Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - ffirs.indd ii 2/22/12 11:47:22 AM Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - PROFESSIONAL SHAREPOINT 2010 DEVELOPMENT INTRODUCTION xxv CHAPTER Introduction to SharePoint 2010 CHAPTER Developer Tools for SharePoint 2010 17 CHAPTER IT Pro Enhancements for the Developer 63 CHAPTER SharePoint Platform 85 CHAPTER Collaboration and Social Computing 207 CHAPTER Search 233 CHAPTER Records Management 303 CHAPTER Web Content Management 327 CHAPTER Electronic Forms 389 CHAPTER 10 ECM: Document Management 459 CHAPTER 11 Introducing Business Connectivity Services 491 CHAPTER 12 Advanced Business Connectivity Services 535 CHAPTER 13 Workflow 577 CHAPTER 14 Business Intelligence 651 CHAPTER 15 SharePoint Online 745 APPENDIX Additional Help and Resources 771 INDEX 773 ffirs.indd i 2/22/12 11:47:21 AM Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - ffirs.indd ii 2/22/12 11:47:22 AM Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - PROFESSIONAL SharePoint 2010 Development ffirs.indd iii 2/22/12 11:47:22 AM Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - Content Conversion Document conversions are made available within the site collection by adding them to content types, as shown in Figure 8-39 The Manage Document Conversion for This Content Type link is available in the Content Type properties page This provides a great deal of control not only over what content types can be converted but also over which converters can be used for each content type ❘ 387 FIGURE 8-39 Using Document Conversion Using document conversion to create a page from a document is a straightforward experience for the content author Because the converter is associated with the content type, you aren’t limited to a particular document library Rather, you load the document into a library, assign the content type to the uploaded document, and then right-click and select Convert Document from the menu, as shown in Figure 8-40 You also have the flexibility to select the target FIGURE 8-40 location where the converter-generated page will be saved by SharePoint, as shown in Figure 8-41 In some cases, the document-conversion process can be very resource-intensive For this reason, you have the choice to set the processing in either synchronous or asynchronous modes in the Processing options The remainder of the properties and options are specific to each converter FIGURE 8-41 c08.indd 387 2/22/12 12:07:27 PM Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - 388 ❘ CHAPTER WEB CONTENT MANAGEMENT After the conversion is completed, SharePoint maintains a link between the original document and the generated page This two-way link allows you to run conversions again when the document is updated SharePoint allows you to generate multiple conversions on a document This can take the form of a single converter being run repeatedly to generate additional pages or multiple converters being run on a single originating document In any case, it is only the last conversion that is maintained for the update linkage All other conversions must be repeated manually Understanding document conversions and how they work in SharePoint saves you time when performing custom development time when looking at offl ine or external authoring scenarios SUMMARY Web Content Management in SharePoint 2010 brings together a variety of roles that traditionally were always present in the design and development of web pages but were often channeled through a design team The traditional approach had a tendency to make the development of content and design a slow and cumbersome effort that detracted from the dynamism that is necessary for competitive websites SharePoint addresses the limitations of traditional web design and development by allowing designers to brand sites, developers to build components, and content authors to generate and maintain content independently of each other, yet within a controlled environment Building on solid information architecture, developers are able to build the site structure, content types, templates, and components that the authors need to build the content that makes up the site Visual Studio 2010’s integration with SharePoint 2010 and the variety of templates available to developers make the development effort easier and more intuitive The templates in Visual Studio ultimately generate SharePoint features and solutions that enhance the portability of the development effort from one environment to another Designers are able to build on the information foundation built by the developers to create a unique branding experience with Master Pages, Page Layouts, and style sheets The flexibility of defi ning branding independently of the content or functionality of the site extends to the built-in web parts, which leverage XSL fi les and CSS styles to defi ne the rendering of web part contents SharePoint also offers a rich authoring experience in which content authors can interact with a SharePoint user interface that resembles the familiar Office interface Yet, when working in Office is necessary or preferred, the author has the option to use converters to create new pages For the developer, it is important to remember that content types and information architecture take a central role in any successful Web Content Management implementation Second in importance is to understand what SharePoint provides out of the box in all areas of web management so that costly time and money are not invested on unnecessary solutions c08.indd 388 2/22/12 12:07:27 PM ... 2/22 /12 11 :47:22 AM Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - PROFESSIONAL SharePoint 2 010 Development ffirs.indd iii 2/22 /12 11 :47:22 AM Simpo PDF Merge and Split. .. and Split Unregistered Version - ffirs.indd ii 2/22 /12 11 :47:22 AM Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - PROFESSIONAL SHAREPOINT 2 010 ... 7 71 INDEX 773 ffirs.indd i 2/22 /12 11 :47: 21 AM Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version -