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The situation of social skills educational management for kindergartens 5-6 years old in Phu Luong districtives, Thai Nguyen province

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The survey aims to collect data, analyze and evaluate the current situation of social skills education management for 5-6 year old children at preschools in Phu Luong District, Thai Nguyen Province.

Vol No 4_October 2022 TẠP CHÍ ISSN: 2354 - 1431 http://tckh.daihoctantrao.edu.vn/ TẠP CHÍ KHOA HỌC ĐẠI HỌC TÂN TRÀO TẠP CHÍ KHOA HỌC ĐẠI HỌC TÂN TRÀO SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF TAN TRAO UNIVERSITY KHOA HỌC GIÁO DỤC SCIENTIFIC EDUCATION Tập 8, Số - 10/2022 ISSN: 2354 - 1431 Tập 8, Số (Tháng 10/2022) Volume 8, Issue (October 2022) THE SITUATION OF SOCIAL SKILLS EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT FOR KINDERGARTENS 5-6 YEARS OLD IN PHU LUONG DISTRICTIVES, THAI NGUYEN PROVINCE Pham Van Cuong Thai Nguyen University Of Education, Vietnam Email address: cuongpv@tnue.edu.vn DOI: https://doi.org/10.51453/2354-1431/2022/835 Article info Received:18/8/2022 Revised: 5/9/2022 Accepted: 25/10/2022 Keywords: Abstract: The survey aims to collect data, analyze and evaluate the current situation of social skills education management for 5-6 year old children at preschools in Phu Luong District, Thai Nguyen Province The results show that the implementation of social skills education for preschool children has focused on maintaining order and discipline, professional sense of discipline for specialized groups, however the decentralization and decentralization to direct the implementation has been not synchronized and consistent Examination and evaluation activities are interested and focused on checking professional records and taking time to learn from experience Educational management, social skills, preschool children, preschool |145 Vol No 4_October 2022 TẠP CHÍ ISSN: 2354 - 1431 http://tckh.daihoctantrao.edu.vn/ SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF TAN TRAO UNIVERSITY TẠP CHÍ KHOA HỌC ĐẠI HỌC TÂN TRÀO TẠP CHÍ KHOA HỌC ĐẠI HỌC TÂN TRÀO KHOA HỌC GIÁO DỤC SCIENTIFIC EDUCATION Tập 8, Số - 10/2022 ISSN: 2354 - 1431 Tập 8, Số (Tháng 10/2022) Volume 8, Issue (October 2022) THỰC TRẠNG QUẢN LÍ GIÁO DỤC KĨ NĂNG XÃ HỘI CHO TRẺ MẪU GIÁO 5-6 TUỔI TẠI CÁC TRƯỜNG MẦM NON HUYỆN PHÚ LƯƠNG, TỈNH THÁI NGUYÊN Phạm Văn Cường Đại học Sư phạm Thái Nguyên, Việt Nam Địa email: cuongpv@tnue.edu.vn DOI: https://doi.org/10.51453/2354-1431/2022/835 Thơng tin viết Tóm tắt Ngày nhận bài: 18/8/2022 Khảo sát nhằm thu thập số liệu, phân tích số liệu đánh giá thực trạng quản lý giáo dục kỹ xã hội cho trẻ 5-6 tuổi trường mầm non địa bàn huyện Phú Lương, tỉnh Thái Nguyên Kết khảo sát cho thấy công tác đạo thực giáo dục kỹ xã hội cho trẻ mẫu giáo trọng đến việc trì nề nếp, ý thức kỷ luật chun mơn tổ chuyên môn, song việc phân cấp, phân quyền để đạo thực chưa đồng quán Hoạt động kiểm tra đánh giá kết quan tâm trú trọng đến kiểm tra hồ sơ chuyên môn, dự rút kinh nghiệm Ngày sửa bài: 5/9/2022 Ngày duyệt đăng: 25/10/2022 Từ khóa: Quản lý giáo dục, kỹ xã hội, trẻ mẫu giáo, mầm non Introduction Preschool education is the first level of education in the national education system, laying the foundation for the comprehensive development of Vietnamese people, to nurture, care for and educate children from months to years old Preschool education aims to comprehensively develop children physically, emotionally, intellectually, and aesthetically, to form the first element of personality, to prepare children for first grade Preschool education always aims at a comprehensive education for children, preparing necessary competencies, qualities and life skills Educating and developing social skills for children has been and is an indispensable task in educational work Doing this task well will help children to be confident, responsible and participate better in social activities Especially for 5-6 year-old children preparing to enter school As for the management of social skills education activities for children at present, some schools have not paid due attention, made in a way that stamping dies, 146| mechanically, the formulation of a new educational management plan is only general for children’s development field, there is no specific plan for each field, including social skills education, not closely following the psycho-physiological characteristics of children, not creating motivation for the participation of teachers, the connection and coordination with the family, social organizations in the management of social skills education activities for children also have limitations Research Methods We use a combination of research methods such as observation method, conversation methods, survey method by questionnaire, Survey results are processed by percentage and a average score is calculated The survey questions are designed according to 03 options with evaluation scores as follows: Frequent (Very influential; Very relevant; Very difficult; Very necessary; Very possible): Hoang Van Thang/Vol No 4_October 2022| p.158-170 points; sometimes (Slight Effect; Suitable; Difficult; Necessary; Possible): points; not implemented (Not affected; Not suitable; Not difficult; Not necessary; Not feasible): point preschools today, as well as contributing to improving the quality of child care and education in preschool educational institutions in the locality - Survey object: To study measures to manage social skills education for 5-6-year-old children at preschools in Phu Luong district, we have surveyed subjects who are administrators schools (50 managers), and preschool teachers (90 preschool teachers) are directly in charge of the 5-6-year-old preschool group Simultaneously observe the activities of 5-6-year-old children in class groups Based on the mean, we convention: If 1.00 ≤ X ≤ 1.67: Low rating; If 1.68 ≤ X ≤ 2.34: Average rating; If 2.35 ≤ ≤ 3: The rating is high Research results in the current status of social