Aninternalribosomeentrysitemediatestheinitiation of
soluble guanylylcyclaseb2mRNA translation
Roberto I. Vazquez-Padron
, Si M. Pham
, Dania Mateu
, Sheik Khan
and Abdelouahab Aitouche
1 University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, FL, USA
2 National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
The solubleguanylyl cyclases (sGCs) are the only
receptors for nitric oxide (NO). In the presence of NO,
sGCs produce cGMP to initiate the intracellular sig-
naling that leads to vascular smooth muscle cell relaxa-
tion and synaptic transmission [1,2]. sGCs are
heterodimeric enzymes consisting of one a-subunit and
one b-subunit. There are two types of a-subunit and b-
subunit that may constitute four different isoforms
(a1b1, a2b1, a1b2, and a2b2) [3]. sGC a1b1is
expressed in most mammalian tissues and has been
extensively characterized [4–6]. Nonetheless, informa-
tion about other sGCs is very limited. sGC a2b1is
specifically produced in the placenta [7,8], and mRNA
coding for the b2-subunit has been detected in kidney
[9,10] and brain [11]. A search ofthe Geo Profiles
database for sGC b2 gene expression has linked the
activation of this gene to neoplastic growth and
inflammatory processes.
The function of sGC b2 remains elusive. The amino
acid sequence of this subunit resembles that of a primi-
tive sGC found in insects [12]. This subunit has an
isoprenylation consensus site at the C-terminus that, in
principle, could target this protein to the membrane.
Interestingly, sGC a1b2 in transfected cells is 100-fold
less active than the a1b1 heterodimer [11,13]. This
finding suggests that sGC b2 could be a dominant neg-
ative isoform, desensitizing sGCs and thus inhibiting
NO signaling. Recently, a post-transcriptional variant
of the sGC b2 that forms active homodimers has been
described [14].
IRES; nitric oxide; solubleguanylyl cyclase;
translation; untranslated region
R. I. Vazquez-Padron, Division of
Cardiothoracic Surgery and Vascular Biology
Institute, University of Miami Miller School
of Medicine, 1600 NW 10th Avenue, RMSB
1063, Miami, FL, 33136, USA
Fax: +1 305 243 5636
Tel: +1 305 243 1154
(Received 18 January 2008, revised 8 May
2008, accepted 13 May 2008)
The solubleguanylyl cyclases (sGC), the receptor for nitric oxide, are hete-
rodimers consisting ofan a- and b-subunit. This study aimed to investigate
the translational mechanism ofthe sGC b2-subunit. Two mRNA species
for sGC b2 were isolated from human kidney. These transcripts had dis-
similar 5¢-untranslated regions (5¢-UTRs). The most abundant sGC b2
mRNA showed numerous upstream open reading frames (ORFs) and sta-
ble secondary structures that inhibited in vivo and in vitro translation. To
evaluate whether these 5¢-UTRs harbored aninternalribosomeentry site
(IRES) that allows translation by an alternative mechanism, we inserted
these regions between the two luciferase genes of a bicistronic vector.
Transfection of those genetic constructs into HeLa cells demonstrated that
both sGC b2 leaders had IRES activity in a cell-type dependent manner.
Finally, the secondary structural model ofthe sGC b25¢-UTR predicts a
Y-type pseudoknot that characterizes the IRES of cellular mRNAs. In con-
clusion, our findings suggest that sGC b25¢-UTRs have IRES activity that
may permit sGC b2 expression under conditions that are not optimal for
scanning-dependent translation.
CMV, cytomegalovirus; ECMV, encephalomyocarditis virus; IRES, internalribosomeentry site; NO, nitric oxide; sGC, soluble guanylyl
3598 FEBS Journal 275 (2008) 3598–3607 ª 2008 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2008 FEBS
The human sGC b2 gene lies on chromosome
13q14.3 and expands for more than 73 kb. It consists
of 17 exons, of which four correspond to the 5¢-UTR.
