“Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?”- Fairy tale
Women are the most beautiful creature of Almighty.They present for seducion and beauty There is no dout that Beauty always lies in their eyes, smile, hair, skin and heart Women's beauty is appeared in many poets by lots of romantic poets and many songs and lyrics by a lot of sensive musicians Not only that, no less wars happened for women‟s beauty It is truly said that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder but a beautiful and attractive face always get privileges everywhere In any time, women go out either for work, for shopping, for party or for just hang out with friends, it takes a huge time for them get ready by doing make up, hair styling, and using perfume These things help her a nice look and soothe others eyes
At social level, physical beauty is an advantage as being beautiful gives a person much more confidence
Even it has been demonstrated by Young (2011) that being attractive can give a person up to 10 folds increases in getting marry According to Gilmore, Beehr &
Love (1986) Physically attractive job candidates whose qualifications are similar to those of less attractive candidates are more likely to be hired highly for the same job Moreover, the beautiful are more likely to get promoted to higher positions and to be paid more (Young 2011) it can be surely big advantage if you have a Physically attractive beauty and Everything will become easy to you
Women have been aware of their external appearance since ages themselves
One can change her face and her figure in various numbers of ways now days In the old days, Woman used herbal treatment to beautify themselves to maintain longly their beauty Nowaday, a beauty salon is to take care of women‟s beauty
One provides various kind of beauty service such as skin-facial, bleach, pedicure, manicure, body massage, spa, make up; hair-hair cut, oil massage, ozone treatment, spa, color; piercing, plucking, henna, waxing and different type of therapy
Many firms identified the needs of women in beauty and established salon to meet them In line with the propositions put forward by Schwer & Daneshvary
(2000) and Joy, Sherry, Troilo & Deschenes (2010), Now women tend to spend more time, energy and money on beautification by visiting beauty salons
In recent years, the beauty care service industry has flourished in Vietnam
The growing population of beauty-conscious women and their demand for variety of service is crucial to the growth of the industry
To enter well in highly potential market of beauty, there is a need for beauty salon to change to meet more and more customer Therefore, maintaining high levels of service quality and developing new methods for improving service quality in the beauty care industry are noteworthy topics for discussion, so the author would like to select the content of “Service quality and customer satisfaction of beauty service at the beauty salon in the city Ha Noi”
With research content as above, the author poses research questions for this topic as follows:
- What are the factors influencing customer satisfaction and service quality of beauty salons
- What is the current status of customer satisfaction and service quality of beauty salons
- What is the evaluation of business owner about customer satisfaction and service quality of their beauty salons?
- What is the difference between two sides in customer satisfaction and service quality of beauty salons?
- What are the suitable solutions to improve customer satisfaction on beauty service of beauty salon?
Literature review
Chin-Hui Yanga,, Yu-Cheng Leeb (2016) conducted a research which focuses on the influence of high-quality items on customer satisfaction and evaluation Though 5 basic conponents of SERVQUAL and SERVPERF models, they are completed questionaires from 257 customers of beauty beauty salon s located in six munipalities in Taiwain To emphasize the importance of these differences, the authors applied the classification results to the refined Kano‟s model (RKM), and adopted various weighted scores to represent the importance of customer satisfaction The importance–performance analysis (IPA ) method and impact range performance analysis (IRPA) method were employed to determine the priority of service quality improvements.This study provides a very interesting figure that the customers placed the most importance on “cordial service,” The second most important aspect was “beauty care material” followed by “equipment maintenance”, “service provider knowledge” and “advanced beauty care equipment” One of the implications of this study is that higher levels of satisfaction could be enabled among customers through service improvements On the whole, beauty care centers or salons should emphasize improving service quality based on the criteria that were identified as less satisfactory according to the customers The author also made a recommendation for beauty care centers or salons to apply the principles of considering the most importance on “cordial service,” “beauty care materials,” “equipment maintenance,” “service provider knowledge,” and “advanced beauty care equipment.”
Spyridoula Vryoni, Panteleimon Bakirtzoglou and Panagiotis Ioannou (2017) designed a research to investigate the impact of service quality on customers' satisfaction in SPA centers in Greece By an empirical study of 207 customers of 10 Spa centers Measurements included the use of the SERVQUAL instrument (Parasuraman, Zeithaml, & Berry, 1988) to measure perceptions of service quality
Factor Analysis was used to identify the predictive variables of customers‟ satisfaction Results indicated from the five dimensions and twenty two items of SERVQUAL model, willingness to help the customer (responsiveness), management support in problem solving situations (assurance), food and beverages (tangibles), feel secure from danger (assurance), employees' commitment to the comfort of their customers (empathy) and honest and empathic treatment of customers (empathy)were the most predictive variables of Spa centers customers‟ satisfaction The conclusion of the study states , there are 6 service quality of 22 items that create customers' satisfaction Those 6 items could explain Spa customers' satisfaction at a percentage of 55.61%, namely Willingness help customers, Management‟s support, Food and beverage, Feel secure, Commitment, Honest treatment Therefore Spa centers' management is encouraged to focus its service on those service quality dimensions
Sharmin Sultana* Tasnim Islam Shimul Das ( 2016) have done a meticulous study aimed at measuring customer satisfaction on beauty salons in Chittagong city, Bangladesh The study team used questionaires which is developed on SERVQUAL model to gather data from 100 customers in 5 most popular beauty salons in Chittagong The study focuses to identify customer perception on tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy in beauty beauty salon s in Chittagong and to evaluate the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction The statistical tools SPSS is used to calculate the mean and linear regression analysis The results have shown that tangibility has the highest mean score among five factors
Moreover, tangibility factor has significant influence on customer satisfaction Beauty salons should consider these factors more to satisfy customer The author also made 5 recommendation for beauty beauty salon s to apply the principles of Quick and prompt service, Error-free records, Experienced and courteous employees, Price and quality, Promotional activities The limitations of the study are that The study is conducted in few popular beauty salon located in Chittagong city with 100 respondent and The respondents‟ response may have the biasness, which may not give true picture about the chosen research topic
Le Huu Trang ( 2011) have done a meticulous study aimed at measuring customer satisfaction on hotel service at AN GIANG tourist joint stock company in
An Giang provice, VietNam The study team used questionaires which is developed on SERVQUAL model to gather data from 175 customers in 3 branches Ben Da Hotel Sam Mountain, Dong Xuyen Hotel, Long Xuyen Hotel Each hotel point selects the number of samples corresponding to the turn of the customer to use the service of the entire corporation in the first 9 months of the year The study focuses to identify customer perception on tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy in hotel service in AN GIANG tourist joint stock company and to evaluate the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction The statistical tools
SPSS is used to calculate the mean and linear regression analysis The results have shown CS =3.46E-016 + 0.515 * assurance factors + 0,254 * responsiveness factors + 0.120 * reliability factors + 0.117 * tangibility factors, that means the assurance factor has the highest mean score among five factors Moreover, responsibily factor and relibility factor and tangibility factor has significant influence on customer satisfaction.
Aims of research
Aims of research is giving the recommendations to beauty salons enhance customer satisfaction with beauty services through identify the most important main factor and comparing customer‟s perception and business owner‟ perception
In order to suit with these aims, my thesis give the below missions of research:
- Literature review the previous research on customer satisfaction with beauty service quality in beauty salon
- Systematize the basic theories of service, service quality, beauty service, customer satisfaction, relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction
- Research the service quality measurement models, thereby selecting a suiable model for measuring beauty service quality and customer satisfaction evaluation
- Survey and analyse the status of beauty service quality and customer satisfaction of beauty salons from two different view – customer‟s and business owner‟s - by the selected model then compare them Limited success evaluation and cause
- Give some recommendations to improve the quality of training services for beauty salons and enhance customer satisfaction with the service.