skills education manageme nt for preschool children 5-6 years old in preschools in Phu Luong district 3.1 The reality of social skills education management planning for 5-6-year-old preschool children in preschools in Phu Luong district - Purpose and content of the survey The survey aims to collect data, analyze data and evaluate the current situation of social skills education management for 5-6 year-old children at preschools in Phu Luong district, Thai Nguyen province On that basis, proposing management measures to guide social skills education in preschools in Phu Luong district, contributing to improving the effectiveness of the management and guidance of social skills education in To find out the current situation of social skills education management planning for preschool children 5-6 years old in preschools in Phu Luong district We have investigated administrators, preschool teachers, the results of data analysis and processing are specified as follows: Table Assessment of preschool managerial staff and teachers on the status of planning for social skills education management for preschool children 5-6 years old in preschools in Phu Luong district managerial staff Overall performance level performance efficiency performance level performance efficiency performance level performance efficiency GPA Mean GPA Mean GPA Mean GPA Mean GPA Mean GPA Mean Analyze, collect information and conduct a summary of social skills education activities 2,74 2,38 2,70 2,48 2,71 2,44 Research and master the guiding documents and promulgate documents directing social skills education activities 2,78 2,46 2,76 2,58 2,76 2,54 Develop common goals and specific tasks in social skills education activities for preschool children 5-6 years old 2,66 2,30 2,64 2,30 2,65 2,30 4 Identify key tasks and arrange in order of priority the contents of social skills education activities for preschool children 5-6 years old in specific activities 2,64 2,30 2,59 2,29 2,61 2,29 5 Proposing measures to implement specific practical and creative tasks and goals in social skills education activities for preschool children 5-6 years old 2,52 2,26 2,68 2,28 2,62 2,27 No planning for social skills education management Preschool teacher |147 Hoang Van Thang/Vol No 4_October 2022| p.158-170 managerial staff Overall performance level performance efficiency performance level performance efficiency performance level performance efficiency GPA Mean GPA Mean GPA Mean GPA Mean GPA Mean GPA Mean Assigning tasks and arranging people, scientific and reasonable implementation time in social skills education activities for preschool children 5-6 years old 2,72 2,50 2,31 2,13 2,46 2,26 7 Issue guidelines on content, methods and forms of social skills education for preschool children 5-6 years old 2,56 2,30 2,52 2,19 2,54 2,23 Make other types of plans to serve social skills education activities for preschool children 5-6 years old in schools 2,62 2,26 2,59 2,22 2,60 2,24 Analysis of conditions and facilities for social skills education activities for 2,70 preschool children planning 5-6 years for social skills No education management old in schools 2,34 4staff 2,74Preschool teacher 2,56 managerial 2,73 Overall 2,48 No planning for social skills education management Preschool teacher Total: 2,66 Total: performan ce level performance efficiency GPA Mean GPA 2,34 2,66 2,34 performan ce level performan performan performan ce ce level ce efficiency efficiency Mean2,61 GPA Mean GPA2,34 Mean GPA Mean GPA Mean 2,63 2,61 2,34 2,63 2,34 2,34 From the analysis results of Table 1, we have a diagram showing the comparison between the following survey From the analysis results of Table 1, we have a diagram showing the comparison subjects: between the following survey subjects: 2.7 2.66 2.6 2.61 2.63 2.5 2.4 2.34 2.34 2.34 2.3 performance level performance efficiency 2.2 2.1 managers preschool teachers Overall Chart Comparison of assessment of school administrators and teachers Chart Comparison of assessment of schoolof administrators andsocial teachers on the actual situation of planning for social skills on the actual situation planning for skills education management for 5-6 years oldfor preschool in preschools in Phu Luong district education management 5-6 years children old preschool children in preschools in Phu Luong district From table and chart 1, we can see: General assessment of administrators and From tablepreschool and chart 1, we on can the see: status General and performance, first rank is: Researching and teachers of planning for socialtheskills education 5-6preschool year-old teachers preschool children preschools Phu Luong assessment of management administratorsforand masteringinthe guiding in documents and promulgating district in a high level of performance, the performance is only average, with on the status of planning for social skills educationbut documents directing social skills educational activities an overall performance average score of 2.63, in the range of 2.35 3.0, highmanagement for 5-6 year-old preschool children in for preschool children 5-6 years old, performance rating, The average performance score is 2.34, belonging to the preschools in Phu Luong districtrating in a high level levels of average efficiency The rating of The the subjects quite similar contentwere is evaluated by administrators and performance, but performance is only average, The the content is evaluated by administrators and preschool teachers withlevel a high preschool teachers with a high of implementation with an overalllevel performance average score of 2.63, of implementation and performance, the first rank is: Researching and performance, the first rank is:andResearching and the high-performance guiding documentsrating, and promulgating documents directing social in the range ofmastering 2.35 - 3.0, mastering the guiding documents and promulgating skills educational activities for preschool The average performance score is 2.34, belonging to children 5-6 years old, documents directing educational social