This 5¢-leader has numerous upstream initiation co-
dons (uAUG) and stable, predictable secondary struc-
tures that difficult gene translation by the conventional
scanning mechanism [15–17]. Thetranslationof genes
bearing complex 5¢-UTRs occur through alternative
mechanisms such as IRES and ribosome jumping. The
IRES direct ribosome binding straight to the initiation
codon, avoiding theribosome migration along the
mRNA leader sequence [18,19]. This mechanism was
originally discovered in picornavirus RNAs. Recently,
a number of IRES have been identified in eukaryotic
mRNAs coding for proteins associated with stress, cell
growth, and cell death [20–25].
This study aimed to investigate the translational
mechanism ofthe sGC b2-subunit. We found that
sGC b2translation is mediated by an IRES. This is
the first example ofan IRES being identified in one of
the sGC genes.
Cloning ofthe sGC b25¢-UTRs
The 5¢-UTR of sGC b2 was isolated from human kid-
ney RNA by RT-PCR. Two cDNA fragments of
298 bp and 195 bp were amplified using specific prim-
ers (Fig. 1A). The 5¢-UTR of 298 bp was the most
abundant in kidney, and several tumors and their nor-
mal adjacent tissues (Fig. S1 Supplementary materials).
The 298 bp fragment corresponded to the full-length
5¢-UTR with a perfect match to sGC b2 GeneBank
sequences NP004120 and AF038499 (Fig. 1A). The less
abundant cDNA fragment of 195 bp showed a new
and rare sGC b25¢-UTR that lacked exon III. This
alternative sGC b2mRNA has a new start codon that
would generate a polypeptide with an N-terminus
longer than the one encoded by the full-length 5¢-UTR
(Fig. 1C).
The 5¢-UTR of sGC b2mRNA contains numerous
uAUGs and stable predictable secondary
The full-length sGC b25¢-UTR was characterized of
having nine uAUGs that could potentially initiate
translation (Table 1) [26]. Only the one at +116 bp
was in frame with the sGC b2 ORF though it did not
overlap the sGC b2 primary sequence. This uORF
could potentially block access of ribosomes to the sGC
b2 start codon to inhibit the scanning translation of
this gene. The sGC b25¢-UTR had a calculated fold-
ing energy values up to )72.2 kcalÆmol
and predicted
Y-type stem–loop structures (Fig. 2). This kind of
structural motif is often detected in IRES of cellular
mRNAs [27–30].
The sGC b25¢-UTR inhibits in vitro translation of
a downstream reporter gene
The sGC b25¢-UTR was inserted upstream to the
FLuc gene under the control ofthe T7 promoter and
the SV40 polyadenylation signal (Fig. 3A). Equimolar
amounts of genetic constructs with and without the
Fig. 1. Cloning and sequencing of sGC b2
5¢-UTRs. (A) Isolation of sGC b25¢-UTRs by
RT-PCR. The arrows indicate amplified DNA
fragments. (B) Nucleotide sequence of the
298 bp 5¢-UTR. (C) Nucleotide sequence of
the 195 bp 5¢-UTR. Upstream AUGs (uAUG)
are show in bold and underlined. The
authentic initiation codon is identified by the
amino acid sequence. The exons are limited
by arrows.
R. I. Vazquez-Padron et al. The sGC b25¢-UTR contains an IRES
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sGC b2 leader were transcribed ⁄ translated in the pres-
ence of 7-methyl-G(5¢)ppp(5¢) guanosine cap analog in
reactions supplemented with [
S]Met. In vitro transla-
tion produced luciferase and background proteins
probably generated by proteolysis and protein aggrega-
tion. The presence ofthe sGC b2 leader decreased
luciferase protein three-fold as compared to the reac-
tion performed with the control plasmid pGEM-FLuc
(Fig. 3B,C). On the other hand, the absence of cap
analog slightly decreased the in vitro translation of
sGC b2-FLuc. Similar results were obtained by insert-
ing the alternative sGC b2 between T7 promoter and
the reporter gene. This leader also decreased luciferase
activity three-fold with respect to the control vector.
