Available online at www.sciencedirect.com ScienceDirect Procedia Engineering 172 (2017) 135 – 142 Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques, MBMST 2016 Fatigue life comparison of recycled cold mixes with foamed bitumen and with bitumen emulsion Przemysław Buczyńskia*, Marek Iwańskib a,b Department of Transportation Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Kielce University of Technology, Al Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 7, 25-314 Kielce, Poland Abstract The paper presents the results from the fatigue tests of recycled bases containing foamed bitumen and bitumen emulsion The amount of bitumen used in both cases was 3% and 5% For the production of the bitumen emulsion and foamed bitumen, 70/100 pen bitumen was used Portland cement I 32,5R was applied as a binder The binder comprised 3% of the mineral composition of the recycled base layer Fatigue tests were performed in compliance with the requirements of enclosure E of PN-EN 12697-24 at a constant normal stress of 250kPa, 375kPa and 500kPa The results were used to compare the effects of the binder type applied to the recycled base and determine the service life in terms of the stress applied © 2017 The Authors Published by Elsevier Ltd This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license © 2016 The Authors Published by Elsevier Ltd (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of MBMST 2016 Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of MBMST 2016 Keywords: recycled cold mix; fatigue life; energy based method; bitumen emulsion; foamed bitumen; cement; lime Introduction Deep cold recycling technology is now a solution applied worldwide to the rehabilitation of distressed pavement layers [1-3] Limiting values for cold recycled bases (RCM – Recycled Cold Mix) are established nationally [4-8] due to a variety of factors, such as climate, subgrade structural strength, etc., which affect the performance of the recycled layer substantially Investigations into the influence of individual components and interaction between them on the quality and service life of RCM bases in terms of, for example, frost durability [9], effect of the binding agent * Corresponding author Tel.: +48-509-470-553 E-mail address: p.buczynski@tu.kielce.pl 1877-7058 © 2017 The Authors Published by Elsevier Ltd This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of MBMST 2016 doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2017.02.035 136 Przemysław Buczyński and Marek Iwański / Procedia Engineering 172 (2017) 135 – 142 type [10,11], possibility of using recycled aggregates, bitumen types, etc., have been reported in numerous publications But a comprehensive evaluation of the fatigue life of RCM bases with foamed bitumen and with bitumen emulsion is lacking Parameters specified in the guidelines as boundary conditions not allow explicit determination of base course lifespan The fatigue life is the basic criterion characterising the materials intended for structural layers of road pavements Known characteristics enable prediction and accurate determination of the durability of the entire structural system The design in which RCM base quality assessment is based only on conventional parameters, i.e., elastic modulus, indirect tensile strength or resistance to the action of water, does not provide required information about the fatigue life of road pavement structure with the recycled base layer Many researchers in the highway engineering area [12-14] evaluate the quality of the recycled layers using fatigue life testing under cyclic loads (controlled stress or strain) Dynamic loads are more destructive in cement-based structural layers than in fully flexible layers Exceeding the limiting values of indirect tensile strength leads to cracking due to inadequate support of the layer relative to the load applied or, in extreme cases, to the overload Cyclic loads reduce structural capacity of the pavement, which results from the drop in elastic modulus and increase in strain [15, 16] The location of the recycled base layer [17] within the structural system is also important, as is the design number of axles 100kN per design lane Preliminary analyses [18] show that obtaining the required physical and mechanical parameters of the emulsion-based RCM base during the designing phase does not ensure providing the pavement structure with the required fatigue life Stress values from the computational model transferred to the laboratory simulation showed that the fatigue life criterion laid down in enclosure E of PN-EN 12697-24 was not met With the above in mind, determining the fatigue life of a given recycled base layer with respect to type of the binder may facilitate decision-making process concerning the selection of binders for RCM bases Object of study To study the influence of the bitumen binder on the service life of the RCM base, the designed mineral-cement mix had to meet the requirements for limit curves of base layers with foamed bitumen [7] and with bitumen emulsion [8] intended for the road under 0.50 – 2.5 million axles 100kN [19] The combination of components allowed a simulation of the use of waste material derived from a road