Multidrug effluxpumps:Substrateselectionin ATP-binding
cassette multidrugeffluxpumps–firstcome,first served?
Robert Ernst
*, Petra Kueppers
, Jan Stindt
, Karl Kuchler
and Lutz Schmitt
1 Institute of Biochemistry, Heinrich-Heine-University Duesseldorf, Germany
2 Max F. Perutz Laboratories, Medical University Vienna, Austria
A brief history of multidrug resistance
ATP-binding cassette transporters
Multidrug resistance (MDR) strongly impacts the treat-
ment of infectious diseases and cancer, as well as the
development of effective therapeutics. In principle,
there are at least four different mechanisms of how a
cell copes with xenobiotics. These include drug inactiva-
tion, alteration of the drug target, reduced uptake, and
active extrusion of the xenobiotic. The latter is medi-
ated by dedicated transmembrane proteins belonging
either to the family of secondary transporters such as
EmrE [1] or AcrB [2] or to the family of ATP-binding
cassette (ABC) transporters such as the human P-glyco-
protein (P-glycoprotein, MDR1 or ABCB1) [3] or Pdr5
from Saccharomyces cerevisiae [4]. These primary trans-
porters are usually composed of four modules, two
nucleotide-binding domains (NBD) and two transmem-
brane domains (TMD) that are often encoded by a sin-
gle gene in eukaryotes [5]. It is now generally accepted
that the TMDs recognize and translocate substrate(s),
whereas the NBDs fuel the required conformational
changes by nucleotide-dependent dimerization and
hydrolysis-dependent dissociation. The low sequence
conservation of the TMDs reflects this division of
ABCB1; ABC transporter; ATP hydrolysis;
kinetic substrate selection; ligand binding;
multidrug efflux; multidrug resistance; Pdr5;
TAP; transport mechanism
L. Schmitt, Institute of Biochemistry,
Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf,
Universitaetsstr. 1, 40225 Duesseldorf,
Fax: +49 211 81 15310
Tel: +49 211 81 10773
*Present address
Whitehead Institute for Biomedical
Research, Cambridge, MA, USA
(Received 22 July 2009, revised 1 October
2009, accepted 21 October 2009)
Multidrug resistance is a major challenge in the therapy of cancer and
pathogenic fungal infections. More than three decades ago, P-glycoprotein
was the first identified multidrug transporter. It has been studied exten-
sively at the genetic and biochemical levels ever since. Pdr5, the most abun-
dant ATP-bindingcassette transporter in Saccharomyces cerevisiae,is
highly homologous to azole-resistance-mediating multidrug transporters in
fungal pathogens, and a focus of clinical drug resistance research. Despite
functional equivalences, P-glycoprotein and Pdr5 exhibit striking differ-
ences in their architecture and mechanisms. In this minireview, we discuss
the mechanisms of substrateselection and multidrug transport by compar-
ing the fraternal twins P-glycoprotein and Pdr5. We propose that substrate
selection in eukaryotic multidrugATP-bindingcassette transporters is not
solely determined by structural features of the transmembrane domains but
also by their dynamic behavior.
ABC, ATP-binding cassette; CFTR, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator; MDR, multidrug resistance; NBD, nucleotide-
binding domain; PDR, pleiotropic drug resistance; TMD, transmembrane domain.
540 FEBS Journal 277 (2010) 540–549 ª 2009 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2009 FEBS
labor, whereas the relatively high sequence conservation
of the NBDs might imply a conserved mechanism.
Mammalian P-glycoprotein was the first ABC trans-
porter to be identified as a MDR pump [6] and is nor-
mally present at varying levels in every human tissue.
Analysis of different cancer cell lines demonstrated
massive upregulation of MDR1 expression, which was
later shown to mediate acquired resistance of cancer
cells against a wide variety of chemotherapeutics.
In particular, the purification and reconstitution of
P-glycoprotein represented a major breakthrough for
a better understanding of P-glycoprotein function
because it allowed for detailed mechanistic studies
under defined conditions. More recently, structural
biology has started to contribute to our understanding
of ABC multidrugeffluxpumps [7,8]. P-glycoprotein
is, among others, the best-characterized eukaryotic
ABC transporter, but is most certainly not the only
MDR pump in mammals. Over the years it has been
demonstrated that multidrug resistance-related pro-
tein 1 (MRP1; ABCC1) and ABCG2 or breast cancer
resistance protein (BCRP) may be of major importance
as mediators of MDR phenotypes [9].