These findings suggested that a region of stable sec-
ondary structure was obstructing gene translation
and ⁄ or that factors that were not present in the rabbit
reticulocyte lysates were required for in vitro protein
The sGC b25¢-UTR inhibits in vivo transcription
and translationof a downstream reporter gene
Next, the sGC b25¢-UTR was inserted between the
cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter and the FLuc gene
to study its effects on downstream gene expression
(Fig. 4A). Genetic constructs were cotransfected with
the transfection control plasmid (pRL-TK) in HeLa
cells. The levels of firefly and renilla mRNAs were
measured by TaqMan RT-PCR. Total RNAs were
treated with DNase to avoid contamination. HeLa
cells transfected with the control plasmid, the pFLuc,
produced two times (2.1 ± 1.32, n = 4) more FLuc
mRNA than those transfected with the pFLuc b2. The
ratio of renilla mRNA between the two groups was
0.97 ± 0.13, which indicated no differences in trans-
fection. This result suggested that the sGC b25¢-UTR
may have a negative effect on the gene transcription or
mRNA stability. The latter seemed less likely, as
northern blot analysis showed no signals of RNA deg-
radation (Fig. 4B). However, after adjusting the lucif-
erase activity on the basis ofmRNA levels, the
luciferase activity in cells transfected with pFLuc-b2
was 1.8 times lower than in those transfected with the
control plasmid (Fig. 4C). This agrees with the in vitro
results and suggests the presence of stable secondary
structure in the sGC b25¢-UTR that may inhibit both
transcription and scanning translation. It also suggests
that theinitiationof sGC b2translation is through an
alternative mechanism that is less efficient than scan-
ning translation.
The 5¢-UTR of sCG b2mRNA harbors an IRES
The sGC b25¢-UTR was then inserted downstream to
the hairpin in the pSL3 bicistronic vector to determine
whether this sequence contained an IRES (Fig. 5A).
This plasmid incorporates the renilla and firefly lucife-
rases as first and second cistrons, respectively. The
Fig. 2. Predicted secondary structure of the
sGC b25¢-UTR. Predicted RNA secondary
structures ofthe sGC b 25¢-UTR calculated
by the
MFOLD algorithm. Both secondary
structures have extendable and stable stem
loops with a semiconserved Y-structure
characteristic ofthe cellular IRES. The dots
denote the position ofthe uAUG in the sec-
ondary structures. The folding energy (DG)
appears below each structure.
Table 1. Characteristics oftheinitiation codons ofthe sGC b25¢-
AUG Position
sequence Consensus
In frame
uAUG 54 AACaugU + 75 No
uAUG 58 UGUaugG + 11 No
uAUG 116 AACaugG ++ 20 Yes
uAUG 151 AAGaugC ) 2No
uAUG 159 UUCaugA ) 39 No
uAUG 171 ACAaugU + 35 No
uAUG 175 UGUaugA ) 24 No
uAUG 178 AUGaugA ) 23 No
uAUG 234 UCCaugG + 15 No
iAUG 282 AAGaugU + NA Yes
Degree of agreement with the Kozac consensus sequence for the
initiation of protein translation.
Number of amino acids encoding
for the upstream ORF (uORF) ofthe sGC b25¢-UTR.
Whether this
ATG is in frame with theinitiation codon.
The sGC b25¢-UTR contains an IRES R. I. Vazquez-Padron et al.