Objects of research
Objects of research are beauty service quality and customer satisfaction with this service in beauty salons in Hanoi
Scope of research
- Scope of contents: customer satisfaction and service quality of beauty service
- Scope of space: 30 districts in city Hanoi
- Scope of time: questionaires were surveyed from November 2018 to March
- Scope of sample: Individual customers are using and business owners are providing beauty services of beauty salons, with 495 questionnaries in both side
Research methodology
Data collection method o Primary data: In order to fulfil the research objectives requirements, empirical research was conducted with the primary data collected though questionnaire It contains 22 items combined with service quality factors (Tangibility – (4), Reliability – (5), Responsiveness – (4), Assurance – (4), Empathy – (5)) 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1- Strongly Disagree to 5- Strongly Agree is used to measure these variables o Secondary data: Many local and international articles, websites related to customer satisfaction and service quality of beauty salon s have been used as secondary sources of data The questionnaire survey is the most important method in the thesis, which is described in detail as follows:
Sample size: 130 customer in 13 beauty salons in 7 cental districts and 365 business owners of beauty salons
Sampling objects: beauty salons‟s individual customers who used beauty service and beauty salon‟s private owners who supplied beauty service
- Design of questionnaires: questionnaires are designed to be in line with the objectives of the thesis and theoretical framework in a clear and concise manner To ensure accuracy, the questionnaire were designed according to the following process:
Base on research objectives and frameworks to identify the information needed: factors, variables and metrics
Determine the type of question
Determine the content of each question and logic of the questions focused on the evaluation forms currently used at beauty salon
Draft questionnaires Submit a questionnaire to the instructor Instructor guide, review, and agree to conduct the investigation Ruler: use 5 level of Likert‟s measure from the least to the most
- Basic contents of the questionnaire:
Introduction: the author‟s name, the topic name, the main contents to be surveyed Assessment of beauty service quality of beauty salons from both sides according to the developed research model
The dissertation uses two methods of data analysis: qualitative and quantitative o Quantitative methods
- Statistical aggregation: collected data and information collected, selected and statistical information needed
- Comparison: after collecting and analysing the necessary data from both sides, comparison will be made over time
- Processing survey data using SPSS software 20.0
Assess the scale reliability by using the Cronbach Alpha coefficient Variables with an item-total correction factor less than 0.3 will be excluded and the criterion of scale selection is that it has Cronbach Alpha reliability of 0.6 or higher (Nunnally
& Bernstein , 1994) In this thesis, Cronbach Alpha must be from 0.6 to be retained
EFA analysis is a technique used to shrink and summarize data This method is useful for identifying variable sets that are needed for study and are used to find relationships between variables In the exploratory factor analysis, KMO (Kaiser – Meyer – Olkin) value is the index used to determine the appropriateness of factor analysis The KMO value must be between 0.5 and 1, and this analysis is appropriate, and if the value is less than 0.5, factor analysis may not to be appropriate for the data
A one-way ANOVA is a type of statistical test that compares the variance in the group means within a sample whilst considering only one independent variable or factor It is a hypothesis-based test, meaning that it aims to evaluate multiple mutually exclusive theories about the data
In a one-way ANOVA, there are two possible hypotheses
Hypothesis H0: there is no difference between the groups and equality between means
Hypothesis H1: there is a difference between the means and groups
Case 1: Significance of observation (Sig.) < 0.05 is sufficient basis to reject Hypothesis H0 and accept Hypothesis H1, meaning that the mean value is different from the test value
Case 2: Significance level of observation (Sig.) >0.05 is not sufficiently rejected Hypothesis H0 should accept Hypothesis H1, which means that the mean value is different from the test value
In case 2 of one – way ANOVA test, continue Robust tests (Samel B.Green, Neil J.Salkind (2005)) In Robust test, there are two possible hypotheses
Hypothesis H0: there is no difference between the groups and equality between means
Hypothesis H1: there is a difference between the means and groups
+ Significance of observation (Sig.) < 0.05 is sufficient basis to reject Hypothesis H0 and accept Hypothesis H1, meaning that the mean value is different from the test value
+ Significance level of observation (Sig.) >0.05 is not sufficiently rejected
Hypothesis H0 should accept Hypothesis H1, which means that the mean value is different from the test value
Carry out the customer‟s assessment of beauty salons and the owner‟s assessment of beauty salon retail credit quality standards by dependent-sample T-test With Hypothesis:
- H1: average value is different from the test value
+ Significance level of observation (Sig.) >0.05 is not sufficiently rejected
Hypothesis H0 should accept Hypothesis H1, which means that the mean value is different from the test value
+ Significance of observation (Sig.) < 0.05 is sufficient basis to reject Hypothesis H0 and accept Hypothesis H1, meaning that the mean value is different from the test value o Qualitative methods
Using qualitative research methods, interviewing some business owners, some customers Interview content will be recorded and synthesized as a basis for designing the questionnaire Moreover, methods of statistical analysis, statistical analysis, compilation and comparison will also be used in the dissertation
Thesis structure
In addition to the introduction, conclusion, references, appendixes, the contents of the dissertation is divided into three chapter:
Basic concepts
Kotler and Armstrong (2004) defined “Service is any act or interest that one party me provide to another that is essentially intangible and not Bring possession at all” According to Lusch and Vargo‟s (2011) and Vargo and Lusch‟s (2004; 2008),
“The application of specialised competences (operant resources – knowledge and skills), through deeds, processes, and performances for the benefit of another entity or the entity itself” that is under the so-called value-in-use view On the other hand, The Nordic School view services as “Processes that consist of a set of activities which take place in interactions between a customer and people, goods and other physical resources, systems and/or infrastructures representing the service provider and possibly involving other customers, which aim at solving customers‟ problems”
Another way to deal with Parasuraman (1991) explains that in order to know the perception of customer, it is best to identify and understand their expectations
Developing a system that addresses customer‟s expectations is essential
In the thesis, the author proposed and selected the definition of service is based on Lewis and Booms (1983), “Service is a measure of how well the service delivered to the customer is commensurate with the expectations of customer
Creating a quality service means responding to customer expectations in a consistent way” This statement clearly demonstrates that the service quality relates to the expectations of customers and their perception of the service
Services have some characteristics however there are three specific Characteristics in this thesis, namely Intangibility, Heterogeneity, Inseparability
- Intangibility The intangibility is characterized by the activities which cannot be seen, felt, heard or proven before they are acquired The inseparability translates to the simultaneity in which services are produced and consumed (Pena, M M., Silva, E
M S da, Tronchin, D M R., & Melleiro, M M 2013) There is no doubt that intangibility is the most fundamental and most frequently mentioned of the various characteristics of a service (Bateson &
- Heterogeneity Heterogeneity (variability) in the service context implies that it is difficult to standardise services, especially in labour-intensive services (Bateson & Hoffman, 2011:68; Fisk et al., 2008:9; Kasper et al., 2006:59; Lewis, 2009:234; Lovelock &
Gummesson, 2004:27; Young, 2008:75) The variability (heterogeneity) concerns to whom, where and when services are provided The perishability reinforces that services cannot be stored in advance, so it is necessary that strategies are established for the balance between existing demand and provision of services (Kloter P, Keller KL, 2003) Services will vary in different types, such as services in beauty sector and services in travel sector
- Inseparability Inseparability in relation to services implies that the production and consumption are inseparable and occur simultaneously (Bateson & Hoffman, 2011; Evans &
Lindsay, 2008) The inseparability of services therefore leads to a relatively small time- gap between production and consumption, and the services are often consumed as they are produced The customer has to be present during the production of many services and the customer is forced into intimate contact with the production process (Kotler &
Armstrong, 2010; Wilson et al., 2008) So, the interaction between suppliers and service recipients ( customers) may affect quality of service
Going by the dictionary, the quality of being pleasing, especially to look at, or someone or something that gives great pleasure, especially when you look at it From Burke viewpoint, in his Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful, the author wrote that „„Beauty is, for the greater part, some quality in bodies acting mechanically upon the human mind by the intervention of the senses‟‟ That definition suggests that there is a unique faculty of beauty that can be stimulated by any and all the senses
Beauty is always the purest desire of man and it is also the goal of reaching enternally of mankind
Mentioning to beauty services concept, the author is unable to find any definition about this concept There is still a discussion about whether beauty service is a commodity and its market characteristics Although there are many different opinions, many have agreed that, with the guideline of aesthetic theory and artcriticism, beauty services is still growing and increasing not only the quantity but also the quality to serve more and more customer who wants to become prettier and prevent the aging
Parasuraman et al (1985:41) defined: “Quality is zero defects – doing it right the first time” According to Juran, Gryna and Bingham‟s (1974) definition of quality is consistent with the user- based approach It is essential to fitness for use, the extent to which the product successfully serves the purpose of the user during usage
From Feigenbaum (1951) viewpoint, quality is defined in terms of costs and prices Another key concept is definition of quality as value
Not only Quality is a critical component of customer satisfaction (Gremler et al., 2001; Radwin, 2000) but also Quality, service quality, and customer satisfaction are primary concerns in the manufacturing and service industries (Wang, Lo, and Yang, 2004) Therefore, Quality is one of the most important elements to affect the activities of the firm
There are various definitions of service quality, according to Gronroos (1984), the definition of service quality includes two components of service quality: (1) technical quality and (2) service quality In that service quality relates to what is served and functional quality tell how they are served
Another key concept, Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1985, 1988) define service quality as the distance between service expectations and customer perception when using the service
According to Stevenson (2002), quality refers to the ability of a product or service to meet or exceed customer expectations consistently “Service quality” is considered a more important order winner than “product quality” in some manufacturing industries (Ghobadian, Speller & Jones 1994), as service-quality improvements can lead to customer satisfaction and cost management that result in improved profits (Stevenson 2002)
According to Cronin and Taylor (1992) and Yacas et al (1997), Ahmad and Kamal
(2002), definition of service quality is the most influencing factor for customer satisfaction It is clear to see that if a service provider gives customer quality products that meet their needs, afterward that business has initially made them happy
Service quality and customer satisfaction
The relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction has been the subject of continuous discussion among researchers over the past decades Start in the 1880s, when businesses realized that maintaining competitive advantage is not guaranteed by a quality product, standing alone (van der Wal, Pampallis &
Bond 2002) Quality of services can be the difference between success and failure in both service and manufacturing firms (Gupta, McDaniel & Herath 2005) That‟s a reason why delivering superior service quality is a prerequisite for success and survival in today‟s competitive business environment (Gilbert & Wong 2006) as it can ensure increased customer satisfaction
Service quality and customer satisfaction are very important concepts that companies must understand if they want to remain competitive and grow The quality of services provided and customer satisfaction are critical success factors in any business (Biljana Angelova and Jusuf Zekiri 2011) Donnelly et al (1995) claim that Quality and customer service have been identified as critical strategic issues for the organizations
However, many researchers showed that service quality and customer satisfaction are two distinct concepts From Parasuraman et al (1993) argue that there are some differences between service quality and customer satisfaction, the main difference being the “cause and effect” Customer satisfaction is influenced by many factors such as: product quality, service quality, price, situational factors, personal factors (Zeithalm and Bitner, 2000)
Service quality and satisfaction are two different but closely related concepts in service research (Parasuraman et al 1988) Accepting the premise that service quality is the cause of satisfaction (Cornin and Taylor, 1992; Spreng and Taylor ,
1996) Therefore, service quality is related to service delivery, and satisfaction is measured only after service has been used
Customer satisfaction as a result, service quality as a cause, satisfaction is predictive nature, expectations Service quality is an ideal standard; customer satisfaction is a general concept, expressing their satisfaction when consuming a service
As such, service quality is a factor that greatly affects customer satisfaction If a service provider supply customers with good quality products that meet their demand, that network provider is initially making the customer pleased To improve as good customer satisfaction as possible, services providers must promote service quality By other way, service quality and customer satisfaction are closely interrelated Therefore, when using the service, if customer feels the service is high quality, they will be satisfied with that service In contrary point, if customers feel the service is low quality, dissatisfaction will arise
Figure 1.1: The Relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction
(Source: Zeithaml & Bitner (2000), Services Marketing, MacGraw – Hill)
Service quality assessment models
The result of the analysis as a whole verified that there is a set of key discrepancies or gaps, consisting of the differences between users‟ expectations and what is actually offered These gaps can be the main obstacle for users to perceive the provision of such services as high quality
Figure 1.2: Service Quality 5 Gap Model in SERVQUAL
(Source: Parasuraman & el (1985)) When perceptions are higher than expectations, the gaps are narrow and there are high levels of satisfaction, considering the excellent service and quality Five corporate gaps are emphasized that are usually encountered between the expectations and perceptions of users These are:
• Gap 1: refers to consumer expectations and the perception of management towards them The service providers do not always understand what requirements connote excellence of quality for consumers;
• Gap 2: is the specification of the quality of the services defined by the translation of perceptions that management has of the expectations of users This discrepancy is due to the lack of specification of the offer, adjusted to the wishes of the consumers;
• Gap 3: relates to the actual performance of service in the face of previously established specifications;
• Gap 4: relates to the service actually provided and external communications (service specifications announced in the media or other communication channels);
• Gap 5: This was established as a function of the four previous shortcomings, namely The service quality model according to these researches can be expressed as follow:
SQ = f (Gap 5 = f [gap 1, gap 2, gap 3, gap 4])
- Grap 1, Grap 2, Grap 3, Grap 4, Grap 5 are quality distances 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
It is essential to perform the measurement of user satisfaction to focus on the expectations and perceptions that the user has about the offered services (Parasuraman A, Berry LL, Zheitmal VA, 1991) Accepting the premise, used both for services as well as for products, has been understood as superiority or excellence, while the concept of service quality is more abstract and intangible In the absence of objective measures, it may be considered appropriate that the evaluation is performed by measuring user‟s perception of the service (Zeithaml V, Parasuraman A, Berry LL,1990)
The difference year model is a general, theoretical model of service quality In order to be able to practice, Parasuraman et al have tried to build a scale for measuring quality in the service sector, according to him, any quality service that consumers perceive is based on the following 10 components
The 10 components model of service quality described though Table1.1:
Table 1.1: 10 components of service quality Component Example of evaluative criteria
1 Tangibility Appearance of physical facilities and personnel
2 Reliability Performing services right the first time
3 Responsiveness Willingness and ability to provide prompt service
4 Communication Explaining service to customers in a language they can understand
5 Credibility Trustworthiness of customer-contact personnel
7 Competence Knowledge and skill of customer-contact personnel
8 Courtesy Friendliness of customer-contact personnel
Making an effort to ascertain a customer‟s specific requirements
10.Access Ease of contacting service
The ten components model of service quality has the advantage of covering almost every aspect of the service Although, this model has some disadvantages of complexity in measurement Besides, this model is theoretical, there may be many components of the service quality model that do not achieve distinctive values
From Parasurama (1988) viewpoint, service quality is the distance between perception and expectation of a service, that is discussed by himself
It is essential to be understood as: Service quality = Perceived Level – Expected Value
But perception can be understood and defined explicitly based on the customer
„s belief in the service when they use it, the expectation seems to be understood vague and can be understood in terms of many different point
One of the first service-quality models is the SERVQUAL model, demonstrated by Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry (1985), comparing customer expectations with respect to a service and customer perception of the service being actually delivered Include five service quality distance model and component quality service model The descriptions provided for each of the SERVQUAL dimensions are as follows five criterias through 22 scales
(Source: Parasurama, Zeithaml & Berry 1985, 1988 www.marketingstudyguide.com.)
