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Lackofstabilizedmicrotubulesasaresultofthe absence
of majormapsinCADcellsdoesnotpreclude neurite
C. Gasto
n Bisig
, Marı
a E. Chesta
, Guillermo G. Zampar
, Silvia A. Purro
, Vero
nica S. Santander
and Carlos A. Arce
1 Centro de Investigaciones en Quı
mica Biolo
gica de Co
rdoba (CIQUIBIC), UNC-CONICET, Departamento de Quı
mica Biolo
gica, Facultad de
Ciencias Quı
micas, Universidad Nacional de Co
rdoba, Argentina
2 Departamento de Biologı
a Molecular, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fı
micas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Rı
o Cuarto,
Correct functioning ofthe nervous system requires the
proper development of neuronal circuits and the estab-
lishment of synapses. Although neurons from different
regions ofthe nervous system acquire diverse morpho-
CAD cells; microtubule-associated proteins;
microtubule dynamics; microtubules;
C. A. Arce, Centro de Investigaciones en
mica Biolo
gica de Co
rdoba (CIQUIBIC),
UNC-CONICET, Departamento de Quı
gica, Facultad de Ciencias Quı
Universidad Nacional de Co
rdoba, Argentina
Fax: +54 0351 4334074
Tel: +54 0351 000000
E-mail: caecra@dqb.fcq.unc.edu.ar
(Received 19 May 2009, revised
28 September 2009, accepted 2 October
In many laboratories, the requirement of microtubule-associated proteins
(MAPs) and the stabilization ofmicrotubules for the elongation of neurites
has been intensively investigated, with controversial results being obtained.
We have observed that theneuritemicrotubulesof Cath.a-differentiated
(CAD) cells, a mouse brain derived cell, are highly dynamic structures, and
so we analyzed several aspects ofthe cytoskeleton to investigate the molecu-
lar causes of this phenomenon. Microtubules and microfilaments were pres-
ent in proportions similar to those found in brain tissue and were
distributed similarly to those in normal neurons in culture. Neurofilaments
were also present. Analysis of tubulin isospecies originating from post-trans-
lational modifications revealed an increased amount of tyrosinated tubulin,
a diminished amount ofthe detyrosinated form and alackofthe Delta2
form. This tyrosination pattern is in agreement with highly dynamic micro-
tubules. Using western blot analyses with specific antibodies, we found that
CAD cells do not express several MAPs such as MAP1b, MAP2, Tau, dou-
blecortin, and stable-tubule-only-peptide. The presence ofthe genes corre-
sponding to these MAPs was verified. Theabsenceofthe corresponding
mRNAs confirmed thelackof expression of these proteins. The exception
was Tau, whose mRNA was present. Among the several MAPs investigated,
LIS1 was the only one to be expressed inCAD cells. In addition, we
determined that neurites ofCADcells form and elongate at the same rate
as processes ina primary culture of hippocampal neurons. Treatment with
nocodazol precluded theformationof neurites, and induced the retraction
of previously formed neurites. We conclude that theformation and elon-
gation of neurites, at least inCAD cells, are dependent on microtubule
integrity but not on their stabilization or the presence of MAPs.
CAD, Cath.a-differentiated; dCAD, diffentiated CAD; MAP, microtubule-associated protein; STOP, stable-tubule-only-peptide; TSA,
trichostatin A.
7110 FEBS Journal 276 (2009) 7110–7123 ª 2009 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2009 FEBS
logies and abilities, there are certain basic features
common to all neurons (e.g. the initiation and elonga-
tion of membrane protrusions for neurite formation,
and their stabilization and differentiation into
dendrites and axons). Other processes, such as the
organization ofthe internal cytoskeleton, migration,
guidance, and selective synaptogenesis, differ depend-
ing on the type of neuron [1,2].
The cytoskeleton is a critical structure for the elon-
gation of neurites and the maintenance of neuronal
architecture [3], and the stabilization ofmicrotubules is
considered to be essential for neurons to maintain their
asymmetry and to transport materials required for
neurite elongation [4,5]. The mechanism by which neu-
rons regulate microtubule assembly, stability, and
interactions with other cell structures is considered to
depend on the presence of microtubule-associated pro-
teins (MAPs), among which the most prominent are
MAP1b, MAP2, Tau, and stable-tubule-only-peptide
(STOP) [6–9]. There are also other MAPs that have
been studied to a lesser extent (spectraplakins, adeno-
matous polyposis coli, doublecortin, dishevelled), as
well as other proteins binding to the plus end of micro-
tubules that could be involved in this process [10–12].
