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LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ the determinants of parents school choice between public and private schools case study of high schools in ha noi

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI VIETNAM JAPAN UNIVERSITY LUONG THI AN THE DETERMINANTS OF PARENTS’ SCHOOL CHOICE BETWEEN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SCHOOLS: CASE STUDY IN HIGH SCHOOLS IN HA NOI DISCIPLINE: Economics MAJOR: Public Policy CODE: 8340402.01 RESEARCH SUPERVISOR: Dr Nguyen Thuy Anh Dr Kawaguchi Jun Hanoi, June 2020 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI VIETNAM JAPAN UNIVERSITY LUONG THI AN THE DETERMINANTS OF PARENTS’ SCHOOL CHOICE BETWEEN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SCHOOLS: CASE STUDY IN HIGH SCHOOLS IN HA NOI DISCIPLINE: Economics MAJOR: Public Policy CODE: 8340402.01 RESEARCH SUPERVISOR: Dr Nguyen Thuy Anh Dr Kawaguchi Jun Hanoi, June 2020 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research background 1.2 Research purpose 1.4 Research question 1.5 Hypothesis CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Definition of terms 2.2 Literature review on previous research 10 CHAPTER METHODOLOGY 15 3.1 Methodology 15 3.2 Survey site 19 3.3 Survey process 20 CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS & DISCUSSION 21 4.1 Summary of survey 21 4.1.1 The ratio of public and private schools in the survey 21 4.1.2 Gender of parents and children in the survey 21 4.1.3 The frequency & ratio of school characteristics choosen by parents in survey 23 4.2 Findings from the survey 27 4.2.1 The logistic regression results 27 4.2.2 In-depth interview 32 CHAPTER 5: IMPLICATIONS 38 5.1 Implications 38 5.2 Limitations and further study 40 Appendix 1: Survey questionnaires 43 Appendix 2: List of in-depth interview questions 51 Appendix 3: Logistic Regression Model 52 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com ACKNOWLEDGMENT First of all, I would like to send my thankfulness and appriciation to my supervisor Dr Nguyen Thuy Anh, Dr Jun Kawaguchi during the time conducting research Without of their guidence and consultations, I would not accurately determine on the research and my thesis Secondly, I would like to express my gratitude to Prof.Okamoto, Dr.Vu Hoang Linh and Dr Dang Quang Vinh for giving me feedbacks and advice to complete my thesis I also appreciate the support from Japan side, my tutor - Ms Misaki Sato, Ms Sakuma gave me the approriate advise to upgrade my research and presentation in Japan Besides, I would like to say thanks to assisstants Ms.Nguyen Thi Mai Phuong, Ms Pham Thu Ha, Ms.Pham Lan Huong for their supporting during the intership in Japan and my two-year studying at Vietnam Japan University It would not make possible if there was no help from parents who conducted my online survey, even though I not know them all Especially, I would like to express my gratitude to whom gave me time to an interview with them Lastly, I would send great thanks to my family who spends time with me, and besides me all the time with the best encouragement LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2: Component of model of School Choice 14 Figure 4.1 The ratio of public & private school in the survey 21 Figure 4.2 The ratio of parents gender in the survey 22 Figure 4.3 The ratio of children in public schools by gender 22 Figure 4.4 The ratio of children in private schools by gender 23 Table 4.4 The logistic regression result of the first model second model 27 Table 4.6 The second model’s classification table 29 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1: The number of public and private school, student and student/teacher ratio Table 1.2: Goal of promoting non-public sector in education Table Literature on previous research 10 Table 3.1 List of variables used in model 16 Table 3.2 Table of classification of parents in the in-depth interview 20 Table 4.1 The