Cronin and Taylor (1992) modelled SERVPERF, suggesting that the level of customer perception of service performance reflects the best service quality That measures experiences only and does not ask respondents about expectations As a result, SERVPERF uses only the perceptions part of the SERVQUAL scale Can also be understood as:
Satisfaction of service quality = level of perception
As a variant of SERVQUAL model, the SERVPERF model consist of five basic components, namely:
1 Reliability: Ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately
2 Responsiveness: Willingness to help customers and pro-vide prompt service
3 Assurance: Employees‟ knowledge and courtesy and their ability to inspire trust and confidence
4 Empathy: Caring, individualized attention given to each customer
5 Tangibles: Appearance of physical facility, equipment, personnel and written materials
The SERVPERF scale also uses 22 statements similar to the customer perception question in the SERVQUAL model, ignoring expectations
Therefore, it can be showed that SERVQUAL model and SERVPERF model are slightly differentiated as described in the table below
Table 1.2: Compare the two SERVQUAL model and SERVPERF model
L : Service quality = Perceived level - Expected value
SERVPERF : Service quality = Perceived level -
(Source: author (2019)) While perception can be clearly understood, and defined based on the customer‟s belief in the service they use, the expectation seems to be understood rather ambiguously and can be understood once more Thus, when measuring service quality, the SERVPERF model is often used more popular
Based on the mode relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction (Figure 1.1), the model applied to the case of beauty salon in Hanoi was created and presented in Figure 1.4 The model has been adjusted to be more suitable for beauty service analysis Specially, there are two form questionnaires for two distinct candidates, and that is built the same question which based on 22 questionnaires of Paramurama The author will compare the different perceptions of service quality between customer and business owner To find important difference from “business owner thinks” side and “customer feels” side then give some solutions to improve customer satisfaction
Figure 1.4: 5 factors to customer satisfaction at beauty salon
We have the regression model estimated:
Customer satisfaction = + 1 * Reliability Factors + 2 * Responsiness Factors + 3 * Assurance Factors + 4 * Empathy Factors + 5 * Tangibility Factors Inside: Customer satisfaction of both side
The hypothesis for the model is as follows:
Hypothesis 1: Reliability factors has positive affection to beauty service porvided by beauty salon Hypothesis 2: Responsiness factors has positive affection to beauty service porvided by beauty salon Hypothesis 3: Assurance factors has positive affection to beauty service porvided by beauty salon Hypothesis 4: Empathy factors has positive affection to beauty service porvided by beauty salon Hypothesis 5: Tangibility factors has positive affection to beauty service porvided by beauty salon
1.3.5: Designing Scales and Questionnaires and Sample
When designing the measurement scales, it is necessary to evaluate in order to ensure the quality of measurement The author has design the scales based on the evaluation forms of 22 Paramurama‟ questionnaires Questionnaires were guided, review, and agree to conduct the investigation
In this research, the author uses Likert‟s 5-point scales in measuring impact factors to customer satisfaction of beauty salon (from 1 to 5, in which: 1: strong disagree/ 2: disagree / 3: neutral/ 4: agree / 5: strong agree)
Acts according to promise LF1 OLF1
Sincere interest in solving problems LF2 OLF2
Performs service right the first time LF3 LOLF3
Provides service at promised time LF4 OLF4
Error free records LF5 OLF5
Employees tell exactly when services will be performed
Employees give prompt service PF2 OPF2
Employees willing to help PF3 OPF3
Employees never too busy to respond to customers‟ requests
Employees‟ behavior instills confidence AF1 OAF1 Customers feel safe in transactions AF2 OAF2
Consistently courteous employees AF3 OAF3
Employees have knowledge to answer questions
Provides individual attention EF1 OEF1
Convenient operating hours EF2 OEF2
Employees provide personal attention EF3 OEF3 Has the best interest of customers at heart EF4 OEF4 Employees understand customers‟ needs EF5 OEF5
Equipment and facilities TF1 OTF1 Physical facilities TF2 OTF2
Introduce services to other CS3
(Source: author (2019)) Business owner‟s side:
Introduce services to other OS3
From the need to receive back 105 responses of customer and 285 responses of business owner, the author has implemented the data collection as follows:
- Step 1: Using Microsoft Office to design and printing questionnaires
- Step 2: The First period: Sending 160 questionnaires to 8 sales of
Mediworld cosmetic company, asking them to give their customer (the business owner, boss or manager of beauty salon) and collect back 95 sheets, but there are 4 wrong sheets because of missing information, therefore only have 91 right sheets
Besides, choose 13 unit in 7 central district in Hanoi of them to ask directly customer of beauty salon Sending 130 questionnaires to random customers of 13 units and collect back 111 sheets, but there are 6 wrong sheets because of missing information, therefore only have 105 right sheets
Introduction of Beauty salon in Hanoi
Beauty salon (or salon spa) is one of units which business the beauty services
Think of beauty salon, it is not impossible to mention the spa These are the two subjects that are closely connected by the goals Can be understood clearly that beauty salon is one of spa typologies
Nowadays, Spa is very familiar to everyone According to the latest Global Spa Research of ISPA (International Spa Association) estimated point to nearly 100 million active spas globally
According to The Global Spa Economy (2007), there are estimates that the total size of the global spa economy was USD254 7 billion This estimate includes USD 60.3 billion in core spa industries and an additional USD 194.4 billion in spa- enabled industries
Introduced by the Romans during the Hippocratic era in 400BC, 'spa' is an acronym for the Latin Solus Per Aqua (treatment through the use of water) where streams of hot water were directed on the battle-weary bodies of Roman legionnaires, providing relief from exhaustion as well as to treat battle-inflicted scars and wounds (web7.bemama.corn)
According to International SPA Association, Spas are entities devoted to enhancing overall well-being through a variety of professional services that encourage the renewal of mind, body and spirit For the purposes of reliable industry benchmarking, Intelligent Spas defines "spa" as:
"A business offering water-based treatments practiced by qualified personnel in a professional, relaxing and healing environment"
This definition was developed to support the original meaning of spa being
"healing through water" Water-based treatments may include body wraps, body scrubs, baths, and so on
A relaxing and healing environment distinguishes spas from standard beauty salons and clinical medical centres that are not promoted as spa businesses
Qualified personnel include employees who have successfully completed professional external training courses and/or on-the-job training of relevant standard operating and treatment procedures required of a professional spa businesses
According to Van Tubergen, A (2002), there are five general period of spa‟s history
- Ancient Greece and Roman Empire Taking the waters used to be a popular treatment for a wide range of diseases in classical times The Greeks preferred baths in fresh water from natural resources, although bathing in the sea (thalassotherapy) was also applied Initially, bathing was confined to the wealthier people in private baths, but soon public baths were opened
In Homeric times, bathing was primarily used for cleansing and hygienic purposes By the time of Hippocrates (460–370 BC), bathing was considered more than a simple hygienic measure; it was healthy and beneficial for most diseases
Influenced by the Greeks, the Romans built their own thermal baths at mineral and thermal springs A military presence was often the key to development of such a spa resort Spas served not only for recuperation of wounded soldiers but also as rest and recreation centres for healthy soldiers In contrast with the Greeks, who took the waters after intensive physical exercises, the Romans considered the baths more important than the gymnastics alone Besides cleansing, exercises, socialising, relaxation, and worship, medical treatment was also applied extensively Spa treatment consisted of application of water to afflicted parts of the body, immersion of the whole body in the water and drinking excessive quantities of water
- The Dark and middle ages With the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 and the rise of Christianity, the bathing culture fell into disrepute and bathing was officially prohibited Baths were redeveloped as churches, although some remained available for the aristocrats who were not affected by the church‟s decrees People abstained from bathing as long as possible, sometimes for years
From the 13th century onwards, baths gradually came into re-use, particularly in southern Europe under the influence of the Moors Public baths were rebuilt and the entrance was usually free The baths were often crowded and people bathed for hours, sometimes days in the same bath Bloodletting, enemas, and drinking cures (up to 10 litres a day) were prescribed, although relaxation and pleasure were most often the reasons for bathing
In the 16th century the image of the public baths again deteriorated in many countries, which led to the closure of many public baths They were considered to be a source of contagious diseases such as syphilis, plague, and leprosy, and the baths became dangerous meeting places for political and religious dissidents
The new bathing culture that had developed in Italy gradually spread over other parts of Europe, and was particularly popular with the elite The development of spa treatment north of the Alps was mainly provided by the Paracelsians By the turn of the 17th century, many spas were rediscovered in France Two types of spas existed: hot springs for drinking and bathing, and cold springs for drinking cures only Taking the waters in French spas was a serious activity and quite sober
“The medical significance of bathing is acknowledged by many rheumatologists”
Around 1800 interest in the bathing culture grew Further attempts to analyse the mineral water were made, aiming at improving its use in medicine, and at preparing mixtures of water identical to those mineral waters famous for their curative properties Doctors were convinced that for each disease Mother Nature possessed an appropriate medicinal spring, which could be discovered through chemical analysis of the waters
The use of mineral waters and the development of hotels and guesthouses at the springs became prevalent throughout Europe and North America Every spa resort had its own theatre, casino, and promenades besides the bathing buildings In Britain, Germany, Austria, and Belgium much importance was attached to ostentation Grand hotels arose with casinos and dancing establishments surrounding the spa resorts The spa resorts became not only a meeting centre for the elite but also a place of creativity for painters, writers, and composers The baths were again crowded Baden Baden (Germany) became the most glamorous resort in continental Europe It was the place to see and to be seen
