Báo cáo khoa học: Substrate specificity of the human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase UGT2B4 and UGT2B7 Identification of a critical aromatic amino acid residue at position 33 doc
Substratespecificityofthe human
UDP-glucuronosyltransferase UGT2B4and UGT2B7
Identification ofacriticalaromaticaminoacidresidue at
position 33
Lydia Barre
, Sylvie Fournel-Gigleux
, Moshe Finel
, Patrick Netter
, Jacques Magdalou
Mohamed Ouzzine
1 UMR 7561 CNRS, Universite
Henri Poincare
– Nancy I, Faculte
de Me
decine, Vandoeuvre-le
s-Nancy, France
2 Drug Discovery and Development Technology Center (DDTC), Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Helsinki, Finland
UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGT) constitute a super-
family of enzymes that are involved in the phase II
detoxification pathway of many drugs, pollutants pre-
sent in our environment and numerous exogenous
compounds [1]. They catalyze the formation of glu-
curonides by the transfer of glucuronic acid, from the
high energy donor UDP-glucuronic acid, to hydroxyl,
carboxyl or amine groups of structurally diverse mole-
cules. The hydrophilic glucuronides are readily
excreted from the body via urine and bile. Endogenous
compounds, such as bilirubin, fatty acids, steroids and
retinoic acid are also substrates of UGTs. Thus, these
enzymes that are expressed in several tissues, such as
liver, lung, brain, kidney and gastro-intestinal tract,
play a major role in both physiological and toxicologi-
cal processes [2].
UGTs have been classified into two main sub-
families, UGT1A and UGT2B, based on similarities
between their aminoacid sequences and gene organiza-
tion. Molecular cloning of cDNAs has identified to
date up to 16 human UGT isoforms, most of which
have been extensively characterized in terms of sub-
strate specificity upon heterologous expression [3].
Determination of their activity towards series of sub-
stances led to the conclusion that most of them present
distinct, but frequently overlapping substrate specifici-
ties [4]. Interestingly, this redundancy provides an effi-
cient protection against toxicity of drugs, pollutants
site-directed mutagenesis; substrate
specificity; UDP-glucuronosyltransferase;
M. Ouzzine, UMR 7561 CNRS-UHP-Nancy I,
de Me
decine, BP 184, F-54505
s-Nancy cedex, France
Fax: +33 3 83683959
Tel: +33 3 83683972
E-mail: ouzzine@medecine.uhp-nancy.fr
(Received 10 November 2006, revised 21
December 2006, accepted 22 December
The humanUDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) isoforms UGT2B4 and
UGT2B7 play a major role in the detoxification of bile acids, steroids and
phenols. These two isoforms present distinct but overlapping substrate spe-
cificity, sharing common substrates such as the bile acid hyodeoxycholic
acid (HDCA) and catechol-estrogens. Here, we show that in UGT2B4, sub-
stitution of phenylalanine 33 by leucine suppressed the activity towards
HDCA, and impaired the glucuronidation of several substrates, including
4-hydroxyestrone and 17-epiestriol. On the other hand, thesubstrate speci-
ficity ofthe mutant UGT2B4F33Y, in which phenylalanine was replaced
by tyrosine, as found atposition33of UGT2B7, was similar to wild-type
UGT2B4. In the case of UGT2B7, replacement of tyrosine 33 by leucine
strongly reduced the activity towards all the tested substrates, with the
exception of 17-epiestriol. In contrast, mutation of tyrosine 33 by phenyl-
alanine exhibited similar or even somewhat higher activities than wild-
type UGT2B7. Hence, the results strongly indicated that the presence of an
aromatic residueatposition33 is important for the activity and substrate
specificity of both UGT2B4and UGT2B7.
HDCA, hyodeoxycholic acid; UGT, UDP-glucuronosyltransferase.
1256 FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 1256–1264 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS
and harmful endogenous compounds. When the activ-
ity of one isoform is impaired by mutations or upon
inhibition, other UGTs can often act as a relay to
overcome the deficiency. Such redundancy in substrate
specificity is clearly observed for thehuman UGT2B4
and UGT2B7.
