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harnect programming like a pro for teens

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Cấu trúc

  • Contents

  • Introduction

  • Chapter 1 Getting Started

    • The Computer System: Hardware and Software

      • Hardware

      • Software

    • What Is a Programming Language?

    • The Elements of Programming Languages

    • Software Development Process

      • A Professional’s Software Development Process

      • A Beginner’s Software Development Process

    • Summary

    • Exercises

  • Chapter 2 The Nature of the Problems and Solutions

    • Problems, Problems, and More Problems

    • The Algorithm

      • Representing Algorithms: Pseudocode

      • Representing Algorithms: Flowcharts

    • Creating Solutions

      • Preparing to Create Solutions

      • How to Develop an Algorithm

    • Summary

    • Exercises

  • Chapter 3 Introduction to the Core C++ Language

    • C++ Program Template

    • Your First C++ Program

    • How Your Programs Execute

    • The Core C++ Language

      • C++ Punctuation

      • Representing Data

      • Sequential Statements in C++

      • Decision-Making Statements in C++

      • Looping Statements in C++

      • Translating an Entire Algorithm to C++

      • Lists in C++

    • Summary

    • Exercises

  • Chapter 4 Numerical Problems

    • Compound Interest

      • Compound Interest Mathematics

      • The Algorithm: Compound Interest

      • The C++ Program: Compound Interest

    • C++ Feature: Formatted Output

    • Computing the Square Root

      • Background: Newton-Raphson

      • Algorithm: Computing the Square Root

      • The C++ Program: Computing the Square Root

    • C++ Feature: Functions

      • Functions as Tasks

      • Functions in Pseudocode

      • Functions in C++

    • C++ Feature: The Math Library

    • C++ Feature: Counting Loops

    • Summary

    • Exercises

  • Chapter 5 Divide and Conquer

    • Real-Life Illustrations

    • Divide and Conquer in Computer Programming

      • Searching: Looking for Data

      • Sorting: Putting Data in Order

    • Summary

    • Exercises

  • Chapter 6 Small-Scale Problems

    • Problem 1: Paper, Scissors, Rock!

      • Analyze the Problem

      • Design the Algorithms

      • Implement in C++

      • C++: Random Numbers

      • C++: Character Library

      • The C++ Program for Paper, Scissors, Rock

    • Problem 2: Demographic Analysis

      • Analyze the Problem

      • Design the Algorithms

      • The C++ Solution for Demographic Analysis

    • Summary

    • Exercises

  • Chapter 7 Top-Down Design

    • Top-Down Design Principles

    • Example of Stepwise Refinement

      • Determine the Names of the Players

      • Deal Two Cards to Players

      • Allow Players to Take More Cards

      • Evaluate Hands for Winners

    • Summary

    • Exercises

  • Chapter 8 Bottom-Up Design

    • Bottom-Up Design Principles

    • Bottom-Up Design Example

      • Card Game Library

      • Bottom-Up Design of Blackjack

    • Top-Down Versus Bottom-Up

    • Summary

    • Exercises

  • Chapter 9 Medium-Scale Problems

    • Blackjack Game

    • Data Representation: Single and Multidimensional Arrays

      • Parallel Arrays in Other Languages

      • Parallel Arrays in C++

      • Introduction to Multidimensional Array Concepts

      • Multidimensional Arrays in C++

    • Functions: Pass-By-Reference in C++

    • The Complete Blackjack Functions in C++

    • Case Study: Expense Report Program

      • Introduction to Dynamic Memory Allocation Concepts

      • Dynamic Memory Allocation in C++

      • Dynamic Memory Allocation in Expense Report

    • Records in C++

      • Defining Records in C++

      • Using Records in C++

      • Accessing Fields in C++ Records

    • Files in C++

      • File Data Types in C++

      • File Processing in C++

      • File Error Handling in C++

    • Complete Expense Report Program

    • Summary

    • Exercises

  • Chapter 10 Introduction to Object-Oriented Design

    • Overview of OOP

    • The Principles of OOP

    • OOP as Simulation

    • Object-Oriented Design Process

      • The Blackjack Problem

      • The OOD Process: Step 1 (Classes)

      • The OOD Process: Step 2 (Responsibilities)

      • The OOD Process: Step 3 (Interactions)