However, in Britain use of the spa declined The English spa resorts were run by amateurs, and the medical hydrology was poorly organised Competition from seaside and foreign resorts, and an economic depression in the 1930s led to a further decline As such, many spa resorts in Britain closed down
The situation of customer satisfaction with beauty service at beauty salon in
Hanoi has 30 districts with 7.420.100 people and only behind Ho Chi Minh City‟s population in Vietnam From official website of city Hanoi, Population is distributed quite different between urban (58.8%) and rural areas (41.2%) In additional, allocation of beauty salons has a very big distance Beauty salons almost focus in the central districts, such as: Hoan Kiem, Ba Dinh, Hai Ba Trung, Cau Giay, Thanh Xuan, Ha Dong These Beauty salons are carefully invested not only in material facilities and people but also marketing strategy That difference is shown in table 2.2
Table 2.2: Number’s beauty salons each district in Hanoi
District Size District Size District Size
1 Dong Da 552 11 South Tu Liem 60 21 Quoc Oai 3
2 Hoan Kiem 424 12 North Tu Liem 40 22 Ung Hoa 3
3 Hai Ba Trung 372 13 Dong Anh 22 23 Ba Vi 2
4 Ba Dinh 357 14 Thanh Tri 15 24 Chuong My 2
5 Cau Giay 301 15 Gia Lam 14 25 Dan Phuong 2
6 Thanh Xuan 209 16 Thuong tin 13 26 Me Linh 2
7 Ha Dong 131 17 Hoai Duc 5 27 Phuc Tho 1
8 Hoang Mai 130 18 Son tay 5 28 My Duc 1
9 Tay Ho 112 19 Soc Son 4 29 Phu Xuyen 1
10 Long Bien 80 20 Thach that 4 30 Thanh Oai 1
(Source: Author: https://vicare.vn) From table 2.2, spa salons estimated point to about 3000 active units in Hanoi
Moreover, it is easily shown that top 7 districts is up at a percentage of 81.08%, the rest is 19.92% in 23 districts The distance of allocation‟ beauty salons is too far
2.2.1: The type of beauty service
Services as provided for a client in a beauty salon in the promotion of wellbeing; massage, water applications, steam, sauna, exercise, nutritional treatment and dietary programmes, yoga, meditation, herbal treatment or other professional services aimed at renewing the body, mind & spirit
The source of ASEAN Spa Services Standard lists services spa is massage, water application, Scrubs and Wraps, Exercises, Energy Treatments, Nutritional Programmes, Dietary Programmes, Traditional Massage or Traditional Treatments, Beauty Treatments, Other Treatments They are described as:
Massage – Massage services for relaxation of the body shall be provided
Additional massage services for body, face or feet which provide other benefits of well-being may also be provided
Water applications – A spa shall provide a minimum of two water applications which provide benefits of well-being Water applications are defined as applications of water, hot or cold, natural, mineral or thalassic in the form of:
- Baths – immersion of the whole body or part thereof into an herbal, aroma, mineral, ploidy or chromo therapeutic solution which shall provide benefits other than cleansing
- Floatation – standing body of water; chambers or tanks, in which the client floats for the purpose of rejuvenation May or may not include sight and sound deprivation
- Plunge Pools – standing body of water large enough to immerse the entire body
- Soak – immersion of the whole body or part thereof into a herbal, aroma, mineral, ploidy or chromo therapeutic solution
- Well-being Showers – natural flow or pressurised sprays and/or jets of water applied to the body for experiential or therapeutic purposes and which provide tangible benefits of well-being
- Showers which are provided just for cleansing are not considered as a water application under this standard
- Thermotherapy – Manual or mechanically applied heat and/ or cold, may be associated with traditional herbal product / treatment It includes sauna and steam Sauna – heated individual or shared chamber in which a client sits, lays or stands; for therapeutic purposes Steam – individual or shared space filled with heated water vapours in which a client sits, lays or stands; for therapeutic purposes
Scrubs and Wraps – application of natural resources e.g herbs, foods, mineral for relaxation, beautification, detoxification or other well-being benefits may be provided
Exercises – manual or mechanically performed movements which have a health supportive and promotional benefit
Energy Treatments – the control or release of chi or energy flows of the body and mind which provide benefits of well-being Such controls may be
Nutritional Programmes – ingestion of herbs or foods in solid, liquid or extracted form, raw or cooked, and which promote well-being
Dietary Programmes – ingestion of herbs or foods in solid, liquid or extracted form, raw or cooked, which provide for weight management
Traditional Massage or Traditional Treatments – Traditionally practised massage or treatments which may or may not be scientifically substantiated, but the belief of aboriginal or indigenous local population support the health benefits of the treatment Shall have been inherited from previous generations
Beauty Treatments – any treatment that involves the application of product to the body or any part thereof, and which may or may not include massage techniques and which may or may not provide a tangible benefit of well-being, but are complementary to other services provided in the spa
Other Treatments – any treatment which may be suitable for spa services and which may or may not be scientifically proven but which are culturally accepted to have benefits of well-being but are not categorised elsewhere under this standard
(Source: https://www.asean.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/ASEAN-Spa- Services-Standard-1.pdf)
From research is executed by Vinaresearch (Vinaresearch.net), there are over
20 types of beauty service in beauty salon The most popular service is facial care with mask, follows massage body, whitening, acne treatment and massage eyes
Name and percent of beauty service‟s kind will be descripted in figure 2.1
Figure 2.1: Favour of beauty service’s kind
(Source: vinaresearch.net) The most popular beauty service from above research is facial skin care
Facial skin care represents all beauty service, which has standard process
Generally, the code process of facial skin care is quite simple with 10 steps, as shown in the figure 2.2
Every great beauty experience comes at the hands of a highly trained therapist supported with great spa equipment According to universal companies, there are 5 types of equipment support for beauty salon
Hydrotherapy, Thalassotherapy, Whirlpool Baths and Shower Systems :
Hydrotherapy tubs, whirlpool baths, Vichy showers, swiss showers and shower systems
Massage Tables & Body Care Equipment : Massage tables, body wrap treatment supplies, and waxing products
Skin Care, Facial & Microdermabrasion Equipment: Facial tables and spa tables, hot towel cabinets, skincare and microdermabrasion equipment
Locker Room Equipment & Spa Accessories : Locker room equipment includes lockers (full or half size lockers) and a whole lot more Steam cabinets, stand-alone steam units, towel warmers, relaxation lounge chairs, swimsuit water extractors, weight scales and sauna/steam room equipment
Hair Salon Equipment: Which ever came first, the salon or the spa, salon services are now an integral part of the spa experience
Survey results on customer satisfaction with beauty service at beauty salon in
The author conducted a survey on beauty service quality assessment factor from both sides through questionnaires from customer and business owner participating in beauty service by beauty salon Questionnaires was designed based on the evaluation forms 22 Parasumara‟s questionnaires (1988) Under great favor of Mediwold cosmetic company‟s sales, the author and they have distributed and collected questionnaires to customer and business owner‟s beauty salon from November 2018 to March 2019
Table 2.3: result’s questionnaires of the beauty service’s research
Customer „s side Business owner‟s side
1 st time 2 nd time Notes 1 st time 2 nd time Notes Number of votes 70 60 From 13 units in 7 cental disticts (Table 2.2) - the number‟s beauty salon is
2346 units (81.08% of total) Random sampling method
160 205 Sample size is referenced from : https://www.calculator.net/sample -size-calculator.html
- Population Size: 2868 (table 2.2) Number of votes collected 52 59 95 198
Invalid number of votes 6 0 Uncompleted answers 4 4 Uncompleted answers
Data collection: Primary data and Secondary data (section Introduction/
Table 2.4: Business demographics of the respondents
(Source: primary and computed data)
2.3.2: Reliability and validity of the scales
In order to test the reliability and validity of the scales designed and investigated, author use the Cronbach‟s Alpha coefficient The author anylyzed the reliability off the scales for the studied factor, including:
- Reliability factors (LF – OLF), include 5 variables (LFi = 1-5, OLFi = 1-5)
- Responsiness factors (PF – OPF), include 4 variables (PFi = 1-4, OPFi = 1-4)
- Assurance factors(AF – OAF), include 4 variables (AFi = 1-4, OAFi = 1-4)
- Empathy factors(EF – OEF), include 5 variables (EFi = 1-5, OEFi = 1-5)
- Tangibility factors( TF – OTF), include 4 variables ( TFi = 1-4, OTFi = 1-4)
- Customer satisfaction (CS ), include 3 variables (CSi = 1-3)
- Owner satisfaction (OS ), include 3 variables (OSi = 1-3) The author evaluates the reliability of the scale by Cronbach‟s Alpha for each observed variable These coefficients are shown in the following table
Table 2.5: Reliability of the scales
Remove variable Reliability factors LF 0.972 NO OLF 0.876 NO
Responsiness factors PF 0.883 NO OPF 0.833 NO
Assurance factors AF 0.843 NO OAF 0.706 NO
Empathy factors EF 0,833 NO OEF 0.837 NO
Tangibility factors TF 0.890 NO OTF 0.641 NO
(Source: primary and computed data)
About customer side, this study performed analyses for reliability and validity after the questionnaires were collected Cronbach‟s Alpha values for the importance constructs were 0.89 for tangibility, 0.972 for reliability, 0.883 for responsiveness, 0.843 for assurance, and 0.833 for empathy; the overall Cronbach‟s Alpha value for customer satisfaction was 0.757 All were higher than 0.7, and therefore considered highly reliable
Another side – business owner, Cronbach‟s Alpha values for the customer satisfaction constructs were 0.641 for tangibility, 0.84 for reliability, 0.833 for responsiveness, 0.706 for assurance, and 0.837 for empathy; the overall Cronbach‟s Alpha value for owner satisfaction was 0.858 All were higher than 0.6, and therefore considered highly reliable;
Figure 2.3: Validity of the scales of CUSTOMER
(source: primary and computed data)
There are 2 main results from EFA analysis for independent variables ((LF1, LF2, LF3, LF4, LF5, PF1, PF2, PF3, PF4, AF1, AF2, AF3, AF4, EF1, EF2, EF3, EF4, EF5, TF1, TF2, TF3, TF4) and dependent variable (CS1, CS2, CS3)
The results from of EFA analysis for 5 independent variables simultaneously showed that: there are five iterations at Eigenvalue > 1, the KMO analysis for dependent variable (LF, PF, AF, EF, TF) result was 0.695 (Appendix 3) (satisfactory > 0.6) Barlett‟s test result is 1570 148 (Appendix 3) with a significance level of sig = 0.000 < 0.05 indicating that the data used to analyse the factor is perfectly appropriate