UGT2B4 is mainly involved in the glucuronidation
of the bile acid, hyodeoxycholic acid (HDCA) [5] and
catechol-estrogens, such as 17-epiestriol and 4-hydroxy-
estrone [6]. In addition to the substrates accepted by
UGT2B4, UGT2B7 is able to glucuronidate various
steroid hormones (androsterone, epitestosterone) and
fatty acids [7]. UGT2B4andUGT2B7 therefore play a
key role in the detoxification of cholestatic bile acids
and may prevent the formation of proximal carcino-
gens such as quinone estrogens. In addition, UGT2B7
is also able to conjugate major classes of drugs such as
analgesics (morphine), carboxylic nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs (ketoprofen) and anticarcinogens
(all-trans retinoic acid). However, the molecular basis
of the overlapping substratespecificityof these enzymes
remains to be elucidated.
Several studies have highlighted the role ofthe N-ter-
minal domain of UGTs in substrate specificity, and
many lines of evidence indicated that it may contain the
major structural determinants for substrate recognition.
The organization ofthe UGT1A complex locus suggests
that the N-terminal part encoded by separate exons 1
governs the individual substratespecificityof each iso-
form, whereas the identical C-terminal halves, encoded
by exons 2–5, would interact with the common co-sub-
strate, UDP-glucuronic acid [8]. In addition, Mackenzie
[9] showed that exchanging the N-terminal half between
two rat UGT2B isoforms, UGT2B2 and UGT2B3,
resulted in a switch-over of their respective substrate
selectivity. In agreement, Li et al. [10] showed that
replacement ofthe C-terminal part of rabbit UGT2B16
with its counterpart in UGT2B13 did not change the
specificity of this isoform.
The aim of this study was to identify aminoacid res-
idues that are involved in substratespecificity of
UGTs 2B4 and 2B7 in order to better understand the
molecular basis ofsubstrate recognition and catalysis
by these enzymes. Attention was paid to amino acids
at the N-terminal end of these UGTs, as this region is
believed to interact with the substrates, although the
contribution ofthe C-terminal part cannot be totally
excluded. Mutation of phenylalanine atposition33 at
the N-terminus ofUGT2B4 was specifically carried
out, as we have discovered that this residue was substi-
tuted by leucine, in aUGT2B4 variant cDNA that
was previously described by Jin et al. [11] to encode a
UGT2B4 deficient in HDCA glucuronidation activity.
As the phenylalanine residueatposition33 in
the UGT2B4 isoform was replaced by tyrosine in
UGT2B7, the mutation of this residue into leucine
in UGT2B7 was also performed. We also mutated the
phenylalanine 33residueofUGT2B4 into the tyrosine
residue found atthe same position in UGT2B7 and
carried out the corresponding mutations in UGT2B7,
namely UGT2B7Y33L and UGT2B7Y33F. The results
demonstrated thecritical importance of an aromatic
amino acidatposition33 for the activity and substrate
specificity of both UGT2B4and UGT2B7.
The phenylalanine residueatposition33ofUGT2B4 is
important for substratespecificityofthe enzyme
towards HDCA. Investigation ofthe deficiency in
HDCA glucuronidation by theUGT2B4 variant
described by Jin et al. [11] led to the discovery of the
previously unreported mutation of phenylalanine resi-
due 33 to leucine. Sequence alignment showed that all
UGT2B members contained either a phenylalanine or
tyrosine residueat this position (Fig. 1). In order to
determine the effect of phenylalanine atposition33 on
HDCA glucuronidation, this residue was replaced by
leucine, creating the UGT2B4F33L mutant and
expressed in baculovirus-infected insect cells. As illustra-
ted in Fig. 2, immunoblot analysis ofthe membrane
fraction of these cells showed that the full-length protein
was produced. The expression level of each UGT in the
current set of recombinant enzymes, mutants as well as
wild-types, was determined by dot-blot analyses using
monoclonal antibodies, as previously described [19].
