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1. Evaluate the main role of marketing communications in the Vinfast launch

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1 1 Evaluate the main role of marketing communications in the Vinfast launch campain? a Marketing communications helps Vinfast understand customers  Conduct market research in different forms to iden.

1 Evaluate the main role of marketing communications in the Vinfast launch campain? a Marketing communications helps Vinfast understand customers  Conduct market research in different forms to identify customer needs, thereby serving as the basis for other marketing activities such as product development, pricing, product promotion, branding , and distribution To collect market information, Vinfast may conduct regular information collection through the sales team or point of sale, as well as conduct formal research to collect market information New technologies such as social networks, AI, and Big Data make it easier to collect large-scale information with millions of customers b Marketing communications helps Vinfast build a brand  Brand building is an extremely important activity of Vinfast The brand helps Vinfast to sell products and services at higher prices with greater trust from customers Marketing helps Vinfast come up with brand core ideas, define brand personality, build brand identity as well as carry out communication activities to bring information about the brand to customers c Marketing communications helps convey information about brands and products to customers  Communication activities are activities that account for a very large proportion in marketing, including advertising activities (outdoors, newspapers, indoors, as well as online advertising tools such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, ); PR activities, promotional activities to stimulate revenue or website optimization (SEO) activities to appear the company website on the front page of Google Search With the development of technology, marketing communication activities are increasingly rich and diverse, breaking traditional barriers such as geographical and national boundaries d Marketing communications helps increase sales  A prerequisite in marketing is to create profitable value for Vinfast Marketing not only meets the needs of customers but also expands the reach, helping more people know about Vinfast products Thereby contributing to increasing the opportunity to bring their products to more consumers A good marketing strategy will help increase revenue and bring high profits for Vinfast e Marketing communications helps Vinfast increase revenue effectively  Building and maintaining relationships between Vinfast and customers  Marketing strategies contribute to increasing Vinfast presence in customersmemories, helping them to understand clearly and accurately about the information and products that Vinfast provides  Trend analysis in human personality, the better you understand the object, the more trust will be enhanced And when customers have put their trust in your brand, they will easily choose to use your products and services With marketing, Vinfast image will be more popular among customers, contributing to building and maintaining long-term relationships Tools like CRM help Vinfast better manage and exploit customer information, even provide better information to customers, and thereby build better long-term relationships with customers  Marketing communications contributes to increasing Vinfast presence in customersmemories f Marketing helps Vinfast development  Under the development and fierce competition of the market, marketing is like column for Vinfast No Vinfast can survive in the market for a long time without an effective marketing strategy g Facilitate interaction and search for potential customers  Marketing along with the development of technology and social networking sites make it easier for Vinfast to interact with customers In particular, this interaction also shows the influence and value of Vinfast name, and evaluates whether the marketing strategy is effective or not In addition, Vinfast can send information about products and services to customers in the fastest way, reaching more potential customers h Marketing facilitates close interaction with customers  Functionally, today the marketing function has become one of the most important functions of almost every business Doing well in marketing will give Vinfast a great advantage over its competitors In your opinion, what should be the objective(s) of Marketing Communications of VinFast in the upcoming steps of the brand's development? a Create awareness  New products are often unknown to the public, which means that all marketing efforts need to focus on creating awareness.In this case, marketers should focus on the following points: Correctly identify the target audience and choose effective communication channels to them; Communicating to the market which Vinfast is and what can be supplied to the market b Generate interest  Transitioning a customers status from being aware of a product to making a purchase is quite a challenge Customers must first identify their needs before searching and making a purchase decision The creation message about the need for the product, coming up with creative and relevant communication ideas for the customer will be the main goal in this phase c Information provision  Some promotional activities have the goal of providing customers with information during their learning about the product Vinfasts promotion goal is how to give the products positioning A clear positioning will help customers understand the advantages and differences of the product, thereby motivating them to research in choosing Vinfast product d Brand strengthening  