The yeast plasma membrane contains an armory of
ABC transporters that act together against structur-
ally unrelated xenobiotics, thus forming the executive
branch of the pleiotropic drug resistance (PDR)
network as a first line of defense [4]. Pdr5, the most
abundant yeast ABC transporter in exponentially
growing cells, was discovered as a gene product con-
ferring cycloheximide, mycotoxin and cerulin resis-
tance [4]. Like all members of the PDR subfamily,
Pdr5 has an inverted architecture (NBD–TMD–
NBD–TMD), and exhibits characteristic sequence
deviations from otherwise conserved NBD sequence
motifs. We are convinced that a molecular under-
standing of MDR will greatly benefit from a side-by-
side comparison of P-glycoprotein and Pdr5, two pro-
totype eukaryotic ABC transporters, which are func-
tionally related, but differ significantly in sequence
and architecture.
A simplistic model of ABC transporters
ABC transporters are present in all kingdoms of life
and are responsible for translocating an enormous
variety of substrates across cellular membranes.
Despite their diverse cellular functions, the fundamen-
tal mechanism of transport appears conserved. Accord-
ing to the alternating access mechanism [10], the
TMDs of a membrane transporter can adopt two con-
formations, one inward-facing and one outward-facing,
allowing for substrate binding at the cellular mem-
brane and for substrate release outside the cell, respec-
tively. Figure 1A demonstrates this principle for an
ABC transporter. The two conformations of the trans-
porter exhibit different substrate affinities, which will
ultimately result in a transmembrane gradient of the
substrate binding site
substrate binding site
Fig. 1. The alternating access model. The crystal structure of the MDR transporter Sav1866 (PDB 2hyd) from Staphylococcus aureus on the
left is representative for an outward-facing conformation of an ABC transporter. As an example for an inward-facing conformation the struc-
ture of P-glycoprotein (PDB 2g5u) is depicted on the right. According to the alternating access model, continuous switching between these
extreme conformations, which are believed to have different affinities towards the transported substrate, ultimately results in a transmem-
brane substrate gradient. Different colours correspond to different polypeptide chains. The NBDs of Sav1866 are fused to the TMDs, while
P-glycoprotein is a full-size transporter. Substrates of MDR transporters are believed to enter the substrate-binding region laterally from the
cytosolic leaflet of the membrane.
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substrate [11,12]. The continuing conformational
changes in the TMDs are tightly coupled to the associ-
ation and dissociation of NBDs and are powered by
nucleotide binding and hydrolysis. When NBDs are
open, nucleotides can be exchanged and the substrate-
binding region faces the cytosol (Fig. 2). However,
binding of ATP can induce association of the NBDs
and a simultaneous switch of the TMDs from the
inward-facing to the outward-facing conformation [13–
15]. Of course, such coupled behavior of NBDs and
TMDs requires a tight physical interaction. Indeed, the
crystal structure of the bacterial MDR transporter
Sav1866 [8] revealed the existence of a coupling helix
that intercalates with a groove in the adjacent NBDs.
Genetic and biochemical evidence from studies on
human and fungal drug effluxpumps support the
importance of this interaction [16,17].
However, it seems inevitable that the cross-talk
between TMDs and NBDs must go beyond a rigid
physical linkage. Biochemical analysis of P-glycopro-
tein ATPase activity disclosed a basal activity, which
can be stimulated several-fold when drug substrates
are present [18,19]. Thus, substrate binding is somehow
signaled to the sites of catalysis. Remarkably, the
transmitted signal is not just a binary one, because the
degree of stimulation is different for distinct drugs and
can vary between a factor of 1 and 10. It is tempting
to propose a role for the coupling helices in this more
delicate interdomain cross-talk, because they are in
close contact with residues of the X-loop in the oppos-
ing NBD [8]. Strikingly, the absence of this sequence
motif in ABC transporters mediating substrate uptake
implies a different coupling mechanism for importers
and exporters.