The substratespecificityof UGT2B4F33L mutant was
evaluated towards HDCA anda range of steroids and
phenolic compounds in addition to carboxylic acids and
was compared to that ofthe wild-type UGT2B4
(Fig. 3). The results confirmed that both 17-epiestriol
Fig. 1. Sequence alignment ofthe region encompassing residue 33
of several UGTs of subfamily 2B. The alignment was performed
using the program resident in
GCG DNA and Protein Analysis Package
(Promega, Madison, WI, USA). The fully conserved amino acids in
this alignment are indicated by bold font.
L. Barre et al. Substratespecificity in UGT2B4and UGT2B7
FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 1256–1264 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS 1257
and HDCA were efficiently glucuronidated by this iso-
form (Fig. 3A). In addition, we show here that
UGT2B4 could also glucuronidate bulky and planar
phenols (eugenol, 4-hydroxybiphenyl and 1-naphthol).
In contrast, other steroids such as testosterone and
17a-ethynylestradiol were not accepted. The carboxylic
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug ketoprofen or the
anti-HIV drug 3¢-azido-3¢-deoxythymidine were conju-
gated ata very low rate (Fig. 3A). Altogether, the
results of this substrate screening indicated that
UGT2B4 is able to transfer glucuronic acid onto struc-
turally diverse substrates, with a marked preference for
17-epiestriol, HDCA and phenolic substrates.
The activity profile ofthe UGT2B4F33L mutant
showed a selective change in substrate preference
(Fig. 3B). Indeed, the mutant was unable to glucuroni-
date HDCA, and its activity towards phenolic sub-
strates, as well as the steroids 4-hydroxyestrone and
17-epiestriol was strongly affected (Fig. 3B). Apparent
kinetic constants ofthe wild-type UGT2B4andof the
mutant were evaluated and V
values were normal-
ized according to the level of protein expression
(Table 1). In the case of 4-hydroxyestrone and 17-epi-
estriol, the K
values ofthe mutant enzymes were
increased by six- and two-fold, respectively, compared
Fig. 2. Western blot analyses ofthe enzymes included in this
study. The gels were loaded with 2, 10 or 100 lg of membrane
proteins for UGT2B4, UGT2B4F33L and UGT2B4F33Y, respectively
(A), or 12, 15 or 15 lg of membrane proteins for UGT2B7, UGT2-
B7Y33L and UGT2B7Y33F, respectively (B). The UGTs were probed
with primary antibody directed against the His-tag, andthe second
antibodies were horseradish-peroxidase-conjugated anti-mouse Ig.
The blot was then developed using LumiGLO
Enzyme activity
(pmol/min/mg protein)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314 1516
Normalized enzyme activity
(pmol/min/mg protein)
11 12 13 14 15 16
Normalized enzyme activity
(pmol/min/mg protein)
Fig. 3. Glucuronidation activity ofUGT2B4 (A) andUGT2B4 mutants
(B, C) for the probe substrates. 1, 4-Methylumbelliferone; 2, euge-
nol; 3, hyodeoxycholic acid (HDCA); 4, androsterone; 5, testoster-
one; 6, epitestosterone; 7, b-estradiol; 8, 17a-ethynylestradiol; 9, 4-
hydroxyestrone; 10, 17-epiestriol; 11, 4-hydroxybiphenyl; 12, 4-iso-
propylphenol; 13, 4-nitrophenol; 14, 1-naphthol; 15, RS-ketoprofen;
16, 3¢-azido-3¢deoxytymidine. The enzyme reaction was carried out
with 50 lg protein and was incubated with 0.02 m
M UDP-glucuron-
ic acid containing 0.1 lCi UDP-[
C]glucuronic acidand 0.5 mM sub-
strate as indicated in Experimental procedures. The glucuronides
were separated by thin layer chromatography, visualized by auto-
radiography (shown in insert) and quantitated by liquid scintillation
counting. The rate values are the mean of three experiments. The
film was exposed for four days in the case ofUGT2B4 and
UGT2B4F33Y and for one week in the case of UGT2B4Y33L.
Substrate specificity in UGT2B4andUGT2B7 L. Barre et al.