And the results from EFA analyse for dependent variables (CS0) with KMO analysis was 0.669 > 0.6 (Appendix 3) Barlett‟s test result is 77.918 (Appendix 3) with a significance level of sig = 0.000 < 0.05 indicating that the data used to analyse the factor is perfectly appropriate
22 independent variables and 3 dependent variables can be observed significant relation between the extracted variables and the exogenous variables or the factor scores
There are two primary classes of computing factor scores: refined and non- refined methods
Non-refined methods are simple to use Under the class of non-refined methods, various methods exist to produce factor scores
And Refined methods may be applied when both principal components and common factor extraction methods are used with EFA Resulting factor scores are linear combinations of the observed variables which consider what is shared between the item and the factor and what is not measured All Refined methods are Regression Scores, Bartlett Scores and Anderson-Rubin Scores
So, to be suitable with the goals of thesis, the author chooses Regression Scores because Regression Scores aim to maximize validity by producing factor scores that are highly correlated with a given factor and to obtain unbiased estimates of the true factor scores Furthermore, this method attempt to retain the relationships between factors In other words, when the EFA solution is orthogonal, the factor scores should be uncorrelated with other factors and when the solution is oblique, the correlations among factor scores should be the same as the correlations among factors (Gorsuch, 1983)
The factor scores extracted components and based on the exogenous variables under each component, the components are labelled Thus, they can be labelled analyse as referred in Table 2.5:
Table 2.6: Labelling of Extracted Factors of customer’ questionnaires
Exogenous Variables Label Extracted/Endogenous
Acts according to promise LF1
Sincere interest in solving problems LF2 Performs service right the first time LF3 Provides service at promised time LF4
Employees tell exactly when services will be performed PF1
Employees give prompt service PF2
Employees willing to help PF3
Employees never too busy to respond to customers‟ requests PF4
Employees‟ behavior instills confidence AF1
Customers feel safe in transactions AF2 Consistently courteous employees AF3 Employees have knowledge to answer questions AF4
Employees provide personal attention EF3 Has the best interest of customers at heart EF4 Employees understand customers‟ needs EF5
Introduce services to other CS3
So, LF0, PF0, AF0, EF0, TF0, CS0 is the presentative variables of group, and is identified by Factor Analyze in SPSS 20
- Owner’s side Continue, the results from of EFA analysis for 5 independent variables simultaneously showed that: there are five iterations at Eigenvalue > 1, the KMO analysis result was 0.737 (Appendix 4) (satisfactory > 0.6) Barlett‟s test result is 3523.280 (Appendix 4) with a significance level of sig = 0.000 < 0.05 indicating that the data used to analyse the factor is perfectly appropriate And the results from EFA analyse for dependent variables with KMO analysis was 0.605 > 0.6 (Appendix 4)
Barlett‟s test result is 519.901 (Appendix 4) with a significance level of sig = 0.000 <
0.05 indicating that the data used to analyse the factor is perfectly appropriate
And the results from EFA analyse for dependent variables (OS0) with KMO analysis was 0.65 > 0.6 (Appendix 4) Barlett‟s test result is 519.901 (Appendix 4) with a significance level of sig = 0.000 < 0.05 indicating that the data used to analyse the factor is perfectly appropriate
Figure 2.4: Validity of the scales of Beauty salon OWNER
(Source: primary and computed data)
The same way, they can be labelled by Analyse Factor in SPSS 20 analyse as referred in Table 2.6
Table 2.7: Labelling of Extracted Factors of customer’ questionnaires
Exogenous Variables Label Extracted/Endogenou s Variables Label
Acts according to promise LF1
Sincere interest in solving problems LF2 Performs service right the first time LF3 Provides service at promised time LF4
Employees tell exactly when services will be performed PF1
Employees give prompt service PF2
Employees willing to help PF3
Employees never too busy to respond to customers‟ requests PF4
Employees‟ behavior instills confidence AF1
Customers feel safe in transactions AF2 Consistently courteous employees AF3 Employees have knowledge to answer questions AF4
Employees provide personal attention EF3 Has the best interest of customers at heart EF4
Employees understand customers‟ needs EF5
Introduce services to other CS3
Mean value and standard deviation
The arithmetic mean of the perceptions on 22 variables of beauty service quality is measure and shown below
Table 2.8: Perception of the customer and business owner on 22 variables of service quality
1 Acts according to promise LF1 3.83 OLF1 3.6
2 Sincere interest in solving problems LF2 4.07 OLF2 3.68
3 Performs service right the first time LF3 4.16 OLF3 3.72
4 Provides service at promised time LF4 4.39 OLF4 3.87
5 Error free records LF5 3.83 OLF5 3.88
1 Employees tell exactly when services will be performed PF1
2 Employees give prompt service PF2 4.07 OPF2 3.68
3 Employees willing to help PF3 4.16 OPF3 3.72
4 Employees never too busy to respond to customers‟ requests PF4
1 Employees‟ behavior instills confidence AF1 4.16 OAF1 3.72
2 Customers feel safe in transactions AF2 4.09 OAF2 3.93
3 Consistently courteous employees AF3 4.16 OAF3 3.74
4 Employees have knowledge to answer questions AF4 4.05 OAF4 3.87
1 Provides individual attention EF1 3.78 OEF1 3.62
2 Convenient operating hours EF2 3.81 OEF2 3.63
3 Employees provide personal attention EF3 3.92 OEF3 3.93
4 Has the best interest of customers at heart EF4 3.61 OEF4 3.75
5 Employees understand customers‟ needs EF5 3.71 OEF5 3.88
(Source: primary and computed data (2019))
From this table, it is revealed on the customer side that the highest value is (4,4) with physical facilities, the next lower value is (4.39) with TF3 - Employees, TF4 - Materials, LF4 - Provides service at promised time and the lowest value is (3.61) with EF4 On assessment of business owner, the highest value is 3.93 with OTF3 – Employees, then it is 3.93 with EF3 - Employees provide personal attention, AF2 - Customers feel safe in transactions and the lowest value is (3.6) with LF1 - Acts according to promise that means the difference of assessment is allocated in all factors in the table Business owner need to have the same view with customer
Table 2.9: Perception of the customer and business owner on beauty service quality dimensions
(Source: primary and computed data (2019)) From this table, it is revealed on the customer side that the tangibility (4.39) has the highest value then assurance (4.11) and responsiveness (4.04) and reliability (3.83) respectively Then, empathy (3.79) has the lowest value.
The findings of the assessment are; First, customers are highly satisfied with the tangibility factor which includes modern equipments, appealing physical facilities and employee appearance That means, physical materials attract customers most in beauty Salon in Hanoi Second, customers are quite satisfied with assurance which includes image of service provider and employee behavior Third, customers are moderately satisfied with responsiveness and reliability which includes prompt, promised and correct service from service providers That means customer wants quick service from beauty Salon in Hanoi Fifth, customers are dissatisfied with empathy which includes special care and attention to customers every time So, empathy dimensions need to emphasized more to enhance the satisfaction level of customers in beauty Salon in Hanoi
On the other side – business owner, it is revealed that the tangibility (3.93) has the highest value then empathy (3.76) and assurance (3.72) and reliability (3.72) respectively Then, responsiveness (3.71) has the lowest value The show of assessment is: First, the same perception of customers, business owner is highly satisfied with the tangibility factor, then owners are rather satisfied with empathy, reliability, assurance Finally, business owners are dissatisfied with responsiveness
The “AF1 - Employees‟ behaviour instils confidence” solutions
- Standardize the service process customers come to care because they know of beauty salon not beauty service There are many cases that customers come to beauty salon to take care, and only get acquainted with one or two employees and they do not accept any other to take care of them That would be a risk if the employee is not loyal or negative and reduces customer satisfaction not just that one person but a group of customers if not promptly controlled Therefore, when standardizing the service process, the quality of service is no longer dependent on one or two people (experience employees) but will have consistency in the list service This has a positive impact on identifying beauty salon and increasing assurance to customers Be simple activities, employees do the same thing and only complete their role
- Guiding employees in advice , talking to special customers is successful results achieved during service with other customers
- Develop code of conduct in enterprises This is a rare thing in beauty salons because most beauty salons are not focused on administration The code of conduct will be a measure for employees to follow, so it takes time to convince and help employees understand the importance of this code of conduct In addition, it is possible to apply some key points of the code of conduct to the employee's salary and bonus regime to make it a part of each employee's KPI assessment.
The “AF2 - Customers feel safe in transactions” solutions
- Offer moderate service packages and limit error - free records during serve Therefore, estimating the capacity of yourself when deciding to accept or not accept to supply one of kind in list service to customer, that depends on the successful possibly or coordination of the customer For example, the customer has come up with previous beauty salons and the skin condition of the client is very bad, according to the standard process, it is necessary to restore the skin before deep intervention, but the customer is not coordinated in the care process So deny this service with that person
Use quality support products and clear origins Today the products on the market are increasingly diverse Because of profits, there are many beauty salons imported cosmetics self - produced or unknown origin or scientific processing facilities, especially bad conditions for cosmetic production Not guaranteed, then they pack and label famous brands or their brands The honesty of business, especially of cosmetic products, is highly dependent on the ethics of the business owner In addition, in the research results 2.3.3, there is a big difference between CS0 and OS0, so it is more and more necessary to more safe decide In addition, product information and product origin will be easier to search in the internet
Customer patience is limited if the product does not work, so in addition to using the original product, the business owner needs to choose high quality products that bring efficiency and safety to the customer The trend of using organic products and natural products is becoming increasingly popular, which is a safe and effective solution with beauty salon that wants to develop in the long term.
