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XII RELATIVE CLAUSES THEORY Cách sử dụng đại từ quan hệ MĐQH: S (chủ ngữ) O ( tân ngữ) P( sở hữu) Danh từ người Who/that Who/whom/that whose Danh từ vật Which/that Which/that Whose/of which Dt vừa người & vật That That Nơi chốn Where = in/at/on which Thời gian When = in/at/on which Lý Why Bất kỳ Whoever = for which Whoever Các loại mệnh đế quan hệ: Mệnh đề quan hệ có giới hạn (khơng dấu phẩy): Ex: The book is interesting I bought it yesterday => The book (which) I bought yesterday is interesting - thường dùng danh từ đứng trước ĐTQH có mạo từ “a/an/the” - B ỏ “who, whom, which, that” làm túc từ (khơng có giới từ đứng trước)/ bỏ why/when/where MĐQH khơng giới hạn ( có dấu phẩy): - MĐQH khơng giới hạn xuất danh từ đứng trước đại từ quan hệ loại danh từ sau: + Danh từ riêng + Danh từ có tính từ định (this/that/these/those) + Danh từ có tính từ sở hữu (my/his/her/your/their/our/its) + Sở hữu cách ( Tom’s, …) - Không dùng “ THAT” MĐQH không giới hạn Ex1: Tom, whom you met last night, is my son Ex2:That man, who has sent you a gift, lives next door to me Ex3: His book, which was bought last night, is interesting Ex4: Lan’s book, which was bought last night, is interesting - Không bỏ đại từ quan hệ làm tân ngữ ( WHO, WHOM, WHICH) trạng từ quan hệ MĐQH không giới hạn - Trong MĐQH khơng giới hạn “ WHICH” dùng để bổ nghĩa cho câu - Khi muốn thêm thơng tin tồn phần số vật hay người cụ thể , ta dùng mđqh không giới hạn với “ of which , of whom, of whose, most of, half of , plenty of, some of , one of , neither of, all of, several of, both of, ten of, a few of ….” Ex5: Peter failed again, which does not make us surprised Ex6: I received two jobs offers I accepted neither of them => I received two jobs offers, neither of which I accepted Ex7: I have two friends One of their problems is poor study habit => I have two friends, one of whose problems is poor study habit GIỚI TỪ VỚI ĐẠI TỪ QUAN HỆ Trong mệnh đề quan hệ có giới từ giới từ có vị trí đứng: - Giới từ đứng trước đại từ quan hệ giới từ đứng sau động từ - Lưu ý: Giới từ không đứng trước đại từ quan hệ “ who that” - Khi giới từ thành phần cụm động từ khơng thể đem giới từ trước “whom, which, whose” - Giới từ “ WITHOUT”không đặt sau động từ mà phải đặt trước đại từ quan hệ Ex1: She is the woman about whom I told you She is the woman who/whom/ that I told you about Ex2:Did you find the world which you were looking up ? (NOT : _the world up which you were looking ? ) Ex3: The woman without whom I can’t live is Jane ( NOT : The woman whom can’t live without is Jane ) DẠNG RÚT GỌN MĐQH THÀNH NGỮ PHÂN TỪ:V-ING, V3, TO V Ngữ phân từ ( V-ing) dùng động từ mệnh đề quan hệ thể chủ động Ex: That man, who is standing over there , is my best friend => That man , standing over there, is my best friend Ngữ khứ phân từ(V3/ed) dùng động từ mệnh đề quan hệ thể bị động Ex:The boy who was injured in the accident was taken to the hospital => The boy injured in the accident was taken to the hospital “To infinitive” dùng đại từ quan Ex: He was the last man who left the burning building hệ làm chủ ngữ đứng sau “the first, the second, …, => He was the last man to leave the burning the last, the next, the only, the one, dạng so sánh building nhất( the + adj ngắn + est/ the most + adj dài) để mục đích, cho phép) Cách làm tập dạng điền đại từ quan hệ vào chỗ trống N(chỉ người) + WHO/ THAT (làm chủ ngữ) + V +… N(chỉ người) + WHO/WHOM/THAT + S + V +…(làm O) N(chỉ người) + WHOSE (làm ttsh) + N + V/ N + S + V+… N(chỉ vật) + WHICH/ THAT + V+ … N(chỉ vật) + WHICH + S + V+… N(chỉ vật) + WHOSE + N + V/ N + S+V+… thời gian + WHEN (= on/in/at + which) +… nơi chốn + WHERE (= on/in/at + which) +… lý + WHY + (= for which) +… Không dùng “ THAT” MĐQH không giới hạn (có dấu phẩy) Dạng kết hợp hai câu hai mệnh đề thành câu sử dụng ĐTQH: - Xác định hai từ giống hai câu, hai mệnh đề - Thay đại từ quan hệ cho từ giống MĐ thứ - Đặt đại từ quan hệ sau từ giống MĐ thứ - Xác định loại danh từ đứng trước đại từ quan hệ để xem xét có sử dụng dấu phẩy hay không PRACTICES Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions That book is by a famous anthropologist It's about the people in Samoa