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with wild-type UGT2B4. The V
values showed a
decrease of 19- and 34-fold for 4-hydroxyestrone and
17a-epiestriol, respectively (Table 1).
The primary structure ofUGT2B7 is 87% identical
to that ofUGT2B4 with 76 differences out of 528
amino acids, including 55 differences in the first 300
amino acids ofthe N-terminus. Both enzymes share
common substrates, including HDCA [6]. This led us
to compare the N-terminal aminoacid sequence of
UGT2B4 and UGT2B7, predicted from its cDNA, in
the region encompassing residue33 (Fig. 1). The ana-
lysis revealed that residue F33 ofUGT2B4 was
replaced by Y33 in UGT2B7. Therefore, we have also
constructed and expressed in Sf9 cells a UGT2B4
mutant in which F33 was replaced by tyrosine, gener-
ating the mutant UGT2B4F33Y (Fig. 2). Analysis of
the glucuronidation activity of this mutant showed an
activity profile similar to the wild-type UGT2B4.
Moreover, HDCA and 4-hydroxyestrone were even
more efficiently glucuronidated by the mutant
(Fig. 3C, Table 1). Kinetic analysis indicated that the
and V
values of UGT2B4F33Y towards HDCA
and 4-hydroxyestrone were increased by 3.5- and two-
fold, and by 4.6- and three-fold, respectively, com-
pared with UGT2B4 (Table 1). These results led us to
hypothesize that thearomatic tyrosine residueat posi-
tion 33 in UGT2B4 may play an important role in the
substrate specificityofthe isoform.
Importance ofaminoacidresidue tyrosine 33
in thesubstratespecificityof UGT2B7
The wild-type UGT2B7 efficiently glucuronidates
17-epiestriol and eugenol and, in comparison with
UGT2B4, it exhibited a marked preference for
4-hydroxyestrone and HDCA (Table 1). In addition,
UGT2B7 efficiently glucuronidated androsterone and
epitestosterone (Fig. 4A). To investigate whether the
tyrosine residueatposition33 in UGT2B7 plays a
role in HDCA glucuronidation andsubstrate specifi-
city, we substituted this residue by leucine, as found in
the HDCA-deficient UGT2B4 variant, and expressed
the mutant in insect cells (Fig. 2).
Analysis ofthe activity ofthe UGT2B7Y33L mutant
towards various substrates showed that replacement of
Y33 by leucine resulted in a dramatic change in activity
and substratespecificityofUGT2B7 (Fig. 4, compare
parts Aand B). Indeed, the mutation abolished glucu-
ronidation of several substrates including phenols such
as 1-naphthol and steroids such as androsterone and
b-estradiol (Fig. 4B), and greatly reduced the activity
towards HDCA and 4-hydroxyestrone (Fig. 4B,
Table 1). In addition, glucuronidation of bulky phen-
ols, 4-hydroxybiphenyl and 4-isopropylphenol, and the
steroid epitestosterone was dramatically decreased. On
the other hand, the activity towards 17-epiestriol was
increased by the Y33L mutation in UGT2B7 (Table 1).
These data showed that the presence ofa leucine resi-
due atposition 33, instead of tyrosine, led to an
enzyme with restricted and somewhat modified specific-
ity. Further kinetic characterization of this mutant
indicated that the K
values towards HDCA and
17-epiestriol were in the same range as that ofthe wild-
type. However, the K
value towards 4-hydroxyestrone
was decreased by six-fold (Table 1). Furthermore, the
values underwent major changes, with 20- and
25-fold decrease for HDCA and 4-hydroxyestrone,
respectively, and 1.2-fold increase for 17-epiestriol.