Basal ATPase activity – futile
But why does P-glycoprotein exhibit a low, basal
ATPase activity in the absence of substrates? Is it an
artifact of purification, a partial uncoupling of NBDs
and TMDs, or can it be attributed to an elusive co-
purifying endogenous substrate? Based on a thermo-
dynamic analysis of P-glycoprotein activity, Al-Shawi
et al. [18] argued that the basal activity is an intrinsic
property of this MDR pump. This apparently futile
ATP hydrolysis is crucial to maximize the number of
transporters in the inward-facing conformation. After
all, ATP hydrolysis results in dissociation of NBDs,
returning the TMDs to the inward-facing conforma-
tion. Pdr5 exhibits only basal ATPase activity
because, thus far, none of the substrates tested is able
to stimulate its activity [20,21]. Such lack of substrate
stimulation has also been observed for other fungal
ABC transporters such as Cdr1 from Candida albicans
[22]. Therefore, it becomes increasingly evident that a
substrate-independent, basal ATPase activity has a
functional relevance in these multidrug ABC trans-
porters. It appears that MDR and PDR ABC trans-
porters are not optimized for their energy efficiency
but rather for their function. The basal ATPase
activity is probably an intrinsic property of multidrug
ABC transporters rather than just an artifact of the
isolation procedure [18].
i) Substrate binding
iii) Substrate release
ii) ATP-dependent
NBD association
v) NBD dissociation
vi) Nucleotide exchange
iv) ATP hydrolysis
Fig. 2. Schematic drawing of the ‘processive clamp model’. In the resting state, the TMDs (rectangles) are in the inward-facing conforma-
tion, whereas the NBDs (circles) are open and can exchange nucleotides. Low cellular ADP concentrations (green) favor ATP binding (red) to
both NBDs. The association of NBDs is prohibited in the absence of substrate (blue circle). (i) Binding of substrate allows for ATP-dependent
association (ii) of the NBDs. Simultaneously, the TMDs switch to the outward-facing conformation and (iii) the substrate dissociates from
the low-affinity binding site. Subsequent sequential ATP hydrolysis (iv) results in dissociation of the NBDs (v) and a synchronous resetting of
the TMDs. The catalytic cycle closes with the exchange of nucleotides (vi) [15,25].
Substrate recognition and transport of Pdr5 R. Ernst et al.
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A comprehensive comparison of ATPase activities
mediated by MDR and PDR transporters will clearly
reveal not only conceptual similarities, but also marked
differences. Most strikingly, Pdr5 is not a typical
‘canonical’ ABC transporter [21]. By contrast to P-gly-
coprotein which contains the consensus sequences of all
conserved motifs (Walker-A and -B, C-loop and H-
loop) [5], Pdr5 harbors a degeneration within the
Walker-A and -B motifs, as well as within the H-loop of
the N-terminal NBD and in the C-loop of the C-termi-
nal NBD. Based on the generally accepted view of an
ATP-bound sandwich dimer of NBDs, this situation
would create one active ATPase site and one ‘regula-
tory’ site serving as the platform for dimerization. Non-
equivalency and asymmetry of the ATPase sites has also
been observed to varying degrees for other human ABC
transporters such as cystic fibrosis transmembrane con-
ductance regulator (CFTR) [23] and TAP [24]. It
remains puzzling why some transporters are ‘canonical’,
whereas others contain one degenerated ATP-binding
site. It has been hypothesized, however, that such an
asymmetry provides an energetic and ⁄ or kinetic ‘short-
cut’, in which hydrolysis of only one ATP molecule may
be sufficient to reset the TMDs to the inward-facing
conformation to start a new transport cycle [15,23].
What is the mechanism of substrate
The original notion that ATP hydrolysis provides the
power stroke for substrate transport has been chal-
lenged by Abele & Tampe
[13] who first proposed that
an ATP-dependent association of the NBDs switches
the TMDs from the inward- to the outward-facing
conformation. Concurrently, the ATP-switch [14] and
the processive clamp model [15,25] suggested that the
catalytic cycle proceeds further by substrate release
from the low-affinity outward-facing binding site,
sequential hydrolysis of two ATP molecules, dissocia-
tion of the NBD dimer and simultaneous resetting of
the transporter to the inward-facing conformation
(Fig. 2). Although the overall scheme appears similar
for all models, the details and temporal order of nearly
every sub-step is under intense debate. The ATP switch
model, for example, predicted ATP hydrolysis at both
sites and a completely nucleotide-free intermediate.
