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Teacher's book english 4 (new)

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Sách giáo viên tiếng anh lớp 4 mới

18 UNIT 1 - Good Morning. How Are You? Competences •Greeting someone formally •Giving answers to the question How are you? New language •Phonics/Pronunciation: morning afternoon •Vocabulary: morning, afternoon, evening well, bored, happy, OK •Sentence patterns : - Good morning, Miss Hien. - How are you? I’m ne, thank you. Resources •Student’s Book Tiếng Anh 4, Tập Một, Unit 1, Pp. 6 - 11 •Audio and visual aids: Recordings, stickers, ash cards, and large-sized sheets of paper for the dialogues on Page 8, the Bingo Game on Page 9, and the chant on Page 11 PROCEDURE LESSON 1 Duration: 2 periods Objective: Pupils will be able to greet someone formally. Warm-up: Teacher and pupils introduce themselves. 1. Look, listen and repeat. Ask pupils to open their Student’s Book on Page 6 and look at the picture of the • class. Help them to identify the teacher (Miss Hien) and the pupils. Tell pupils that they are going to look at the dialogue in their Student’s Book, listen to the recording and repeat the dialogue between Miss Hien and the pupils. Play the recording through for pupils to listen to the dialogue. • Play the recording again, pausing after each line for pupils to repeat. Repeat the • step when necessary. Divide the class into two groups. Ask one group to repeat Miss Hien’s part and • the other the pupils’ part. Check to make sure pupils can repeat and understand the dialogue. • 19 2. Look and say. Ask pupils to look at Pictures a, b, c, and d on Page 6. Tell them to identify the • people in each picture (Picture a: Mr Loc and Nga; Picture b: Mr Green and Mrs Brown; Picture c: Mr Brown and Mrs Green and Picture d: Linda and Mrs Lan). Ask them to identify what part of the day it is in each picture. Do the task with one pupil as an example (e.g. Teacher: • Good morning, Nam. Nam: Good morning, Miss Minh). Ask pupils to work in pairs, one pupil says the greetings and the other the • responses. Repeat the step, but this time ask pupils to swap their roles. Select some pairs of pupils to demonstrate the task in front of the class. Monitor • the activity, check pupils’ pronunciation and oer help when necessary. 3. Talk. Ask pupils to look at Pictures a, b, c, and d on Page 7. Help them to identify the • people in each picture (Picture a: Mrs Brown and Mrs Green; Picture b: Mr Loc and Quan and Linda; Picture c: Mr Green and Mr Brown and Picture d: Miss Hien and some pupils sitting on the bus). Tell pupils that they are going to practise greeting and responding to greetings appropriately, using good morning, good afternoon, good evening, and goodbye. Ask pupils to work in pairs, one pupil says the greetings and the other the • responses. Repeat the step when necessary. Ask pupils to role play the greetings and responses. • Select some pairs of pupils to demonstrate the task in front of the class. • 4. Listen and tick. Ask pupils to open their Student’s Book on Page 7. Tell them that they are going • to listen to the recording and tick the correct answers. Play the recording through for pupils to listen. • Play the recording again for pupils to listen and tick the correct answers. • Play the recording once more for pupils to check their answers. • Ask pupils to exchange their answers with their partners before reporting them • to the class. Read out the answers to the class. Provide explanation(s) when necessary. • Transcript: 1. Good morning. 2. Good evening. Answers: 1. a 2. b 20 Follow-up Ask pupils to work in pairs to practise greeting and responding to greetings according to • each part of the day. Summary In this lesson, pupils have learnt : to greet formally according to each part of the day, using expressions such as • good morning, good afternoon, good evening, and good night ; and to listen for specic information. • Homelink Pupils practise greeting and responding to formal or informal greetings. • LESSON 2 Duration: 2 periods Objectives: Pupils will be able to pronounce correctly the sound of the letters • ng and that of the letter n; and to listen and to read for specic information. • Warm-up: Ask pupils to play the Slap the Board game, using ash cards of good morning, good afternoon, good evening and good night/goodbye. 