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REVIEW FOR ENGLISH 10 – THE SENCOND TERM REVIEW FOR ENGLISH 10 – THE SECOND TERM VOCABULARY 1 The turtle has a long life a line b length c span d age 2 refers to the existence of different plants and[.]

REVIEW FOR ENGLISH 10 – THE SECOND TERM VOCABULARY The turtle has a long life a line b length c span d age refers to the existence of different plants and animals in a place a undersea b plant c biodiversity d marine The is divided into five different part named The Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Antarctic, and Artic a earth b wood c ocean d universe There is no sign of for miles around a vegetation b vegetable c vegetarian d vegan The rabbits are for their long coats a planted b placed c created d bred A is a person working in the forest, taking care of trees and planting new ones a forester b planter c camper d worker The park hundreds of species of endangered animals a contains b consist c composes d holds It seemed such a huge park that one might get easily a lose b loose c lost d loosen The factory near the Sarafi has been sending out wastes a killing b fatal c toxic d dead 10 Animals are sheltered in the zoos or parks for their a survival b survivor c survivorship d survivalists 11 Cheer ! Tomorrow is a new day! a on b in c up d out 12 Trinh Cong Son was a famous in Vietnamese music a designer b writer c singer d composer 13 Like language, music is used to a communicate b communication c communicating d communicated 14 Music as is a profitable industry a emotion b entertainment c feelings d communication 15 The atmosphere of a funeral is often solemn and a delighted b delightful c mournful d mourning 16 Music can express one’s anger, love, hate, and a friends b friendly c friendship d friendless 17 After his performance, the clapped for five minutes a character b hearer c audience d owner 18 A is a large ship that carries passengers a liner b ship c boat d yacht 19 He was killed in a accident at the age 24 a tragic b minor c comic d horror 20 Her performance was so that some people burst into tears a depressing b moving c thrilling d boring 21 The peasants depend on a good harvest for their a existing b existence c exist d existed 22 A/ An is a period of ten year a decade b century c millennium d anniversary 23 He was the captain of the football team or years and led the team to some impressive victories a boss b referee c head d striker 24 As expected, she could not come first in the annual tennis tournament a crowd b profession c match d competition 25 The series is watched by millions of a views b viewers c viewing d viewed 26 The World Cup is the most popular sporting today a event b series c incident d team 27 The game was nationwide once every four years a taken place b happened c made d held 28 She has always me as her best friend so I just cannot deceive her a told b regarded c respected d hunted 29 He was very upset by the bad of his English examination a result b effect c success d failure 30 The whale is an endangered species a threatened b contaminated c mysterious d dangerous 31 There are fast – growing of fir tree here in the part a varieties b variances c variants d variations GRAMMAR If you are too ill to come, I a will come over to see you b would come over to see you c would have come over to see you d come over to see you If you had told me you were coming, a I can get some food in b I would have found something to eat c I made a lovely dish d I would made a lovely dish for you If I could speak Spanish, I next year studying in Mexico a will spend b would have spent c had spent d would spend Do you think there would be less conflict in the world if all people the same language? a speak b will speak c spoke d had spoken Unless you to her, she will never talk to you a don’t apologize b apologize c will apologize d won’t apologize If you were a fish, what kind of fish ? a will you be b would you be c are you d were you My brother would eat a snake if it the last food on the earth a is b has been c were d would be He the detail of his uncle’s will a was given b gave c gives d being given For a long time, the earth to be flat a had believed b had been believing c was believed d was been believed 10 When he came, the film half an hour before a has been started b had been started c was started d is started 11 They advised that part – time workers should a be employing b have been employ c employ d be employed 12 The entire building is a being demolished b been demolished c demolishing d been demolishing 13 The sick man to the hospital a took b was taken c being taken d had taken 14 Someone will have to take her position a to find b found c being found d to be found 15 Why you ask me about the party? I to it! a was not invited b didn’t invite c not invited d was not been invited 16 That book looks a interest b interested c interesting d interestingly 17 I would not have gone away if you a came b come c will come d had come 18 She told me I would have an accident if I more care a hadn’t taken b didn’t take c wouldn’t take d haven’t taken 19 She in species of Alaska animals a interested b is interested c is interesting d interesting 20 I to visit Australia some time in the future a like b would like c will like d am liking 21 are you always late for school? – I always miss my bus? a When b Why c Where d What 22 did the teacher assign too much homework for? a What b Why c How d Who 23 will there be World Cup again? – In four years a Where b What c When d Why 24 is your plan fir this weekend? – I don’t know yet a When b What c, Who d Where 25 was Shakespeare born? – In Stratford a Why b Where c When d What time 26 did you spend your holiday? – For two weeks a