However, in the case of CFTR, ATP hydrolysis at
only one consensus site is sufficient for gating of the
chloride channel [23]. Likewise, direct measurements of
steady-state ATPase activities of Pdr5 implied that
hydrolysis occurs primarily at its consensus site [21]. A
strict requirement of ATP hydrolysis at both nucleo-
tide-binding sites would render this drug transporter
virtually inactive. For ABC importers, an intimate
cross-talk between substrate binding and NBDs has
been proposed to prevent NBDs from dimerization in
the absence of substrates [26]. By contrast, exporters
are thought to hydrolyze ATP only after substrate
release from the outward-facing binding region [14].
Whether this is indeed true for eukaryotic MDR efflux
pumps in general, or whether there are alternative
modes of action remains to be established.
Binding of highly diverse substrates –
a special feature of MDR ABC proteins
The most striking feature of MDR pumps is their
remarkable spectrum of substrates. How can a single
protein such as P-glycoprotein recognize and mediate
the vectorial transport of thousands of substrates?
What determines the balance of diversity, specificity
and selectivity?
The principles of key-and-lock and induced fit are
probably not applicable here. To date, at least two
ligand-binding sites have been identified in P-glycopro-
tein [19], referred to as the H-site and the R-site, because
certain drugs only compete with Hoechst 33342 trans-
port, but not with rhodamine 123 transport and vice
versa. Other drugs such as vinblastine do not bind exclu-
sively to one of the two sites but instead overlap both.
Strikingly, positive cooperativity exists between the R-
and H-site as drug binding to either site can stimulate
transport from the other. For Pdr5, the fungal equiva-
lent of P-glycoprotein, two, or even three independent
binding sites have been reported [27,28]. However, the
existence of several distinct binding sites does not neces-
sarily mean that they form independent structural enti-
ties. Structural studies on soluble multidrug receptors
and more recently on P-glycoprotein have demonstrated
that different ligands can be accommodated by a large,
hollow binding pocket that can be divided into sub-sites
with preferences for certain different drugs [7,29]. Also
the crystal structure of the bacterial MDR pump
Sav1866 [8], obtained in the absence of drugs, revealed a
large, outward-facing putative substrate-binding region.
Hence, a large, hydrophobic drug-binding site is consis-
tent with available biochemical and structural data, but
we are far from an understanding of how these pumps
select their substrates when confronted with a variety of
highly diverse substrates.
Learning from random and site-directed
Because of the lack of high-resolution structures of
Pdr5 or related MDR pumps, and the low sequence
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conservation of the TMDs, it has been extremely
difficult to devise a strategy for site-directed muta-
genesis experiments aimed at identifying amino acid
residues crucial for substrate binding and transport.
Hence, random mutagenesis approaches have turned
out to be the method of choice. For a summary of
known P-glycoprotein mutants, we refer to http://www.
A random mutagenesis approach on PDR5 yielded
80 distinct Pdr5 variants, which were functionally clas-
sified based on transport phenotypes. Residue changes
in Pdr5 can affect folding, trafficking and stability,
substrate specificity and inhibitor susceptibility of the
transporter [30]. Most remarkable were the observa-
tions for S1360 in the hydrophilic face of the predicted
TMS11 [21,30]. A S1360F substitution resulted in
altered drug transport for only a subset of substrates,
such as azole derivatives and cycloheximide. Simulta-
neously, the inhibitory effect of the immunosuppres-
sant compound FK506 on Pdr5-mediated antifungal
resistance was greatly reduced by the S1360F muta-
tion. These data imply that substrate binding and
transporter inhibition might depend on similar struc-
tural features.
Other approaches focused on the recognition princi-
ple of the substrate-binding region [27,31,32]. Remark-
ably, with only one exception [32], these studies did
not manipulate Pdr5 itself but instead systematically
permutated its potential substrates. In essence, the data
suggest that Pdr5-type pumps may harbor two or more
substrate-binding sites, as proposed earlier by Kolacz-
kowski et al. [28]. Nevertheless, it remains enigmatic
how these isolated and ⁄ or overlapping binding sites
determine the substrate specificity and selectivity of
The diversity of substrates and the low sequence
conservation of the TMDs make understanding sub-
strate selection extremely challenging, but strikingly,
the mechanisms of ATP hydrolysis, performed by
highly conserved NBDs, are also controversial. An
explicit difference between P-glycoprotein and Pdr5 is
that ATP hydrolysis by P-glycoprotein is proposed to
alternate between the two ATP-binding sites [18],
whereas deviation from consensus sequences in Pdr5
implies that only one ATP-binding site has significant
catalytic activity. Such functional asymmetry of the
NBDs of Pdr5 has been verified by site-directed muta-
genesis [21]. But which residues are catalytically rele-
vant and what is the mechanism of ATP hydrolysis?
