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(SKKN HAY NHẤT) some project based learning techniques to improve speaking skill for grade 11 students

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SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO THANH HÓA TRƯỜNG TRUNG HỌC PHỔ THÔNG NGA SƠN SÁNG KIẾN KINH NGHIỆM SOME PROJECT-BASED LEARNING TECHNIQUES TO IMPROVE SPEAKING SKILL FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS Người thực hiện: Tạ Thị Nga Chức vụ : Giáo viên SKKN thuộc mơn: Tiếng Anh THANH HĨA NĂM 2021 UAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Some project-based learning techniques to improve speaking skill for grade 11 students TABLE OF CONTENTS Page PART I INTRODUCTION :…………………………………….……………2 1.Reasons for choosing the study………………………………………… 2.Aims of the study……………………………………………………………2 3.Object of the study……………………………………………………… Study method………………………………………………………… PART II CONTENTS:…………………………………………….………… 1.Rational basis……………………………………….……….…………… 2.Practical basis:…………………………….…………………….………… 3.The application of project-based learning techniques in teaching speaking for 11 grade students …………………………………………………………… 3.1 Speculation………………………………………………… 3.2 Designing the project activities …………………………………… 3.3 Conducting the project activities……………………………………… .7 3.4 Evaluation………………………………………………………………… 4.Lesson plan format:…………………………………………….………… 10 The results of the study:…………………………….…………………… 14 PART III: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION:….…………… .16 1.Conclusion:……………………………………….……………………… 16 Recommendation.:………………………….…….……………………… 16 PART IV: REFERENCES:…………………………………………………….17 Page UAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Some project-based learning techniques to improve speaking skill for grade 11 students PART I INTRODUCTION Reasons for choosing the study Speaking is an essential skill for learning English It is defined as a process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal or oral form Nunan (1991) states that the ability to function in another language is generally characterized in terms of being able to speak that language and the success of which is measured in terms of the ability to carry on a conversation in that language Therefore, students are expected to master speaking skills well to use as a system of communication to obtain and share information with others However, many studies reveal that Vietnamese students who study English for many years cannot apply speaking skill in real life communicative situations effectively They are afraid of making mistakes because they lacked vocabularies they need to say They also felt shy to speak English because sometimes they were uncertain about the pronunciation of certain words These problems were worsened by the teaching and learning speaking process which was monotonous Besides their mother tongue was more dominant in speaking English Therefore, to overcome those difficulties, “Some project-based learning techniques to improve speaking skill for grade 11 students”, an instructional approach that contextualizes learning by presenting learners with problems to solve or products to develop and emphasizes learning through student-centered, interdisciplinary, and integrated activities in real world situations is hoped to improve grade 11 students’ speaking skill as well as foster the students’ interest in project-based learning Aim of the study This study aims at making a meaningful contribution to both for teachers and students For the teachers, the findings from the research are expected to provide a good alternative way or technique for teaching students to be able to communicate with English as a foreingn language Meanwhile, for the students, they can hope to get a new strategy, a variation in their learning activities that can help them improve their speaking skill Object of the study This research focuses on some project-based learning techniques to improve the 11 grade students’ speaking skill and students’ interest in learning speaking The object was the students of three classes: 11 A, 11D, 11I (2020-2021) at Nga Son high shool Study method - Classroom action research, a research designed to help the teacher to find out what is happening in his or her classroom, and to use that information to make wise decision for the future Page UAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Some project-based learning techniques to improve speaking skill for grade 11 students - Read reference books Discuss with my colleagues Apply project-based learning techniques to improve students’ speaking skill Observe and draw out experiences Observe and draw out experiences Page UAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Some project-based learning techniques to improve speaking skill for grade 11 students PART II CONTENTS Rational basis Teaching and learning process of speaking must support the students to the effective communication, as stated by Kayi (2006: 73), teacher should provide speaking activities where meaningful communication takes place rather than leading the students to pure memorization Additionally from Wallace, Stariha, and Walberg (2004: 10), teachers have to provide students with opportunities for practicing speaking English Project-based learning seems match to this English teaching and learning need This is a student-centered pedagogy in which students learn about a subject through the experience of problem solving Students learn both thinking strategies and domain knowledge The goals of PBL are to help students develop flexible knowledge, effective problem solving skills, self-directed learning, effective collaboration skills and intrinsic motivation Problem-based learning is a form of activity learning (Barrows, 2001)As a result, students develop deep content knowledge as well as critical thinking, creativity, and communication skills in the context of doing an authentic, meaningful project This approach unleashes a contagious, creative energy among students and teachers