Available online at www.sciencedirect.com ScienceDirect Transportation Research Procedia 20 (2017) 340 – 346 12th International Conference "Organization and Traffic Safety Management in Large Cities", SPbOTSIC-2016, 28-30 September 2016, St Petersburg, Russia GIS-Modeling of Multimodal Complex Road Network and Its Traffic Organization Jurij Kotikov* Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, 2nd Krasnoarmeyskaya Str., Saint Petersburg, 190005, Russia Abstract The article throws light on spatial, structural and functional characteristics of Ust-Luga Multi Modal Complex (ULMMC) Geodatabase and cartographic basis of the above complex are established in ArcGIS environment Network models of roads and railway lines of the above complex are realized via the use of Network Analyst analyzer Upon investigation of generic rules of mobile facilities behavior within the territory of sea ports and industrial enterprises a part of these generic rules has been reflected (as an example) in geodatabase and road networks Consideration was given to three-dimensional modeling of ULMMC multiplebridge intersections and Traffic Management Facilities (TMF) arrangement on them ©2017 2016The The Authors Published by Elsevier B.V.is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license © Authors Published by Elsevier B.V This (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of the 12th International Conference "Organization and Traffic Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of the 12th International Conference “Organization and Traffic Safety Safety Management in large cities" Management in large cities” Keywords: multimodal complex, road network, traffic organization, GIS, 3D-modeling Introduction As a rule, a present-day large port is the pole of economic activity involving a number of industrial clusters located within the port's attraction zone Efficiency of such complex depends on its transport infrastructure functioning organization Today's port complex including hundreds of moorings, terminals and logistics-and-industrial facilities * Corresponding author Tel.: +0-000-000-0000 ; fax: +0-000-000-0000 E-mail address: cotikov@mail.ru* 2352-1465 © 2017 The Authors Published by Elsevier B.V This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of the 12th International Conference “Organization and Traffic Safety Management in large cities” doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2017.01.043 Jurij Kotikov / Transportation Research Procedia 20 (2017) 340 – 346 pertaining to the aforementioned clusters should have appropriate on-site road network providing proper exits to outside area Modeling (being a constituent part of investigation, designing and management) of spatially-distributed systems of this level demands involvement of advanced GIS (for instance, ArcGIS) Example of such GIS - ArcGIS-model of the port of Rotterdam (PortMaps) [PortMaps (2014), Port of Rotterdam (2014)], covering space and functions of (i) marine (foreland) and (ii) continental (hinterland) constituents of port activities [Rodrigue (2012)] The author is going ahead trying to develop achievements of these ideas The author is considering some of his works [Kotikov (2009), Kotikov and Lukinskij (2013), Kotikov (2015), Kotikov and Kravchenko (2015), Kotikov and Evtiukov (2015)] (dedicated to GIS-modeling and optimization of traffic in the sea port of Saint Petersburg) as a humble input into line of research At the same time, transfer and development of aforementioned ideas and methods towards another spatial object - fast emerging Ust-Luga Multi Modal Complex (ULMMC) - is becoming relevant Purpose of investigation - GIS-modeling of prospective ULMMC road network together with respective traffic organization being the basis of port traffic complex optimization Spatial, structural and functional characteristics of Ust-Luga Multi Modal Complex Construction of Ust-Luga sea port (ULSP) caused formation of new economic-industrial region of federal level [Shevchenko (2015)] Project of complex development of ULSP and adjoining territory initially developed on conceptual level (by Ust-Luga Company in the year 2010 [Yerofeyev (2015)] provides for creation and development of five interrelated clusters within Ust-Luga bay: transport-logistical, industrial, residential, recreational and agroindustrial Further project detailing performed by different entities complemented the most part of Ust-Luga bay eastern coast by a number of prospective objects: cargo airport and heliport, industrial parks, terminal- terminal-warehouse complexes It demands (i) modernization of access roads and railways entries to ULMMC from the south and (ii) provision of developed access ways from the North and the East [Yerofeyev (2015)] Interaction between all ULMMC objects demands provision of appropriate internal road networks and railways complex together with efficient traffic organization within them Since existing roads are passing through residential settlements it is expedient (in order to avoid traffic jams within ULMMC area) to construct new roads bypassing them [Yerofeyev (2015)] Development of ULMMC geodatabase and cartographic basis in ArcGIS environment Systematized modeling of proposed spatially and functionally complex system may be performed only in ArcGIS level environment We employed this tool for ULMMC models development Structure of Database of upper level models contains a number of Geodatabases (GDB) represented (Fig 1) by "barrel" symbol Each GDB includes sets of classes of spatial objects represented (Fig.1) by "trefoil" symbol According to acronyms (conjoint combination of word bases in the name) it is evident that GDB EUBalt_UL+SPb.mdb (integrating data from EU (EC), Baltic region, Ust-Luga and Saint Petersburg) is designed to store classes of objects pertaining to Airport, Sea Port and Utilities System 341 342 Jurij Kotikov / Transportation Research Procedia 20 (2017) 340 – 346 Fig Upper level of the database of ULMMC in ArcCatalog Figure displays ArcMap of existing and developed ULSP terminals as well as existing roads and rail ways In order to mould the topographic base levels we used resources of ArcGIS developer (Esri Company) as well as Open Street Map, Google and Yandex Digitalization of spatial objects was recorded in respective GDB classes Fig shows prospective transport-logistic infrastructure of ULMMC (without detailed railway clusters) elaborated in ArcGIS environment with the use of GDB as per Fig Fig Displaying of levels of existing GDB Terminals, Roads and Railways in ArcMap Jurij Kotikov / Transportation Research Procedia 20 (2017) 340 – 346 Networks of roads, railways and sea routes have been formed using Network Analyst, software providing connectivity of networks, navigation and allow solving a number of transport network problems including multimodal transportation Prospective networks, industrial parks and airports have been constructed with reference to ULMMC development plans up to the year 2025 [Shevchenko (2015), Ust-Luga MMC (2016), Yerofeyev (2015)] Example of multimodal transportation modeling - Fig - shows the following routing: transportation by marine container carrier - transshipment in the Sea Port container - motor transportation Special aspects of rules of transportation within the territories of ports and industrial enterprises As seen from Fig 3, the framework of prospective road network is presented by meridian and latitudinal trunk roads of federal/regional status At that, bordering roads will bypass the residential settlements and provide transit cargo traffic; traffic management here is performed according to applicable regulatory documents regarding road traffic safety (Federal Law Article 21, GOSTs R 52289-2004, R 52290-2004, R 52282-2004, R 52607-2006, R 51256-2011) as well as regional regulations Fig Displaying of levels of existing GDB Terminals, Roads and Railways in ArcMap Filling of this framework will be provided by conventional roads pertaining to different categories – from IВ to V (according to SP (set of rules) 34.13330-2012); however, for the above roads, in addition to aforementioned regulatory acts, it is required to apply special rights associated with technological features of ports and industrial enterprises (access to/exit from them) Use of the above regulations is stipulated by considerable congestion and intersections with roads and railways, gas-, oil- water lines, HVTL, proximity to hazardous facilities etc These regulations are defined in SP 37.13330-2012 "Industrial Transport" 343 344 Jurij Kotikov / Transportation Research Procedia 20 (2017) 340 – 346 Methods of three-dimensional modeling of road intersections and Traffic Management Facilities (TMF) arrangement on them GOST R 52289-2004 used for plain roads design is not sufficient for multilevel junctions having specific features like (i) estimation of proper distances, (ii) vertical positioning of road signs, (iii) provision of road signs observability within three-dimensional space curves and their orientation in reference to approaching vehicles Locating of road signs, traffic lights, technical facilities not stipulated by the said standards shall be visually tested with the use of models Technological features of 3D-junction models in combined ArcGIS-AutoCAD environment were laid in work [Savchenko and Kotikov (2012)] Let's throw light on them In order to implement the 3-D analysis of TMF location it is required to (i) create (in ArcGIS ArcScene environment) a three-dimensional scene with 3-D model of the transportation hub, (ii) locate road signs, markings and artificial facilities (iii)and add the objects pertaining to surrounding infrastructure In GDB the road signs are represented by point class of the spatial objects In order to locate the signs it is required to use ArcGIS system of coordinates by means of which the signs are referenced to road stationing Initial data for referencing is found in GDB whose 1-st attribute is characterizing referencing to a certain road, 2-nd - number of benchmark of this sign, 3rd - deviation of the sign from axial line, 4-th - sign height Z, 5-th - angle of sign turn around the vertical axis Using route development mechanism we have formed a virtual event-related stratum with linear coordinates imitating the road geometry This allows (during analysis) to move the signs in reference to the planned road and manipulate sign height and turn angle in the course of 3-D scene implementation Forming of 3-D signs library became an independent phase Road signs dimensions were selected in compliance with GOST 52290-2004 40 road signs and a number of route navigation signs have been created in 3dsMAX environment Each model was exported to 3ds format being assigned a name conforming to GOST 52290-2004; route navigation signs were assigned unique names 3D-scene may be used as a constituent part of Traffic Management Project in which it is possible (i) to perform analysis of road signs locating arrangement and (ii) to analyze their observability from any point of road junction It is also possible to evaluate impact of other facilities and junction geometrical