Transfection analyses have shown that Tau and
MAP2 induce the elongation of processes of non-neu-
ronal cells [13,14]. Suppressed expression of MAP1b,
MAP2, and Tau using antisense and siRNA technol-
ogy in several studies [15–17] caused a reduction of
neurite outgrowth. The microinjection of anti-Tau
antibodies into cultured neurons did not inhibit axonal
extension [18]. Tau knockout mice showed a decreased
number ofmicrotubulesin small-diameter axons, but
extended axons were indistinguishable from those of
wild-type controls [19]. MAP1b deficient mice show an
abnormal brain architecture, whereas, in MAP2 defi-
cient mice, the cytoarchitecture was normal, suggesting
an overlapping function of MAP2 with MAP1b [20].
Lack of functional alteration in cases when only one
gene for MAP was silenced was generally attributed to
other proteins that provide additional redundancy with
MAP functions [21–25]. The conflicting conclusions
made in different studies may be related to the use of
different technologies or different cell or tissue systems,
or the presence ofMAPs with redundant functions. In
any case, a requirement ofMAPs and stabilized micro-
tubules for neuriteformation has not yet been clearly
demonstrated. Inthe present study, we characterized
cytoskeleton and neuriteformationin Cath.a-differen-
tiated (CAD) cells, adding new information regarding
this particular subject.
CAD originated asa subclone ofthe cathecolamin-
ergic cell line CATH.a, which was derived from a
neuronal brain tumor ina transgenic mouse expressing
SV40 large T antigen under the control ofthe tyrosine
hydroxylase promoter [26]. CADcells proliferate with
a rounded or polygonal shape inthe presence of
serum. When serum is removed, they stop proliferating
and differentiate, acquiring a neuron-like morphology,
and, when serum is re-added, a rapid shortening of
neurites is observed, such that most cells present a
rounded morphology within approximately 40 min
[27]. Studies from several laboratories have shown that
these cells contain synaptic vesicle proteins and express
neuron-specific proteins such as b-tubulin III, GAP-43,
SNAP-25, synaptostagmin, and other neuropeptides
[27,28]. The intracellular traffic powered by kinesins
and dynein in these cells functions similarly to other
neuronal systems [29–31]. After differentiation, cell
processes contain numerous varicosities similar to
those of neurons [27,32]. Single-cell electrophysiologi-
cal studies have demonstrated that CADcells can be
induced to fire action potentials, and that voltage-
dependent sodium and potassium currents can be
elicited [33].
The rapid retraction of neurites after the addition of
serum led us to consider the possibility that the cyto-
skeleton ofCADcells should have peculiar properties.
Thus, inthe present study, we investigated the main
constituents of this structure and found that neurites
have highly dynamic microtubules and lack stabilized
microtubules because majorMAPs are not expressed
in these cells. However, neurites elongate at the same
rate as those of normal neurons in culture.
Cytoskeletal proteins
As noted inthe Introduction, the stabilization of
microtubules is recognized as an essential process dur-
ing the elongation of neurites, presumably to assure
cell asymetry and the transport of materials to the
growth cone. Consistently, this process of stabilization
has been described in several types of neurons in cul-
ture [10]. The rapid shortening ofCAD cell neurites
after the addition of serum led us to presume that
there are alterations inthe cytoskeleton. Accordingly,
we investigated the presence, amount, and distribution
of the main components of this structure. Immunofluo-
rescence using specific antibodies revealed that actin
microfilaments (Fig. 1A) are present inCADcells dis-
playing the typical localization, positioned along the
shaft and inthe apical region ofthe growth cone pre-
ceding themicrotubules (Fig. 1A). The three major
cytoplasmic growth cone domains [i.e. central (C),
C. G. Bisig et al. NeuriteformationinCAD cells
FEBS Journal 276 (2009) 7110–7123 ª 2009 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2009 FEBS 7111
transition (T) and peripheral (P) zones] can be clearly
distinguished (Fig. 1A). The localization of these pro-
teins is the same as that previously reported in
cultured hyppocampal cells [10]. Western blot and
subsequent determination of optical density confirmed
the presence of actin inCADcells (Fig. 1B, lanes 1
and 2) in an actin ⁄ tubulin proportion slightly higher
than that determined in mouse brain [0.16 ± 0.05 and
0.12 ± 0.03 for diffentiated CAD (dCAD) cells and
brain, respectively, n = 3]. We found no significant
difference inthe amount ofthe neurofilament 100 kDa
constituent in relation to tubulin inCADcells com-
pared to mouse brain (Fig. 1B, lanes 3 and 4).
