‘The world by income
Trang 8
Bueyrtrnoordeslopnentpfoeee witout ood dita, The point may sdom cbious, bít bệiepelfg: hát we knw about ovelopmensucoessas and faltas—depends on the avalabiy and quay of data, Dats athe ‘elena for etdence base đecdormdng When we ak abet managing fr developmen es, we fe an, bo usr ato par implement, gs and evaluate deolopror programs We want ne when wo ave ahzted "he Milenriun Development Gals iss we have he dla 1 measure pores,
‘Song stata! systems, basen nstutona autnony,ptessonel meaty and coneinantto Nh standards, onde he baal or producing excl sais fr nto econ, Tats wy we ae wong th nơ partners to improve inematiens dlsbares, which ride the dao oe Dorp Inseaors and teen ational stats tem, the utimate sure ofthe data
Tres years 901 Nake, Mores, the Soon Round on Managing for Onslopont Rests enced ane strategy for mprovig development saistes the Mavakech Alon Plan for Statsics NAPS) ioe then, counties Sd dover agerces Rave wie bei hose lt gl
[PARIS2H, repeal bes, mtematna greiner! donors 8B cous hav adopted National Sati Develosment tates to gud he mturaton of ter ttt ystems Many or alo aubeerbes ote Ganeral Data Daseninaton Systm Based an these Hana, eunties and doves ave begun to merase the nesters
MAPS ato cle for actions to rmrove the quay anc ait of dota ected inthe ner ten to mensureprogess fon national develeprant plans and he Wiles Oovlopment Goals An Azcleratod Ota Program, plea hs Arcancourros, s domonstang at oven ousting oat cats can vk valuable vomaton,
Wok onthe net round of eopuaton an husing osnsuses has begun The Untad Nations Statsties Dwision nas
ong cansuses, survey ar 9 mar Source of development sats In 2008 the ntmstinal Household Suey ‘two wes fret to Goodale actos and promt tovs far oeimenting en archiving suns his ens Ao the ieingodamt stp in bling national and temationa statistical sytem that respond tthe demand forevdenc ogude development, But mor remains abe done andthe ned is rot
Te ehalnges to ue-—nationa nd intemationalstaitieane, donors, ta user, and everyone soncemed wth ————
+ Hơylo selnle ranstnertin le
+ And to hamaniae donor eos m support of developing courts 9s thay bul testis stan, ulng ateLz8l systems is a nt process So ou commitment As we plan forte ae, we are ean
Trang 9
‘his yoo te preliminary rests the Itemetonel Compson Progam omparzon cs lees ormars han 240 contr The program, thelatest are eirgreeaced prove new ile data cokecton eft ‘yr undor.akon 9 salar xara Invaveon, and seat ateton to bung lea i2Ietalcaeeo Ben te na results become of what canbe accomplished theush Goda paren, thea also in exter Wal oven dats we wl row are abut he sie fe wos oconamy {rd tho wef of ts people tan over boar, And what we ave leared by working together ough he Progra wil help us to manage new large-scale alts o engrave development satis
Trang 10
by re Shanson and compasing Sebastien Dossue, Richard i, Masako Haga, Kiyomi Herc Raymond Munul, ALK Saeed Ordeubaa, Bran aati bur, Mend lng, Ata Anjos UaniegSstrgal Ovo, Pascal, Suh Pte, Chengạng S., nd K.M Vyssh, working lot with oter teams nthe Develop tren anomie Vee Presiden’ Development Dats Group Ths 2 ROM deolpment sa lod Ata Ah amgopa rato, Saurabh Gupta, Rea Farr, ond Willan Pitce The workwas ead out under he managment Te chole ofndlestors nda content nas Shap trout lose consuation wth ap substantia cntmoutons em
Trang 11TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 WORLD VIEW Em nmn _—~- am —* —— ® "ste ann 5 1 —deoniemeinimancaaiaceensnaa —=-——— —2 4O Bemememmsasmesemmmmehmmmwem2 BM 3 ea a 2 scrapers „ —- ¥ ome a =1 hin
netstat ac ‘anes cinoma EMORY 5 th Leeenatitennt nite eat 3b ttn eokametona-5 3 stein 2 _eenuntnont pment TU Gesenstnaerste ene eee sĩ
=—=— saan —F
Trang 12= i ® a a E——x (nestor aie —— ‘athena WEEEEEEsrzSEEESEEE BEEEEEEEEEEEEEriEEre # Ệ BEG EG ES GE BEES “ E ==rEx E ri EHHHEWERE E
eee set ese a it?
