Onthegrowthsequenceofhighlyordered nanoporous
anodic aluminium oxide
M. Ghorbani
, F. Nasirpouri
, A. Iraji zad
, A. Saedi
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, P.O. Box: 11365-9466, Tehran, Iran
Department of Physics, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Received 7 October 2004; accepted 15 February 2005
Available online 14 April 2005
Anodic aluminium oxide films were fabricated by well known two-step anodizing process in oxalic acid electrolyte. The ordering
characteristics (ordered pore domains, average pore diameter size and through-pore arrangement) of anodic aluminium oxide films,
obtained in different growth sequences, were identified by microscopic analysis such as ex situ contact-mode atomic force microcopy
and scanning electron microscopy. Flattened areas in which some pits are seen mostly cover the electropolished surface of alumin-
ium. Single anodizing of aluminium produces a broad distribution of nanopore size, whereas induces a highlyordered hemispherical
pattern, which plays theordered nucleation sites for the second anodizing step. Moreover, a quasi-linear growth behavior exists for
the ordered domain growth versus the duration of first step anodizing. The through-pore arrangement of ideally grown membranes
is not influenced by increasing the duration of second step anodizing.
Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Nanomaterials; Nanoporous; Aluminium oxide; Anodic oxidation
1. Introduction
Anodic aluminium oxide (AAO) has attracted much
more interests recently due to its self-organizing nano-
porous structure, introduced by Masuda and Fukuda
[1]. This kind of self-organization ofnanoporous anodic
aluminium oxide is ba sed on naturally occurring long-
range ordering, in which a highly regular poly-crystal-
line pore structures occurs only for a quite small pro-
cessing window, whereas an amorphous pore structure
can be obtained for a very wide range of parameters
without substantial change in morphology [2–7]. Over
the last decade, these highlyorderednanoporous films
have been used as templates for fabricating metal and
semiconductor nanostructures in magnetic and opto-
electronic applications [8–11].
On the mechanism of self-ordering in AAO nanopor-
ous materials, so far OÕSullivan and Wood presented a
model which was based on an electric field distribution
at the pore tip. This model is able to give micro scopic
explanations for the dependence of, e.g., pore diameters
and inter-pore distances on applied voltage or electro-
lyte composition, but cannot easily explain the self-
ordering behavior. The self-organized arrangement of
neighboring pores in hexagonal arrays can be explained
by any repulsive interaction between the pores [12].A
possible origin of these forces between neighboring
pores is the mechanical stress, which is associated with
the expansion during oxide formation interface and
leads to form curved shape metal/oxide interface. It is
claimed that the pores are formed during electropo lish-
ing and/or ano dizing onthe aluminium surface and can
become hexagonal ly ordered at certain voltages and
times ofthe init ial electropolishing [13] or by long-term
anodization and reanodization [1] or also by a dynami c
0261-3069/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +98 21 6005717.
E-mail address: nasirpouri@mehr.sharif.edu (F. Nasirpouri).
Materials and Design 27 (2006) 983–988
& Design
process depending onthe mobility of ions within the
barrier oxide and of Al atoms within the metal [14].
The self-ordered ano dic aluminium oxide (AAO)
membranes have been generally characterized by remov-
ing the aluminium substrate and the structure has been
observed from the bottom view of grown layer, in which
the pore ordering can be achieved easily than the top
surface of grown films which is more important in appli-
cation [15–18]. In this study, we have investigated the
topographical properties of AAO films, which contrib-
ute into ordering the nanopore domains. Atomic Force
Microcopy (AFM) is used as a useful method to control
the nanopore topographical characteristics of anodic
aluminium oxide. AFM allows the assessment of the
ordering in nanopore domains, pore density and the
external shape of AAO films. However, It must be taken
into account that the internal diameter and shape of
nanopores, which are defined as through-pore arrange-
ment, cannot be evaluated by this method. This struc-
tural characteristic of AAO membranes is easily
characterized by scanning electron microscopy across
the cleavage surfaces of films.
2. Method
Two-step anodizing process was used to fabricate
AAO templates with 40 nm pore diameter. High purity
(99.999%) aluminium foils were annealed at 450 °C for
4 h to avoid remaining any residual stress in the alumin-
ium substrates. Then, Al plates were electropolished in a
mixture of perchlor ic acid (60%) and ethanol (1:4 in vol-
ume) under 20 V below 5 °C for approximately 10 min.
Anodization was conducted under constant cell poten-
tial in oxalic acid electrolyte. The temperature of electro-
lyte was maintained at 0 °C (between À2 and +2 °C)
during anodization using a cooling system. However,
the solution was stirred vigorously in order to accelerate
the dispersion ofthe heat that evolved from the samples.
The first and second anodization steps were conducted
in the same condition as mentioned above. Meanwhile,
the oxide layer formed in the first step was removed
by wet chemical dissolution in a mixture of 0.2 M chro-
mic acid and 0.4 M phosphoric acid at 60 °C for an
appropriate time depending onthe anodizing time. To
facilitate the observation of pore arrangement on the
Fig. 1. AFM images of electropolished surface of aluminium in 1 HClO
/4 EtOH below 5 °C for 10 min.
Fig. 2. Topography ofthe single anodized aluminium in 0.3 M oxalic
acid for 6 h at 40 V.
984 M. Ghorbani et al. / Materials and Design 27 (2006) 983–988
surface (topography), the samples were etched in 5%wt
phosphoric acid in 35 °C for 30 min.