pavement To evaluate the fatigue life of the recycled base layer, samples were obtained and tested in a laboratory using the indirect tensile test (ITT) in compliance with PN-EN 12697-24 Appendix E To assess the impact of loading on the recycled base layer, the test was performed at constant stress levels The normal stress levels used in the tests were selected based on the literature data [18, 19] and preliminary calculations of computational models for typical layer systems in the road pavement structure laid on elastic subgrade Three levels were selected to vary the load effect: 250kPa, 375 kPa and 500kPa The end of the test was tantamount to the failure of the specimen or to the completion of 30 000 strain cycles at the constant stress value These assumptions comply with the regulations as given in enclosure E to the PN-EN 12697-24 reference standard Research plan 3.1 Mix design The mineral-cement mix design was prepared based on the technical guidelines and limit curves specified therein for the mix with foamed bitumen [7] and with bitumen emulsion [8] Density of the recycled mix was determined to PN-EN 12697-5 method C and the optimum skeleton moisture content according to the Proctor method to PN-EN 13286-2 The results allowed preparing Marshall samples and evaluating the strength of the recycled base layer by determining void space content, indirect tensile strength (ITS) and resistance to the action of water (TSR) The following components were used to produce the mineral-cement mix intended for the recycled base layer with foamed bitumen (FB-RCM) and bitumen emulsion (BE-RCM): recycled asphalt pavement (RAP), crushedstone aggregate from the existing base layer and continuously graded aggregate 0/4 mm The design of the grading curve had to meet the criterion of good grading both for FB-RCM [7] and for BE-RCM [8] This would allow the comparison of the influence the type of binder has on the fatigue life of the base To provide the required aggregate Przemysław Buczyński and Marek Iwański / Procedia Engineering 172 (2017) 135 – 142 grain size relative to the size of the Marshall mould, aggregates of sizes greater than 31.5 mm were separated Figure shows the designed grading curve Fig Design grading curve of the recycled base layer The same bitumen grade, 70/100, was used to produce foamed bitumen and emulsion The bitumen binder in the cold base mix comprised 3% (m/m) and 5% (m/m) Type of the bitumen emulsion (C60B10ZM/R) was chosen according to the requirements laid down in PN-EN 13808:2013-10 The design amount and the applied amount of the foamed bitumen were equal, whereas the amount of the bitumen emulsion had to be adjusted by adding water in order to obtain the same amounts of bitumen in the base mix composition Thus the emulsion contents in the recycled base amounted to 5.% (m/m) and 8.3% (m/m) Portland cement class 32.5 with high early strength, without additional constituents (CEM I 32,5R), was used as a binder at 3% (m/m) Final composition of the recycled base with respect to the amount and type of bitumen binder is shown in Table Table Constituents of the recycled base layer with foamed bitumen and bitumen emulsion Component Percentage of components (%) Recycled Mix (foam) Recycled Mix (emulsion) Reclaimed asphalt pavement 57.9 57.0 57.9 57.0 Aggregate 0/32 11.8 11.4 11.8 11.4 Aggregate 0/4 24.3 23.6 24.3 23.6 Emulsion C60B10ZM/R - - 3.0* 5.0* Foamed asphalt 70/100 3.0 5.0 - - Binder (CEM I 32,5R) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 * - amount of bitumen from emulsion Foaming characteristics of the bitumen were determined based on changes in water injection rate from 1.0 % to 4.5 % added at 0.5% increments, as well as on the expansion ratio ERm (maximum Expansion Ratio) and half life of the bitumen H-l (Half life) [7] The test results indicated that the optimum content of water needed to foam the bitumen in question was 3.0 % at ERm=8.0 and H-l=6.0s The next stage of the recycled base mix design included determination of the optimum water content needed to obtain the maximum density of the mineral skeleton using the Proctor method defined by PN-EN 13286-2 The amount of water for the optimum moisture content was found to be 5.5% (m/m) The optimum moisture content in the recycled base containing bitumen emulsion was reduced by the amount of water separated from the emulsion break-up [20] The optimum moisture content of the recycled cold base mix with 5.0% emulsion was reduced by 2.0% (m/m) water and by 3.3% (m/m) in the case of 8.3% mix 137 138 Przemysław Buczyński and Marek Iwański / Procedia Engineering 172 (2017) 135 – 142 This combination of constituents used in the formulation of the RCM allowed determining the effect of the binder type (foamed bitumen and bitumen emulsion) on the service life of the infrastructure constructed with such a layer 3.2 Test results of basic properties After demoulding, all specimens were subjected to conditioning at ambient temperature (25 OC ± 5OC) for 28 days, according to the requirements set in [21] After curing, indirect tensile strength was determined on dry and wet specimens according to PN EN 12697-12 The ITSR (Indirect Tensile Strength Ratio), which defines the