Trang 5
seg mares
‘aire fey ota en pd ight noe
Trang 8
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Trang 10
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Trang 11TABLE OF CONTENTS FRONT Benes =f 1 WORLD VIEW gegeeeeeseree eaeewery cece
Trang 12
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Trang 14
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Ấh To miee ma dani en fot at
Fey a es tae ees sty he Bs
Detning, gathering and cssomintng ntematoal statis 1s clecthe etot of mary people ana ‘rganzatens Te indcators presented in te Werk Development iracatos ar te fut of decoes of
‘rrk et many levels fom the ld workers who adminatr censuses and household surveys tothe or Itees and woring parts of he national an nematonal stata agence tat develo he nomen
Sure, clsaateatons, sd sansa fundamental to an terrains statisti system Nongovererartt
‘organzatens andthe pinata sector have also made Inpertet conbvlonk, bo! n gaherg pry cata ‘ad morgane ad publishing te resus, And acoso researchers Rave played a crucl He? dee
‘png statisti metnods and crying on continuing daogue about the quay end interetaton ote ‘steal eats Al these conttuors have a stong bole hat aval, accurate data wl rove thề
aly of pte and privat Sosionnakng, The erganzatons listed here have made he Wot Cevlopment indcators posible by sharing he data
‘and th expertise wth s More Iprtet, ii colaboratoncoravistø ho Mon Barks efforts, ana
{ome of mary others, to improve the qualy of Me of te work's people We ckrawiage ‘atte toa wo have hoped to bus a base of comprehensive quantitative fraten about the works Or Set ar
‘nat poop Fr your easy reference we have included URLS (Web adresses) fr ergazations that maintain Wed
sites Te addrssos shown were ctv on 1 March 2003, Information about the Worlé Bank iso
Intermatonal and government agencies
‘Bureau of Verieation and Compliance, U.S Department of state
“The Bưu f Vorfcston and Campane, US, Department of Stat, s responsible fr nterational gre:
‘ments en comerlend, cerlcaL ad Bologcal wcagone ‘omplance: and suport to orgoog negoisles, ocnding, nổ etagecy jiemerttlon efrtz áp en dđege ozes: Yea vereton an
Fer inormaton, cotact the Pune Aare Offeac Bưeai of Veeaon and’ Compan, US
Departnort of State, 2201 © Sveet NW, Washington,DC 20520, USA: telephone: 202 647 6946; Web
308v se gm/LAe
.©areen Diexide Ifermadlen Analrds Center
‘The Carton Dice Information Anais Cote (CDIC) she primary ob changed sd norton ‘aysis canter of te U.S Department of Energy The COAC's scope Indes potently anying tat ‘ould be ofa to thse conceres wth the greenhouse effect and global imate charg, Including con CGerraons of earn doxie an her adel acive gases he svosohee: te fle ofthe teres:
‘al biosphere and the oceans in the Bogeochemical les of reese gases: omissions of carbon đọc
‘de tothe atmosphere; longterm climate eds; te eects of levees carton covgeon vegetation: nd
‘he vleabity of coastal area rising ea levels Fornfrmatn, coat te COC, Ook Rage Nationa! Laboratory, PO Box 2008, Oak Rg, TN 37831
(6235, USK telephone: 865 574 090; fac 865 $74 2232; ema edlac@omni gor Web se: —
Trang 16Deuteche Gosalechat fir Tacholsche Zusammenarbett
The Đednehe Geselochd r Techtscte ZutanPtenvoet (GTZ) GmbH is 2 Gasman govern omnes erperaton ‘or nematonalcopereion with wertwie operators GT's ai st pastel shape te ite, sconamie, cele! and socal evelopment in paring caus, re Ly peop’
Ing conbtons ard prospec The organization nas mere hon 10.000 empleo in some 130 counties ot Ae, Ha, Ltn Amer,
ara astern Europe Fer pusicaiors, conc Dstsche Gessschat fr Technische Zusanenenabel(GT2) Gb Corporate
Conmsniations, Daglanmerskold 1374 fax + 49 (0) 6198 79 6195, ema pressengude Wen ste: wade Weg 15, 65760 Eachbor Germany weahone: + 49 (0) 6196 7S
Food and Agseuture Organization
‘The Food and Agee Organization (FAO), @ specialized agercy of th Unt Natns, was founds in ‘October 1945 wih m morale tore non levels and ing slr, to reease agseurt pr zt, and (9 bater the eonaton of ‘wal pops The eqanzaton proses ect covecorert z8eanee le, ghzsa, and desert information: offre ply and nig beet gover
‘mers: od Serves 8 an nterrtiona fru or debate on fod sd agus! ssuen ‘Statistical ubleatons of tho FAO include tho Proaucoon Yoarbok, Trae Yearbook, ana Feber
Yearocok The FAO mates much fs date aad cine trough Ne FAOSTAT and AQUASTAT syste FO punteations canbe ordeed om nana! sles agents or tect fem Be FA Sales ana Marang
‘Group Vaio cae Terme 6 Ceara, 00100 Rome ay: eleprene: 3005 S705 8727: fox 39.06 5703
3360 emi: Pubcon eles8fee sự; Ngh shơ: mựvfoo rể, International Chl Aviation Organization
‘he mtenatenal Cit fasion Orfanzstion ICA), a specialized agency ofthe United Nations, was fund ‘don December 7, 1948, kis osponse fo etaleing tensions andar and recommenced ra ‘oes and proces forte tetines, econeee, and legal aspect of ena ut eon Oper ‘ons The ICAO wor o se-et€ the highest receable degree of wnformty Wore WC aston
‘seuss whenever th wil acta ae iro a ss eens, ar rege Te obtain CAO puiceons contac the (CAO, Dacument Sales Unt, 999 Untesty Steet, Mone
‘quebec #3¢ 5H7, Cansesr\dgptono:14 984 8022; 514 954 6709: emai: ales Oza: Wed)
International Labour Organization
‘he irrational tabou Organzaten (NO), 2 specaied agancy of he Une Netons, Saks he promo
‘on of soil usin and lermatons rẻcogoscơ hzran se -hec tpt, Founded n 919, he on Surin major creation of tho Tety of Yes, which roug the League of Natons cooing ‘came he fat speilaed agency of te United Maton 1948, Unique win the Unted Nglens 2+ tom te 1's tperte suuctre has workers and employers partipsting a ena! porters wth Boer
‘ents he work of ts goer Ogas As parol te mendes, he LO rains a extensive statistical pubeaion rogram The VeaboOK of
Laer Stat stes sts most comprehen collet ef faba force cata Pausteatons can be ordered tam the iternaional Labour Orziizton Pubesions, 4 route des
Trang 17'Mgifono, C1211 660093 2, Swtzean, oom Sales agar and major bekeebv£ trmughout the