Practical basis The reality showed that the students in Viet Nam in general and at Nga Son shool in particular were not able to communicate well orally, not even to describe their personalities or their daily activities in English Based on my observations and teaching experiences, there are some problems that can affect the students’ failure in speaking English First, the students not have enough time to practice speaking because the teacher spends too much time teaching structure and reading Second, students’ lack of vocabulary is also a big factor affecting their failure in speaking English Students need to have a fairly large useful vocabulary since this language aspect is very important in practicing speaking Third, some students are not interested in speaking because the teacher does not teach in an interesting way Fourthly, some students not find the language meaningful in their real life They are not able to relate the academic content to their real life situation Thus, students learn a language just for a test, not for what they need in their real life These problems were worsened by the teaching and learning speaking process which was monotonous “Some projectbased learning techniques to improve speaking skills for grade 11 students”, which offers many advantages and challenges when implemented in the classroom is expected to address theses problems to a certain extent The application of project-based learning techniques in teaching speaking for 11 grade students Page UAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Some project-based learning techniques to improve speaking skill for grade 11 students The implementation of project-based learning was done in four stages 3.1 Speculation At this stage, teachers provide the choice of project topics initially based on the curriculum and discuss them with students Teachers and students speculate possibilities that will lead smoothly to the projects However, for lower level students, teachers can choose the projects themselves but still consider the problems of the students Students at the lower level not have the language or confidence to develop project themes Thus, teachers need to lead them first before they can decide for themselves Examples: Example Unit 7:World Population- Part B: Speaking English 11 Instead of talking about the problems of overpopulation and offer solutions, using suggestion in the text book, the teacher can let students talk about the population in Thanh Hoa province: problems of population and solutions to these problems Traditionally, the teacher gave these suggestions and ask students talk at classroom.By using project-based learning, I provide the choice of project topic relating to the population PUPULATION IN THANH HOA Population growth rate Problems Solutions Example 2: Unit 8: Celebrations- Part B: Speaking English 11 The text book suggest talking about the holidays or celebrations given such as thanksgiving, Valentine’s Day and Mid-Autumn festival, in which students are not much interested To foster interest in speaking lesson, students can choose one of the popular celebrations/ festivals in their hometown Page UAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Some project-based learning techniques to improve speaking skill for grade 11 students Mai An Tiem festival in Nga Sơn Lam Kinh festival in Tho Xuan Popularl festivalsils inin Thanh Hoa Muong Kho festival in Ba Thuoc Ba Trieu temple festival in Hau Loc 3.2 Designing the project activities This stage refers to organizing the structure of a project activity that includes group formation, assigning roles, and methodology decision Group formation: The teacher must generate classroom activities based off of understanding students He/ she devides students in each class into four or five groups basing on level, gender and number of members in each group The leader of each group give task to each member and all members have to work under the control of group leader Assigning roles: The leader takes the responsibility for assigning roles for each member in the group such as collecting information, taking photos, making the video, presenting the product However, the teacher will interfere with assigning roles if necessary Methodology decision: The teacher-coach and students negotiate the criteria for evaluating the projects after introducing regulations and timing the project Page UAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Some project-based learning techniques to improve speaking skill for grade 11 students 3.3 Conducting the project activities It is the stage in which the students work out what was planned and designed in the previous stage (making the video based on the transcripts they made) In this stage, the teacher gave a week for the video making The next meeting each group would present the result of their video project At this stage, the students also gather information, discuss it with the members of their group, consult with the teacher about problems encountered in their work and exhibit their final products that might be in the form of a presentation, a performance, a product, a publication, etc to the class or even to the wider community such as other classes, teachers, outsiders Example : Unit 10: Nature in danger- Part B: Speaking English 11 Students talked about environmental pollution in Thanh Hoa province: Causes, consequences and solutions instead of talking about negative impact on the environment and suggesting measures to protect it Some groups chose Nga Son dumping ground Students took photos and made the video and gave the or finding the videos or photos in the Internet Pullution from Nga Son dumping ground Page UAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Some project-based learning techniques to improve speaking skill for grade 11 students Example : Unit 16: The wonders of the world - Part B: Speaking English 11 Students chose Ho dynasty citadel in Vinh Loc, Thanh Hoa, instead of the great Pyramid in Egypt They gave photos, historic facts and video