Acetylation and tyrosination states of tubulin
The tubulin molecule is subject to a variety of post-
translational modifications [14,34]. One of them com-
prises the reversible acetylation of its a-chain at the
e-amino group of Lys40 [35]. Although its physiological
role is unclear, we have previously presented evidence
demonstrating that acetylation is necessary for tubulin
to interact with Na,K-ATPase [36]. In living cells, acet-
ylated and deacetylated tubulin coexist in variable pro-
portions depending on the cell type [37]. Microtubules
containing a high degree of acetylated tubulin were
found to be more stable [35]. In addition, microtubules
Fig. 1. Tubulin, actin, and neurofilament
protein expression inCAD cells. (A) CAD
cells differentiated for 5 days were stained
for double immunofluorescence using rhoda-
mine-conjugated phalloidin to detect actin
microfilaments (Actin) and anti-total tubulin
(Tubulin) to detect microtubules. The
merged image shows that actin microfila-
ments invades the growth cone, whereas
microtubules remain behind. The central (C),
transition (T) and peripheral (P) zones are
also indicated. Scale bar = 5 lm. (B) CAD
cells (80% confluence) were differentiated
for 5 days, collected, and dissolved in
Laemmli’s sample buffer for immunoblot in
parallel with samples of mouse brain tissue.
Blots were stained simultaneously with anti-
tubulin (DM1A) and anti-actin (lanes 1 and
2). Other samples were stained with anti-
neurofilament protein (lanes 3 and 4). The
volume of each sample was adjusted to
load a similar amount of tubulin. (C) CAD
cells differentiated for 5 days were treated
with 5 l
M TSA for 0, 3, and 6 h, and imme-
diately processed for immunofluorescence
with anti-acetylated tubulin (clone 6-11B-1).
(D) CADcells differentiated for 5 days were
treated with TSA for the indicated times and
immunoblotted with anti-acetylated- and
anti-total-tubulin. (E) CADcells differentiated
for 5 days were treated for 12 h with 10 l
Taxol. A control without Taxol was also run.
Cells were collected and processed for wes-
tern blotting using antibodies against acety-
lated and total tubulin. The lane labeled
+Taxol was overloaded to highlight the
absence of acetylated tubulin.
Neurite formationinCADcells C. G. Bisig et al.
7112 FEBS Journal 276 (2009) 7110–7123 ª 2009 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2009 FEBS
were shown to be the preferred substrate for the acety-
lating enzyme [35]. We found that the acetylated form
of tubulin was essentially absent inCADcells (Fig. 1C,
t = 0; Fig. 1D, lane 0). This could be aresultof the
predominance of highly dynamic microtubules versus
stable microtubules, to the predominance of tubulin-
deacetylase activity (histone deacetylase 6) versus tubu-
lin-acetyltransferase activity, or to absence or inhibition
of the latter enzyme. Treatment ofcells with the non-
specific deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A (TSA)
resulted inthe appearance ofa significant amount of
acetylated tubulin (Fig. 1C, 3 and 6 h; Fig. 1D), indi-
cating that both acetylase and deacetylase were present
in CAD cells. Treatment ofcells with Taxol induces an
increment in acetylated microtubules because the acetyl
transferase acts preferentially on these structures [35].
Stabilization ofmicrotubules by treating CAD cells
with 10 lm Taxol did not cause increase of acetylated
tubulin (Fig. 1E), indicating that the acetylation state
of tubulin depends mainly on the relative activities of
the acetylating and deacetylating enzymes rather than
on microtubule dynamics.
Tyrosination ⁄ detyrosination at the COOH-terminus
of a-tubulin is another post-translational modification
that has been extensively studied, although its physio-
logical role also remains unclear [38–40]. Asaresult of
this cyclic modification, different isotypes of tubulin
exist: tyrosinated (Tyr-tubulin), detyrosinated (Glu-
tubulin), and Delta2 (a-tubulin lacking the two
COOH-terminal amino acids). Glu-tubulin and Delta2-
tubulin have been used as markers of stable micro-
tubules [41]. Immunofluorescence images ofCAD cells
using an antibody against total tubulin (which does
not discriminate different states of tubulin tyrosina-
tion) showed a bright, typical microtubule network in
the cell body and neurites (Fig. 2A). A similar pattern
was observed using an antibody specific to tyrosinated
tubulin. Antibody against Glu-tubulin revealed scarce,
curly microtubules, whereas antibody against Delta2-
tubulin revealed no microtubules. These results were
confirmed by immunoblots using the same antibodies
(Fig. 2B). Mouse brain tissue was used asa positive
control. The reduced amount of Glu-tubulin in CAD
cells was notaresultofalackof (or inhibition of) the
putative detyrosinating enzyme (tubulin carboxypepti-
dase) because a significant increase of Glu-tubulin was
observed in differentiated and nondifferentiated cells
treated with Taxol (Fig. 2C).