‘noid and ND ffege 9 mary coutres,tphane: 41 22,709 211; fa A122 798 B885: eral bins og Wed se: waa
International Monotary Fund
Ute Sates on Jy 1-22, 1944 (Th conference seo estblahes the Wor Bank) The IMF eae nto sfc eusterce on Decomber 27 1845, an cơtyhencee nencs opergtøne Ov March 1, 947 cp
"The satiory purses of te IMF aro to sromete itematona monetary cooperation, faiate the
‘excursion ara blond ron nerationel Wage ronote achoge ae ti, Nap to ea 9 Imatistea payments sje, ake the general eseuces of he MF tempoey ave to te members
Sade equate slogans, 2 shorten the curtn td lesen he degre of duis te en
"on stances of payne of memes ‘Tho MF mata an extensive progam fe the devwlepmert and complain of international tats
tes ad is eopersibie for colectng ana reporting sti on intentional onsial ransacton an
‘he Blane o parts nA 1896 undrtoak an peta aie ta prove te Uy rư
‘aos! setts, esting he Spi! Osta ssemnation Stndar (SDS) to guide manbars that
‘ane, ot sk, aos to iterations! cael markets in proving economic and area dat he PUD 5s ln 4097 the I estas te Genera Data Dissersnation Sytem (GODS) 19 gue courte Bo
\veing the pubic eth comprehensive, tne, cease a relate econome tarsal, a socode Inowreshic deta, Bulking on Dia nok the WF esabtanea the Data Quslty Assessmet Famer (QAP co assess data quay n subject aress sh as oebt a poverty The DOAF conse dimensions
of data quaity such để methodoigtal soundness, sure, erueebliy, and BzeaRMy Ih 1999 ‘rth began Reports on the Observance of Stands an Codes (AOSC), we Sumraze te ent
‘owen counties observ eran international resognged standarcs an cases i area ncn i, Imonetary and thane poly Yansparency, se transparency, boning superion, secures, isi
‘Soe, payments systems, corporate governance, accountng dng and aahency and redo i, The rs major sate pudieatons incase iterations! Anant Statsties,Baiares of Payments
‘StantesYeroook, Government Finance Statstes Yearbook ans Dvecton of Tae Statistics Yearbok ‘Pears Serio, Caaig Odes, 700 19% Sweet NK, Washingon, DC 20431, USA teephen 202 (922.7490; ts 202 623 720%: tle: RCA 248351 IVF UR emet pibaebfinteng Web ve \wwtnong: S00S an GOO maven Bost st
International Yelecommunication Union Found in Pais in 4803 ate sernatonl Tela Uren, e ntstina! eeconmanieaton non
TU) wok ns cert nan in 1931 an became 2 specszes agency a the Ute Nations in 2987 The "TU an mtegovernmertal organization whieh te pubic and Erato sectors cooper er he devin
‘mento wecommanzatons Te TU adgpsinternolionalregusions ard Veaes governing teresa ‘Sn pace uses ofthe requency specuim end the use of te geostationary aatlite ot alo evengs
‘Sana forthe nierconnecton of eloconmuniestons system wore, ‘The T fosters he sertsomert of telcamamunetors savlopny ees By estashirg mein
BD cs we oer nnn
Trang 18term develope oles nd suas 9 consutaton 1h 9t tot n he say ane rove spevaled tcnicl aaslstnce in managemert teconmunicnons poly, human resource menage ‘er, resoarch and sewiopment, echalyenoce and transar, net nsaaon and maior, fra imesorenthereng and resource mbizaton Te TU's rain statisti pudetion Is the TU
Pusteatons ca be ode fom IT Sales and Marketing Serve, Neò se: sưa tị n/lTU0/1/025 canons inde tepron: 22730 6141 (gis, F 22 730 6142 ren) an đt 22 7306143 (Spanish fx $22 780 S194; era salen telex: 4323 O00 toh tier TU GENEVE: Wed National Sclonce Foundation
‘The Ratoal Sen Funston NSF an depen U.S overran gery whose mission lẽ oi rot the ororese of since to aakanes te tonal nest espn, and ware and to scare te atona etese he vesponaibve for pomtirg sane an ergineting toughest 20,000 sex
‘ana education prec nsdn he NSF fosters he exchange of sean nation among seers Sr enginers n the United Slates and ater cours, suppor rerum to arene sine an
franening esc tert, utes te np fee on asl aor > As par of mandate, the NSF ional pushes Sconce and Engacig eats, whch Vass Becuone capes of NSF cocuments can be setned fom the NSF onine đoượert ssdem wens onto ose) #ợieted y era ar sans masere ebb osurents an ala be requested cn he NSF Pueatons Cleanse ty mal a¢ PO Box 238, ess,
[MO 207940718, USA oy tiehane, a 301 97 2722, For mote informatio, cortac he atonal Science Fundton, 4201 Wilson Seulewe, Argon, VA
£22230, USA: teshene 703 202 511 Web ste: wens aoe ‘rdantsation fer Economic Cooperation an Development
‘The Organisation for Economie Couperin ant Omveloeent {OECD} wes Set up in 1988 05 the
‘Organisation 1960, whan the Masha Plan rad eared Re tsk the CEEL's member counties aged ong 6 or ExepeanEroneme Coperatin(OEEG) 0 admis Marsal Pan faring in Ese
Cena a the Und Stats to form an oigrlzlo to comtớnse oleÿ among tal eats The
[ECO is ne mernatonal organization a te nestles, maeteeaneny cous Represetatves of marie counties meet tthe OECD to exchange norms a harmon pay
wih ew fo mauming econarie growth m member counties ane ling nonmember couries Seve! ‘op more rap The OECD has sat up 2 mumber specdtzc9crrrlHeestp tưthe tis One of tase
'S te dewiopnentAssstoree Comite (O86), whose members have aged oceans tel pss for asaatange Io deel, ns aration economies
‘go assecsiea wh the OECD are sot! spencies o bodes tet have tet own Evening atts,
Inca te iteration! Enea Ageney end tho Cone for Coopraian wth Esorames manson The OECD'S main sts pubieatans ncuún Geegaphee DstDubon of Francie Fows 10 Ad
.Reipene, Navona! secounis Of OBCD Couns, Labour Face Stabe, Revera Stabstics of O£CD [Member Counties, iternatons)Orectimestnent States Tearoos, asks Sconce and Tray
Trang 19‘States, neue Stuctie Sats, and Serves: Stats on ietmateng Tamgiedone
Fane; wiephone: 33 1 45 24 Bt 67 tx 43 4 45 24 19 50; emai ssesBoecd og Wed ste
cr an woes ras alto Wations
“he United Nations ands specie agencies maintain a number of programs forte eolecton of intr aoa statist, some of whi aw deserted elsewhere int bok At Uned Nakane heacuare's ‘he Statistics Dvsion proves a we ange 2 tte! oUt and serves for prosiers ad wat OF ‘he Satstcs Dison publishes stmises on itemstona tac, atonal account, demography and