Several studies have highlighted the crucial importance
of the carboxylic residues in the Walker-B for coordi-
nation of the Mg
ion and catalytic activity [33,34].
Subsequently, two different models for the mechanism
of ATP hydrolysis have been proposed: general base
catalysis and the substrate-assisted catalysis model
[33,35]. Expanding on the latter, the catalytic dyad
model was formulated based on functional character-
izations of the H-loop in isolated NBDs of human
TAP1 and bacterial HlyB [35–37] and, for example, in
the assembled, bacterial maltose import system [12].
Because both residues of the putative catalytic dyad
are only present in NBD2 of Pdr5, the opposing pre-
dictions of the two models could be tested in a fully
assembled ABC transporter [21]. These data disproved
an essential role of the ‘linchpin’ histidine (H1068) for
the steady-state ATPase activity of Pdr5. Very surpris-
ingly, however, the H1068A mutant exhibited an
altered substrateselection– a result that apparently
contradicts the generally accepted picture that the
TMDs ‘take care’ of substrate recognition, whereas the
NBDs serve ‘only’ as fueling devices. Hence, the data
suggest intensive cross-talk between energy consump-
tion and substrate selection.
Multidrug ABC transporters – ‘normal’
efflux pumps?
The above-mentioned simplistic model of an ABC
transporter with an inward-facing and an outward-
facing conformation is helpful for describing dedicated
membrane transporters [10,14,15]. However, it does
not explain how MDR ABC transporters select
between substrates of diverse structures. This selection
process becomes even more fascinating when consider-
ing that some drugs may bind to the transporter and
interfere with or promote the binding of other drugs
[19,38]. At this point, we want to remind the reader of
two important facts regarding the nature of MDR
substrates. First, many substrates of MDR transport-
ers have been shown to cross biological membranes
passively at considerable rates, such that even effi-
ciently transported substrates may not exhibit steep
concentration gradients across the membrane [39]. Sec-
ond, the (partial) hydrophobic nature of many sub-
strates results in membrane partitioning and it has
been shown that multidrug transporters can use this
feature by taking up substrates directly from the cyto-
solic leaflet of the membrane [40].
What are the factors that determine
the substrateselectionin MDR ABC
Numerous studies have disclosed some potential key
factors. Whereas the charge, the ability to form hydro-
gen bonds and the hydrophobicity are crucial factors
Substrate recognition and transport of Pdr5 R. Ernst et al.
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for efficient recognition by P-glycoprotein [41,42], the
substrates of Pdr5 seem to be selected primarily by
their volume (the optimum being about 200–225 A
and their ability to form hydrogen bonds [27,43]. It is
stunning that these functional homologues and protag-
onists of MDR obviously use very different ways to
select their substrates.
Towards a simplistic model of Pdr5 that includes
substrate selection
First, one may assume that substrate binding and
selection occur at the same time or at least in very
close temporal order. Hence, selection occurs in anal-
ogy to more specific efflux pumps, during the inward-
facing conformation (Fig. 2). However, the possibility
remains that substrate release also affects the overall
selectivity. Second, Pdr5 exhibits only basal ATPase
activity and is not stimulated by substrates. Therefore,
substrate binding cannot be rate limiting for the cata-
lytic cycle of Pdr5 [20,21]. Third, because high sub-
strate concentrations inhibit the ATPase activity of
Pdr5, it is fair to assume that substrate release
becomes the apparent rate-limiting step under these
conditions. A plausible explanation is that non-released
substrates may lock the NBDs in a conformation inca-
pable of exchanging nucleotides with the surrounding
medium (essentially as proposed for P-glycoprotein)
[44]. Such inhibition of a transporter by its own sub-
strate can be seen to be analogous to product inhibi-
tion of enzymes [45] and has been implemented in
kinetic models for P-glycoprotein [18,46]. Fourth, the
kinetics of substrate–protein interactions, as well as the
nucleotide–protein interactions, are interdependent
For a better understanding of substrateselection in
multidrug transport systems one has to consider that
the hydrophobic drug-binding pocket is not a static
structure. Even in the absence of substrates, MDR
transporters hydrolyze ATP and the resulting confor-
mational changes also drive continuous rebuilding of
the substrate-binding site [18,21]. Hence, it is hard to
envision that all sorts of substrates can fully equilibrate
with the drug-binding site. Given that transport sub-
strates can interact with the binding pocket, it seems
feasible that the selection of substrates is not realized
through a key–lock phenomenon, but instead is a highly
dynamic process. It depends on the motion of the ABC
transporter, on the order of drug binding events, on dis-
tinct affinities towards the binding pocket, on the
kinetics of drug binding and release, and so forth.