frequency & ratio of school characteristics chosen by parents in general .23 Table 4.2 The frequency & ratio of school characteristics chosen by parents in Private school 25 Table 4.3 The frequency & ratio of school characteristics chosen by parents in Public school .26 Table 4.4 The logistic regression result of the first model second model .27 Table 4.5 The first model‟s classification table .28 Table 4.6 The second model‟s classification table 29 Table 4.7 The logistic regression result of the third model .29 Table 4.8: The third model‟s classification table 30 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research background In Vietnam, education is recognized as a national priority as, since 2018, the government has spent 20% of its budget on education1 Socialization education has been paid special attention due to an important role in the development of education, it is a decisive factor for socio-economic development In Vietnam, educational socialization was officially introduced since Resolution No 90/ND - CP (August 21, 1997) In the resolution, directions and guidelines for the socialization of educational, health and cultural activities have been raised In particularly, the expansion of investment sources, utilizing the potentials of human, material and financial resources in the society, has been emphasized Also, the government promotes and uses effectively private resources, creating conditions for educational development and higher quality It can be seen that education socialization refers to the process of transferring educational activities carried out by the public to private In other words, socialization of education involves the process of privatization, transfer of public educational institutions to the private, individuals implemented under the management of the state According to Article 16 of the Education Law 2019: All organizations, families, and citizens are responsible for caring for education, the government plays the leading role, diversifying types of schools and forms of education Socializing education needs to be understood with two basic contents: firstly, mobilizing social resources to perform educational tasks; secondly, transferring the implementation of the educational tasks directly performed by the State to non-state organizations and individuals complying with state regulations, standards and requirements In the context of financial shortage from the state budget, the policy of educational socialization needs to be strengthened, so people can participate in the educational sector Article 96, Education Law 2019 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com In the context of Vietnam's implementation of socialization policies, the number of private schools has increased Table 1.1: The number of public and private school, student and student/teacher ratio 2014 -2015 Number of Schools Number of Student Number of class Student/teacher ratio 2015-2016 2016 - 2017 2017 - 2018 Public Private Public Private Public Private Public Private schools school schools school schools school schools school 2327 440 2348 440 2376 435 2393 441 2264503 175416 2250972 174158 2290929 186246 2313315 195249 54672 7592 55151 6822 55887 7070 68869 8642 16.45 12.24 16.37 12.97 16.74 13.41 17.1 13.49 Source: Combined by author based on data of MOET2 According to Resolution No 35/ND-CP (June 4, 2019) on “strengthened mobilization of resource in the community for development of education and training in the 2019 – 2025 period”, which is regarding about strengthening the mobilization of social resources for investment in education and training development in the period of 2019 - 2025, there are all forms of private education in all local with 2,955 establishments (accounting for 6.68% of the 44,228 educational institutions), 1.35 million students (accounting for 6% of 22.5 million students) For higher education, there are currently 65 private higher education institutions with total of 244 thousand