for two years A that she lived B that she lived among them C among whom she lived D where she lived among them The missing man's family is desperately seeking anyone information about his activities or whereabouts A has B having C who have D have The publishers expect that the new biography of Simon Bolivar will be brought people in Latin American history A who they are interested B are interested C interested D they are interested I have always wanted to visit Paris, _of France A is the capital B which the capital is C that is the capital D the capital The chemistry book was a little expensive A that I bought it B I bought that C what I bought D I bought Have you ever met a man over there? - Yes, I A stands B standing C is standing D who he is standing Do you have the book the teacher? - Yes, I A that it belongs to B to which belongs to C to which belongs D that belongs to The voters were overwhelmingly against the candidate _proposals called for higher taxes A who his B whose C whom he had D that his Do you remember Mr Goddard, _taught us English composition? ~ I certainly A who B whom C that D which 10 I have three brothers, _are businessmen A that all of them B who they all C all of whom D who all of them 11 Were you able to locate the person wallet you found? – Luckily, yes A which B that his C whose D that's C fish fresh D fresh fish is caught 12 Some fish is frozen, but _ is best A fish is fresh B fresh fish 13 Why you get up at A M today? ~ Because it's the only time without being interrupted A when I can work on my book B when I can work on my book at C when I can work on my book then D at when I can work on my book 14 You seem so happy today ~ I am You are looking at a person has just been accepted into medical school A who B who she C whom she D whom 15 The movie last night was terrific - What's it about? A I went B I went to it C I went to D that I went 16 Many people lost their homes in the earthquake The government needs to establish more shelters to care for those have homes A who doesn't B who don't C which doesn't D which don't 17 The problem never occurs A I had expected it B who I had expected C I had expected D that I had expected it 18 I had to drive to the factory to pick up my brother, car wouldn't start A who his B who C who's D whose 19 I read a book about Picasso, A is a Spanish painter B a Spanish painter C who a Spanish painter is D that is a Spanish painter 20 The people the acrobat turn circles in the air were horrified when he missed the outstretched hands of his partner and fell to his death A watched B watch C watching D were watching 21 My writing has improved a lot in this class – Mine has, too All the students _do well in writing A whom Mr David teaches them B which Mr David teaches C that Mr David teaches them D Mr David teaches 22 Have you seen the place the graduation ceremony will be held? - Yes It's big enough to hold 5,000 people A in that B where C is where that D which 23 How's your class this term? – Great I have seventeen students, most of _speak English very well A who B those C whom D which 24 Will everyone like the book? - No Only people _interested in anthropology A are B who are C in whom are D that is 25 How did you enjoy your dinner with Mr Jackson? ~ It was boring He talked only about himself, _almost put us to sleep A which B that C who D that he 26 My grandfather, a wise man, has greatly influenced my life A is B that is C who is D who he is 27 Is Dr Brown the person you wish to speak? - Yes, please A that B whom C to that D to whom 28 In the movie, a teenager _ to pursue a singing career meets resistance from his strong-willed father A wants B wanted C wanting D who want 29 Excuse me, but there is something about immediately ~ Certainly A which I must speak to you B which I must speak to you about it C that I must speak to you about D that I must speak to you 30 Little Women, _in 1868, is my sister's favorite book A is a novel published B a novel published C a novel was published D was a novel published 31 Who is eligible for the scholarship? – Anyone _scholastic record is above average can apply for the scholarship A who has a B has a C who's a D whose 32 Dr Sales is a person A