Microtubule dynamics
The rapid shortening of neurites found inCAD cells,
along with theabsenceof markers of stable micro-
tubules (Glu-tubulin, and Delta2-tubulin), led us to
consider the possibility that microtubules are highly
dynamic structures in these cells. By measuring the
rate of microtubule depolymerization after nocodazole
treatment [4,5], microtubule dynamics inCAD cells
was compared with that of other cell types. Micro-
tubules ofCADcells were as dynamic as those of
Chinese hamster ovary and PC12 cellsin active prolif-
eration. The time required for 50% depolymerization
was 1–2 min (Fig. 3A, B, empty circles). On the other
hand, the depolymerization curve for 7-day-old
chicken embryo brain cells showed a two-phase behav-
ior, suggesting the presence of two microtubule popu-
lations: one with a half-life of 1–2 min and the other
being more stable (Fig. 3A, B, solid triangle). As a
negative control of microtubule disassembly by noco-
dazole treatment, CADcells were pre-treated with
sodium azide, which stabilizes microtubules by deplet-
ing cellsof ATP [42]. Under these conditions, microtu-
bules were not disassembled by nocodazole treatment
(Fig. 3A, bottom; Fig. 3B, solid circles).
Several MAPs are not expressed inCAD cells
From a mechanistic point of view, there is a general
consensus that MAPs are the proteins responsible of
microtubule stabilization [10,22,43,44]. Thus, we
investigated whether the occurrence of highly dynamic
microtubules inCADcells is theresultof some alter-
ation in one or more MAPs. The presence of neuro-
nal structural MAPs (i.e. MAP1b, MAP2, Tau, and
STOP) was investigated in 10-day-differentiated CAD
cells by immunoblotting using appropriate antibodies.
In the case of Tau, immunoblots were revealed with
antibodies that recognize dephosphorylated and phos-
phorylated epitopes and a nonphosphorylable region
of the protein (Tau-1, Tau-2 and 134d). For compari-
son, soluble fractions from 30-day-old mouse brain
were simultaneously run. All theMAPs investigated
were present in brain samples, but notin samples
from CADcells (Fig. 4). Brain and CAD samples
run in each lane contained similar amounts of
a-tubulin (Fig. 4, lower panels). The experiment was
repeated, running overloaded samples ofCAD cells
and using a more sensitive chemiluminescent method
(Femtomolar detection system), with similar results
being obtained (i.e. no band was observed in lanes
corresponding to CAD cells). This is exemplified by
an overloaded dCAD cell sample being revealed with
134d antibody (Fig. 4, lane dCAD ⁄ Overload). More-
over, treatment of nitrocellulose membrane with alka-
line phosphatase prior to incubation with anti-
Tau-1, aiming to increase the epitopes that can be
C. G. Bisig et al. NeuriteformationinCAD cells
FEBS Journal 276 (2009) 7110–7123 ª 2009 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2009 FEBS 7113
recognized, produced a significant increase in Tau
bands inthe Br lane, but no band appeared in the
dCAD lane (Fig. S1).
To concentrate MAPs eventually diluted inthe cell
extract, we performed immunoprecipitation with
Sepharose beads linked to antibodies specific to each
MAP. Asa control, mouse brain samples were also
analyzed in parallel. The amount ofthe brain soluble
fraction and dCAD cell extract used in these experi-
ments as input material was 30-fold higher than those
loaded on each lane shown in Fig. 4. For each MAP,
most ofthe protein in brain samples was found in the
pellet, whereas, in dCAD cells samples, no MAP band
was observed (not shown).
Gene and mRNA analyses of MAP1b, MAP2, Tau,
and STOP
The finding that apparently normal neurites are formed
even when CADcellslack MAP1b, MAP2, Tau, and
STOP proteins was surprising. This led us to investigate
the presence of their respective genes and messenger
RNAs, using a PCR technique with specifically designed
primers (Table 1). In every case, the PCR products
Fig. 2. Tyrosination state of tubulin. (A)
Cells differentiated for 5 days (dCAD) and
nondifferentiated cells (CAD) were visual-
ized by immunofluorescence using antibod-
ies specific to a-tubulin (total tubulin), Tyr-,
Glu-, and Delta2-tubulin. The inset shows
embryonic chicken brain cells differentiated
for 6 days in culture and revealed with anti-
body to Delta2-tubulin. Scale bar = 10 lm.
