Exercises on Implicature Exercises on Implicature Mr Ánh 1 A Would you like some coffee? B It will keep me awake B implies that 2 A Will Sally be at the meeting this afternoon? B Her car broke down B[.]
Exercises on Implicature Mr Ánh A- Would you like some coffee? B- It will keep me awake B implies that _ A- Will Sally be at the meeting this afternoon? B- Her car broke down B implies that _ A- Do you like linguistics? B- Well, let’s just say I don’t jump for joy before class B implies that _ 4 A- I might win the lottery B- Yes, and pigs might fly! B implies that _ A- Where is he right now? B- People say he is in prison B implies that _ A- How are you? B- My recent medical check up came out negative, my wife was fired, my dog is ill and I am soon expecting my fifth child B implies that _ 7 A- Where’s the roast beef? B- The dog looks happy B implies that _ A- Is the chicken good? B- I once tried one of their entrees Now I always go for the salad B implies that _ A- Let’s get the kids something B- OK, but not I-C-E C-R-E-A-M B implies that _ 10 A- Did John like the joke? B- His lips turned slightly upwards B implies that _ 11 A- What happened? B- The teacher came in and the students left B implies that _ 12 A- Did you invite Kathy and Bella? B- I invited Bella B implies that _ 13 A- Did you buy bread and cheese? B- I bought bread B implies that _ 14 A- Who went to the party? B- Some students went to the party B implies that _ 15 A- How often is he late? B- He is sometimes late B implies that _ 16 A- How was the train? B- It was possibly late B implies that _ 17 A- How was the final test? B- Even Mai passed it B implies that _ 18 A- Who ate all the cookies? B- John ate some B implies that _ 19 A- Where ‘s Mr Anh? B- His bike is in front of room B002 B implies that _ 20 A- Tehran’s in Turkey, isn’t it, teacher? B- And London’s in America, I suppose B implies that _ 21 A- (Letter of Recommendation) What qualities does John have for this position? B- John has nice handwriting B implies that _ 22 A- Susan can be such a cow sometimes! B- Lovely weather, isn’t it? B implies that _ 23 A- Do you want to go to the movies tonight? B- My little sister is coming for a visit B implies that _ 24 A- Where does Joe live? B- Either Kalamazoo or Grand Rapids B implies that _ 25 A- Where are you going? B- Out B implies that _ 26 A- Are you going to wear that outfit? B- No, I thought I’d go naked today B implies that _ 27 A- How are your friends? B- Some of my friends don't like fudge B implies that _ 28 A- Was the movie fantastic? B- It was OK B implies that _ 29 A- Have you cleared the table and washed the dishes? B- I have cleared the table B implies that _ 30 A- Am I in time for supper? B- I have cleared the table B implies that _ 31 A- Did the chancellor attend the meeting with the president and sign the agreement? B- The minister attended the meeting B implies that _ 32 A- Would you recommend Mr Smith for the job? B- Mr Smith is an excellent tennis player and has always been polite B implies that _ 33 A- (stranded motorist) I’ve run out of petrol B- There’s a garage just round the corner B implies that _ 34 A- Have you cleared the table and washed the dishes? B- I’ve taken all the things off the table B implies that _ 35 A- Where’s Jim? B- He’s either in the garden or has left B implies that _ 36 A- Have you seen any of Shakespeare’s plays B- I’ve seen some of them B implies that _ 37 A- Where is the car? B- It must be somewhere B implies that _ 38 A- Don’t you think that Bill is a pain in the neck? B- I like your tie B implies that _ 39 A- Where’s Harry? B- Jani’s taking a holiday in Bermuda now B implies that _ 40 A- What’s the weather prediction? B- Bring your coat B implies that _ 41 A- Are your parents coming to visit? B- My mother is B implies that _ 42 A- Do you like Rosie? B- Well, she has a nice husband B implies that _ 43 A- Where does Grice live? B- Somewhere in the Bay Area B implies that _ 44 A- Where’s Bill? B- There’s his yellow VW outside Sue’s house B implies that _ 45 A- Who knows it’s unethical? B- Even KEN knows it’s unethical B implies that _ 46 A- Where was Mike? B- Mike was in Hanoi too B implies that _ 47 A- Where’s Alfred? B- Alfred has still not come B implies that _ 48 A- That cake looks delicious B- That cake looks delicious, but it looks too rich for me B implies that _ 49 A- Who's driving? B- Well, my car only fits three people B implies that _ 50 A- Are you going to Paul's party? B- I don't like parties B implies that _ 51 A- Did John invite Andy and Billy? B- No, John invited Andy or Billy B implies that _ 52 A- Did you read that section I gave you? B- I read the first few pages B implies that _ 53 A- Do you have a pet? B- We have a turtle B implies that _ 54 A- Is she married? B- She’s engaged B implies that _ 55 A- Do you sell paste? B- : I sell rubber cement B implies that _ 56 A- Who’s that? B- Charlie, the pizza delivery person, is at the door B implies that _ 57 A- Hello, are you going to the shop? Could you get me some milk? B- Of course The usual, huh? B implies that _ ... in front of room B002 B implies that _ 20 A- Tehran’s in Turkey, isn’t it, teacher? B- And London’s in America, I suppose B implies that _ 21 A- (Letter of Recommendation)... B- People say he is in prison B implies that _ A- How are you? B- My recent medical check up came out negative, my wife was fired, my dog is ill and I am soon expecting my fifth child... roast beef? B- The dog looks happy B implies that _ A- Is the chicken good? B- I once tried one of their entrees Now I always go for the salad B implies that _ A- Let’s get