students, accounting for 13.8% of the total number of students nationwide, and there are foreign higher education institutions operating in Vietnam, training over 5,000 students annual For vocational education, by the end of 2018, there are all 1,948 vocational training institutions (including 397 colleges, 519 secondary schools, 1032 vocational education centers), including 677 private vocational training institutions and foreign-invested vocational training institutions (accounting for 34.7%) Ministry of Education and Training LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Mobilizing social resources for education and training is not a substitution but an important supplement to the state budget, contributing to increasing the total investment resources for education and training, improve the efficiency of state budget use at public facilities Table 1.2: Goal of promoting non-public sector in education 2020 2025 Institutions Students Institutions Students 8.75% 8.90% 13.50% 16% 20% 25% 25% 30% 2.30% 2.70% 2.60% 3% Higher education 28% 18% 30% 22.50% Vocational Training 35% Total Pre-school Primary – Secondary school 40% Sources: Combined by author based on Resolution No.35/ND-CP (4/6/2019) As can be seen from table 1.2, the goal of promoting the mobilization of social resources set up by Vietnamese government is to reach 8.75% of nonpublic educational institutions of the total and 8.9% of students by 2020 and 13.5% and 16% respectively by 2025 Especially, for all level of education, by 2020, the base rate and the number of students attending private schools reached at 2.3% and 2.6% respectively; by 2025, the base rate and the number of students attending private institution is 2.7% and 3%.3 Public schools have been supported by the government while private schools run at their own expense, the difference between public and private schools is perceived as quality, facilities, and curriculum, …According to Coleman (1987), private schools produce better cognitive outcomes, provide a safer, more disciplined and structured learning environment So, private schools‟ tuition will be higher than in public schools Many studies have investigated the correlation between education and social mobility, they believe that the more education investment for children, the better their children's future is, that shows the choice of schools plays an important role In Viet Nam, for all level of education, there are two options between public Resolution No.35/ND-CP (4/6/2019) on strengthened mobilization of resource in the community for development of education and training in the 2019 – 2025 period LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com and private schools According to the theory of rational choice, parents will be rational actor who decides the value preference for their children However, school choice depends on many factors such as family background, parent educational status…Therefore, the study focuses on the factors that influence parents' choice between public and private schools 1.2 Research purpose The purpose of study to find out the determinants of the school choice of parents between public and private schools (family income, parent educational status, assessment of information, …) under the context of Viet Nam recently From the data estimation, further discussion and recommendation for educational reform is implemented 1.3 Significance of study There are contribution 1.4 Research question The research is conducted based on the main question: What are the determinants of school choice between public and private schools in Ha Noi? 1.5 Hypothesis The determinants of school choice between public and private schools are: parents‟s educational background, school characteristics (distance, quality,…) Among these factors, parents‟s educational background will be the main factor influencing on parents choice of public and private schools 1.6 Structure of the thesis The thesis includes