In contrast to leucine residue, replacement of tyro-
sine by phenylalanine atposition33ofUGT2B7 had
Table 1. Apparent K
and normalized V
values for glucuronidation of selected substrates by wild-type UGT2B4andUGT2B7 and
mutants. Kinetic parameters were evaluated from initial velocity values ofthe reaction performed in triplicates using varying concentrations
of substrates (0–1 m
M) ata constant concentration of UDP-glucuronic acid (0.5 mM). Expression of wild-type and mutants was evaluated as
described in the Experimental procedures and expressed relative to UGT2B4 or UGT2B7. ND, not determined, due to lack of detectable
estrone 17-Epiestriol
Relative protein
expression (%)
2B4 26 ± 1 25 ± 3 19 ± 1 28 ± 5 276 ± 7 42 ± 5 100
2B4F33 L ND ND 1 173 ± 29 8 93 ± 12 44
2B4F33Y 48 ± 1 91 ± 10 57 ± 4 131 ± 26 182 ± 5 71 ± 7 4
2B7 1164 ± 36 21 ± 4 2365 ± 55 81 ± 8 570 ± 10 52 ± 4 100
2B7Y33 L 56 ± 2 29 ± 6 94 ± 3 12 ± 2 670 ± 17 45 ± 5 63
2B7Y33F 2156 ± 114 39 ± 9 1260 ± 33 117 ± 11 3283 ± 56 159 ± 8 60
L. Barre et al. Substratespecificity in UGT2B4and UGT2B7
FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 1256–1264 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS 1259
only a minor effect on activity andsubstrate specifi-
city. The mutant UGT2B7Y33F exhibited similar sub-
strate specificity as wild-type UGT2B7 (Fig. 4C) and
kinetic analysis indicated that the K
values towards
HDCA and 17-epiestriol were increased by about two-
and three-fold, respectively. The V
value towards
4-hydroxyestrone was decreased by two-fold and it
was increased by two- and six-fold for HDCA and
17-epiestriol, respectively (Table 1). These experiments
highlighted the importance of an aromaticresidue at
position 33 in the capacity ofUGT2B7 to glucuroni-
date a broad range of aglycone substrates.
A major property ofthe UGTs is their large and over-
lapping substrate specificity, which confers to glucuroni-
dation a significant role in the detoxification processes.
This characteristic feature is typically illustrated from
comparison ofthe activity ofUGT2B4and UGT2B7,
which are both able to glucuronidate HDCA and cate-
chol-estrogens as well as xenobiotics, as shown in this
and other studies [5]. However, UGT2B7 has a broader
specificity than UGT2B4and it is able to accommodate
various steroids such as androsterone and epitestoster-
one. The molecular basis ofthesubstrate selectivity of
these enzymes is difficult to understand because no com-
mon structural features between the substrates glucuro-
nidated by each isoform were thus far found [12].
This general assessment prompted us to identify
amino acids that may account for thesubstrate specific-
ity of these UGTs. The high sequence homology
between UGT2B4and UGT2B7, in combination with a
marked difference in substrate specificity, especially
towards steroid substrates, was favorable for attempt-
ing to pinpoint theaminoacid residues that are critical
for thesubstrate specificity. In the current study, we
have shown that the presence of an aromaticresidue at
position 33ofUGT2B4andUGT2B7 is important in
that respect. This conclusion is based on the following
lines of evidence: (a) the UGT2B4F33L mutant exhib-
ited a strong decrease in HDCA glucuronidation; (b)
the UGT2B4F33Y mutant was able to sustain the
glucuronidation of both HDCA and 4-hydroxyestrone;
(c) mutation ofresidue Y33 ofUGT2B7 to leucine led
to an enzyme with a restricted substrate specificity; and
(d) the mutant UGT2B7Y33F exhibited similar activity
and substratespecificity to those of UGT2B7. Interest-
ingly, Villeneuve et al. [13] recently reported a novel
polymorphism ofthe UGT1A9 isoform, whose muta-
tion M33T (corresponding to position 31 in UGT2B4)
was responsible for a large decrease in the activity (by
96%) ofthe glucuronidation ofthe anticancer drug,
SN-38. In contrast, the activity measured with flavo-
piridol was unaffected, indicating that, similar to our
findings, a single mutation can affect enzyme activity
for a subset of aglycones substrates. The above study
by Villeneuve et al. [13] and our work emphasize the
crucial role ofthe region encompassing residueat posi-
tion 33 in thesubstratespecificityof UGT isoforms.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1213 1415 161
Enzyme activity
(pmol/min/mg protein)
162 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 121314151
Normalized enzyme activity
(pmol/min/mg protein)
Normalized enzyme activity
(pmol/min/mg protein)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 161
Fig. 4. Glucuronidation activity ofUGT2B7 (A) and UGT2B7Y33L
mutant (B) for probe substrates. Numbers refer to substrates as in
Fig. 3. The insert shows the glucuronides separated by thin layer
chromatography and visualized by autoradiography. (All the films
were exposed for 4 days.) Activities were measured as indicated in
the legend to Fig. 3 and are the mean of three experiments.