skills The content is The evaluated administrators and preschool teachers with aactivities high the average efficiency rating rating by levels of the education preschool children 5-6and years old, with an level of implementation and performance, the firstforrank is: Researching subjects were quite similar mastering the guiding documents and overall promulgating documents average score of 2.76,directing high level, rank 1, and activities social skills and education for preschool children The contenteducational is evaluated by administrators an average performance score5-6 of years 2.54, high-efficiency old, with an overall average score of 2.76, high level, rank 1, and an average preschool teachers with a high level of implementation level, rank Next is the criterion of analyzing the performance score of 2.54, high-efficiency level, rank Next is the criterion of analyzing the physical facilities for social skills education activities for children; 148| Analyze, collect information and conduct a summary of social skills education activities for children The content that administrators and preschool teachers generally assess the level Hoang Van Thang/Vol No 4_October 2022| p.158-170 physical facilities for social skills education activities for children; Analyze, collect information and conduct a summary of social skills education activities for children The content that administrators and preschool teachers generally assess the level of implementation and effectiveness of implementation is low: Issue guidelines on the content, methods, and forms of social skills education for preschool children 5-6 years old, performance level mean 2.54, high level, rank 8, performance average score 2.23, average efficiency level, rank 9; Making other types of plans to serve social skills education activities for preschool children 5-6 years old in preschool, the average score of performance level 2.60, high level, rank 7, implementation efficiency average score of 2.24, average efficiency, rank 8… In the contents of planning the management of social skills education, There is a big difference in the assessment content of administrators and preschool teache rs : Assignment of work and arrangement of people, scientific and reasonable implementation time in social skills education activities for preschool children 5-6 years old , GPA of performance level of managers is 2.72 , high level of perfor mance , rank , performance efficiency is 2.50 , high level , rank The average performance level of preschool teachers is 2.31 , average performance level , rank , performance efficiency is 2.13 , average level , rank Talking with preschool administrators, Ms D.T.H said: “The planning of educational management in preschools currently only has general plans to cover many fields of the development of children: school year plan, professional group education plan, educational plan of the teacher in charge of the class There are no specific plans for each area such as social skills education Therefore, determining main content of activities, sett goals, and issuing specific guidelines still have certain limitations Reducing the effectiveness of management activities in educational institutions” Teacher H.M.N said: “The planning of social skills education for 5-6 year olds of school administrators is still not specific, just general guidelines, in which the mobilization of resources and assignment of work sometimes overlap, The arrangement of people is not suitable for the task to perform…There has not been a motivation for preschool teachers to focus on professional work and social skills education for children’’ From the above situation we see: It is very necessary to strengthen the management, improve the planning capacity of preschool education administrators in social skills education activities for children in general and 5-6 years old children in particular It is necessary to create orientations and guidelines for all social skills education activities for children, overcome limitations and weaknesses, and improve the quality of children’s education in preschool educational institutions 3.2 Actual situation of organization and implementation of social skills education management for preschool children 5-6 years old in preschools in Phu Luong district To assess the actual situation of the organization and implementation of social skills education management for preschool children 5-6 years old in preschools in Phu Luong district, we have surveyed administrators, preschool teachers, The results of the data analysis in Table are as follows: Table Evaluation of preschool administrators and teachers on the actual situation of organizing and implementing social skills education for preschool children 5-6 years old in preschools in Phu Luong district managerial staff No Organization and implementation of social skills education management Implement regulations on social skills education activities for preschool children 5-6 years old of the Career and preschool to each professional group, mass organizations, and teachers in the preschool Assign specific tasks to each professional group, teachers are in charge of social skills education activities for preschool children 5-6 years old Preschool teacher Overall performance performance level efficiency GPA Mean GPA Mean performance level GPA Mean performance efficiency GPA Mean performance level GPA Mean performance efficiency GPA Mean 2,84 2,60 2,72 2,61 2,76 2,61 2,64 2,24 2,63 2,22 2,64 2,23 |149 Hoang Van Thang/Vol No 4_October 2022| p.158-170 managerial staff No Organization and implementation of social skills education management Directing, coordinating, and linking with individuals and units inside and outside the preschool to carry out 2,66 social skills education activities for Organization and preschool children 5-6 years old No implementation of Directing the professional team,skills education social teachers to implement the child care management and education routine, integrating 2,78 years old Assign qualified social skills