1. Listen and repeat. morning afternoon Good morning, Miss Hien. Good morning, Nga. Good afternoon, Miss Hien. Good afternoon, Linda. Ask pupils to open their Student’s Book on Page 8. Stick the large-sized sheet of • paper with the two dialogues on the board. Draw pupils’ attention to the sound of the letters ng as in morning and that of the letter n as in afternoon. Tell them to listen and pronounce these sounds correctly. Ask pupils to look at the dialogues on the board. Pronounce the focused sounds • (rst in isolation and then in the words morning and afternoon) a few times as a model. Play the recording for pupils to listen and repeat the focused sounds. Repeat the • step when necessary. Ask some pupils to say the dialogues, paying particular attention to the • pronunciation of the sound of the letters ng and that of the letter n. Provide help and correct mistakes when necessary. 21 2. Listen and number. Ask pupils to look at the pictures on Page 8. Help them to identify the part of • the day in each picture (e.g. Picture a: morning; Picture b: afternoon; Picture c: evening and Picture d: night). Tell them that they are going to listen to four dialogues and number the correct pictures. Play the recording through for pupils to listen. • Play the recording again for pupils to do the task. • Play the recording once more for pupils to check their answers. • Ask pupils to exchange their answers with their partners before reporting them • to the class. Announce the answers to the class. Provide explanation(s) when necessary. • Transcript: 1. A: Good morning. B: Good morning. 2. A: Good night. B: Good night. 3. A: Good afternoon. B: Good afternoon. 4. A: Good evening. B: Good evening. Answers: a. 1 b. 3 c. 4 d. 2 3. Read and tick. Ask pupils to open their Student’s Book on Page 9. Tell them that they are going • to read the dialogues and tick the correct pictures. Let pupils read the dialogues and do the task individually. Monitor the activity • and oer help when necessary. Ask pupils to exchange their answers with their partners to nd out possible • answers. Ask some pupils to report their answers to the class. • Announce the answers to the class. Provide explanation(s) when necessary. • Answers: 1. a 2. b 22 4. Let , s play . Bingo Ask pupils to open their Student’s Book on Page 9. Stick the large-sized sheet • of paper with the grid on Page 9 on the board. Tell pupils that they are going to play the Bingo game. Explain how the game is played. Tell pupils that there are six words in the grid • (good morning, good afternoon, good evening, goodbye, good night, and hello). Ask them to copy the grid down to their notebooks and select six words at random to put them in the boxes. When everything is ready, call out the words from the large-sized sheet of paper, one at a time. If it is the word that the pupil has chosen, he/she puts a cross on the word. Continue calling until there is a pupil getting three words on a straight line crossed out and calling Bingo! He or she is the winner. good morning good afternoon good evening goodbye good night hello Follow-up Ask pupils to look for some words which contain the sound of the letters • ng and some other words which contain the sound of the letter n. (e.g. morning, afternoon, speaking, spoon, soon, evening). Ask them to make a table of two columns and write the words which contain the sound of the letters ng in one column and that of the letter n in the other. Example: ng n morning speaking evening afternoon spoon soon Summary In this lesson, pupils have learnt: to pronounce correctly the sound of the letters • ng and that of the letter n; and to listen and to read for specic information. • Homelink Pupils practise pronouncing the sound of the letters • ng and that of the letter n in the two dialogues on Page 8. 23 LESSON 3 Duration: 2 periods Objective: Pupils will be able to give answers to the question How are you? Warm-up: Ask pupils to read the two dialogues on Page 8 in order to check their pronunciation of the sound of the letters ng and that of the letter n. 1. Listen and repeat. Ask pupils to open their Student’s Book on Page 10. Tell them that they are • going to listen to and repeat the dialogue between Mr Robot and Tom. Teach the word bored and explain its meaning. Play the recording through or read the dialogue aloud for pupils to listen as they • follow the dialogue. Play the recording again, pausing after each line for pupils to repeat. • Divide the class into two groups. Ask one group to repeat Mr Robot’s part and • the other Tom’s part. Repeat the step, but this time ask the groups to swap their roles. Play the recording again for the whole class to repeat the dialogue. Correct • pupils’ pronunciation mistakes when necessary. 