How long b How fast c How far d How often 28 pen is so colorful? – It’s mine a Whose b What c Who’s d Of whom 29 I prefer Jazz Rock music a on b more than c to d from 30, I found the girls who bite their nails really a irritate b irritated c to irritate d irritating 31 He has never felt so in his life a embarrass b embarrassing c embarrassingly d embarrassed 32 It was nit until 1915 that a the cinema has really become an industry b the cinema really became an industry c the cinema had really became an industry d the cinema really became an industry 33 It was not until her father that she cooked the meal a came home b would came home c has come home d comes home 34 We’ve run out of fuel, ? a What will we now b What are we going to now? c What we now d What are we doing now 35 I don’t feel like visiting my relatives this year, so a won’t go b don’t’ go c am not going d am not going to go 36 I hope she the job she has applied for a is getting b is going to get c is getting d, gets 37 “ I am afraid I have to leave now” – “ If so, I you a lift” a am going to give b will be giving c give d will give 38 Why don’t you go with us? It a great trip a is b is going to be c will being d will have been 39 Dr John is most insufferable person I know a X b the c a d an 40 She is very and as a result she has few friends a bored b boring c bore d boringly 41 Diana is very nice person a X b a c an d the 42 You look when you see me – Yes I think you are in China a astonish b astonishing c astonishingly d astonished 43 Make sure you put your name at end of the report a X b a c an d the 44 I would like to invite him to diner next week if that’s OK with you a X b a c the d an 45 I saw man in his office but I didn’t know his name a X b a c an d the 46 The reason why she looks so sad is that her examination result was rather a depressing b depressed c to depress d depress 47 It is very to work eight hours a day a tired b tire c, to tire d tiring 48 We set off early avoid getting stuck in the traffic a although we b so that c because we d so as to 49 They were talking in whispers nobody cold hear them a in order to b so that c in order that d b and c 50 Mary put on her scarf get cold a in order that will not b so as to not c so as not to d in order to not 51 We stopped at a square have a rest a so as b in order that c in order to d so that 52 He studied very hard a in order to passing the exam b for passing the exam c so as to pass the exam d to passing the exam 53 The children better leave now, it is getting late a should b had c would d ought 54 We have to start early we won’t be late a so that b so as to c because d although 55 My mother needs a tin opener this bottle a to open b so as to open c in order to open d all are correct 56 Be as clear as possible any misunderstanding a in order to make b so as to make c in order not to make d in order to not make 57 My parents got up very early in the morning pack the car for our journey a so that b in order that c to d so as 58 It was not until last year he came to England a that b when c after d then 59 I still can believe it! My car last night a was stolen b was stealing c steal d stolen 60 Something funny in class yesterday a happened b was happened c happens d is happened 61 I with you on that subject a am agree b am agreed c agree d was agreed 62 When ? – In 1928 a penicillin was discovered b was penicillin discovered c did penicillin discover d did penicillin discovered 63 Vitamin C by the human body a absorbs easily b is easily absorbed c is easily absorbing d absorbed easily 64 Despite all my anxiety, I for the job I wanted a was hiring b was hired c was being hire d hired 65 Peter couldn’t answer the question, so the teacher got angry a If Peter can answer the questions, the teacher will not get angry b If Peter could answer the questions, the teacher would not get angry c If Peter had answered the questions, the teacher would not have got angry d If Peter had answered the questions, the teacher would have got angry 66 sun gives off heat and light a The/ X/ X b X/ X/ X c A/ the/ the d/ The/ the/ the 67 He looked very when he got out of the house he may have got some experiences a frightening/ frightened b frightened/ frightened c frightened/ frightening d frightening/ frightening 68 The performers did not appear on the stage until all the lights went out a It was not until all the lights went out that the performers appeared on the stage b It was until all the lights went out that the performers didn’t appear on the stage c Because all of the lights went out, the performers appeared on the stage d Until the performers appeared on the stage, all of the lights went out 69 Mary is accountant She goes to work five days week At weekends, she stays home a a/ the/ the b X/ X/ X c an/a/ X c the/ a/ a/ 70 It was a long and journey, so we were too to enjoy it a tired/ tired b tiring/ tiring c tired/ tiring d tiring/ tired 71 They would be hurt if I to see them a didn’t go b don’t go c wouldn’t go d hadn’t gone 72 Liz gave me that ring She upset if I didn’t wear it a would be b were c would have been d will be ... went out that the performers didn’t appear on the stage c Because all of the lights went out, the performers appeared on the stage d Until the performers appeared on the stage, all of the lights... frightening 68 The performers did not appear on the stage until all the lights went out a It was not until all the lights went out that the performers appeared on the stage b It was until all the lights... got angry 66 sun gives off heat and light a The/ X/ X b X/ X/ X c A/ the/ the d/ The/ the/ the 67 He looked very when he got out of the house he may have got some experiences a frightening/

Ngày đăng: 01/01/2023, 00:06