education for preschool teachers to support and children 5-6 years old into activities Directing the deputy principal in carrying out social skills charge of expertise to monitor and education activities for guide teachers to carry out regular 2,76 preschool children 5-6 social skills education activities for years old preschool children 5-6 years old Deployment of time assist other teachers in Assign qualified teachers to support thematic attendance, examination, and assist other teachers in carrying 2,74 comprehensive out social skills education activities for examination and direct preschool children 5-6 years old experience for teachers Deployment of time attendance, of specialized groups of thematic examination, 5-6comprehensive years old children in examination and direct experience social skills education 2,82 for teachers of specialized groups of activities 5-6 years old children in social skillsexchange Organizing education activities and emulation movements Organizing exchange and emulationinside and outside the school in movements inside and outside the implementing social school in implementing social skills 2,64 skills education education activities for preschool activities for preschool children 5-6 years old children 5-6 years old Total: 2,74 Total: Preschool teacher performance performance level efficiency GPA Mean GPA Mean 2,26 performance efficiency GPA Mean performance level GPA Mean performance efficiency GPA Mean 2,64 2,28 2,65 2,27 managerial staff performan ce level performance efficiency GPA Mean GPA 2,30 2,74 Preschool teacher Overall performan performan performan ce ce level ce efficiency efficiency Mean GPA Mean GPA Mean GPA Mean GPA Mean 2,60 2,16 Overall performance level GPA Mean performan ce level 2,20 2,64 2,11 2,66 2,68 2,24 2,13 2,22 2,64 2,20 2,69 2,21 2,16 2,64 2,11 2,68 2,13 2,81 1 2,21 2,82 2,32 2,64 2,32 2,28 2,81 2,28 2,30 2,74 2,62 2,30 2,67 2,21 5 2,62 7 2,24 2,24 2,67 2,26 2,26 2,81 2,81 3 2,63 2,63 2,69 2,69 2,25 2,25 2,26 2,26 2,272,27 From Table 2, we have a chart comparing the rating levels between the From Table 2, we have a chart comparingsurvey the rating levels between the survey subjects as follows: subjects as follows: 2.5 1.5 performance level performance efficiency 0.5 managers Preschool teachers Overall 237 Chart 2.6: Comparison of assessments of preschool administrators and teachers on the actual situation of organizing and implementing social skills education for preschool children 5-6 years old in preschools in Phu Luong district 150| Hoang Van Thang/Vol No 4_October 2022| p.158-170 table and chart shows the general assessment of administrators and preschool teachers on the actual situation of organizing and implementing social skills education for preschool children 5-6 years old in preschools in Phu Luong district with a high level of performance, the overall average score of 2.69, but performance efficiency, the average score of 2.27, average efficiency level In general, there is not much difference in the evaluation between the survey subjects The content of the organization and implementation of social skills education management for children is assessed by administrators and preschool teachers with a high level of implementation and effectiveness, which are: Implement regulations on social skills education activities for preschool children 5-6 years old of the branch and preschool to each professional group, unions and teachers in the preschool the average performance score is 2.76, performance is 2.61, belonging to the high rating, rank Next are the contents: Organize exchange and emulation movements inside and outside the school in the implementation of social skills education activities for preschool children 5-6 years old; Implement timekeeping, thematic examination, comprehensive examination and direct experience for teachers of specialized groups of 5-6 years old children in social skills education activities The lowest rated content includes: Assign qualified teachers to support and assist other teachers in implementing social skills education activities for preschool children 5-6 years old, the average score of performance level 2.68, high evaluation level, effective implementation is 2.13, average efficiency, rank Next, Direct the deputy principal in charge of expertise to monitor and guide teachers to conduct social skills education activities for preschool children 5-6 years old regularly, with an average score of performance level 2.69, assessment level high, performance efficiency is 2.21, average efficiency level, rank The survey results show that the organization and implementation of social skills education management for 5-6-year-old children in the locality is done regularly However, there are limitations in terms of quality and efficiency This problem is due to many reasons, both objectives and subjective In this, the role of the manager is a key factor Talking to Ms V.T.A.T, a preschool administrator, she said: “Organizes the management of social skills education for children is an activity that requires the connection to many resources both inside and outside preschool, There must be consistency in content, form, and consistency in the implementation of the problem However, many managers have not yet promoted their capacities and organizational roles, not yet decisive, management style is not flexible, The assignment and division of duties is not clear, so the organizational and implementation functions in management still have tight links The effectiveness has not been achieved according to the set expectations, has not created a high reputation and trust with teachers in the organization performing the task From the above situation, raising awareness and capacity for administrators and preschool teachers in managing and educating social skills for 5-6-year-old children in particular and for children in preschool in general is a necessary requirement of the locality 3.3 Actual situation of implementation guidance Social skills education management planed for 