Fesmiserstons ‘aupetesaatcon
Une moa ms poate enon
Trang 148 'E R 5 =sErn =esrE RE BEE tn wn agian Bin nha —— ị ị BEE SEE E E E E E "= REE
ree TNgghgneimanerieyaimeo ti ‘esoeaseranse
Detrin ethnne and isaminming nteratoral sts ixacoecte etfrtot mary peel ardoganza: fomthe fal where ne eins eons md Rovachol suneys athe comens the nateral an itomatora stati! agtons hat dele te ramet, dasitestons ond ear ned wetingpries ‘has undamertltoah emt state! item, Horgorererrial anrztons nde pst seo! have soma portant anton, chin etheme pny dn ann oeanitre ans pte hat ‘ests Ard academe esearhor ave layed atc le dep elelelrmztiosangeanjnzen Sconinung loge chou he qi end teretaton of Sasa! neat Aleae cntbutors haves ‘Song ta! ht ain, aut dt il prove the sunt of pubic Th craneators stare have aco eld Dewonart esas ossble ty sharngthe aaah an pate derma,
‘many others, to mgrov the qunityof Me ofthe word's poople We ackrawacg our deb agate 1 a
areas leretce, Web adsesse fe neue for ch teagan Te adesacs Shown ere ete on Meh, 2007, Infomation about the Wold Bank is eo provided
1 government agoncios ‘carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Cantor
The Carbon Bonde ntrmeton Anat Carter CDINC the primey lool mat change data andor Imation ana entor ofthe U.S Department of Ente The COIAs fee Inca anne tat woud 2800 be ova to have conorned with the geenhause tfc and gota cimate cng nudng forceatratns of eatton dois and athe realy ace ascent aoephere th le the te Ti bsplef9 an he ocean nthe egsochomal qs of renhouss gases emissions of carbon br the urarablty of coastal seas fo sig eal Forma nfomaton, se Mtpy/osae 268M 2
Deutecte Gesallschtt fr Technische Zusammenarbeit
‘he Decne GesltcSwtrectmerheZucetrenooef(G0Ôrbli aGerrngxerererlaredeorestr ‘ermateal seperation wth yordvds opaatens GTZ am to postvol saps ola cesar ecg ca, an cocl deelopnelltgerrercnzlde,Ietiymụrodngpepkt hông condhene mg preseca
Fetter Efemelsp.see vvmfzdạ/ Food and Agienlure Onganizatlen
The Feed and Agree Oeaizaton 9 spscaies agony ofthe led Nalone,xasurdsdin eto rt beter the sont fra opus The rgaanton prover dec elope sestae fates, anaes, an aesomiates information: offers poy and panning aves t germans: and -znee sean nerhdanl ou or dbo ood and agree ase, Forma nfomaton, se wen 90.0%
HO ẤT mawese=emeee
Trang 16Internationa civ Aviation Organization
‘The intmatioal Cit Aston Organon PCAO,@spelaaed agony ofthe Und Nations s espe
_2be for estabishng mtemationalstandarts and recommended practices an srecedutes fr the tecnica =
` feonemi, and lg aspects of ernationl ev aston operates (A0's stata nhectsee nce
arch global eatin soley secu and the elfeleney of avatonoperalons, mining the overs fart of abn ci auinton on he eneronment natn he conn of sation operation, nd strenatnonng Ines Eovering itera hl aviation For mare toan ee ieee
Internationa Labour Organization
Tne Sone RNIN RMI Hưng
tone eo ste and tematonaty recognizes human and lator nes As Bot of ts mandate to LO tnanlans an extensive ttt! sulcslen pmsrvm, Formar infomation 68 wi i
{ntornationat Monatary Fu
The Intemational Monetary Fred Pris eased ts pom nina feta operat, faoiate te expanssan and blood goat of ntmationa eds, promote ekhangs rte sabi, Mlb tabish a mutate! payment syst, make the general soucos ofthe IMtemeofarh Eualabe 6 [emenbersunder adequate sfequr, ahs share the dain ai ston the degree of araulbum Inthe trol lance of payne of memsors For marefomatien 60 wnt
The riemetoreleecemmuncsten Iien (TU,
Df isoes ereee and designing srograms to mproveteleconemnicstion ssrcture i the deel pine word, Tha UIs also a cates or orn development partnerships btwoen eevemment and
armor infomation 98 tn Nationa Slence Foundat
‘ove the bmg tsa toachoncs the eatioed hea rape and yer af! aca the 7 ^ td eaueaion ort aan, the NSF fosters Ie chaneeer seentfe iermdtlo amor see tists onginer inte United Sinton and ther courte, suppor progr to sregthen scone and engincoing research potential, nd evaustos te mpact of esearch oh Iau Geelomont ad - ——