Substrate specificity in UGT2B4andUGT2B7 L. Barre et al.
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The changes in specificity observed for the different
mutants were characterized further by kinetic analyses.
The results with UGT2B4F33L revealed that the
impairment in 4-hydroxyestrone and 17-epiestriol glucu-
ronidation efficacy resulted from a large increase in K
values, along with a decrease in the V
values. These
data suggest that the mutations primarily affect binding
of the substrates, but they do not rule out the possibility
of a reduced access ofthesubstrate to the catalytic site
upon mutation. On the other hand, replacement of F33
by tyrosine led to mutant UGT2B4F33Y with similar
substrate specificity as the wild-type enzyme support-
ing the idea that a tyrosine can substitute to the
wild-type phenylalanine residue. Moreover, mutant
UGT2B4F33Y exhibited enhanced glucuronidation
towards HDCA and 4-hydroxyestrone compared with
wild-type. The kinetic parameters ofthe mutant indica-
ted an increase in both V
and K
values (Table 1).
In the case of UGT2B7, substitution of Y33 to leu-
cine led to a severe restriction in aglycones accepted by
the enzyme. In fact, the effects of replacing the aroma-
tic residueatposition33 by leucine on the substrate
specificity ofUGT2B7 were even more dramatic than
in UGT2B4. Only three out ofthe 12 compounds pre-
viously glucuronidated by UGT2B7 remained effi-
ciently glucuronidated by the UGT2B7Y33L mutant.
Nonetheless, the K
value for HDCA was not signifi-
cantly different from that obtained for the wild-type
enzyme, suggesting that the affinity ofthe enzyme for
HDCA was not largely altered by the mutation. In the
case of 4-hydroxyestrone glucuronidation, the K
cated an enhanced apparent affinity ofthe mutant.
For both substrates, the mutation decreased the V
values. On the other hand, the V
of the mutant
towards 17-epiestriol was slightly increased andthe K
was not significantly modified.
Replacement ofthe Y33 residueofUGT2B7 by phe-
nylalanine led to a mutant, UGT2B7Y33F, with even
more enhanced glucuronidation activity towards
HDCA and 17-epiestriol compared with the wild-type.
Analyses ofthe kinetic parameters ofthe UGT2-
B7Y33F mutant indicated enhanced V
and K
values, except for 4-hydroxyestrone, which showed a
two-fold decrease in the V
value (Table 1).
Taken together, the results of this study are consis-
tent with the notion that residue33 is involved in the
interactions ofthe enzyme with thesubstrate in both
UGT2B4 and UGT2B7.
In contrast to the F33L mutation, which reduces the
activity ofUGT2B4and UGT2B7, exchanging F33 for
tyrosine sustained the enzyme activity and specificity.
Although a leucine residue can establish hydrophobic
interactions, it will produce more steric hindrance than
an aromaticresidue such as phenylalanine or tyrosine.
In agreement with this proposal, a tyrosine residue at
position 33 in UGT2B4 was able to support glucuroni-
dation of HDCA, thus suggesting that p-stacking
interactions and ⁄ or steric hindrance conferred by an
aromatic residue are critical for access or recognition
of this substrate. Steric hindrance by acritical residue
has been proposed as an underlying principle that can
regulate substrateand ⁄ or product specificities of
enzymes catalyzing the metabolism of hydrophobic
substrates. For example, the phenylalanine residue at
position 87 of cytochrome P450 BM-3 was suggested
to act through steric hindrance to determine the regio-
and stereospecificity ofthe arachidonic acid epoxy-
genase activity [14]. Such a situation is also exemplified
in the case of estrogen sulfotransferase, which posses-
ses two criticalaromatic residues forming a gate-like
structure that was suggested to confer estrogen specifi-
city to this enzyme [15].