oman, godt tt, ener erertent mon stems, ee! debi sma stasis pubteatans incase he nro Tage 40s Vzdoek ebook Neto
Accounts on Monin Buletn of Starstes, org with Genera Seastes compensa Sa ae 1 For puseatons cata! Untad Nations Pubicatons, Reem 0¢2853, Department 1004, 2 UN Paz ew Yr, HY 10047, USA Yetephone: 212 903 8902 o¢ BOD 259 9646 (el ree) lak 232 969 3489:
hai: pubeatonstun or: Web se: wa
United Nations Contre for Human Setlaments (Mabitt), Global Un Observatory
“he Ubon neta Programme ofthe UntedNatons Genre for Hrs Seeman aba) was esta lahea to adress the wre bi nee t9 tmøroe he wan kronedge bac by hon couetZee sat
‘ies dain, cect, and eal polcy ented maar reed to uban development atthe ey les in 4997 me Ubon neato Preramine was isogated note Gobal Uber Observer, he pineoal
Unites Natens program for enon urban cantons ana recs an or wack progres it mle ‘anne the goals ofthe Hace Agen, th tbe Uta indsrs end Best Prties programs, the
‘Global isan Oosevatry is estabishing © wordwde information, asesament, sn0caoscly buldrg t
vrorkto nls goverment eal autores, he pate seco, an nongovermerta se eler i Soc
ey oganations Contact the Coorinata, Gita ban Coser and tates, ban Sear, UNHABITT FO Box
15003), Neo Kony tØaphons: 254 2 623119, fox 254 2 623080) emai hanks pubicsions ntabiatorg gio We te: warnnantat
United Nations Children's Fund
‘The Unteg Nations tren’ Fue (UNCER, the ony egsieaon of the Unites Nations descated acs she) to tren, works fh oer Unted tions Redes and with goverment end nangovemmertal ‘reanzators to iprove chores les n mone than 180 devoaping cours throug communi sed
‘Serves mary nea cae, basic eosin, sd se ater an satation TUNE s manor pbtstios Intsn The Stat Ofte Nor's Chien ara Te Progress of Nate
For information on UNICEF pubiatone, contac the Ch, ES, Dion of Communion, UNCER, 3 Usted Netons Paz, New ok, NY 10027, USA tlopne: 212 326 1000; ax: 722 303 7965; ene
Duoceunest rg: We ste: wm tice rand wean or Plans
V1 Bs eis neon
Trang 20
Untied Nations Confrence on Trade and Devalopmant
Tre Untes Rotors Conference on Tate an Doseuprat (UNCTAD) she pict organo he united Nats
‘neral Asserby ine of wae at cavaepment Was esabshad ae 8 pettonrLinlegpverrcrt'
bag 1968 m Geneva wth a view eae coon owt a Sever pula euesp:
fg carares UNCTAD Soctarges ts mand Ue lo) anayde biNgtervneta deibe'sors, ct
‘som burg, and nego: nentrng, remeron a ovo a oc opera UNCTAD produces s number of publeatns cenainng Yace and ecnamse Satstes, cling the
Handbook of reerdtergl PaÓe and Devtooment States
9Rphone 1 22 907 £238; fo 41 22 997 043; ma: niofvnzhorE Nho gi: manuncad of, ited Nations Educational, Scant, and Cultural Oganlztion, iattute for Statiatis (US)
‘The Unteg Notions Evens, Slee, and Cal Ogataton (UNESCO) fm speiaed agency Une Kaos estbisted in 1945 to promote “eaebraton aman sins Wrougheaicabon, sere a of thề
‘tei tart rho uss respect fr ste, fr here om ad for he han sae fa ‘amen eedons fr he pels oe wr, witeut aston oar, Se, langage felon”
{UNESCO's pip! taste publeatars are te Wore Eaucaron Rapa bei an Base EBON
and tercy Wor Stoistalindcators hy are produce ty te UNESCO iste or Stasis For pucabns covtact he UNESCO nstute fr Sats, CP 6125, Suceusale Cruel, Mente
‘quebec, #36 37, Cana: elepnone: 8 54243 G2B0; 1 514 2436882; oma uinureaca og Wed st: wnwanesc ag ad ote tiie or Stats: wen
United Nations Environment Programme
‘The mandate of te Ute Naan Emrorrent rovers (UNEP 1 ove eases ana encourage partnership in ean or the envanmort by sig infrming, ane ening natant and pele 9
tnpove ter ait of We witout comprar tat of ure goers, ‘UNEP nestor mele Gobi Emsronnent took ard đục Pamef Ta imentty me)
Fer lomaton contact he UNEP, PO Box 90562, Nari, Mem: tetera: 258 2 621238 fa: 254 2.624480 /90: emai esivos ep org We> =iec tmrvfepre
Volted Nations industrial Devetopment Organization
‘The Une Nations indus Oewepment Organization {UNDO} was eetabithe £968 6 ata re con ‘vl ecrdntng dy fondue actives ato prorat usta devegamer ad espero a Ne
‘ota joa rateral ra sectoral eels In 2985 UNDO tecare the 16 specialized agerey of te Utes Natene ath a mandte te hep Uetop scien leew lans and programs ous
‘alaaton inthe publ, cooperate, ane ori seco 'UNDO's daabsaes and information sere incuce the Insti Sutsiee Oataee (OSTA,
Cconmeaty 8anee States Ostabase (COMBA), aust Developmen” Abstracts DN) ond te Ieeratonal Rotor Sytem on Soiree of loeatan Arana pubeatns se iteration! Yara
Far infeenton, contact UNDO Pubic Information Secton, Venn interatenal Cente, PO Bax 300
A3400 Metr, Autl2 (2gahoae 4S 1 28088 S031, lạc 4ã 1 21346 B031 or 24028 6883, ema DO dd Q.1
Trang 21Wor Bank roe ‘ha Wo Bonk Group is made up of fe eganzabons: the Itematone! Bonk for Reconsrucion ant
t3aeepnter° B0) he Ierngtøng Doniprent azeeamn DA) relnhznateral Fnarrs Gøpdrane' (FC), te Mutter rsestrert Grantee Agency MGA), andthe nematane Cente fr Selene ak
satiety 134 ot @ confrone of wor ener in Baton Woods, Nor Hamas, Une tates,
‘te Wort Banks te wens ages sere of development asistanen, proving $195 on nouns ie cont cous, Rue sani resource, ones sat, ad etensive towed bose op each
‘devon coury or? 08h ø tk, uefab, se eeufsl goath the MR agaist poverty Te For foraton abot the Wort Bark, vst le se ai avaisolbank or, ly mo irgdon ‘oct cewlopment cata, comagt the Dowson Oat Group, Woes Bank BIH I Steet EH, \awrigln, Oc 2053 USK: ttphane: $00 800 1008 202 473 7826: fu 202 522 1408: ema "`
Worl Weatth Organization
‘The conten of the Woe Hes ganization (WHO) mas asope oa 22, 1546, ty We iatone Heat Comrerce, camera in NewYork yte Score ar Soil Cou of he Unite ers The eee
‘wwf tho WHO, 2 epeiazs agency ofthe Une’ Natens, eaten’ feces Ds ‘ee of nat
Te WO cares ou le rngeo eos, nud ceoranstig errata! Neth wrk: Neg gO
romans Steg nell sevens; pow treo zartefc aed energy ae: wong fe re _gthợt an cart! f ascae: pemuirgimaoved marten Naan saat, resto ond eco
fan? wong cndtons: pronging and exuding, bonedical and heat servees teeexeh pyongu, ‘ovo tna teagan nrg hele aad eel poleenre extagen a