Once a customer has purchased a product, marketers can use promotional activities to build long-term relationships to convert them into loyal customers For example, Vinfasts can collect customers email addresses and send product updates or issue preferential cards to encourage customers to use the product more in the future To achieve the objectives, what does the brand have to do? Propose the idea(s) you might have with a plan MARKETING PLAN a Market Analysis  All plans related to Vinfast development strategy must include market analysis Market analysis is one of the first and foremost reasons for marketing planning b General market information  These are market insights in which Vinfast is operating and competing This summary can be all that is read, so it should be short and concise The required market information and its attributes include: • Relevant demographic and lifestyle factors • Customer location (local, regional, national or international) • Assessment of market size and estimated market growth • Identify market needs and trends c Competitors  Each marketing plan should include assessments of Vinfastdirect or indirect competitors: • Who they are? • What they offer? • Their growth rate (if known) and their market share (if known)? • Strengths and weaknesses of each opponent d Production analysis  The marketing plan must be very clear about the product or service being offered to the market Because the product drives the creation of the marketing mix and marketing strategy  You also need to consider the feature-benefit ladder of the product or service offered to the market Customers spend money to buy products because they want to receive one or more value e SWOT Analysis  Vinfast can use the SWOT analysis model to list advantages and disadvantages as well as opportunities and challenges in the development process  Through analysis of factors in the marketing environment or through methods to identify market opportunities SWOT analysis These include: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats  A SWOT analysis can provide powerful insights into potential and significant issues affecting Vinfast f Strategy development  The strategic phase of the marketing plan involves goal setting Audience segmentation, targeting, and positioning g Marketing Goals  Marketing goals are what a Vinfast wants to accomplish with its marketing strategy This lays the foundation for building  You should keep in mind that goals must meet the SMART principle – specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based  The creation of marketing goals is one of the most important steps that Vinfast will take Vinfast you must know exactly what you want to achieve Before allocating any resources to marketing efforts h Target market  Positioning to reflect decisions being made about how a campany plans to bring its company in customermind /consumers  There are many different approaches to positioning that you should consider But the approach chosen should be one that directs Vinfast or the brand to the best  A good positioning strategy will come from a solid understanding of the market Customers and competition because this knowledge will provide a basis for comparing Vinfast with other brands  Locate  Some questions about the approach to positioning: • Are Vinfast products or services priced higher or lower than competitors? • Does Vinfast choose to provide high-quality or medium-quality products or services? • Is the delivery time to the customer faster, slower or the same as the competitors? i Action Plan  Action plans are specific strategies Built on tactics and strategies marketing program clear details j Applying Marketing Mix  Marketing Mix is a fundamental and important concept in marketing Is a collection of marketing tools used by Vinfast to achieve its goals in the target market Itabout putting the right product in the right place, at the right time, and at the right price  Using the 4Ps or 7Ps model is a great way for you to consider choosing the right marketing tactics and programs for your strategy and target market k Budget Information  The financial section of the marketing plan provides an overview of Vinfastfinances As it relates to marketing activities  The information mentioned in this section includes determine break-even point , revenue forecast and cost prediction • Determining the break-even point: The time when Vinfast starts to make a profit • revenue forecasting Is the level of revenue that Vinfast is expected to achieve based on the selected marketing plan • Forecast marketing costs Total cost/budget is an amount that can be used to maintain activities based on the goals of the marketing plan l Mensurament  The final stage of the marketing planning process To outline what Vinfast will to implement the plan  This phase shows how to measure the effectiveness of marketing efforts Currently, businesses often set KPIs for each job before starting the implementation  Measurement also makes it easy to track and adjust plan execution through controls In other words, this phase of planning is all about metrics, results, and deadlines ... and bring high profits for Vinfast e Marketing communications helps Vinfast increase revenue effectively  Building and maintaining relationships between Vinfast and customers  Marketing strategies... functions of almost every business Doing well in marketing will give Vinfast a great advantage over its competitors In your opinion, what should be the objective(s) of Marketing Communications of VinFast. .. Budget Information  The financial section of the marketing plan provides an overview of Vinfastfinances As it relates to marketing activities  The information mentioned in this section includes

Ngày đăng: 03/12/2022, 15:44

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