In order to characterize the AAO films, the structural
parameters includi ng ordered pore domains, average
pore diameter size and through pore arrangement of
AAO films, obtained in different growth sequences, were
identified by microscopic analysis such as ex situ con-
tact-mode AFM and scanning electron microscopy.
The domain areas were determined by first outlining
the boundaries of several domains on scanning electron
microscopy (SEM ) micrographs, counting the number
of pores for several domains, converting these numbers
to areas, and finally averaging. Moreover, the through-
pore configuration was observed across the fracture sur-
face of grown films.
3. Results and discussion
Fig. 1 illustrates AFM images of electropolished alu-
minium surface in HClO
/EtOH solution. After electro-
polishing, Al has an almost flat surface, exhibiting small
etch pits and bumps, which could be seeds for pore
nucleation [13]. Consequently, the electropolished alu-
minium was anodized for first time. It has been shown
[14] that the pits or pores nucleate onthe natural barrier
layer or in the bottom of porous layer during the ini-
tial stages of anodization. However, it is assumed that
the pits formed in the electropolishing contributing in
the nucleation of pores onthe aluminium in the order
of 10
to 10
[18]. Fig. 2 shows the topography of
anodized aluminium for 6 h in 0.3 M oxalic acid at
Fig. 3. AFM images of aluminium surface after removing the first oxide layer in: (a) 2 lm · 2 lm and (b) 0.5 lm · 0.5 lm scan areas.
M. Ghorbani et al. / Materials and Design 27 (2006) 983–988 985
0 °C, obtained by contact-mode AFM. As it can be seen,
pores occur onthe top surface randomly and have a
broad size distribution. During the first step anodization
process, the pores nucleate onthe electropolished
surface at almost random positions, i.e., lattice imper-
fections or pits formed by electropolishing. As the anod-
ization time is increasing the pores merge and form the
curved metal/oxide interface due to stress inducing by
volume expansion. Becau se ofthe random nucleation
positions of initial pores, the hexagonally ordering of
pores is just achieved in the first stages of anodizing at
the bottom of porous oxide layer and cannot grow up
to the thick anodized layers. After removing the first
anodized oxide layer, the curved shape interface remains
on the aluminium substrate. This structure is shown in
Fig. 3, which demonstrates the AFM images of alumin-
ium surface after removing the first oxide layer. The uni-
form hemispherical shape of barrier layer covers the
substrate surface.
Anodizing the sample for the second time develops
the pore growth exactly onthe concave pattern created
during the first step anodization. As the duration of
the first step anodizing increases, the hexagonally or-
dered pore areas, domains, in the bottom of porous
oxide layer occur in the larger surfaces. In fact, nanop-
ores exactly grow upon the relevant hemispheres and
form direct pillars, which can be detected on top sur-
faces of AAO films. Fig. 4 shows typical topography
of AAO films, anodized in the different first step anodiz-
ing times. The pore alignments are different in the do-
mains and can be found out by domain boundaries,
along which the pores gradually merge. Moreover, some
other kinds of defects such as point defects and misfit
dislocations can be seen in the topological studies. The
misfit dislocation ofthe pores interrupts the periodic
arrangement ofthe pores. As another important result,
the domains size is changed as a function of time
(Fig. 5). Two kinds of data fitting methods have been
Fig. 4. SEM micrographs of identified ordered domains on top
surfaces of AAO films obtained in oxalic acid after: (a) 4 h first step
and 45 min second anodization step; (b) 15 h first step and 45 min
second anodization step.
Fig. 5. Theordered domain growth versus first-step anodizing time. Data represent the average domain size based onthe identified areas of SEM
986 M. Ghorbani et al. / Materials and Design 27 (2006) 983–988
applied to our experimental data. The linear method
= 0.9792) gives a function as: D = 0.55 t, where D
is the domain size in square micrometer and t is the
duration ofthe first step anodizing in hours. Li et al.
[14] have shown a linear beha vior in their investigations.
We have also fitted our da ta to the parabolic form:
D = 0.52 t
with R
= 0.9988. This method provides
a better fitting accuracy and is very similar to grain
growth behavior in metals and alloys. For metals and al-
loys, the driving force of grain growth is the grain
boundary energy per unit area. For grain growth at a
fixed temperature, the average radius R ofthe grain is
a function ofthe time t: R = B
, where B is a tempera-
ture-dependent parameter and n is about 0.4–0.5. As a
result, we considered a quasi-linear growthof ordered
domain size versus the first step anodizing time. It im-
plies that theordered domain size changes linearly in
the short durations of first step anodizing and a para-
bolic growth behavior exists in ordered domain size ob-
tained by anodizing for long periods.
Consequently, the effect of second step anodizing
time has been investigated. In Fig. 6, the fracture sur-
faces ofhighlyordered AAO films, obtained in different
reanodizing time, elucidate the same through-pore
arrangement. Thus, as the pore ordering takes place,
increasing the second step anodizing time does not affect
the achieved arrangement. The thicknesses of AAO films
were measured approximately 1 and 6 lm after 45 min
and 6 h anodizing in second step, respectively.
4. Conclusion
Contact-mode atomic force microscopy confirmed
the existence of concave pattern onthe aluminium sub-
strate after removing the first step oxide layer. More-
over, theordered domain size depends onthe first step
anodizing time as a quasi-linear behavior and the do-
main size does not change significantly when the first
step anodizing extends for very long periods. Also, thor-
ough-pore arrangement of ideally grown of AAO films
does not depend on second step anodizing time.
The authors wish to acknowledge the high technology
center of Iranian ministry of industries for the financial
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. surface.
Anodizing the sample for the second time develops
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the. samples.
The first and second anodization steps were conducted
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