‘Organisation for Economie Co-operation and Development
‘The Organisation fr Economie Co-operation ana Daveaprert (OECD lnldos 30 ander counties shar Inge content ‘7D othr eaunes,nongovenmeriloeantins, nở sl sooct Rae bal each, is best known to croc govereret and te ate tana With ectv lator wih sore
“ie Osvelopment Acsetance Commies (OAS, ww 90d oe/do6/) sone of he principal boa [DAC ia Hoy fru of major laorl donors, who work togoter to intense the ffeclveness of thal common efforts te suppor sustainable development The ĐẠC concoTtatds e two Key aoas: the contribution of temetenal development to the eapacty af developing counties to partite Inthe global economy andthe capacity of people fo overcome poverty and partite flyin he
For enor ifoation se wee ry
The Steckaolm ineratona Peace Research insu (SPR condts esearch on qustons of cont snd cooperation sfmportancefritratonl peace ad steuty, with he arn ofcotrbuing oan under “Sancng ofthe condtene or peal soko nirationa ont ana fra sade pence, SPR = ran pletion, SA ewboo le an authors and ndependent sores on armaments and ave conto
Formers aforation, se wa spray ‘Understanding Citron’ Work
ator Orgnzation, the United Nations Chisre's Fun (UNICEF) and the World ak ited the ont Interagency resoarch program “Undestaning Chon’ Work and ts Impact” Decamer 2000 The Understanding Chin's Work UCM) projet ns leeled at UNICEF's Inocent Research Cente Flor fence Hy ntl lun 2004, when # moved t the Centre fr rtemstional Stes on Econom Growth in fome The UCW poet atdrestas the crcl nee or mote apbltrdta ened labor UCM cnn date age contains anny county on cid bor and ne sat fein For more nfomation be wa¥.uck POCO
the Chari, are to maintain intrational poace and securty Yo daveoo final elatons among nations: "ng eerec for urn gts and ndamcral eee; tee be center for among the ation of rations wating ese ods For ote nfomation, ee weno
Trang 18United Nations Contre for Human Settlements, Global Urban Observatory
‘reas te urgenglotel pedo improve the utban awd boos hy feng entre and cts dei, falest and app pol aentedndetors rata to devepmor te Gt ee
words information, assessment, and caps bung ete t help ovement, a autores, {tho pate setr and nongeornenta arene il society organza Formareomatien, ee wien nha
Tho United None Cire’ Fund wos wth ther UN bodies an wt ovorments and nonémerment crganzstons to move ciden’ thes move thê 140 oziebping co Uvoush community-based
Formarenfomatien 98 wiewanlst or
United Nations Gonforonce on Trade and Development
The Unted Nations Conerence on ade ard Developrant (UNCTAD ls the snp organ ofthe United ‘yom and evelopment parestory in dewsiopngcounes UNCTAD dares ts mandte MOURN Dy Stasis nterapiererental debra, snaeraus bung sdnegztsleer menledne rylemertelom 3d fen: ad techeica operon For mare formation 80 wen ancted ow
United Nations Educational, Seientne, and Cultura Organization, Institute for Statiaties The Unted Nations Esirationa,Slentic and Cultura Organon i speciale gency ofthe Unites Nations tha restos “cllaoraten among nations tough edveaton, scones, an cu ơ@ to
forthe peoples ofthe word without tinction a ocean, lang lion Formarenfomatien ee ww ul noso0 2
United Nations Environment Programme
Tremandts of he United ations Eenment Programe ito provdelonrsip nd ensoumge pater hip in cng fr te arefenmen by nso form end enabling nations and paolo meres thet
Foro nlolon ses won
United Nations Industrial Development Organization Te Unites Nations Insta! Development Organization was established to act asthe cena coordinating ed rindi acts and to prometeindisttal development oh eoperalo atthe loa elo
Trang 19
‘atonal and sector oes ts mandate steel develop soln andeehlogea sans and pegans ‘or nustlaation inthe ble cooperate, ana rate ecto For more efoeton oe wand