5-6 year-old preschool children in preschools in Phu Luong district Table Assessment of preschool administrators and teachers on the actual situation of directing the implementation of the social skills education management plan for preschool children 5-6 years-old in preschools in Phu Luong district managerial staff No Directing the implementation of the social skills education management plan performance level GPA Preschool teacher performance efficiency performance level Mean GPA Mean GPA Overall performance performance performance efficiency level efficiency Mean GPA Mean GPA Mean GPA Mean Directing and implementing social skills education activities for preschool children 5-6 years old according to the target plan of the school, the professional group has set out 2,86 2,32 2,74 2,27 2,79 2,29 2 Directing and encouraging teachers to innovate the content and form of social skills education for preschool children 5-6 years old 2,84 2,30 2,72 2,16 2,76 2,21 |151 Hoang Van Thang/Vol No 4_October 2022| p.158-170 managerial staff No Directing the implementation of the social skills education management plan performance level GPA Directing teachers in charge of class groups to build a safe, healthy and educational environment to help 2,78 children become confident and strong implementation of social when participating in social skills education for education skills activities children toresponsibility each class Directing and assigning group and each activity for the professional leader of the 5-6 Direct the review and year-old kindergarten group to monitor supplement to facilities, 2,80 and urge the implementation of social documents and financial skills education for children to each the resources to ensure class groupschool's and each activity social skills 2,82 Direct the education review and supplement activitiestofor preschool facilities, documents andchildren financial 5-6 years a social resources to ensureold the in school’s 2,82 synchronous skills education activities forand preschool effective manner children 5-6 years old in a synchronous Directing the and effective manner Preschool teacher performance efficiency performance level Mean GPA Mean GPA Overall performance performance performance efficiency level efficiency Mean GPA Mean GPA Mean GPA Mean 2,26 2,71 2,27 2,74 2,26 4 2,28 2,69 2,27 2,73 2,27 2,44 2,20 2,64 2,64 2,78 1 2,78 2,33 1 2,33 2,18 2,18 2,79 1 2,44 2,79 1 organization of activities Directing the organization ofwith activities to coordinate to coordinate with families and young families and young 2,62 parents6 to parents participateto in participate social skills in 2,62 education social for preschool 5-6 skillschildren education years old for preschool children 5- years Toatal old 6 2,24 2,24 2,79 2,34 6 2,61 2,61 2,71 2,61 2,24 2,20 2,61 6 2,74 2,34 2,71 2,24 2,74 2,28 Toatal 2,79 From Table 2, weTable have a2, chart the rating levels between the survey as follows: From we comparing have a chart comparing the rating levelssubjects between the 2,28 survey subjects as follows: 2.5 1.5 performance level performance efficiency 0.5 managers Preschool teachers Overall Chart 2.6: Comparison of evaluations of administrators and preschool Chart 2.6: Comparison of evaluations of administrators and preschool teachers on the actual situation teachers on the actual situation of organizing the implementation of social skillstheeducation management preschool children 5-6 years old in of organizing implementation of social skillsfor education management for preschool children 5-6 years old preschools in Phu Luong district in preschools in Phu Luong district Table and chart shows the general assessment of administrators and Table and chart shows the general assessment performance In general, there is not much difference preschool teachers on the actual situation of organizing and implementing social the evaluation between the survey subjects of administrators and preschool teachers onchildren the actual5-6 in skills education for preschool years old in preschools in Phu Luong district withand a high level of performance, overall average of 2.69, situation of organizing implementing social skills the The contents of the score organization andbut implementation education for preschool children 5-6 years old in 240 preschools in Phu Luong district with a high level of performance, the overall average score of 2.69, but performance efficiency, mean score of 2.27, average 152| of social skills education management for children are assessed by administrators and preschool teachers for their high level of implementation and effectiveness, which are: Implement regulations on social skills Hoang Van Thang/Vol No 4_October 2022| p.158-170 education activities for preschool children 5-6 years old of the industry and school to each professional group, unions, and teachers in the school The average score of the performance level is 2.76, and the performance efficiency is 2.61, belonging to the high rating, rank Next, the following contents: Organizing exchange movements, emulation inside and outside the school in implementing social skills education activities for preschool children 5-6 years old; Implementing timekeeping, thematic examination, comprehensive examination, and direct experience for teachers of specialized groups of 5-6 years old children in social skills education activities The lowest rated content included: Assigning qualified teachers to support and assist other teachers in implementing social skills education activities for preschool children 5-6 years old, Average score of performance level is 2.68, high rating, performance efficiency is 2.13, average efficiency level, rank Next, Direct the vice principal in charge of expertise to monitor and guide teachers to carry out social skills education activities for preschool children 5-6 years old regularly, the average score of the performance level of 2.69, high rating, performance efficiency is 2.21, average efficiency level, rank The survey results show that the implementation of