3600 FEBS Journal 275 (2008) 3598–3607 ª 2008 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2008 FEBS
hairpin between cistrons inhibits scanning translation
and eliminates the possibility of ribosomal read-
through. The relative IRES activity (ratio of firefly to
renilla luciferase) was determined in transiently trans-
fected HeLa cells. The insertion ofthe sense-oriented
sGC b25¢-UTR in the intercistronic position increased
the translationofthe downstream cistron 6.3-fold over
the control (pSL3) and two-fold over the vector con-
taining the EMCV IRES (Fig. 5B). The IRES activity
of the bicistronic vector with the antisense leader was
two times less than that ofthe one with the sense sGC
Fig. 3. The sGC b 25¢-UTR inhibits the in vitro translationof the
downstream reporter gene. (A) Genetic constructs for in vitro trans-
lation. Both 5¢-UTRs were cloned downstream ofthe T7 promoter
of the pGEM-11ZP(+) vector. (B) The in vitro translation products
were resolved via SDS ⁄ PAGE, and [
S]Met-labeled polypeptides
were detected by autoradiography. The pGEM-11ZP(+) vector was
used as control. The relative position ofthe luciferase is indicated.
(C) Luciferase activity from in vitro transcription ⁄ translation reac-
tions in the presence or absence of 7-methyl-G(5¢)ppp(5¢) guanosine
cap (Cap). The error bars represent the mean ± standard deviation
of five independent experiments. *P < 0.01 with respect to the
Cap-FLuc group as calculated by one-way
ANOVA followed by the
Duncan test (n = 5).
sGC β2 5′ UTR
β2 -FLuc mRNA
Relative luciferase activity/mRNA
Fig. 4. The sGC b25¢-UTR reduces in vivo transcription and transla-
tion of a downstream reporter gene. (A) Monocistronic reporter vec-
tors. The sGC b25¢-UTR was inserted between pCMV and the
firefly luciferase gene. (B) Northern blot analysis of monocistronic
mRNAs. Total mRNAs from transfected cells were blotted to nylon
membranes and probed with a radiolabeled DNA specific for lucifer-
ase. (C) Relative luciferase activity of transfected HeLa cells. The
luciferase activity was normalized to the transfection control activity
of pRL-TK and to themRNA concentration determined by TaqMan
RT-PCR. The error bars represent the mean ± standard deviation.
*P < 0.01 as calculated by a t-test of unequal variances (n = 4).
R. I. Vazquez-Padron et al. The sGC b25¢-UTR contains an IRES
FEBS Journal 275 (2008) 3598–3607 ª 2008 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2008 FEBS 3601
b25¢-UTR. However, themRNA harboring the anti-
sense leader was not totally bicistronic as detected by
RT-PCR (data not shown). These data suggested that
the 5¢-UTR of sGC b 2 harbors an IRES only in the
sense orientation.
IRES activity in the 5¢-UTR of sGC b2mRNA is
neither due to the presence of a cryptic promoter
nor to splicing sites in the bicistronic mRNA
To demonstrate that the IRES activity observed in
the sGC b25¢-UTR was not due to the production
of monocistronic mRNA by splicing [31], total
RNAs from transfected HeLa cells with the
bicistronic vectors pSL3 (control) and pSL3-b2 were
analyzed by northern blot. The full-length mRNA
and a faint upper band were detected (Fig. 5C). The
band above the bicistronic mRNA was likely pro-
duced by an incomplete transcription termination of
those genetic constructs. The absence of firefly lucif-
erase monocistronic mRNAs ruled out the possibility
of splicing sites within the sGC b25¢-UTR. This
was further confirmed by RT-PCR. However, three
times more firefly luciferase mRNA was observed in
the control cells than in those transfected with pSL3-
b2. The L-myc and Apaf-1 IRESs also decreased the
abundance of luciferase mRNA in HeLa cells
To exclude the possibility that the sGC b2
5¢-UTR contains cryptic promoters, it was inserted
upstream ofthe FLuc gene in the promoterless plas-
mid pGL3-Basic. The pFLuc with the CMV pro-
moter was used as positive control (Fig. 6A). The
absence of promoter abolished the luciferase activity
in transfected HeLa cells regardless ofthe presence
of the sGC b25¢-UTR (Fig. 6B). This experiment
demonstrated that no cryptic promoter resides in this
The alternative sGC b25¢-UTR promotes the
IRES-mediated translation
The ability of alternative sGC b25¢-UTRs to
promote internalribosomeentry on a bicistronic
mRNA was also assessed (Fig. 7A). This alternative
leader lacks exon III along with five uAUGs that
may have inhibitory effects on translation (Fig. 1C).