‘The Wor Bark Grovple sndimprove he ng tended of people he deeloping te wo’ logestsouceof development aesstence ts msson st fet poverty wort a deeopmantans, proving con, pity adhe, echneal acsstane, and hnonlodes sme series oom and made come cues © ‘eauco poverty Te San rembtes growth to create obs ad o empower goo" people ake achorage ‘thea opporunies, uses ta eunchliabcse, led iaf ad elerete kowledEE ba a feb ‘ach deslosing ent ontom path feinbie, surtainale, and equal roth th ht gain poverty ‘he Wort Bank Group fas 188 member courtes For more fometon ee wm clan org dea
World Hoaith Organization
The öertwe the Mod Heath Organization (WHO), a specials ago of he Units Nations she sltanment bya people ofthe highest possible at of eat The WHO caries cut ‘one inscng corning ntemtiona ath work hepineesvornientsserthan Neh serves: a wis ange oe ‘otng freed ues, fous, sation moaton oe eco si wang encore {na coordinating temedcl and Heath sarees esear promothg mproved stands of teaching and Unig neath and medica! potessions; ostblshingntematonastandars or bee, phamacet nd shila product: end slanerding Gagrstcpocedtes,
‘ormor nfomratien e0 whiny
Worl inttoctua Property Organization “The MMeilnkleetuslrepetyDereen(MPD]=anviermaleslosriedirdedededtehepsgis te that to rợH free sổ cưneeự rglecual mcpery s ctece2woHAuee and ạt menbre mi ‘tos ae ths reoognaod and rewarded for ter ng PO's ain asks lode among tional Inches roe ston an recedes, ving sees or namatotal applestons fr sta oper hs echargng alectua propery nematln, ovine ad teckscal assistance o dren ‘doer cautses natngthe eaten tre sata propery spe, rd mang intonation, tecteolsg oft acvios and esouos arco dewgmar cooperation mth dowhpng coats se te rong neeesdng an ueng valuable alec propery norman substan
For more nfomaton 8 WAMBO
Wort Tourism Organization
TheMeldTemenQantetorlsan tetsetmrertelbedertgtodb the Inhetlotorsaityomotngendi 'd82ebpngtouleh eserves sa bal oun eran pte sues anda source For mote nfoation ee wou of au tai oh
Trang 20
Wort trade Organization
"he Won ancien W706 oon tana ouanzaton ding we Bel ES frat 6 posibl, do this by aistrng ado agreements acting 3 3 frum for vad nota polly issues through tachi susistanee and Using programs-and cooperating with ther inte atonal organizations At the har of te syearn-—inoan ae the ruta ting tem the W10' agreements, negloted and snes by lrgemajoty ofthe world’s wading ntons and ates by thar poroments Formoremfamatien 80 weno
Private and nongovernmental organization
tsiner industry The information canbe aecessedon the Contanersation ntomatona Wed ste, wnt MAGN For mor ifomatien 80 wen ctonine cou
Internationa Institute fr strategie stutios
Te ineratina ait fo Sate Ses 15S) provides information apanajis on state tendo sa acts corarts between goverment ade, buses pent, dana that causa tbat TnlcpoEoln renatiralseeufy an tent
‘tiectve riomedlemsn ricreliraisistcdntruea Formorefomaten, 98 wn is
International Road Federation
eneaurage ad promote devetapmien and msetonanc of eter and safer ace and ond networks ePalDe
nem Ti nanmarsueseetee — (TISS
The emalesel Read Federation (RF) 8a nengavemmental not petanpnzaton uih 4 mien @ putin plac echologealsolaions and management cles that revise matin economic
The IRF has a major rol lo In al aspects of ras pole and dvelopmentworwide Fr g>von rent strategy and poly Forte members, the IRF i business network, s Into eternal nsttutons Dsesoointion, advoery Etoupe, companies, and inetitions Gedcated tthe development of ro33
For ror inition sue wwe ve
Trang 21
the Intemet ft 9 authorty onthe market share of Web servers, operating systems, hastng promders,
Ingomet sore povisr,enenpted ansactons, soem comme, seping ances, a conto teetmooges ante intel Fov ore efoetion os wwnontrcom
PrionaterovscCoopersprowdes Indusybevsed assurance, tax and aasoy service for ple and psec incorporate secoutaly sk management stung sha meters sa eguidlens, ond perfomenca and process inpovement ‘For more sYomation, ee ww pargebalcon/
‘Standord & Poor's Emerging Markets Date Base