avs fe bola phomacetea sn sar reds and standarsang dagreste precedes “he WHO pains he es eat Stats tsa and many oe se and Sa se pear
Fer putecators.comac the Wore Heath Ogaizion, Marking aod Dissension, C2211 Geneve 27, Stanton wiphone: £422 7912476; fax 4 22791 4867, emi: publestonseto sn: We se Wor ntatlctual Property Orgatzaton
‘he Won eecual Pope’ Organization (MPO) s 2 specs agony ofthe United Natlons tasad Genova, Stzerana The aes of WIPO are to pore te pecan oie ery tou ‘ut be wor troup ceoperaon among Sales an, where appropri, eaiaboratin mth thes er atonal eanzations and wo ensue aarnistatve cooperation arog tha meal ape wins {hat he “unana”eeate bythe Pars and Borne Conerine and several suesiee cnses by ‘member of he Pai Un WP reponse for adminsterng vaous mutisteral eats dong wth ‘he iat and adisrove esects of inolecut property A substarok part of Ns ecvtes ans
resources is devel tạ Co Tem csqpedhen vi “can eau For rvomen, contac te Wea rsiectua Property Organza, 34 chamio aes Gsiareates 1211
‘ene 20, Sized tere: 42 22-398 9736 fax 1 22 720 12 enol: ebooehanswsn ni
Trang 22Wort Tourism Organization ‘The Weed Tourn Organization isan itergovernmental body ets by the United Nations with pro: mau an developing oursm serves a loa! frum fr Tours poly issues and sours of tourism knowhow The organization began a6 the Ifemalona ion ơt Offcil Teuret Pubity
‘Orapnizatons, setup 1925 The Hague Renamed the Wen Tours Organon tlds fst ge'
‘fal assem a Moatic in Ma 1975 ts membership nudes 130 counties ad ettavesané more han
“350 afate members representing lees governments, oưlem sssoortens, an private companies
Ine sins, hoe ous, đe our operators ‘The Word Tourism Organzaton publshes the Yearbook of Tourism Satistes, Compenlum of Tourism
‘Stats, end Te! or infomation, contact and Tors Barometer the Word Tourism Organza, Cale Captan Haya 42, 28020 Moai, Span:
tlepnone: 34 91 567 810; fạc 34 91 571 3733: ema: iloshop@worstourem or Web ste
vernon ourem ore
World Trade Organization “he Ver Tre Organzation (WTO), established on January 1, 1995, lz the sucesso othe Goneat
‘groomer on Tatts end Tae (GAT) The WTO hes 144 member courts, ani he ony nentonst
‘rganzaten desing win the gobal rules of wade between Nato Rs main farce so ensize tat ade ‘tows a6 smooth, prdcaby an reel 2s possible does hs by administering vage apoements, at
Ings 0 frum for re negates, setting Vade deputes, reviewing aon! Yate oles, sing ‘developing counties in tee poly Isues—trou tecnica assistance end trong programs—and ‘aopeating wih ther tomtorlerganzaiors At the heart ofthe ssten-—Arown os the mune
ttadng syaten-are WTO's agement, negated and signed! by a are marty ofthe word's rng ‘ations ane rated by tor priaments,
Tre WTO's Iteration! Trade Satitis le Rs main statis publi, srovang comoreenshe,
‘comparable, and uptodate statsties on V308 For publications, contet te Won Trade Orgaiatin,Publictons Serves, Cente Milan Reppvd,
‘ede Lovsome 154, CH1211, Genea 21, Swzel.d: t‡eghone 41 22 739 5208 or 8308; fax: 41 22 739 5792; era publeatons@wto.o1 Web ste: wwn.w0.0%
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tains ports in mor than 150 countes anda review section tat features twos rans for 350 port ‘The formation cạn be szcetSe on the We at wunonine <0 uk, which as prones 8 comgrenensve
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telephone: 4 1206 772061: fa: 44 1206 772563; ema: sebtechhelpĐvforma<om,
Trang 23‘curomeney Pubileations PLE
Euromoney Pubestions PLC roe 9 wie rarge of fate, legal abd genera Dsiess tomtom
‘The monty magazine Eeromoney caries a semiannual rating of county ceatworthness Thy dommglnn, contact Euoarey Pubesians Pc, Nestor Howse, Payouse Vr, London ECAV 5X,
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Institutional investor, in Instiuona mest nc, develops cour ret ais avery six most bese on intaaton provides
yeaa toatl Dans pubishes tho magazra Ista! nvestr wont For information, contac istitnal investor, ne 225 Por venue So, New Yor, NY £0005, USA
.4ieghoo 12 22% 3800: cm ntoBisotnun cer Wed sie: wicinstsionaimesie:cem,
The irra! Road! Feeraon (IRF) 6a nottorot,nanpia service oganiaion He puese
to encourage better 00d ana taneort systema wartwie and o hel py tchnaagy ed management
actors that wl mame senor an sada tus Fam netona rod vestments, The I hs led gota roa nasratre sevlopmets nd ste teratoma pon of ston or
stout 600 member eamaaas, ssocstens, an goverment The I's missle so promote ead developet as ay factor ssi ard canoe out tà toc
side goverment ar Feancgl neƯuHore ah cfeeadrst ese and espeie, te ante ies ‘ichange eng members tetas inks betweun ranh and etna sttutens ane agence, to ‘Suppor nstiona oa edertons, ano ge nformetn to wofesscna res
Contact the Ganevaofice at chemin de Blansonet 2, CH324 Verne, Geneve, Sutzeind tle shore: 42 22 300 0260; fx: 42 29:306 0270: othe Nasgfen, PC, ees at 1010 Maasachusete ‘enue Nh; Sufe 410, Washrgon, DC 20002, USA lephore: 202 372 854A fax 202 371 3888) ‘ri oaeinet com: Web ie: wnat
Moody's investor Serves Moos)'s investors Serie 8 gba re ans an nancial epnion fm, prodes te tamaten-
3 roeshmenconynunsy wih gba constr cred ting on debt ac her ences asd y North
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‘mont bas, bovorage ts, nsuarea conpanis, eu wes, SERN Iranes, manLtocUrs nd ovine agencies an serine
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Moods imesers Sere, $9 Chueh Suet, New York, KY 10007, USA tiephone: 212 330377: fạc
Nelere otro san teret constancy base in Bath, Erlend Most of ts work lates othe developent of
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Trang 24PdeematarheussCeoperk
Drang on the alerts of 125,000 people n more than 242 counves, PcewaterhouseCoopers provides {fl range of business advisory servees to leatng gba, rational and local companies an public Insttatons is serves oleings have been organized int four ines of serie, ebch stated wih Nh 'y quai, expenence professionals and leaders Those serves incu aust, assurance, and bust ess aowisory serves; business process outsourcing: coporte farce and recovery serces; nổ