In fact, several studies and observations with Pdr5
have challenged the dogma that solely structural
features of the TMDs determine substrate selection. In
1998, Egner et al. [30] identified mutations within the
NBDs that affected the drug substrate spectrum. This
raises the question of how an amino acid substitution
in the highly conserved NBD changes substrate bind-
ing in the TMDs. Similar observations by others
strengthen this concern [32,47]. Recently, we reported
a mutation within the H-loop of NBD2 (H1068A) that
had no significant effect on the steady-state ATPase
activity, but greatly diminished the transport of rhoda-
mine 6G in vitro [21]. Importantly, crystal structures of
the isolated NBDs of bacterial HlyB and human
TAP1, in their wild-type and mutant forms, showed
that a mutation of the H-loop histidine to alanine does
not grossly affect the overall NBD fold [35,48]. How
can a mutation in close proximity to the c-phosphate
of a bound ATP molecule, buried deep within the
NBD, affect substrateselectionin the TMDs? Interest-
ingly, this kind of cross-talk between nucleotide bind-
ing and the substrate-binding sites, appears to be
bilateral, because some drugs inhibit the ATPase activ-
ity of Pdr5 differently from its UTPase ⁄ GTPase activ-
ity [43,49]. Most strikingly, ATP hydrolysis powers
Pdr5 to transport rhodamine 6G, whereas UTP was
unable to do so, even though it is efficiently hydro-
lyzed [28]. How does the NBD signal to the TMD,
whether ATP, GTP or UTP is bound and hydrolyzed
The kinetic substrateselection model
Based on the available literature, we argue that there
is no ‘signaling relay’ required to explain these various
observations. Instead, we propose that both the kinet-
ics of transporter–substrate and transporter–nucleotide
interactions affect the substrate selectivity of the MDR
transporter Pdr5, and perhaps also affect the basal
mode of P-glycoprotein and other ABC transporters.
For an easy understanding, one can imagine an over-
simplified situation (Fig. 3). A MDR transporter like
Pdr5 with only basal ATPase activity switches between
its inward-facing and outward-facing conformation,
paralleling the rate of ATP binding and hydrolysis.
Clearly, a prerequisite for such behavior is a strict
mechanical coupling between NBDs and TMDs [8,16].
Let us assume further that two different drugs have
identical affinities for the inward-facing substrate-
binding site, but do not compete with each other for
binding (Fig. 3A,B). One drug, called FAST, displays
fast on kinetics and fast off kinetics, whereas the other
drug, called SLOW, has slow on and off kinetics.
At time zero, the transporter switches to its drug-
accepting, inward-facing conformation and both drugs
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start to equilibrate with the substrate-binding site
(Fig. 3C,D). Thus, it becomes obvious that the rate at
which the transporter switches back to the outward-
facing conformation determines which of the two sub-
strates is transported more efficiently, even though
both compounds have the same affinity. If the trans-
porter remains in the inward-facing conformation only
for a short period (Fig. 3C), the FAST substrate is
transported several-fold more efficiently than the
SLOW substrate. By contrast, if the transporter
switches more slowly (Fig. 3D), both drugs will be
transported with virtually identical efficiencies. This
simplistic model does not yet include aspects of multi-
drug binding and transport, such as the binding of
multiple competing drugs, drug release and so forth,
which may have further impact on the selection of sub-
strates. However, these missing aspects are capable of
enhancing even the effects on substrate selection.