Standard & Poor's Cmerging Warkets Ota Ba (EMD eth worl essing source for normation tnd indies on stock maretsm developing counts, Ít current covers 3 markets and ore than 21600 stocks, Drawing a ample of stoeks in each ENDS marl, Standaté &Poo's calculates naees to sone se tonshmart hat re consistent sears rational bounaares Standard & Poor's cleultes fone index, the S/F (Goda) nex that rtest the perspective focal mvecors and tose iter sed in brood vende in emerging marels and saotier the P/F vestable) nde, that poides L3 Mod, neta, ant History onsite Benchmark forthe eons emersng mart svestie
Tor more efomalion, 8 wstandarandoors cy
World Conservation Monitoring Contre ‘The Wes Gensaraten Klontonng ante provides infomation o the consenation and sustaabe ue of the no's wing resources and eps eles to de9lepllormaton sen eolskretzn vì a wise an of pele ana organo a rseata acces tothe nforson needed ef te an, lí ae case
forwise managoment For more tomato, ee wnanepwcne of the werifs Wing esoueos World Information Technology and Services Alliance
The Wri nfomaton Teskncleg and Sores liane (TSA ito glatal vole ofthe iformaton tach nology nasty ts desta to advocating pols that advance the dust arom ana development: ‘acing ntomstonal tad aninsesment in infomation tehrley product ard eres storeanng
emes bietstizt maitvreRonie?
Trang 22
World Resources Institute
The Word Resouces Ist Is a independent center for ley esench ee tactical esistance fn satel enetonmental ad dovlopet issuer The nattte provides ana helps otherinettons pondecbscio Inormatio a practical proposals fr poy and nsttutona cargo tat wil foster iconmentaly sou, social equtale development The stul's cent stesso work ede de, foros, one scononis, throng, Bodivorsity, hun Real imate change, sustainable al we, resource ara enronmental infomation, and national states for enefonmental an fesoe management Farmar ifomatien 58 ior
Trang 24
Yen1699cnevdlợ Sus rdfeoetpo Symbols
Eleeelieslon eFseonemlee or rnobpdsnvorszeppoel
‘ae dosnt intaios hen Orne Data presentation conventions
Trang 25WIfI (IEW
Trang 26
sung development—in ways familar and new
To achieve tne Millennium Development Goals by 2015 many counties need to quickly Improve thei economic growth and ther education and health systems, tir management of environmental resources, and their infrastructure for water, sanitation, telecommunica tions, and transportation
(Over the last 20 years eveloping economies have grown faster than in any period since 1965—and evon faster since 2000 Wile the global picture Is dominated by the larger fecanomies—Brezl, China, nda, Russia, and South Attica, recently joined by the major eli fexporters—more are now doing well and fewer have sutfered severe recession, raising average growth rates
Economic growth Isa clear marker of development, and countries that grow usualy reduce poverty But i the tuts leven as average incomes rise Nor does economic growth guarantee that access to water of growtn are not widely shared mary poor people canbe eft Bening wil improve or that mere cher will attand schoo, But fang 1 grow almost always makes In considering the recent progress of developing countries on many social, economic, and environmental indicators, the Milennium Development Goals set one standara for all coun tues aut county performance Is influenced by many factors One Is the starting point Counties starting fom worse positions have the potential to make fester progress, 8 they ‘may benefit fom the experience and technologies of more advanced economies But coor counties may also face unusual obstacles in reaching ther development goals n ether ease, comparing a county's progres over the last decade withthe average progress of hose Starting from @ similar postion ean help to identify counties that have made exceptions! progress—and those whose progress has been unexpectedly slow
‘Tis section compares the progress of developing countries measured bythe rate of change of selected inaieatrs after fist taking into account counties’ starting pnts The aitference bbetwoen actual progress and the average progress of countries starting from a similar post tion Is referred to as country performance, and counties are classified as follows:
