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013601-X FM.F 10/18/01 11:56 AM Page i C# Your visual blueprint for building NET applications by Eric Butow and Tommy Ryan TM From đ & Best-Selling Books ã Digital Downloads • e-Books • Answer Networks • e-Newsletters • Branded Web Sites • e-Learning New York, NY • Cleveland, OH • Indianapolis, IN 013601-X FM.F 10/18/01 11:56 AM Page ii C#: Your visual blueprint for building NET applications Trademark Acknowledgments Published by Hungry Minds, Inc 909 Third Avenue New York, NY 10022 Hungry Minds, the Hungry Minds logo, Visual, the Visual logo, Read Less - Learn More and related trade dress are registered trademarks or trademarks of Hungry Minds, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries and may not be used without written permission The maranGraphics logo is a registered trademark or trademark of maranGraphics, Inc Visual Studio is a a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners Hungry Minds, Inc and 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013601-X FM.F 10/18/01 11:56 AM Page iv maranGraphics is a family-run business located near Toronto, Canada At maranGraphics, we believe in producing great computer books — one book at a time maranGraphics has been producing high-technology products for over 25 years, which enables us to offer the computer book community a unique communication process Our computer books use an integrated communication process, which is very different from the approach used in other computer books Each spread is, in essence, a flow chart — the text and screen shots are totally incorporated into the layout of the spread Introductory text and helpful tips complete the learning experience rebuild every screen shot to provide the best clarity possible, making our screen shots the most precise and easiest to read in the industry We strive for perfection, and believe that the time spent handcrafting each element results in the best computer books money can buy Thank you for purchasing this book We hope you 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Stailey, Production Director Hungry Minds Sales: Michael Violano, Vice President, International Sales and Sub Rights 193601-X Index.F 10/18/01 12:04 PM Page 304 INDEX System.Diagnostics service, Web Forms, 228 System.Exception Framework class, 274 System.IO service, Web Forms, 228 System.Messaging service, Web Forms, 228 system.XML namespace, 244, 246 System.XML service, Web Forms, 228 T Tab key, moving between window panes, 35 Tabs on Documents mode, 34–35 target schemas, selecting from Document Property Pages, 13 Task List adding/removing tasks, 24–25 strikethrough line with completed task, 25 viewing tasks by type, 25 Task View window, comment tasks display, 24 tasks adding to Task List, 24–25 strikethrough line when completed, 25 viewing by type, 25 templates application types, project startup, TextPad, CD-ROM, 291 this keyword described, 75–76 static methods, 126 three-dimensional arrays, adding to code, 140–141 throw statement described, 276 get accessor, 188 toolbars adding/removing buttons, 30 custom addition, 28–29 deleting, 30–31 docking, 31 floating, 30 hashmark indicator, 30–31 resetting default, 29 ScreenTips button help, 28–29 Toolbox adding/removing components, 22–23 Clipboard Ring grouping, 22 described, 22 form control addition, 208–209 General grouping, 22 list view, 23 MainMenu component, 22 rearranging objects, 23 304 transparent forms, 214–215 troubleshooting, CD-ROM, 291 true keyword, 88 try block, 274 try/catch blocks, executing codes, 278–279 type members, class component, 50 types bool, 88 Boolean, 86, 96–97 byte, 88, 92–93 categories, 86 char, 88, 92–93 combining, 40–41 constant expressions, 88 decimal, 86, 88, 94–95 described, 86 double, 88, 94 float, 88 floating, 94–95 floating-point, 86 int, 88 integral, 86 interface indexer, 112–113 long, 88, 92–93 null, 88 numeric, 92–95 object, 90 pointer, 86, 106–107 reference, 42–43, 86, 98–99 sbyte, 88, 93 short, 88, 92–93 simple, 90 string, 88, 90, 98 ulong, 88 unit, 88 ushort, 88 value, 86, 90–91 void 86, 108–109 type-safe code, 102 U ulong type, 88 unboxing described, 43, 104 value type/reference type conversions, 104–105 Unicode character set, 93, 95 union attribute, creating, 83 unit type, 88 unsafe keyword, 106 unsigned integer type, 92–93–93 update statement, SQL data update, 238–239 user-entered fields, class component, 50 ushort type, 88 V value type Boolean type, 96–97 types, 86 converting to reference types, 104–105 described, 90–91 enumeration, 90–91 struct, 90–91 string assignments, 160–161 variables C# language comparisons, described, 158 examples, 286 VB client, sample application, 265 verbatim strings handcraft XML, 247 literal