The “AF3 - Consistently courteous employees” solutions
- Practice smile for staff In business, not laugh it means impossibly business
The smile drews near the range, breaks the ice communication and helps to make a first impression In fact, there are some airlines offering laugh exercises (by holding chopsticks) for 15 minutes a day to create reflexes and habits for employees
Encourage employees to laugh more and analyze the benefits of smiling more for them Also, outside of worktime, you can turn on comedy videos, or put some funny publications, satire to relax and help employees to laugh more easily Putting laugh activity into an item of employee training
- Build the business culture: Say “sorry and thanks” every time, everywhere
It is a way of showing polite attitudes to customers through words Speech is a product of thinking, if an environment made of polite people will affect the thinking and attitude of that person Absolutely do not offend the honour of others
(colleagues, customers ) and do not use swear words during worktime If it happens, that one should be heavily punish
- Choose quality candidate with pretty face to recruit each of them as mentioned above People with cute faces are more likely to seem sympathetic and assurance than ugly man, especially important in beauty salon, if not be beautiful, or good-looking, that will be a disadvantage for employees and businesses
- Pay attention to the service attitude of each employee One of the ways to effectively influence that customer is the attitudes of security guards Because this is the first person they contact when visiting beauty salons It is necessary to develop policies to encourage them to focus on their work Make sure they are not forgotten and disregarded
The “AF4 - Employees‟ knowledge” solutions
- Organizing professional and skilled training courses for employees The training process helps employees to close connect together and salon It helps employees and owners have the common goal of the business When employees are knowledgeable and have a working result, their confidence will increase, which will be shown out and increase the positive perception of customers
- Organize examination sessions and skills tests for employees at least once a month This helps both employees and owner appreciates the reality of the situation to better control and improve More specifically, the results of the assessment should be included in the KPI assessment for employees to influence the rights of employees (salary) to create motivation and seriousness in the process of improving themselves
- Make customer evaluation forms with each employee and service so that there is a business improvement plan It should be 2 times per year with big beauty salons (business size > 50 people), and 1 time per year with small and medium beauty salons ( business size < 50 people)
- The business owners need to show their role in training or staff orientation Particularly in the beauty industry, employees will work long-term if they see the benefits received while working, one of the practical benefits is money and skills The majority of business owners go up from the workman for previous beauty salon Most of them will stand out on their own when having enough money and businesses because the investment cost for a beauty salon is about 100 million -
200 million dong and with an income of 8 million - 10 million, after 3 years can be opened as a beauty salon That is beginning of the story Therefore, in order to maintain a stable workforce for the enterprise, the business owner needs to have policies to keep people and show their own training and training capacity
- Give a bonus to employee if they have some change different or improve their knowledge
- Equip full degree for each person to necessarily work A beauty salon has some special conditions, one of which is a practice certificate from an intermediate, college or university However, some beauty salons are established through vocational training, or business with no specific papers In addition, the management and inspection of departments is not identical to beauty salons
Therefore, to affirm the certificates, certificates, qualifications, awards are important to the beauty spa.
The Tangibility solutions
3.2.1: The “ TF1 - Equipment and facilities” solutions
- Invest in modern equipment to support serving customer , such as: laze CO2, Hifu, thermos The story of modern equipment in beauty service is no stranger to customers, because supporting equipment is more and more support for customers, with the research and modern equipment can overcome some defects of employees or increase the efficiency of the process (carefully studied from manufacturers) The modern equipment and accuracy of machinery is higher stable than that of humans, especially in the current 4.0 era Through the study, we find that the factor of Tangibility has the greatest influence in factors affecting customer satisfaction so, the business owner needs to have enough interest in this factor, and modern equipment plays a significant part in increasing the impact of Tangibility
- The house has full necessary equipment and make sure that always available maintenance man online If a facility is equipped, however well equipped, there are times when incidents or failures occur, and it is important to promptly repair it to return to its original state without interrupting the work
- The house's exterior decoration is impressive , ensuring visibility and attention Hire professional architects to consult and design and layout space to impressive right from the entrance For example, in recent years, the trend of returning to nature is growing, so it is possible to use light tones or arrange a harmonious space with nature
- Synchronous high-end interior and exterior decoration : these items themselves show the level investment of business spa and press an impression on customers, but pay attention to harmonious coordination to avoid creating mischief and opposite effects someone arranges the equipment in beauty spa to care about the ease of use of the interior
3.2.2: The “ TF2 - Physical facilities” solutions
- Beauty salon should be put in very large locations, near central and crowd
Currently there are some forms of business without premises, but beauty salon due to the nature of the service, need to have business premises Enterprise facilities need to be convenient for travel, now the percentage of people using cars is more, so it is a big mistake if not paying attention to the car park, make sure the path to the beauty salon is wide enough Let the car come in
- Choose a suitable classification and layout room Space is an extremely important factor that determines the customers' perception, ensuring the privacy and relaxation of customers during use A beauty salon usually has 2 or 3 areas: received area, normal area, VIP area Usually beauty salons will arrange the rooms according to the purpose of use: sauna, massage room, treatment room in addition, can decorate the layout of the themed rooms, For example: spring – summer- autumn- winter or pin – daisy – bamboos - apricot or traditional rooms - modern rooms
- Equip the quality elevator Customers come to beauty salon for beauty and relaxation, not for exercise, using elevators is a common habit of many people, and customers will feel comfortable with things familiar to them
- Use natural aroma Currently there are many aromas synthesized from chemistry, one of the harmful effects of this aroma increases the possibility of dangerous diseases, about 95% of the chemicals used in the technology to produce synthetic aroma are all derived from petroleum, including benzene derivatives (carcinogens) Let customers know that beauty salon uses natural aroma that will affect customers' feelings, because they are aware of chemical synthesis is not as good as nature, so this activity helps customers worth High quality beauty salon and increased satisfaction
- Make sure the toilet is always dry and clean Toilets are often overlooked by business owners, but toilets are a place that satisfies many customers' basis needs customers can be aware or not, but a clean and dry toilet will unintentionally create a beautiful image for beauty spa Toilets can be equipped with some ornamental plants and machines to increase the convenience for customers when using
- Convenient and covered car park Nobody wants to go a long way to park cars, because if they will to walk for a long distance, they will not ride Make sure the parking location is within or closest to your business location, if it is separate, the distance is not more than distance of a medium room If the location puts far away from the business location, make sure that employees will replace the client's vehicular duties
Equip the cover in car park, because, vehicles are one of the essential assets of customers they will not want the property to be sun-dried or neglected
- Have nice uniforms and surely that wear them in the worktime Uniforms are one of the ways for businesses to most easily identify, while drawing close proximity between employees In addition, some other similarly colored uniforms also show their roles and responsiveness effectively without causing negative reactions
- Check the appearance of the staff before starting work one day : hair, dress especially hands: neatly trimmed, clean Can put into regulation or encourage employees to apply light makeup before meeting customers and start working
- Build the identity of beauty salon : clothes, accessories, vouchers, instructions for use home, gifts even the words of the staff need to highlight the name of beauty salon instead of saying "today you have an appointment to do beauty" say "today you have a beauty appointment at A beauty salon" Let the staff introduce yourself with name's beauty salon
- Make videos about previous customer perceptions When customers seen themselves in a previous customer who achieve success results, their confidence will increase, and their coordination increases thereby helping beauty salon's service quality increase These videos are a useful means of communicating and influencing customers
- Design the intuitive and vivid menu The menu is an indispensable tool of the business, it not only shows the types of services that beauty salon provides, but also is the message sent to customers Customers will determine suitable services for them, and more importantly, they have own their choice It means the proactive and controlled customer is satisfied, thus increasing customer satisfaction
The Responsiveness solutions
The results from section 2.3.3 show that PF0 has the opposite effect to CS0 – customer satisfaction, so business owners more should spend time to improve on assurance factor and tangibility factor that bring about strong customer satisfaction
Like an idiom: A civil denial is better than a rude gran” the author suggests some actions that effects is temporarily opposite activeness to responsiveness factors:
These actions may receive some initial objections but will be accepted after a period of time, when customer habits have formed Because as mentioned in the section 2.2.3 and figure 2.5, customers who have used beauty service for higher 3 years, have a big impact on customer satisfaction So, Time is important for customers and businesses to understand each other
- Make agreements and commitments explicitly before customers use the service
It is necessary to clarify what customers must and mustn‟t do or their rights and their duties, that prevent sudden situations of customers before the first time they use the beauty services This should be written and shown in the documentation
- Make rules and strictly follow regulations Regulations need to be presented clearly and posted where customers can easily see These rules are intended to slow the responses of businesses to customers by a public and clear way
- Do not respond immediately to customer’s time-varying requirement It usually takes 1 to 3 working days for a feedback Let customers have a habit of automatically on time, if not cancelling the schedule when they don‟t receive agreement of time – varying or book successfully another slot However, the flexibility for this principle is that the requirement has n times exception (e.g 3 times) as long as they have time to wait This is presented and agree in the conversation in the first time
- Do not respond to customers when they want to change their service if the customer violates instructions of the employee For example, customers want to treat melasma, but their skin need to be restored before treatment However, the customer does not perform the process of recovering or perform half, then they want to request a jump to treat melasma This effects the results of treatment or even haves opposite affections
- Delay customer service , intently spend a period of time (about 5 minutes) for customers to break and look at the facilities of the beauty salon, then spend more time (about 5 minutes) for them wait alone in the room They only serve when they pass full time to wait That seems beauty salon is busy and have a lot of customers
Remember the idiom: "More haste, less speed"
- Do not actively call customers, instead of using automatic messaging system to remind customers about appointments while customers are still maintaining and actively using the service of beauty salon If the customer wants something, let wait until the customer actively speaks first
Maintain the policy and action in reliability factors From results of table
2.12 and the linear regression equation of customer satisfaction under business owner side in table 2.11, it shows that: business owner is focusing in reliability factors (2 = + 0.08) While the results of the linear regression of customer satisfaction, the reliability factors do not affect CS0, so there is no need to change any the business owner 's actions with this factor ever, and not need to provide more and less policies to influence this influence With Adjusted R square = 0.327, it means the linear regression equation of CS0 explains 32.7% the influence from five factor on Customer satisfaction The rest percent (77,3 %) is from other factors
Therefore, Positive accumulation of the beauty salon's actions and policies with the factors of the CS0 equation or others factor will improve customer satisfaction
Moreover, empathy factors (Sig > 0.05) and year old of customer (one-way ANOVA test, appendix 3) do not effect to customer satisfactions
Focus on loyal customers : from results of figure 2.12, and appendix 3 and conclusion of one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) in time use service, it affirms again the importance of time to use service (the loyal) and give some strategic development loyal customer