2. Look and say. Ask pupils to look at Pictures a, b, c, and d on Page 10. Tell them that they are • going to practise answering the question How are you? in four dierent situations. Ask pupils to identify the people in each picture (Picture a: • Mr Robot and Mai; Picture b: Mr Brown and Mr Green; Picture c: Mrs Lan and Mrs Green and Picture d: Mr. Robot and Phong). Do the task with one pupil as a model (e.g. Pupil: • How are you, Miss Huong? – Teacher: I’m bored, Nga.). Ask pupils to work in pairs to practise asking and answering the question • How are you?, using the word under each picture (bored, OK, well, happy) as a cue. Monitor the activity, oer help and correct pupils’ mistakes when necessary. Call on some pairs of pupils to practise asking and answering the question • How are you? in front of the class. 3. Write. Ask pupils to open their Student’s Book on Page 11. Tell them that they are • going to complete the bubbles, using the expressions (Good evening, Good afternoon) in the yellow boxes. Help pupils to identify each part of the day it is in each picture (Picture a: • evening and Picture b: afternoon). Ask pupils to complete the bubbles individually and then exchange their • answers with their partners. Monitor the activity and oer help when necessary. Call on some pupils to report their answers to the class. • Announce the answers to the class. Provide explanation(s) when necessary. • 24 Answers: a. - Good evening. - Good evening. b. - Good afternoon. - Good afternoon. 4. Let , s chant. Good night, good night, Mummy. Good night, good night, Daddy. Good night, good night, Mary. Ask pupils to open their Student’s Book on Page 11. Stick the large-sized sheet • of paper with the chant on Page 11 on the board. Tell them that they are going to sing the chant. Play the recording through for pupils to get familiarized with the pronunciation, • the stress, the rhythm and the intonation of the chant. Play the recording again, pausing after each line for pupils to repeat. Repeat the • step when necessary. Play the recording once more for pupils to repeat the whole chant. • Call on some pupils to sing the chant in front of the class. The rest of the class • clap their hands at rhythms. Follow-up Join pupils to sing the chant on Page 11 to reinforce their pronunciation, stress, rhythm and • intonation. Summary In this lesson, pupils have learnt to give answers to the question • How are you? correctly and appropriately, using bored, OK, well, and happy. Homelink Pupils practise singing the chant on Page 11. • 25 UNIT 2 - My New Friends Competences •Asking and answering questions about where someone is from •Stating one’s own nationality or the nationality of others •Asking for and giving the full name of a pupil/person New language •Phonics/Pronunciation: Vietnamese •Vocabulary: England, English America, American Australia, Australian Viet Nam, Vietnamese China, Chinese Japan, Japanese full, name •Sentence patterns: - Where are you from? I’m from England. - I’m Vietnamese. - What’s his full name? Tom Green. Resources •Student’s Book Tiếng Anh 4, Tập Một, Unit 2, Pp. 12 - 17 •Audio and visual aids: Recordings, stickers, puppets, ash cards, and large-sized sheets of paper for the chant on Page 14, the game on Page 15, and the song on Page 17 PROCEDURE LESSON 1 Duration: 2 periods Objective: Pupils will be able to ask and answer questions about where someone is from. Warm-up: Pupils sing the chant on Page 11. 1. Look, listen and repeat. Ask pupils to open their Student’s Book on Page 12 and look at the picture. Tell • them that the girls in the picture are Linda and Akio and that they are at a big international chess competition for pupils in Ha Noi. Tell pupils that they are going to look at the dialogue in their Student’s Book, listen to the recording and repeat the dialogue between Linda and Akio. Play the recording through or read the dialogue aloud for pupils to listen as they • follow the dialogue. Play the recording again, pausing after each line for pupils to repeat, paying • special attention to the pronunciation of the words Akio, Japan, and England. 