don't be so I can't all the work by myself A reason B reasonable C unreasonable D reasonably Câu 21: Children will work hard if the lessons are _ A expressing B inquiring C disappointing D interesting Câu 22: Life here is very A peace B peacefully C peaceful D peacefulness Câu 23:The little boy is very interested in football, but he is actually not good for playing Câu 24:She is the most beautiful woman who I have ever met Câu 25: It ‘s important for every students to have a book Câu 26:Had I heard the news last night, I would tell you about it Câu 27:He stopped to smoke because cigarettes are harmful to his health Câu 28:.”No parking” It means: A There is no park here B You can’t go to the park here C You are not allowed to park your car here D There’s not enough space for parking here Câu 29: It rains so we can’t go to school A If it rains, I could go to school B If it didn’t rain, I could go to school C If it not rain, I could go to school D If it rains, I can go to school Câu 30: Open your book” the reported speech is: A I told him to open his book B I told him open his book C I told him opening his book D I told him to open your book Câu 31: He asked me how I earned my living A He wanted to know what my job was B He wanted to know how I lived C He wanted to know how I enjoyed my life D He wanted to know how much I got for a salary Câu 32: Quoc Hoc Senior High School, ……… founded in 1896, is a beautiful school in Hue A that was B which C which was D which is Câu 33: His father told ……………… stay up late A to not B him not to C not to D him to not Câu 34: These shops have goods for sale at ………………… prices A attraction B attracted C attract D attractive Câu 35:Things ……………… greatly since we ………………… Doi Moi policy A have changed / have had B changed / has had C have changed / had D changed / had A Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau chọn phương án (A B, C, D) cho chỗ trống từ câu 26 đến câu 30: FRIENDS To many people, their friends are the most important in their life Really good friends always (36) joys and sorrows with you and never turn their backs on you Your best friend may be someone you have known all your life or someone you have grown (37) with There are all sorts of things that can (38) about this special relationship It may be the result of enjoying the same activities and sharing experiences.Most of us have met someone that we have immediately felt relaxed with as if we had known them for ages However, it really takes you years to get to know someone well (39) _to consider your best friend To the majority of us, this is someone we trust completely and (40) understands us better than anyone else It’s the person you can tell him or her your most intimate secrets Câu 36: A share B give C spend D have Câu 37: A through B on C in D up Câu 38: A bring B cause C result D provide Câu 39: A too B enough C so D such Câu 40: A whom B which C who D whose B Hãy chọn từ thích hợp (A, B, C, D) để điền vào chỗ trống đoạn văn sau : Air pollution occurs when wastes dirty the air People produce most of the (41) _ that cause air pollution Such wastes can be in the form of gases or particles of solid or liquid matter These substances result chiefly from burning(42) _ to power motor vehicles and to heat buildings Industrial processes and the(43) _ of garbage also contribute to air pollution Natural pollutants (impurities) include dust, pollen, soil particles, and naturally occurring gases The rapid growth of population and industry and the increased use of automobiles and airplanes, have made air pollution a (44) _ problem The air we breathe has become so filled with pollutants that it can cause (45) _ problems Polluted air also harms plants, animals, building materials, and fabrics In addition, it causes damage by altering the earth’s atmosphere Câu 41 A products B nature C papers D wastes Câu 42 A garbage B fuel C plastics D coal Câu 43 A planting B burning C making D using Câu 44 A good B wonderful C serious D poison Câu 45 A health B dirty C pollution D preserving B Đọc kỹ đoạn văn chọn câu trả lời phù hợp cho câu hỏi : Rain forests cover less than six percent of the earth’s area, but they have 100,000 kinds of all the kinds of plants on the earth Three-fourths of known kinds of plants and animals call the rain forest their home Twenty percent of our different kinds of medicine comes from rain forests The glues on an envelope and in shoes come from tropical plants Rain forests provide materials for hundreds of other products Rain forests are also very important to the world’s climate The Amazon rain forest alone receives about thirty to forty percent of the total rainfall on the earth and products about the same percentage of the world oxygen Some scientists believe that the decreasing size of rain forests will affect the climate on the earth, making it uncomfortable or even dangerous for life Saving rain forests is an international problem One country, or even a few countries, cannot solve the problem alone.The nations of the world must work together to find a solution before it is too late Câu 46 What percent of the earth’s area rain forests cover ? A Only percent B 20 percent C less than percent D over percent Câu 47 How many known kinds of plants and animals call the rain forests their home ? A 4/3 B 3/4 C 40/3 D 3/40 Câu 48 What percent of the total rainfall on the earth does the Amazon rain forests receive ? A about 20 to 30 B less than 30 C exactly 30 to 40 D about 30 to 40 Câu 49 According to some scientists, what will the decreasing size of rain forests affect on the earth ? A oxygen B climate C plants D only animals Câu 50 According to the passage, what must the nations of the world to find a solution ? A work together B work alone C save rain forests only D save their lives ... known all your life or someone you have grown (37) with There are all sorts of things that can (38) about this special relationship It may be the result of enjoying the same activities and... shops have goods for sale at ………………… prices A attraction B attracted C attract D attractive Câu 35:Things ……………… greatly since we ………………… Doi Moi policy A have changed / have had B changed / has... you years to get to know someone well (39) _to consider your best friend To the majority of us, this is someone we trust completely and (40) understands us better than anyone else It’s the

Ngày đăng: 01/01/2023, 00:13