at sign (@) character, 158 described, 158–159 version binding policy, 268 versioning, 253 versions Build Number, 266 compatibility scenarios, 267 Major, 266 Minor, 266 Revision, 266 shared assemblies, 266–267 Visual Basic language axpx.vb filename extension, 220 development history, 196–197 Visual Studio NET ASP.NET integration, 10 backup before installing, 37 Contents window book grouping, 16–17 empty environment startup, environment settings, 32–33 feedback capabilities, 63 Hello, world! program, 56–57 Help system access, integration, login passwords, 62–63 Microsoft Development Environment (MDE), online resources, 8–9 opening existing projects, 4–5, 36–37 profiles, project template selections, 193601-X Index.F 10/18/01 12:04 PM Page 305 C#: Your visual blueprint for building NET applications resetting default toolbars, 29 usage data, 29 reverting to older versions, saving work before closing, 35 screen elements, 4–5 security, starting new project, 5–7 startup methods, System.Boolean type, 96 XML (eXtensible Markup Language) support, VMWare Workstation, CD-ROM, 291 void type described, 86, 108–109 return keyword non-support, 119 VS-Visual Studio Start Page window maximizing, 41 MDE component, Online Community link, project template selections, starting new project, 6–7 viewing property information, 184–185 Web project startup, 10–11 What’s New link, W Ways to Implement Component Functionality page, 65 Web control library, supported program type, Web Forms ASP.NET Framework, 216–217 aspx filename extension, 216 aspx.cs filename extensions, 217 asynchronous messaging, 228 code-behind page, 220, 225 controls, 216 creating, 220–221 described, 10 HTML Controls, 216 object property editing, 226–227 server controls, 222–223 server-side code implementation, 221 components, 228–229 control event response, 224–225 Web Server Controls, 216 Web pages ASP.NET creation, 218–219 enabling JavaScript, 13 Web project opening in VS Start Page, 10–11 security issues, 11 Web server requirements, 11 Web Server Controls DataGrid, 232–235 Web Forms, 216 Web servers, Web project requirements, 11 Web Services asmx filename extensions, 270 creating, 270–271 described, 253, 270 eXtensible Markup Language (XML) support, 270 HailStorm, 273 HyperText Transport Protocol (HTTP), 270 Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), 270, 272 supported program type, uses, 272–273 vsdisco filename extension, 270 Web sites Microsoft Developers Network (MSDN), 4, 13 XML specifications, 246 What’s New link, VS Start Page, WHILE loops C# language comparisons, examples, 288 white space padding strings, 182–183 trimming, 174–175 windows closing, Ctrl key navigation, 35 hiding/displaying, 35 Multiple Document Interface mode, 34–35 parent, 34 Tab key navigation, 35 Tabs on Documents mode, 34–35 Windows control library, supported program type, Windows Form Designer described, 198–199 form layouts, 206–209 positioning forms, 210–211 Windows Media Player, MSDN Online requirement, 61 Windows service, supported program type, Windows versions memory allocation methods, 85 Microsoft.NET Framework SDK support, 218 wizards Add Class, 50–51, 67–69 Add Interface Indexer, 154–155 Add Method, 116–119 Indexer, 112–113 Property, 190–191 X xcopy utility distributed application deployment, 258–259 private assembly sharing, 253 XML (eXtensible Markup Language) applying XSL, 250–251 asterisk-slash (*/) characters, 58 C# language support, development history documentation access, 60–61 entry conventions, 58–59 query with XPath, 248–249 read from file, 244–245 saving to file, 246–247 slash marks (///), 58 slash-asterisk (/*) characters, 58 verbatim strings, 247 Web Services support, 270 XML documents, caching, 248 XMLNodeReader class, 244 XMLReader class, 244–245 XMLTextReader class, 244 XMLValidatingReader class, 244 XMLWriter abstract class, 246 XPath, query XML, 248–249 XPath Document class, 248 XPathExpression class, 248 XPathNavigator class, 248 XPathNodeIterator class, 248 XPressSideBar, CD-ROM, 291 XSL, apply to XML, 250–251 XSLT transformation, using, 250 XtraGrid, CD-ROM, 291 Z zero index, 170 Zip drives, backup file uses, 37 305 ... high-technology products for over 25 years, which enables us to offer the computer book community a unique communication process Our computer books use an integrated communication process, which is very... troubleshooting, CD-ROM, 291 true keyword, 88 try block, 274 try/catch blocks, executing codes, 278–279 type members, class component, 50 types bool, 88 Boolean, 86, 96–97 byte, 88, 92–93 categories, 86 char,... WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS BOOK AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE THERE

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