The alternative leader increased the IRES activity
53-fold over pSL3 (control) and six-fold over the
full-length 5¢-UTR (Fig. 7B). ThemRNA containing
this 5¢-UTR b2 was completely bicistronic, as shown
by RT-PCR with two independent sets of primers
(Fig. 7C). No cryptic promoters were found in this
leader either (Fig. 6). Exon III alone slightly, but not
significantly, increased IRES activity over the control
(one-way anova analysis, n = 6, Fig. 7B). The ele-
vated IRES activity in the alternative 5¢-UTR may
be explained by the appearance of more efficient
IRES structures and ⁄ or the absence of inhibitory
uORFs. The alternative leader also possess an in-
frame AUG at +53 that may allow a more efficient
translation ofthe downstream cistron (Fig. 1C).
Taken together, these data suggest that both sGC b2
5¢-UTR isoforms are able to promote IRES-mediated
pCMV RLuc FLuc
3.2 Kb
2 5′UTR
3.5 Kb
2 -FLuc mRNA
Relative IRES activity
folds control (pSL3)
Fig. 5. The sGC b25¢-UTR has IRES activity. (A) Genetic constructs
utilised to demonstrate the presence of IRES in the sGC b2
5¢-UTR. The EMCV IRES was used as a positive control. (B) Rela-
tive IRES activity of HeLa cells transfected with bicistronic genetic
constructs. Relative IRES activity was calculated by the ratio of fire-
fly and renilla luciferase activity. The error bars represent the
mean ± standard deviation of five independent experiments.
*P < 0.01 as calculated by one-way
ANOVA analysis followed by the
Duncan test. (C) Northern blot analysis that shows the integrity of
the bicistronic mRNA containing the sGC b25¢-UTR.
The sGC b25¢-UTR contains an IRES R. I. Vazquez-Padron et al.
3602 FEBS Journal 275 (2008) 3598–3607 ª 2008 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2008 FEBS
The sGC b2 IRES is functional in a wide range of
cell lines
To investigate how widely the sGC b2 IRES is utilized
in mammalian cells, a panel of cell lines from different
tissues was used. These cell lines were transfected using
either pSL3 (control) or pSL3-b2. The sGC b25¢-UTR
was most active in human cervix epithelial adenocarci-
noma (HeLa) cells and moderately active in trans-
formed monkey kidney (Cos7) cells, in human lung
carcinoma (CCL-185) cells, and in human hepatocellu-
lar carcinoma (Hep G2) cells (Fig. 8).
The mechanism by which sGC b2mRNA is translated
has remained elusive thus far. Herein, we present
evidences that the human sGC b2mRNA is translated
via a nonconventional mechanism and that its 5¢-UTR
has a strong IRES element comparable with that of
picornaviruses [32,33]. Our demonstration of IRES
activity in the 5¢-UTR of sGC b2 accounts for the
translation of this gene despite the presence of abortive
uORFs and stable secondary structures in its leader
sequence that may inhibit scanning-dependent transla-
tion [18].
We initially characterized the sGC b25¢-UTR
in vitro and in vivo. The use of monocistronic genetic
construct demonstrated that the insertion ofthe sGC
b25¢-UTR upstream ofthe FLuc gene inhibited its
Relative luciferase activity
Folds of control (pGL3-Basic)
Fig. 6. The sGC b25¢-UTRs have no cryptic promoters. (A) Promo-
terless genetic constructs. The pFLuc was used as a positive con-
trol. (B) Genetic constructs were transfected into HeLa cells, and
FLuc activity was measured and normalized to transfection effi-
ciency and protein content. The data are expressed as fold increase
over pGL3-Basic. The error bars represent the mean ± standard
deviation of four independent experiments.