Trang 27
*ercaBla 0P gexlhaeedsrdledlln lá ao nld4e.resme “seanties n tơ bat ergde (1998-3009), sz mơ com .W9® i0 88 sdoite pc ânỏ íwdfotpofehod le recasslons (igre 2a Ant was systomatoaly acer in do velopng cozMles than = hghincae cautes the net fe eare—for th frst tine since the e-elenznon pero (tex 1 Curent projections suggest that deveaping counts wil continue ta grom mare rail than heineome anes the next 25 year, Based on these econ, the devin: ‘ping aunty average incomes cul intense ta 38 per ‘cont 024 pereat Bank loa! Eancmie Pespets 2007 But to income 3p of thos of hit neo counties Word etean deveoing and hierneame economies wil ronan
Economic ørowth
up wn hehincome eeanomies, ther ie te ev eatteEones betesen trục and midceincome economies
set sp GDP wae not sytem asroited th her ber canta GOP erowth (hte 30) Ths tls Us tat coun
tomth.Diferenes in erormance te thal o be sa 04 on ad ons, tems of oe, on th he
Trang 28
tránh ower per eopta GOP growth gue 1, ut hat dos by domestic polis, can cause both
ster youth and the with vr igh ie lain (gue 3 Thebes roth performers recorded mersés annua nfston of 12 prrent
‘emth The colo stating a privet si seonomic geuth The coat vais fom lass than cunts i 2005 (gre 3
Trang 29Poverty reduction
ing counts fal by more nan 260 milion ver 1990-2004, thank nage prt to massive poverty eduction n Chir in entra the number poe ope continued to cease 0 Sub Sahoran Aca, sib almost 60 miton gure 2 In tum the share ofthe popdsln Sub Saran Aon ig nfo than $19 doy éopped fom 47 percent in £900 1 41 perent# 2008 ute 2, The Milena Osieloprant Goel of hing te orton of or peop til wthn reach a the words ‘etwean 1990 and 201, Bu many counties wi mos key eres poet aes rein above 0 percent, sng con ‘coms of wionng neal Btwoon reins
onsumpton and boy hana 20054) Int lst decade poverty resto wae not lays courts and regions Inequality worcned as poor pple ety data measure tt po in Une th ag leat 10 year) oor he Ie vo decades sow tt owt ‘ek etc on poverty Feaucton ewes 4) end 4H) a 26 ‘ans ears rth ongetedieivesbditeid ay, and 20 more nrorne evbulen dfrered se ng
Trang 30tin, In 17 eaes the conten of rom to poverty ree tion sipassed the mgt inact of worsening nea povertyeducingatfac of poate ont non one case it of Gane poverty tedoce eogfe reEylee nong Income gro end parommance reducing 1a dy po ty Koning for staring points) azo suggests 9 ost tow
Ions weak income grt prtormance (eve Ar) But te
Trang 31
oe than 10 lion chiden developing counties debe forthe ag of fe ver ear, rst fom prvertab esse Cid monalty has declined in eer eden enss 1000 (Reve 10), but prowess Is stow: aly 35 counties reds unerfve mortality 2015, Powe Is parculaty slow Sub-Saharan Aca, by wo this between 1990 and meirrrend bel tack wool 8 pore lostrumant fo eaucng chit meray, More than 500,000, ts Hen motalty et fom mation, frequent reg {ng vp tom 60 pacar 0 70 percent between 1990 and 2004 fur 2), Countries mea and Sout Asia never lees ag bein, wth much omer ative
ogress tom apron stating poston Mong —-andnlke ‘tor devlprantgole—cointies wth Me eal ret ie tems hn do conten postion (fee 29), HW/IOS a ather commie ing rom more favorable
prevalence aes rear agnileany er reductions ned
rot Counties with high undenve mot ates are
es Onaveafs, ood a Hest pevrers rec
fn undarfve morality had Seicanty iener growth po fomance tan 0 poor and worst parm (ewe ‘recoding, county ease studies emphasize tym tem the intuence ot
Trang 32
tion) and gander (equal access t schoolnfl, suggøeinÿ
The relationship between por capita GOP growth perfor —
he is gi sưegPlrteri— no tect
In improving stra heathen le suonổy 34£öeot£2 wih peomance in reduc under ve maralt gue 30 Tis gh rte any ect ous elaonsi bet
mmonelt ats oer 1990-2004 (ere 1s) Aso shown i the average reduction of counties staring rom 9 sei -#efnges m ene dieclen or he other afe mates with an ‘Mos of he worst perfomers ar In Sub Saharan Ate recorded he lest cops in under ue moti South of them ae smang the best performers, er acaunting fo ‘hoi starting postions oa staring fom a favorable nial