The involvement of several residues in determining
the substratespecificity probably also stands true for
the UGTs. Coffman et al. [16] reported the important
role ofthe aspartic residueatposition 99 of UGT2B7
in the binding of morphine. When this charged amino
acid was substituted with alanine, a dramatic decrease
in activity was observed. In agreement, the structure–
function analysis of UGT2B15 and UGT2B17 sugges-
ted that a set of residues (including residue 121) is
implicated in the steroid specificityof these isoenzymes
[17]. These studies, along with our work, indicate that
substitution ofa single aminoacid can substantially
affect substrate recognition, but multiple differences
between two related isoforms probably contribute to
their individual specificity.
In conclusion, this study shows, for the first time, that
an aromaticresidueatposition33 is critical for the sub-
strate specificityofUGT2B4and UGT2B7. The data
provide the basis with which to modulate the substrate
specificity ofhuman UGT isoforms by protein engineering.
Experimental procedures
Chemicals and reagents
4-Methylumbelliferone (free acid), 1-naphthol, 4-nitro-
phenol, 4-hydroxybiphenyl, 4-hydroxyestrone, 17a-ethinyl-
estradiol, testosterone, eugenol, HDCA, androsterone,
epitestosterone, b-estradiol, 17-epiestriol, isopropylphenol,
ketoprofen, 3¢-azido-3¢-deoxythymidine and UDP-glucuro-
nic acid (sodium salt) were purchased from Sigma (L’Isle
d’Abeau, St. Quentin Fallavier, France). UDP-[U-
glucuronic acid (418 mCiÆmmol
) was obtained from NEN
(Perkin Elmer, Courtaboeuf, France). Restriction enzymes
L. Barre et al. Substratespecificity in UGT2B4and UGT2B7
FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 1256–1264 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS 1261
were provided by New England Biolabs (Hitchin, UK). The
QuikChange site-directed mutagenesis kit was from Strata-
gene (La Jolla, CA, USA), LumiGLO
was from Cell
Signaling (Beverly, MA, USA), and AdvantageÒ 2 poly-
merase mix was from Clontech (Palo Alto, CA, USA). All
other reagents were ofthe best quality and commercially
Expression vectors constructions
Expression vectors used to express humanUGT2B4 and
UGT2B7 with an apparent molecular mass of about
53 kDa in baculovirus-infected insect cells were previously
described [18]. The short C-terminal extension, including a
His-tag, was added by subcloning the respective cDNAs
into the modified shuttle vector pFBXHA to generate 2B4-
XHA and 2B7-XHA expression vectors [18].
Site-directed mutagenesis
Construction ofaminoacid substituted mutants of
UGT2B4 andUGT2B7 were performed using the Quik-
Change site-directed mutagenesis kit according to the
recommendations ofthe manufacturer. 2B4-XHA and 2B7-
XHA expression vectors were used as a template. The
sequence ofthe sense and antisense mutation primers is
indicated in Table 2. Full-length mutated cDNAs were sys-
tematically checked by DNA sequencing.
Heterologous expression in insect Sf9 cells
Wild-type UGT2B4andUGT2B7and mutants expression
vectors were transfected in the Escherichia coli strain
DH10Bac for the generation of recombinant ‘bacmids’
that, in turn, were employed for the production of recom-
binant baculovirus stocks according to the Bac-to-Bac
procedure (Invitrogen, Cergy Pontoise, France). The pro-
duction of recombinant proteins was carried out following
optimization trials in which the suitable amount of virus
from the new stocks for the infection of insect Sf9
cells was estimated. The relative expression level of
each UGT in microsomal membranes was evaluated by
immunodetection using the monoclonal anti-His-tag anti-
body Tetra-His (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) as described
previously [19].
