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greg graffin

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Greg Graffin The band Bad religion was formed in theearly eighties and has now been around over15 years and has released over eight albums,the lead singer has continued his schoolingand now has one bachelors degree ,a mastersand is working on his Ph.D. Greg Graffin was born in 1965 inWisconsin. His mother and father weredivorced after his birth. In 1976 his mother hisbrother and him moved to San Fernandovalley California, which is now the punk rockcapital of the world. "Like millions of othervictims of divorce in the seventies I had todeal with the fact that my father was nowliving far away(In Racine, Wisconsin) and thatI would not get to see him very much." Whilehis father was in Wisconsin he began work atthe university of Wisconsin as a professor. Hestill works their today. Greg was often pickedon in high school because of his "Punkness". "There were three people at my high schoolwho were punkers, I mean I got beat upeveryday by long haired people who listenedto Rush and would beat me up because Ididn't. When he was fifteen he started a bandwith other social outcasts who didn't quite fitin. They settled on the name BADRELIGION. Bad Religion does not pertain to any kindof sacrilegious activities or the like. Instead itis a statement against any establishment thatpromotes dogmatic thinking or punishesindividualism and rewards followers. Gregonce said in an interview "Instead ofrewarding uniqueness we, for some reasonprobably because of cultural and socialnecessity, we chastise unique behavior andreward conformity". On 15/10/93 Greg saidBR has 108 songs and 5 or 6 are aboutreligious issues. Greg has a very different view point abouteducation then most punks. When the bandbroke up in 1983 he moved back to Wisconsinand attend the university of wisconsin-madison. soon the administration had foundout that he was not an official resident anylonger so he was kicked out. (he had recentlyspent several years as a California resident)He traveled back to California where he was aresident and attended school at UCLA. in1987 he received his masters degree ingeology. He had previously received hisMasters degree in Anthropology and a hisB.Sc. in geology. This work was very fieldoriented since he had to study fossils to get thedegrees. In 1990 he transferred to CornellUniversity (in Ithica where he currently lives)for a Ph.D It will be a biology degree, butsince he studies fossils it will be evolutionarybiology-paleontology. Becauseof touring with his band the Ph.D. is on hold. Currently he still has to write his thesis onbone tissue , finish up some of his actual labwork and take the orals. He is planning todue this in 1997. He was a teaching assistantin The evolutionary department at Cornelluniversity. He taught mainly pre-medicalstudents when they took a course incomparative anatomy. His Ph.D. is inevolutionary biology but he sometimes refersit to Zoology since the fossils he studies arefrom vertebrates. The actual Ph.D. is on bonetissue he has been referred to as one of the topfive bone paleontologists n the world. He hashad one of his papers printed in a leadingscientific journal. He says that he plans tostay involved in science for the rest of his life. He said "if I could make a million dollars withBad Religion , I would start an institute thatwould be for research on early vertebrates ,that is what I study." Greg says he chose punk rock as hismedium because he saw a vacancy in themusic. "Maybe that's what attracted me to it. Isaw that there was definitely a vacancy.People didn't perceive (punk) as valuable, andI like challenges What better thing to dothan use a style of music that the mediacharacterizes as all negative and use it forsomething positive?" says Graffin. "There hasalways been this problem because the media stigmatized punk from the earliest days. Ithink what they were concentrating on was thefashion. When you say 'punk' peopleautomatically think of spiked hairand leather jackets and violent people. Andthat has nothing to do with what I thought of itin the early days, (which was) really thought-provoking music with a great melody," saysGraffin. In fact he considers the music he andhis band make as folk music. "The music isvery sparse, the guitars aren't Multi-layered orprocessed. It's not elaborate; it's somethingthat anyone can play in their garage. It's verypopulist oriented. Even the things we talkabout are populist in scope. So it's very muchlike folk music. A lot louder of course " At a concert in '96 Greg announced in aPhiladelphia concert: "This is about halfover not the show, our career. We've beenaround 16 years and we plan on being around16 more!!!" So hopefully they will be aroundto inspire more people to use their minds forexploration and to create great music. . Greg Graffin The band Bad religion was formed in theearly eighties and has now. schoolingand now has one bachelors degree ,a mastersand is working on his Ph.D. Greg Graffin was born in 1965 inWisconsin. His mother and father weredivorced

Ngày đăng: 21/03/2014, 22:03

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