in whom I don't have much confidence B in that I don't have much confidence C whom I don't have much confidence in him D I don't have much confidence 33 Is April twenty-first the day _? ~ No, the twenty-second A you'll arrive then B when you'll arrive C on that you'll arrive D when you'll arrive on 34 The severe drought occurred last summer ruined the corn crop A that it B which it C it D that 35 Florida, the Sunshine State, attracts many tourists every year A is B known as C is known as D that is known as 36 The new shopping mall is gigantic It's as a place you can find just about anything you might want to buy A where B which C in where D in that 37 Lola's marriage has been arranged by her family She is marrying a man A that she hardly knows him B whom she hardly knows him C she hardly knows D she hardly knows him 38 People who exercise frequently have greater physical endurance than those A who doesn't B that doesn't C which don't D who don't 39 Is this the address to you want the package sent? A where B that’s C which D whom 40 Ann quit her job at the advertising agency, surprised everyone A which B that C who D that it Find and correct the mistake in the following sentences Last Saturday I attended a party giving by one of my friends My friend, who his apartment is in another town, was very glad that I could come Dr Darnell was the only person to whom I wanted to see There are eighty students, are from all over the world, study English at this school The people who we met them on our trip last May are going to visit us on October Dianne Jones that used to teach Spanish has organized a tour of Central America for senior citizens There is an old legend telling among people in my country about a man lived in the seventeenth century saved a village from destruction 7 I've met many people since I came here who some of them are from my country An old man was fishing next to me on the pier was muttering to himself People can speak English can be understood in many countries 10 When I was a child, I was always afraid of the beggars whom they went from house to house in my neighborhood 11 One of the people which I admire most is my uncle 12 Baseball is the only sport in which I am interested in it 13 My favorite teacher, Mr Peterson, he was always wiling to help me after class 14 There are some people in the government who is trying to improve the lives of poor people 15 I have some good advice for anyone who he wants to learn a foreign language Make one sentence from each group of sentences, beginning as shown The hotel was full of guests The hotel was miles from anywhere The guests had gone there to admire the scenery →The hotel _ I lent you a book It was written by a friend of mine She lives in France →The book _ A woman's jewels were stolen A police officer was staying in the same hotel The woman was interviewed by him →The woman A goal was scored by a teenager He had come on as a substitute This goal won the match →The goal I was sitting next to a boy in the exams He told me the answers →The boy My wallet contained $ 100 It was found in the street by a boy He returned it →My wallet _ My friend Albert has decided to buy a motorbike His car was stolen last week →My friend Albert _ Carol is a vegetarian I cooked a meal for her last week She enjoyed it →Carol _ I got on a train I wanted to go to a station The train didn't stop there →The train 10 I read a book You recommended a book to me This was the book →The book _ 11 The ship hit an iceberg and sank Warning messages had been sent to it The ship ignored these →The ship _ 12 The postman realized I was on holiday You had sent me a parcel The postman left it next door →The postman _ 13 I used to own a dog People came to the door The dog never barked at them →The dog _ 14 I bought my car from a woman She lives in a house You can see the house over there →The woman 15 We went to a beach on the first day of our holiday It was covered in seaweed This smelled a lot →The beach _ 16 My neighbors have three small children The children make a lot of noise My neighbors never apologize →My neighbors 17 I lost my wallet last week It was found by a man He was digging a hole in the street outside our house →The wallet _ 18 Carol slammed the door behind her Her father had given a car as a present She drove off in it →Slamming _ 19 At the end of the street was a building The street was crowded with shoppers Tom had not noticed the building before →At the end of the street _ 20 Some people have just moved in next door They have the same surname as some other people Those other people have just moved out →The people 21 The journalist will interview the old man His house was broken into last night →The journalist 22 I listened to George patiently until he started insulting me At that point I told him a few home truths He didn't like it →George _ Put one suitable relative pronoun in each space, or leave the space blank if possible Murder at the station (by Loraine Small Episode 5) The story so far: Jane Platt (1) is traveling to London because of a mysterious letter, is the only person (2) witness a murder at Victoria Station The detective to (3) she gives her statements then disappears Jane goes to an office in Soho to answer the letter (4) she has received There she discovers that her uncle Gordon, (5) lives in South America, has sent her a box (6) she is only to open if in trouble Jane, (7) parents have never mentioned an Uncle Gordon, is suspicious of the box, (8) she gives to her friend Tony They go to Scotland Yard and see inspector Groves, (9) has not heard of the Victoria murder, (10) was not reported to the police Jane gives Inspector Groves the murdered man's ticket (11) she found besides his body Then Jane and Tony decide to go to Redhill, (12) was the town (13) the murdered man had come from On the train they met a man, (14) face is somehow familiar to Jane, (15) says he knows her Uncle Gordon Now read on Sherlock Homes Sherlock Homes, (1) name is well-known, didn't really exist However, for many (2) have read his adventures, he might as well have been a real person The man (3) created Holmes was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, born in Edinburgh in 1859 He trained as a doctor, but found he could earn more money by writing than practicing medicine He wrote not only stories about Holmes, but many other books (4) people also liked However, it is for the detectives stories (5) he wrote that he is most remembered The place (6) the Holmes mysteries are set is Victorian England Holmes, (7) is a brilliant detective, uses his intelligence and scientific knowledge to solve the mysteries Even though Doyle wrote many Holmes mysteries, we'll never know the reason (8) he gave us so little information about Holmes' private life All the books were written in the first person, not by Holmes, but by his assistant, Dr Watson, (9) knowledge of his master's private life was limited Rewrite each sentence so that the meaning stays the same I like Brenda, she is my kind of person (THAT) → 2.The whole summer was sunny and warm for a change (WHICH) → 3.Jean was the first person I asked for advice (WHOSE) → 4.Not a single house in the street had escaped undamaged (WHICH) → 5.Then I realized that I had left my wallet at home (WHEN) → 6.I don't really approve of his proposal (WHAT) → 7.It is an event I would rather forget (WHICH) → 8.I have read all of her books but one (WHICH) → MORE EXERCISES I Fill in the blanks with Relative pronoun or Relative adverbs, Put commas wheel they are needed Alexander Flemming discovered penicillin received the Nobel Prize in 1945 The book _ Here is the beach Do you know the American woman_ Jim John found a cat Don’t sit on the chair the leg is broken This tree The child smiled at the woman 10 That woman_ _ 11 Children enjoy reading the books have coloured pictures 12 I met someone said he knew you 13 The noise _ he made woke everybody up 14 The film is about a spy 15 Those girls serve in the restaurant are the owner’s daughters 16 The house walls and roof are made of glass is a green house 17 Rod Lee 18 Mr Bake will buy the house 19 You have to take care of the books 20 Karl Marx _ _I need can’t be found in the library is the safest for swimmers name is Margaret Mitchell? _I have known for ten years is one of my closest friends _leg was broken _branches are dry should be cut down he didn’t know name