ffirs.indd ii 10/28/2011 4:23:12 PM BEGINNING iOS GAME DEVELOPMENT INTRODUCTION xxi THE TOOLS TO GET STARTED CHAPTER Games on iOS CHAPTER The Xcode Programming Environment 17 CHAPTER The C Programming Language 45 CHAPTER The Objective-C Programming Language 95 CHAPTER The Cocoa Foundation Framework 137 PART II GAME BUILDING BLOCKS CHAPTER Drawing with UIKit and Core Graphics 173 CHAPTER Responding to User Interaction 219 CHAPTER Animating Your Graphics 251 CHAPTER Making Noise with iOS Audio APIs 289 CHAPTER 10 Building a Networked Game with GameKit 333 APPENDIX Answers to Exercises 369 INDEX 385 ffirs.indd i Download from Wow! eBook PART I 10/28/2011 4:23:12 PM ffirs.indd ii 10/28/2011 4:23:12 PM BEGINNING iOS Game Development ffirs.indd iii 10/28/2011 4:23:13 PM Related Wrox Books Professional Flash Mobile Development: Creating Android and iPhone Applications ISBN: 978-0-470-62007-6 Author Richard Wagner brings his years of Flash experience to these pages as he walks you through all the key topics related to mobile Flash app development, including multitouch events, motion sensor, accelerometer, GPS, mobile services integration, and more You’ll discover how to build an app and then install and debug it on your mobile device In addition, you’ll learn tips for migrating existing web or desktop apps to run on the Android platform and optimize your apps so that they perform on a level that you demand Professional iPhone and iPad Database Application Programming ISBN: 978-0-470-63617-6 As the iPhone and iPad grow in popularity, there is a growing demand for applications that are focused on data Developers need to know how to get data on to these devices, deal with and create data, and communicate with external services Patrick Alessi walks you through the flow of data in an enterprise application The in-depth coverage of displaying and manipulating data, creating and managing data using Core Data, and integrating your applications using Web Services puts you on your way to implementing data-driven applications for the iPhone or iPad Professional iPhone and iPad Application Development ISBN: 978-0-470-87819-4 Providing step-by-step guidance on using the latest version of the iPhone SDK, this hands-on guide discusses a variety of topics and features of the iPhone and iPad and then escorts you through the steps necessary for creating a full working example of each feature Beginning iOS Application Development ISBN: 978-0-470-91802-9 Get ready to dive into Apple’s exciting world of mobile application development This full-color book shows you how to take advantage of all the new features of the iPhone SDK to create your own native iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad applications Beginning PhoneGap ISBN: 978-1-118-15665-0 PhoneGap is a free and open source framework that allows you to create cross-platform applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript—languages you already know With Beginning PhoneGap you quickly dive into using PhoneGap to build iOS, Android, and Blackberry applications By the end of the book you’ll be ready to create your own successful mobile applications