of this wonder Ho dynasty citadel in Vinh Loc Brief synthesis The Citadel of Ho Dynasty built in 1397, composed of the Inner Citadel, La Thanh Outer Wall and the Nam Giao Altar covers 155.5 ha, surrounded by a buffer zone of 5078.5 It is located in accordance with geomantic principles in a landscape of great scenic beauty between the Ma and Buoi rivers in Vinh Loc district, Thanh Hoa province of Viet Nam The Inner Citadel constructed of large limestone blocks represents a new development of architectural technology and adaptation of geomantic city planning in an East Asian and South-east Asian context It demonstrates the use of architectural elements in terms of space management and decoration designed for a centralized imperial city in order to show a concept of royal power, based on the adoption of the Confucian philosophy within a predominantly Buddhist culture Being the capital of Viet Nam from 1398 to 1407 and also the political, economic and cultural centre of North Central Viet Nam from the 16th to the 18th century, it bears exceptional testimony to a critical period in Vietnamese and South-east Asian history when traditional kingship and Buddhist values were giving way to new trends in technology, commerce and centralized administration 3.4 Evaluation The last stage is when the students perform in front of the class According to Fragoulis (2009), this stage also includes the assessment of the activities by the participants themselves and discussions about whether the initial aims and goals have been achieved and implemented in the process and the final products Feedback giving is done for the students, covering comments on pronunciation, Page UAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Some project-based learning techniques to improve speaking skill for grade 11 students grammar, vocabulary, fluency Students from other groups also give comment and appreciation towards the presentation and the project Reflection by the groups is also elicited in terms of the difficulties that the students has experienced during the project doing and the positive impact the project-based learning give to them The teacher can use this below evaluation speaking sheet to assess students Student name: ………………………………………………Class:…………… Ordinal criteria Vocabulary 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Use a range of ap Use appreciate vo Use a vocabulary Performance belo 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Show a good deg Show sufficient c Show only limite Performance belo 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Mostly intelligib features at both u Mostly intelligib features limited control of Performance belo Intera Page UAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Some project-based learning techniques to improve speaking skill for grade 11 students 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Maintain simple support Maintain simple prompting and su Has considerable Require addition Performance belo Lesson plan format Unit 10: Nature in danger- Part B: Speaking English 11 Topic: Pollution from dumping grounds in Nga Son district: causes, consequences and solutions Objectives: At the end of the lesson, Students will gain … a) Knowledge: - Causes, consequences and solutions of pollution from dumping grounds in Nga Son district - Combination of knowledge of many different subjects on the topic b) Skills: - Group working - surveying - interviewing - presenting c) Attitude: aware of consequences of environmental pollution and their responsibility for controlling the pollution and solving current problems 2.Preparations: a) Teacher’s: computer, project records, projector Evaluation speaking test… b) Students’: computers, cameras, posters, photos, videos, … Procedure: Time Content minutes Introduct 12 Developm Page 10 UAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Some project-based learning techniques to improve speaking skill for grade 11 students minutes of sub-topics 28 minutes Plans to carry out the project - Ask: What should we to collect information? - Decide on main measures - Give tasks: main tasks, covers all main factors above Task 1: survey + search books, newspapers Task 2: interview, search webs/ read books, newspapers Task 3: collect data, search webs/ read books, newspapers Task perform a play Page 11 UAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Some project-based learning techniques to improve speaking skill for grade 11 students - Assign the tasks Task 1: group Task 2: group Task 3: group Task 4: group - Elicit Ss’ activities to the tasks - Instruct how to the tasks (design, distribute, collect and analyze the questionnaire, carry out the clips, present……) - Assign presentation tasks Task 1: causes of environmetal pollution Task 2: consequences of environmetal pollution Task 2: solutions to the problems of environmetal pollution Task 3: play and its message - Ask Ss to study and fill in the sheets - go around to offer help - give comments - inform the deadline for presentation Step 2: Carry out the project and complete the work (2 days) hours Information collection Page 12 UAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Some project-based learning techniques to improve speaking skill for grade 11 students information and completion of Record Steps 3: Present the work (45 minutes) minute 36 minutes Introduction Presentation Page 13 UAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Some project-based learning techniques to improve speaking skill for grade 11 students minutes Further talk mimutes Comments And assessments The results of the study Through the project-based learnin techniques, students are engaged in purposeful communication to complete authentic activities so that they have the opportunity to use the language in a relatively natural context and participate in meaningful activities Findings showed students’ positive responses to the project-based learning technique in class The general results obtained also indicated some improvements