chapters: Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Literature review Chapter 3: Methodology Chapter 4: Findings from survey Chapter 5: Conclusion and implication LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Lynn.B (2004) The 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A Case of Rural Uttar Pradesh and Bihar Indra Gandhi Institute of Development Research Schneider, M., P Teske, C Roch, and M Marschall (1997) Networks to nowhere: Segregation and strati-fication in networks of information about schools American Journal of Political Science American Journal of Political Science Shanthi, W (2008) Privatization of Education: Cause and Consequence Thomas.W (2015) School choice determinants with preference data Tran, L., Marginson, S., Do, H., Le, T., Nguyen, N., Vu, T & Pham, T (2016) Higher education in Vietnam: Flexibility, mobility and practicality in the global knowledge economy London: Palgrave MacMillan Vietnam (2019) Eudcation Law (Article 11) Williams, Mary.F, (1983) Parents and School choice: A household survey Washington D.C: School Finance Project LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Appendix 1: Survey questionnaires Khảo sát yếu tố tác động lựa chọn phụ huynh trường công trường tư Xin chào anh/chị Hiện nghiên cứu đề tài đánh giá yếu tố tác động tới lựa chọn trường công trường tư bậc THPT phụ huynh Hà Nội Bảng khảo sát đóng vai trò quan trọng đến kết nghiên cứu Vì vậy, tơi hi vọng nhận hợp tác giúp đỡ anh/chị việc trả lời bảng khảo sát hết khoảng phút) Với câu trả lời xác thực bảng khảo sát, kết nghiên cứu đóng góp phần việc hoạch định sách giáo dục Việt Nam bối cảnh Tất câu hỏi dạng ẩn danh nên thông tin cá nhân anh/chị đảm bảo Tôi xin cam đoan thông tin anh/chị cung cấp phục vụ cho nghiên cứu Tơi xin chân thành cảm ơn Anh/chị có theo học THPT Hà Nội khơng? ⚪ Có ⚪ Không Phần 1: Thông tin chung Xin anh/chị trả lời thơng tin đây: Giới tính anh/chị: ⚪ Nam ⚪ Nữ Tuổi anh/chị: LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com ⚪ Dưới 40 tu i ⚪ Trong khoảng 40 - 45 tu i ⚪ Trên 45 tu i ⚪ Khác… Nghề nghiệp anh/chị: ⚪ Cơng việc liên quan đến hành chính, văn phịng ⚪ Cơng việc liên quan đến giáo dục ⚪ Công việc liên quan đến kỹ thuật ⚪ Công việc liên quan đến nghệ thuật ⚪ Công việc liên quan đến y tế ⚪ Kinh doanh riêng ⚪ Khác… Tình trạng học vấn cao anh/chị: ⚪ Trình độ tiểu học ⚪ Trình độ THCS ⚪ Trình độ THPT ⚪ Trình độ Đại học ⚪ Trình độ Đại học ⚪ Khác… Tình trạng học vấn cao vợ/chồng anh/chị: ⚪ Trình độ tiểu học ⚪ Trình độ THCS ⚪ Trình độ THPT ⚪ Trình độ Đại học LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com ⚪ Trình độ Đại học ⚪ Khác… Hiện anh/chị sống đâu Hà Nội? ……………………………………………… Tổng thu nhập trung bình tháng gia đình anh/chị bao nhiêu? ⚪ Dưới 20 triệu/tháng ⚪ Từ 20 triệu - 40 triệu/tháng ⚪ Từ 40 triệu - 60 triệu/tháng ⚪ Từ 60 triệu - 80 triệu/tháng ⚪ Khác… Gia đình anh/chị có người? ……………………………………… Anh/chị có trai? ⚪ Khơng có ⚪ Một ⚪ Hai ⚪ Ba ⚪ Khác… 10 Anh/chị có gái? ⚪ Khơng có ⚪ Một LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com ⚪ Hai ⚪ Ba ⚪ Khác… 11 Hiện anh/chị học THPT trai hay gái? ⚪ Con trai ⚪ Con gái ⚪ Khác… Phần 2: Thông tin lựa chọn trường Con anh/chị học trường công hay trường tư? ⚪ Trường công ⚪ Trường tư ⚪ Khác… Tên trường anh/chị theo học? ………………………………………… Con anh/chị có học tuyến khơng? ⚪ Có ⚪ Khơng ⚪ Khác… Trước đăng ký vào trường, anh/chị có tham khảo để chọn trường khơng? ⚪ Có ⚪ Khơng LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Khi chọn trường anh/chị có hỏi ý kiến khơng? ⚪ Có ⚪ Khơng ⚪ Khác… Nếu có, ý kiến anh/chị việc chọn trường? ⚪ Đồng ý ⚪ Không đồng ý ⚪ Khơng có ý kiến ⚪ Khác… Khi chọn trường, anh/chị tham khảo thông tin từ đâu? ⚪ Ông bà hệ trước) ⚪ Bạn bè người thân ⚪ Qua thông tin đại chúng ⚪ Qua trang web trường ⚪ Khác… Định hướng anh/chị sau tốt nghiệp THPT? ⚪ Nguyện vọng vào ĐH công ⚪ Nguyện vọng vào ĐH tư ⚪ Du học ⚪ Học nghề ⚪ Khác… Học lực anh/chị trường THCS ⚪ Trung bình LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com ⚪ Khá ⚪ Giỏi ⚪ Xuất sắc ⚪ Khác… 10 Trường THCS anh/chị theo học trường công hay trường tư? ⚪ Trường công ⚪ Trường tư ⚪ Khác… 11 Nếu trường tư có hệ thống với trường THPT anh/chị theo học khơng? ⚪ Có ⚪ Khơng ⚪ Khác… 12 Khoảng cách từ trường đến nhà anh/chị: ⚪ Dưới 5km ⚪ Từ 5km - 10km ⚪ Trên 10km ⚪ Khác… 13 Học phí trung bình hàng tháng trường anh/chị theo học bao nhiêu? ⚪ Dưới triệu ⚪ Từ triệu - triệu/tháng LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com ⚪ Từ triệu - triệu/ tháng ⚪ Từ triệu - triệu/tháng ⚪ Trên triệu ⚪ Khác… 14 Anh/chị đánh mức học phí phải đóng so với tình hình tài gia đình? ⚪ Cao ⚪ Thấp ⚪ Phù hợp ⚪ Khác… 15 Khi lựa chọn trường, anh/chị đánh giá tiêu sau theo mức độ quan tâm nào? Rất quan tâm Quan tâm Bình thường Khơng quan Không tâm quan tâm Danh tiếng trường Chương trình học phù hợp với định hướng/năng lực Chương trình ngoại ngữ Chất lượng giáo viên Chất lượng sở vật chất Vị trí trường học Các khoản phí phải nộp LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Dịch vụ nhà trường cung cấp đưa đón, nội trú,…) Tỉ lệ tuyển sinh đầu vào trường Tỉ lệ tốt nghiệp, đỗ đại học trường 16 Ngồi tiêu chí trên, anh/chị có quan tâm đặc biệt đến tiêu chí chọn trường cho khơng? Nếu có, anh/chị vui lịng cho biết tiêu chí gì? ………………………………………………………………………………… 17 Sau khoảng thời gian học trường, anh/chị có cảm thấy hài lịng với lựa chọn khơng? ⚪ Có ⚪ Khơng ⚪ Khác… LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Appendix 2: List of in-depth interview questions Danh sách câu hỏi vấn cá nhân: Hiện anh/chị học trường công hay trường tư? Định hướng anh/chị cho sau tốt nghiệp trường THPT? Anh/chị có nghĩ việc lựa chọn trường cơng hay trường tư bậc THPT có ảnh hưởng đến định hướng trên? Trước vào trường anh/chị có tham khảo nguồn thông tin khác không? Lý anh/chị chọn trường học anh/chị theo học? Sau vào trường, anh/chị có thấy hài lòng với lựa chọn? Khi lựa chọn trường, anh/chị có tham khảo ý kiến khơng? Con anh/chị có đồng ý với định hướng khơng? Trong trường hợp, khơng đồng ý anh/chị làm để thuyết phục con? Theo anh/chị, bậc THPT, chọn trường yếu tố quan trọng nhất? Tại anh/chị lại nghĩ vậy? LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Appendix 3: Logistic Regression Model Do-file Classification table of model LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Model 1: LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Model 2: LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Model 3: LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Appendix 4: Coding of Parents in in-depth Interview No Age 45 42 46 44 45 48 46 45 43 Job School which children studying at Name of school Code Engineer Private school FPT highschool PR1 Teacher Public school Hanoi - Amsterdam Highschool PR2 Office staff Private school Dao Duy Tu Highschool PR3 Bussiness Private school Luong The Vinh Highschool PR4 Selfbussiness Public school Thach That Highschool PR5 Nurse Public school Thanh Oai A Highschool PR6 Ha Dong Teacher Public school Nguyen Hue Gifted Highschool PR7 Thanh Xuan Hoan Kiem Office staff Public school Kim Lien Highschool PR8 Driver Public school Truong Dinh Highschool PR9 Address Thach That Cau Giay Ha Dong Thanh Xuan Thach That Thanh Oai LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com ... main question: What are the determinants of school choice between public and private schools in Ha Noi? 1.5 Hypothesis The determinants of school choice between public and private schools are: parents‟s... number of factors influence on the parents‟ choice in selection of schools In modelling the school choice, we assume that there are two choice for highschool: private schools and public schools The. .. UNIVERSITY, HANOI VIETNAM JAPAN UNIVERSITY LUONG THI AN THE DETERMINANTS OF PARENTS’ SCHOOL CHOICE BETWEEN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SCHOOLS: CASE STUDY IN HIGH SCHOOLS IN HA NOI DISCIPLINE: Economics MAJOR: Public

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