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USA telephone: 686 471 4000; te 66 471 3186: Wed ste: wi wean com
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has served ternational companies large and smal or over 29 years he data contrbved oth years
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rmontors ond ates pte tania economi “The e's dota seves and commitment to independent and unbiased ana make I the standard at a 140 counties vr
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Trang 25
Wort Conservation Monitoring Contre The Word Gansscation Monon Carte EMC) proves infrmation onthe conservation an sustain tle us of he wer ng eseuors and helps ates to develop iran sytem of tha ow
torts cose colsoreuon wit 8 wie ang of scope an ganizations to ncease access 0 el ‘maton reede fr wise management of the weds Ing fscures Commied tne pune of ata
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‘manages ne ple doa For nfonrton,cotset the Wore Conseratin Montomng Coto, 239 Huntington Road, Cambie
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Wort information Technology and Services Atlanes he Word information Teeny nd Servos Ailance (TSA isa condor of 84 norm tach
oo rusty asccisons om sound the wore WATSA memBers represen more than 67 perce of
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's deseate wo aoiecatrg poles that abance to dusty’ Fw an dovelonmert: fainting he tong trade and vest in formation techn pods ard series: arerahenig WTS
Potorel nasty enscisons y sharing honleae,enpvence anor: owing ener wih
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For information, cotat WTS 1403 ison Seenrd, Suto 2200, Argon, YA 22209, USA: tle sone: 708 264 S393; fox 627 G8? GB80: emai daNdraerÖaadvg: Web te mơ vđaavg ‘The Wor Resources rst a ndpendent como pay research ana taal asitrce on gab
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“20002, SA Veptore: 202 729 7600 fo 202 729 7840: er omnes WED Be: ww
seat Ds ee tenet nse
Trang 28
he Millennium Development Goals summarize and give substance to the commitments embodied in the Millennium Declaration, adopted ‘unanimously by the members of the United Nations in September 2000 They reinforce the paramount task of development as improving the welfare of all people on earth—to help them realize their human potential, to reduce insecurity and increase opportunity, and to ensure that the benefits secured in the current generation are sustained and ‘augmented in the next
The Millennium Development Goals set specific targets for improving income poverty, education, the status of women, health, the envionment, and global development cooperation Now widely accepted a8 @ framework for measuring development progress the goals focus the efforts of the world community on achieving significant, measurable improvements in people’s lives They establish yardsticks for measuring, results—not just for developing countries but for rich countries that help to fund development programs and for the multilateral institutions that help countries implement these programs
Each of the goals is important by itself, but they should be viewed together because they are mutually reinforcing Better health care Increases school enrollment and reduces poverty Better education leads to better health And increasing income gives people more resources to pursue better education and health care and a cleaner environment
Trang 29D traticate extreme poverty
The fst Milennium Development Goal cal for cuting nhat {he propo of people in Ø dương poverty and ase
suteng rom hunger between 1990 and 2016, 1990.30 cent ofthe people in iow ad milena counties ned
(ness than $1 aay By 1099 the shar Na alent 23 pe ‘ert, presenting 1.170 millon poope bung in exe pve
{During the same period the population of fow- and Iidaesncome courte gew by 35 percent to 5 bilin, and
thor goss domeste rot (GDP) grew by 31 percent Progress was from anor, The fastest econo growth
and the gestest poverty reduction were in East Ase ord
Pact where GOP per copta rose by 7S percent while the ‘shar of people in exrome overt fl rom 33 percent to 16
erent Butin SueSanaran Arc, where GOP per capt fl
by 5 percent, the poverty rate rose tom 47 percent in 1980 10 49 pecan 1990, and ie number of people ingin exes
‘poverty nereased by 74 ton The vansiton eeonomies of
Europe and Contra Asie expeences an even sharper 8p Income, and thee poverty rte moe than aoubed
Despte these setbacks, there were at east 123 milion fever people ung eirene poverty atte decade's en than at
begning ad i jected om remains on ek, abl poe | rates wl fat 13 porert—fese tan ha he 1090 tv
‘24 360 illen more people mil avert extrome poverty But pe
‘ogress in Asa and ore to prevansten poverty lees Europe ad Conta Asa wi o nothing to allevate te sting burden of poverty in SubSahran Ata, where more tan 400
‘mon people wl conn ove on ss than $1 ‘A poverty ie set at 81a day (8.08 n 1903 purchasing
over party terms, hos been cepted othe Wok efi
‘on of exteme poverty in lowincome courtes AHeug ‘mary people lowincome coutes Ine on iss tan $1.2
ay 19 miieicome cauries poverty Ine of $2 0 doy
($2.15 n 1993 purenasng power party terms le đose toa ‘octal minimum, ond nations poverty nes maybe set even
"nghec In 1999 an estimated 2.8 lon people were nrg on less thon $2 a day-more than haf the population of the
‘developing word The Aumbers nig Olas than $2 ay wit ‘conte to rsa in South Asia ond SubSanaran Aires,
Improvements wil be greatest n East Asia and Pact But by
2015, I present vends conve, the poverty rate measued
Trang 30fay ro eeron agnor a mui do mg do cúm
chen BrEs ren mướn bien" 0 an men re
trợ số te 190 os Cece Pet ow bar 250 Tat
‘eet oni sas rg ts ne wn a
‘Stormrage rte Crumter terre fe