social skills education management for 5-6 yearold children in the area is done regularly, but there are limitations in quality and effectiveness This problem is due to many reasons, both objective and subjective In which, the role of the manager is a key factor Talking to Ms V.T.A.T, the school’s management staff, she said: “Organizing the management of social skills education for children is an activity that requires the connection to many resources both inside and outside the school There must be consistency in content, form, and consistency in the implementation of the problem However, many managers have not been able to promote their capacities and organizational roles, are not assertive, management style is not flexible, assignment and assignment of tasks is not clear, so the organizational function is implemented in management There are still linking that are not tight, the effectiveness has not been achieved according to the set expectations, and the prestige and high confidence of teachers in the organization of the task have not been created’’ From the above situation, raising awareness and capacity for administrators and preschool teachers in implementing social skills management and education for 5-6-year-old children in particular and children in preschool, in general, is a necessary requirement of the locality 3.3 The actual situation of directing and implementing social skills education management plans for preschool children 5-6 years old in preschools in Phu Luong district managerial staff Directing the implementation of the social skills education management plan Preschool teacher performance level performance efficiency GPA Mean GPA Directing and implementing social skills education activities for preschool children 5-6 years old according to the target plan of the school, the professional group has set out 2,86 2,32 2,74 2,27 2,79 2,29 2 Directing and encouraging teachers to innovate the content and form of social skills education for preschool children 5-6 years old 2,84 2,30 2,72 2,16 2,76 2,21 Directing teachers in charge of class groups to build a safe, healthy and educational environment to help children be confident and bold when participating in social skills education activities 2,78 2,26 2,71 2,27 2,74 2,26 4 Directing and assigning responsibility to the professional leader of the 5-6 yearold kindergarten group to monitor and urge the implementation of social skills education for children to each class group and each activity 2,80 2,28 2,69 2,27 2,73 2,27 No performance level Overall Mean GPA Mean performance efficiency GPA performance level performance efficiency Mean GPA Mean GPA Mean |153 Hoang Van Thang/Vol No 4_October 2022| p.158-170 managerial staff No Directing the implementation of the social skills education management plan performance level performance efficiency GPA Mean GPA Direct the review and supplement of facilities, documents and financial effective manner resources to ensure the school’s social 2,82 thefor preschool skills Directing education activities children 5-6 years old in aof synchronous organization activities and effective manner to coordinate with families and parents Directing the organization of activitiesto to participate social coordinate with familiesinand parents to participate in social skills education skills education for for preschool children 5-6children years old 5-6 preschool years Total old Total Preschool teacher 2,62 2,62 Mean GPA Mean 2,64 6 2,79 2,79 2,24 2,24 2,34 2,34 performance level From Table 3, we have the following comparison chart: 6 performance efficiency GPA 2,78 2,33 2,61 2,18 2,61 2,18 2,71 2,71 Overall performance level performance efficiency Mean GPA Mean GPA Mean 2,79 2,61 2,24 2,24 2,61 2,74 2,74 2,44 2,20 6 2,20 2,28 2,28 From Table 3, we have the following comparison chart: 2.5 1.5 performance level performance efficiency 0.5 managers Preschool teachers Overall Chart Comparison of assessment of management staff, and preschool teachers on the actual situation of directing the implementation of the social implementation of the social skills education management plan for preschool children 5-6 years old in preschools in Phu skills education management plan for preschool children 5-6 years old in Luong district preschools in Phu Luong district Through table and chart we see the Overall years old according to the target plan of the school, the Through table and chart we see the Overall assessment of survey subjects on assessment of survey subjects on the content of directing professional group has set out the content of directing the implementation of the social skills education the implementation of the social skills education The years content old to direct the implementation management plan forchildren preschool children 5-6 in preschools in Phuof the management plan for preschool 5-6 years old management plan of social skills education children Luong indistrict with a with higha high level in preschools Phu Luong district levelof implementation (GPA 2.74) ),forthe the most underrated are: (GPA Directing2.28) the organization implementation efficiency only reachedis the average level No of implementation (GPA 2.74) ), the implementation content ratedthe low efficiency only is reached average level (GPA 2.28) of activities to coordinate with families and parents to participate in social skills education preschool The ismost content to direct the implementation of the socialforskills No content rated appreciated low children 5-6the years old, and overall average score education management plan for children is: Direct review supplement of of The most appreciated content to direct the performance level 2.61, high level, rank 6, overall facilities, documents, and financial resources to ensure the school's social skills implementation of the social skills education average performance score 2.20,and average education activities for preschool children 5-6 years old inefficiency a synchronous management plan for children is: Direct the review level, rank Next 