resistance of cold mixed bases to weathering, was determined based on the strength decline recorded after the conditioning process According to the guidelines laid down in [22], the acceptable strength decline for bases after curing should not exceed 30% (ITSR≥70%) The void space content was determined to PN EN 12697-8 item Table shows the results from the basic parameters test The quality of the results was evaluated using the coefficient of variation Table Basic characteristics of the recycled base layers with respect to the binder type Vm [%] Parameter ITSDRY [MPa] ITSR [%] X V ν X V ν X V ν FB-RCM - 3% 8.0 0.41 5.2 1.1 0.07 6.6 85.5 7.4 8.7 FB-RCM - 5% 5.7 0.63 11.0 1.2 0.02 1.6 85.1 5.7 6.7 BE-RCM - 3% 7.6 0.40 5.2 1.0 0.08 8.2 88.8 5.7 6.5 BE-RCM - 5% 5.7 0.62 10.8 0.8 0.05 6.2 98.9 3.2 3.2 FB - foamed bitumen; BE - bitumen emulsion The void space content values converge in the case of the recycled base mixes with different types but the same amount of the binder The mixes containing 3% bitumen have a void space content of Vm=8% (v/v) In those with 5% bitumen, the void space content is equal to Vm=5.7 % (v/v) This relationship allows direct comparison of the results because both mixes have a homogeneous internal structure and grain packing, considering the variable amount of the bitumen used The study of indirect tensile strength ITSDRY shows that the recycled base layer with foamed bitumen 70/100 (FB-RCM) has the ITS value 0.1 – 0.4 MPa higher than that recorded for the mix containing bitumen 70/100 of reduced viscosity due to bitumen dispersion in water [23] Evaluation of weathering effect indicates no decline in indirect tensile strength after curing below the acceptable value of ITSR≥70% The mix least sensitive to weathering is the recycled base with the amount of bitumen emulsion allowing the addition of 5% bitumen 70/100 Reduced viscosity of the emulsion and its high content, 7% (m/m), contributed to the uniform coating of both fine and coarse particles in the recycled base layer Hydrophobic character of the bitumen contained in the bitumen emulsion prevented water penetration into the base structure and provided the highest value of resistance to weathering factors (ITSR=98.9%) Durability assessment of the recycled base layer 4.1 Fatigue life test, IT-FT (Indirect Tensile - Fatigue Test) The fatigue test of the RCM with respect to the bitumen binder was performed in compliance with enclosure E of PN-EN 12697-24 The specimens were subjected to compressive semi-sinusoidal repeated loading A vertical diameter plane applied the load until the failure of the specimen To determine changes in the RCM, the fatigue test was performed at controlled stress Normal stress values in the centre of the specimen were 250kPa, 375kPa and 500kPa Owing to varied specimen sizes and stress values, it was necessary to calculate the force, which induces stresses of equal value The stress was calculated according to equation (1) with conversion to the value of the force sought 139 Przemysław Buczyński and Marek Iwański / Procedia Engineering 172 (2017) 135 – 142 Vo 2P S t D (1) where б0, tensile stress; P, maximum load; t, thickness of sample; D, diameter of sample Fatigue evaluation was represented as a change in strain level in the recycled base with respect to the binder used (foamed bitumen and bitumen emulsion) Prior to the test, the specimens were conditioned for hours at 20 OC 4.2 Fatigue life of the recycled base Fatigue life assessment of recycled bases, determining clearly the moment (the number of cycles) after which the specimen can be considered as destroyed, is very difficult Two fatigue criteria can be used in the assessment, i.e., the conventional method and the energy-based approach In the conventional method the fatigue failure is determined either when the strain reaches the double of initial value or when the elastic modulus drops to 50% of initial value [24] In the energetic method, fatigue life if defined as the number of cycles after which the fatigue plot deviates from the strain line [25] However, the difficulty in estimating the site at which the deviation occurs led to the introduction of a reduced value of the dissipated energy coefficient (Rбn) into the energetic method [25] The classical approach was used for fatigue life estimation of the RCM in terms of the binder amount and type Results 5.1 Fatigue curves Figure shows fatigue characteristics The fatigue plots are presented as a relationship between the number of loading cycles (log) and strain increase a) b) c) Fig Fatigue curves of the recycled base layer with respect to the binder type and normal stress: a) 250kPa; b) 375kPa; c) 500kPa 140 Przemysław Buczyński and Marek Iwański / Procedia Engineering 172 (2017) 135 – 142 Comparison of fatigue curves of the RCMs with bitumen emulsion (BE-RCM) and with foamed bitumen (FBRCM) is possible through generating the same normal stress value 250kPa, 375kPa and 500kPa The induced stress level reflects the load from vehicles moving along a road A rise in stress is attributed to the higher load or deeper location of the cold recycled base course relative to the wearing course The fatigue test at stress equal to 250kPa did