Trang 33
Education and gender
[As eresut of senieant progress over the ast ceca he erage pomary epson ras has sen fom 62 pocent to 2 preeteure 27, But evn ats pace Sub-Saharan ‘coment Goals tert of having al chee of relevant age complete primiry schol by 2018, In 2008-02 t was ex Ist tht sot 100 millon pinen:senooen ehlaen wete rat atendr schoo, tee quatre of them these two gene, Bere the tases of cet Wh ten oat Troon the health f chica, and vedcing over Prog "295m oliinatng gender ceprtiesin primary and second 9 oloslhâe ben erarable In tho last deca (ewe 49 On erage the devaton tom pert panty @ gender party index of 200 pret shank rom 14 percent 1991 108 prent 2003-08,
amsleton rates nthe last cad woe detomine aes
relerting he fac that theca more iu and cast to Jf out fats Country case suds sigEEe that eis, poor
comeloe schooling These are theo
‘ie staring wh grater ial gender panty have made {astor proses (ee ty
An secondary ehools oteod tat of git by more than
Trang 34
Improved tei EPnaer pny Indo dd et reson Theme ve ttt signieart corto betwee performanes i re cptn G0P øơxth and porary S09 tiene gowth pviormances-the growth perfomance of
Counties are ranked hereby tet primary seho0 cơm Pltion progress inthe lst deeds (e180) Also sean Isto aor progress of countries staring fom a seiar sveragesn one dection or the athe, ae mae with an The tao goups of perlomers, Best and worst, both Mustang the erty of perfomance i the ror Dee! ‘ping connie improved thee primary empstin tes by
Trang 35on dose are aman the indetrs that the intermationa enmunty uses 6 monitor progress toward enienmeia Tey, more than a tan people in developing counties to thar dvetngs fae 1o, Progress to mprove acess has ech sipitcnt nthe st doce, but robb suticient {ax of tain the proportion of people 1990 without sus ocimenid, bu the Uns enton based ener hóa ki tena! fests on unan hea trove salar poten, Yet mesons mounts cours ew conemicath uness hey Hest cess ot sift omer foul abienaan rodcticn and onsinion (igo 1),
ovloing counties wth access to an improved water fol from 24 14 gue Sos), Couties starting ror oe
Economie acy,
‘Gester wetth and ibaniatin stow rere af the popu ton t comest to safe dnking water networks The eta fomh perloonars atictelyracrd poot water perfomance fe 14, Soc contre my ao bo tose
Trang 36
veloping feonamies sich a eorniiment might be parsed a at feos that dovloing counties tat hae gn the ‘ene per uit af GOP in FP ts: Rawle 118 they that rout was escompansaty move raps adoption ore, tro ereey efter tchroloies and s ft toms less Snot enough, bower to lain ht growth e goo for mitigating eatban oxide ericson: the best groath performers recarded much Neher arth in eaton dixie
Counties te ranked hore by thee pgs In water scces n 1990-2004, Aso shown the avers Poges ‘of eounies starting tom a sinlsr posten (an 4l) The
A numbor of soo" performers suteed fom partly 4figitesogpbealconstnlns emalPssfc arndordee Tkph§ đifeMt @2gsgiedÍ contents, getty moi In roars seross counts, counting fr star points thus pons a aterent plete of relate pofomances
Trang 37Goals, targets, and indicators
Goats and tangets from the Millennium Declaration Indicators for monitoring progress
{onli tradiente extreme poverty and hander
Tegel ae, stveen 1630 and 2015, the poporian afi rapvlan a papulon teow 62 PPV a yt rte wtaos income iss than $135) 4s Poverty headcount ate (pertertage of papialzn heo {he nla poverty le)
2 Porat gap mati edene x depth of sory 53._Shove a sourest quer ratonalconsupton ‘eget Wa, batwoen erie wo ule Fam mune {050 ond 2015, the Boponen af 4 Premlnce of deri en unde fe years tage 3 Proprtan a popuation tow minimum et tela
ray consumption {Seal Aehiove niveraal primary duction
Tarjst3 Eneretia,br2015.chlGmempnhem,borwmu © Ngiwansmmnlsinpiwroioais ‘aria, wi be sl a complet nal corse frmany echoing,