‘Semen lot ery tang he puny pnt) (ate ocr con be pre aati he Sn pone,
‘is Hone Pana hme «pd omg we CC sạn siccec re: RgBemee owt rae eg,
CA Xe ch me can công mac teen
to tn in ere
tema coven 8 rece ut crs eras 3 Soran aes cơ cC cưmhøng ngơ 0e PE ‘em span ovr eats sone cae fo We
{ots onset we tn Yow ere rote ae ey onl pry es eat ty of ay soe ad
sungmi a ta, ia pov wr ee
Inpweiaor sow’ te mgs et ee cut Soe rca n,n eer ety es wey Bo
‘er snestman erat sett ne ates ich yest a a of we li ey Me
Trang 31@ and reduce manger and matntrition
“he jMlennaen Deelsgmert Cols als cal for hag he pro- rt of pop wo ster rom hunger Of the many way 0
ease hanger the goals reer to two: the prvleree of
{demourshment abe general popuaton andthe prevence
‘of undernlgt chien under he Underouratment eens consuming to tle ood to
Imartan normal levels of acy The Feed ond Agreutre
‘Organization FAO) sets the average eit at 1.800 cao 06 dy Among te ess seer aeted, the average daly Sort sess than 200 cals a poson nto FAO's ost
ration, exteme hanger cous wih short of more an
'300 calores, bt tha needs of nda vary wah ae, Ses, ‘ana eight Adông to thợ potlerre f undeneulehrent sợ
Gets mat lock essential nuterts ond lnesbes that deplete
those nutes For 1998-2000 the FAO estimates that 799 milton peo-
ple 07 percent of te popiation in developing counts, Were undemourened Ths does ot Inluse the 20 millon Undermourshea people in the transition economies of
astem Europe an the former Soviet Union andthe 34 mi- lon moc in higvincome countries Since 1990-92 tbe num bor of undemourshed people in developing counties has fale by 20 mien, and the prevalence of undernourshant by 5 percentage pls Regional ends show the geste brogess in East Ala and Pace but the rates of maint tion remain hig in South Asi, ane they are ng In Sub 'Maruttlo ong chidfe is measures by comparing lr welgt and nent with those of 8 wellnaurshed reference Dopsation, Such data must be obtained fom surveys, whieh
‘a cost and nrequety cared out So Ii eet to 328ese progress tomard the mainttion target A comparison
‘of mesian marutln rates in 1990-98 and 1996-2008 ‘shows smal signs of progess inal regions except South
‘Asi, Bt some age countries, such as ra, na, Pitan,
and the Russian Federation, are not included in he ana Coverage of cournes in Aten, where donors ave taken &
eater terest in measuring cd malnuten, tends tobe Deter than note eons
Trang 32
ˆ2 Aehjese unlkeraal pdmany educedlen'
In 1890 the Unted Nato Conference ơn Edzton ø AI Cale for viversal perry education Te og age date '9f 2000 hes come and goreand an estimated 135 milion ‘lor remain out of sehool In 2000 the Milena Declaration esohed to ensure, by 2025, that al edren would bo abl to complete a couse of primary education Ts target
‘ibe ecteved~and {0.compete inthe ba cena mat be, al developing counties are
Progress toward the primary education target is cmon
measures byte nat olent tothe rato of led Gren of ofeitseno! age tthe numberof eileen of the chi
‘Same 4300 parant my tat al ren wil ecole 9 fl prnary age the poplin Net ertinent rats ato neat
.edzseon, hough repetition may del carletan of thet ‘schooling But lover rats are ambiguus They may show at ‘schol fa to enol al stadt inthe at rede Fat mary
‘Students op out n ater grades For exam Bangacesh nas
Increased Is enrolment ati to 96 percent, but ony 45 pe cont complet he fa yer of primary educate,
‘he charts nee show te pmary schoo! completion rte,
‘ne number o stents suceestuly completing he ast yer ot (or gadusing tom) aximarysenoo! ded by te number of
‘hlaren of ola! goduaton age in the population Tis in
Eater rect measures roe toward the primary edvation target
“The reions—Eaet aia ana the Pacis, Europe and Cota
achieving he goa But tee mare, wih 350 rion perary
scootage chien, ae in danger of fling shot Sub Sanaran ‘ica lags farthest botind, wet fe progress since 1900
‘South Asai the other region wth cron fow enlent
tard compton rates Some counties Rave made le gas Arran, Gonea, Ha, and Mal doused tei compieton
‘ates in the 1990s, Removing impediments an reducing costs can help boost erelimes Malawi ond Uganda towered Shoal ees tos pasta ter gaa wen hey cul ot po
vide spaces for he new students, Many counties atone of eroroing school quay whe trecing and keep face the
Ing more een in shoo
Trang 33
® Promote gender equaty and empower women ‘Gender dspaies exist everywhere ito wo Women ae PB —— ea nd atonal deistonmakng bodes
“hey earn eas han men and are less They to parte in rage empioyent A in many ewincome cours sae
loss et to atend seteo, The Mllonium Development Goals cal fr elit gen:
‘er daparies in primary and seconds edueaten by 2005 ‘2nd at al eves of education by 2015 But all regions excert
{nen Ameria ar sil shrt ofthe frst target The dferences
hetoeen boys” ond git’ sehoong are greatest in repons wh ‘the lowest primar school competion rte and lowest veage
Incomes, in SubSaharan Aiea the ato of gs to toys eel tren In gi and secondary sehel hes barely changed
‘nce 3990, arin 1908 ft soe at 80 peroont In Sout Asia ‘ogress nas been geste, but gs enrolments reached ony
"Ta percent of bys in 1908, ‘he fale to eel gis and hoop them in schoo has ong
term efects Ir South Asa, where ony 61 percent of his complete primary School, the average woman has 3-4 yeas of ‘hoaln simon 25 year loss than a man Even 20, tere as boon remartable progress mary couries ove the past
code Gender aterenoes atthe primary level have been iled cơ e8 reduced n Agora, Angoa, Barges,
(China, the Arab Repubie of Ese, Te Gara, some counties gis! secondary schoo! envollments ow and rớa
‘ceed hase of bors What dos imroug gi eetinents requ? Maly ver
samfng the socal and ecoramie obstades that sop pares
from sending thr daughters to setock Concerns souk gs
say are lak of sutabe tot facies inet atordarc, Ard
‘or miny poor fame he economic elo of ri werk Pome ‘erceds the prced runs to schocng.Inrovng the Qa
‘Wor schol nthe bor fore and nereosing te representation npuie e fst step Overcoming wemer'e deadertzgse