(B) Cells obtained asin (A) were subjected
to western blotting and stained with the
same antibodies asin (C). For staining with
each antibody, identical volumes of CAD
cell samples were run. As positive controls,
samples of mouse brain (Br) were included.
(C) Nondifferentiated CADcells and cells
differentiated for 7 days were treated (+) or
not ()) with 10 l
M Taxol for 12 h and then
subjected to western blotting using
antibody to detyrosinated tubulin (Glu-
tubulin). All lanes were loaded with samples
containing the same amount of total tubulin.
Neurite formationinCADcells C. G. Bisig et al.
7114 FEBS Journal 276 (2009) 7110–7123 ª 2009 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2009 FEBS
Fig. 3. Nocodazole sensitivity ofmicrotubulesofCAD and different cell types. CADcells differentiated for 7 days, PC12 cells (80% conflu-
ence), Chinese hamster ovary cells (80% confluence), a primary culture of 7-day-old chicken brain cells, and differentiated CADcells treated
with 20 m
M sodium azide (in culture medium without glucose) for 1 h, were incubated inthe presence of 10 lM nocodazole for the indicated
times and immediately processed to isolate the cytoskeletal fraction, which remained bound to the plastic dish (see Experimental proce-
dures). The cytoskeletal fraction remaining after nocodazole treatment was processed for western blotting and stained with antibodies to
total tubulin (DM1A) and actin (as a loading control). (A) Immunoblots from a typical experiment. (B) Optical density values for total tubulin
corresponding to bands from three independent experiments (mean ± SD). For each type of cell, the attenuance ofthe tubulin band at time
zero of nocodazole treatment is considered to be 100%.
Fig. 4. Analysis of microtubule-associated proteins in differentiated CAD cells. CADcells were grown on 10 cm dishes (to 80% confluence)
and differentiated over 10 days in fetal bovine serum-free culture medium. Cells were collected, dissolved ina small volume of Laemli’s
sample buffer, and subjected to SDS ⁄ PAGE (6% acrylamide for MAP1B, MAP2 and STOP; and 10% for Tau) and immunoblotting using anti-
bodies to various MAPsas indicated. As positive controls, samples of supernatant fractions from mouse brain homogenates centrifuged at
100 000 g were processed in parallel (Br) and revealed with antibodies to each ofthe MAPs. For brain and CAD cells, the volume loaded in
each lane was adjusted to contain equivalent amounts of total tubulin, as revealed with DM1A antibody (bottom panel), except for the lane
on the right, which was revealed with 134d (dCAD ⁄ Overload) in which a triple amount of total tubulin was loaded. The positions of mole-
cular mass markers are indicated.
C. G. Bisig et al. NeuriteformationinCAD cells
FEBS Journal 276 (2009) 7110–7123 ª 2009 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2009 FEBS 7115
obtained represent approximately 30% ofthe complete
genes. At least these portions ofthe genes corresponding
to each oftheMAPs were present inCAD cells
(Fig. 5A). We consider it most likely that the complete
sequences ofthe respective genes are present inthe cell
genome because it would be an extreme coincidence that
the rest of each gene had been missed. Analysis of the
respective mRNAs by RT-PCR, using the same primers,
indicated that the mRNAs of MAP1b, MAP2, and
STOP were absent in nondifferentiated cells, whereas, in
differentiated cells, a weak band was observed for
MAP1b and STOP. On the other hand, the quantity of
RT-PCR product corresponding to Tau in both differ-
entiated and nondifferentiated CADcells was similar to
that in brain tissue (Fig. 5B).
LIS1 but not doublecortin is expressed in CAD
Other proteins, such as a-Lis 1 and doublecortin, have
been shown to interact, directly or indirectly, with
microtubules and to stabilize them in vitro [11,12,45].
Investigations on the biochemical basis of lissencephaly,
a human neurological disease characterized by an
abnormal layering of brain cortex, led to the discovery
of these two proteins, which are lacking or mutated in
patients [46]. Although they are notmajorMAPs of
neurons (based on their quantity in total brain), we
investigated their presence inCAD cells. Immunoblots
using the corresponding antibodies revealed the
presence of a-Lis 1 and theabsenceof doublecortin in
these cells (Fig. 6A). Similarly, RT-PCR using specifi-
cally designed primers (Table 1) revealed the absence
of mRNA corresponding to doublecortin and the
presence of a-Lis 1 mRNA (Fig. 6B).