2 5′UTR
729 bp
2 5′UTR
PCR #2
PCR #1
525 bp
576 bp
525 bp
422 bp
525 bp
Ladder Plus
PCR #1
PCR #2
Relative IRES activity
folds control (pSL3)
β2A-β2 EIII-β2
Fig. 7. The alternative sGC b25¢-UTR promotes IRES-mediated
translation (A) Bicistronic genetic constructs utilized in this experi-
ment. Exons within the 5¢-UTR are indicated (see Fig. 1B and C).
(B) Relative IRES activity recovered from HeLa cells transfected
with above genetic constructs. The error bars represent the
mean ± standard deviation of six independent experiments.
*P < 0.01 as calculated by one-way
ANOVA analysis followed by the
Duncan test. (C) RT-PCR analysis to demonstrate bicistronic RNA
integrity using two sets of primers, PCR#1 and PCR#2 [as indicated
in (A)]. The first lane is the 1 kb ladder Plus DNA molecular marker.
Lane 5 shows the reverse transcriptase-negative control for each
set of primers.
R. I. Vazquez-Padron et al. The sGC b25¢-UTR contains an IRES
FEBS Journal 275 (2008) 3598–3607 ª 2008 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2008 FEBS 3603
translation. This is consistent with the observations
that only low levels ofthe sGC b2 protein are detected
in tissues and with the low levels of b2-based sGC
obtained in transfected cells [34, 9].
Transfection of cells with a bicistronic construct
containing the sGC b25¢-UTR between cistrons dem-
onstrated the presence ofan IRES. The IRES activity
was found, although differing in degree, in several
human cell lines. The differences in the sGC b2 IRES-
mediated translation among cell lines may be due to
the levels oftranslation factors require for a proper
IRES function.
Recently, the idea of IRES-mediated translation in
eukaryotes has been challenged on the basis ofthe meth-
ods typically used for IRES identification [31]. IRES
activity in the cells transiently transfected with bicistron-
ic vectors is often confused with aberrant RNA cleav-
age, splicing, and ⁄ or the presence ofthe cryptic
promoter within the construct itself that lead to the
formation of a low amount of monocistronic messengers
translated via the conventional scanning mechanism.
No evidence of either RNA cleavage or cryptic pro-
moter was found in cells transfected with the bicistronic
constructs containing the sGC b25¢-UTR. These data
confirmed that the sGC b2 gene could be produced by
an IRES-mediated translational mechanism.
We also investigated whether the alternative sGC b2
5¢-UTR had IRES activity. The IRES activity in this
sequence was six-fold stronger than that in the full-
length and most abundant 5¢-UTR. This suggests that
the ability ofthe sGC b25¢-UTR to initiate IRES
translation resides in exons I, II and IV. It also sug-
gests that the production of sGC b2 could be regulated
at the post-transcriptional level through differential
splicing, and at the translational level through an
IRES. We can predict that under conditions where
high levels of protein are required, more alternative
sGC b2mRNA is produced along with the factors
needed for an efficient IRES-mediated translation.
It is important to note that cellular IRES are often
found in mRNA coding for regulatory proteins which
expression is timely coordinated within the cell [18].
Furthermore, the IRES allows translationof tran-
scripts in situations where cap-dependent translation is
attenuated, such as stress, apoptosis, mitotic-phase
transition, and development. There are several lines of
evidence indicating a possible role of sGC b2 as nega-
tive modulator of NO signaling. For example, Gupta
et al. demonstrated that cotransfection of sGC b2
along with a1 and b1 into Cos7 cells blunted sGC
activity in response to NO [13]. In addition, they
found that the expression ofthe b2-subunit was
increased in the kidney of hypertensive rats where sGC
activity was diminished [13]. Collectively, these findings
support the hypothesis that sGC b2 could be a modu-
lator of NO signaling under stress or pathological con-
ditions where IRES translation is favored. Future
studies will be needed to determine the specific role of
IRES-mediated translationof sGC b2 in the control of
NO signaling.