sil 30 Pp encourage Increasing opportunities for worn wil đeo cơnbve ls to attend ar stayin xhoai
toward other goals for recueng poverty, educating chon, Improving neath end managrgerwronmeta resources Fer
‘xarpe tere s sương eföeree that he chien of mothers ‘wo less eaucatin are more tly 10 be marourshed and ‘have higher mot rates—and that educated women make beter decisions in seeking hel care for themseles 8nd ‘hel forties,
Trang 34© reduce etd moray
Rapid improvements before 1990 give hope thet moray fate for infant anderen under fv cul be eat by two {hires in the folonng 25 years But progress slowed almost 8rgwbere nth 1000s, Andro region, excep possBy Lạt,
‘Aerie ad the Cabbear, i on ack to achive tat tas Progess as been parcuty slow in SubSsharan Ata,
where cv dsturbances andthe HIV/AIDS epidemic have art
np oes of tot ad is mata Sever count ‘Chie moray is cose inked to poverty In 200% te are
‘age underve moray rte wos 121 dene per 4,000 Ine ‘is, and 27 in uppermidceincome counes n ngrincome
cour the rate wes les than 7 For 70 percent of tho
Goats Deore age fe, the cause s 4 disease oro contin tion of eseases and maination thet woud be orovertable
‘2 Maincome county ðcVeretoAary lfeeloe, đarhe®,
‘eases, an malora Trgroenenlaln rmt and ch erty have came slowly
In lowincome counts, where moray on 12 parent since 1990 Unpermsdcsncome counties rates eve fallen by
have mace th pestest improvement, “edsng eeage mor
tasty rates by 36 percent But evens fal short of he rate readied to each te target Within courfes theres ederce that improvements in chk mrt have been greatest arene
‘the beter target under Sve mertlty rates nổ by 34 percent the of In ova, whch s neay on vack to aheve the
‘weathest que but by ony 8 perert inthe poorest tn Venam moray rates 0 fll among the batter off a
Scarcly changed rte pot Tends sueh a hese raise the
poss tat without greater effort to ensure that heath care
fd ober puble services reach he poor, sucess In reach
‘the Milrnum Development Goals wil make le đfereree for many of he por
“tos cid deans ae the eeu of many causes, rein chile moray wil requre muti, complementary interven” tons Rating incomes wil ep So với nemxang mbic Spending on Pealth serves Sut more s needed Aazass 10 te wate, beter santation facies, and Improvements educate especiat er pis and mothers, re deeay Inke
te reduced mortally Also needed ar oats to heat facts and modern forms of energy to reduce to morove aces
ependence on trctonal ule, which cause camagng noe
br palin
Trang 355 improve the heath of mothers
‘Treiman recent ba estimates of tema marly Suggest ‘that about $00,000 women dled aug pragraney ang chịu
birth in 2000, most af thom in developing counties Wat
‘makes maternal mtaty such ‘Ses youre woren undergoing what should be 8 norma 2 competing problem that
bovess Te diference In oucoras 1s enormous between
‘ose who ihe in eh courtes, where the average materia moray rato is aro 21 Sather £00,000 tne bith —
‘na those nove poor cours, where he aio maybe ae high a 2.000 deatns por 100,000 ne rts
The Mlennum Development Goats al fred he mater ‘a marty ao by ee quaters batween 1090 an 2015 For
‘hist be possibe, nomen reed acess to men heath er ‘ees The she of brs ater by she heath stat pods
12 ood nox of whee the needs eats Ony 88 pert of
women in develop cours ge th wth the asistance of raed mie or doctor Lain Ames, where a share of
‘ths tended by stoa heath persone! sgh, mata ma
tay is ete om But In Aca, whee shed attests and ea aces ae ot ey oil, Ris very gh atemal moray eeu to measure accurate Deas
resuting rom pregnancy cis re realy rv amy ot be capture n generat purpose surveys o those wth small
Sele zs Moreover, ateral deat may be ureter din cours at ek good eainstatie statistics o where
‘mary bts tae place eutsi the forma eat syste Senficant progress in reducing maternal mortality với
'eqöfe 8 cempchenshe apresch lo heath eae: deaths In Chit ofan vote compicatens, such as honothaghe
that ee fly ealpped medal fect, Causes of comp
ators ding pregnancy and chidbrn Ince Inadequate rutin, unsafe sx, and poor neath car Gener eau {contin household resoures and mang decison aso
anirutes fo poor mate hoath, Ea ehidbearng and
Trang 36© Combat HIV/AIDS, malate, nd etber doasses Epdamic diseases exact huge tlt hunon sullen ad los opportuntes for development Poverty, chil dstrbances,
‘rd ratral asters a conte to, and ae made ores, the spread of eiseaes In Arca tho spread of HIV/AIDS hos
reversed decades of imoroverents ition of eisenarnaned is draing he Supt ofeach ie expectancy a fet
sand ero the quay of edueslon ir 2002, 42ilon ts ond 5 millon een wee Ie
XI MW/ADS_ mơfe than 95 percent of thera develo fexntres and 70 percent in SubSanaan Arca Thee wore than 7 mation people are now ig wth MV/ADS Corer po- Jectons suggest hat 2050, a5 mon more people In ow
‘nd misincaa cooties wil became infected Unless the Word meus an effective compogh to hat the isese's
read Malai sender large parts of te developing won
partion opla nd subvopcaregens Because many
anes of malea are nt cineally diagnosed o reported
4G oficial agerles, ws hard to gauge the ful extent of te epldeme The World Heath Organization estimates that
“300.500 mien caees occr cach year leedng to 2 lion ‘oaths (WHO 2002) Amost 90 percent of all cases ozcur in ‘SubSonaran Als, where clren the mat fected od raaria may account fer as mucha 28 pereent of hit mot tay The emergence of cugresstant stains of alana has
Increased the urgency offing new and fective means of ‘weatment and prevention
‘Because hen bear te greatest burden ofthe dsease, {he Milennium Development Goals call fora monitoring effort
focusing on dren under ve, An effete means of prevent ing now infections Is the use of neecôcdetesed be no
Vaetnan, where moe tan 25 percent of ciden sleep uncer ‘weated bed nets, has made signicatsuides in contoting ‘mati, Bit Aiea, on 3 of 24 counties wth survey dot
‘ported tes of ed et use greater tan 5 perce Tuberculosis hls around 2mitonpeope a yea The ere