26 Divide the class into two groups. Ask one group to repeat Linda’s part and the • other Akio’s part. Repeat the step, but this time ask the groups to swap their roles. Check to make sure pupils can repeat and understand the dialogue. • 2. Look and say. Ask pupils to look at Pictures a, b, c, and d on Page 12. Help them to identify the • girls and the boys in the pictures (Picture a: Akio and Mai; Picture b: Phong and Akio; Picture c: Akio and Tom and Picture d: Akio and Tony). Teach the new words • Japan, America, and Australia and the new sentence patterns Where are you from?, I’m from____. Ask pupils to practise asking and answering the question • Where are you from?, using the puppets of Akio and Mai as an example. Ask pupils to work in pairs to practise asking and answering the question • Where are you from?, using the word under each picture as a cue (Japan, America, and Australia). Select some pairs of pupils to demonstrate this task in front of the class. • Monitor the activity and oer help when necessary. 3. Talk. Get pupils to look at Pictures a, b, c, and d on Page 13. Help them to identify • the name of the country in each picture (Picture a: England; Picture b: Viet Nam; Picture c: Australia and Picture d: Japan). Ask pupils to role play (one takes the role of A and the other of B). Tell them that • A and B are from two foreign countries. They meet each other in Viet Nam when they are on a holiday. A introduces himself/herself and then asks B Where are you from?. B answers I’m from ______., choosing one of the countries represented in the pictures or any other countries he/she would like to choose. Demonstrate how to do the activity with a pupil. • Let pupils perform the task in pairs. Monitor the activity and oer help when • necessary. Select some pairs to role play in front of the class. Praise e.g. • Well done, or Very good. 4. Listen and tick. Ask pupils to look at the pictures on Page 13. Tell them that they are going to • listen to dierent pupils talking about where they come from. They have to tick the correct pictures. Help them to identify the country in each picture (1. Picture a: Japan and Picture b: Australia; 2. Picture a: Viet Nam and Picture b: England). Play the recording through for pupils to listen. • Play the recording again for pupils to do the task. • Play the recording once more for pupils to check their answers. • Ask pupils to exchange their answers with their partners before reporting them • to the class. Announce the answers. Provide explanation(s) when necessary. • 27 Transcript: 1. Hi. I’m Tony. I’m from Australia. 2. Hello. I’m Linda. I’m from England. Answers: 1. b 2. b Follow-up Get pupils to work in pairs to ask and answer questions about where Akio, Tony, Hoa and • Linda are from. Summary In this lesson, pupils have learnt: to ask and answer questions about where someone is from, using • Where are you from?, I’m from _____.; and the vocabulary items such as Viet Nam, America, Japan and Australia; and to listen for specic information. • Homelink Pupils draw two of their foreign pupils (e.g. Linda and Tom) and write where they are from. • LESSON 2 Duration: 2 periods Objectives: Pupils will be able to pronounce correctly the sounds of the letters • ese; and to say what nationality they are or what nationality • others are; to listen and to read for specic information. • Warm-up: Ask pupils to show the pictures they have drawn in Lesson 1 and say where the pupils in the pictures are from. 1. Listen and repeat. Vietnamese I’m Vietnamese. I’m Japanese. I’m Chinese. What about you? I’m Vietnamese. I’m Japanese. I’m Chinese. Ask pupils to open their Student’s Book on Page 14. Tell them that they are going • to listen to the chant and pronounce correctly the sounds of the letters ese as in Vietnamese, Japanese, and Chinese. Stick the large-sized sheet of paper with the chant on the board and tell pupils • to look at the chant on it. [...]... a bike, play the piano, use a computer, play badminton •Sentence patterns: - What can you do?  