Western blot analysis was performed by loading onto the
gel 2, 10 and 100 lg of membrane proteins for UGT2B4,
UGT2B4F33L and UGT2B4F33Y, respectively, and 12, 15
and 15 lg of membrane proteins for UGT2B7, UGT2-
B7Y33L and UGT2B7Y33F, respectively. The proteins
were separated in 10% SDS ⁄ PAGE gels, transferred to a
polyvinylidene difluoride membrane (Millipore, Eschborn,
Germany), and subsequently blocked in Tris-buffer saline-
Tween 20 containing 5% nonfat milk. Membranes were
incubated overnight with monoclonal anti-His-tag antibody
Tetra-His directed against His-tag followed by incubation
with horseradish-peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibod-
ies. The blot was then developed using LumiGLO
according to the instructions ofthe manufacturer (Cell
Signaling, Danvers, MA, USA).
Analysis of glucuronidation activity
Protein concentration was measured as previously described
[20] with the Bio-Radä reagent (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA,
USA). The activity ofthe recombinant wild-type and
mutant UGT2B4andUGT2B7 towards several substrates
was determined as described [21]. Briefly, incubation in
Eppendorf tubes (total volume 40 lL) consisted of 50 lgof
microsomal proteins for UGT2B7, UGT2B7Y33L, UGT2-
B7Y33F andUGT2B4and 200 l g for UGT2B4F33Y and
UGT2B4F33L in 100 mm Tris ⁄ HCl buffer (pH 7.4), 10 mm
containing 0.02 mm UDP-glucuronic acid and
0.1 lCi UDP-[U-
C]glucuronic acid. The reaction was star-
ted by addition ofsubstrate (0.5 mm final concentration)
dissolved in 2 lL dimethylsulfoxide. A control was per-
formed in which thesubstrate was omitted and dimethyl-
sulfoxide added. After incubation for 1 h at 37 ° C, the
proteins were precipitated by 40 lL ethanol in ice, and
removed by centrifugation at 4000 g for 10 min at 4 °C.
The supernatant was loaded onto thin layer chromato-
graphy plates (LK6DF silica gel, 250 lm; Whatman, Clif-
ton, NJ, USA). The plates were developed with n-butanol,
acetone, acetic acid, aqueous ammoniac (28%), water
Table 2. Sequence ofthe primers used for site-directed mutagenesis. Mutant aminoacid codons are underlined.
Mutant Primer Sequence (5’- to 3’)
Substrate specificity in UGT2B4andUGT2B7 L. Barre et al.
1262 FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 1256–1264 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS
(70 : 50 : 18 : 1.5 : 60 v ⁄ v). They were dried and sprayed
with 1% (v ⁄ v) 2-(4-t-butylphenyl)-5() 4-biphenyl)-1,3,
4-oxadiazole in toluene. The radioactivity associated with
the glucuronide was visualized by autoradiography with
X-Omat Kodak films (Sigma) for 3 days at )20 °C. The sil-
ica gel areas ofthe glucuronides were scraped off and the
associated radioactivity was quantified on a LKB spectro-
meter using Fluoran Safe Ultima Gold scintillant cocktail
(Packard, Rungis, France). The decomposition per min
value in a given sample was considered significant when it
was at least two-fold of that ofthe blank sample.
Kinetic analysis ofthe data
Kinetic parameters were evaluated from initial velocity val-
ues ofthe reaction performed as described above. Varying
concentrations ofthe substrates (0–1 mm) ata constant
concentration of UDP-GlcA (0.5 mm) were used. K
values for HDCA, 4-hydroxyestrone and 17a-epiestriol
were determined using nonlinear least square analysis of
the data fitted to Michaelis-Menten rate equation (v ¼
· [S] ⁄ K
+ [S]), where S is thesubstrateand v is
the velocity, using the curve-fitter program sigmaplot 9.0
This work was supported by grants from Ligue Contre
le Cancer Re
gion Lorraine, Agence Nationale de la
Recherche (ANR number NT05-3_42251) and Re
Lorraine, as well as the Academy of Finland (Project
210933). We thank J, Mosorin for excellent technical
assistance and PI. Mackenzie (Flinders University,
Adelaide, Australia) for kindly providing the UGT2B4
variant cDNA.
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