- Offer high service packages to maintain their purchases Organization of gratitude congress, or party for these customers They will be a strong source affect to revenues and profits of business and they will be a group of customers influence other customer groups Because they have a high level of satisfaction, they are willing to introduce more friends and relationships, from them to develop more customer data
- Build Policy and service package to involve others In order to supplement this customer base, it is necessary to develop customers who use service less than 3 years, preferably with customers from 1 to 3 years higher than customers under 1 year by bringing big incentives to long-term service packages make sure they see the prospect of becoming a loyal customer, which benefits they will have Creating their desire to receive the same incentives as previous loyal customers
- Set up one VIP rooms for loyal customers, ensuring that the elements of assurance and tangibility in section 3.1 and section 3.2 are priority and supplied the
In addition, business owner should have longer preparation for at least 3 years
This time is a long time and it may be many unexpected things to happen Let ensure that beauty salon has abundant capital to maintain the business in the worst situation
Select the customer target in occupation According to results of table customer target, reduce interest in the business group of businessman Two groups that have higher mean than total mean (3.90), public staff (3.94) and others (4.17) and those group are the customer target What explains for others? According to vinaresearch.net (2012), others may be wife house, student, management officer especially officer (percent of frequency: 58.9%) Therefore, the author suggests some solution to increase the affectation to customer satisfaction
- Discount for group 2 or 3 people: these two groups who almost never come to beauty salon alone and often go with friends or colleagues, because of crowd environment of office Thus, it will be easier to attract and satisfy these group
Moreover, there are have much benefits from this promotion both parties
Customers get better prices, and businesses replaces variable costs to find one more customer on the constant costs
The research introduced various important elements within the field of perceived service quality and, specifically in the context of service quality measurement models This research introduced beauty service as important beauty salon in beauty industry The major aspects of service quality and beauty service in beauty salon were highlighted Furthermore, the research questions and hypotheses were revisited, summarised and indicated whether they were rejected or accepted
The findings from this study have helped to highlight the important aspects of service quality that is considered as important by beauty salon as well as customer satisfaction with these aspects This study has shown the difference between perception of customer and business owner about the main factors influence customer satisfaction This study has shown that customer satisfaction of own side and customer satisfaction of business owner in beauty salon are in general various
An important finding is the fact that only two distinct dimensions of perceived service quality were found to be pertinent in this relationship by the equation from the linear regression five dimensions The study has shown that business owner in beauty salon are concerned about the reliability, responsiveness, empathy, and tangibility of service quality received While customers are concerned about responsiveness and tangibility of service quality received
The main focus of the research is to propose business owner of beauty salon, policies and operational solutions to improve the quality of beauty service provided and bring satisfaction to customer
- Assurance solutions: Standardize the service process, Guiding employees in advice, Develop code of conduct in enterprises, Offer moderate service packages and limit error - free records during serve, Use quality support products and clear origins, Practice smile for staff, Build the business culture: Say “sorry and thanks” every time, everywhere , Choose quality candidate with pretty face to recruit each of them, Pay attention to the service attitude of each employee, Organizing professional and skilled training courses for employees, Organize examination sessions and skills tests for employees at least once a month, Make customer evaluation forms , The business owners need to show their role in training or staff orientation, Give a bonus to employee, Equi full degree for each person to necessarily work
- Tangibility solutions: Invest in modern equipment to support serving customer, The house has full necessary equipment , The house's exterior decoration is impressive, Synchronous high-end interior and exterior decoration: , Beauty salon should be put in very large locations, near central and crowd, Choose a suitable classification and layout room, Equip the quality elevator, Use natural aroma , Make sure the toilet is always dry and clean, Convenient and covered car park, Have nice uniforms and surely that wear them in the worktime Check the appearance of the staff before starting work one day, Build the identity of beauty salon, Make videos about previous customer perceptions, Design the intuitive and vivid menu, Write news and post frequently on individual pages as well as business fan page in Social network: Facebook, Dailymotion, Twister, Instagram
- Responsiveness solutions: Make agreements and commitments explicitly before customers use the service Make rules and strictly follow regulations Do not respond immediately to customers' time-varying requirement Do not respond to customers when they want to change their service if the customer violates instructions of the employee, Delay customer service, do not actively call customers, instead of using automatic messaging system
- Other solutions: Build the way to satisfy each gender needs, Select the customer target in occupation Focus on loyal customers, Maintain the policy and action in reliability factors
Due to financial constraints, business owners of beauty salon need to prioritize non-financial solutions to have a great impact on customer satisfaction, the author proposes to focus on the assurance solutions
Hopefully the findings of the study will serve as a motivation and a guideline for business owner of beauty salon to assess their quality of service.
This study is only a starting point for the measuring of service quality in beauty salon in Hanoi It is thus not suggested that the concepts, findings, data, conclusions and recommendations as discussed in the study are definitive It should be kept in mind that this research study could be incomplete and may have deficiencies Given the exploratory nature of the research, the author is aware of the following limitations of the study, namely:
The sample frame that was used in the study was from beauty salon in 7 central district (out of 30 districts) in one city only, namely Hanoi, Vietnam It is thus important to be aware that any references made in this study regarding any part of the universe should not be read to be representing the population
The process of data collection takes place in two times so the answers in the second time can match the first time
This research study is confined to the beauty‟ provisioning of service quality to beauty salon in Hanoi It may not be possible to generalise into other industries, though with continued research similar constructs could materialise
The respondents‟ response may have the biasness, which may not give true picture about the chosen research topic and still have been cautious in the amount of information that they have divulged the customer especially, might not have shared information freely because they might have felt that their responses could have been held against them by business owner in addition, someone Lacks of co-operation and negligence
In a limited time and limited implementation budget, the study only investigated the impact of service quality and credibility on customer satisfaction in
4 months, to be representing the population, the research needs to follow the respondents for a long time This is also the direction for further research suggestions But with trust, the research results in this thesis will serve as a basis for the next relevant research works
Customer satisfaction is a matter that remains to be studied, especially with the type of intangible services developed such as beauty services The author also wishes through the results of research and analysis will help business owner of beauty salon have a basis to improve service quality and customer satisfaction The implementation process, despite many efforts, but within the limited knowledge, study time is not much, so the thesis is difficult to avoid certain shortcomings The author wishes to receive the comments of teachers, colleagues and friends to complete the essay
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Currently, the beauty industry tends to develop well Beauty salons are opened to meet the needs of the market One of the essential elements of a business in the service industry in general and the beauty industry in particular is the quality of customer service With the aim of improving the service quality to each customer and thereby creating value for the market, we conduct a customer survey on the service quality that you are being provided Your opinion will help us have a basis to improve the quality of service and serve you better and better In this survey, no answer is correct or is it wrong, all your choices are very helpful to us Hoping for your help
Please indicate your satisfaction level with the following content by circling a number (according to each content) that you think is your best choice, according to Convention:
1 Strong disagree, 2 disagree, 3 Neutral, 4 Agree, 5 Strong agree
Question 1: service quality in the beauty salon:
1 Beauty salon delivers the promised service
Whenever you face any problem, beauty salon authority shows a sincere interest in solving it
3 Beauty salon provides service correctly
4 Beauty salon delivers service timely
5 Beauty salon maintains error-free records
Beauty salon informs customers when the services will be performed
The service provider provides prompt service to customers
The service providers are always willing to help you
The service providers respond to your request promptly
The behaviors of service provider grow confidence in you
You feel safe in your dealing with this beauty salon
Employees of this beauty salon are courteous to you
Employees of this beauty salon have enough knowledge to answer your questions
This beauty salon gives you individual attention
15 The employee deals customers with care
16 The company has your best interest at heart
Employees of this beauty salon understand the customers‟ requirements
18 Beauty salon has convenient operating hours
19 Beauty salon has modern equipment and facilities
20 Beauty salon has appealing physical facilities
21 Beauty salon has visually appealing materials
22 Employee‟s appearances are neat and tidy
Question 2: customer satisfaction (Please circle a number that represents your choice through the content below)):
• You completely satisfied with beauty services
Strong disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strong agree
• You intend to continues beauty services in this beauty salon for a long time later
Strong disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strong agree
• you will share beauty services in this beauty salon to your friend or your colleague:
Strong disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strong agree
Question 3: what is your dissatisfaction in this beauty salon?
- Question 4: what is your satisfaction in this beauty salon?
Question 5: Your idea improve the satisfaction when using beauty services in this beauty salon::
- Question 6: please fill some personal information ( circle a suitable numbe ):
• How long have you used beauty service in this beauty salon?
1 under 1 year 2 From 1 to 3 years 3 Over 3 years
1 public staff 2 Businessman 3 Teacher 4 Others
Currently, the beauty industry tends to develop well Beauty salons are opened to meet the needs of the market One of the essential elements of a business in the service industry in general and the beauty industry in particular is the quality of customer service With the aim of improving the service quality to each customer and thereby creating value for the market, We conduct a survey on the service quality that beauty salon are providing Your opinion will help us have a basis to improve the quality of service and supply beauty services better and better In this survey, no answer is correct or is it wrong, all your choices are very helpful to us
Please indicate your satisfaction level with the following content by circling a number (according to each content) that you think is your best choice, according to Convention:
1 Strong disagree, 2 disagree, 3 Neutral, 4 Agree, 5 Strong agree
Question 1: service quality in the beauty salon:
1 Customer cares about the promised service
Whenever customer face any problem, authority of beauty salon shows a sincere interest in solving it
5 Customer cares maintains error-free records
6 beauty salon informs customers when the services will be performed
Beauty salon provides prompt service to customers
Beauty salon are always willing to help customer
Beauty salon respond to customer‟s request promptly
The behaviors of Beauty salon grow confidence in customer
Customer feel safe in customer‟s dealing with beauty salon
Employees of beauty salon are courteous to customer
Employees of beauty salon have enough knowledge to answer customer‟s questions
Beauty salon gives customer individual attention
15 The employee deals customers with care
The company has customer‟s best interest at heart
Employees of beauty salon understand the customers‟ requirements
Customer want to convenient operating hours
Customer care about modern equipment and facilities
20 Customer care appealing physical facilities
21 Customer care visually appealing materials
22 Customer care are neat and tidy
Question 2: Your assessment about customer satisfaction in your beauty salon (Please circle a number that represents your choice through the content below)):
• customer generally completely satisfied with beauty services
Strong disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strong agree
• you are totally satisfied demand's customer:
Strong disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strong agree
Strong disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strong agree
Question 3: please fill some personal information ( circle a suitable number ):
• How long have you supplied beauty service in beauty industry ?
1 under 1 year 2 From 1 to 3 years 3 Over 3 years
1 High school 2 College 3 University 4 Others
Kính chào quý khách hàng!