2.79, is the content Directing effective manner Overall average score efficiency of performance level high of level, and supplement of facilities, documents, and financial and encouraging teachers to innovate the content rank 1, overall average score of performance efficiency 2.44, high efficiency and resources to ensure the school’s social skills education form of social skills education for preschool children 5-6 level, rank 1; children Next, 5-6theyears second activities for preschool old in arank is the content of Directing and years old; Directing teachers in charge of class groups implementing social skillsOverall education synchronous and effective manner averageactivities for preschool children 5-6 years to build healthy andgroup educational environment according level to the target the1,school, thea safe, professional has set out to score old of performance 2.79, highplan level,ofrank help children be confident and bold when participating The content the implementation overall average scoreto of direct performance efficiency 2.44, of the management plan of social skills in social skills education activities educationlevel, for rank children is the the second most rank underrated are: Directing the organization of high efficiency 1; Next, coordinate with families to participate in social The reasons for these limitations are: skills Due to the is theactivities content of to Directing and implementing socialand parents education for preschool children 5-6 years old, overall average score of skills education activities for preschool children 5-6 labor intensity, the nature of the work of preschool Chart Comparison of assessment of management staff, and preschool teachers on the actual situation of directing the 154| 243 Hoang Van Thang/Vol No 4_October 2022| p.158-170 administrators is still heavy and complicated, management skills, directing departments and individuals in performing tasks are not yet decisive and specific, In addition, the coordination between the professional groups and the teachers in charge is not thorough, along with the family’s lack of close attention in the implementation of the management of social skills education for children Funding to organize movements and activities of the school is still limited These things have a significant influence on the direction and implementation of the social skills education plan for children of the educational managers From the above situation and causes, the study and proposal of measures to improve the management activities of social skills education for children in preschool educational institutions in general and directing the implementation of this work at schools are problem of great theoretical and practical significance Contributing to promoting the implementation of contents and effectiveness of directing the management of social skills education for children 3.4 The reality of checking and evaluating the results of social skills education management for preschool children 5-6 years old in preschools in Phu Luong district To find out the current status of checking and evaluation of social skills education management results for preschool children 5-6 years old in preschools in Phu Luong district, we have investigated on the subjects, the results obtained are as follows: Table Assessment of management staff, preschool teachers on the status of inspection and assessment of social skills education management results for preschool children 5-6 years old in preschools in Phu Luong district managerial staff No Check and evaluate the results of social skills education management Preschool teacher Overall performance level performance performance performance performance performance efficiency level efficiency level efficiency GPA Mean GPA Mean GPA Mean GPA Mean GPA Mean GPA Mean Checking the implementation of routines, regulations, plans and contents of social skills education activities for 2,90 preschool children 5-6 years old by the professional group, the teacher in charge of the class 2,34 2,72 2,29 2,79 2,31 2 Check and evaluate the quality of social skills education activities for preschool children 5-6 years old by stage, period and school year 2,34 2,12 2,39 2,13 2,37 2,13 Check the professional profile, assess the professional quality of the 5-6-yearold kindergarten group to promptly make appropriate additions and adjustments 2,88 2,28 2,76 2,27 2,80 2,27 4 Check and evaluate the effectiveness of cooperative activities with forces inside and outside the school to organize social skills education for preschool children 5-6 years old 2,82 2,30 2,72 2,28 2,76 2,29 Check the conditions and facilities for social skills education activities for preschool children 5-6 years old to supplement to suit the requirements 2,86 2,32 2,77 2,30 2,80 2,31 Total: 2,76 2,27 2,67 2,25 2,70 2,26 From Table we have the following chart: |155 Hoang Van Thang/Vol No 4_October 2022| p.158-170 2.5 1.5 performance level performance efficiency 0.5 managers Preschool teachers Overall Chart Comparison of assessment of management staff, preschool teachers on the status of checking and evaluation of social skills education social management skills education management for preschool children 5-6years years old in PhuinLuong district results forresults preschool children 5-6 oldininpreschools preschools Luong district OverallPhu assessment of survey respondents on the From the results of the above situation, we see that Overall survey of testingofand status of testing andassessment evaluation ofof social skillsrespondents education on the the teststatus and evaluation theevaluation results of social skills of social skills education management results for preschool children 5-6 yearschildren 5-6 management results for preschool children 5-6 years education management for preschool old in in preschools Phu at Luong district the level of performance with an old in preschools Phu Luongindistrict the level of at years old in preschools in Phu Luong district, although average score of 2.70 score, high level