Neurite formationinCAD cells
CAD cells were grown under differentiating conditions
as described previously [27], microphotographs were
taken on various days, and neurite length was mea-
sured. On day 0, cells were rounded, with only minor
membrane protrusions. Numerous processes subse-
quently appeared, and grew rapidly to form a dense
meshwork (Fig. 7A, 15 days). Varicosities, similar to
those of neurons in primary culture, were observed in
all ofthe processes (not shown). On day 15, cells were
changed to culture medium containing 10% fetal
bovine serum, and photographed 24 h later (Fig. 7A,
+FBS 24 h). As reported previously [27], fetal bovine
serum treatment induces the retraction of processes,
and cells assume a rounded or polygonal form with
scarce, short processes and resume proliferation (not
shown). Neurite length was quantified asa function of
days in culture under differentiating conditions
(Fig. 7B). During days 1–8, neurites elongated at an
average rate of approximately 40 lm per day. This
rate is very similar to that of axons in central nervous
system cellsin culture [47,48]. For statistical measure-
ment ofneurite retraction, at day 7 under differentiat-
ing conditions, cells were changed to culture medium
containing 10% fetal bovine serum, and cultured for
an additional 24 h. Neurite length determination
demonstrated that the processes retracted almost
completely (Fig. 7B, open square).
The peculiar properties oftheCAD cell cytoskeleton
compelled us to investigate to what extent neurite for-
mation is a microtubule-dependent process. We found
that treatment of nondifferentiated cells with nocodaz-
ole precluded neurite outgrowth, and a similar treat-
ment after differentiation led to the retraction of
Table 1. PCR primer sequences used for screening expression of different MAPs genes by CAD cells.
Primers Sequence (5¢-to3¢) Location GenBank accession number
NC_000076 Idem
NC_000067 Idem
NC_000077 Idem
NC_000073 Idem
NM_010025 Idem
NM_95116 Idem
Tubulin a6-for
Tubulin a6-rev
NC_000081 Idem
Neurite formationinCADcells C. G. Bisig et al.
7116 FEBS Journal 276 (2009) 7110–7123 ª 2009 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2009 FEBS
neurites (results not shown), indicating that micro-
tubule integrity is necessary for both elongation and
sustaining neurites.
Our understanding of neurogenesis, neuronal plasticity,
and the establishment of correct synapses and circuits
in the central and peripheral nervous systems has
advanced greatly over the past decade. The most stud-
ied MAPs (i.e. MAP1b, MAP2, Tau, and STOP) have
been shown to promote the polymerization and stabil-
ization of microtubules, and therefore these proteins
and microtubules are involved inthe elongation of
neural processes (i.e. the establishment of neuronal
polarity) [10,22,43,44].
We found that MAP1b, MAP2, Tau, STOP, and
doublecortin are not expressed inCADcells (Fig. 4).
This was observed by an immunoblot using specific
antibodies against each MAP. Complementary experi-
ments [immunoprecipitation, overloaded gels, highly
sensitive chemiluminescent method (Femtomolar
detection system) and the use of different antibodies
against Tau] confirmed theabsenceof these proteins.
Molecular biology techniques showed the presence of
the genes corresponding to each MAP and the absence
of their mRNAs (with the exception of that of Tau)
(Fig. 5). mRNA corresponding to Tau was detected in
CAD cellsin amounts similar to that in brain tissue
(Fig. 5), suggesting that Tau expression is inhibited at
the translational level, whereas other MAPs are down-
regulated at the transcriptional level.
A study showing the expression of MAP1b in
CAD cells using a polyclonal antibody was recently
published [32]. However, when we tested the same
antibody (a gift from I. Fisher, Drexel University,
Philadelphia, PA, USA) on either mouse brain or
CAD cells samples, we obtained a complex and con-
fusing pattern of bands (not shown). Thus, we were
unable to draw any conclusions regarding this anti-
body. This observation, in addition to theabsence of
any band on the immunoblot stained with a com-
mercial anti-MAP1b (Fig. 4) and the strong evidence
about theabsenceof MAP1b mRNA (Fig. 5), leads
us to conclude that MAP1b is not expressed in
CAD cells. Even if this protein were expressed at a
very low level, as suggested by the trace amount of
MAP1b mRNA shown in Fig. 5B, it is evident (from
the results provided in Fig. 3) that the amount of
this MAP is insufficient to stabilize microtubules.