Hiện nay Ngành thẩm mỹ đang có xu hướng phát triển tốt Các cơ sở thẩm mỹ mở ra nhằm đáp ứng nhu cầu của thị trường Một trong những yếu tố sống còn của một cơ sở kinh doanh trong ngành dịch vụ nói chung và ngành thẩm mỹ nói riêng đó chính là chất lượng phục vụ khách hàng Với mục địch nâng cao chất lượng dich vụ đến với từng khách hàng và từ đó tạo ra giá trị với thị trường, Chúng tôi tiến hành cuộc thăm dò ý kiến khách hang về chất lượng dịch vụ mà anh/ chị đang được cung cấp Ý kiến của anh/ chị sẽ giúp chúng tôi có cơ sở để cải tiến chất lượng dịch vụ và phục vụ anh/ chị ngày càng tốt hơn Trong cuộc thăm dò ý kiến này, không có câu trả lời nào là đúng hay là sai, mọi lựa chọn của anh/ chị đều rất hữu ích đối với chúng tôi, hy vọng được sự giúp đỡ từ phía anh/ chị
Xin anh/ chị vui lòng cho biết mức độ hài lòng của mình đối với các nội dung dưới đây bằng cách khoanh tròn một con số (theo từng nội dung) mà theo anh/ chị đó là sự lựa chọn tốt nhất của mình, theo quy ước:
1 Hoàn toàn không đồng ý, 2 Không đồng ý, 3 Tạm được, 4 Đồng ý, 5 Hoàn toàn đồng ý
Câu 1: Chất lượng dịch vụ của cơ sở thẩm mỹ:
Khi Cơ sở thẩm mỹ hứa làm điều gì đó vào thời gian nào đó thì họ sẽ làm
Khi bạn gặp trở ngại, Cơ sở thẩm mỹ chứng tỏ mối quan tân thực sự muốn giải quyết trở ngại đó
Cơ sở thẩm mỹ thực hiện dịch vụ đúng ngay từ lần đầu
Cơ sở thẩm mỹ cung cấp dịch vụ đúng như thời gian họ đã hứa
Cơ sở thẩm mỹ lưu ý để không xảy ra một sai xót nào
Nhân viên Cơ sở thẩm mỹ cho bạn biết khi nào thực hiện dịch vụ
Nhân viên Cơ sở thẩm mỹ nhanh chóng thực hiện dịch vụ cho bạn
Nhân viên Cơ sở thẩm mỹ luôn sẵn sàng giúp bạn
Nhân viên Cơ sở thẩm mỹ không bao giờ qúa bận đến nỗi không đáp ứng yêu cầu của bạn
Cách cư xử của nhân viên Cơ sở thẩm mỹ gây niềm tin cho bạn
Bạn cảm thấy an tòan trong khi giao dịch với Cơ sở thẩm mỹ
12 Nhân viên Cơ sở thẩm mỹ luôn niềm nở với bạn
Nhân viên Cơ sở thẩm mỹ có đủ hiểu biết để trả lời câu hỏi của bạn
14 Cơ sở thẩm mỹ luôn đặc biệt chú ý đến bạn
Cơ sở thẩm mỹ có nhân viên biết quan tâm đến bạn
Cơ sở thẩm mỹ lấy lợi ích của bạn là điều tâm niệm của họ
Nhân viên Cơ sở thẩm mỹ hiểu rõ những nhu cầu của bạn
Côngty Cơ sở thẩm mỹ làm việc vào những giờ thuận tiện
19 Cơ sở thẩm mỹ có trang thiết bị rất hiện đại
Các cơ sở vật chất của Cơ sở thẩm mỹ trông rất bắt mắt
21 Nhân viên Cơ sở thẩm mỹ ăn mặc rất tươm tất
22 Các sách ảnh giới thiệu của Cơ sở thẩm mỹ có liên quan đến dịch vụ trông rất đẹp
Câu 2: Sự hài lòng của khách hàng (xin anh/ ch ị khoanh tròn mộ t con s ố th ể hi ệ n s ự l ự a ch ọ n c ủa mình qua các nội dung dưới đây):
• Mức độ hài lòng chung của anh/ chị về chất lượng dịch vụ
Hoàn toàn không hài lòng
Không hài lòng Tạm được Hài lòng Rất hài lòng
• Anh/ chị dự định sẽ tiếp tục sử dụng dịch vụ của cơ sơ này:
Hoàn toàn không tiếp tục
• Anh/ chị sẽ giới thiệu người khác đến cơ sở làm dịch vụ:
Hoàn toàn không giới thiệu
Câu 3: Điều mà anh/ chị không hài lòng khi ở tại Cơ sở thẩm mỹ này là:
- Câu 4: Điều mà anh/ chị hài lòng khi ở tại Cơ sở thẩm mỹ này là:
- Câu 5: Anh/ chị vui lòng cho biết thêm các ý kiến khác để giúp Cơ sở thẩm mỹ nâng cao chất lượng phục vụ của mình:
- Câu 6: Xin anh/ chị vui lòng cho biết một số thông tin cá nhân (khoanh tròn con số thích hợp):
• Anh/ chị là: 1 Nam 2 Nữ
• Anh/ chị sử dụng dịch vụ tại Cơ sở thẩm mỹ được bao lâu:
1 Dưới 1 năm 2 Từ 1 đến 3 năm 3 Trên 3 năm
1 Công chức 2 Kinh doanh 3 Giáo viên 4 Nghề khác: _
Phiếu thăm dò ý kiến các Chủ doanh nghiệp thẩm mỹ
Kính chào quý chủ doanh nghiệp thẩm mỹ!
Hiện nay Ngành thẩm mỹ đang có xu hướng phát triển tốt Các doanh nghiệp thẩm mỹ mở ra nhằm đáp ứng nhu cầu của thị trường Một trong những yếu tố sống còn của một doanh nghiệp kinh doanh trong ngành dịch vụ nói chung và ngành thẩm mỹ nói riêng đó chính là chất lượng phục vụ khách hang để từ đó giữ chân khách hàng và phát triển nguồn khách hang của doanh nghiệp Với mục địch nâng cao chất lượng dich vụ đến với từng khách hàng và từ đó tạo ra giá trị với thị trường, Chúng tôi tiến hành cuộc thăm dò ý kiến của các chủ doanh nghiệp thẩm mỹ về chất lượng dịch vụ mà anh/ chị đang cung cấp Ý kiến của anh/ chị sẽ giúp chúng tôi có doanh nghiệp để từ đó là căn cứ cải tiến chất lượng dịch vụ và phục vụ anh/ chị hàng ngày càng tốt hơn Trong cuộc thăm dò ý kiến này, không có câu trả lời nào là đúng hay là sai, mọi lựa chọn của anh/ chị đều rất hữu ích đối với chúng tôi, hy vọng được sự giúp đỡ từ phía anh/ chị
Xin anh/ chị vui lòng cho biết mức độ hài lòng của mình khi cung cấp dịch vụ đối với các nội dung dưới đây bằng cách khoanh tròn một con số (theo từng nội dung) mà theo anh/ chị đó là sự lựa chọn tốt nhất của mình, theo quy ước:
1 Hoàn toàn không đồng ý, 2 Không đồng ý, 3 Tạm được, 4 Đồng ý, 5 Hoàn toàn đồng ý
Câu 1: Chất lượng dịch vụ của cơ sở thẩm mỹ:
Khi doanh ngiệp thẩm mỹ hứa làm điều gì đó vào thời gian nào đó thì doanh nghiệp sẽ làm
Khi Khách hàng gặp trở ngại, doanh nghiệp thẩm mỹ chứng tỏ mối quan tân thực sự muốn giải quyết trở ngại đó
Doanh nghiệp thẩm mỹ thực hiện dịch vụ đúng ngay từ lần đầu
Doanh nghiệp thẩm mỹ cung cấp dịch vụ đúng như thời gian doanh nghiêp đã hứa
Doanh nghiệp thẩm mỹ lưu ý để không xảy ra một sai xót nào
Nhân viên thẩm mỹ cho khách hàng biết khi nào thực hiện dịch vụ
Nhân viên thẩm mỹ nhanh chóng thực hiện dịch vụ cho khách hàng
Nhân viên thẩm mỹ luôn sẵn sàng giúp đỡ khách hàng
Nhân viên thẩm mỹ không bao giờ qúa bận đến nỗi không đáp ứng yêu cầu của khách hàng
Cách cư xử của nhân viên thẩm mỹ gây niềm tin cho khách hàng
Khách hàng cảm thấy an tòan trong khi giao dịch với Doanh nghiệp thẩm mỹ
12 Nhân viên thẩm mỹ luôn niềm nở với khách hàng
Nhân viên thẩm mỹ có đủ hiểu biết để trả lời câu hỏi của khách hàng
Doanh nghiệp thẩm mỹ luôn đặc biệt chú ý đến khách hàng
Doanh nghiệp thẩm mỹ có nhân viên biết quan tâm đến khách hàng
Doanh nghiệp thẩm mỹ lấy lợi ích của khách hàng là điều tâm niệm của kinh doanh
Nhân viên Doanh nghiệp thẩm mỹ hiểu rõ những nhu cầu của khách hàng
Doanh nghiệp thẩm mỹ làm việc vào những giờ thuận tiện
Doanh nghiệp thẩm mỹ có trang thiết bị rất hiện đại
Các Vật chất của Doanh nghiệp thẩm mỹ trông rất bắt mắt
Nhân viên Doanh nghiệp thẩm mỹ ăn mặc rất tươm tất
Các sách ảnh giới thiệu của Doanh nghiệp thẩm mỹ có liên quan đến dịch vụ trông rất đẹp
Câu 2: Sự hài lòng của khách hang đố i v ớ i d ị ch v ụ mà doanh nghiệ p th ẩ m m ỹ đang cung cấ p (xin anh/ ch ị khoanh tròn mộ t con s ố th ể hi ệ n s ự l ự a ch ọ n c ủ a mình qua các nội dung dưới đây):
• Mức độ hài lòng chung của khách hang về chất lượng dịch vụ
Hoàn toàn không hài lòng
Không hài lòng Tạm được Hài lòng Rất hài lòng
• Độ đáp ứng của Cơ sơ thẩm mỹ đối với yêu cầu của khách hàng:
Hoàn toàn không hài lòng
Không hài lòng Tạm được Hài lòng Rất hài lòng
• Cung cách phục vụ của Doanh nghiệp thẩm mỹ:
Hoàn toàn không hài lòng
Không hài lòng Tạm được Hài lòng Rất hài lòng
Câu 3: Điều mà anh/ chị không hài lòng khi ở tại Doanh nghiệp thẩm mỹ được phản ánh là:
- Câu 4: Điều mà anh/ chị hài lòng khi ở tại Doanh nghiệp thẩm mỹ đươc phản ánh là:
- Câu 5: Anh/ chịđã góp ý thêm các ý kiến khác để giúp Doanh nghiệp thẩm mỹ nâng cao chất lượng phục vụ của mình:
- Câu 6: Xin quý chủ doanh nghiệp vui lòng cho biết một số thông tin cá nhân (khoanh tròn con số thích hợp):
• Anh/ chị là: 1 Nam 2 Nữ
• Anh/ chị kinh doanh dịch vụ tại Doanh nghiệp thẩm mỹ được bao lâu:
1 Dưới 1 năm 2 Từ 1 đến 3 năm 3 Trên 3 năm
1 THPT 2 Cao đẳng 3 Đại học 4 Nghề khác: