Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences (2016) 32, V–VIII Available online at www.sciencedirect.com ScienceDirect journal homepage: http://www.kjms-online.com Keyword Index A abbott realtime hepatitis c virus assay acoustic radiation force impulse imaging acute cholecystitis acute pancreatitis associated lung injury age alanine aminotransferase albuminuria aldosterone ang ii receptor type angiotensin ii animal model animal study antegrade technique antibiotics anti-müllerian hormone antioxidants anti-thyroglobulin anti-thyroid peroxidase anxiety asymmetric dimethyl arginine attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd) attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder augmentation enterocystoplasty aura autism spectrum disorder 32:381 32:362 32:518 32:439 32:261, 327 32:10 32:216 32:614 32:439 32:439, 614 32:235 32:68 32:403 32:255 32:414 32:391 32:427 32:427 32:103 32:414 32:630 32:103 32:323 32:420 32:103 B b-hcg bacteremia bacterial meningitis benzodiazepines biochemical recurrence bioinformatics biologic graft biomarkers/exposure assessment bispectral index bk polyomavirus bladder cancer bladder tumor body weight breast bullying 32:317 32:196 32:501 32:118 32:514 32:165 32:142 32:201 32:586 32:152 32:261, 327 32:147, 191 32:185 32:27 32:103 C ca2+ entry calcitonin 32:55 32:545 carbon monoxide carboxyhemoglobin carcinoembryonic antigen carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule (cd66a) cardiac output cardiac rehabilitation cardiometabolic index cardioprotection carotid artery stenosis caspase-3 cecal ligation and puncture chemotherapy cholecystokinin chronic hepatitis b chronic liver disease circadian rhythm clear cells clinicopathological findings clofarabine coadministration coal mixture workers colchicine color doppler imaging colorectal adenocarcinoma core protein coronary artery disease coronary heart disease cortisol cumulative abnormal rate cumulative dust exposure cutaneous malignant melanoma 32:201 32:201 32:545 32:306 32:55 32:267 32:620 32:55 32:86 32:552 32:452 32:458 32:113 32:559 32:362, 397 32:227, 302 32:356 32:356 32:227 32:177 32:44 32:68 32:38 32:196 32:487 32:620 32:267 32:235 32:44 32:44 32:494 D depression desflurane dexamethasone dexmedetomidine diabetic retinopathy diagnosis diuresis docetaxel dopamine doppler ultrasound dorzolamide/timolol drug abuse 32:103, 313 32:32, 302 32:235, 614 32:586 32:22, 475 32:27 32:614 32:458 32:630 32:128 32:38 32:118 VI Keyword Index dtl dynamic stabilizer dynesys 32:207 32:207 32:207 E echocardiography ectopic pregnancy elderly electroencephalogram ellipsoid zone endophenotype endothelin-1 entecavir eplerenone erectile dysfunction exercise capacity experimental epilepsy model extensor lag external limiting membrane extubation 32:572 32:317 32:518 32:446 32:248 32:630 32:348 32:10, 559 32:177 32:91, 620 32:267 32:446 32:624 32:248 32:80 F failure familial mediterranean fever finger tapping test (ftt) flare-up phenomenon fluid responsiveness fluorescence-activated cell sorting fluoroquinolones 32:317 32:216 32:630 32:458 32:373 32:487 32:152 G gastric acid gastric cancer gastric emptying gene polymorphism gene profiles ghrelin glaucoma gonadotropins goserelin g-protein-coupled receptor graft-versus-host disease 32:255 32:68 32:113 32:599 32:165 32:113 32:38 32:1 32:567 32:55 32:142 H 8-hydroxy guanine glycosylase 8-hydroxy-deoxyguanosine haemophilus influenzae haplotypes analysis hashimoto's thyroiditis head and neck neoplasm health related quality of life heart failure helicobacter pylori helicobacter pylori eradication hepatectomy hepatitis b virus hepatitis c virus hepatitis d virus hepatocellular carcinoma 32:241 32:241 32:501 32:552 32:427 32:407 32:427 32:614 32:255 32:397 32:281 32:10, 96, 526 32:381, 487 32:526 32:306, 535 human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells human immunodeficiency virus hypertension hypoxia hypoxia-inducible factor-1a 32:1 32:96, 526 32:177 32:292 32:348 I immediate inducible nitric oxide synthase injecting drug users insertion torque international index of erectile function-5 intraocular pressure intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring ischemia ischemia/reperfusion ischemia-modified albumin ischemic cardiomyopathy isoflurane 32:147 32:348 32:96, 526 32:469 32:620 32:80 32:135 32:292 32:339 32:201 32:241 32:302 K kdr channels ki-67 kidney function kidney transplantation kidney volume kmup-1 32:607 32:494 32:185 32:152 32:185 32:607 L lamivudine laparoscopic cholecystectomy laparoscopy laser coagulation laser solid state lc–ms/ms leuprorelin leydig cells liver liver cirrhosis liver fibrosis liver transplantation living donor low-compliant bladder lumbar intervertebral disc herniation lumbar spondylosis lymphocyte 32:10, 559 32:32, 281 32:403 32:22 32:22 32:118 32:567 32:1 32:165, 339 32:165 32:362 32:128, 373 32:185 32:323 32:552 32:207 32:86 M macula 32:248 maternal serum afp 32:579 melatonin 32:302, 391 menstrual cycle 32:586 meta-analysis 32:599 metabolic syndrome 32:267 metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer 32:458 methotrexate 32:317 microalbuminuria 32:216 microarray analysis 32:165 microvessel density 32:74, 306 migraine 32:420 Keyword Index minimally invasive surgical procedures morbidly adherent placenta mouse VII 32:281 32:579 32:452 N neisseria meningitidis neostigmine neurogenic bladder neuroprotections sugammadex neurotoxicology neutrophil–lymphocyte count ratio neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio new psychoactive substances nondominant hand 32:501 32:80 32:323 32:292 32:201 32:507 32:327 32:118 32:630 O olfaction disorders onco-proteogenomics oral cancer oridonin orthodontic microimplant osseointegration osteoporosis outcome ovarian reserve oxidative stress 32:313 32:535 32:391 32:452 32:469 32:391 32:599 32:545 32:414 32:241 P pancreas partial cystectomy partial nephrectomy patch-clamp electrophysiology pentoxifylline pentylenetetrazol percutaneous cholecystostomy percutaneous nephrolithotomy percutaneous release percutaneous transhepatic portal vein stent periodontitis pet scan pharmacokinetics pituitary homeobox pkg placenta previa totalis platelet platelet—lymphocyte ratio pleth variability index polycystic ovary syndrome polymorphism portal vein stenosis portography posttraumatic stress disorder primary dysmenorrhea primary restless legs syndrome prognosis progression proinflammatory cytokine proliferation propofol 32:356 32:191 32:16 32:607 32:339 32:446 32:518 32:507 32:624 32:128 32:391 32:407 32:177, 227 32:494 32:55 32:579 32:86 32:91 32:373 32:313 32:241, 552 32:128 32:128 32:235 32:414 32:420 32:494 32:261, 327 32:452 32:68, 494 32:32 prostate cancer prostate-specific antigen proteinuria proteogenomics proton pump inhibitors pseudoexfoliation pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells pulmonary function pulmonary function indices 32:74, 514, 567 32:514, 567 32:185 32:535 32:255 32:38 32:607 32:44 32:44 Q quantitative polymerase chain reaction array 32:487 R radical prostatectomy rapid virological response rebaudioside a reconstructive surgical procedures recurrence recurrent laryngeal nerve red cell distribution width refractive error relapse removal torque renal cell carcinoma repeated prostate biopsy resonance frequency ret proto-oncogene mutation retrobulbar ocular blood flow retrograde technique rhegmatogenous retinal detachment rho/rock pathway rhoa/rock signaling robotic surgical procedures robotics 32:403, 514 32:381 32:446 32:464 32:261, 327 32:135 32:216 32:475 32:559 32:469 32:16 32:74 32:469 32:545 32:38 32:403 32:248 32:439 32:607 32:281 32:16 S salvage urethroplasty sedation sepsis sevoflurane skin transplantation small intestine submucosa solid pseudopapillary neoplasm sporadic medullary thyroid carcinoma steatosis steroid injection streptococcus agalactiae streptococcus bovis streptococcus pneumoniae stress stress urinary incontinence suburethral slings sugammadex surgical margin susceptibility sustained virological response switch 32:464 32:586 32:452, 507 32:302 32:464 32:142 32:356 32:545 32:306 32:624 32:501 32:196 32:501 32:367 32:142 32:367 32:80 32:514 32:552 32:381 32:559 VIII Keyword Index systemic inflammation systemic inflammatory response syndrome 32:216 32:507 T tadalafil taiwan target-controlled infusion tartary buckwheat telbivudine testosterone thromboembolism thrombolytic agent thyroidectomy toxicity transcatheter arterial embolization transobturator tape transurethral resection treatment treatment outcome trigger finger tuberculosis 32:624 32:27 U 32:339 32:96, 526 32:32 32:177 32:10 32:1 32:572 32:572 32:135 32:227 32:306 32:142 32:147 32:27, 317 32:255 unknown primary tumors ureteral reimplantation urethral stricture urinary incontinence urine proteomics urodynamics urolithiasis urothelial carcinoma urothelial cell carcinoma 32:407 32:323 32:464 32:367 32:535 32:367 32:507 32:191 32:261 V vascular endothelial growth factor vesicoureteral reflux visual impairment vitamin d receptor 32:74, 348 32:323 32:475 32:599 ...VI Keyword Index dtl dynamic stabilizer dynesys 32:207 32:207 32:207 E echocardiography ectopic pregnancy... microalbuminuria 32:216 microarray analysis 32:165 microvessel density 32:74, 306 migraine 32:420 Keyword Index minimally invasive surgical procedures morbidly adherent placenta mouse VII 32:281 32:579... 32:306 32:624 32:501 32:196 32:501 32:367 32:142 32:367 32:80 32:514 32:552 32:381 32:559 VIII Keyword Index systemic inflammation systemic inflammatory response syndrome 32:216 32:507 T tadalafil