    • Summary

    • Exercises

  • Chapter 11 Object-Oriented Programming in C++: Part I

    • Classes as Types

      • Declaring a Class

      • Defining Member Functions

      • Creating and Using Instances of a Class

      • Accessing Members of the Class

      • Initializing Data Members of the Class

      • Deallocating Data Members of the Class

    • Case Study: Cyber Bank Application

      • Handling Multiple Source Code Files

      • Cyber Bank Application Sample Output

      • Cyber Bank Application Source Code

    • Case Study: The Fraction Data Type

      • Example of Using the Fraction Data Type

      • Operator Overloading in C++

      • The Fraction Class Source Code

    • Summary

    • Exercises

  • Chapter 12 Object-Oriented Programming in C++: Part II

    • Pointers to Objects

    • Accessing Class Members from an Array of Pointers

    • Case Study: Cyber Bank with Multiuser

      • Cyber Bank Version 2 in Action

      • Cyber Bank Version 2 Source Code

    • Inheritance in C++

      • Inheritance Examples

      • Implementing Inheritance in C++

    • Summary

    • Exercises

  • Appendix: Installing Development Software

  • Index

    • A

    • B

    • C

    • D

    • E

    • F

    • G

    • H

    • I

    • J–K

    • L

    • M

    • N

    • O

    • P

    • Q

    • R

    • S

    • T

    • U

    • V

    • W

    • X–Z

Nội dung

Đây là quyển sách tiếng anh về lĩnh vực công nghệ thông tin cho sinh viên và những ai có đam mê. Quyển sách này trình về lý thuyết ,phương pháp lập trình cho ngôn ngữ C và C++.

[...]... became the solution to several problems A programmer writes software using a programming language In this book, the programming language will be Cþþ 11 12 Chapter 1 n Getting Started What Is a Programming Language? A programming language is an artificial language that programmers use to communicate their solutions to a computer Programming languages contain special words and symbols that are organized... in a systematic way to create a program in much the same way that you take the English language and create sentences and paragraphs for your essays and reports Thousands of programming languages are available, and each has its own features, set of words and symbols, and rules for how programs can be constructed with the language Some example programming languages include these: n n n n n n n n Machine... Hello World programs for programming languages, located at www.roesler-ac.de/wolfram/hello.htm There are many programming languages in the world; the aforementioned website boasts that it has more than 400 languages represented as Hello World programs, and that number is rising An organization called ACM History of Programming Languages (HOPL) hosts conferences and produces journals for anyone interested... Machine Code (binary code) A language based on 0s and 1s Today this language is used as the target language for compilers BASIC Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code A programming language for beginners to learn how to program This language was developed in the 1960s Pascal The programming language developed in the 1960s for teaching high-level programming FORTRAN FORmula TRANslation The first... Laboratories in the 1970s This language became popular for building commercial software and systems software Cþþ The most popular object-oriented programming language in software development This language started in 1980 and was created by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Laboratories Visual Basic A language that Microsoft created for rapid prototyping for applications with GUIs What Is a Programming Language?... attribute of all programming languages Thus, mastering algorithmic thinking is a great asset to being a productive and efficient programmer In this book, you learn concepts related to algorithmic thinking and problemsolving In addition, you learn the C++ language C++ is a popular, generalpurpose and object-oriented programming language that can be used in a variety of application domains These domains may include... compiled programming language This language was created in 1950 and is focused on programming numerical and scientific computation software Java A modern object-oriented language invented in the 1990s by Sun Microsystems This language gained popularity because its programs can be executed across many platforms, which makes it ideal for Internet/ web applications C A high-level language developed by Bell Laboratories... methodology and its application for designing a Blackjack game This provides a contrast to the topdown approach shown in Chapter 7 Chapter 9, “Medium-Scale Problems,” discusses medium-scale problems that require more functions and more data processing using Blackjack and an expense report management program as the examples In addition, it explains additional C++ concepts, including parallel arrays, multidimensional... because of the cooperation between hardware and software Hardware is defined as the tangible parts of a computer, such as the mouse, keyboard, processor, and monitor Software is defined as the intangible parts, such as the 1 2 Chapter 1 n Getting Started application programs and operating system For a fully functional and reliable computer system, the software and hardware must work as a team This chapter... history and genealogy of programming languages This website, found at http://hopl.murdoch.edu.au/, has a list of more than 8,000 programming languages! Even more surprisingly, that astounding number of programming languages was developed in a relatively short amount of time If you assume that the first programming languages were invented in the late 19th century, then on average about 50 languages are being

Ngày đăng: 19/03/2014, 14:06