Experimental procedures
Cloning of 5¢-UTRs ofthe human sGC b2 gene
The sGC b25¢-UTRs were isolated from human kidney
total RNA (Stratagene, La jolla, CA, USA) by RT-PCR
with the following primers: 5¢-GCTTGGTGCTGCATCT
TATTCTCC-3¢ (reverse). Exon III was isolated in a similar
manner but using 5¢-AAAGGTACCAACTTCTGC
AGAAGTAC-3¢ (forward) and 5¢-CCATGGCTCGAGC
CAGAATGTTGCAGG-3¢ (reverse) as primers. The PCR
conditions per cycle were set as 30 s at 95 °C, 30 s at
50 °C, and 30 s at 72 °C. PCR products were resolved on a
2% agarose gel, and the intensity of each band was mea-
sured using NIH imagej software (NIH, Bethesda, MA,
USA). PCR products were further cloned into a pMos-
Blue-TA vector (Amersham Biosciences, Piscataway, NJ,
USA), and their sequences were determined at Sequetech
(Mountain View, CA, USA).
Genetic constructs
Genetic constructs are depicted at the tops ofthe relevant
figures. pSL3 was generated from pSL-EMCV by deleting
Fig. 8. The sGC b25¢-UTR is active in a range of cell lines. Cell
lines were transfected with the pSL3-b2 bicistronic vector using
Lipofectamine 2000. Luciferase activity was measured and normal-
ized on the basis of transfection control and protein contents. The
error bars represent the mean ± standard deviation of five indepen-
dent experiments.
The sGC b25¢-UTR contains an IRES R. I. Vazquez-Padron et al.
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the IRES [35]. pSL3-b2, pSL3-Ab2 and pSL3-EIII-b2 were
generated by inserting the corresponding sGC b25¢-UTR
into the pSL-3. PGEM-FLuc and pGEM-b2 were generated
by either cloning the firefly luciferase (FLuc) alone or fused
to the sGC b25¢-UTR downstream ofthe T7 promoter in
the pGEM-11ZP(+) (Promega, Madison, WI , USA). The
pSL-FLuc was constructed by NcoI removal ofthe renilla
luciferase gene (RLuc) from the bicistronic vector pSL 3.
The sGC b25¢-UTR was KpnI-XhoI inserted in pSL-FLuc
to generate pSL-b2. pGL3-b2 was generated by inserting
the sGC b25¢-UTR upstream ofthe FLuc gene in the pro-
moterless plasmid pGL-3 Basic (Promega).
Cell culture and transient transfection
Transformed monkey kidney (Cos7), human lung carci-
noma (CCL-185), human hepatocellular carcinoma
(HepG2) and human cervix epithelial adenocarcinoma
(HeLa) cells were obtained from American Tissue Culture
Collection (Manassas, VA, USA). Cells were cultured
under conventional conditions in DMEM supplemented
with penicillin ⁄ streptomycin and 10% fetal bovine serum.
Transfections were performed with Lipofectamine 2000
(Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA). Cells were cultured
with Opti-MEMÒ I Reduced Serum Medium for 1 h
before transfection. The DNA–Lipofectamine suspension
(100 lL) containing 1.6 lg of plasmid and 4 lL of Lipo-
fectamine 2000 was added drop by drop to the cells.
After 4 h of incubation, 1 mL of growth medium was
added and cells were cultured for 48 additional hours.