Promote gender equity and empower women Ere ta, 2015, cision verve buys 2nd {re ate, bess taconite nu cars of
bray schoing
7 Proportion a ise sang gaao Ihe reach grado 5° 5_ Long ate of 15 to 2ayear as
7 Prooorton of pls staring poe 1 who reach grade 6° 8_ Lông te otto 2ayearois
‘gata Emnate gener disarm pinay ‘cient peters ty 2008, andinasewisat ard secondary 9 Rate of ese boys m tna secondary ondary adoration ‘Seaton no ter ton 2028 410 ate ct testo women omen ages 15-28 {L.Share of women n nage emplonrort te nonagreiia
412 Proportion of sas hol ty women in nator pariaments TIS eave Serve moray ete by words, between 150 nd ZOIS, be 5 Undarne manly ae 14 ant moray ate
15 Prporen ofenearot chen inmunaodagsnst nats Tmget6_ ReheebylMweesmaie,bausen 598042015, 6 Wolaral noaly ae ‘Me motaal meray as 17 Pragrton a bh tends ysiles bac serscae! eal Combet HIV/AIDS, malaria and other dicaaaoe
Trgst Hae tity 2015 and begun owers he rena of HV/AIDS 18 FIV prevalene among pearant women ape 15-28 19 Condom aes mt ofthe conmeaptne prelene as 19a anaam aes 9 at hợnnerser
195 Powernge of 15 to years ith camprohenshe nea ot fh Ne
‘Klandace of nonorbane aa 10-18 ‘eget We Wad by 2015 od bagun a eer he
Fpoon fppuatin maak es rey obsenod veatent shor couse (DOTS)
Tregttethe pinepssel sucsnale desaprant icon pice a ears odes he
rast 10 Has, by 2035 the roparion af poole without suanbsid re tr se ing weer ad bast
4Í meeseemriee
Faporn fand wea covered yet
kit ae prised nant org sry Ena alge ofl eaquholent pr $4 GDP (>) ‘aon dept cortunearban ODP ens)
Progen ef peptic ing al als Propoton of peptic mith zees To impeved
Trang 38Goals and targets from the Millennium Đeclaration_Indieators for monitoring progress: Target £1) 2000.10 hav ahinod ‘te no oat net 100 millon sm de a ipieant movant 32
‘aT Dovaop a soba partnership for development Teg 22 Develop thar on ope, rue based, peacabe, nardrenmlnsor ad an ancl tem
ˆ Peporton of ousshade wth asess o Secu enue ] sons othe nasi ated baw ae mentored spare fore lest dovenped counties LDCs, Ne
euntras and sma sand vei tats, Ince carmitment to gos govrnares
evelopment ae poverty reat Seth natonay | ffi development assistance (ODA)
Sneath {33
ee Tage 23 ass the spasal needs of ho east vos cones os
ơ Ơ eslopo cunts expat; ontaned programme | 36 ‘fot lt or Fenny tte poor eoures
Net ODA ttl aes teas eveoped cours 95 8 ecortage ef O£00/0AC donors gone naenal ame Proportion fa blstera,sectorabrabe 004 0€00/ DBE donors to base sol sans (si edeaton, prevay nears natn, safe water and seo) Proper of batomloenievlopmen acrsans
060/0A œrere that ure
{recone anlokes sures am proporton of "her goes nator rcones
{hp end canes tomcat sara et; |97 ODA sehed in smal and eeloping sates 93 Sha mom genous O04 for ourtien omit to | POPOton af ther goss ans incomes fever nai ac
| "reson rt epimers au an at lin ams) fom develop canes ad othe ‘Digit ia ashe spec nante of mndaceacomticn | thule ame) fom devon conte ad
St peal lel sere ies tage 38 erage ais paced by devetaped cous on
{he Progamme of Acton rte Sstonae anatase othe Zan ps ota
‘ner team) #
aa of devclon eure ty atonal a |S
88416 cooperation impor states for czort ane route wih dowlopne cots, doeep a TBaeTAT im oopeaton bros cess to aorta ossentl drugs a wih phamacteal companies, a8
Geelong cour
M8435 in coopeaton -olab te benlteolnextoeeloese wh te prota seta: naka m S2geoalylromatn nổ cemufieslon5
grew! poate and ets aa tr tem lovelies
areutur! suppor ostinato for OECD counties as 0 Dercorage ef tho goss ooroste peau
"Popariohef 00A tai8ndto hợp bulg t8 capso, "oti romper of counties hạt has each the HPS (ston pots a numba hat Rov reached el PC femglton sos curate
Debt ret commit under FIRS Deb inate Debt seco atm perconags of exper of oad and 'engoynat noi 6-to21xesrois, ale ond yoporin of polation ni ees1oafoabe fescetal ougs ona eitaabi bss
Telapone ines and celia sibarbes pe 100 oi ‘a foreonal compar uso pet 200 poole
‘ab Iter usre per 100 poole
Trang 40|
Size of the economy 1l