not show any considerable change in strain increase (ε), which would confirm the failure of the specimen It has to be noted that RCM bases with foamed bitumen have the lower level of initial strain compared with the bases made with bitumen emulsion Different fatigue progress was observed at the stress of 375kPa for the RCM with emulsion, and identical at 250kPa for the base with foamed bitumen The stress of бo=375kPa applied to the RCM with bitumen emulsion (3% and 5%) showed an increase in strain and the specimen failure before required 30 000 stress/strain cycles were completed At failure, the specimens made with bitumen emulsion showed a strain of 830 μm Fatigue resistance loss in the RCM with bitumen emulsion occurred after 12 401 cycles for 3% emulsion content and after 3021 cycles for 5% emulsion content Also, the recycled base layer with foamed bitumen at 375kPa did not show any changes in fatigue life within 30 000 cycles An increase in initial strain of 20 μm was observed for FB-RCM at the stress increase of 125kPa relative to 250kPa Analysis of fatigue curves of recycled bases made with foamed bitumen and bitumen emulsion at 500kPa indicated a decline in fatigue resistance before the completion of 30 000 loading cycles Similarly to the results obtained at 250kPa and 375kPa, the RCM with bitumen emulsion at 500kPa had the higher initial value and lower fatigue life with respect to the number of stress/strain loading cycles that the RCM base made with foamed bitumen 5.2 Fatigue life evaluation Fatigue life estimation was performed with respect to assumptions of the conventional method, which determines fatigue failure after reaching the double of initial strain Regression curves describe the fatigue failure at the set level of stress, and the results are summarised in Fig and Table Fig Regression curve of fatigue life according to conventional method (log Nf - stress б) Table Fatigue equations of the recycled base (FB-RCM; BE-RCM) RCM FB-RCM-3% FB-RCM-5% Stress [kPa] ε (10-6) after 100 cycles Initial strain ε (10-6) Nf (cycles) 250 26 28 30 000 375 41 62 30 000 500 66 1152 8481 250 28 30 30 000 375 45 57 30 000 Fatigue equation Nf = 130991 e-0,005x Nf = 171946 e-0,006x Przemysław Buczyński and Marek Iwański / Procedia Engineering 172 (2017) 135 – 142 BE-RCM-3% BE-RCM-5% 500 66 1331 7931 250 35 41 30 000 375 62 836 12 401 500 149 2251 2741 250 49 91 26 961 375 104 832 3021 500 122 1711 961 Nf = 453555 e-0,011x Nf = 737735 e-0,014x Normal stress equal to 250kPa does not cause any changes in the recycled base structure, irrespective of the type or amount of bitumen binder used All bases are characterised by the maximum, test-determined number of stress/strain loading cycles (б-ε) The fatigue correlation curves of the recycled bases with foamed bitumen, regardless of the bitumen content, lie close to one another This confirms that the foamed bitumen content does not affect the fatigue life of the RCM base The evaluation of the exponent of the function describing the fatigue life indicates that the RCM base with 3% content of bitumen emulsion shows two times faster decline in fatigue life compared with the RCM base made with 3% foamed bitumen When 5% emulsion is used, the rate of fatigue life decline is three times faster Therefore, it can be stated that recycled base layers with foamed bitumen will work over a wider viscoelastic range with respect to the stress levels that occur in the base layer Conclusion Based on the analyses of fatigue life and fatigue characteristics of the recycled bases with foamed bitumen and bitumen emulsion, the following conclusions can be made: x The type of the bitumen binder used does not affect the void space content in the recycled base layer Recycled base layers with foamed bitumen and bitumen emulsion have the same void space contents, which allows a comparison of the results from the tests of their physical and mechanical properties as well as fatigue resistance x The recycled cold base with foamed bitumen shows the higher indirect tensile strength at 25OC compared with the strength of the base with bitumen emulsion This is probably due to the technology of lowering bitumen viscosity by bitumen dispersion in water and the need to add emulsifiers and stabilizers to the binder to stabilise the mix x Recycled base layers with foamed bitumen and bitumen emulsion at a low stress of 250kPa show similar changes of fatigue curves and not show fatigue failure associated with the double increase in the initial strain value x Higher resistance to fatigue in the mode of controlled stress is observed in the base layer made with foamed bitumen as a binder Generation of high stresses equal to 500kPa changes the fatigue life of the base layer with foamed bitumen and leads to exceeding acceptable strain levels Acknowledgements Scientific research has been carried out as o part of the Project “Innovative recourses and effective methods of safety improvement and durability of buildings and transport infrastructure in the sustainable development” financed by the European Union from the European Fund of Regional Development based on the Operational Program of the 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