in students’ speaking when they were assessed individually There was a significant improvement in the speaking performance of students who were taught by using the project- based techniques The students made good improvement in some aspects of speaking skill such as pronunciation, vocabulary, accuracy and fluency Moreover, it also changed the students’ behaviour They were more confident to speak English and got more actively involved in the teaching-learning process Real numbers are shown by the two following tables Table Students’ Score Percentage in three classes: 11A, 11B,11C at Nga Son high school before applying project-based learning techniques No Category very good good fair poor very poor Table Students’ Score Percentage in three classes: 11A, 11B,11C at Nga Son high school after a semester of applying project-based learning techniques No Category very good good Page 14 UAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Some project-based learning techniques to improve speaking skill for grade 11 students fair poor very poor As can be seen from the tables, the number of students in good and and fair category increases considerably (from 2.5% to 17%) while the ones in poor and very poor category decrease significantly (from 34.5% to 5% The results of data analysis which were established as the findings showed the improvement of project based learning in students’ speaking skill and indicate that students gave positive response to learning speaking through project based learning techniques Page 15 UAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Some project-based learning techniques to improve speaking skill for grade 11 students PART III: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Conclusion According to Arch ForKids LLC, Project-based learning is "learning by doing." In fact, using project-based learning techniques to improve speaking skill prove its effectiveness The teaching and learning process of speaking became more interesting and gave many opportunities for all students to express their idea by speaking in English Using project doing provided many opportunities for students to speak English; indirectly it would build students' confidence to speak and improved student pronunciation, grammar, fluency, and comprehension Besides the language and speaking skills, the students experienced cooperation or collaboration through the group and pair works The social skill is well-developed The integration of technology is another reason why project-based learning is one of the suggested learning models for today’s education As for the result of the students’ responses toward project- based learning techniques, the students had positive responses in their speaking class Based on their responses, this technique could make the students more motivated, happy, and confident to speak English Because I can not avoid some mistakes in my writing, your opinions will be useful for me to perfect it Recommendation Despite significant changes and improvements to the teaching English process, the implementation project-based learning techniques yielded some challenges or weaknesses To avoid disadvantages, I am giving the following recommendations: - Project-based learning techniques should be combined with other strategies, such as personalized learning, to prepare them for challenging work - To avoid some students sliding through without learning and contributing, teachers should assign individual as well as team projects; students should be accountable for specific deliverables as part of team projects - Students should manage project steps and resources, but teachers should check in periodically to provide formative feedback - Students and teachers deserve powerful tools to support project-based learning This includes options to have a take-home device, skill-building applications and a project-based learning management system I would like to thank The confirmation of the principle Thanh Hoa, May 18th 2021 I promise not to have copied Signature Tạ Thị Nga Page 16 UAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Some project-based learning techniques to improve speaking skill for grade 11 students PART IV :REFERENCES Bell, S (2010) Project-Based learning for the 21st century: Skills for the future Project-Based Learning at grade eight of SMP N Kalasan Unpublished Bachelor’s thesis Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta Fragoulis, L (2009) Project-Based Learning in the teaching of English as a foreign language in Greek primary schools: From theory to practice English Language Teaching, 2(3), 113-119 4.Engish 11-teacher book(2010) Viet Nam Education Publisher Maulany, D B (2013) The use of project-based learning in improving the students speaking skill (A Classroom Action Research at One of Primary Schools in Bandung) Journal of English and Education, 1(1), 30–42 Torky EL Fattah (2006) The Effectiveness of Task-Based Instruction Program in Developing the English Language Speaking Skills of Secondary Stage Students Ains Shams University Thomas, J.W., et Al, 1999 Project-based learning: A handbook for middle and high school teachers Novato: The Buck Institute for Education Nunan, D (2002) Task-based Language teaching, Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press Page 17 UAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com ... luanvanchat@agmail.com Some project- based learning techniques to improve speaking skill for grade 11 students - Read reference books Discuss with my colleagues Apply project- based learning techniques to improve students? ??... some project- based learning techniques to improve the 11 grade students? ?? speaking skill and students? ?? interest in learning speaking The object was the students of three classes: 11 A, 11D, 11I... luanvanchat@agmail.com Some project- based learning techniques to improve speaking skill for grade 11 students PART I INTRODUCTION Reasons for choosing the study Speaking is an essential skill for learning

Ngày đăng: 28/11/2022, 15:46


