International Journal of Gerontology 10 (2016) VII–IX Keyword Index A accidental falls actinic keratosis acute abdomen acute gastric volvulus acute type b aortic dissection age aged ageism age-specific aging Alzheimer's disease aneurysm antiepileptic drug aortic arch involvement areca assessment atrial fibrillation awareness 10:227 10:218 10:198 10:183 10:49 10:91 10:52, 193 10:170 10:2 10:105, 212 10:227, 240 10:52 10:2 10:49 10:17 10:37 10:17 10:33 10:17 10:227 10:86 10:33, 46 C calorie restriction cancer capecitabine cardioembolism cardiovascular events cerebral oxygen metabolism cervical cancer chemoradiotherapy chemotherapy cholesterol circular walking clinical features cognitive impairment cohort study collision tumor complications 10:232 10:183 10:11 10:126 10:112 10:112 10:71 10:11 D dance therapy death deglutition disorders dementia depression diabetes diffuse large B cell lymphoma digoxin 10:64 10:156 10:52 10:28, 76, 190 10:193 10:212 10:242 10:180 E B betel bone fracture brain infarction breast cancer comprehensive geriatric assessment computed tomography corticosteroids Crohn's disease cryptococcemia Cryptococcus neoformans cues cuff-leak test 10:81 10:96 10:46 10:17 10:164 10:142 10:159 10:159 10:242 10:28 10:71 10:126 10:43 10:218 10:242 10:86 edaravone education elderly patient elderly patients elderly Taiwanese elderly emergency room end of life endoscopy endotracheal intubation epidural analgesia epistaxis esophagus ethnic Evans syndrome exercise 10:142 10:81 10:6 10:142 10:137 10:22, 76, 126, 131, 151, 159, 180, 183, 202, 207 10:223 10:156 10:52 10:11 10:146 10:223 10:52 10:17 10:237 10:28, 202 F fall-related injuries falls feasibility studies 10:137 10:131, 202 10:64 VIII feelings of loneliness Fournier's gangrene fracture risk frail Keyword Index 10:43 10:151 10:33 10:202 G gait disorders gait speed gastroesophageal reflux disease gender geriatric depressive disorders geriatric patient geriatric surgery geriatrics 10:71 10:232 10:100 10:91 10:81 10:223 10:146, 198 10:100 H hemoglobin hemorrhagic peptic ulcer high-fat diet hip fractures homocysteine hospice hospital volume hospitalization human characteristics 10:22 10:6 10:105 10:207 10:28 10:96 10:6 10:227 10:100 I IMRT incidence rate inflammatory bowel disease influenza vaccine instrument intensive care unit intrinsic risk factors 10:159 10:218 10:126 10:237 10:170 10:156 10:137 L laryngeal edema longitudinal study lung adenocarcinoma lymphoma 10:11 10:76 10:242 10:112, 237 M meta-analysis 10:131, 164 metabolic damage 10:105 metabolic syndrome 10:22 mild cognitive impairment 10:190, 232 Mini Nutritional Assessment 10:43 mobility 10:37 modified Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang 10:96 monotherapy 10:46 mortality 10:91 mortality rate 10:207 mouse model 10:105 myocardial bridge 10:180 N national administrative database neuroendocrine tumor neuronal genes neurotic disorder nonmelanoma skin cancer 10:6 10:237 10:212 10:81 10:218 O obesity obstructive sleep apnea older people older population opioid complications osteoporosis otolaryngology outcome outcome measure outcome studies 10:105 10:164 10:43 10:91 10:146 10:33 10:223 10:6 10:37 10:86 P Parkinson disease Parkinson's disease peptic ulcer perforation physical activity postoperative care postoperative cognitive function prevalence primary health care prognosis proteome proton pump inhibitors 10:71 10:64 10:198 10:28 10:146 10:142 10:170 10:193 10:151 10:212 10:100 Q quality of life 10:64 R reliability reproducibility of results risk factors rituximab rivastigmine 10:170 10:193 10:86, 227 10:112 10:240 S seizure self-rated health sexual differences sleep sweating social interaction squamous cell carcinoma stature stroke literacy surgery surveys and questionnaires 10:2 10:91 10:146 10:96 10:76 10:218 10:37 10:175 10:183 10:193 Keyword Index IX T Tai Chi exercise Taiwan thrombolytic therapy tolerability transcriptome transdermal patch treatment triggers V 10:131 10:175 10:86 10:2 10:212 10:240 10:126 10:237 validity ventilator withdrawal vigorous vascular contraction visual event-related potentials visual hallucinations vitamin D 10:170 10:156 10:180 10:190 10:240 10:202 W World Stroke Day 10:175 ...VIII feelings of loneliness Fournier''s gangrene fracture risk frail Keyword Index 10:43 10:151 10:33 10:202 G gait disorders gait speed gastroesophageal reflux disease gender geriatric depressive... 10:64 10:198 10:28 10:146 10:142 10:170 10:193 10:151 10:212 10:100 Q quality of life 10:64 R reliability reproducibility of results risk factors rituximab rivastigmine 10:170 10:193 10:86, 227 10:112... surveys and questionnaires 10:2 10:91 10:146 10:96 10:76 10:218 10:37 10:175 10:183 10:193 Keyword Index IX T Tai Chi exercise Taiwan thrombolytic therapy tolerability transcriptome transdermal