performance, However, the performance with an average score of 2.70 score, high it is of concerned by the preschool staff, implementation efficiency was only 2.26, the average efficiency level.management The level of performance, However, the implementation it still reveals certain limitations, especially the inevaluation content in each criterion of the subjects is quite similar, the difference efficiency was only 2.26, the average efficiency level depth examination and evaluation of the content, the rate is not significant The evaluation of evaluation the subjects of coordination departments has not yet achieved The content contentinofeach thecriterion test and the results between of social skills education is quite similar, the difference rate is not significant management for preschool children 5-6 years old ineffect preschools in of Phu the desired The cause theLuong above problem is in district, the highest level of implementation and toeffectiveness of the subjects addition the lack of thoroughness of the management The content of the test and evaluation of the results evaluated are: Checking the conditions andstaff, facilities for social skills education but also because the coordination in performing of social skills education management for preschool activities for preschool children 5-6 years old to meet the GPA of regular and the inspection of requirements, each department is not children 5-6 years old in preschools Phulevel, Luong performance level is 2.80, inhigh ranktight 1; GPA of performance efficiency is To overcome this problem, the management district, the highest levelefficiency of implementation 2.31, average level, rankand1 Next is the content of checking the staff need to innovate in the field management stage, effectiveness of the subjects of evaluated Checking plans, and content of social skills implementation rules, are: regulations, strengthen the evaluation, regularly and carefully education activities for preschool children 5-6 years old of thecheck professional the conditions and facilities for social skills education determine the performance results, in order to promptly group, the teacher charge thetoclass activities for preschool childrenin5-6 yearsofold meet detect errors for timely and appropriate adjustment The most underrated content is: isCheck the requirements, GPA of performance level 2.80, and evaluate the quality of social skills education activities for preschool children 5-6 years old in each period, each high level, rank 1; GPA of performance efficiency is Conclusion term and school year, GPA of performance level is 2.37, high level, rank 5; GPA 2.31, average efficiency level, rank Next is the content of performance efficiency is 2.13, average level, rank Similar to content of education The management ofthesocial skills of checking the implementation of rules, regulations, checking and evaluating the effectiveness of activities in collaboration with activities for 5-6-year-old children at preschools in Phu plans, andforces contentinside of social skills education and outside the activities school to organize social skills education for Luong district has been concerned by the management for preschool childrenchildren 5-6 years5-6 old years of the professional preschool old, there is also a medium performance level Chart Comparison of assessment of management staff, preschool teachers on the status of checking and evaluation of staff of preschool educational institutions The most implemented and effective content is building The most underrated content is: Check and evaluate246 a management plan for social skills education for the quality of social skills education activities for children The content of organizing the implementation preschool children 5-6 years old in each period, each of the social skills education plan for new children term and school year, GPA of performance level is 2.37, mainly focuses on the issues of resource mobilization, high level, rank 5; GPA of performance efficiency is the coordination of resources still has limitations 2.13, average level, rank Similar to the content of Directing the implementation of social skills education checking and evaluating the effectiveness of activities for preschool children has focused on maintaining order, in collaboration with forces inside and outside the professional sense of discipline for professional groups, school to organize social skills education for preschool However, the decentralization and decentralization children 5-6 years old, there is also a medium to direct the implementation is not synchronized and performance level consistent The inspection and evaluation activities are group, the teacher in charge of the class 156| Hoang Van Thang/Vol No 4_October 2022| p.158-170 interested and focused on checking professional records, taking time to learn from experience The contents of examination and evaluation of social skills education results are not of high regularity, performance is only average The limitations of social skills education activities for 5-6-year-old children at preschools in Phu Luong district are due to many objectives and subjective reasons First of all, managers and teachers as well as children’s self-discipline and positivity Besides, many other factors are also barriers that need to be overcome and removed [3] Hien, B.M (2019), Management and leadership of the school, Pedagogical University Publishing House [4] Hoa, N.T (2011), Curriculum for Early Childhood Education, Pedagogical University Publishing House [5] Lan, T.T (2007), Children’s Physiology Textbook, Pedagogical University Publishing House [6] Nguyet, L.M (2012), Parent-child interaction REFERENCES [1] Dung, V (2017), Management Psychology Textbook, Pedagogical University Publishing House [2] Ha, N.T (2016) Module Regular refresher training Characteristics of emotional development and social skills for preschool children with children’s psychological development, 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Ngày đăng: 24/12/2022, 03:14