Tubulin, actin, neurofilament protein (Fig. 1), LIS1
(Fig. 6), and the other proteins tested (not shown) are
present inCADcellsin normal amounts and with nor-
mal cellular distribution, suggesting that these proteins
are not involved inthe mechanism that leads to the
peculiar behaviour ofCAD cells. It is a remarkable
coincidence that only those proteins having the ability
to associate directly with microtubules (structural
Fig. 5. Analysis of genes and mRNAs corresponding to MAP1b, MAP2, Tau, and STOP inCAD cells. (A) Genomic DNA from CADcells dif-
ferentiated for 10 days, and from mouse brain, was purified and subjected to PCR using primers specifically designed to detect each of the
MAPs (see Experimental procedures and Table 1). Products were electrophoretically separated on agarose gels and stained with ethidium
bromide. For each MAP, single bands were obtained in each lane. Standard molecular masses are shown on the right. (B) Total RNA from
mouse brain and 10 day-differentiated (dCAD) and nondifferentiated (CAD) cells were purified and subjected to RT-PCR with the same prim-
ers used in (A). Asa positive control of expression, primers designed to detect the presence of a-tubulin 6 mRNA (a protein of constitutive
expression) were also used (Table 1).
C. G. Bisig et al. NeuriteformationinCAD cells
FEBS Journal 276 (2009) 7110–7123 ª 2009 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2009 FEBS 7117
MAPs) and stabilize them are absent inCAD cells. A
possible explanation is that the expression of all these
MAPs is under a common regulatory mechanism.
Alternatively, the expression of each MAP could be
sequential, so that the expression of each MAP would
depend on the regulation ofthe previous one in the
Dynamic and stable microtubules coexist in neu-
rons. For example, Baas et al. [49] reported a half-life
of 3.5 and 130 min for dynamic and stable subpopu-
lations, respectively. Proximal microtubulesin axons
are more stable than distal ones [50], suggesting that
microtubules become stabilizedasthe process elon-
gates. On the basis of sensitivity to nocodazol treat-
ment, microtubulesinCADcells were shown to be
highly dynamic (half-life = 2 min) (Fig. 3). Similarly,
these microtubules contain a very low level of detyro-
sinated tubulin and no Delta2 tubulin, which are
markers of stable microtubules (Fig. 1C, D). Further-
more, the level of tyrosinated tubulin (a marker of
dynamic microtubules) was high (Fig. 1C, D). Taken
together, these results clearly indicate that microtu-
bules inCADcells are highly dynamic structures.
This is consistent with thelackof microtubule-stabi-
lizing MAPsin these cells.
The hypothesis underlying most ofthe numerous
experiments that have been performed to elucidate the
physiological role ofMAPs assumes that these proteins
stabilize microtubules, and thus are therefore required
for the extension of membrane protrusions such as
axons and dendrites. We found that apparently normal
neurites inCADcells elongate similarly to neurites in
primary culture (Fig. 7), even though the microtubules
lack most MAPs (Figs 4 and 5), and are highly
dynamic structures (Fig. 3). With regard to neurite
elongation, MAPs could theoretically be ‘substituted’
by other yet-undescribed proteins having redundant
functions. However, the finding inthe present study
that microtubulesinCADcells are highly dynamic
indicates that no mechanism is operating to compen-
sate for theabsenceofthe microtubule-stabilizing
function of MAPs.
The results obtained inthe present study are consis-
tent with the idea that even though intact microtubules
are necessary for neurite elongation, neither stabiliza-
tion of these structures nor the presence ofMAPs is
required. The only MAP that we found to be
expressed inCADcells is LIS1 (Fig. 6). This protein
belongs to a unique class of microtubule-binding pro-
teins termed +TIPS (for plus-end tracking proteins)
[51] and is a regulated adapter between CLIP-170 and
cytoplasmic dynein. In addition, LIS1 forming a com-
plex with other proteins (e.g. dynein ⁄ dynactin and
Clip170) was suggested to be necessary for the elonga-
tion ofthe growth cone, cell migration, prevention of
catastrophe events, docking ofthe growing microtu-
bule to specific cortical sites, tethering microtubules to
the cell cortex, etc. [45,52,53]. In this scenario, we can
imagine that the +TIPs complex is responsible for the
elongation ofthe neural processes without the need for
microtubule stabilization or the expression of struc-
tural MAPs. In normal neurons, MAPs may regulate
Fig. 6. LIS1 but not doublecortin is expressed inCAD cells. (A) Dif-
ferentiated (dCAD) and nondifferentiated (CAD) cells were sub-
jected to SDS ⁄ PAGE and immunoblot with antibodies to
doublecortin (A, left) and to LIS1 (A, right). As positive controls,
samples of cytosolic fractions from adult or newborn mouse brain
(for LIS1 or doublecortin, respectively) were included (Br). For com-
parison, total tubulin (as revealed with the monoclonal DM1A anti-
body) contained in each sample was also determined (A, bottom
panel). (B) Total RNA from mouse brain (Br) and 10 day-dCAD cells
were purified and subjected to RT-PCR with primers specifically
designed to detect doublecortin or a-Lis 1 (Table 1). After 46 cycles
of PCR, samples were loaded in an agarose gel, and stained with
ethidium bromide.