dimensions on signs observability According to findings it is possible to elaborate albums enabling assessment of road signs observability from critical points of the road junctions and allowing to give recommendations regarding road sign position change In addition to described procedure, if there is a 3D-scene, it is possible to mould dynamic perception of the road signs This is achieved via visual backdrops simulating vehicle movement within the road junction Visual backdrops may be recorded together with modeling (for the video camera) of: different velocities, heights, slopes, turn azimuths Process of 3-D model elaboration as well as further spatial analysis based on it may be very useful for optimization of actual ULMMC constrained space alongside with realization of aforementioned regulatory requirements 3Dmodels are useful even for single-level junctions - for analysis of observability of road signs and traffic management signals Example of 3D-model for ULMMC road junction Example of 3D-model - road section from prospective railway station Luzhskaya-Vostochnaya to General Cargo Terminal (Fig 4, refer also to Fig (circle in the center)) Timeliness of aforementioned topic is stipulated by traffic anticipated at Luzhskaya-Vostochnaya station (160 trains/day in the year 2025) demanding (according to applicable SP 37.13330-2012) construction of multi-layered junction Jurij Kotikov / Transportation Research Procedia 20 (2017) 340 – 346 Fig Fragment of ULMMC transport network with considerable intersection traffic First of all, we created a detailed 2-dimensional model of networks section in ArcMap (Fig 5) The map displays classes of spatial objects involved in the project: road shoulders, border stones, posts etc This model has been placed in AutoCAD where according to this model the motor road Plan has been elaborated Road Cross Profile and TMF facilities arrangement were also performed Based on aforementioned Plan, Profile and TMF facilities arrangement, further, in ArcGIS environment, we created a 3D-model of an over-bridge (with TMF facilities placement (Fig 6.) using 3D Analyst and ArcScene Thus, the tracked technological procedure enabled us to singularize (in ArcGIS) a fragment of the general map, upload it in AutoCAD, perform (by AutoCAD tools) road junction design, return the project to ArcGIS, mould (on the basis of this project and using ArcGIS tools) a 3D-model of the junction which is ready for implementation within general 3D-model of ULMMC Fig 2-dimensional model of the network section 345 346 Jurij Kotikov / Transportation Research Procedia 20 (2017) 340 – 346 Fig 3D-model of over-bridge with TMF facilities placed – horizontal markings 1.1; – safety fence; – traffic line Conclusion Article limits not allow to sufficiently scrutinizing the aspects of GIS-models used for the purpose of Traffic Management Projects However, the proposed technological analysis (on the example of motor road and railway junction) allows to state that (i) presented methodology is serviceable and (ii) may be useful in future for the entire transport networks of the sea port complex References Federal Technical Regulation and Metrology Agency (2004) Traffic Control Devices Rules of Application of Traffic Signs, Markings, Traffic Lights, Guardrails and Delineators GOST R 52289-2004 Kotikov, J.G (2009) Development of Transport and Logistics Geological Database Megacity Using GIS ArcGIS Bulletin of Civil Engineers, GIS ArcGIS, 2(19): 46–50 Kotikov, J and Lukinskij, V (2013) Method for Investigating Variants for Modernization of the Road Network Section in the GIS Environment World Applied Sciences Journal (Problems of Architecture and Construction), 23(13): 165–171 Kotikov, Ju (2015).Geographic Information System Modeling of Freight Transport and Logistics in Saint Petersburg Russian Civil Engineering, 168(5): 31–38 Available at: http://www.icevirtuallibrary.com/doi/full/10.1680/cien.14.00026 (viewed on 09.09.16) Kotikov, Ju., Evtiukov, S (2015) GIS-Modeling of Transportations in the Logistical Cluster of St.Petersburg Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Architecture and Construction Italy, 491-496 Kotikov, Ju., Kravchenko, P (2015) Optimizing Transport-Logistic Cluster Freight Flows of a Port Megacity on the Basis of GIS Applied Mechanics and Materials (Innovative Technologies in Development of Construction Industry) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland (725-726): 1206-1211 Available at: DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.725-726.1206.(viewed on 13.04.16) Port of Rotterdam 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Ust-Luga MMC (2016) Complex Solutions Regarding Industrial-Logistic Parks and Multimodal Hubs Development Example – Available at: www.ustluga-mmc.ru (viewed on 13.04.16) Yerofeyev, M.A (2015) Complex Solutions Regarding Industrial-Logistic Parks and Multimodal Hubs Development Example Ust-Luga MMC Transbaltika Saint Petersburg: KVC “EXPOFORUM” ... involvement of advanced GIS (for instance, ArcGIS) Example of such GIS - ArcGIS-model of the port of Rotterdam (PortMaps) [PortMaps (2014), Port of Rotterdam (2014)], covering space and functions of (i)... Modal Complex (ULMMC) - is becoming relevant Purpose of investigation - GIS- modeling of prospective ULMMC road network together with respective traffic organization being the basis of port traffic. .. – 346 Networks of roads, railways and sea routes have been formed using Network Analyst, software providing connectivity of networks, navigation and allow solving a number of transport network