eren of crugrestant dưans of berelsi, the spread of HIV/ADS which reduces resistance to tubercuosts, ond the
{roning number of refugees and dapaced persons have
‘towed he đe@as en pew esses 2 millon lì SubShoren Aiea, 3 millon ia to spread Each year here are about 8 Ì"
Southeast Ala, and more than 2 querer millon in Easter rope ad he former Sevet Union,
Poot managed tubeross pagans allow drugresitant avin to spread, The Wort Heath Organization has eve ped a Ueatmentsategy—drety observed treatment short ‘course (DOTS)—iet emphasizes postive sagrosisfolowed yan effete course of rghnert and followup cae, DOTS
‘rosces cre fates of upto 95 percent een in poo eoun- ‘is Tats why the Mllensum Davlopent Goals rude an
‘race ofthe proportion of tubercuoas eases detected and ‘ied unr DOTS
Trang 37nats that eed be cosa montored—changs In orest
overage nd bapa eri ere use and te ensson of
(georhouse gases, the pig of slum avers id sowing, ‘es, are he aval of adequate water and sanitation serv
‘ces, Bit the Nilernian Development Gass cannot cover
aspects of te enionmet Nar can they capture al he v2, ferarermental factors trot wih the ter develo gel
.deeaese Uanerited by fees are so common in devon urns n 1980 đạnhee le to 3 mon deaths 5 prcont fof thar mong een Between 2990 and 2000 abet 900,
Ilion people cbanes access to improved water sources, sins jst sutfient oheep pace wth popustiongronth
Ao improved water source I any frm of wate cllecton ‘lpg used to make water regulary avaabe snot ‘lame os “safe water” but he le nà practical messue ot wether water suples are safe Connecting al househode {ova relate source of water tht le reasonably protected ‘fom contamination would be an Impetant step toward Improving heath and reducing the time spent collecting ‘ong wih safe water sures, Improved sanitation services ana god hone practi oe needed lo ede the rk of
sease base saniaton sytem provides spose feites ‘hat cn ffedhey revert human, anima, ap nsectcomact with excreta eh syste 69 ot, Roweve, ens that fs tent are test to remove hari ubstances bere thay are
— 2000, 1.2 billon people socked exes oan improved
ater souree, 40 percent of them n East AoA and Paofc and 25 percent in SubSahaan Aca Meebng the Mileium Deveopment Goals Ìl reure rong about 15 Bion peo
‘se wih acess to sate water and 2 bon wah accesso base ‘santa foites between 2000 and 2015,
Rapid urbanization is exposing ore people In developing
counties to poluted at Poor people, we Ive In cromied
rneightemoads close 1o trie condor an indus ants,
{thay to ster he most Every year an estimated 051.0
Iilon poole ste proms rom respiratory ond other i ‘esses sstorited wit) un a pouton (Wels Bank 2002) two al sources ofa pain are outsie the hoe The ‘ee of vatonl fle for cooking a Restingwood, cin ‘charcoal, ưop egdue- asocated wih Dindness, dương, "ung ềasee, compleatons dung pregnancy, and acute resp
Because per pele are ten those mst dependent on ev
‘ocmeral estes for ier heed, hey ae ost flected y erwornhenol đegtdaio an ty nauưi deaekrs, ích se
‘hes, some and earqvakes, whose fc re worsened by canxoreenbl mamenageren
Trang 38
đ develop ô ếehalperiersMe fer ovalepmten To aeBete the Mileniom Omselopment Goal, ecoramies
need 0 grow to provide more obs and moe income for poor beope And gw reauesimestrent in plants and eauP-
‘ent in enaay a renport syste, In hum sil 908
oowiedg Growth le fonts ina good imesment cate
where ged economi pokes and good govemance assure Tnvastre and worers ofthe rene forthe efor
‘ut gown lone wil ot be enough to acieve te Milerium Development Goat Aso needed re hoành and eaurglon sy toms tat đe: senice to everyone, men and women eh
‘2 poor ntosvucture polices that empower people to parpet i the devant hat works oa is sezassibe oA
Process, Whle sucess depends on the actions of omeOpts
‘counties, whch must det the own deolopmert teres
fico muh hat ch cures must tem, oat 8 complements the fst Seven commits weatty
counties to wok wth devloping counties to create an en ronment in wc opi, sutansble developers posse
{al orn open, leased dig ad ancl system, more
‘onerous to cours commited to poverty reeton, ond Fete for he dệt moblene of deveuprgcoures cams
attention tothe prbiems ofthe least Geveoped counties nd (of landocted counies and smal island developing states,
‘len nave gate icity competng inthe bal economy ‘hd cats for cooperation wt the pre actor to eress
youth unemployment ensure soess to atforsble, essential ‘rus, and make arable the bones fnew technologies
+ Providing ettectve development assistance Kd s most elective in reducing poverty when i goes to por cour
ties win good ecoromie oles and sound governance and advances courtryomed poverty reduction pro
‘fans A levels have Been fang, bot In comparison VRN the sizeof conor county ecenomies an in mint terms in 200% only 58 percent ofa ad went to fw Income economies wth per eopta icome of $745 or tess To help the poorest counties reach the Mileniom Development Goals, offi! development asistance wil ‘need to dou ro ts cure lvel of $52 bin year land developing counties wl have to supply several times
Easing the Burden of debt The Det Ini fo Memly Indeed Poor Counres(HPCS) proves det reo he
rors potest and most hea Indeed coutes By erauntingt abot $40 lion The savings n edt serv Ice have Slowed verage enue! social spending i ese
‘counties to rise fom 6 percent of GOP to 8 percent Increasing markt oocese Tos and gusts on ttle
‘xpos ong icome counties cost even courties 27 min jos And rh sunt agitate
toe than $300 tilon a yearn 2001, mrt owt inthe Beretta sector where many of the poorest people
trk The Word Sank estimates tat il bealzaton of ‘Wace could ncrease gowth enough tot 300 mition
‘mote people ou of poverty by 2038,
Trang 39Ee) 11 Size of the economy
SSS ==, cn
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Trang 40Size of the economy 11 Ễ eden Sun rpc} Geraint | Onan) cer ("Zoom x_- Feo natn = — =
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