Neurite formationinCADcells C. G. Bisig et al.
7118 FEBS Journal 276 (2009) 7110–7123 ª 2009 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2009 FEBS
microtubule dynamics not for the purpose of initiating
or sustaining neurite elongation, but to modulate other
more subtle functions (e.g. spatial organization of
microtubules, interaction with other structures, growth
cone guidance, synaptogenesis, etc.). Because five
major MAPs are absent inCAD cells, these cells
provide a useful model for studying the roles of
other cytoskeletal proteins inneuriteformation at the
molecular level.
Experimental procedures
Nocodazole, paclitaxel (Taxol), TSA, rhodamine-conju-
gated phalloidin, sodium butyrate, and culture media were
obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (St Louis, MO, USA). Fetal
bovine serum was obtained from Natocor (Co
Soluble mouse brain extract preparation
Brains from 15- to 30-day-old mice were homogenized in
1 vol (w ⁄ v) of cold MEM buffer (100 mm Mes adjusted
with NaOH to pH 6.7, containing 1 mm EGTA and
1mm MgCl
). The homogenate was centrifuged at
100 000 g for 1 h, and the supernatant fraction was col-
Cell culture
Brain cells from 7-day-old chicken embryos were isolated
and cultured as described previously [54]. Chinese hamster
ovary and PC12 cells were grown in DMEM containing
10% fetal bovine serum (fetal bovine serum) at 37 °Cinan
air ⁄ CO
(19 : 1) incubator. CADcells were grown on
35 mm dishes in DMEM ⁄ F12 (50 : 50, v ⁄ v) with 10% fetal
bovine serum and 2 mm glutamine. The differentiation of
these cells was accomplished by replacing the medium with
the same medium lacking fetal bovine serum. Under these
conditions, neurites longer than five soma diameters are
visualized after 24–48 h. In all experiments, the differen-
tiation status ofcells was confirmed by microscopic exami-
Rabbit polyclonal antibodies specific to Glu-tubulin (anti-
Glu) and to Delta2-tubulin were prepared in our laboratory
as described previously [55]. Mouse monoclonal antibodies
against Tyr-tubulin (Tub 1A2, 1 : 1000), total a-tubulin
(DM1A, 1 : 1000), b-actin (Clone AC-15; 1 : 500), acety-
lated tubulin (6-11B-1, 1 : 1000), peroxidase-conjugated
rabbit anti-(mouse IgG) (1 : 800), rhodamine-conjugated
goat anti-(rabbit IgG) (1 : 600) and fluorescein-conjugated
goat anti-(mouse IgG) (1 : 600) were obtained from
Sigma-Aldrich. Mouse monoclonal antibody mainly specific
0 day
1 day
8 days3 days
15 days +FBS 24hs
Fig. 7. Elongation and retraction of neurites inCAD cells. CAD cells
were grown under proliferating conditions on coverslips, up to
approximately 40% confluence, and transferred to culture medium
without fetal bovine serum (FBS). (A) Images were taken from
0–15 days of differentiation. At day 15, fetal bovine serum was
added (10% final concentration), and cells were photographed 24 h
later. Scale bar = 100 lm. (B) At the indicated days of culture, five
different areas from three different plates were analyzed to mea-
sure the length ofthe processes. The sum ofthe lengths of all the
measured processes was divided by the number of cells. Cells with
no process were excluded from the analysis. At day 7 under differ-
entiating conditions, cells were changed to culture medium contain-
ing 10% fetal bovine serum and, after 24 h, neurite length was
measured as described above (open square). Values are the
mean ± SD of three independent experiments.
C. G. Bisig et al. NeuriteformationinCAD cells
FEBS Journal 276 (2009) 7110–7123 ª 2009 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2009 FEBS 7119
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of major maps in CAD cells does not preclude neurite
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