I don’t remember is a doctor wife betrays him sister I know is a film actor is opposite to my house you borrowed from the library theories have changed the world’s history is the German Philosopher 21 Let me see all the letters _you have written 22 Is there anyone _is only 34 is the director of this company 24 The chief of Police, _work is very important, takes care of the public safety 25 I know a place _roses grow in abundance 26 The teacher with we studied last year no longer teaches in our school 27 They showed me the hospital buildings had been destroyed by bombings 28 We saw many soldiers and tanks _were moving to the front 29 We must find a time we can meet and a place we can talk 30 The decision was postponed, _ II Reduce relative clauses to phrases was exactly what he wanted 1.The man who is standing there is a clown 2.The envelop which lies on the table has no stamp on it 3.Benzene, which was discovered by Faraday, became the starting point in the manufacture of many dyes, perfumes and explosives 4.My grandmother, who is old and sick, never goes out of the house 5.The students don’t know how to the exercises which were given by the teacher yesterday 6.The diagrams which were made by young Faraday were sent to Sir Humphry Davy at the end of the year 1812 7.The gentleman who lives next door to me is a well-known orator 8.All the astronauts who are orbiting the earth in space capsules are weightless 9.All students who don’t hand in their papers will fail in the exam 10.I saw many houses that were destroyed by the storm 11.The street which leads to the school is very wide 12.The system which is used here is very successful 13.Mr Jackson, who teaches my son, is my neighbour 14.Trains which leave from this station take an hour to get to London 15.The candidates who are sitting for the exam are all from Vietnam 16.We are driving on the road which was built in 1980.  17.Customers who complain about the service should see the manager 18.The city which was destroyed during the war has now been rebuilt 19.My brother, who met you yesterday, works for a big firm 20.The vegetables which are sold in this shop are grown without chemicals III Replace the Relative clause by an infinitive or infinitive phrase 1.We had a river in which we could swim 2.The child would be happier if he had someone that he could play with 3.I have some letters that I must write 4.If she had a family that she had to cook for, she would be more interested 5.I haven’t anyone that I can go with 6.We had to eat standing up because we hadn’t anything that we could sit on 7.I wish I had a box that I could keep my letters in 8.She hadn’t anyone to whom she could send cards 9.Have you got a key that can unlock this door? 10.There are six letters which have to be written today 11.There is a bench that your children can sit on 12.We have some picture books that children can read 13.He was the second man who was killed in this way 14.Hee is the novel that she should read 15 The man who was interviewed was entirely unsuitable IV Replace the To-infinitive phrases by Relative clauses 1.Lady Astor was the first woman to take her seat in Parliament 2.The last student to be interviewed was John 3.I was the only person to see the difficulty 4.The last person to leave the room must turn out the lights 5.The air-hostess was the only person to survive the crash 6.Jim was the first boy to reach the top 7.He was the first man to leave the burning building 8.We had a lake to swim in 9.Here is an application form for you to fill in 10.I have some letters to type right now ... habit GIỚI TỪ VỚI ĐẠI TỪ QUAN HỆ Trong mệnh đề quan hệ có giới từ giới từ có vị trí đứng: - Giới từ đứng trước đại từ quan hệ giới từ đứng sau động từ - Lưu ý: Giới từ không đứng trước đại từ quan. .. đại từ quan hệ “ who that” - Khi giới từ thành phần cụm động từ khơng thể đem giới từ trước “whom, which, whose” - Giới từ “ WITHOUT”không đặt sau động từ mà phải đặt trước đại từ quan hệ Ex1: She... không giới hạn (có dấu phẩy) Dạng kết hợp hai câu hai mệnh đề thành câu sử dụng ĐTQH: - Xác định hai từ giống hai câu, hai mệnh đề - Thay đại từ quan hệ cho từ giống MĐ thứ - Đặt đại từ quan hệ

Ngày đăng: 26/12/2022, 17:45