I can dance - Can you play badminton? Yes, I can./No, I can’t Resources •Student’s Book Tiếng Anh 4, Tập Một, Unit 4, Pp 24 - 29  • udio and visual aids: Recordings, stickers, flash cards, A large-sized sheets of paper for the chants on Page 26 and Page 29, and the game on Page 27 PROCEDURE LESSON... information Monitor the activity and provide help when necessary • Finally, get one or two pupils to read out their answers to the class , 4 Let s chant Look at Tim He can swim Look at Peter He can cook dinner Look at me I can draw a tree 44 • Ask pupils to open their Student’s Book on Page 29 Stick the large-sized sheet of paper with the chant on the board Tell them that they are going to sing the chant Explain... your birthday? B: It’s in July 2 A: When’s your birthday, Hoa? B: It’s in November 3 A: When’s your birthday, Peter? B: It’s in June 4 A: Hello, Mary When’s your birthday? B: It’s in September Answers: a 3 b 1 c 4 d 2 3 Read and number • Ask pupils to open their Student’s Book on Page 21 Tell them that they are going to read the dialogue and number the lines Tell them that there are six lines in the dialogue;... Vietnamese I am a pupil of Hanoi International School I have got many friends Linda is English Akio is Japanese And Tony is Australian Answers: a 1 b 2 c 4 d 3 Follow-up • Get pupils to work in pairs to look at the pupils on Page 13 and say what their nationalities are 3 Read and circle • Get pupils to open their Student’s Book on Page 15 Tell them that they are going to read Akio’s letter to Nam - her new... answers and provide explanation(s) when necessary Transcript: 1 A: What can you do? B: I can swim 2 A: What can you do? B: I can draw a parrot 40 3 A: What can you do? B: I can ride a bike 4 A: What can you do? B: I can play the piano Answers: a 3 b 1 c 2 d 4 Follow-up • Get pupils to work in pairs to ask and answer questions about what the boy or the girl in each picture can do, using What can he/she... find out possible answers • Ask some pupils to report their answers to the class • Announce the answers to the class Provide explanation(s) when necessary 42 Answers: 1 Nam 2 Quan , 4 Let s play Guessing Game • Ask pupils to open their Student’s Book on Page 27 Stick the large-sized sheet of paper with the picture of a dog, a fish and a parrot on the board Tell pupils that they are going to play the... • Announce the answers to the class Provide explanation(s) when necessary Answers: 2 She is ten years old 3 Her school is in Tokyo 4 She likes swimming 28 , 4 Let s play Jumbled Letters (Group Game) Words: China, Chinese, Viet Nam, Vietnamese, Japan, Japanese, England, English • Check first to see if pupils can read and recognize the new words Show flash cards and ask individual pupils to read the... Pupils sing the chant on Page 29 45 UNIT 5 - Our Hobbies Competences •Expressing what someone likes doing  •Asking and answering questions about someone’s hobbies  New language •Phonics/Pronunciation: cooking dancing  •Vocabulary: hobby, music, music club  •Sentence patterns: - I like dancing  - What is your hobby? Dancing Resources •Student’s Book Tiếng Anh 4, Tập Một, Unit 5, Pp 30 - 35... recording once more for pupils to check their answers 48 • Get pupils to compare their answers with their partners Discuss their answers Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary Transcript: 1 Hi I’m Mai I’ve got a lot of books I like reading 2 A: Do you like drawing, Nam? B: No, I don’t I like dancing 3 Hi My name’s Hoa I like drawing I can draw well 4 A: Do you like skipping, Mary? B: Yes, I do... (phonics, vocabulary, sentence patterns) and the language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) they have learnt from Unit 1 to Unit 5 Duration: 2 periods Resources: - Student’s Book Tiếng Anh 4, Tập Một, Review 1, Pp 36 – 41 - Audio and visual aids: Recordings, stickers, flash cards, and large-sized sheets of paper for the phonics, the vocabulary and the sentence patterns A SUMMARY 1 Topics • Good . Good afternoon. 4. A: Good evening. B: Good evening. Answers: a. 1 b. 3 c. 4 d. 2 3. Read and tick. Ask pupils to open their Student’s Book on Page 9 Tokyo. 4. She likes swimming. 29 4. Let , s play. Jumbled Letters (Group Game) Words: China, Chinese, Viet Nam, Vietnamese, Japan, Japanese, England, English Check

Ngày đăng: 23/03/2014, 22:56

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