In summary, the kinetic substrateselection model
explains how two distinct substrates with identical or
similar affinities can be transported with different effi-
ciencies. More importantly, it provides a theoretical
framework of how physically coupled NBDs and TMDs
can cross-talk by their dynamic behavior: any impact
affecting the duration of drug equilibration with the
substrate-binding site, whether it is a mutation (e.g.
H1068A in Pdr5) or the use of another nucleotide (e.g.
UTP instead of ATP), will affect the substrate selection.
We would like to emphasize that many substrates
may not be dramatically affected by manipulations
such as those described here. This could be the case
if they equilibrate with their binding site orders of
magnitude faster than the multidrug transporter can
switch its conformation. However, the concept of
kinetic substrateselection could potentially even be
extended to other MDR ABC transporters that exhi-
bit substrate-stimulated ATPase activities. A testable
prediction of our model is that Pdr5 should transport
a different set of substrates at low ATP concen-
trations ([ATP] <K
) as opposed to saturating con-
centrations ([ATP] >> K
). It will be exciting to
find out whether and how MDR transporters use
their dynamic behavior to tune or fine-tune drug
Fast conformational changes
short drug equilibration time
Slow conformational changes
long drug equilibration time
Binding (%)
Binding (%)
Fig. 3. Kinetic substrateselectioninmultidrug ABC-transporters. (A) Cartoon depicting a scenario in which a MDR ABC transporter in its
inward-facing conformation equilibrates with two transport substrates, namely the drugs FAST (red) and SLOW (blue). Binding of FAST does
not promote or interfere with the binding of SLOW, and vice versa. The transporter is not stimulated ⁄ activated by the presence of drugs.
(B) Kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of FAST and SLOW. The affinities of FAST and SLOW to the drug-binding site are identical. Both
the on and off rates of FAST are higher than for SLOW. (C) Scenario of MDR transporter switching rapidly between the inward- and out-
ward-facing conformations because of high basal activity. Association curves for FAST and SLOW are shown in the lower left panel. At the
indicated time-point, the transporter switches to its outward-facing conformation and transports whatever is bound. Under given conditions,
FAST is transported more efficiently than SLOW. (D) Scenario of MDR transporter switching slowly between its inward- and outward-facing
conformations. FAST and SLOW can equilibrate for much longer with inward-facing binding site (time-point as indicated). The transport effi-
ciencies for FAST and SLOW are almost identical. Throughout the figure we depicted P-glycoprotein (PDB 3g5u) as representative of the
inward-facing conformation. The crystal structure of Sav1866 (PDB 2hyd) represents an outward-facing transporter.
Substrate recognition and transport of Pdr5 R. Ernst et al.
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In this minireview, we have discussed possible trans-
port mechanisms of P-glycoprotein and Pdr5, two pro-
totypical eukaryotic multidrug transporters. Although
they serve similar functions, their mode of action
appears to be quite different. Moreover, we propose
that MDR and possibly other multispecific transport-
ers exploit ‘kinetic substrate selection’ to distinguish
between two substrates of identical affinities. Clearly,
this hypothesis needs to be tested and calls for further
analysis with high temporal and spatial resolution. The
final goal of all these efforts is obvious – a detailed
molecular understanding of processes underlying
MDR development will open up new ways to over-
come a major obstacle in the fight against infectious
diseases and cancer.
We apologize to all our colleagues whose work could
not be properly cited due to space restrictions. We
would like to thank Sander Smits, Carola Hengsten-
berg and Wiebke Weinbrenner for critically reading
the manuscript. Robert Ernst is a recipient of an
EMBO Long Term Fellowship (ALTF 379-2008).
Work in our laboratories was supported by the DFG
(grants Schm1279 ⁄ 2-3 and 5-3 and SFB 575 project
A9) to LS, and by a grant from the Austrian Science
Foundation (‘Fonds zur Fo
rderung der wissenschaftli-
chen Forschung’ project SFB035-04) to KK.
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Multidrug efflux pumps: Substrate selection in ATP-binding
cassette multidrug efflux pumps – first come, first served?
Robert Ernst
*,. within the
NBD, affect substrate selection in the TMDs? Interest-
ingly, this kind of cross-talk between nucleotide bind-
ing and the substrate- binding