Luciferase activity
The firefly luciferase activity of cells transfected with mono-
cistronic reporter constructs was measured with the Lucifer-
ase Assay System (Promega). In these experiments,
luciferase activity was normalized on the basis ofthe renilla
luciferase activity ofthe transfection control vector pRL-
TK (Promega) and ofthemRNA levels determined by
TaqMan Real Time PCR.
The luciferase expression ofthe bicistronic vector was
determined using the dual luciferase assay system (Pro-
mega) in a Tuner Biosystems Lumminometer Model
TD 20 ⁄ 20 (Mountain View, CA, USA). All assays were
performed in triplicate on three to six different occasions.
Final values were expressed as fold ofthe experimental
control, indicated on each figure.
Northern blotting, RT-PCR, and TaqMan real time
Total RNA was prepared with the RNeasy Midi kit (Qia-
gen, Valencia, CA, USA). Four micrograms of RNA were
denatured in formaldehyde and separated on 1% formalde-
hyde ⁄ agarose gels. RNA was capillary blotted onto a nylon
membrane. Filters were UV cross-linked, and hybridiza-
tions were performed in Ultrahigh hybridization solution
(Ambion, Austin, TX, USA). The hybridization probe
specific for luciferase were prepared with the T7 Ribrop-
robe system (Promega) in the presence of [
Total RNAs were treated with DNase before retrotran-
scription. RT-PCRs were carried out with no retrotranscript-
ed RNAs (RT-Minus control) to rule out any possibility of
DNA contamination. The integrity of bicistronic mRNA was
also assessed by RT-PCR with two set of primers. PCR#1
TTTCCAAAATGTCGTAATAACC-3¢) amplified the inter-
cistronic region. PCR#2 (F-5¢-TTCCATCTTCCAGCGGA
amplified a 525 bp internal fragment ofthe first cistron. The
PCR conditions per cycle were set as 30 s at 95 °C, 30 s at
52 °C, and 1 min at 72 °C.
Firefly and renilla luciferase mRNAs were quantified
using custom TaqMan Gene Expression Assays, respec-
tively, according to the manufacturer’s instructions
(Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA). Probes were
FAM ⁄ MGB and primers were not limited. Real-time PCR
was performed on an ABI Prism 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR
System (96-well plate).
In vitro transcription and translation
In vitro coupled transcription and translation were
performed with the TnT Quick Coupled Transcrip-
tion ⁄ Translation System (Promega). Reactions were per-
formed with 10 fm of circular plasmids in the presence of
S]Met at 37 °C for 90 min. The translated proteins were
resolved via 12.5% SDS ⁄ PAGE and labeled polypeptides
were detected by autoradiography. The band intensity was
measured using NIH imagej software. The luciferase activity
of in vitro translated proteins was measured as described
Secondary structure modeling
Minimal free energy calculations and secondary structure
predictions were generated using the web-implemented ver-
sion ofthe mfold algorithm incorporating version 3.0 of
the Turner rules.
We thank Mireya Hernandez for her technical assis-
tance and Deborah Georges for her assistance with the
preparation ofthe manuscript. This work was
supported by NIH grant R01 HL63426 granted to
Dr Si M. Pham.
R. I. Vazquez-Padron et al. The sGC b25¢-UTR contains an IRES
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Supplementary material
The following supplementary material is available
Fig. S1. Abundance of sGC b25¢-UTRs in the kidney
(K) and in several tumors (T) and their normal adja-
cent tissues (NTA).
This material is available as part ofthe online article
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sponding author for the article.
R. I. Vazquez-Padron et al. The sGC b25¢-UTR contains an IRES
FEBS Journal 275 (2008) 3598–3607 ª 2008 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2008 FEBS 3607
. An internal ribosome entry site mediates the initiation of
soluble guanylyl cyclase b2 mRNA translation
Roberto I. Vazquez-Padron
, Si M. Pham
, Dania. investigate the translational
mechanism of the sGC b2- subunit. We found that
sGC b2 translation is mediated by an IRES. This is
the first example of an IRES