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)  *+, -.//0123 256 78910:9 ;?@  8    ! #$ % &'( 0110234567 The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development by Mark L Murphy The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development by Mark L Murphy Copyright © 2008-2011 CommonsWare, LLC All Rights Reserved Printed in the United States of America CommonsWare books may be purchased in printed (bulk) or digital form for educational or business use For more information, contact direct@commonsware.com Printing History: Mar 2011:Version 3.6 ISBN: 978-0-9816780-0-9 The CommonsWare name and logo, “Busy Coder's Guide”, and related trade dress are trademarks of CommonsWare, LLC All other trademarks referenced in this book are trademarks of their respective firms The publisher and author(s) assume no responsibility for errors or omissions or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein Table of Contents Welcome to the Warescription! xxiii Preface xxv Welcome to the Book! xxv Warescription xxv Book Bug Bounty xxvi Source Code And Its License xxvii Creative Commons and the Four-to-Free (42F) Guarantee .xxviii Acknowledgments xxix The Big Picture What Androids Are Made Of .3 Activities Services Content Providers .4 Intents Stuff At Your Disposal .5 Storage .5 Network .5 Multimedia GPS .5 iii Phone Services The Big Picture Of This Book How To Get Started Step #1: Java Install the JDK Learn Java Step #2: Install the Android SDK Install the Base Tools Install the SDKs and Add-Ons Step #3: Install the ADT for Eclipse 13 Step #4: Install Apache Ant 15 Step #5: Set Up the Emulator 16 Step #6: Set Up the Device .23 Windows .24 OS X and Linux 25 Your First Android Project 27 Step #1: Create the New Project .27 Eclipse 27 Command Line 31 Step #2: Build, Install, and Run the Application in Your Emulator or Device .32 Eclipse 32 Command Line 33 Examining Your First Project 37 Project Structure .37 Root Contents .37 The Sweat Off Your Brow .38 iv Keyword Index size() 577 android collapseColumns 114 start() 177 android columnWidth 141 android completionThreshold 145 startActivity() 240, 241, 287, 397, 451, 506, 588, 591 android digits startActivityForResult() 83 240-242, 287, 288, 511 android drawSelectorOnTop startDownload() android horizontalSpacing startForeground() 141 520, 546, 547 android id startPlayer() 138, 149 491 73, 74, 88, 105, 181, 182 522 android label 42 startService() 505-508, 511, 514, 516, 517, 519, 520, 522 stop() 177, 520, 547 android layout_above 106 stopForeground() android layout_alignBaseline 107 546-548 stopPlayer() 522 android layout_alignBottom 106 stopSelf() 508 android layout_alignLeft 106 android layout_alignParentBottom 105 android layout_alignParentLeft 105 android layout_alignParentRight 105 stopService() 507, 509, 522 switch() 211 toggle() 85, 88, 196 toggleSatellite() 580 android layout_alignParentTop 105 toString() 132 android layout_alignRight 107 unbindService() 508, 509 android layout_alignTop 106, 107 unlock() 196 android layout_below 106 unregisterReceiver() 283 android layout_centerHorizontal 105 update() 462, 463 android layout_centerInParent 105 updateForecast() 483, 528 android layout_centerVertical 105 android layout_column 112 updateLabel() 174 updateTime() 67, 68 android layout_gravity 96 92 android layout_height 73, 95 valueOf() Property android autoText 83 android capitalize 83 android layout_span 112 android layout_toLeftOf 106 android layout_toRightOf 106 android layout_weight android layout_width 697 95 73, 95, 98 Keyword Index android:manifest 41 android:spacing 149 android:name 42, 505, 552 android:spinnerSelector .149 android:nextFocusDown .90 android:src 82 android:nextFocusLeft 90 android:stretchColumns 113 android:nextFocusRight 90 android:stretchMode 141 android:nextFocusUp 90 android:text 73, 79 android:numColumns 141 android:textColor 80, 85 android:orientation 94 android:textStyle 79, 83 android:permission 506, 554 android:typeface 79 android:shrinkColumns 114 android:verticalSpacing 141 android:singleLine 83 android:visibility 90 698 Download from Wow! eBook ... 0110234567 The Busy Coder'' s Guide to Android Development by Mark L Murphy The Busy Coder'' s Guide to Android Development by Mark L Murphy Copyright © 2008-2011 CommonsWare, LLC All Rights Reserved... referenced in this book are trademarks of their respective firms The publisher and author (s) assume no responsibility for errors or omissions or for damages resulting from the use of the information... Install the Base Tools Install the SDKs and Add-Ons Step #3: Install the ADT for Eclipse 13 Step #4: Install Apache Ant 15 Step #5: Set Up the Emulator 16 Step

Ngày đăng: 04/12/2022, 08:59

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